2013 Strategic Business Development Plan of the Longview Chamber of Commerce

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STRATEGIC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PLAN Executive Summary Chamber of Commerce Officers, Directors and Staff Organizational Guidelines and Objectives Strategic Business Development Plan Member Listings

L E A D I N G B U S I N E S S E S . L E A D I N G C O M M U N I T I E S .™


Longview Chamber of Commerce

410 N. Center St. Longview, TX 75601 903-237-4000 Fax 903-237-4049 www.longviewchamber.com 2013 executive B oa r d o f D i r e c to r s Chairman Brad Tidwell Citizens National Bank Pa s t C h a i r m a n Dr. Dale Lunsford LeTourneau University C h a i r m a n – El e c t Jeremy DuMond U.S. Steel Tubular Products Chairman of Finance David McWhorter Gans & Smith Insurance Company Vice Chairman Jill Bayless Longview Regional Medical Center Vice Chairman Brett Lindig SYSCO Food Services of East Texas, LLC Vice Chairman Tim Vaughn TVaughn Builders LLC P RESIDENT Kelly Hall Longview Chamber of Commerce

2 0 1 3 B oa r d o f Directors Jim Barron Barron’s

I am humbled and honored to serve as the Chair of your Longview Chamber of Commerce in 2013. Having grown up in Longview, I am so proud of what our city has become. The changes have been many over the last 50 years and today we live in a thriving and dynamic community that has much to offer families and businesses. There is an old Chinese proverb or curse, depending on your perspective, that states, “May you live in interesting times.” We are certainly living in interesting times, and the Longview Chamber of Commerce is a great resource in helping our business community cope with both the many challenges and opportunities these times present. Your Chamber accomplishes this through the professionalism and initiatives of a dedicated staff and the tireless efforts of a wonderful group of volunteers. These two groups must come together for a successful Chamber and there is no better example of this than in Longview. At your Longview Chamber, we have many roles and responsibilities, but our primary reason for existence is to serve the businesses of our community. There are no greater champions of the merits of free enterprise than the Longview Chamber of Commerce. Your Chamber understands that a community’s economy, quality of life, educational resources, and future largely depends on a thriving local business community. The support of, and advocacy for the business community is job one at the Longview Chamber. I am often dismayed when I hear national leaders dismiss or question the value of our businesses. We have a solid and growing economy in Longview due first and foremost to the spirit and work ethic of our citizens and the commitment to quality and innovation of our business community. We at the Longview Chamber are thrilled to partner with a supportive local government at the city and county, with the Longview Economic Development Corporation and many others who share our commitment to the principles of free enterprise. This publication is appropriately titled Uniquely Longview. We are a unique city with a great past, but an even greater future. If you are already a member of our community, we encourage you to pitch in and join our efforts. If you are a visitor, we encourage you to stay and see what Real East Texas is all about. We think you will find this a great place to call home.

Kara Bolster STEMCO

David Hayes Hayes RV Center Keith Honey AEP/Southwestern Electric

Shelby Snell Oleum Operating Company Darwin Winfield Atmos Energy

2 0 1 3 A P P OINTED DIRE C TORS Mayor Jay Dean City of Longview Lester Lucy Longview Economic Development Corporation Judge Bill Stoudt Gregg County

Chairman, Longview Chamber of Commerce

In 1981, I made one of the biggest decisions of my life when I chose to move to Longview, Texas. I was born and raised in Opelouses, Louisiana, a place I still love, but I saw in Longview a beautiful town with new opportunities for me and my family. We loaded our stuff and headed west to the East Texas town situated along historic U.S. Highway 80. More than 30 years later, I can say that I am still very pleased with that decision.

Pat Britton Eastman Chemical Company

John Ray Lively Cadillac GMC

Brad Tidwell

I can also say that Longview continues to be a place of opportunity. We have opportunities for businesses to grow, for families to enjoy our parks, for art groups to entertain, and for kids to learn at schools with premier facilities. We have opportunities for higher education, through institutions like UT-Tyler, Kilgore College, and LeTourneau University. We have opportunities for jobs, with an unemployment rate better than the state or national averages. We also have opportunities for volunteers to get involved in the community to make a positive impact, like the group that brought the U.S. National Balloon Championship to Longview. Thanks to efforts of people across Longview, we continue to see positive transformations in our community in recent years. We continue to be recognized as a leader in economic and workforce growth. Our hospitals continue to improve and expand. We’ve seen construction of new homes, businesses, and school projects. We’ve also seen efforts for renovation, revitalization, and transportation. I certainly wouldn’t take credit for the wonderful things that the people of Longview have accomplished, but I will say that I am thankful for the opportunity to serve alongside you as your Mayor. I look forward to our efforts to continue to move forward.

Jay Dean Mayor, City of Longview


Leading Businesses. Leading Communities.™ Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Core Competencies

Our Organization

To engage in and promote projects that have a positive economic impact on the Longview Trade Area.

To be recognized as an effective resource, providing relevant, innovative, and impactful programming that ensures a healthy business climate and an enhanced quality of life for Longview and Gregg County.

Strengthen the Local Economy

The Longview Chamber of Commerce

Promote the Community

The Longview Convention and Visitors Bureau

Provide Networking Opportunities Represent the Interests of Business with Government

One Hundred Acres of Heritage Main Street

Build Community Leadership & Development Programs

Executive Summary The Longview Chamber is the largest and most influential

over the past decade and, at the same time, emphasizes directions

business organization in Gregg County and is recognized as one

and priorities that will enhance its competitive position, make

of the leading Chambers of Commerce in the state of Texas and

the Longview Chamber more distinctive and demonstrate the

the United States. The Chamber’s Board of Directors recognizes

Chamber’s commitment to promoting the community in a variety

the importance of continuing this pathway of excellence, and in

of ways.

2007 committed to developing the Longview Chamber’s Strategic Plan. The Plan is intended to build upon prior success and take advantage of future opportunities for the next three to five years.

As a precursor to the plan, a business and organizational survey of the entire Chamber membership was conducted in 2005, 2007 and 2010. The response rate to this survey was well over 30%. In all

The theme for the 2013 Business Plan is “building an environment

three surveys five key areas were identified as priorities: promoting

where businesses can grow and prosper.” In other words, we must

the community, strengthening the local economy, providing

strengthen the local economy. This theme is founded on the belief

networking opportunities, representing business with government

that to be prepared for the next wave of economic recovery, it is

and developing community leaders. Chuck Ewart with the Ewart

imperative for the Longview Chamber to identify indicators and

Group was contracted with to facilitate the 2011 and 2012 planning

driving forces that capitalize on our area’s innovation, intellect and

retreat with the Board of Directors. This year’s two day retreat

influence. That is why in the fall of 2012 the Board of Directors, a

included input from the mayor of Longview, the county judge and

committee of 19 individuals representing a diverse cross-section of

the executive director of the Longview Economic Development

the 1,200 plus Chamber membership, revisited the Strategic Plan

Corporation to ensure a collaborative comprehensive approach to

to further complement the process. Additionally, a combination

moving the organization forward.

of interviews, surveys, and focus groups was completed by Market St. Strategies in February 2010 in an effort to provide an organizational analysis for the Longview Chamber and Longview Economic Development Corporation. The input gathered has been used to tailor the strategic plan moving forward. The current plan builds on the considerable success the Chamber has experienced

In summary, there will be many positive changes at the Longview Chamber over the next three to five years. These changes will build on the Chamber’s past accomplishments and continue to preserve its core competencies and traditions. — The Longview Chamber Board of Directors

Organizational Guidelines The best way to predict the future…

Peter Drucker

is to create it.

Organizational Core Competency

2013 Organizational Objectives

To hone organizational effectiveness and prioritization, all endeavors must match the organization’s unique strengths. In order for the Longview Chamber to consider a leadership position in and/or to actively engage in an activity, it must meet the criteria of being a core competency as defined by:

The results of these specific objectives may be difficult to measure. However, specific consideration of these objectives is built into each division’s specific tactics. The achievement of these objectives is fundamental to ensuring that the Longview Chamber remains one of the most influential business organizations in the region.

⚙ Have a regional scope or impact

⚙ Strategically execute business and job development activities

⚙ Make a significant contribution to how our members perceive the activities value ⚙ Be difficult for others to imitate

Action Criteria To ensure that the Longview Chamber does not stray from its core mission and is able to achieve its annual business objectives, it is important that all activities are continually evaluated and measured against the following: ⚙ Does it fulfill our mission of fostering economic prosperity in the Longview trade area? ⚙ Does it align with our core values? ⚙ Does it offer direct value to our members in accordance with their interests? ⚙ Does it offer an opportunity for attracting new members and retaining existing members? ⚙ Does it allow us to generate or enhance our regional influence and credibility? ⚙ Does it make a measurable net financial contribution to the organization?

that improve our area’s economy. ⚙ Actively advocate on behalf of the area’s businesses on important public policy issues. ⚙ Grow the organization’s effectiveness, influence and sustainability through relative collaboration and partnerships. ⚙ Deliver superior member value to grow our membership. ⚙ Proactively communicate member value through the area’s business community. ⚙ Advance and promote the competitive advantages of the Longview trade area. ⚙ Elevate our leadership role in civic discussions, community engagement, volunteerism and philanthropy. ⚙ Develop and cultivate the next generation of community and civic leaders.

2013 Operational Objectives These objectives are measurable goals, which must be achieved in order to ensure the Longview Chamber’s operational success. ⚙ Achieve a break-even net income budget. ⚙ Maintain a minimum financial reserve of $250,000. ⚙ Attract $40,000 in new membership dollars. ⚙ Achieve 90% membership renewal, totaling $340,000 in membership revenue. ⚙ Generate $100,000 in non-dues revenue through the Total Resource Campaign and events such as the East Texas Outdoor EXPO, PARBUSTERS Golf Tournament, seminars, publication sales, and contributions.

Longview Chamber remains one of the most influential business organizations in the region.

Front Row (left to right): Carrie Fisher, Amanda Myers, Leska Parker, Kayla Cantey, Diana Northcutt Center Row: Kelly Hall, Lisa Null, Mary Whitton, Melissa Saunders Back Row: Margie Harris, Paul Anderson, Elaine Reynolds

Strategic Business Development Plan Continue to explore the formation of an Entrepreneurial Center. Embrace and promote redevelopment initiatives in Longview.

2013 Key Initiatives

Finalize and launch the formation of the Longview Business Political Action Committee.

Strengthening the Local Economy Job creation continues to rank as the #1 priority for our Chamber membership. The Longview Chamber’s priority is to help create a vibrant business community. Strengthening our local economy boils down to cultivating the atmosphere, policies, programs and culture where members can grow their businesses. The Longview Chamber understands our role is to sell the community as the place that can help grow and attract jobs.

Strategic Objectives ⚙ Retain, expand and attract business. ⚙ Resource for economic information. ⚙ Communicate value and benefit of business. ⚙ Expand opportunities for small, minority and women-owned enterprises.

⚙ Attract visitors/tourists.

Business Development Committee Purpose To initiate, promote, market and sustain area business development opportunities that will strengthen our local economy and enhance the trade areas business climate.

Action Items ⚙ Assist existing business by providing connections to resources that will help businesses thrive in a challenging economic environment. ⚙ Provide continuing education opportunities for entrepreneurial development and small business training that contribute to increasing and sustaining competitiveness. ⚙ Launch the Longview Learning Center ⚙ Continue to coordinate and maintain an efficient “one stop” business resource center for small business services and information through “TOOLS FOR BUSINESS” on the Chamber’s website (www.longviewchamber.com). ⚙ Coordinate and produce the annual Business EXPO and recognize the Small Business Person of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year winners. ⚙ Explore the creation of an Innovation Center which fosters

innovation by providing entrepreneurs with the resources to turn their ideas into sustainable companies. ⚙ Explore the potential of creating an Accredited Certification Program for businesses.

Retail/Commercial Recruitment & Expansion Purpose To take the lead in promoting Longview as a destination community to prospective new retail and commercial businesses.

Action Items ⚙ Produce media campaign focusing on the importance of shopping local. ⚙ Pursue access to East Texas MLS. ⚙ Establish and maintain regular meetings and communications with property managers, realtors and developers. ⚙ Maintain a list of available properties for sale and lease. ⚙ Maintain usage of Retail Outlook Guide and Claritis to provide leakage opportunities and demographic information. ⚙ Design, develop and maintain new web page to support research and development by adding useful instruments for potential developers or investors to increase awareness of the City of Longview. ⚙ Provide updated aerial maps which include vacant land, retail buildings and planned developments that are currently available upon request. ⚙ Develop and implement surveys to create broader awareness and increase participation of retail development. ⚙ Maintain advertisement for the ICSC show in the Texas Real Estate Business magazine, Texas Real Estate Business e-newsletter, and Dealmakers Magazine. ⚙ Continue social media contact through Twitter, Facebook and RSS feeds via Chamber website to enhance public awareness. ⚙ Provide continuing education opportunities for retail/ commercial development. ⚙ Develop and maintain database contacts with information.

Downtown Market & Downtown Live

Downtown Redevelopment Purpose Embrace the Main Street philosophy and utilize the four point approach toward preservation and rejuvenation of the downtown area while creating and implementing a comprehensive plan to transition downtown Longview into a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly urban village offering products, services, arts and entertainment that better reflects our community’s rich and diverse heritage.

Action Items Organization Committee ⚙ Raise money for projects and administration from donations and sponsorships. ⚙ Recruit volunteers, supervise and reward good work. ⚙ Promote the program and downtown interests to the public. ⚙ Visit business people – to solicit their support and update them on the program plans. ⚙ Develop a cohesive board to ensure the long-term success of Main Street. ⚙ Increase the participation of downtown occupants in the Main Street program. ⚙ Establish funding plans for the short-term needs and a longterm organizational fund development strategy to enable long-range planning. ⚙ Develop long-term strategy and plan to inform and educate on downtown parking. ⚙ Develop plan to expand Main Street District including proposal of best time and area to add to present district. ⚙ Establish a volunteer program to support the work of the committees. Promotion Committee ⚙ Understand the changing market – both potential shoppers and your “competition.” ⚙ Identify downtown assets – including people, building, heritage and marketplace. ⚙ Hold meetings – to analyze data, develop strategies, brainstorm ideas and plan events. ⚙ Visit business people – get their ideas, solicit their support and update them on plans. ⚙ Organize projects – schedule participants, vendors, contractors and services. ⚙ Create NEW image campaigns, retail promotions and special events. ⚙ Develop strategies to lure people back to the downtown area. ⚙ Develop strategy for the promotion of the Main Street District.

⚙ Create and host retail events in the Main Street District. ⚙ Create and produce special events in the Main Street District. Design Committee

⚙ Become an “expert” on the district’s character. ⚙ Help owners make improvements to façades, signs and window displays. ⚙ Promote the program and downtown interests to the public. ⚙ Meet once a month to discuss downtown design issues, brainstorm ideas and incentives. ⚙ Visit business people to talk about their buildings and discuss design assistance. ⚙ Administer design review and approval process to ensure financial incentive. ⚙ Make design recommendations. ⚙ Develop and publish a guide to all buildings in Longview’s Main Street District. ⚙ Develop a District Design Guideline Handbook. ⚙ Based on Design Guidelines, identify process, select and implement District Improvement Initiative. ⚙ Implement first stage of Wayfinding Project directing traffic to downtown.

Economic Restructuring Committee

⚙ Learn about the District’s current economic condition and identify opportunities for market growth. ⚙ Strengthen existing businesses and recruit new ones. ⚙ Find new economic uses for traditional Main Street buildings. ⚙ Monitor the economic performance of the District. ⚙ Hold monthly meetings to analyze data, measure progress and brainstorm ideas. ⚙ Visit business people to get their ideas, find out how their business is doing and update them on plans. ⚙ Coordinate groups to help conduct surveys or meet with potential business prospects. ⚙ Meet with financiers to develop incentive programs and identify sources of capital. ⚙ Work with realtors, developers and property owners to plan real estate improvement projects. ⚙ Develop a District profile. ⚙ Identify new market opportunities for the commercial district. ⚙ Develop Local Lower Interest Loan Pool/Program for investment in Longview Main Street District.

to attract conventions/meeting to Longview. ⚙ Provision for the payment of expenses for major conventions, such as shuttle bus service and gifts/souvenirs. ⚙ Operation of a visitor information center, including at least one satellite location, which shall make referral to City attractions, and shall endeavor to provide facilities through which reservations can be expedited at hotels and other facilities. ⚙ Development of ways to measure the percentage and number of people who visit attractions after stopping at visitor information centers. ⚙ Compiling and analyzing data information on tourism and convention business in Longview and comparable information on other locales. ⚙ Aggressively include in the fulfillment of foregoing obligations, promotion and marketing of City-owned and sponsored facilities including, but not limited to, the East Texas Regional Airport, Maude Cobb Convention Activity Center, Gregg County Museum and the Longview Museum of Fine Arts through such methods as including materials promoting such attractions in mail outs and other efforts to assure that visitors to the Longview area receive information about such attractions. ⚙ Continue to strongly and actively staff and support renewed sports tourism initiative to promote Longview as a sports tourism destination.

Outdoor EXPO Purpose

Convention & Visitors Bureau Purpose Strengthen the economy and enrich the quality of life in Longview through the promotion of the city as a premiere destination for conventions, meetings, tournaments, and leisure activities.

Longview’s heritage is rooted in our outdoors with venues for hunting, fishing and other outdoor recreational sports. Longview’s Outdoor EXPO is the largest venue east of I-35. The EXPO creates a marketplace for buyers and sellers of the boating and camping industry. The event also provides an outstanding way to market a positive image of the hunter, the angler and the outdoorsperson by demonstrating how these groups contribute both environmentally and economically to a healthy East Texas.

Action Items ⚙ Host a marketplace to attract residents and visitors. ⚙ Increase visibility through targeted media sources.

Action Items ⚙ Solicitation of publishers, film and television producers,

editors, writers, media personalities, travel agents, tour producers, executives of associations and other convention and group meeting prospects for the purpose of inducing them to advertise, publicize and encourage group movements to Longview, and providing transportation for such people for familiarization trips so they may analyze the City’s visitor and convention assets. ⚙ Direct, telephone and mail contacts with employees or officers of groups which may desire to bring a convention/ meeting to Longview. ⚙ Development and distribution of convention bid folders. ⚙ Provision of support services to conventions/meetings in Longview. ⚙ Direct contacts at conventions elsewhere in the United States

East Texas Outdoor Expo

Promoting the Community

Longview Texas Listens Advertisements for our new social town hall site.

The Longview Chamber takes the lead in promoting the community by helping to recruit new businesses to locate here, participating in efforts to improve our quality of life and by advocating our community as a great place for people to work, do business, and raise a family.

Strategic Objectives ⚙ Promote Longview as the place to Live, Work and Play. ⚙ Design, develop and implement consistent, year-round marketing and advertising initiatives to expand public awareness of The Chamber. ⚙ Launch a new social town hall site at www.LongviewTexasListens.com

Promotion Committee Purpose To carry on a continuing and sustainable program of advertising and promotional activities designed to make known the advantages of Longview for recreation and business. The committee shall determine priorities and develop and maintain a marketing plan that will best accomplish the goals, and shall be responsible for the implementation of approved projects.

Action Items ⚙ Develop and distribute literature, maps, folders and other

advertising and promotional material to solicit visitors and conventioneers, and to better inform visitors and conventioneers of local attractions when they arrive. ⚙ Create and distribute movies, film clips, photographs, color separations and transparencies to be used for publicity. ⚙ Develop and distribute promotion advertising in convention trade publications. ⚙ Develop and maintain mobile sites for the Chamber, CVB, and Main Street. ⚙ Develop and maintain websites for Chamber, CVB, and Main Street. ⚙ Maintain ChamberApp with current list of members. ⚙ Produce weekly E-News for Chamber members. ⚙ Produce quarterly E-News for Main Street. ⚙ Produce six (6) Chamber newsletters. ⚙ Develop member-testimonial marketing products. ⚙ Enhance Social Media Strategy. ⚙ Continue to utilize a member-feedback system to monitor needs, results and interests of members, including customer surveys, member testimonial forms, utilization of Chamber Ambassadors and Board of Directors. ⚙ Ensure the Wayfinding initiative is implemented. ⚙ Launch Longview’s official Geocaching program.

Developing and identifying community stakeholders to leverage and maximize resources. This provides opportunities to form strategic alliances that the Chamber may either lead, participate, or spin-off. The Longview Chamber is always scanning the horizon to seek opportunities to fill community gaps that help advance the Chamber’s mission.

Building Community Leadership & Development Programs Strategic Objectives ⚙ Identify and develop community leaders. ⚙ Identify issues that negatively impact quality of life to develop programs/partnerships to tackle these issues.

Leadership Longview Purpose Foster positive relationships between various community constituencies through leadership development, communications and collaboration to enhance the overall quality of life.

Action Items ⚙ Maintain coordination and management of annual Leadership Longview program. ⚙ Publish a Leadership Longview graduation booklet profiling participants. ⚙ Leadership Longview Alumni Network. ⚙ Coordinate and host Leadership Institute

Membership Development Purpose To increase Chamber membership and to improve retention and participation of existing members through a full range of valued services.




Action Items ⚙ Enhance and expand Ambassadors program with emphasis

Community Development Sponsored by

Purpose To raise the level of awareness within our community about the value of appearance to our quality of life and to provide leadership for effecting change where change is needed.

Action Items ⚙ Coordinate and participate with the American Chamber of

Commerce in an “Inter City” Visit. ⚙ Launch Shining Stars Under 40 Luncheon. ⚙ To function as a clearinghouse for appearance-related activities in our community. ⚙ Continue to educate and engage businesses and citizens to take responsibility for improving our community environment. ⚙ To act as a catalyst with individuals, businesses, government, and organizations for improving the appearance of our community. ⚙ To provide a forum for community discussions on appearance-related issues in our community. ⚙ Speak as an advocacy group for improved appearance in our community. ⚙ Work with TXDOT to ensure the implementation of the appropriate welcoming signage, architecture, and landscaping previously planned.

on personal membership contacts, networking and effective member communications. ⚙ Hold scheduled networking and membership activities that provide a quality, enjoyable environment for fellowship, membership communications, and expanded participation, including regular membership orientations. ⚙ Promote involvement of employees in all Chamber-member firms and organizations. ⚙ Enhance online member referral program. ⚙ Investigate new opportunities that provide access to group buying power. ⚙ Continue to champion the Chamber’s Sensible Solutions & Chamber Choice Health Care initiatives. ⚙ Focus on enhancing the Hospitality Training Sessions. ⚙ Maintain an accurate membership data base which provides online referrals for members.

Par Busters Golf Tournament Purpose To provide networking events that business professionals who participate will leave with sales leads, business referrals and prospective clients.

Action Items ⚙ Conduct the 18th Annual PARBUSTERS Golf Tournament. ⚙ Continue to assist in raising scholarships. ⚙ Assist in raising funds for the Longview Chamber.

Providing Networking Opportunities to Build Business Relationships Networking is one of the oldest ways to make connections. Networking is all about providing valuable member connections and access to other business leaders. It is an effective, low cost way to build business relationships, generate leads, and learn valuable information. The Longview Chamber provides highquality, value-added opportunities for members to interact and foster profitable business relationships.

Strategic Objectives ⚙ Aid member businesses to be more competitive and profitable. ⚙ Achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. ⚙ Utilize new technologies and tools to enhance member connections.

⚙ Leverage membership group to help businesses lower overhead. ⚙ Continue to position the Chamber as the “Go To” organization for business resources.

Par Busters Golf Tournament

Representing the Interest of Business with Government The way the world does business is changing – what does not change is the need to represent the interest of business with government. The Longview Chamber has the strategic political insight, remains knowledgeable about current business issues, knows the players, and can be a positive force to promote business interests with government. When the Chamber focuses on politics and policy, our Chamber members can take care of running their companies!

Strategic Objectives ⚙ Drive public policy for the business community. ⚙ Lead critical business issues and make a lasting impact. ⚙ Actively communicate on issues and be the 24/7 source of information for business.

⚙ Ensure elected officials and decision-makers are educated about the impacts of the actions on business and the economy. ⚙ Position the Chamber as the progressive and effective force in the community. ⚙ Give creative solutions that protect taxpayers, provide essential services and improve economic conditions. ⚙ Implement initiatives that contribute to assessment and advocacy of long-range transportation and infrastructure needs to support expansion of the area’s economic base.

Business Advocacy Committee Purpose To identify and influence public policy that impacts business bottom line. To harness the collective power and join together to represent our members as the leading voice on public policy.

Action Items ⚙ Utilize LongviewVotes.com to keep members informed and to stimulate business involvement in identified public policy issues. ⚙ Develop a legislative agenda with clearly defined priorities based on feedback and input from Chamber members. ⚙ Maintain regular meetings and communications with elected officials at all levels of government to build productive relationships and sustain advocacy roles for business.

⚙ Strategically utilize and participate with other coalitions and regional groups, such as the Regional Mobility Authority, to influence public policy. ⚙ Coordinate an annual meeting between the Chamber’s Board of Directors, Longview City Council and the Gregg County Commissioners to promote regional dialogue and educate local elected officials on the Chamber’s priorities. ⚙ Develop marketing collateral to educate and create awareness among membership and prospective members on advocacy initiatives and successes. ⚙ Advance the efforts of the Longview Business Political Action Committee to advance key local issues and tap into dollars to fund advocacy campaigns for our community. ⚙ Explore the possibility of hiring a lobbyist for the 2013 legislative session.

Transportation Task Force Purpose To monitor, prioritize, advocate for and respond to issues concerning mobility projects in coordination with local and statewide groups. The task force’s focus is improvement and enhancement of all modes of transportation that will create a vibrant business environment in Gregg County.

Action Items ⚙ Evaluate, monitor, encourage and contribute to short-term and long-term transportation initiatives that support an expanding economic base. ⚙ Maintain ongoing communication with TxDOT officials and City of Longview staff regarding current and planned projects. ⚙ Cooperate with and support the East Texas Regional Airport to enhance local air service. ⚙ Provide continued support for the Regional Mobility Authority (RMA), Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and ETCOG’s Rural Planning Organization. Serve as an advocate for their projects that positively impact the Longview area. ⚙ Continue to support the East Texas Corridor Council initiatives, particularly, how it impacts the Longview area and our pursuit of multi-modal capabilities.

⚙ Establish task force to review, assess and make recommendations that enhance and improve a ”business friendly” environment for commerce with and through local governmental leaders, agencies, and departments. and streamline permitting, planning and other appropriate governmental processes for economic development purposes. ⚙ Maintain and enhance visibility and presence of The Longview Chamber in Austin and Washington through regular visits and use of networking with Chamber members, including the Gregg County Legislative Trip. ⚙ Coordinate an elected officials reception or event.

Business Advocacy Trip

Administrative events Annual Meeting Host event to recognize and honor volunteer leadership and announce the 2013 Chairman’s Award.

Salute to Health Care

Salute to Healthcare Awards

Sponsor the 4th annual “Salute to Health Care” awards program to recognize outstanding local achievements in health care and highlight the economic impact of the health care industry in the Longview trade area.

Leadership Longview Graduation Coordinate and host a graduation event that spotlights the success of the participants.

Emerging Leaders Awards Identify, research, and publically recognize successful business persons under the age of 40 at a Chamber hosted celebration.

State of the City Leadership Longview Class

Sponsor an annual address by our city’s mayor that offers an opportunity to celebrate the progress of our community.

Member Appreciation Event Host Prime Time to demonstrate appreciation to Chamber members for their involvement and commitment to the Longview Chamber.

Educational Series ⚙ Coordinate and host four business development training opportunities.

Business After Hours

⚙ Technology Series that addresses building a Social Media Strategy. ⚙ Women’s leadership development programs.

Business After Hours Organize and facilitate eight networking opportunities for Chamber members and prospective members.

Texas Hospitality Organize and facilitate three hospitality training sessions targeting front line employees.

Hospitality Training Trip

Member2Member Coordinate and host monthly new member orientations.




Brad Tidwell

Jill Bayless

Chairman Citizens National Bank

Vice Chairman Longview Regional Medical Center

Dr. Dale Lunsford

Brett Lindig

Immediate Past Chairman of the Board LeTourneau University

Vice Chairman SYSCO Food Services of East Texas, LLC

Jeremy DuMond

Tim Vaughn

Chairman Elect of the Board U.S. Steel Tubular Products

Vice Chairman TVaughn Builders LLC

David McWhorter

Kelly Hall

Chairman of Finance Gans & Smith Insurance Company

President Longview Chamber of Commerce




Jim Barron

Kara Bolster

Pat Britton







Eastman Chemical Company

Hayes RV Center

Keith Honey

John Ray

Shelby Snell

Darwin Winfield





AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company

Lively Cadillac GMC

Oleum Operating Company

Atmos Energy

Mayor Jay Dean

Lester Lucy

Judge Bill Stoudt

Appointed Director

Appointed Director

Appointed Director

City of Longview

Longview Economic Development Corporation

Gregg County

David Hayes




Kelly Hall

Elaine Reynolds

Lisa Null

Margie Harris


Vice President, Special Event Operations

Membership Services Coordinator

Tourism Services Manager

903-237-4004 president@longviewtx.com

903-237-4040 downtown@longviewtx.com

903-237-4013 membership@longviewtx.com

903-753-3281 Ext. 216 info@longviewtx.com

Paul Anderson

Mary Whitton

Melissa Saunders

Carrie Fisher

Senior Vice President, Director of Communications

Community Development Director

Business Development & Special Events Director

Director of First Impressions

903-237-4041 media@longviewtx.com

903-237-4003 programs@longviewtx.com

903-237-4023 promotions@longviewtx.com

903-237-4000 info1@longviewtx.com

Leska Parker

Diana Northcutt

Amanda Myers

Kayla Cantey

Chief Operating Officer

Retail Development Coordinator

Special Events Assistant

Convention Meetings and Main Street Manager

903-237-4010 bmanager@longviewtx.com

903-237-4029 development@longviewtx.com

903-753-3281, ext. 216 assistant@longviewtx.com

903-753-3281 ext. 216 meetings@longviewtx.com

The Chamber Twitters and Other Social Networking The Chamber of Commerce continues to


embrace technology to remain relevant to

Fan Pages

Chamber members, community leaders,

Longview Chamber of Commerce Main Street Convention & Visitors Bureau

and volunteers. In addition to regularly updating the website, the Chamber is also engaged in the social media networking sites Facebook, Word Press, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

LinkedIn The Longview Chamber of Commerce 100 Acres of Heritage Main Street

Twitter www.twitter.com/LongviewChamber






WORDPRESS www.businessinlongview.com

410 N. Center St. • Longview, TX 75601 903-237-4000 • Fax 903-237-4049 www.longviewchamber.com

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