Since 1879, Buckner International has existed to shine hope into the world’s darkest places. Focusing on prevention and permanency, we bring redemptive transformation to the lives of the most vulnerable, from the beginning to the ending of life. In Longview, we protect children through foster care and adoption, strengthen families through programs like the Family Hope Center and Family Pathways, and serve seniors through Buckner Westminster Place.
Discover ways you can shine hope at
(903) 757-9383
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Every Child Has Access Today, schools are faced with a plethora of challenges from making sure students are fed when they are not on campus, to health and safety concerns, to kids having kids. Creating an environment for students to be successful begins by discovering, understanding, and knowing their critical needs. Based on those critical needs, it then involves determining pathways that ensure students have the skills necessary to succeed. To solve this complex situation will require convening key stakeholders, creating strategies, leveraging resources, and activating the community. In short, it calls for a multi-pronged approach with various partners. True transformation in our education system begins with understanding, and understanding comes from knowing the needs of our student population. The Longview Chamber of Commerce has created an initiative – Every Child Has Access – to convene partnerships which can meet those individually identified needs. Every Child Has Access is a collective impact project that will address the overall well-being of students during non-school hours in an effort to create a continuous environment conducive to learning and health.
Table of Contents
..................... 3
.. 4
................ Pre-K - Kindergarten....
.................... 7
... 8
................ Middle School.....................
....... 10
............ High School.........................
ar t........... 12 Community Resource Ch ................... Resource Directory..........
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Pre-K - Kindergarten Children at the ages of three or four can attend a preschool program. Preschool programs are not day care
Every Child Has Access Resource Guide 4
or babysitting. Quality preschool programs focus on teaching early literacy and mathematics, providing opportunities for children to acquire oral language skills and learn to socialize and get along with others. Preschool provides a strong foundation for success in kindergarten and beyond.
s s e c c u S r o Keys f
s a g in d a e r is t n e d u st e 1. Make sure th many books as possible. atics m e th a m c si a b o d n a c 2. Student g). (adding and subtractin legibly. e it r w to le b a e b ld u o 3. Student sh r simple e sw n a to le b a e b ld u o 4. Student sh uestions q d e d n -e n e p o d n a s n o “yes/no” questi today?”. o d u o y id d t a h “W s, a such Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world. Malala Yousafzai
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. John Dewey
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Elementary It is important to know that each grade level has a specific curriculum that aligns with and Skills (TEKS). In other words, each child should have a minimum academic knowledge in reading/language arts, science, mathematics, and history-social science, regardless of the school they attend. For example, in mathematics, children in third grade need to develop an understanding of multiplication and division, including strategies for multiplication and division within 100. In reading/language arts, fifth graders are expected to quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
s s e c c u S r o f Keys
ills. sk t n e m e g a n a m e m ti n o t 1. Work with the studen aintain m d n a t r a st to le b a e b 2. The student should a par tner. conversations with tly on n e d n e p e d in rk o w t n e d 3. Tr y to let the stu parents should be there for homework, but also, gement. confidence and encoura s and m le b ro p ss cu is d to t n e d 4. Encourage the stu teacher. solutions with their
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Every Child Has Access Resource Guide
the Texas Essential Knowledge
Middle School Welcome to the early adolescence stage. This developmental age is particularly difficult, and children at
Every Child Has Access Resource Guide 8
this age require as much attention from adults as during elementary school years. Early adolescents experience physical and emotional changes, and some of them may show more interest in social interaction than their studies in school. There is peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors. At this age, it is common for them to become distant from their parents. It is critical for parents to remain supportive, continue to build a close relationship, and communicate effectively with their children. Additionally, parents should monitor students’ social media use. Adolescents have the tendency to spend too much time “plugged in.�
Keys for Success
lead 1. Keep a consistent schedule. Routines and structure to student success. 2. Get involved in organizations/activities that are educational and/or social nt is 3. Meet with a counselor to make sure the studefor high prepared for high school. Prepare the student lit expectations, some independence, and responsibi y. 4. Develop strong study habits Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
High School Most young people enter high school between 14 and 15 years of age. To ensure they graduate with a
Every Child Has Access Resource Guide
high school diploma, students must complete grades 9-12 and pass all required testing (may differ between locations). Each district has specific graduation requirements including mastery of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). It is important for you to know which classes and the number of credits the student must complete to meet such requirements. There are specific courses each student must take. They will have the opportunity to take other classes that will also apply toward their graduation credits. Parents should be aware of the differences between these types of classes because courses taken can be a key factor when young people apply to a college or university.
Keys for Success
9th Grade -
es/ iti tiv ac in ed lv vo in get to nt de stu e ag ur co 1. En organizations. epare 2. Student should build their study habits to pr them for the more challenging courses. t courses en em ac Pl ed nc va Ad t ou ab lor se un co a to k ea 3. Sp that are available and enrollment eligibility. des. ogress and gra
pr a. Parents should meet with teachers to check
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Continued on Page 11
10th Grade -
selor during 1. Ever y student should meet with their coarune on track to their sophomore year to make sure they be college graduate and have the courses they need to and/or career-ready. e the PSAT/SAT a. Begin discussing if your child is ready to tak and/or ACT.
11th Grade -
ired classes to qu re eir th ng ki ta is nt de stu e th at th re su En 1. ch as Dual graduate. They can also start taking classes su Credit to prepare them for college. cial aid,
as finan a. Contact colleges to request information such ations for admission. admission requirements, deadlines, and applic
Every Child Has Access Resource Guide
Keys for Success
12th Grade -
ing! Their 1. The student’s grades count toward ever yth ty they will rsi ve ni /u ge lle co at wh e in m er det n ca ress og pr types of be able to attend. It can also play a part in the scholarships they receive. lege credits. ard their col
a. Taking advanced courses may/will count tow
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence. Abigail Adams
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
YES, I CAN! School of Choice Program
Beginning with the 2019-2020 academic school year, Longview Independent School District is making available several new and exciting educational options for its diverse student body through the “Yes, I Can – School of Choice� program. This program is designed to eliminate previous location barriers and allow parents and students to pick their school based on educational and career aspirations.
Now, it’s your turn to learn more:
Visit or call 903-381-2200 Paid for by MSAP grant funds.
ENRICHING MINDS AND LIVES WITH TRAINED VOLUNTEERS SINCE 1940 The Junior League of Longview, Inc. is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.
1109 N. Fourth Street • Longview, Texas 75601 • 903 - 753 - 3060
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
LeTourn eau Un iversity * Longvie w C om munity Ministrie s, Inc.* Longvie w Drea m Cente r* Longvie w ISD*
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With the help of the community resource table, parents, students, and educators are able to locate different organizations that can assist with their particular needs.
You Are Not Alone!
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Community Resources
Abuse ADD/ADHD Advocacy After-school Program Camps Child Care Child/Youth Services Clothing/Donations Counseling Deaf Services Dental Care Disabled Persons Dual Credit Education Family Care Fitness Training Food/Meals GED Classes Group/Foster Home Healthcare/Education Job Training Mental Health Services Mentoring Occupational Therapy Recreation Rehabilitation Religious Service Scholarships School Supplies Shelter Special Education Teen Connection Program Transportation Tutoring WIC Women’s Health Services
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Every Child Has Access Resource Guide
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
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Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
6 $4.16M
Now Accepting New Patients
A FTCA Deemed Facility
PEDIATRICS 903.212.7110 WOMEN'S HEALTH 903.212.7170 Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: 9am-1pm
402 N. Seventh St | Longview, TX 75601
This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income. This health center is a Health Center Program grantee under 42U.S.C. 254b, and a deemed Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n).
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Resource Directory Arc of Gregg County 601 Boyd Street, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 753-0723
Crisman School 2455 N Eastman Road, Longview, TX 75605 (903) 758-9741
Committed to expanding opportunities for people with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities.
Crisman is a private, nonprofit school designed to meet the needs of students with a diagnosed learning difference, including Dyslexia, Asperger’s, sensory delays, language based delays, ADD, and ADHD.
ArtsView Children’s Theatre 313 W Tyler Street, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 236-7535 Performing arts (creating, producing, and performing). All ages. Fee assistance. “Changing lives through education, outreach, and the performing arts!”
Every Child Has Access Resource Guide
Asbury House Child Enrichment Center 320 S Center Street, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 758-7062
D.O.R.S. Youth Transition Center 1125 Judson Road, Ste. 153, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 803-0100 D.O.R.S. Youth Transition Center is a one-stop shop helping young people ages 15 to 25 who need assistance transitioning out of school and into adult life.
East Texas CASA 1121 Judson Road, Ste. 184, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 753-8093
Nurturing preschool children and their families with God’s love to strengthen our community for generations. Offering a school-ready preschool program and after-school care to children aged three to five on a sliding fee scale. Breakfast, lunch, and snack are provided along with music and gymnastics lessons and a weekly chapel service.
Making a Difference in the Lives of Children – East Texas CASA will create a positive future for abused and neglected children by recruiting and training highly qualified volunteers to ensure the safety, protection, and permanent placement of children.
Behavioral Innovations 701 Glencrest Lane, Longview, TX 75601 (855) 782-7822
East Texas Montessori Prep Academy 400 N Eastman Road, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 803-5900
Committed to translating evidence-based practices for people with autism within a practical and encouraging learning environment. Dedicated to transforming the lives of children, their families, and their community by providing the highest quality of services.
The Montessori Method of education is a child-centered educational approach based on scientific observations of children from birth to adulthood. It is a view of the child as one who is naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a supportive, thoughtfully prepared learning environment. I t is an approach that values the human spirit and the development of the whole child— physical, social, emotional, and cognitive.
Boys & Girls Club of the Big Pines 610 Garfield, Longview, TX 75602 (903) 212-7750 Our mission is to empower the kids of East Texas to BE GREAT.
Brentwood Behavioral Hospital 1006 Highland Avenue, Shreveport, LA 71101 (877) 678-7500 The Children’s and Adolescent’s Treatment Program is designed to provide a safe, nurturing, and therapeutic environment for a child’s special needs. The program is designed for the treatment of children ages 4-17 with severe emotional and/ or behavioral problems, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, impulse control disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. Certified Teachers on staff for classroom time. Accepts pregnant patients with clearance from their provider and autistic children able to benefit from group therapy on a case by case basis. Texas Medicaid accepted.
Buckner Children & Family Services 1014 S High Street, Longview, TX 75602 (903) 757-9383 Provides services such as foster care & adoption, retirement services, family hope centers, and family pathways, and Summer feeding and Parents as teachers programs. Buckner Family Pathways programs are designed to help single parents strengthen their families and reduce barriers to self-sufficiency such as lack of education and life skills. We protect single parents by providing housing, access to child care assistance, and a variety of other services. Buckner Family Pathways programs protect families from domestic abuse, financial uncertainty, homelessness, and hopelessness. (
Expectant Heart Pregnancy Resource Center 2440 S High Street, Longview, TX 75602 (903) 931-3124 EHeart is a faith-based 501(c)3, that empowers families to choose life for their unborn child, and make positive life changes that will support their choice. The vision for EHeart is to be a place where both parents come to receive free services during pivotal times in their lives such as pregnancy and early parenting years. Some of our services include pregnancy tests, educational classes, material assistance, and support groups.
Goodwill Industries of East Texas, INC 2451-A W Loop 281, Longview, TX 75604 (903) 593-8438 Philosophy is to serve anyone who needs assistance (i.e., job placement, retail store, work adjustment training).
Greater Longview Organization of Business and Education (GLOBE) P.O. Box 3441, Longview, TX 75606 (903) 753-7878 Promotes excellence in education by building partnerships between families, schools, business, and the community in eleven area school districts. A lso administers the Texas Scholars program locally.
Greater Longview United Way 310 S Fredonia, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 758-0191
Community Healthcore 701 E Marshall Avenue, Ste. 310, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 234-9200
Provides free, confidential information and referrals to current health and h uman service programs available in Gregg County.
Serves thousands of children and adults each year for problems associated with mental health, retardation, and substance abuse issues through special programs devoted to helping people lead lives of dignity and independence. Offers services for veterans, early childhood intervention, and parenting resources.
Gregg County Historical Museum 214 N Fredonia, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 753-5840
Community Outreach Mission 1002 S Martin Luther King Boulevard, Longview, TX 75602 (903) 757-3601
Displays and recreates scenes of the principal forces shaping Gregg County history and its 20th Century significance, presents annual events, education programs, and volunteer opportunities.
Provides a food pantry, clothing, and assists with job search rent assistance for residents of Longview.
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Hiway 80 Rescue Mission 3117 W Marshall Avenue, 75604 (903) 759-8101
Longview Public Library 222 W Cotton, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 237-1350
Our community and youth ministry seeks to serve the homeless and low income in our community that have not come into our shelter.
Summer Reading Program. Different events EVERYDAY for all ages.
Junior Achievement of East Texas 911 NW Loop 281, Ste. 211-16, Longview, TX 75604 (903) 297-2202
Longview Too Ambucs PO Box 331, Longview, TX 75606 (903) 753-3329, (903) 235-4762 A nonprofit organization dedicated to creating mobility for people with disabilities. They organize fundraising activities and scholarship programs, and provide mobility tools to the disabled.
Junior League of Longview 1109 N Fourth Street, Longview, Texas 75601 (903) 757-5740
Longview World of Wonders 112 E Tyler Street, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 212-4969
The Junior League of Longview serves our community through programs that focus on children and youth in poverty. School Supply Train provides free school supplies and uniforms to children in need. Skills for Success partners with Forever Friends to mentor High School girls. Kids in the Kitchen teaches kids and parents how to eat healthier. Read as One promotes literacy within our community. Girl Talk focuses on teaching middle school girls about p ersonal hygiene.
Longview World of Wonders inspires a life-long love of learning by giving children the opportunity to create and explore in a hands-on educational environment.
Kilgore College Kilgore campus: 1100 Broadway Boulevard, Kilgore, TX 75662 Longview campus: 300 S High Street, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 983-8209
Mathnasium of Longview has been offering math tutoring and homework help to students in Longview and the surrounding area since December 2013. At Mathnasium of Longview, we’re committed to helping your child catch up, keep up, and get ahead in math through our year-round and summer math programs! We help kids in grades 2-12 understand math by teaching the way that makes sense to them.
KC is a publicly supported, two-year, comprehensive community college offering postsecondary educational opportunities.
LeTourneau University 2100 S Mobberly Avenue, Longview, TX 75602 (903) 233-3000 The premier Christian polytechnic university in the nation, offering graduate and undergraduate degree programs across a wide range of disciplines and on-ground, online, and hybrid delivery models.
Longview Community Ministries, INC 506 N Second Street, PO Box 1023, Longview, TX 75606 (903) 753-3561 Serves to enable Longview congregations and groups to work together more effectively in the community through cooperative acts of service to assist persons in need regardless of race, religion, or creed. Provides services for Family Center, food, financial, utility, rental, and prescription assistance, dental/medical, special needs, Meals on Wheels, learning lab, and children’s coat donations.
Longview Dream Center 803 Gilmer Road, Longview, TX 75604 (903) 653-1740 Programs include providing basic needs such as hunger relief for citizens and senior citizens, free clothing for ALL, computer training, and simple acts of service to widows, single moms, and special needs clients.
Longview ISD 1301 E Young Street, Longview, TX 75602 (903) 381-2200 The Summer Food Program provides summer breakfast and/or lunch for children between the ages of 1 and 18 at several locations. The Adolescent Pregnancy Program provides transportation, child care, and parenting classes for adolescent parents.
Longview Museum of Fine Arts 215 E Tyler Street, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 753-8103 Provides special programs year-round. Invites visitors of all ages a nd backgrounds to come learn about art.
Mathnasium of Longview 3080 N Eastman Road, #108, Longview, TX 75605 (903) 663-6284
National 4-H Council 405 E Marshall Avenue, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 236-8429 Youth development, mentoring, community leadership, healthy living, as well as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Programs.
Newgate Mission 207 S Mobberly Avenue, Longview, TX 75602 (903) 757-6146 Offers relief and recovery to individuals in disadvantaged circumstances.
Nurse-Family Partnership Parenting Resource Center of East Texas 501 Pine Tree Road, Ste. U-14, Longview, TX 75604 (903) 753-7800 Parenting Resource Center provides parenting classes from teen parents to grandparents. Classes and topics include Family Matters (general parenting), For Kids’ Sake (divorce), and Home Front (family violence). All classes are available in English and Spanish. Must pre-register by phone.
Every Child Has Access Resource Guide
Educates and inspires young people to value free enterprise, business, and economics to improve the quality of their lives.
Parks & Recreation Department 130 E Timpson Street, Longview, TX 75602 (903) 237-1270 The Parks and Recreation Department is committed to providing efficient, q uality recreational opportunities by promoting citizen involvement, preserving resources, programming activities, and improving quality of life.
Partners in Prevention 140 E Tyler Street, Ste. 400, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 237-1019 Partners in Prevention focuses on positive youth development through mentoring, substance abuse prevention, and engaging in community events that help develop leadership skills.
Pine Tree ISD 1701 Pine Tree Road, Longview, TX 75604 (903) 295-5000
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Resource Directory Presbyterian Children’s Homes & Services 301 N Center Street, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 758-5000 Presbyterian Children’s Home & Services provide Christ-centered care and support for children and families in need. We provide in-home services to parents and children who are experiencing a crisis, focusing on helping the family with self-sufficiency. We provide hands-on parenting, life skills, social skills and helping family develop healthy habits and routines. F amilies are linked to needed resources in the community.
Region VII Education Service Center 1909 N Longview Street, Kilgore, TX 75662 (903) 988-6700 Provides educational and family service support to pregnant women and infant/toddlers.
Every Child Has Access Resource Guide
SeeSaw Children’s Place 1601 W Fairmont, Longview, Texas 75604 (903) 759-1726 Provides daycare, childcare after school for working parents, and full days in the summer and holidays; teaches self-reliance. Children ages 18 months-12 years.
Special Health Resources for Texas, Inc. 410 N Fourth Street, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 234-8808
The Martin House: Children Advocacy Center Longview: 606 W Garfield Drive, Ste. D, Longview, TX 75602 Marshall: 2615 E End Boulevard S, Ste. 300, Marshall, TX 75672 (903) 807-0189, (903) 653-1794 The mission is to ensure that every child who is a victim of abuse and comes to our center has an opportunity to be heard, feel protected, and receive services that are vital to his or her continued safety and future well-being.
The Salvation Army 519 E Cotton Street, Longview, TX 75602 (903) 215-8463 Basic Needs, housing, emergency disaster, rehabilitation, spiritual, youth and senior service, correctional services, and combatting human trafficking.
Thrive360 600 W Garfield Street A, Longview, TX 75602 (903) 238-4696 Thrive360 helps teens in self-identity, decision making, and goal setting. We are an additional layer of support for families, churches, and schools.
UT Tyler Longview University Center 3201 N Eastman Road, Longview, TX 75605 (903) 663-8100 UT Tyler is fully-accredited offering junior, senior, and master level courses.
Special Health Resources for Texas provides affordable, comprehensive health care for your whole family at our four East Texas locations. Our services include adult and pediatric primary care, adult and pediatric dental care, women’s health services, immunizations and vaccinations, STD and HIV/AIDS screening and treatment, as well as mental health services and substance abuse treatment.
UT Tyler University Academy at Longview 3201 N Eastman Road, Longview, TX 75605 (903) 663-8219
Spring Hill ISD 3101 Spring Hill Road, Longview, TX 75605 (903) 759-4404
Wellness Pointe 1107 E Marshall Avenue, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 758-2610, (903) 758-2762
As the center of our community, Spring Hill ISD is committed to the fulfillment of each learner’s intellectual, creative and physical potential through the collaborative efforts of exceptional educators, dedicated parents and integrated rigorous instruction provided in a safe environment. Our vision is to be a premier school district focused on engaged learning and student success.
A multi-specialty Federally Qualified Health Center offering Affordable healthcare (as well as WIC), and social services to all area residents, with assistance available for the uninsured and underinsured.
Sylvan Learning – Longview/Mt. Pleasant 913 W Loop 281, Ste. 206, Longview, TX 75604 (903) 297-3300 Starting at age 4½ through adults, Sylvan Learning of Longview and Mt. Pleasant works through students in math, reading, writing, college prep, and homework support. We are here to help your child navigate each step of his or her academic journey. Whether you are looking to catch up, keep up, or get ahead, we are here for you!
Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension Service 405 E Marshall, Ste. 101, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 236-8428 Provides educational classes and individual consultation on family issues, nutrition, resource management, agriculture, horticulture, and youth development.
Texas Health & Human Services 1750 N Eastman Road, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 753-0083 Provide services such as housing, employment, health/medical, legal aid, food stamps, child care/education…etc. Visit to apply for HHS programs.
Texas Special Children’s Project 521 N First Street, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 236-7300
Preparing University Bound Students.
Windridge Therapeutic Equestrian Center of East Texas 593 Windridge Road, Gilmer, TX 75645 (903) 797-2414 Enhances the lives of children and adults who face mental, emotional, or physical disabilities, or debilitating life situations.
Women & Child Health Center of Longview 402 N 7th Street, Longview, TX 75601 (903) 212-7110 The Woman and Child Health Center of Longview is a collaboration between Special Health Resources of Texas (SHRT) and Zeid Women’s Health Center. We provide affordable, quality health care for the whole family under one roof, offering convenient care for patients in Longview and the surrounding East Texas communities. The Woman and Child Health Center of Longview provides patients a full range of OB/GYN and prenatal and post-natal services for women as well as complete pediatric care.
Women’s Center of East Texas, Inc. 1011 Wal Street, #101, Longview, TX 75605 24 Hour Hotline: (903) 295-7526 Main Business: (903) 295-7846 Provides emergency shelter, outreach support, legal support and advocacy, crisis hotline services, information and referrals, community education, a thrift shop, and Spanish-speaking services.
* Bolded Organizations are Chamber Members *
Provide (at no cost to the participants) entertainment, recreational and activity programs to handicapped and special needs persons.
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. George Washington Carver
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide
If you have QUESTIONS we have ANSWERS. Since 1962
Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Part D Prescription Drug Plans Medicare Advantage Plans Individual & Family Health Insurance
LONGVIEW OFFICE EAST 2500 Judson Road | Suite C Longview, TX 75605 903-297-2063
By calling the number above you will reach a licensed sales agent
Every Child Has Access 2019-20 Resource Guide