Issue 1030
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11th October 2018
Your Letters Chapeltown WI
I accept this and that is why I am writing this letter hoping that the anonymous person will come forward and provide the necessary information to Chapeltown WI would like to thank everyone enable the Chief Exec to further his investigations. who supported the Macmillan coffee morning in In closing I will state that unless you do come Chapeltown Library. forward, this is where it ends. A total of £750. was raised. You obviously have my details and I will help to maintain your anonymity, but I must have facts if Quiz thanks you want this to come to a conclusion.
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Your Letters Anonymous letter
Coffee morning thanks Wharncliffe Side people, especially the W.I., could like to thank everyone who supported the Macmillan Coffee Morning. The amount raised was £353.
Cllr Keith Davis, I would like to express my thanks to all who attended our Fund Raising Quiz Night helping us to raise Stocksbridge and Upper Don UKIP Councillor over £1000 to help with the relief of poverty and education of children in Rywanyana Uganda. As, as well as educating and daily giving meals to 170 children we now need a new kitchen. It is our aim to make the village self sufficient. Please see the What’s On column for our next Fund Raising Event On October Another fine 19th. In reply to Dave Wardle’s letter regarding Asda parking fine.
Thank you, Doris Stubbs
Boxing bout update
I had a parking fine from Asda Handsworth and wrote to Asda to explain but Asda are not interested in customers. They’re just interested in the income Bumped into our Lord May at sheffield soup Monday night, Boxing bout still a possibility we are by renting their car park. negotiaing. I was a weekly Asda customer for 30 years but after my reply from Asda I haven’t stepped foot in Asda. They’re not getting a penny of my money. Cllr David Ogle
If I’m that end of town I shop at Morrisons/ Boundary Mill who don’t have outside companies At our last Town Council meeting, the Clerk handed charge for overstaying your welcome. me an envelope which contained an anonymous letter, Councillor Clarkson also received the same Today retailers make shopping a social event with lovely coffee shops and restaurants but then limit letter. your time with parking. Wake up retailers... if you The letter claimed that there had been instances of want us to shop then give us the time or give us the fraudulent activity by an ex Sheffield City Councillor option to pay for extra time. No wonder retailers who is no longer in office, it also implicated his wife are loosing out to Internet shopping. also an ex City Councillor. I do not like and do not normally respond to Anonymous letters.
Asda letter
However, after bringing the letter to the attention of the Chief Executive of City Council who admitted My husband had a similar situation receiving a that there had been allegations made in the past parking fine letter from Asda Chapeltown saying that were investigated but never proven. he’d parked overnight when he’d actually called in The only difference being that this letter also had on the way home one evening then on the way to work in the morning. information which he was not aware of. I asked for a response and I got an email stating He had the fine cancelled as they apparently had a that unless specific dates and instances were fault identified with the camera. Hopefully you will forthcoming, they would not pursue the matter get your fine sorted Dave Wardle .
Council united against fracking FOLLOWING information received from the Yorkshire Local Council’s Association, with regard to the Government Shale Gas Exploration and Production Planning Consultations. At the meeting of Ecclesfield Parish Council on Thursday October 4 a unanimous resolution was passed that:“Ecclesfield Parish Council is dismayed at the way the Government has decided to make Shale Gas Exploration a permitted development right. Thus taking any decision out of the hands of the local Councils that represent the communities that may have serious objections to such exploration.” It was agreed that this response be submitted on behalf of the Parish Council and that an article be placed in the Look Local Newspaper informing residents of the Parish Council’s views on Shale Gas Exploration.