2010 Longview Partnership Business Plan

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David McWhorter, Immediate Past Chairman Jim Kendrick, Chairman of the Board Anne Hugman, Chairman Elect


Strategic Business Plan

Leading Businesses. Leading Communities.


BRAND PROMISE Longview offers an authentic East Texas experience for visitors, residents, and business. The people are friendly, possess a can-do attitude and are hard working. Our healthy economic environment attracts businesses: job opportunities, strong/affordable workforce, retail, dining, and manufacturing.

Real East Texas, You’ll Find it Right Here!

Our Mission • To engage in and

promote projects with a

positive economic impact

on the Longview Trade Area.

Our Core Values • Strengthen the

Local Economy

• Represent the Interests of Business with Government

• Promote the Community • Provide Networking Opportunities

• Build Community Leadership and

Development Programs

Our Partnership • The Longview Chamber of Commerce

• The Longview Convention and Visitors Bureau

• 100 Acres of Heritage Main Street

Executive Summary The Longview Partnership is recognized as one of the leading Chambers of Commerce in the state of Texas. The Partnership’s Board of Directors recognizes the importance of continuing this pathway of excellence, and in 2007 committed to developing the

Longview Partnership’s Strategic Plan. The Plan is intended to build upon prior success and take advantage of future opportunities for the next three to five years.

In the fall of 2009 the Board of Directors, a committee of 19 individuals representing a diverse cross-section of the 1,300-plus Chamber membership, revisited the Plan to

further complement the process. During the process, input was gathered from a variety of sources, including the surveys conducted by Pennington Performance Group and Management Consulting for Vision 2010 and 2015. Additionally, a combination of

interviews, surveys, and focus groups was recently conducted by Market St. Strategies in an effort to provide an organizational analysis for the Longview Partnership and

Longview Economic Development Corporation. The input gathered will be used to

tailor the strategic plan moving forward. The current plan builds on the considerable success the Partnership has experienced over the past decade and, at the same time, emphasizes directions and priorities that will enhance its competitive position and make the Longview Partnership more distinctive.

As a precursor to the plan, a business and organizational survey was conducted in 2005 and 2007 of the entire Chamber membership. The response rate to these surveys was

well over 25%. In both surveys, five key areas were identified as priorities: promoting

the community, strengthening the local economy, providing networking opportunities,

representing business with government and developing community leaders. To kick off the 2010 planning, the Board of Directors held a full-day retreat and, using the findings for this year’s planning process, they reviewed and amended the guiding concepts. These concepts include mission statement, core values and the identification of the Partnership’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

In summary, there will be many positive changes at the Longview Partnership

over the next three to five years. These changes will build on the Partnership’s past accomplishments and continue to preserve the core values and traditions. — The Longview Partnership Board of Directors

Key Strategic Issues

After much discussion and with these guiding concepts in mind, the board identified three Key Strategic Issues. Three areas kept repeating themselves throughout the hundreds of ideas and comments about the Partnership. These issues provide general direction for the Partnership for the next three to five years and address every major area of the Partnership’s mission and core value statements and business environment.

1. Retirement Development 2. Advocacy 3. Redevelopment •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Strategic goals (Key Results Areas/ Objectives)

With the Key Strategic Issues now identified, the board felt it was necessary to again involve the membership and community to help define the issues and develop the objectives. This outreach was done by utilizing the feedback from Vision 2010 and 2015 community surveys, interviews and focus groups consisting of both direct and indirect stakeholders done by Market St. Strategies.

Chamber Operations • Member Services • Financial Management • Staff Allocations

Business Development

• Business Diversification & Business Recruitment • Business Support and Services • Redevelopment Strategies

Business Advocacy

• Greater Usage of LongviewVotes.com • Increase Education and Communication • Explore the Creation of a PAC

Downtown Redevelopment

• Increase Awareness for the Downtown Area • Assist and Attract Businesses • Attract Building Owners to Utilize Façade Grants

Convention & Visitors Bureau

• Focus Marketing to Meeting Planners who Work with the SMERF Market (Society, Military, Educational, Religion, and Fraternal) • Implement the Urban Graphic Design Strategy • Strengthen Marketing Efforts to Retiree Market

Key Performance Standards Key Performance Standards were developed from the established goals. These standards are the action items that provide the instruction and information necessary to complete the strategic goals. They will dictate the development of new and existing committees and programs and will require human and financial resources.

Chamber Operations

• Chamber service area expansion • Expanded membership types • Program assessment

Business Development

• Focus on entrepreneurial programming • Develop a redevelopment plan with the City and LEDCO • Increase partnership with SBDC

Business Advocacy

• Use LongviewVotes.com software to its fullest potential • Pursue establishing a PAC • Increase involvement with voting issues

Downtown Redevelopment

• Increase promotions and publicity • Provide design advice • Attract new businesses

Convention & Visitors Bureau

• Increase number of meetings by SMERF market • Begin installation of new Way Finding Signs • Increase interest from retirees in the Longview market

Key Performance Standards Measurements • Increased Users on LongviewVotes.com • Membership Revenue Diversification • Broader Chamber Outreach • Increased Reserves • Increased Home Sales to Retirees • Increased Voter Turnout for Local Elections • Completed Façade Renovations • Increased Investment in the Downtown Area

2010 Business Plan CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Membership Development PROGRAMS & FUNCTIONS Purpose Increase The Chamber’s membership base and participation by providing an efficient, customer-oriented structure; adequate resources; value-added member benefits; consistent communications; and quality service. Objective Implement consistent marketing and development initiatives to expand the organization’s human and financial resources. Strategies • Design, develop and implement consistent, year-round marketing and advertising initiatives to expand membership base, increase retention, enhance visibility and expand public awareness of The Chamber, with emphasis on mission, goals, role, programs and results achieved by the Chamber. • Sustain ongoing, consistent membership recruitment year-round with a goal of a net increase of 50 new members annually, utilizing staff, volunteers and commissioned sales representatives. Objective Implement and expand a consistent communications plan that increases awareness of The Partnership’s mission, objectives, programs and measured results. Strategies • Enhance consistency and impact of the Longview Progress Report and the LP Buzz, as well as sustain other member communications through utilization of technology and online capabilities in order to create broader awareness of the Partnership’s goals and results, increase participation in programs, and add value to Chamber membership. • Continue to publish the annual Chamber Resource Guide & Directory with Uniquely Longview as well as maintain effective membership-based web site. Objective Increase retention of members and expand positive membership relations, contacts, and value-added services.

Strategies • Continue to utilize a member-feedback system to monitor needs, results and interests of members, including: customer surveys, member testimonial forms, utilization of Chamber Ambassadors and Board of Directors. • Enhance and expand Ambassadors program with emphasis on personal membership contacts, networking and effective member communications. • Hold scheduled networking and membership activities that provide a quality, enjoyable environment for fellowship, membership communications, and expanded participation, including regular membership orientations. • Promote involvement of employees in all Chamber member firms and organizations.

Business Development PROGRAMS & FUNCTIONS Purpose To initiate, promote, market and sustain area business development opportunities that will strengthen our local economy and enhance the trade area’s business climate.

Objective Sustain marketing and recruitment initiatives to expand retail sales; enhance competitiveness; recapture lost dollars to other metro markets; expand the metro area’s commercial and retail investment; and promote the community’s business environment. Strategies • Assist existing business by providing connections to resources that will help businesses thrive in a challenging economic environment. • Continue to support the City’s business attraction and job creation efforts through the work of the Longview Economic Development Corporation. • Promote and support entrepreneurial initiatives. • Define, develop and support appropriate strategies that leverage the cultural resources of Longview for economic development and enhancement of the area’s quality of life and livability, through implementation of a strategic planning initiative in partnership with public, private and cultural sectors of Longview, with the goal of becoming one of America’s most livable communities.

Community Development PROGRAMS & FUNCTIONS Purpose Foster positive relationships between various community constituencies through leadership development, communications and collaboration to enhance the overall quality of life. Objective Provide leadership development opportunities that stimulate and facilitate volunteer involvement in community issues and needs. Strategies • Maintain coordination and management of annual Leadership Longview program. • Publish a Leadership Longview graduation booklet profiling participants. • Revitalize Leadership Longview Alumni Association.

LEADERSHIP LONGVIEW 2009 Objective Expand efforts to enhance, sustain, and encourage entrepreneurial development and transfer of technology and research to the marketplace. Strategies • Provide continuing education opportunities for entrepreneurial development and small business training that contribute to increasing and sustaining competitiveness. • Coordinate and maintain an efficient “one stop” business resource center for small business services and information through use of technology as well as a center for counseling and support. • Coordinate the annual Business EXPO and recognize the Small Business of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year winners.

• Evaluate opportunity for establishment of a “Young Professionals Council” that would provide a forum and networking for development and involvement of the community’s young business professionals and future leaders. Objective Foster a positive and progressive aesthetic image for the Longview community. Strategies • Continue to provide staff support for Keep Longview Beautiful. • Identify groups and organizations that can positively impact appearance within the community. • Function as a clearinghouse for appearance-related activities in our community.

• Continue to educate and engage businesses and citizens to take responsibility for improving our community environment. • Coordinate and engage in efforts that will improve the looks of Longview by beautifying its surroundings.

Objective Foster and support initiatives that enhance race relations and cooperative working partnerships for economic benefits. Strategies • Pursue mutually beneficial opportunities to expand communications, programming and development cooperation with other public, private and non-profit sectors that will contribute to build an economically viable yet diverse community.

Strategies • Utilize LongviewVotes.com to keep members informed and to stimulate business involvement in identified public policy issues. • Develop a legislative agenda with clearly defined priorities based on feedback and input from Chamber members. • Maintain regular meetings and communications with elected officials at all levels of government to build productive relationships and sustain advocacy role for business. • Establish task force to review, assess and make recommendations that enhance and improve a ”business friendly” environment for commerce with and through local governmental leaders, agencies, and departments; and streamline permitting, planning and other appropriate governmental processes for economic development purposes. • Maintain and enhance visibility and presence of The Longview Partnership in Austin and Washington through regular visits and use of networking with Chamber members, including the Gregg County Legislative Trip. • Coordinate an elected officials reception or event. • Strategically utilize and participate with other coalitions and regional groups, such as the Regional Mobility Authority, to influence public policy. • Coordinate an annual meeting between the Partnership’s Board of Directors, Longview City Council and the Gregg County Commissioners to promote regional dialogue and educate local elected officials on the Partnership’s priorities. • Explore the possibility of creating a Political Action Committee (PAC) to advance key local issues and tap into dollars to fund advocacy campaigns for our community. • Develop marketing collateral to educate and create awareness amongst membership and prospective members on advocacy initiatives and successes

Business Advocacy Division

PROGRAMS & FUNCTIONS Purpose Represent the interests of members and the overall business community in order to enhance and sustain a positive business climate and to maintain advocacy at all levels of government. Objective To monitor the activities of local, state, and federal government, sharing information with Chamber members.

Over 60 Gregg County community leaders met with our state’s elected officials during the 2009 Gregg County Days in Austin trip.

Objective To raise the level of awareness within our community about the value of appearance to our quality of life and to provide leadership for effecting change where change is needed. Strategies • Act as a catalyst with individuals, businesses, government, and organizations for improving the appearance of our community. • Provide a forum for community discussions on appearance-related issues in our community. • Speak as an advocacy group for improved appearance in our community. • Identify needed changes to existing ordinances and regulations and advocate for the implementation of these improvements with appropriate elected officials/staff. • Work with TxDOT to ensure the implementation of the appropriate welcoming signage, architecture, and landscaping previously planned for. Objective Implement initiatives that contribute to assessment and advocacy of long-range transportation and infrastructure needs to support expansion of the area’s economic base. Strategies • Evaluate, monitor, encourage and contribute to short-term and long-term transportation initiatives that support an expanding economic base.

• Maintain ongoing communication with TxDOT officials and City of Longview staff regarding current and planned projects. • Cooperate with and support the East Texas Regional Airport to enhance local air service. • Provide continued support for the Regional Mobility Authority and act as an advocate for RMA projects that positively impact the Longview area.

PAR BUSTERS GOLF TOURNAMENT Objective Assist in raising funds for the Longview Partnership. Strategies • Conduct the 16th Annual PARBUSTERS Golf Tournament. • Continue to assist in raising scholarships.

REDEVELOPMENT IN DOWNTOWN LONGVIEW Purpose Embrace the Main Street philosophy and utilize the four point approach toward preservation and rejuvenation of the downtown area. Objective Create and implement a comprehensive plan to transition downtown Longview into a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly urban village offering products, services, arts and entertainment that better reflects our community’s rich and diverse heritage. Strategies Organization • Work towards building consensus and cooperation among all stake holders within the original 100 Acres of Heritage. • Focus on raising money for projects and administration from donations and sponsorships. • Manage staff and volunteers by recruiting people, providing supervision, and rewarding good work. • Promote the program to downtown interests and the public. Promotion • Market the district’s unique characteristics to shoppers, investors, new businesses, and visitors. • Develop an understanding of the changing market with both potential shoppers and our competition. • Identify our downtown assets, e.g. people, buildings, heritage, and institutions. • Help define our Main Street’s market niche, its unique “position” in the marketplace.

• Expand on image campaign, including special events and promotions to lure people to the downtown area. Design • Identify the district’s best assets, such as historic buildings and traditional downtown layout, to begin creating and enhancing the story which conveys a visual message explaining Main Street Longview and what it offers. • Provide educational forums to educate business owners, tenants, and interested citizens about good design and how it impacts each business as well as the district. • Provide good design advice by encouraging quality improvements to private properties and public spaces. • Guide the planning of Main Street’s development by helping shape regulations. • Motivate others to make aesthetic changes, and create incentives by targeting key projects.

Economic Restructuring

• Assist existing downtown businesses expand, and recruit new ones to respond to today’s market.

• Develop a clear understanding of the district’s current economic condition and identify opportunities for market growth.

• Identify new economic uses for traditional Main Street buildings.

• Develop financial incentives and capital for building rehabilitations and business development.

• Monitor the economic performance of the district.

CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Programs & Functions Purpose Strengthen the economy and enrich the quality of life in Longview through the promotion of the city as a premiere destination for conventions, meetings, tournaments, and leisure activities. Objective Implement Longview’s brand to effectively sell and market our community. Strategies • Increase visibility of Longview as a travel destination through promotion of a positive community image. • Attract more visitors to Longview and increase their length of stay. • Improve the visitor experience with enhanced connectivity. • Increase visitor capacity by constantly improving the destination through further investment in attractions and facilities. • Enlist local citizens, organizations and businesses to become active champions for Longview through a community-wide communications effort that infuses the entire city with the vision and brand for Longview. • Provide information materials on Longview to convention delegates, meeting attendees, and tourists. • Maintain networking ties with other bureaus and tourism officials in the state. • Work in concert with LeTourneau University to study the viability of establishing a visitor center. • Encourage and support the recruitment of a convention center/hotel property.

Objective Implement a marketing campaign to attract active, older adults. Strategies • Continue the planning and due diligence to determine feasibility of a retiree attraction program to support local economic development and workforce training efforts in Longview. Affected members must be recruited to develop a program, lead the effort to help secure funding and provide direction for the overall effort, including staffing and operational responsibilities.

EAST TEXAS BOAT, R.V. AND CAMPING EXPOSITION Objective Create a market place for buyers and sellers of the boating and camping industry. Strategies • Host the 28th Anniversary ETBRCE • Host a market place to attract residents and visitors. • Increase visibility through targeted media sources. • Increase attendance by 20%.

ADMINISTRATIVE EVENTS Annual Meeting Host event to recognize and honor volunteer leadership and announce the 2010 Chairman’s Award.

Salute to Health Care Sponsor the 1st annual “Salute to Health Care” awards program to recognize outstanding local achievements in health care and highlight the economic impact of the health care industry in the Longview trade area. Leadership Longview Graduation Coordinate and host a graduation event that spotlights the success of the participants. Economic Overview Sponsor business luncheon featuring Dr. Ray Perryman and highlighting our Chairman’s Club members. State of the City Sponsor an annual address by our city’s mayor that offers an opportunity to celebrate the progress of our community. Member Appreciation Event Host Prime Time to demonstrate appreciation to Chamber members for their involvement and commitment to the Longview Partnership. Business Development Series Present six (6) educational opportunities to Chamber members, with speakers on topics of business interest. Business After Hours Organize and facilitate ten (10) networking opportunities for Chamber members and prospective members. Texas Hospitality Organize and facilitate six (6) hospitality training sessions targeting front line employees. Member2Member Coordinate and host monthly new member orientations.



Jim Kendrick

Shane Best

Dr. Dale Lunsford

Longview Regional Medical Center

Texas Bank and Trust

LeTourneau University

David McWhorter

Keith Honey

Kelly Hall

Gans & Smith Insurance Agency

AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company

Anne Hugman

Darrell Rachels

Chairman of the Board

Immediate Past Chairman of the Board

Chairman Elect of the Board

Hugman Architecture & Construction, Inc.


Finance Chairman

Divisional Chair

Divisional Chair


Longview Partnership

Divisional Chair

Eastman Chemical Company


Richard Andrews

John Cox

Randy Oertel



LeTourneau Technologies, Inc.

Ed Banos

Dr. Julie H. Fowler

Dave Spurrier



Good Shepherd Medical Center

Kilgore College, Longview

Wells Fargo

Cathy Cace

Wes Jones




Cace’s Seafood and Steak House



Spring Hill ISD


advisory directors Maxey Cerliano

Charles Ireland

Judge Bill Stoudt

Gregg County Sheriff

JPMorgan Chase Bank NA

Gregg County Judge

Advisory Director



Advisory Director

Advisory Director

2 0 1 0 LO NG VIEW PART NERSH I P Kelly Hall President

903-237-4004 president@longviewtx.com

Paul Anderson

Senior Vice President 903-753-3281 lcvb@longviewtx.com

Leska Parker

Business Manager 903-237-4010 bmanager@longviewtx.com

Mary Whitton

Program Coordinator 903-237-4003 programs@longviewtx.com

Elaine Reynolds

Amy Tatum

Vice President Downtown Development

Community Development Coordinator

903-237-4040 downtown@longviewtx.com

903-237-4029 community@longviewtx.com

Mitzi Barnes

Elena Guilbeau

Special Projects Coordinator 903-237-4021 projects@longviewtx.com

Elton Taylor

Member Services Coordinator 903-237-4013 membership@longviewtx.com

Margie Harris Tourism Services Coordinator

903-753-3281 info@longviewtx.com

Convention Sales Manager 903-753-3281 meetings@longviewtx.com

Carrie Fisher Receptionist

903-237-4000 info1@longviewtx.com

wordpress The Business View Blog www.longviewpartnership.wordpress.com

LinkedIn The Longview Partnership 100 Acres of Heritage Main Street

Facebook Groups Longview Partnership AlleyFest Facebook Fan Pages Longview Chamber Main Street Convention & Visitors Bureau

Twitter www.twitter.com/LongviewChamber www.twitter.com/LongviewTexas www.twitter.com/visitlongviewtx



Staying Connected. The Partnership continues to embrace technology to remain relevant to chamber members, community leaders, and volunteers. In addition to regularly updating the website, the Partnership is also engaged in social media networking sites Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

410 N. Center St. • Longview, TX 75601 • 903-237-4000 • Fax 903-237-4049 www.longviewchamber.com

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