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Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate: View Way Aesthetics Point

Content Principles on Aesthetics Appreciation for Temples Visitors Background of City Establishment and Urban Elements Beliefs and Values of Lanna Temples Placement Beliefs and Morality Embedded in Religious Structures Beauty and Aesthetics of Lanna Temples Visiting Ancient Structures and Temples Muen Lan Temple Pun On Temple Sam Pao Temple Ban Ping Temple Umong Mahathenjan Temple Duang Di Temple Jedi Luang Temple Pun Tao Temple Chai Prakiat Temple Tung Yu Temple Sri Kerd Temple Pra Singh Temple Pa Bong Temple Prasart Temple Bibliography

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Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Chiang Mai City’s boundary, in this context, refers to the inner space located inside the city moat, the genuine urban area where ordinary people, royalty, and officials resided in the past. This inner space therefore became a rich source of culture and arts of Chiang Mai. As Buddhism came to have a strong influence, Chiang Mai people began constructing religious structures for performing Buddhist rites. Most of constructions occurred in the inner space perfectly reflecting local wisdom, excellence in architecture, arts, and craftsmanship of the guilds either at the local level or city level. They are called “local masters” or “sa la” and “royal masters”, respectively. These experts applied their knowledge and skills along with local wisdom accumulated throughout generations to the construction of marvelous buildings seen today. “Aesthetic Materials” are one part of cultural manifestation. They can simply be called “spirits”, which should be studied carefully as they are vital for understanding the aesthetics embedded. Visiting temples or ancient buildings on Chiang Mai Gate should also focus on the appreciation of beauty, beliefs, attitudes, and philosophy conveyed through the arts as well as other structures. Principles on Aesthetics Appreciation for Temples Visitors 1. To obtain ultimate aesthetics from visiting temples, visitors should be determined in seeking the beauty of the arts. 2. It is vital that visitors prepare themselves with aesthetics knowledge in terms of sights, hearing, smelling, tasting, and physical sensing to appreciate the atmosphere of the temples they visit. 3. Visitors should have fundamental knowledge on perceiving beauty and also should be able to appreciate the beauty of aesthetic materials. 4. Visitors should study the aesthetic materials they are about to visit as well as fundamental concepts of arts. 5. Visitors should be open-minded and are prompt to understand different culture. 3

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Prerequisites for visiting ancient architectures of Chiang Mai 1. Background of City Establishment and Urban Elements Chiang Mai is a city of Lanna Kingdom, a kingdom abundant of thousands of rice fields. Lanna was founded by King Mungrai. In the kingdom, there was a diversity of ethnic groups such as Tai Yuan, Tai Lue, Tai Yong, Tai Kuen (Kern), and Tai Yai. Chiang Mai is in the perfect strategic location with good allocation of spaces. The city has its central pillar, gate corners, and city gates on the eight directions believing that the city itself has a life as a human being. There are three parts; the top or head part, the middle or torso part (the central pillar), and lower part (ominous part represented by Suan Prung Gate, the gate to drain sludge out of the city)

City allocation compared to human body

2. Beliefs and Values of Lanna Temples Placement There are always certain religious beliefs when drawing a temple plan. Lanna people believe that Lord Buddha is considered the center of the universe. This book will address certain major components of Lanna temples as follows: 4

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point - Temple wall : Lanna people like to build the temple wall in square shape. In the past, the wall was not as high as in the present. The wall shows the boundary of a temple, the monastery, and to prevent the temple from other animals such as elephants, horses, cows, and buffalos as they might cause damages to the temple. Apart from the outer wall, there is also the inner wall. - Temple entrance: The entrance of Lanna temples in the past was mostly built of bricks with the arch called “Pratu Khong”. It is the main entrance and is built in an alignment with the Viharn and Jedi. - Viharn: Lanna people prefer Viharn or Pavillion to church as it is believed as the residence of Buddha. It also serves as a venue for performing numerous ceremonies. In some temples, there can be several viharns for enshrining Buddha images or other sacred objects by which the viharns are named. Yet, these viharns are not the main one. - Jedi: Lanna people often call Jedi “Prathart” since Jedi is built for storing Prathart (believed to be Buddha’s relics). Jedi is often built in the rear part of Viharn as it is believed to be a mountain or cave where Lord Buddha resided. Viharn is like a reception area where guests can gather before listening the sermon.

Viharn Nam Taem

Viharn Luang

Viharn Praput

Placement of buildings in Prathat Lampang Luang Temple


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point 3. Beliefs and Values of Lanna Temples Placement The aim of constructing ancient architect and religious structures of Lanna people is to use the local arts as medium to attract young people to explore the temples and allow monks to teach them various kinds of knowledge, morality, and Dharma. The following part will be examples of religious beliefs conveyed through aesthetic materials. - Religious beliefs in architecture: Lanna architecture, especially temples, relies on astrology. Yet, there are other beliefs or values embedded in different parts of temples. งความเมตตา และการคุ ้มครองภัยstyle ร้ายต่างๆ ทรงเช่tall. นนี้ People ทำให้เกิดความรู ้สึก ชุ่มเย็นcall และอบอุ ่น เมื่อเข้า อันแสดงถึ Viharn: Viharns in Lanna areรูปnot commonly it “Hen มาสู่วัด และได้สัมผัสกับพระวิหาร Shape” or “Feminine Shape” (giving a sense of sweetness and gentleness). The shape makes the visitors feel warm and serene when entering the temple and confronting with the viharn.

Hen Shape Viharn หorารทรงแม่ Feminine ลักษณะของพระวิ ไก่ หรือShape ทรงแม่ Viharn

Jedi or Prathart: Studying the plan of Jedi carefully, there are certain พระเจดีย์ หรือพระธาตุ ลักษณะของพระเจดีย์ในล้านนาถึงแม้จะมีลักษณะที่แตกต่างกันบ้างตามท้องถิ่นหรือ beliefs component. สกุลช่lying าง แต่หin ากศึeach กษาจากแบบแผนหลั กของพระเจดีย์แล้วจะมีลักษณะและองค์ประกอบคล้ายๆ กัน ซึ่งแฝงไว้ด้วย ่ช่างล้านนาได้ บ่งพระธาตุshape ออกเป็นส่ofวนๆ แต่ คติทางศาสนาที - Platform: theแsquare theตั้งplatform represents the four major - ส่วนฐาน เป็นรูปสี่เหลี่ยมหมายถึงบริษัทสี่ในพุทธศาสนา หรืออาจเปรียบเทียบกับวิธีปฏิบัติด้วยสติปฐาน components of Buddhism or the four practices, which are the foundation of all สี่อันเป็นฐานของการปฏิบัติทั้งหลาย practices. - ส่วนฐานดอกบัว หมายถึงการบูชาด้วยการปฏิบัติบูชา - - ส่วLotus นเรือนธาตุ แปดเหลี ่ยม หมายถึ งการปฏิบัติตามมรรคมี องค์แปด Base means worshipping by practices. - ส่วนมาลัยเถา หมายถึงการบูชาด้วยการปฏิบัติอันงามใน พระพุทธ พระธรรม และพระสงฆ์ - องค์ระฆังคว่ำ หมายถึงพระพุทธองค์ และใช้เป็นที่บรรจุพระสารีริกธาตุ - ปล้องไฉน สิบสองปล้อง หมายถึง ปฏิจสมุ6ปบาทอันเป็นวัตตะสังสารสิบสองประการ

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point - Octagonal Supporting Base means the eight paths. - Garland represents good conducts through the following of the teachings of Buddha, Dharma, and monks. - Bell represents Lord Buddha and is the space for enshrining Buddha’s relics. - Discs represents the 12 cycles of life. - Spire means commitment to the relief from cycles of life through wisdom. - Dew Drop means nirvana, which is the result from freeing oneself from cycles of life. §à¤Ã×of èͧáÊ´§°Ò¹Ð¡ÉÑ µÃÔ ¢Í§¾Ãоطwho ¸à¨ŒÒ was born in - Top Umbrella representsÂÍ´©Ñ theµÃËÁÒ妅 status Lord Buddha, àÁç´¹éÓ¤ŒÒ§ (ËÁÒ¶֧¹Ô¾¾Ò¹) the royal caste. »ÅÕÂÍ´ (Spire)

»ÅŒÍ§ä©¹ (Discs) ÊÔºÊͧ»ÅŒÍ§ËÁÒ¶֧»¯Ô¨¨ÊÁØ·»ºÒ·

ͧ¤ ÃЦѧ (Bell) ·Ã§ºÒµÃ¤ÇèÓ à»š¹·Õè»ÃдÔÉ°Ò¹¾ÃÐÊÒÃÕÃÔ¡¸ÒµØ

ÁÒÅÑÂà¶Ò (Garland) à»ÃÕº¾Ç§ÁÒÅÑ«ŒÍ¹¡Ñ¹ÊÒÁªÑé¹

àÃ×͹¸ÒµØ ø àËÅÕèÂÁ ËÁÒ¶֧ ÁÃäÁÕͧ¤ á»´

°Ò¹´Í¡ºÑÇ (Lotus Base) à»ÃÕº´Ñ§¾Ò¹´Í¡äÁŒ

°Ò¹ÊÕèàËÅÕèÂÁ (Platform) ËÁÒ¶֧ʵԻ°Ò¹ÊÕè «ŒÍ¹¡Ñ¹ÊÒÁªÑé¹

Division of Levels and Meanings of Lanna Jedi


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point 4. Beauty and Aesthetics of Lanna Temples Lanna people have been known as generous, peace-loving, and harmonious to the nature. They have strong faith in Buddhism and other beliefs. The values and personality of Lanna people have been portrayed by the guilds through their creation of arts and construction. Visitors can appreciate the Lanna aesthetics reflected through different parts of monasteries. - Proportion On aesthetic viewpoint, it is undeniable that the proportion of Lanna architecture is meticulous. It begins with the allocation of the temples’ inner space. Visitors are stunned by magnificence of structures once they enter the temple area. Buildings in temples are built in perfect proportion; the splendid proportion of the width and the length is 2:3 or 1:3. In the front view, the building will give a triangular shape, which is in harmony with other buildings such as the triangular-shaped Jedi.

Proportion of buildings in Chiang Mun Temple


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

The combination of proportion of the buildings in Chiang Mun Temple


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point - Value The beauty of value can be witness throughout the day. In the morning, the reflection of buildings in a certain temperature yields a variety of colors with the warmth of gold color strengthening a strong faith in Buddhism. In the late morning and midday, the density of light is higher. Viharn which is built closer to the ground with windows around it allows the process of reflection from the outside. The sunlight will shine onto the sand lawn and produce constant level of light in the viharn. The atmosphere in the viharn is therefore softened with a glowing light. Visitors can find the feelings of peace, serenity, and faith in Buddhism, which is purely aesthetical. Various colors can be found during the late afternoon or evening. The placement and components in the temples produce the silhouette of various accessories such as golden flowers, golden leaves, naga, and others flying up to the sky. It creates a sense of prosperity and glory. Also, the evening light gives a different kind of feeling of warmth and beauty. ตัวอย่างของสุนทรียภาพที่เกิดจากแสงเงา


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point - Pattern Patterns of buildings and other accessories in Lanna temples have been designed by the guilds, who tactically embrace aesthetics, values, beliefs, and other religious teachings. Patterns can be categorized as: Patterns in drawing These patterns are for decoration. The drawing and mural paintings are in two dimensions. Decorative patterns Decorative patterns are inspired by the natural elements such as flowers, flora and fauna, small creatures or insects. Apart from natural patterns, mythical creatures are created such as naga, singha, or creatures in Himmapan Forest. These unique patterns emphasize round shape. The lines are spiral inward. Small animals such as squirrels, birds, or insects can be drawn inside these patterns. The pillars are decorated with numerous dots and the lower parts are painted with a unique pattern called “Sa Pao Pattern”. The reddish lacquer has been used for coloring, covered with golden papers. The interior patterns are aimed to soften the structure of the building. 11


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Other decorative patterns aim to present religious teachings and towards worshipping. An example of those patterns is Puranakata Pot, which is believed to be a means to worship Buddha. It is also seen as a sign of prosperity of people who practice Dharma.


Patterns on mural paintings Lanna people favor mural paintings to illustrate the history of Lord Buddha. The paintings are made in two dimensions. The main goal of mural paintings is to cherish and spread Buddhism. Mural paintings can be compared to teaching materials today. Artists always exhibit culture and arts as well as their living conditions in their paintings. Viewing Lanna mural paintings normally takes time to appreciate the aesthetics and enjoy the sensations they carry. Viewers of Lanna mural paintings will learn about Lanna lifestyle immensely.


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Patterns in sculpture There are two trends of Lanna sculpture, which are carving on material texture and moulding or adding on the material texture. Carving on Material Texture Sculpture This type of sculpture is mostly seen in wood carving. The objective of this sculpture is to create pieces of art for decorating the structures and for using as different utensils. The patterns used are flowers and local plants and sometimes include small animals such as squirrels and birds decorated with lacquer or red-


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

dish color and golden papers on top.The decoration sometimes includes colored mirrors to add shining beauty. The unique carving pattern of Lanna is Naga, which derived from the Mekong sub-region countries such as Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand. The guilds usually carve Naga on the frames of wooden panes and Naga postures vary adding a variety of arts.

Wood carving arts


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Texture-Adding Sculpture This type of sculpture is mostly seen in structural works. Apart from brick cementing, Lanna also uses stucco technique or molding mortar. Clay mortar will be mixed with wood essence or liquid from animal skins. The mixture will be shaped or added on the model. Artists can create different shapes by using this unique mixture such as winding pattern, flower pattern, animals or insects patterns and attach them onto buildings or wooden structures such as pillars or viharn embroiled with colored mirrors or crystals to beautify the works.

Lanna sculpture


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

Visiting Ancient Structures and Temples Planning for the tour is another crucial factor that assures the smooth visits to Lanna temples, 37 of which are located on the city gate (currently, 2008). Visiting all temples in one day to absorb aesthetics might become difficult. Two plans are hereby proposed when visiting the temples on Chiang Mai Gate, which are: 1. Visit all 37 temples in one day by vehicles started from Chiang Mun Temple and followed the traffic route until reaching Monthien Temple. Visitors can choose cars or motorcycles and the time spent on each temple might be limited. The schedule might be flexible by the significance of temples.


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

1. Chiang Mun Temple 2. Lam Chang Temple 3. Umong Temple 4. Pan Ping Temple 5. Sampao Temple 6. Muen Lan Temple 7. Pun On Temple 8. Duang Dee Temple 9. Jedi Luang Temple 10. Pun Tao Temple

11. Chaiprakiat Temple 12. Tung Yu Temple 13. Sri Kerd Temple 14. Prasingh Temple 15. Pa Bong Temple 16. Prasart Temple 17. Dub Pai Temple 18. Paprao Nai Temple 19. Methung Temple 20. Muen Ngern Gong Temple

21. Puak Hong Temple 22. Puak Taem Temple 23. Pun Waen Temple 24. Meng Rai Temple 25. Chang Taem Temple 26. Jed Lin Temple 27. Fon Soi Temple 28. Muen Tum Temple 29. Sai Moon Temple 30. Sai Moon Muang Temple

31. Pa Kao Temple 32. Dok Kam Temple 33. Dok Uang Temple 34. Saenmuangma Temple 35. Mo Kam Tuang Temple 36. Kuan Ka Ma Temple 37. Mon Thien Temple

Plan for Visiting Temples on Chiang Mai Gate Based on Traffic Route 17

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point 2. One day visit in one day by walk or bicycle. The start can be Ratchadamnoen Road and Prasingh Road. From Tapae Gate, head toward Prasingh Temple. Along the way, there are around 14 temples to visit. (as shown in the map)

1. Muen Lan Temple 2. Pun On Temple 3. Sam Pao Temple 4. Pan Ping Temple 5. Umong Mahathenjan Temple 6. Duang Dee Temple

8. Pun Tao Temple 9. Chaiprakiat Temple 10. Tung Yu Temple 11. Sri Kerd Temple 12. Prasingh Temple 13. Pa Bong Temple

7. Jedi Luang Temple

14. Prasart Temple

Example of Visit Plan in One Day


A Plan for Visiting 14 Temples on Chiang Mai Gate The contents include: 1. History and location 2. Highlights and points to study in each temple with illustrations. The tour starts from Tapae Gate.

Muen Lan Temple

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Location Muen Lan Temple is located in Sriphum Sub-district, region 2, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. It is an ancient temple established 500 years ago. Muen Lan Temple was built in the year of Snake, A.D. 1459, and finished in the Year of Goat, A.D. 1461.

History of the Temple The founder of Muen Lan Temple is Muen Lok Sam Lan Khunpon Kaew, a great noble in the reign of King Tilokkaraj. He was also known as Muen Dong or Muen Dong Nakorn. With the intention to cherish Buddhism, he built this temple in memorial and for merit of defeated warriors of Ayudhya Kindom, who died in the battlefield. The merit of building this temple was also offered to those Lanna warriors who sacrificed their lives to protect their homeland.

Interior Plan of Muen Lan Temple


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

Cultural Aesthetics in Buildings The Jedi and gable of the viharn are built in Burmese style. In 1917, a well-off merchant named Luang Yonakarnpichit or commonly called by the villagers as Khun Luang Yo, the origin of Upayokin family, generously funded the restoration to the damaged parts. Khun Luang Yo was originally from Burma.


Pun On Temple

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

Location Pun On Temple is situated on number 75, Ratchadamnoen Road, Prasingh Sub-district, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. History of the Temple Pun On Temple was built around the year 1501 in the reign of King Sirithammachakkapaddirat (Phaya Kaew or Phaya Mungkaew), the 13th ruler of Lanna. The meaning of Pun On is assumedly derived from the founder’s name, who was the official in the rank of Pun or medium rank noble. The temple was devoted for Buddhists and named after this noble.

Interior Plan of Pun On Temple


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point The Amalgamation of the Two Temples: Pun On Temple and Jedi Kwan Temple Pun On Temple was originally the combination of the two temples, which were Pun On Temple and a neighboring temple called “Jedi Kwan” located in the west of Pun On Temple. The two temples were later on combined and was called Jedi Kwan Pun On Temple, but the villagers prefer the name Pun On. It was until the year 1931, Monk Apaisaratha of Tung Yu Temple, the chief monk of Chiang Mai then, decided to extend the temple towards the west, which was the area of Jedi Kwan Temple, a deserted temple at that time. The remains of Jedi Kwan is not present nowadays since in the year 1955, Monk Sripariyattiyanuraksa removed the Jedi and replaced with the sala. What can be seen nowadays is only the Jedi’s mould. Main Structures in the Temple 1. The octagonal Jedi with Buddha images on 4 sides. The Jedi was gone through several restorations. The Jedi is in good condition, but it is anonymous and therefore is called after the name of the temple, Pun On Jedi. It is assumed that the Jedi was originally built at the same time of the temple. 2. The two-story church is contemporary building. It is a mixture of Lanna art and Central Thai art. The window accessories are delicate. The mural paintings on two sides of the church’s walls are made by oil color depicting significant places in Buddhism both in India and Nepal. Different kinds of worshipping tables are placed for interested people to see them. 24

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

Places to Visit in Pun On Temple 1. Traditional Thai Medical Associate of Chiang Mai. It used to be the first school for teaching Bali and Dharma, but it is now an office of Chiang Mai Traditional Thai Medical Associate. 2. Central Sala is the place for performing religious rites and is also served as a training center for students who come for moral camps. 3. Small Sala is the place for people to read newspapers or study Dharma materials. Visitors and general people can contact with the temple through this small sala. Inside the sala, there are profiles of the temple’s personnel and the history of the temple.


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

Sam Pao Temple Location Sam Pao Temple is located in Sriphum Subdistrict, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. History This temple was built during Mungrai Dynasty. The very word Sam Pao is derived from Sa Pao. According to Jao Buanual Sirorot, there were once merchants from Muang Rahaeng (Tak Province now) came to trade in Chiang Mai. These merchants had strong faith in Buddhism and wished to build a golden ship to be contained in a Jedi. That is the origin of the name Sam Pao Temple. The viharn was beautifully designed and decorated with Lanna stucco on the gable. The base is presented with Himmapan or the mythical creatures. 26

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point It was assumed that Sam Pao Temple was built in the reign of King Tilokaraj, between 1431 and 1488. The temple was one among 500 places, which aged over 500 years old. Ancient Buildings 1. It is unknown when the viharn was exactly built. The viharn is in local design, the upper structure is wood and the lower part is brick. The roof has three tiers, conventional Lanna style. In between of the roof, pieces of carved woods called Pak Lae (Parrot’s mouth) are placed. The front staircase appears Singha statue and the front part shows animal statues covered with gold papers in Chinese style. The outer pair of pillars is in square shape, but the pillars inside is in round shape decorated with flower patterns and mosaic Naga. The supporting beam is also wood carved in Naga. 2. The church. The front staircase is placed on the side of the viharn. The upper part is wood and the lower part is brick and mortar. The front roof has two tiers and the gable shows cement carved in animals. The rim of the roof is Naga covered with gold papers. The door panes demonstrate standing angels. 3. The Jedi is in local Lanna style. The base is in square shape decorated with crystals balls. Above the base is Garland, Bell, Discs, Spire, and the Top Umbrella. 27


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

Pan Ping Temple

Location Pan Pin Temple is situated on Ratchapakinai Road, Sriphum Sub-district, Muang District, Chiang Mai. The name of the temple means “blocking” or changing the Mae Ping River flow to another direction. The word “Pan” is ancient Lanna word meaning “blockage of something so it can deviate to another way.” History of the Temple The temple is located in the same area of important temples on Chiang Mai Gate. And when considering the style of Jedi in the temple and the main Buddha image, which is a gigantic bronze Chiang Saen One Buddha image and 28

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

seems to be the only one made by Royal guild of early Lanna Kingdom. We can assume that this temple must have significance. The shape of the Jedi and the main Buddha image is dated back to the early age of Lanna Kingdom, from the reign of King Mung Rai to King Saen Muang Ma (12961411 A.D.) After this period, Lanna people tend to favor Singha Three Buddha images. Legend has it that Pan Ping Temple was re-established by King of Chiang Mai named King Chang Puak Dok Bua Kam (Noi Thammalanka) or King Mahasethatti Suwanpathumraj, the second brother of King Kawila. The pronunciation “Pan-Ping” was written in local legend as “PanPhing”. 29

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Interesting Places and Ancient Objects in the Temple 1. The main Jedi has high base with 28 corners of 12 sides. This Jedi was built by the royal craftsmen in Lanna Kingdom. There are other 2 Jedis in this style found nowadays. One is is a Jedi in Lee Temple, Payao Province, and the other is the smaller Jedi called Prathat Bengsangad in Prathat Bengsangad Temple, Pua District, Nan Province. 2. A house of Guard-

ing Angel is a small structure made of cement located on the right of the staircase. It can no longer be seen nowadays as it is viewed as unnecessary. Pan Ping thus reserves this tradition. Lay Buddhism used to pray and lit candles at this Guarding Angel’s House before entering the viharn. Some worship it with flowers. 3. Main arch of the Viharn Luang is a building which combines Lanna and Chinese arts. The arch displays 2 Crawling Nagas, the Peak of Himmapan Mountain, the sun and the moon, which symbolize the hemisphere of the universe. The door frames show lotus patterns. It is assumed that this arch was made by the Masters of Craftsmanship, who also built the Main Arch of Prasingh Temple. 4. The main Buddha image and the image on the right. The main Buddha image is 1.70 meters in width and the right hand image is 1.30 meters. Both of the images were cast by mixed metal covered with gold papers in Chiang Saen Singha One Model. The style is sometimes called Prapetch Singha One because it rhymes with the name of the Buddha image’s



Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Interior Plan of Pan Ping Temple

sitting position. The Buddha images were believed to be built by Royal Lanna guilds in the early age. The main Buddha image is considered the largest one in the north, expressing the sense of being healthy and compassionate. 5. The preaching seat is made of carved wood covered with lacquer and gold papers, the craftsmanship of Lanna guilds in the reign of King Chang Puak Thammalanka, who also ordered to build the Viharn Luang. The seat is in front of the Buddha images’ throne, on the right of the main Buddha image according to the belief of Lanna people. 6. The inscription is made of grayish sandstone, with the width of 42 centimeters and 15 centimeters thick and 75 centimeters high. It is unknown where it was located, but it is now placed on the left of the 31

church to serve as the sign of boundary. The stone was carved with Lanna characters in two lines. 7. Chinese bricks, which are found in the monk areas. These 20 bricks are still in good condition, each has 60 centimeters length and 28 centimeters width and thickness. They were discovered when the new abbot house was constructed. It is possible that Lanna people had learnt how to build these bricks from Chinese people in Yunnan.

Umong Mahathenjan Temple

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Location Umong Temple is located on number 129, Ratchpakinai Road, Sriphum Subdistrict, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. History Umong Thenjan Temple was once called “Po Noi Temple�, established around the year 12961297 by the three great kings namely King Mung Rai of Chiang Rai, King Ngam Muang of Payao, and King Ramkamhaeng. The church was built around 1296-1297 in Thai-Lanna style. It was made of brick and white cement. All the pillars and roof structures are teak wood. The old roof was clay, but it is now replaced with ceramic. The viharn was built in 13671371 in Lanna architecture. 4 Main Buddha Images in the Temple 1. Chiang Saen One Buddha image or Somjainuek Image. Cast with metal and mixed with cement covered with lacquer and gold papers, this Buddha image presides as the principal appeared in sitting position. It is believed to be built in 1296-1297. 2. Praputthapatimakorn (Luang Po To or Luang Po Yai) is the principal Buddha image in the Viharn Luang. Made of cement covered with lacquer and gold 33

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point papers. The Buddha image’s head is in flame shape. Built around 1367-1371, it is 2.90 meters wide and 3.70 meters high. 3. Maravichai Chiang Saen Singh Three Buddha image, cast with metal, enshrined in front of the principal Buddha Image (Luang Po To) in the Viharn Luang. 4. Luang Po Rai Hom is the Maravichai metal Buddha image, built around 1514 and enshrined in the Viharn Luang. Structures inside the Temple 1. The church. It is 4.05 meters wide and 10.70 meters long. Built around 1296-1297, this church is in Thai-Lanna style, made of brick and white cement. All the pillars and roof structures are teak wood. The roof frames are colored mirrors. The fable is decorated with carved woods in animals and flower with mosaic. The door frames are in arch shape with cement Buddha Image. The doors poles are covered in gold and red. 2. The Viharn is 13.80 meters wide and 24.90 meters long. It was built around 1367-1369 in Lanna-Thai style. 34

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point The Interior Plan of Umong Thenjan

3. Bell Dome is in square shape sized 3x3 meters and was built in contemporary Thai style. 4. Meditation building 5. Guarding Spirit’s House 6. The two Jedis 6.1 The Jedi behind the Viharn is the art dated back to the end of 21st -22nd Buddhist Century. Discs which are covered with golden materials are in bad condition. 6.2 The Jedi in the south of the Viharn is the most important place of Umong Temple since it displays a different appearance from other Jedis found in Chiang Mai. The appearance of Bell and the size of platform are the clues that it might be built around early 20th Buddhist Century. 35

Duang Dee Temple

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Location Duang Dee Temple is located on number 228, Prapokklao Road, Sriphum Sub-district, Muang District, Chiang Mai. History Duang Dee Temple is called by several names such as Punthanunmadee Temple, Udomdee Temple, or Panomdee Temple. In 1970, an inscription was found on the base of a metal Buddha image enshrined in a Viharn. The inscription was written in Tai Yuan language and the interpretation allowed us to know that Duang Dee Temple was once called Ton Mok Nua or Ton Mak(Betel Tree) Temple. The temple was built in 1367 after King Mungrai established Chiang Mai City. Later in 1819, King Thammalanka, the second ruler of Chiang Mai, had the restoration and celebration for the structures inside the temple. The Viharn has inside it a carved wooden seat for preaching decorated with gold papers in marvelous design. Other structures include Dharma Hall, church, and Jedi. 37


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point The Temple’s Structures 1. Viharn. The value of this Lanna style Viharn is the unique pattern on carved wood, a beautiful part of the architecture. Above the door frame of the Viharn’s main entrance, visitors will see golden wooden art carved in the pattern of two Naga raising their tails upward and forming the triangular shape. 2. The church. It is built in traditional Lanna style with austere architecture. The roof has two cascading tiers. The square on the gable displays carved wood decorated with mirrors. Viewing from the front view, we can see Naga covered with gold along the roof. Below the gable, the guilds had painted a flower pattern. The side of the main entrance, it appears carved wood covered with gold.


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3. Scripture Hall. This Lanna scripture hall has a square shape made of brick and cement. The roof or the top shows 3 cascading tiers with the umbrella at the top. On the roof itself, golden leaves are decorated. The window arches display marvelous pattern of cement. 4. Jedi. This Jedi has squareshaped base and on the four corners, elephants are displayed.


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

Jedi Luang Temple


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Location Jedi Luang Temple is situated on number 103, Prapokklao Road, Prasingh Sub-district, Muang District, Chiang Mai. It is the temple located in the center of Chiang Mai City and is regarded as one of the most important temples in Chiang Mai since the old days. The temple is actually the location of Chiang Mai’s City Pillar. History Jedi Luang Temple or “Chotikaram” or “Rajakuta” or “Kutaram” means the temple of glory and prosperity as it is the place where Lord Buddha’s hair and His relics enshrine. Another meaning of the word “Chotikaram” is the moment of lighting lanterns to worship the Prathat Jedi Luang. The scene is shining bright and the Jedi will look like the candlestick with glorious flame, which can be seen from a distance. Jedi Luang and the Lua Beliefs in Universe The belief regarding the universe during the early age reflects the tradition belief of Lua people combining with Brahman belief. When Buddhism greatly prospered in the meantime, Prathat Jedi Luang (Grand Jedi) symbolized the center of the universe and was located in the center of the city to represent Pra Sumeru Mountain as it is believed to be the universe’s core. 41

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Highlights in Jedi Luang Temple 1. Prathat Jedi Luang is regarded as the highest Prathat in the north or Lanna. Its height is around 80 meters, with square shape platform, 60 meters width each side. It was built around the early 20th Buddhist Century (1385-1402 A.D.). In the reign of King Tolokaraj, there was a restoration (14051487). In the era of Queen Jiraprapa, the 15th ruler of Mungrai Dynasty, there was a tempest and earthquake causing damage to Jedi Luang. The Jedi collapsed and half of it remained visible. It had been deserted for 4 centuries. Jedi Luang that we see today was restored by Department of Fine Arts and the project was completed in 1992. 42

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point แผนผังภายในบริเวณ วัดเจดีย์หลวง

Elephant Statues around Prathat Jedi Luang According to the history, there were 8 elephants which were named since their names were believed to constitute magical power and mighty strength to the city. There was a belief that the names of elephants can threaten, suppress, and eradicate the enemy. Each name has certain meanings detailed as follows: 1. When the enemy intrudes the Kingdom, the magic power from the elephant’s name will make the sky cloudy and all is dark threatening the enemy to run away in fear. The name chosen is “Mekbungwan”. 2. When the intruders enter the Kingdom, despite of the great number of soldiers, they will be stunned and will retreat to their land. The chosen name for elephant is “Kompolsaen”. 3. Though the soldiers carry with them thousands of sharp swords, the Kingdom is still protected and unharmed. The elephant is given the name “Dabsaenlem”. 43

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4. Though the soldiers carry with them thousands of sharp spears, the Kingdom is still protected and unharmed. The elephant is given the name “Hoksaenlum”. 5. Though the soldiers carry with them thousands of guns, the Kingdom is still protected and unharmed. The elephant is given the name “Puensaenlang”. 6. Though the soldiers carry with them thousands of archeries, the Kingdom is still protected and unharmed. The elephant is given the name “Namaisaenkiang”. 7. Though the soldiers carry with them thousands of fighting elephants, the Kingdom is still protected and unharmed. The elephant is given the name “Saenkuankan”. (or Saenkuankaan) 8. When the enemy enters the Kingdom, they will be tormented with extreme heat all around them. The elephant’s name is “Faisaentao”. 44

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2. Pra Viharn, Church. The central Viharn is now served as the church. It is around 15.58 meters away from Prathat Jedi Luang. The Viharn is built in modern Lanna style, but the old church, which was in traditional Lanna, is at the rear of the temple or the west of Pra Jedi Luang and has never been used since 1979 due to its limited space. 3. The southern supporting Jedi is the one of the oldest structures in Jedi Luang Temple. It is unknown when this Jedi was built. The platform of Jedi is in three tiers and the Bell is covered with gold material and gold papers. The Disc and the Top Umbrella are made of brass covered with gold papers. The Jedi was renovated in the year 1993. 4. Inthakin Pole is believed to be the core of Chiang Mai City. It was once in Saduemuang Temple (Inthakin Temple or Saduemuang Temple near the former City Hall). King Kawila, the first ruler of Chiang Mai, commanded that the Inthakin Pole had to be removed from Saduemuang Temple to Jedi Luang Temple in 1800. 45

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point 5. The Gigantic Rubber Tree was grown in the reign of King Kawila, the Chiang Mai’s first ruler from the Tipjak Family. 6. Giants. It was the command of King Kawila to build two Giant Statues and place them in front of Chotikaram Temple (Jedi Luang Temple) as they are to guard the Inthakin Pole of Chiang Mai. 7. Dharma Hall. In 1474, King Tilokaraj had the new Viharn and Dharma Hall (Tripitaka Hall) built in the north of Prathat Jedi. 8. Reclining Buddha is as old as the Jedi, but it remains unknown when it was built and who built it.


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9. Pramahasanggajjayana enshrines in a small viharn, which is in the north of the Jedi. The Buddha Image is believed to be built around the same age of the Declining Buddha. 10. Square Shape Great Teachers’ Viharn is made of wood with various carving patterns such as flowers. The pattern begins with pineapple. 11. Monk Mun Puriphatto Viharn is made of wood and cement covered with gold material and decorated with mosaics.


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

Pun Tao Temple


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Location Pun Tao Temple is located on number 105, Prapokklao Road, Prasingh Sub-district, Muang District, Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai people call the name Pun Tao with a slightly different pronunciation. Pun Tao Temple was built in the early 21st Buddhist Century or around the year 1479. It was 501 years old in the year 1998. This temple is believed to have the same age as Jedi Luang Temple. The word Pun Tao means thousand times multiplication of quantity. King Inthawitchayanont, the 7th Ruler of Chiang Mai (1870-1897 A.D.), decided to dismantle Ho Kham (Golden Hall) of King Mahotaraprated and used the wood to build a Viharn dedicated to Pun Tao Temple in the year 1875. The Viharn is the only one teakwood structure built by the materials of once Royal Palace which is in good condition of Lanna. Above the main door of the Viharn, it appears the most beautiful piece of carved wood in Lanna. In the middle, a pattern of Mom (carrier of Lord Pajjunna, the bringer of rain) is displayed. The frame of the Viharn’s arch shows two monkeys carrying mythical creatures called “Luang” on both sides. Luangs’ tails support the castle and the bottom of the arch is supported by an octagonal wood carved with ancient pattern. Two mythical swans stand on top of both poles. The art displays both flawless craftsmanship and local wisdom. 49


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Ancient Structures 1. Viharn Pun Tao was previously Ho Kham (Golden Hall) of King Mahotaraprathed (the 5th Ruler of Chiang Mai). There is a piece of wood carved in peacock, which is regarded as the animal symbol of Lanna Royalty. 2. Ancient Preaching Seat and pictures of royal members and rulers of Chiang Mai in the past. 3. Sala. Inside the Sala, there are a statue of Somdej Buddhajarn To Promrangsee and a well, which people bring the water for worshipping. At the center of the Sala, when looking upward to the ceiling, carved wood of 12 zodiacs is displayed. 50

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Chai Prakiat Temple

Location Chaiprakiat Temple is located on number 90, Rajdamnoen Road, Sriphum Sub-district, Muang District, Chiang Mai. History of the temple According to ancient document, Chaiprakiat Temple has its former name called Pa Kiart Temple. All structures are newly built as the old buildings deteriorated. After renovation, all buildings are re-established. Yet, Chaiprakiat Temple is believed to be built in the ancient time, around the period of Mungrai Dynasty. From evidence discovered, the name of Pakiart 52

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Temple appeared in Niratharipunchai Poem. King Jira, the 15th ruler of Mungrai Dynasty, made this temple as the monument honoring King Chairaja, the King of Suwanphum Family who ruled Ayudhya between 1538 and 1545. The weight of gold used for casting the Buddha image is 5 Tue (1 Tue = 10 Kot) equal to 50 Kot. The Buddha image was then called “Pra Jao Ha Tue.”


Ancient Buildings in the Temple 1. The viharn. The viharn was built in replace of the deteriorated one. The front part is decorated with flower patterns with gold leaves. The front view displays Naga along the roof frames. At the entrance arch, the door pane is added with lacquer and gold in a form of standing angel. 2. Jedi. The base of jedi is in square shape. It has 5 levels of Garlands with round Bell equipped with the Disc and Top Umbrella. Overall, this jedi is built in Lanka style. 53

Tungyu Temple

Location Tungyu Temple is situated on Rajdamnoen Road, Sriphum Sub-district, Muang District, Chiang Mai. History of the Temple The word “Tungyu” appeared in literature and ancient law meaning the umbrella representing honor of royalty. The temple was built in 1476. Its former name was “Toong Yu”. 54

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point In 1909, King Intarawarorot Suriyawong, the 8th Ruler of Chiang Mai, had a desire to build the top umbrella of the Jedi. The viharn has no Bee Hive. The gable has stucco pattern of wild fauna decorated with mosaics. The jedi is in round shape situated on the square base. The renovation was based on Burmese style. The small church is covered with marble.

Structures and Religious Sites 1. Viharn 2. Church 3. Jedi 4. Monk residence 5. Sala for ritual ceremony/ multi-purpose



Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point

Srikerd Temple


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point


Location Srikerd Temple is located on Rajdamnoen Road, Prasingh Sub-district, Muang District, Chiang Mai. History of the Temple Srikerd Temple is an ancient temple which serves as the main temple. Srikerd Temple appeared in the legend in a different name called “Picharam Temple” or “Pid Ja Ram” in northern dialect. Its name was changed in the reign of King Kawila. (1796 A.D) In 1796, having realized its significance, King Kawila decided to renovate this temple. Inside the temple, there is a Srimahapo tree, the tree where Lord Buddha enlightened in India. King Kawila gave a new name for this temple “Srikerd Temple”. The word “sri” is derived from a Lanna word “sa lee” meaning Bhodi tree. Ancient Structures This temple is the place where a Maravichai (Victory over Mara) Buddha image enshrines called “Pra Jao Kaeng Kom” as the legs are slimmer and sharper than other images. This Buddha image, built by King Tilokaraj in 1487, has certain traits similar to Utong art. 57

Prasingh Temple

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Location Prasingh Temple is one of the major level monasteries located inside Chiang Mai’s moat, Samlan Road, Prasingh Sub-district, Muang District, Chiang Mai. History of the Temple King Payu, a king of Mengrai Dynasty, had a desire to build this temple in 1345. The Jedi was first built with the height of 23 wahs (approximately 46 meters) to enshrine the relics of King Kamfu, his father. Two years later, a temple, sala, Dharma Hall, and monk residences were built. When the temple was completely constructed, it was named “Lee Temple” or “Lee Chiang Temple” or “Lee Chiang Pra Temple”. In the reign of King Saen Muang Ma, he made the preparation for relocating Sihing Buddha Image from Chiang Rai to enshrine in Chiang Mai, the elephant parade stopped proceeding when reaching Lee Chiang Temple. King Saenmuangma then located Sihing Buddha in this temple. Local people prefer calling the name “Buddha Sihing” as “Prasingh”, which became the name of the temple, “Prasingh Temple”. In the year 1817, King Thammalanka or King Changpuak, the 2nd Ruler of Chiang Mai and a younger brother of King Kawila, commanded to renovate the church and the Jedi. 59

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Later in 1924, King Kaewnawarat, the last Ruler of Chiang Mai, and Monk Sriwichai together with Chiang Mai people co-operated one another to renovate Prasingh Temple. In that renovation, many valuable items such as 10 pieces of golden anecdotes and a churn (assumed to be the churn of King Kamfu) were discovered. But those items were lost in the Southeast Asia War. In 1950, King Bhumipol announced Prasingh Temple as a Major Rank Monastery. 60

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point Significant Items in the Temple 1. Sihing Buddha Image, a Buddha image of Chiang Saen Art, was built in a Marawichai posture of Lanna Art. In Songkran Festival of each year, Sihing Buddha Image is carried around Chiang Mai city so people can sprinkle water on the image for good luck. 2. Dharma Hall is made of wood and cement. The outer wall of the hall shows angel sculpture, which is believed to be the craftsmanship of King Muang Kaew period. Around the year 1924, King Kaewnawarat had the hall repaired. The platform was decorated with unique pattern and inside the hall displays mythical or imaginary creatures such as winged-mermaids, winged-singha, and Kilen. The Meng Chinese-like pattern was also shown in the hall. 3. The church is the rectangular building with halls at the front and at the back. At the side view, we can see large windows



Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point laths, but the inner windows have stucco decoration. At the main entrance, there are two curves adjoining to each other called “Kong Kiew” and above it two circles which look like eyes are displayed. The poles in the church are decorated with cement covered with lacquer and gold. It is a really magnificent showcase of Lanna architecture. 4. Lai Kam Viharn is a small genuine Lanna viharn, which inside “Sihing Buddha” is enshrined. The mural at the back of the Buddha image shows paintings of castles surrounded by dragons and mythical swans. There are main pole (round pole) and supporting pillars (square pillars). Around the viharn, it appears incredible mural paintings. In the north, a story called Sangthong is depicted and Suwannahong in the south. The painting of Sangthong is only found here. 5. Stupa enshrining the relics of King Kamfu is the most ancient structure of Lanna. It was built around the year 1340. The Stupa was uncovered in the year 1925 and inside the threelayer churn was found. The outer layer is made of bronze, the middle layer silver, and the inner layer gold.


Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point 6. The rectangular church has the halls both at the front and at the back. The large windows were designed to be wooded bars. The roof has three cascading tiers. The arches are carved wood covered with gold in forms of two nagas whose heads expand into the triangular base. Inside the church appears the stupa in the middle dividing the areas into two parts. The church was then called “Ubosot Songsankha” (church of two areas). 7. Mahajedi (Grand Jedi) is the round shape structure with square base of surrounding elephants. It was built in the year 1345. 8. Thai Lanna Grand Viharn. The wall and pillars are cast by steel reinforced cement. The upper part is all teakwood. The viharn’s roof is ancient cement tiles in cascading 3 tiers. Ornaments are made of teakwood. There are 3 front doors with 5 panes of windows on each side. At the staircase, it shows the decoration of giant serpent expanding its head. 9. Reclining Buddha is the Buddha image residing in Reclining Buddha Viharn. It was made of brick and cement covered with gold. 10.Tongthip Buddha. This Buddha image was built by King Tilokaraj in the year 1477.


Pabong Temple

Location Pabong Temple is located on Singharaj Road, Sriphum Sub-district, Muang District, Chiang Mai. The temple is behind the inner wall. Though it is a small temple, Pabong Temple was built for a very long time. History of the Temple Pabong Temple was once called Pabong Prasart Temple. Its viharn is close to the southeast wall of the temple, which is 64

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point แผนผังภายในบริเวณวัดผาบ่อง

Structures in the Temple 1. Lanna Viharn. The portico is extended towards the north of the Jedi. The decorative structures made to this viharn are extremely exquisite in the Lanna. 2. Two story Lanna monk residence. The lower part is brickwork and the upper part is wood. 3. The tower Jedi surroundvery unique. It was built in the year 1492 ed by Buddha Image arches in four by Ngiaw or people from Shan State who directions. resided in Pabong Temple in Maehongson Province. These people migrated to Chiang Mai and made this temple and called it the same name of their origin. The great renovation took place in 1952. The new road dividing Pabong Temple and Prasingh Temple was made in the period of Luang Sriprakart.


Prasart Temple

Location Prasart Temple is situated on Intawarorot Road, Sriphum Sub-district, Muang District, Chiang Mai. History of the Temple Prasart Temple was one of the most ancient and important temples of Chiang Mai. Prasart literally means residence of high rank nobility. During the period of Burma coloni66

Temples on Chiang Mai Gate : View Way Aesthetics Point แผนผังภายในบริเวณวัดปราสาท

zation, Prasart Temple was maintained by Praya Luangsaenkam, who built Muenthong Buddha Image dedicated to the temple. Prasart Temple is now a center of Buddhism and archeology of Lanna in Chiang Mai. Permanent Structures and Worship Places 1. The traditional Lanna viharn. At the front of the viharn, beautiful mosaics and singha carved wood are decorated on cement. Inside the viharn, we can see a structure or castle juxtaposed to the western wall. The viharn is the place where the principal Buddha Image enshrines. Viewing from the outside, we will be perplexed to see the stupa joined with the viharn, which is a very rare art. 2. The square shape jedi with tetrahedron on the side enshrines Buddha Images on the three sides. The eastern side of the jedi is connected to the viharn. 3. The church has cascading roofs. In the west, it joins with the square shape jedi, very similar to the pattern used with the viharn. 4. Upakut Sala is the place where Upakut Image enshrines. This octagonal sala is believed to be built later. 67

บรรณานุกรม ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์วิลักษณ์ ศรีป่าซาง. ล้านนาคดี. เชียงใหม่ : มหาวิทยาลัย เทคโนโลยีราชมงคลล้านนา. 2550 พระพุทธิญาณมุนี. ลวดลายล้านนา ภาค1. กรุงเทพฯ : รำ�ไทยเพรส. 2550. มณี พยอมยงค์. เครือ่ งสักการะในล้านนาไทย. เชียงใหม่ : ส.ทรัพย์การพิมพ์. 2549. ศูนย์วัฒนธรรมจังหวัดเชียงใหม่และศูนย์ศิลปวัฒนธรรมสถาบันราชภัฎเชียงใหม่ร่วมกับ องค์กรบริหารส่วนจังหวัดเชียงใหม่. (2535). วัดสำ�คัญของนครเชียงใหม่เล่ม 1. กรุงเทพมหานคร: สำ�นักพิมพ์ครองช่าง. ศูนย์วัฒนธรรมจังหวัดเชียงใหม่และศูนย์ศิลปวัฒนธรรมสถาบันราชภัฎเชียงใหม่ร่วมกับ องค์กรบริหารส่วนจังหวัดเชียงใหม่. (2535). วัดสำ�คัญของนครเชียงใหม่เล่ม 2. กรุงเทพมหานคร: สำ�นักพิมพ์ส.ทรัพย์การพิมพ์. ศูนย์วัฒนธรรมจังหวัดเชียงใหม่และศูนย์ศิลปวัฒนธรรมสถาบันราชภัฎเชียงใหม่ร่วมกับ องค์กรบริหารส่วนจังหวัดเชียงใหม่. (2535). วัดสำ�คัญของนครเชียงใหม่เล่ม 3. กรุงเทพมหานคร: สำ�นักพิมพ์ส.ทรัพย์การพิมพ์. อภิวัฒน์ อดุลยพิเชฏฐ์. นำ�เที่ยว 3 เมืองล้านนา. กรุงเทพฯ : เมืองโบราณ. 2548. อรุณรัตน์ วิเชียรเขียว. โบราณวัตถุ – โบราณสถาน ในวัดล้านนา. เชียงใหม่ : แสงศิลป์. 2549.

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