2012 Annual Report for the Longview Chamber of Commerce

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2012 ANNUAL REPORT Leading Businesses. Leading Communities.™

OUR VISION To be recognized as an effective

Dear Chamber Members,

resource, providing relevant,

I wasn’t born in Longview. As they say, “I got here as fast as I could.” Maybe that’s why I love the story of how

programming that ensures a healthy

pioneers pressing westward were impressed with the vista of this new place and attached the name “Longview”

innovative, and impactful

Longview got its name. In the 1870s Earpville was already here. Pine Tree had a U.S. Post Office. But railroad

business climate and an enhanced

to what we now recognize as our community.

quality of life for Longview and Gregg County.

OUR MISSION To engage in and promote projects

with a positive economic impact on the Longview Trade Area.

Isn’t that a great legacy? We live in a place literally named in honor of the inspiration that comes from looking forward and upward. We’ve been home to forward thinking people like R.G. LeTourneau, who was one of the most prolific inventors of the last century. Today, we’re home to the U.S. Nationals balloon race. We are a place that celebrates climbing high and taking the long view! Serving as chair of the Longview Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors in 2012 has been an honor.


I’ve learned much from Anne Hugman. I’ve been inspired by Brad Tidwell. I’ve been impressed by Kelly Hall.

Strengthen the Local Economy

the long view.

Provide Networking Opportunities

Your Chamber this year launched an Emerging Leaders Recognition program to acknowledge and encourage

Promote the Community

Represent the Interests of Business with Government

Build Community Leadership and Development Programs

OUR BRAND PROMISE Longview offers an authentic East

Texas experience for visitors, residents, and business. The people are friendly, possess a can-do attitude, and are

hard working. Our healthy economic environment attracts businesses:

Your Chamber is blessed with outstanding leadership. I trust history will judge that it was a year of taking

high ability young leaders in our community. We began an InterCity Leadership Visit program by traveling to Chattanooga, TN and bringing back creative ideas that can shape our future. We made significant progress in developing an Entrepreneur Center from which may come future businesses and jobs for our children. We’ve remained an advocate for you in this election year – reminding political leaders that the long view demands we focus on creating new wealth for all, not redistributing wealth from one group to another. What’s next for a community with a long view? We look ahead and decide to create our future. We dream with each other about what can be, we discipline ourselves to develop a plan, and then we work the plan with tenacity. I hope to be a part of it. Looking ahead,

job opportunities, strong/affordable workforce, retail, dining and manufacturing.

Dale Lunsford


the local economy by researching and providing available resources to grow our local businesses.


the community by marketing Longview as a destination for new businesses, tourists, active older adults, and potential employees.


networking opportunities by organizing and hosting a myriad of seminars, events, and programs for our Chamber members.

Front Row (left to right): Carrie Fisher, Amanda Myers, Leska Parker, Kayla Cantey, Diana Northcutt Center Row: Kelly Hall, Lisa Null, Mary Whitton, Missy Saunders Back Row: Margie Harris, Paul Anderson, Elaine Reynolds


the interests of business with government by building relationships with governmental agencies and effectively voicing the needs of area businesses.


community-wide leadership by encouraging and developing a shared vision for the future of Longview and collectively influencing stakeholders to make it happen.


Success to Significance


The Chamber’s Convention sales team participated in the Texas Society of Association Executives’ annual Southwest Showcase in Austin. They also traveled to Katy to promote Longview as a destination community in the annual Vacation and Leisure Show.


Chamber staff, with the retail commercial development team, attended the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Open Air Summit in Dallas. The Open Air Summit is the best source for high level contacts and exchange of ideas of the Open Air Shopping Center sector. The Convention sales team traveled to Fort Worth to promote Longview as a destination community in the annual Vacation and Leisure Show.

MARCH The Chamber hosted their third annual Salute to Health Care to recognize outstanding professionals in Longview’s health care industry. A new 30-second TV commercial was premiered to promote Real East Texas Living in Longview. APRIL The Chamber organized and led a delegation of business and community leaders to Washington D.C. They met with representatives and pressed issues which are important to businesses in Longview and the East Texas region. Downtown LIVE! launched on Friday evenings to attract visitors and residents to downtown. MAY The Chamber’s annual Small Business Awards Luncheon was celebrated by over 400 business and community leaders. The 2011-2012 class of Leadership Longview graduated 2

and received recognition and certificates of completion. Business EXPO was held following the luncheon and provided local businesses an opportunity to meet other businesses and promote services and products.

JUNE The Chamber staff, with the retail commercial team, participated in ICSC RECon in Las Vegas. RECon is the global convention for the shopping center industry and provides opportunity to network and make deals with retail real estate professionals from around the world. The Chamber launched its newly designed website. JULY

The Chamber hosted a briefing for member businesses covering the critical changes within The Affordable Health Care Act. The Small Business task force completed the Business Accreditation Model for a January 2013 launch date.


The “Taking Care of Business” marketing campaign was launched to increase awareness of the Chamber in the Longview area community and raised the necessary funds needed to ensure quality programs and services are provided in 2013. Staff and the retail/commercial development team participated in the NTCAR Commercial Real Estate Expo in Dallas to promote Longview as a destination community for new businesses.


The Chamber’s advocacy team hosted a 21st Energy Summit with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for members and community businesses. Over 20 business and

community leaders conducted their first annual exploratory visit to begin the framework for a future InterCity Visit.

OCTOBER Staff, with the Chamber’s convention sales team, traveled to Florida for the Small Meetings Market. They showcased Longview as a destination community for small meetings and conventions. The advocacy team and staff participated in the U.S. Chamber’s Regional Conference to become more familiar with the potential impact of the Fiscal Cliff and The Affordable Health Care Act. NOVEMBER The Chamber’s retail commercial team traveled to Dallas to promote Longview’s market at the Texas Deal Making annual conference. The Chamber hosted two business education webinars in the areas of communication and how to grow your business. DECEMBER The Chamber’s first annual Emerging Leaders Awards luncheon was hosted at Pinecrest Country Club. Three professionals under 40 years of age were recognized for their outstanding accomplishments and exhibiting strong leadership skills. Chamber staff and advocacy team attended legislative briefings in Dallas and Austin to prepare for the 2013 legislative session. • Represented over 1,100 members • Worked alongside roughly 49,000 employees • Responsible for roughly 79,240 referrals to member companies


• 52 issues of The Chamber BUZZ delivered as electronic newsletters to Chamber members

• 4,822 comments on the six primary Facebook Pages for the Chamber and its divisions and events have nearly 5,000 “Likes”

• The Chamber inherited one of the first Facebook Pages created for Longview.

Longview, Texas Community Information Center has a following of over 8,200 and is open to any and all who wish to contribute • 583 members in the Chamber’s LinkedIn Group

The Chamber continues its efforts to engage members and the community through its websites, social media platforms, electronic newsletters, and email communication. These social media outlets allow the Chamber to remain on the cutting edge of digital communications.

CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK MEMBER SINCE: January, 2005 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 335 HIGHLIGHT OF 2012: Citizens National Bank considers the purchase of White Oak State Bank as one of our most significant successes in 2012. We are proud to have acquired such an outstanding bank. The acquisition gave CNB a tremendous opportunity to expand our presence in Gregg County. With the recent opening of our new convenience center and drive-thru in downtown Longview, CNB now has six full service Gregg County locations to better serve this dynamic community. “Citizens National Bank is proud to be an active member of the Longview Chamber of Commerce. Our continued involvement with the chamber enables us to network, volunteer and stay informed about the Longview community. Being a member of the chamber is without question, what Citizens National Bank stands for. Community Minded. Customer Focused.” — Cliff Hale, Senior Vice President and Regional Manager


Social media sites, LongviewVotes.com, and MyChamberApp, are additional examples of using electronic means. The Chamber continues its commitment to the printed word to keep its membership informed, educated, and in the

forefront of important issues and events that affect their business world on a daily basis.

The Chamber BUZZ received a facelift this year with a new look and format. Starting with the May-June 2012 issue, The Longview Progress Report was

redesigned and expanded to a 9”x 12” format. It remains a bi-monthly, 16-page full color Chamber magazine.

In July the Chamber launched a newly designed website which combined

three websites: Chamber of Commerce, Convention and Visitors Bureau, and

Downtown Development. The site provides information for all the divisions and activities of the Chamber.

Three additional e-newsletters are published quarterly by the Chamber: The CVB LongView is published monthly, Main Street News, and The Leader.

THE WARD AGENCY MEMBER SINCE: October, 1975 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 9 HIGHLIGHT OF 2012: In today’s dynamic employee benefit marketplace, staying informed is critical to assist our clients. We are committed to the continuing education of our staff. This year, two of our employees obtained PPACA Certification through National Association of Health Underwriters and one employee obtained Certificate in Retirement Plans from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans. We consider these educational achievements to be one of our proudest achievements. “Chamber membership provides us with the means to support the local business community and to utilize chamber events and resources to stay informed on issues important to our success.” — Scott Ward




• Kelly Hall serves on the U.S. Chamber’s Committee of 100,

• 800 participants

Transportation/Infrastructure Committee, as well as the American Chamber of Commerce Executives, Texas Association of Business, and the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives Board of Directors • Chamber Board member Tim Vaughn serves on the Texas Association

• 100 trainings

• 145 member business categories represented • 9 Member2member orientation sessions • 12 Business Development Programs • 6 Technology Series Workshops

of Business

• 4 Women’s Leadership Council Programs

• Chamber Board Jeremy DuMond serves on the Texas Association

Since 2005, the Business Education Series has provided more than 1,000

of Manufacturing board of directors. • Chamber member Richard Manley serves on the U.S. Chamber’s Small Business Committee The Longview Chamber of Commerce provides the avenue to access local, state and national leadership through its annual State of the City address, Elected Officials Reception, Candidate’s Forum, Gregg County Days in Austin, and the Washington D.C. Fly In.

Attendees enjoy a visit to Enoch’s Stomp Vineyard and Winery during a 2012 Hospitality Tour.

business people with valuable insight, education, and tools of the trade to

help their business increase productivity and profits. In 2012 some of the most popular seminars were in the areas of customer service and social media. The Business Education Series expanded in 2012 with the addition of

technology webinars as well as women’s leadership series. The Longview

Convention and Visitors Bureau Hospitality Training expanded from two to

three hands-on tours highlighting great places to visit in the Longview area.

The Chamber is committed to providing Chamber members with up-to-date

• Attended the State Fair of Texas to promote Longview in the Texas Historic

bottom lines.

• Attended Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta as part of the Team Texas booth

and cutting edge information that will assist them in boosting their


• Attended the Small Market Meetings Conference in Jacksonville, Florida • Hosted 3 Real East Texas Friendly Hospitality Training Tours


• Provided services to over 37 groups with 3,300 Welcome Bags and meeting

One Hundred Acres of Heritage Main Street continues its efforts as a strong

• Mailed 17,459 Longview Visitors Guides to potential visitors and

new directional signs were installed which direct motorists to downtown

• Newly remodeled and enlarged Visitors Center had more than 476 people

advocate for progress and beautification in downtown Longview. In 2012,

Heritage Plaza, Lear Park, and other destinations. This is the first step of a

master plan to add wayfinding signage throughout Longview. Additionally, successes include awarding a $40,000 facade grant to the Gregg County Historical Museum.

DOWNTOWN LIVE! Downtown LIVE! was launched as a new endeavor in 2012 to promote the

downtown area by featuring some of East Texas’ finest musicians as well as providing a marketplace for local vendors.

• Continued MOVIES ON THE PLAZA as a fun-filled event for the whole family

• Christmas at the Courthouse – Partnered with Gregg County to present two exciting weekends of holiday fun for kids of all ages

• Produced the annual Christmas Parade with the assistance and volunteers of Longview AMBUCS

CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU • Attended Southwest Showcase in Austin promoting our local vineyards and wineries to attract small market meetings

• Attended travel shows in Katy and Fort Worth as well as the Texas Travel Industry Association’s Travel Counselors Conference in Waco

• Participated in Tourism Week in May for Waskom and Texarkana Travel Information Centers


Commission’s Booth

services, resulting in 2,788 room nights

distributed 15,000 brochures to Texas Visitor Information Centers

request tourist information during the 2012 year, an increase of approximately 1,107% over last year

LEADERSHIP LONGVIEW IDENTIFICATION AND DEVELOPMENT Developing leaders continues to be a core value of the organization. This is

accomplished through the Chamber’s rigorous Leadership Longview program

(est. 1981). Graduates can continue their leadership development by participating in the Leadership Longview Alumni Network.


LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE The Longview Chamber of Commerce launched its first Leadership Institute

in 2012. Because our organization believes that leadership development is the

key to the growth of not only our Chamber, but our community as a whole, this important institute was established to provide ongoing training in the area of leadership development for our emerging leaders.

EMERGING LEADERS AWARDS In 2012 the Chamber recognized three outstanding young leaders under 40 at

the first Emerging Leaders Luncheon in December as well as recognizing three

outstanding leaders in our community at our annual Salute to Healthcare in the spring for their contributions to the healthcare community.

MEMBER SINCE: November, 1982 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 47 HIGHLIGHT OF 2012: We feel that our success in 2012 is a direct result of our Employees and their “can do” attitude and our constant focus on Customer service. Our entire staff views the customer as the priority and the reason we are in business. Through these effort we have continued to thrive in an a time that is sometimes difficult at best. “We feel like being part of the community is more than just living here. Being involved through the Longview Chamber of Commerce brings us in contact with other businesses, unveils opportunities that otherwise we would be not be afforded, and have representation for our business interest in Longview with Government. Our longtime association with the Longview Chamber of Commerce has been one of the Highlights of our 31 years in Longview and the East Texas area as a whole.” — Keith Bailey, President



2012 PROGRESS REPORT ON KEY STRATEGIC ISSUES MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT • The Chamber sustained ongoing, consistent membership recruitment

year-round and added 135 new members in 2012, conducted 32 ribbon

cuttings, hosted four membership luncheons: Salute to Healthcare, Small

Business Awards and Leadership Longview Graduation, State of the City, and

MORGAN ABBIGAIL MEMBER SINCE: November, 2009 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 4 HIGHLIGHT OF 2012: We now do fashion segments on a local news station once a month. This has not only increased our public awareness, but also the area from which we draw customers.

Emerging Leaders Luncheon, as well as two Business Advocacy Luncheons.

• The Chamber continued to enhance the Longview Progress Report and

The Chamber BUZZ, as well as other member communications through

utilization of technology and online capabilities through its new website. These communication tools create broader awareness of the Chamber’s

goals and results, increase participation in programs, and add value to the membership.

• The Chamber continued to publish the annual Chamber Resource Guide

“The Chamber provides a great support system for Longview businesses. Utilizing that support is just another way to take your business to the next level. From mixers to training sessions, the Chamber is a great tool for success!”

& Directory with Uniquely Longview as well as maintaining an effective

— Morgan Tomberlain Strong, Owner

• Continued the Retail Commercial Contract with Longview Economic

membership-based website.

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Development Corporation

• Continued to assist existing businesses by providing connections to resources that will help them in a challenging economic environment


• Coordinated and hosted the largest Business EXPO and recognized our

member businesses in the following categories: Small Business of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Minority Business of the Year, Family-Owned Business of the Year, and Tourism Partner of the Year

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT • Hosted the annual Leadership Longview program

• Continued to increase participation and support of the Leadership Longview Alumni Network

• Recognized community leaders at the Salute to Healthcare and Emerging Leaders events

• Conducted an InterCity Visit

Participants gather for the first exploratory InterCity Visit to Chattanooga, Tennessee.

RETAIL DEVELOPMENT • Seventy-eight restaurant contacts were made from 8/29/2011 to 8/17/2012 • Created television commercial Real East Texas focusing on Shop & Dine in Longview

• Created and maintained The Business Chronicles blog to showcase local small business owners on a weekly basis with an emphasis on I Shop Longview • Created web page on longviewchamber.com specifically for commercial/retail development

• Conducted community retail survey In 2012, the Longview Chamber of Commerce hosted the largest Business EXPO and recognized several award-winning businesses.

• Coordinated with the City of Longview Geographic Department to update

• Chamber staff and Chamber volunteers attended the U.S. Chamber

• ICSC Texas Deal Making Show and RECon trade shows

• The Chamber hosted its annual Elected Officials Reception

all aerial maps

• Hotel/Convention Center Feasibility Study


Regional Governmental Conferences

• The East Texas Coalition (Longview, Kilgore, Gladewater and Tyler)

continues to serve as a collective voice in Austin with over 100 local leaders representing Longview


• The bi-annual Washington, D.C. Fly In serves as a collective voice in

• Updated the public policies and formed the 2012 legislative agenda

• Facilitated discussion and workshops on CNG/LNG and conducted

• LongviewVotes.com is an online advocacy tool that provides members the

opportunity to view legislation the Chamber is tracking on their behalf and send direct messages to their elected representatives to influence policy

and legislation. Nearly 150 direct messages were sent to elected officials by Chamber members

Washington with over 40 leaders representing Longview

CNG/LNG Survey to determine level of interest from those businesses who own fleets

• The Chamber’s President now serves on the U.S. Chamber’s Committee of 100 as a representative of our area and state providing a local voice in national policy setting

The East Texas Coalition experiences the inner workings of state government during the biannual visit to Austin.

KEY INITIATIVES ACHIEVED IN 2012 • Approved formation of the Longview Business Political Action Committee

• Secured a site to open the Entrepreneur Center

• Hosted an exploratory InterCity Visit to Chattanooga • Updated building by adding Visitors Center

• Introduced Technology and Women’s Leadership series

• Produced the first Emerging Leaders Recognition Awards • Started the Leadership Institute

• Developed the framework for a Business Accreditation Model – launch 2013

• Redesigned the Chamber’s website

• Designed and are preparing to launch www.longviewlistens.com • Opened RFP for a convention center and hotel

• Produced a brochure “How to Start a Business”

• Worked with energy specialist to bring three new CNG fueling stations to Longview (opening 2013)

LONGVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED: 1916 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 12 NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 1,200 “We’re All Business” is powerfully simple. There are lots of organizations and causes, but the Longview Chamber of Commerce is the organization that is speaking up and promoting your business. That shows up on your bottom line and in the economic vibrancy of our community.” — Kelly Hall, President and CEO




Manufacturer of the Year Trinity Rail

Small Business of the Year Hudson Printing & Graphic Design

Tourism Partner of the Year Mary Ramos

Emerging Leaders Jennifer Ware

Chairman’s Award David McWhorter

Entrepreneur of the Year Tammy Cromer-Campbell, TCC Photography & Gallery

Health Care Professional Sue Haywood

Emerging Leaders Cliff Hale

Ambassador of the Year Cynde Bell

Minority Small Business Champion of the Year LaFama Foods

Dr. Sam Mack Lifetime Achievement Award Dr. John Kirk

Emerging Leaders Michael Tubb

Large Business of the Year ABC Auto Parts

Family-Owned Business of the Year The Charles Tomberlain Insurance Agency

Health Care Volunteer of the Year Della and Frank McBride

AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS 2010-2012 National Main Street City 2012 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place Brochure 2012 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place Map 2012 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place Magazine Directory 2012 Texas Festival & Events Assoc. – 1st Place Marketing Awards Outdoor Expo 2012 Texas Festival & Events Assoc. – 1st Place Marketing Awards AlleyFest 2012 American Chamber of Commerce Executives – 12th place in Membership Sales 2012 5 Star Accreditation – U.S. Chamber of Commerce 2011 American Chamber of Commerce Executives – Chamber of the Year Finalist 2011 American Chamber of Commerce Executives – 9th place in Membership Sales 2011

Texas Festival & Events Association – Best Printed Materials 2011 Texas Festival & Events Association – Best Outdoor Billboard 2011 Texas Festival & Events Association – Best Hat 2011 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 1st Place Newsletter Award 2011

The Chamber Twitters and Other Social Networking The Chamber of Commerce continues to embrace technology to remain relevant to Chamber members, community leaders, and volunteers. In addition to regularly updating the website, the Chamber is also engaged in the social media networking sites Facebook, Word Press, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Staying Connected

Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place Social Media Award 2011 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 3rd Place Website 2011 American Chamber of Commerce Executives – Honorable Mention for Branding Campaign 2010

LINKEDIN The Longview Chamber of Commerce 100 Acres of Heritage Main Street

Texas Festivals & Events Assoc. – 1st Place Marketing Award for Best Event Invitation 2010 Texas Festivals & Events Assoc. – 1st Place Marketing Award for Best Event Program 2010

National Main Street City 2011

Texas Festivals & Events Assoc. – 1st Place Marketing Award for Best TV Promotion 2010

Texas Festival & Events Association – Best Single Newspaper Display Ad 2011

Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 1st Place Marketing Award 2010

FACEBOOK FAN PAGES Longview Chamber of Commerce Main Street Convention & Visitors Bureau

TWITTER www.twitter.com/LongviewChamber www.twitter.com/longviewtexas www.twitter.com/visitlongviewtx

YOUTUBE www.youtube.com/LongviewChamber

Elaine Reynolds and Missy Saunders with the Longview Chamber of Commerce accept a 1st Place Marketing Award for AlleyFest from the Texas Festival & Events Association.

WORD PRESS www.businessinlongview.com

410 N. Center St. • Longview, TX 75601 • 903.237.4000 • Fax 903.237.4049 www.longviewchamber.com

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