Leading Businesses. Leading Communities.™
J O I N I N O U R E F F O R T S T O L E A D L O N G V I E W.
“No community will ever be much better than its business community causes it to be.� – former President Ronald Reagan
W h at d o e s t h e C h a m ber Do? Strengthen Promote Provide the local economy by researching and providing available resources to grow our local businesses.
the community by marketing Longview as a destination for new businesses, tourists, active older adults, and potential employees.
networking opportunities by organizing and hosting a myriad of seminars, events, and programs for our Chamber members.
the interests of business with government by building relationships with governmental agencies and effectively voicing the needs of area businesses.
community-wide leadership by encouraging and developing a shared vision for the future of Longview and collectively influencing stakeholders to make it happen.
Dear Chamber Members:
To be recognized as an effective
2013 was another year packed with many challenges and opportunities for the Longview Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber and its professional and volunteer leadership has tried to keep in mind that we exist and thrive as an organization only because of our many members and supporters. You are our business and we take that fact very seriously. We are about helping with the business of business because that is what you expect and need from us.
resource, providing relevant, innovative, and impactful programming that ensures a healthy business climate and an enhanced quality of life for Longview and Gregg County.
Our Mission To engage in and promote projects with a positive economic impact on the Longview Trade Area.
Our Core Values and Guiding Principles Strengthen the Local Economy Promote the Community Provide Networking Opportunities Represent the Interests of Business with Government Build Community Leadership and Development Programs
Our Brand Promise Longview offers an authentic East Texas experience for visitors, residents, and business. The people are friendly, possess a can-do attitude, and are hard working. Our healthy economic environment attracts businesses: job opportunities, strong/affordable workforce, retail, dining and manufacturing.
I would like to share with you just a few accomplishments of your Chamber during the past year: • The Longview Chamber of Commerce actively supported the City of Longview’s successful I-20 Task Force that was chaired by our Chamber Immediate Past Chairman, Dr. Dale Lunsford. • Completed our third annual Total Resource Campaign and under the leadership of Jeremy DuMond exceeded not only our campaign goals for 2013, but also the levels we reached in 2012. • Led our 2nd annual InterCity Visit to Fort Collins, Colorado. • Rolled out the Longview Business Political Action Committee (LBPAC). • Continued our efforts to support the expanded use of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) in our area by securing a CNG fueling station for our members and area businesses with transportation fleets. • Completed a new Strategic Plan for the Chamber that will guide our efforts for the coming year. • Continued our ongoing effort to support and provided over 300 online courses through Chamber University. • Opened a satellite entrepreneurial center equipped with wireless internet, smart board, and laptop capabilities. • Launched the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!). These are only a few of the key initiatives undertaken by your Chamber in support of our community and our members. At the Longview Chamber, we understand that the quality of a community rests upon the existence of a healthy economy. We also understand that while we may lead some initiatives, often our greatest value is behind the scenes, supporting our many community and area partners such as the City of Longview, Gregg County, LEDCO and many others. Our goal is not to take credit for the successes of our area, but to celebrate those successes and further support their sustainment. We are blessed to live in a city and region that does not take its successes for granted and understands that they are only sustained and enhanced by teamwork and a lot of hard work. It has been an honor and a pleasure for me to play a very small role in the efforts of the Chamber in 2013. I have been fortunate to work with an outstanding Board and Staff and look forward to what we can all do together in 2014 and well beyond.
Brad Tidwell
Embracing Excellence M AJOR HI G H L I G H T S A N D A C C O MP LIS H MEN TS O F 2 0 1 3 W E ’VE BE E N BU S Y ! • Represented over 1,100 businesses
• Worked alongside roughly 48,000 employees
• Organized nearly 137 business, professional and advocacy events
January President Kelly Hall hosted monthly President’s Coffees to inform and educate chamber members of the changes in the healthcare act. The Chamber BUZZ e-newsletter received a new look which focuses on more news while continuing to maintain the purpose of announcing upcoming Chamber events.
February The Longview Chamber of Commerce’s virtual town
professionals from around the world.
June The Longview Chamber of Commerce was awarded the opportunity to begin a new initiative – Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!). The Longview Convention and Visitors Bureau hosted Hospitality training. Longview Main Street awarded a façade grant to Longview World of Wonders.
July The Longview Convention and Visitors Bureau conducted an Economic Impact Analysis for the Great Texas Balloon Race event.
August The 2013 Total Resource Campaign kicked off and set a campaign goal of $400,000 and exceeded that goal by $40,000.
hall, LongviewTexasListens.com, was launched. The convention sales team
A business advocacy luncheon was hosted by the Advocacy Task Force with
partnered with the North East Texas Tourism Council at the 2013 Home &
keynote speaker Congressman Louie Gohmert providing a federal update.
Garden Show in Katy, Texas and Fort Worth, Texas. The East Texas Coalition participated in its bi-annual trip to Austin with approximately
September The Longview Chamber of Commerce hosted
50 participating with 125 collectively participating.
the annual State of the City luncheon with over 250 in attendance. The
March The Chamber hosted its fourth annual Salute to
more about AEP/SWEPCO’s grant to upgrade lighting fixtures to be more
President’s Coffee monthly program targeted small businesses to learn
Healthcare to recognize outstanding professionals in Longview’s health
energy efficient. The Advocacy Committee hosted a retailers roundtable with
care industry. A resolution passed to encourage the expansion of Medicaid
guest speaker Luke LeGate to discuss the Marketing Fairness Act. Chamber
in the State of Texas and was supported by several healthcare facilities:
staff, along with the retail development team, attended the 2013 Retail
Good Shepherd Medical Center, Longview Regional Medical Center, Wellness
Live! event in Austin. The 2013 PAR Busters golf tournament was held with
Pointe, Community Healthcare, and Oceans Behavioral Hospital.
over 43 teams participating.
April The Longview Convention and Visitors Bureau selected its
October The Advocacy Task Force hosted a advocacy meeting
first Hospitality Employee of the Year with nominations coming from the
featuring Steve Minick with the Texas Association of Business. The CVB
Longview community. The CVB hosted a luncheon for members of the
team attended the 2013 Texas State Travel Summit. The conference is
Longview Hospitality and Tourism Association. Downtown LIVE! was
the only statewide event in Texas for the entire Texas travel and tourism
held each Friday.
industry to network with other industry leaders. Staff, with the convention
May The Longview Chamber of Commerce launched the Longview
conference. They showcased Longview as a destination community for
E-Learning Center, a part of the Chamber University network. The Longview E-Learning Center provides courses in current and vital subjects. The Chamber’s annual Small Business Awards luncheon was celebrated with over 425 business and community leaders. The 2012-2013 Leadership Longview class graduated and received recognition and awards. Business EXPO 2013 was held following the luncheon and provided local businesses an opportunity to meet other businesses and promote services and products with over 80 exhibitors and 500 attendees. Chamber and Main Street staff attended the 2013 National Main Street Conference in New Orleans.
provides the opportunity to network and make deals with retail real estate
sales team, traveled to South Dakota for the Small Market Meetings small meetings and conferences.
November Longview Main Street hosted the first Color Up 5K run in November with over 1800 runners. Proceeds from the race benefited Longview Main Street. Business Briefs was launched as a new on-line feature produced by Longview Chamber of Commerce exclusively for Chamber members in the weekly e-newsletter, The Chamber BUZZ. The 2013 Fall Leadership Institute was held and featured Houston attorney Elizabeth Campbell with the law firm Andrews Kurth.
AlleyFest 2013 took place with changes being made and more than 75
December The Chamber’s second annual Emerging
vendors and a new layout for the annual festival. The Chamber staff, with
Leaders Awards luncheon was hosted at Pinecrest Country Club. Three
the retail commercial team, participated in the ICSC RECon in Las Vegas.
professionals under 40 years of age were recognized for their outstanding
RECon is the global convention for the shopping center industry and
accomplishments and strong leadership skills.
M E E T I N G TH E N E E DS OF OU R M E M B E R S Improved Communications and Access to Information Website & Social Media • 69,546 unique visitors to Longview Chamber website - 94,904 visits to the site were made - 71.93% were new visitors - 301,780 pages were viewed on LongviewChamber.com - 3.18 average number of pages visited • The Longview Chamber managed more than 10 Facebook Pages during 2013. The pages together make a community of 18,892 fans which is made up of many that “Like” several of our pages. Total unique fans are not distinguishable. • The Chamber LinkedIn Group has increased membership in 2013 from 583 to 731 participating in the group. • LongviewTexasListens.com has posted 23 topics or questions for discussion. Participation has reached 160 with 141 active. The participants have made 1642 visits offering 101 ideas and 109 comments. • The Chamber continues its efforts to engage members and the community through their websites, social media platforms, electronic newsletters, and email communication. These social media outlets allow the Chamber to remain on the cutting edge of digital communications. • Social media sites LongviewVotes.com, LongviewTexasListens.com and Chamber University are additional examples of using electronic channels to reach out to our members and the community. The Chamber continues its commitment to the printed word to keep its membership informed, educated and in the forefront of important issues and events that affect their business world on daily basis.
Business Education • 60 people have registered with the Longview e-Learning Center’s Chamber University. Powered by Global Classroom, Chamber University offers top level training and professional development classes on-line that can be accessed at a student’s convenience and on their schedule.
Electronic Communication • 52 issues of The Chamber BUZZ delivered as electronic newsletters to Chamber members. • Three additional e-newsletters are published quarterly by the Chamber: The CVB LongView, Main Street News, and The Leader.
Influence and Access at a New High: Your Voice for Business • Kelly Hall was elected to the American Chamber of Commerce Executives Board of Directors. She also represents Longview by serving on the U.S. Chamber’s Committee of 100, Transportation/Infrastructure
Committee as well as the Texas Association of Business Board and the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives Board. • Chamber Board member Tim Vaughn serves on the Texas Association of Business. • Chamber Board Jeremy DuMond serves on the Texas Association of Manufacturing board of directors. • Chamber Board member Tim Vaughn serves on the Texas Regional Mobility Authority. • Chamber member Richard Manley serves on the U.S. Chamber’s Small Business Committee. • Immediate Past Chairman of the Board Dr. Dale Lunsford serves on the board of the Independent Colleges & Universities of Texas, East Texas Communities Foundation and is a trustee on the Board of Trustees for LeTourneau University. • Chamber Board Member Keith Honey serves on the Texas State Technical College Board of Regents and the Northeast Texas Regional Mobility Authority Board. The Longview Chamber of Commerce provides the avenue to access local, state and national leadership through its annual State of the City address, Elected Officials Reception, Candidate’s Forum, Gregg County Days in Austin, and the Washington D.C. Fly In.
Business Education Boosts Bottom Line • 18 trainings • 308 participants (CS, GB, Women’s Leadership/Tech) • 8 Member2Member orientation sessions. • 5 Customer Service • 4 Business Development Programs • 5 Technology Series Workshops • 4 Women’s Leadership Council Programs Since 2005, the Business Education Series has provided more than 1,200 business people with valuable insight, education and tools of the trade to help their business increase productivity and profits. In 2013 some of the most popular seminars were in the areas of customer service and social media. The Business Education Series expanded in 2013 with the addition of technology webinars as well as women’s leadership series. The Longview Convention and Visitors Bureau Hospitality Training expanded from two to three hands-on tours highlighting great places to visit in the Longview area. The Chamber is committed to providing Chamber members with up-to-date and cutting edge information that will help them boost their bottom lines.
Business Advocacy • Longview Business Political Action Committee was formed. • Participated in 2013 Inter City visit to Fort Collins, Colorado. • LongviewVotes.com is on online advocacy tool that provides members the opportunity to view legislation the Chamber is tracking on their behalf and send direct messages to their elected representatives to influence policy and legislation.
• Chamber staff and Chamber volunteers attended the U.S. Chamber Regional Governmental Conferences. • The Chamber hosted its annual Elected Officials Reception. • The East Texas Coalition (Longview, Kilgore, Gladewater and Tyler) continues to serve as a collective voice in Austin with over 100 local leaders representing Longview. • The annual Washington , D.C. Fly In serves as a collective voice in Washington with over 50 leaders representing Longview. • The Chamber’s President serves on the U.S. Chamber’s Committee of 100 as a representative of our area and state providing a local voice in national policy setting.
Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) In 2013 the Longview Chamber of Commerce launched the Young Entrepreneurs Academy, or YEA!, an innovative program that guides students through the process of starting their own real business. This year-long class transforms students into real, confident entrepreneurs. The Longview Chamber of Commerce’s inaugural year with YEA! is off to an exciting start. The YEA! program is for middle school and high school students attending Longview ISD, Pine Tree ISD, Spring Hill ISD, Longview homeschooled students and students attending Longview private schools. This year nine students began their journey to becoming CEO of their own business.
This groundbreaking program enables students to start and launch a real business or social movement over the course of the academic year. Throughout the class, students develop business ideas, write business plans, conduct market research, pitch their plans to a panel of investors, and actually launch and run their own real, legal, fully formed companies and social movements. Complete with dynamic guest speakers from the local business community and exciting behind-the-scenes trips to local companies, the fun, projects-based YEA! approach empowers students to take charge of their futures in a profound way.
Community Development MAIN STREET/DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT One Hundred Acres of Heritage Main Street continues its efforts as a strong advocate for progress and beautification in downtown Longview. In 2013, new directional signs were installed which direct motorists to downtown Heritage Plaza, Lear Park and other destinations. This is the first step of a master plan to add wayfinding signage throughout Longview. Additionally, successes include awarding a $40,000 façade grant to the Gregg County Historical Museum.
Longview Main Street Christmas at the Courthouse continued as a fun-filled event for the whole family and partnered with Gregg County to present one exciting weekend of holiday fun for kids of all ages. Longview Main Street with the Longview AMBUCS produced the annual Christmas parade. Downtown LIVE! and MOVIES ON THE PLAZA continued to draw crowds to Heritage Plaza.
Community Diversity/DISC The Longview Chamber of Commerce continued its efforts this year as a community advocate by offering Diversity in the Workplace at the 2013 Fall Leadership Institute as well as a workshop on Understanding Behavioral Styles (DiSC). Both of these important workshops concentrated on the change in our multi-generational workplaces. “One of the most interesting components of the program is the actual behind the scenes knowledge the students are given from local business leaders, who were at one time standing in their shoes. The experience is something they will be able to apply to whatever field they choose to enter, thereby giving them the necessary skills to become future leaders of industry,” explains Kelly Hall, President of the Longview Chamber of Commerce. YEA!’s mission is to develop and deliver exciting, experience-based entrepreneurship programs to young people to enable them to transform their ideas into real enterprises that create economic and social value for a better world, develop character for tomorrow’s leaders, and enable educational institutions to provide successful entrepreneurship and social innovation training programs for youth between the ages of 11 and 18.
CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU CVB Goes on the Road to Market Longview • Katy Home Show and the Fort Worth Home and Garden Show to promote Longview as part of the North East Texas Tourism Council. • Marketed Longview in partnership with Team Texas in the American Bus Association Conference - Charlotte, NC; National Travel Association - Orlando, FL; AARP Convention - Las Vegas, NV; and AARP Convention - Atlanta, GA. • Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta - Albuquerque, NM. • Produced a new Visitor Guide which offers more photos and focuses on the activities a person can enjoy while staying in Longview.
• Worked the Texas Historical Commission booth at the Texas State Fair to promote Longview. • Attended the Dallas Travel and Adventure Show November 2 & 3.
Bringing Tourism Awareness at Home • Hosted three Real East Texas Friendly Hospitality Training Tours. • Participated in the Texas Forest Trail Photo Contest by providing a $250 prize for the best “Real Longview” photo. Photo entries can be used by the CVB in advertising to promote Longview. • Conducted a contest on Facebook for National Tourism Week with a Yeti™ Travel Package giveaway to generate more likes for the CVB Facebook page. The weekly total reach increased to 297,189 people. • Worked at the Texas Travel Information Centers in Waskom and Texarkana to promote Longview during National Travel & Tourism Week. • Started an annual promotion for National Tourism Week, Hospitality Employee of the Year Award to recognize someone who has given exemplary service in the hotel, restaurant or travel industry. The person with the most nominations, Devon Churchill with Stebbins Aviation, received a $100 gift card and a custom State of Texas award made of Capital Limestone. This Hospitality Employee of the Year was honored at a luncheon on Wednesday, May 8, at Maude Cobb Activity Center. The CVB hosted the luncheon for members of the Longview Hospitality and Tourism Association.
activities that your area has to offer. Our staff treated the group to a “Real East Texas Experience.” • Worked with the City of Longview on securing a full-service Conference Center Hotel to help draw small market meetings and conferences to Longview. • The CVB serviced 33 groups with 3,140 welcome bags, nametags, welcome signs and other services which resulted in 1,351 hotel room nights. Mailed out 9,541 Visitor Guides and shipped 25,941 pieces of Longview literature to Texas Travel Information Centers. • Advertised in numerous issues of Texas Highways, Southern Traveler, Texas Events Calendar, Tour Texas website, Trip Advisor website, Ride Texas and City Magazine. We also placed ads in the Texas State Travel Guide, NETTC Events Guide and Map, D Magazine, Texas Sports Facility Guide, Texas Meetings and Events, Texas Forest Trail – Spring & Summer Events, and the See Texas First insert for Spring & Fall. Distributed our Visitor Guides to 260 locations from Monroe, LA to Dallas, TX with Certified Folder.
Leadership Longview Identification and Development Developing leaders continues to be a core value of the organization. This is accomplished through the Chamber’s rigorous Leadership Longview program (est. 1981). Graduates can continue their leadership development by participating in the Leadership Longview Alumni Network.
Leadership Institute
• Conducted an Economic Impact Study on the Great Texas Balloon Race to determine the economic impact of the event on the local economy. The total impact was over $885,000 with an estimated 11.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs created.
Bringing Tourism Business to Longview • Hosted the TTIA Group Study Tour on October 8. Attending were the state’s 12 Texas Travel Information centers, AAA Travel Counselors and Texas Highways Magazine. The tours are designed to give the counselors first-hand knowledge of the tourist facilities and
The Longview Chamber of Commerce launched its first Leadership Institute in 2013. Because our organization believes that leadership development is key to growth, not only of our Chamber, but of our community as a whole, this important institute was established to provide ongoing training in the area of leadership development for our emerging leaders.
Membership Luncheons: Celebrating Our Business Leaders and Entrepreneurship The Longview Chamber of Commerce recognized outstanding leadership at each of our four membership luncheons in 2013: Salute to Healthcare, State of the City, Emerging Leaders and Small Business Awards Luncheon. From healthcare to future leaders to recognizing current leaders, the Chamber is proud to support and recognize the contributions of both individuals and Chamber members.
20 1 3 AWA R D S
Manufacturer of the Year
Entrepreneur of the Year
Dr. Sam Mack Lifetime Achievement Award
U.S. Steel Tubular Products Lone Star Tubular Operations
Jim King Photography
Dr. Byron “Biff” Cook • Dr. Julia Van Burkleo (posthumously)
Chairman’s Award
Minority Small Business Champion of the Year
Health Care Volunteers of the Year
Gerard Cace (posthumously)
East Texas Review
Jean & Clarence Norton
Ambassador of the Year
Family-Owned Business of the Year
Emerging Leaders
Troy Neuman
Special Events & Tent Rental
Kristen Ishihara
Large Business of the Year
Tourism Partner of the Year
Emerging Leaders
Citizens National Bank
Eli Logan
Stephanie Wolford
Small Business of the Year
Health Care Professional
Emerging Leaders
Baxter Clean Care
Dr. James Woodson
Melanie Northcutt Crocker
2013 PROGRESS REPORT ON KEY STRATEGIC ISSUES Membership Development • The Chamber sustained ongoing, consistent membership recruitment year-round and added 135 new members in 2013; conducted 53 ribbon cuttings; and hosted four membership luncheons: Salute to Healthcare, Small Business Awards and Leadership Longview Graduation, State of the city and Emerging Leaders Luncheon, as well as two Business Advocacy Luncheons.
• The Chamber continued to enhance the Longview Progress Report and The Chamber BUZZ and other member communications through utilization of technology and online capabilities through its new website. These communication tools create broader awareness of the Chamber’s goals and results, increase participation in programs, and add value to the membership. • The Chamber continued to publish the annual Chamber Resource Guide & Directory with Uniquely Longview, as well as maintaining an effective membership-based website.
Business Development • Continued the Retail Commercial Contract with Longview Economic Development Corporation. • Continued to assist existing businesses by providing connections to resources that will help them in a challenging economic environment. • Coordinated and hosted the largest Business EXPO in East Texas and recognized our member businesses in the following categories: Small Business of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Minority Business of the Year, Family-Owned Business of the Year, and Tourism Partner of the Year.
Community Development • Hosted the annual Leadership Longview program. • Continued to increase participation and support of the Leadership Longview Alumni Network. • Conducted an Inter City Visit.
Retail Development • Eighty-six retail/commercial marketing packages were distributed and 22 site visits were made in 2013. • Maintained The Business Chronicles blog to showcase local small business owners on a weekly basis with an emphasis of I Shop Longview.
• Maintained web page on longviewchamber.com specifically for commercial/retail development. • Conducted community retail survey. • Coordinated with the City of Longview Geographic Department to update all aerial maps. • Attended ICSC Texas Deal Real Estate Conferences (RECon in Las Vegas and Texas Deal Making in Dallas, Retail Live! in Austin) to attract retail development to Longview. • Developed new marketing ad to promote Longview in the TEXAS REAL ESTATE BUSINESS magazine and weekly e-newsletter. • Conducted District 1 and 2 tours with Longview City Council members. • Participated in Small Business Saturday Promotion.
Business Advocacy 2013 Chamber Advocacy and Policy Results • Updated the public policies and formed the 2013 legislative agenda. • LongviewVotes.com is an online advocacy tool that provides members the opportunity to view legislation the Chamber is tracking on their behalf and send direct messages to their elected representatives to influence policy and legislation. Nearly 150 direct messages were sent to elected officials by Chamber members. • Chamber staff and Chamber volunteers attended the U.S. Chamber Regional Governmental Conferences.
• The Chamber reformatted and hosted Blues & BBQ, the annual Elected Officials Reception. • The East Texas Coalition (Longview, Kilgore, Gladewater and Tyler) continues to serve as a collective voice in Austin with over 125 local leaders representing East Texas. • The bi-annual East Texas Coalition trip to Austin serves as a collective voice to State elected officials with over 60 leaders representing Longview. • Facilitated discussion and workshops on CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)/LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) and conducted CNG/LNG Survey to determine level of interest from those businesses who own fleets. • The Chamber’s President now serves on the U.S. Chamber’s Committee of 100 as a representative of our area and state providing a local voice in national policy setting.
• Formed the Longview Business Political Action Committee. • Equipped the Satellite Entrepreneur Center. • Launched the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!). • Launched Longview Learning Center. • Hosted an exploration Inter City Visit to Fort Collins. • Produced the second Emerging Leaders Recognition Awards Luncheon. • Designed and launched www.longviewtexaslistens.com. • Worked with energy specialist to bring 3 new CNG fueling stations to Longview.
BUSINESS ADVOCACY PARTNERSHIP: HIGHWAY DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE The Improved Highway Directional Signage initiative was completed in 2013. This partnership between the Longview Chamber of Commerce, Gregg County, NETRMA and TxDOT resulted in better signage on I-20 and TX Hwy 149. These exits are more clearly identified and provide better directional signage to downtown Longview and air/rail facilities, and improves Longview’s visibility.
“I am proud of Longview and am proud of what it represents. It’s a great place to live, work and raise a family. This directional signage initiative will help make Longview more visible to leisure and business travelers.” – Dave Spurrier
Award s & R e cog n i t ions Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – Kelly Hall, 2013 Chamber Executive of the Year Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 1st Place, Website Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 1st Place, Directory/Magazine/Community Guilde Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place, Brochures Completed the Texas Friendly Hospitality Program – Margie Harris Completed the Texas Friendly Hospitality Instructor Training Program – Margie Harris Locals Love Us-2013-2014 – Best Festival Texas Festival and Events Association – Best Hat
The Chamber Twitters and Other Social Networking The Chamber of Commerce continues to embrace technology to remain relevant to Chamber members, community leaders, and volunteers. In addition to regularly updating the website, the Chamber is also engaged in the social media networking sites Facebook, Word Press, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
Staying Connected
Texas Festival and Events Association – Best Social Media - East Texas Outdoor Expo Texas Festival and Events Association – Best Event Invitation National Main Street City 2013, 2012, 2011 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place, Brochure 2012
LinkedIn The Longview Chamber of Commerce 100 Acres of Heritage Main Street
Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place, Map 2012 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place, Magazine Directory 2012 Texas Festival & Events Association – 1st Place, Marketing Awards - Outdoor EXPO 2012 Texas Festival & Events Association – 1st Place, Marketing Awards - AlleyFest 2012
Facebook Fan Pages Longview Chamber of Commerce Main Street Convention & Visitors Bureau
American Chamber of Commerce Executives – 12th Place in Membership Sales 2012 5 Star Accreditation – U.S. Chamber of Commerce 2011 American Chamber of Commerce Executives – Chamber of the Year Finalist 2011 American Chamber of Commerce Executives – 9th Place in Membership Sales 2011 Texas Festival & Events Association – Best Single Newspaper Display Ad 2011
Twitter www.twitter.com/LongviewChamber www.twitter.com/longviewtexas www.twitter.com/visitlongviewtx www.twitter.com/Longview_MainSt
Texas Festival & Events Association – Best Printed Materials 2011 Texas Festival & Events Association – Best Outdoor Billboard 2011 Texas Festival & Events Association – Best Hat 2011
YouTube www.youtube.com/LongviewPartnership www.youtube.com/RealEastTexas
Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 1st Place, Newsletter 2011 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 2nd Place, Social Media 2011 Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives – 3rd Place, Website 2011
WORD PRESS www.businessinlongview.com
410 N. Center St. • Longview, TX 75601 • 903.237.4000 • Fax 903.237.4049 www.longviewchamber.com