Oct. 08, 1993 Issue 05 Loquitur

Page 6

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to match challenge

Caroline Croley

staff writer

What do students and institutional adflcement have in common? How do they eract? Well. it may be through the phone:-Clon or, perhaps, the plans for a new sports .::-mplex.

Through conducting a phone-a-thon twice ,-ear. students help firsthand on the school's rlraising. Amy Andrako, sophomore, , "We are responsible for calling famialumni and parents who presently have - or daughters here to help raise money the school."

Andrako added, "We're trying to meet Dixon Challenge and hopefully start ~cting a sports complex." By having Si)CrtS complex, this may help students athletic scholarships.

H;)wever, by creating more scholarships sports, they may have an effect o~ st~w ho are not athletic. Andrako said, I ~n •t be here if there were more athletic ~hips."

t:nder the direction of Stewart Stabley, president of institutional adva~cem~nt, ffice is involved with alumni affaus, relations and development. In addithe office is responsible for fundrais- During the last fiscal.Year, an estimate Sl 3 million was raised.

-\!so, over the past year, institutional ad~ent exceeded the annual fund goal of 000 to $448,000. In order to meet this the annual fund office solicits yearly to _ t:,,, graduating seniors, family and of the college. These gifts to the _e are annual gifts.

Thephone-a-thon and other forms ~f :raising are just a few of the jobs of this ::rlllat are little known but crucial for the of the college.

~Iey is responsible for development, <>ementfor various units and working !hepresident in gift fundraising. Stabley

-1 want to create goodwill for the col- and recruit the best students, faculty g..ff to work, study and learn here."

Be-.Jes the annual fund, money comes restricted donors and unrestricted doThis means that contributions from .! donors go to a department. a scholor into physical maintenance needs c,mpus.

unrestricted sponsors, theircontribu-

tl'NEWS pg.8 tis ISS? How does it !'Ct you?



tions are considered gifts to the college and can be used anywhere seen fit.

The money is raised through a number of different ways. This is done through mailing letters, direct mail, face-to-face and phone-a-thons. According to Stabley, the phono-a-thons seem to be the most e~ective. They are done every fall and spnng

When talking face-to-face with a sponsor, the office speaks to friends, trustees, alumni and family. Larger gifts come from corporations and other businesses.

After institutional advancement receives contributions, money then goes to offices such as financial aid and the business office.

According to Elizabeth Cairns, director of financial aid, her office has little to do with institutional advancement. However, financial aid informs institutional advancement of its scholarship and aid needs.

She said money is filtered through the business office and then given to financial aid for needy students.

Sometimes the school gets a sum of mon- Homecoming Queen Maryanne Walker and h_erking, Steve Murray, shine in eythatisrestrictedforscholarshipsforneedy the spotlight dance at the Family Weekend Dinner/Dance last Saturd~y students, and that goes into a large pool that Both Walker and Murray were members of their homecoming courts m high is divided among needy students. school.

Cairns said, "Scholarships are often gi v-


en to students from a certain area or major :v~~f;;;e:t::~:i~:;:~

:!J:ee 2 fo~~:c:;-= R ss·1anconf11·ct

percent of the scholarships given go t0 ~cc~;

students. These are often unrestncteu.

Stabley said,"When a scholarship is giv~n fo ·,

the student, the interest from the contnbution is used."

mpactsOn Cabr1·n_1·

Martha Dale, alumni affairs/annual funds their hatred of Yeltsin, the city remained di.rector, said, ·'Students who pay full tuition :b!.y..;.R~i;,;;c~h.;..a,..rd,;.;,_.J_a_s.;.pe_r ___ ":+::ii'::;.i,~ I · l J w1"ththe Russian Army staff writer re ahve y ca m, receive a 40 percent scholarship from the declaring strict neutrality. But accordtng school. Thirty percent comes from annual When President Boris N. Yeltsin threw to James Hedtke, political science profcsfunds." Russia into political turmoil on Tue~day, sor, "The military bas a lot to gain, butthey

Lisa Bogia, public relations, said her of- Sept. 21 by dissolving the parliament and are hard to predict... fice is a branch of institutional advancement announcing that another one would be Over the next several days, Yeltsm whose main goal is to enhance the image of elected in December, some at Cabrini Col- appeared closer to victory in his pow~r the school. lege were watching very closely• These struggle with parhament. after some ofh1s Bogia said that the department's biggeSt events may hamper the exchange link ~ur leading opponents acknowledged that eargoal this year is to meet the Dixon Chai- college is trying to establish with Russia. ly elections for both the presidency and lenge.

In a televised address to the people of legislature are now essential. About 100

In 1992, the Dixons announced they would Russia. Yeltsin said that the "irreconcil- legislators, however, vowed to fight to t~e give $500,000 to Cabrini College. Eu~ene able opposition'' of the outdated Soviet- end by isolating and arming themselves ~n Dixon and his wife, Edith, former chair of era legislature had paralyzed his ability to the parliament building. even af~e~Yeltsm the board, said they will double their gif~ if carry out reforms. had cut off the building's electnc1ty. tclcthe college can meet their challenge with Almost immediately, the Supreme So- phone service and water. Yeltsin gave the another $1 million by June 1994. viet, the decision-making branch of the lawmakers until Monday, Oct. 4 to leave The challenge was approved by the board legislature, declared Yeltsin 's order null the Parliament. in May, and this unrestricted fundraising and void, voted 144-6 in favorof impeach- "There is a real struggle of personality will go towards a sports center. ing Yeltsin and swore in Vice Pre~ident between Yeltsin and his opponents," Aleksandr V. Rutskoi as acting president. Hedtke said. The legislators and Yeltsin

With that, a bitter political feud had "have extremely different views of bow begun in Moscow. Although several hun- the country should operate," he said. dred hard-line Communists gathered around the Parliament building to shout more FUND on pg. 8 more RUSSIA on pg. 8

![Safe - The sthetr mtne To:>!kt:: alsar? Friday,Oct.8, 1993 Vol.XL,No.5 CabriniCollege Radnor,Pa.19087;::: •
:ascn. sona:s
Inside ...
tl'PERSPECTIVES .2 Reunion Weekend replaces Homecoming in the middle of June. Week at a Glance ... Oct. 8
14 v' A & E pgs.6 & 7 .2,eck out the reviews of ies and plays and pick thing to see this _ l:end. pg.10 •es Phever!!! FRIDAY ti' 8 p.m. Widener
to Oct.
Lecture Hall: Author Jerry Spinelli presents ~'from Fried
ti' Wayne Art ti' No Mass tl'Dean's Fall Center sponsors will be Holiday. No an Art Show in celebrated class. the Atrium. The due to Dean's exhibit will be Fall Holiday. open all day and night.

I.___E_d_ito_ri_a_l _____ ___.IIViewpoint I

'Lost souls' of Cabrini banished

The name of parents weekend was changed to family weekend to accommodate the needs of current students. The weekend was intended to include the entire family of Cabrini College, not just parents. A significant portion of this Cabrini family, however, was excluded.

These lost souls were the alumni.

Where were the alumni this past weekend? Most were not on campus because, for the first time, family weekend and alumni homecoming were separated.

According to Martha Dale, director of alumni affairs, one of the main reasons behind the switch was because alumni had trouble splitting their time between the different events.

Ironically, in the past there was "too much to do" on campus. Soccer games were in full force, floats glided by and speakers addressed alumni. As graduates were running amidst all the events, activities specifically planned for them suffered from lack of attendance.

Therefore, alumni affairs lost money. And when alumni affairs loses money. the college suffers. What were they to do?

This year reunion weekend was held in June, when no other activities were taking place on campus. Since students were not present, alumni were able to stay in the houses or nearby hotels. The 1994 homecoming also will held in June.

There is an obvious down side to having homecoming during the summer. Alumni return to campus to see the students and faculty they have left behind. The people that alumni come back to see obviously are not here at this time of year.

Alumni contribute money and expertise to the college and maintain a lively Cabrini spirit beyond our" 110 rolling acres." They want to see firsthand the changes made at their alma mater. Any physical changes, positive or negative, do not have the same impact without the "personal touch" for which Cabrini supposedly is known.

The chill in the air, the changes in the leaves and the spirit of an active Cabrini campus are what compel tne aJummto reminisce abuul lhcir dayo atthi3 in5titution.

At most colleges. and even at high schools, autumn and homecoming go hand in hand. \\'hy not here at Cabrini?

IUps and Downs

This is the first time since 1983 the Philadelphia Phillies have made it to the post-season. Yes sports fans, it's been 10 long years since our "Phightin'Phils" clinched their last NL East flag.

Tomahawk those Braves!

Mass confusion swept through the computer Jab, as students were told they could not return their floppy disks. Only previous hard disks could be traded in for this year's current disk. Yet another lack of communication results in loss for students.

Kites were blowin' in the wind during the third annual One Sky, One World kite fly for peace. Students and children alike participated in a fun-filled afternoon of kite flying.





Treasured memories create lifetime of standards

Who I am today is a result of ill! parents.

When I woke up on January 26, 1985, I thought it would be an average Saturday. I was wrong. I did not realize it at the time, but my whole life could have changed for good.

At 9:30, I came downstairs and found my brothers and sisters, of which there are many, standing around in the kitchen. I did not understand why they were there, but I was soon to learn. My mother and father were nowhere to be found, and when I asked where they were, all I got was questioning looks back and forth.

One of my sisters, I do not recall which one, sat me down and told me that my father was in the hospital. He was taken in during the night complaining of chest pains.

My father had suffered a heart attack.

At the time I was only 11 and did not understand what this meant. I just went about doing my normal Saturday activities. I went into the living room and watched my cartoons and then "Voyagers."

Tt was ate.afternoon when my mother came home. She was noticeably upset, but this did not affect me. I still went over to her and said hello as usual and went about my day as if nothing were wrong.

I guess, looking back, it was good I was young and did not completely understand. I did not know what death was and really had no experience with it before.

A few years earlier my uncle died of a heart attack around Christmas. I just thought he was gone for awhile. One of my sisters, Nancy, told my other sister Donna an~ me about my uncle during a commercial for "Frosty the Snowman."

I am very happy to say my father turned out all right. I do not know what I would have done if he did not. I cannot image life without my father.

Many of the things I have done in my life are because of my father. He is the reason I am a certified locksmith and chain saw sharpener today.

How can you not respect a man anc! woman who raised 14 children on on. paycheck and never deprived their ch11dren of anything?

How can you not respect a man and woman who were marned on August 21 1948. and are still married today?

How can you not respect a man and woman who have been through ever} illness known to man, including heart attacks and cancer?

How can you not respect a man and woman who have given all their live. and have never thought of taking?

I may be a little biased, but hey, the) are my parents, and I am very proud to be able to say it.

No matter what happens in my life, I will know that my parents are there for me. They help me whenever I need it and give me support in all I do. One of the best things about them is they share all they have with others. Whenever someone needs help, they are always there. Right now, my father is helping my sister put an addition on their house and he just finished helping a famil) friend with work at their house. This is not something new. He has always been like this.

I just hope someday I will be as good a person as both my parents are. I also hope to be as good a parent as both have been. My parents are the best!


il/E"MO~ THl~GS


J--_._._,._11-i.;_:_E· VSTAYTHf~E!

I would never have imagined it, but my father and I took correspondence courses in these subjects. Every weekend my father and I would sit al the kitchen table and do the new lesson we just received in the mail. Then we would work on the demonstration lock sent to us. Although these lessons were boring, I treasured them. I treasured them because ii was a time for my father and me to spend together.

One bad thing about these lessons is I now have a box of 500 business cards saying ·'Gary·s Locksmithing'' on them sitting in a drawer.

My father is also the reason I have a real estate license today.

Some fathers want their children to be doctors, others want them to be lawyen,. My father wanted a real estate agent, and that is what he got. Now I just have to make some money at it.

My father and mother have given me so much, and I am very grateful they are mine. I do not think I would exchange them for anything.

Editor in Chief: Heather McAllister Managing Editor; Danielle D1Marco Perspectives Editor: Danielle 01Marco Co-News Editor: Steve May Co-News Ed,tor· Kelly McDonald Features Editor Ga,y White Arts and Enterta,nment Ed,tor· Gary White Sports Editor Bob Macartney Copy Editor· Doug Eppler Writing Coach: Doug Eppler Graphic Designer: Ambreen Alladin Editorial Cartoonist
Business Managers
Photography Editors:
Celene Wr,ght, Diane Wrobleski Photography Staf1. Carol,ne Croley Doug Eppler Margaret Ma,o, Kendra Martin. Kelly McDonald. o,ane Wrobleski Loqu,tur ,s pubhshed weekly durong the school year by students of Cabrin, College, Radnor. PA 19087 Phone 215-971-8412. Subscription pr,ce ,s $25 per year and ,s included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees, Loqu1tur welcomes letters to the editor Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Howeve,, If the writer wishes, and the editor agrees. the writei's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as ·name withheld at the request of the writer.• Letters should be typed. double-spaced. and no more than 300 words 1n length. If a letter 1s too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it Letters to the ed,tor should be submitted by noon on Mondays The editorials and opinions published ,n Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the lnd1v1dual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loqultur is estabhshed as a fo1um for student express,on and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust. free and open discussion of Issues.
Joe Opiela
Diane Osborn & Karen Szczurek
Eric Barbuscia & Oawn,elle Klopp
Adviser Or Carter Cra,g,e
Dr, Jerome Zurek
Shelia Brady. Katina Corrao. Caroline Croley. Kell, Dougherty. Chrost,na Feehan. Ronette Holt, Richard Jasper, Margaret Ma,o. Regina MIiier. Gab, Nichols, Renee Rozniatoski, Brian s,atkowski, Catherine Smotherman, Jane Van lngen, Timothy Wonson.


Professor sets record straight; writes back to di~pu~e changes

To the Editor:

Thanks for printing my letter about

(Just to be fair, I should te that on Friday 10/1 some reason-

healthy selections were available.

those tray holders carrying grilled

french fries, dessert, and noth-

else shouldn't blame Seilers for their

Howevet, I'm writing to express my

at the changes you made in the

Changing "recommends"to "rec-

da tion" and "calorie" to

two sentences just plain pid. Also, I originally wrote, "I had a problem ," not "I had a prob-

•• I used the past perfect tense lo

that that problem had happened ore the problem I was writing about,

had also happened in the past


You may think these changes were

but, given my profession, it

and perhaps damaging

them appear over my name.

C.0-mb mistakes in an English teacher's

What kind of teacher is she?") In


addition, printing inaccurate material that could injure someone's reputation is hardly reputable journalism. Would you please set the record straight? And, if you print this letter, would youcould you-do so accurately?

Sincerely, Marice Bezdek, Ph.D English/Communications Department (This time, please print the capital C) Editors' note:

As quoted in every issue of Loquitur, pg. 2, "If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it." The editors deemed it necessary to shorten all letters in the previous issue.due to space constraints. The letter above, however, has not been altered.

Also, pg. 5 of "The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel .Manual" states, under the title of academic d_epartments, "Use lowercase except for words that are proper nouns or adjectives: the department of history, the history department, the department of English, the English department." Therefore, "English/communications department" is correct AP style.

Striking out at sports; scoring with activities

Katina Corrao, staff writer

.Student reacts to resident assitant profile article

To the Editor:

Last week I was misquoted in an article concerning the Resident Life Staff. As an RA I was asked to comment on why I wanted the position and what I was hoping to get out of the experience. The statement in the Loquitur read that I like being an RA because I "like living at free room and board." Unfortunately, it is not just the faulty grammar of this statement that upsets me_. I did not give this information to the reporter with whom I spoke. For me, there are many other aspects of being an RA that take precedence over this one, including helping people and being an active part of the environment in which I live. I can assure everyone that benefits of being an RA far exceed receiving free room and board. For if they did not, there would either be 17 very miserable men and women on our staff, or there would be no staff at all.

I am also writing this letter out of concern for the quality of journalism the Loquitur represents. Several times throughout the past two years I have been interviewed by members of the newspaper staff. Each time I have cooperated and been honest with all that I have said. I am not afraid to be directly quoted or even paraphrased in any article. I do mind having words, that are not mine, placed into my mouth by those whom have interviewed me. I am quite concerned that I am not the only victim

of this extreme violation. The fact that this has happened to me on more than one occasion concerns me that the quality of the newspaper that is being produced by the college is less than acceptable.

If one is given the privilege of writing and reporting for the Loquitur, I would hope that they would have the decency and respect to be honest in what they say about those of whom they report. Reporters and editors must realize that the printed word is not something to be dealt with on a meaningless basis. It is very important to be sure that what you write is totally· accurate before it is published. What is wrongly stated cannot be as easily retracted as you would like to think. Those who allow many mistakes and misinterpretations to exist in their periodical cannot always guarantee the same readers will read a retraction or a correction.

The articles in the Loquitur that have misquoted what I have said have caused minimal inconvenience in my life. However, it would displease me greatly to see it happen to any degree again. I would like to caution the journalists of this college to be careful in what they print and to be accurate in what they say is true. For is it not some sense of truth that you seek in publishing this paper?




several clubs and ran for Student Council. I joined the play and sang at school functions. I even became the boy's baseball manager!

By the end of my senior year at Archbishop Carroll, I had changed quite a bit. By getting involved with activities such as these, I was able to contribute a part of myself that I would never have done if I had played sports.

To th.e Editor:

We agree with Tara Palmisano that there is a parking problem at Cabrini. However, it is not the resident students that are causing the problem.

studnets are full.

The best solution to the problem· would be to add more parking spaces.

heart raced as I walked up the 1n the locker room. Please let be up, please let them be up, I said self over a hundred times. The d<'or seemed miles away. I could !ittle white paper hanging. As I do,, n the list, I wasn't surprised. ~as cut number eight. -=eld hockey three times, ~ading twice, tennis once and softrw.ice.

y. so I broke a few sticks in field ~y. got a' leg cramp .during my e ding routine, ran all over the • tennis and missed several fly softball. Why did they cut me? ..::a!Ilehome one more time in tears.

U;Dily was waiting for me at the

They had a little card for me. (To --£~ I still can't figure out how they I would be cut.) The card read, ~R LUCK NEXT TIME! ce. sports were everything. Then I got cut, I felt that everything that to offer was taken away from me, --""g the field hockey uniform that .::.ade us practice with!

at that point that I had to uEfference. I immediately joined

Student Council President, activity rep., Amnesty International, S.A.D.D Spring Musical, Junior and Senior prom committees, the newspaper, a singer at school functions, a writer for the literary magazine, Peer group and May Queen were some of the activities that I acomplished throughout my four years at Carroll.

I had grown so much. I learned that I had other interests. I actually overcame my insecurities and ·participated in and enjoyed my high school career. without playing sports.

I look back on the decisions I made in high school. I didn't give up after my fall. And believe me, I fell a lot at softball practice! My family and friends encouraged me to try again and again (and again and again!) I jus·t hope that I will use this information all of my lifeif you fail, try harder and try one more time.

I do sometimes pick up a field hockey stick or a baseball bat. After everyone .around me ducks, I realize that maybe sports aren't really for me

Resident students park in the Sacred Heart parking lot, not because we want to drive to class, but because we were unable to find an empty spot anywhere near the residence halls. We do not enjoy walking to House 6 after returning to campus at midnight.

Your idea of fining residents for parking in the Sacred Heart parking lot is absurd. Especially since the Public Safety Department has told us that residents aQd our guests are to park there when the lots reserved for resident


Finally, nowhere in the 1993-94 Student Handbook does it state that firstyear studet1ts are restricted from having cars on campus.


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Friday, Oct. 8, 1993 PERSPECTIVES 3

Clinton health plan impacts

CXHleW5 ea70f

~(limon,1,3.5proposedarestructuringofthehealthcaresystemthatwillguarantee health care for all Americans. The proposal would use financial incentives to encourage consumers tojoin low-cost health maintenance organizations and would push doctors, hospitals and insurers together in networks.

The goal of this plan is to make consumers aware of the cost of health care and to aeare competition between health insurance companies, which should lower costs and supply better service.

The National Health Board, which consists of seven members appointed by the president, will be in charge of monitoring state compliance and the functioning of health alliances, interpretthe standard benefitpackage and make suggestions on new benefits.

This board would also be responsible for publicized reports <;>nthe quality of service and care offered by health plans. A committee will keep track of drug prices to see if they are unreasonable. This will help make prescription drugs accessible to everyone.

UnderOinton's proposed plan, employers would be responsible for at least 80 percent of the average cost of premiums in their region and for supporting family coverage for married workers.

Employees would contnbute an averageof 20 percent toward their own insurance premiums and any required deductJ.blesor co-payments.

Employees with good health insurance wouldsee little difference if they are already belong to H.M.O.,and some would have more plans to choose from.

Uninsured workers would be required to purchase coverage, and employers would be required to contribute. Employees would pay 20 percent of the cost if they chose an average priced premium and less if they chose a cheaper premium.

Self-employed workers and unemployed individuals would be required to buy insurance, paying the full cost of the premium, un_Iess they qualify for government subsidies. The cost would be fully tax deductible, in comparison to

Student Academic Council re-evaluates goals for school year

The Student A.qldemic Council; better known as SAC,isheadedformajorreconstitution this school year.

SAC is a student-run organization intended fo act as a liaison between the stu• dents and faculty.

SACwasfoundedin 1969. Accordingto Dr. Joseph Romano, professor of philosophy, SAC was founded to keep the lines of communicationopenbetweenfacultymembers and students.

Karen Szczurek. vice president of SAC, said the council plans to revaJ!)p its whole program. The coucilwill go through a reoonstitution process and re-evaluate their goals.

The largest obstacle is that the student body is not quite aware they exist, she said.

Szczurek said SAC Spc)liSOredthe book sale last spring and plans to bold another in the spring of 1994.

The book:sale is a service that SAC provides to save students money and, at the· same time, lo make a profit.

Students give SAC their used textbooks and tell them how much they would like to sell the boob for. SACthen sells the books and keeps a 10 percent profit.

During the mi~itennand end of semester periods,when many studentshavela.stminute papers or exams, SAC provides a pricel~ service for students. The council keep1>.the libraryopen.

Each member takes a late night or early morning shift, takes care of the library and locks up, Szczurek said.

Evecy two years SAC provides a faculty profile of each teacher at Cabrini. In it are such facts as whether a teacher likes to test with multiple choice or essay questions.

According to Sz.czurek,SAC would like to start an exam file in which each faculty member would submit old exa~.

Therefore, before taking an exam, students could look in the file to better prepare themselves for the exam.

Dr. Thomas Boeke,.provost, would like

the 25 percent tax deductible which is in effect now.

Individualswho are self-employed individuals would be tteared like small businesses, potentially eligiKe for subsidies.

Unemployedindividuals with little or no income would pay little to keep full coverage; they would contribute on a sliding scale, paying full cost if income exceeds 250 percent of the poverty line.~

The government also would subsidize costs for many small and low ·wagebusinesses and for individuals who have incomes below 150 percent the poverty line.

Under this plan, Medicare payments would continue for the elderly and the disabled. Medicaid also would continue to pay for the poor, but now it would go through health alliances.

These health alliances would be run by the states, under the watchful eye of the federal government. These regional groups would collect and distribute premiums, certify health plans and offer them to consumers.

The government will subsidize retirees under the age of 65 who are not yet eligible for

Medicare. If they are not covered by a former employer or pension plan, they could get coverage through the alliance and pay only_20 percent, as if they were employed.

Medicare recipients would continue to receive the same benefits, plus new prescription drug and home-care coverage.

Once alliances are established, people turning 65 have the option of remaining in their former health plan, paying any difference between Medicare contribution and plan cests.

Medicaid recipients would receive mainstream medicine, signing up for a plan through the alliance. Federal and state governments would make set payments to the health plan. Recipients could choose any plan with premium at or below the regional average without making additional payments.

Students attending school full-time in a distant location, but covered under their parents policy, would sign up for coverage thorough the alliance where they attend school. A portion of family and employer premium payments would be transferred from the home alliance to the alliance providing coverage.

Week devoted to healthy relationships

SAC to start a newsletter with all the cooncil's activities and topics.

SAC also is interested in pos.siblystarting a column in Loquitur.

_ Szczurek said that practically everything SAC inten~ to do must be approved by Boeke. She said, "He's been very open to all our ideas."

SAC also sponsors a grievance procedure. If a student has an important academic problem with a faculty member, he/she can bring it to the Academic Suggestions and Grievances Committee (ASGq.

The faculty handbook states, "The chairperson of the SAC must clearly and concisely present the issue to the ASGC.

The validity of the issue will be determined by a majority vote. Once an issue has been determined valid, the faculty member and student involved must be no• tified.

After a joint meeting (consisting of three SAC members and three faculty members), the committee will suggest a resolution and present it to teacher and student involved.

"The SAC is a vital part of this pro~," according to Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor of history.

"Many people do not realize that there is a fonnal process for grievances and that students do, in fact have to go straight to SAC fus4 "George Qark, SAC president, said.

As a former member of the Academic Council, Romano said he hopes to see SAC "change and be expanded to cover curricular issues."

He said he also would like to see more input from students about certain policies such as add/drQp, credit system and other items such as syllabuses.

"We are looking to advertise more," Clark said. ''We'll be spreading the word more."

Meetings are once a month. Anyone interested in sharing their ideas about Core Curriculum, courses or any academicissue •should contact Szczurek or Clark.

Healthy Relationship Week heightens awareness on all different types of relationships between males and females. This is the second year the event takes place on Cabrini's campus.

La~t year there were different workshops for students and parents and the highlight was the Newlywed Game. Seniors John Quirus and Melissa Massaro, who have been dating since they were seniors in high school, took part in the game.

This year the Newlywed Game was eliminated. Topics focusing on relationships with someone who has AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, men and women just being friends, learning how to be friends with parents and long distance relationships were on the agenda for the week.

On Sunday, Fr. Ambrose Cashman gave a homily on relationships. The topic of Monday's program was surviving long distance relationships.

Tuesday's program was titled "We 're just friends: Friendships between men and women." The topic was platonic relationships.

Junior Amy Gillette, resident assistant of Woodcrest, put together the program. She felt that not enough people have come out to support He.althy Relationship Week.

Gillette feels the week is a good idea and includes issues that should be dealt with.

Assistant Director of Resident Life Scott Dorsey looked forward to the event and would like more students to attend Ellen Schectman, a counselor in the Rudy Rooyman Counseling Center, said Monday's and Tuesday's programs were thought up by students. The other programs were designed by the counseling center.

Heidi Levine, who just started this August in her position as director of counseling services, was optimistic about theweek. She organized the program on loving someone gay or lesbi~n Levine urged staff, students, friend~ and family to attend the different events Levine said, "Relationships seem to conflict between men and women. It is important that we bind a more healthy relationship between them."


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Debating Columbus' discovery

t:,yRegina Miller staffwrtfer

Christopher Columbus set his sights on :;:anown waters. Ferdinand and Isabel, the :anish rulers, supported Columbus into the Atlantic Ocean. Can it be considered a

"'--overywhen there were natives present?

His voyage in October 1492 marked the pnning of a vast Western empire. The ..nish wanted to establish a shorter route to rich spice markets of the East Indies. Inhe stumbled onto a New World. How h credit does he deserve?

Dr. Jolyon Girard, history professor, said, \n~·onewho taught you that Columbus sailed

.C5-Ito discover a new world was wrong. He West to discover a new world, to find a em route to Asia so Spain could have open :r::merce ties to the Indies, China, Japan and Spice Islands."

Girardsaid books written by people claimC.Olumbuswas a "lousy navigator" are inace. ·'He did make mistakes, but even by _.·s standards, with the equipment and logy he had available, he is still considgood," Girard said. .bmes Hedtke, political science professor, discussed Columbus' achievement.


"First of all, the numbers of Native Americans are greatly overestimated," Hedtke said.

"Definite! y question the scope. The scope ends up to be 70 to 90 percent of people dying of disease."

Hedtke spoke of Columbus as an evangelist. "Columbuswasamanofhistime,"Hedtke said, "a time when Catholicism was up against Islam. He lived during the period of reformation versus counter reformation."

In the January/February issue of"Peace and Freedom," the magazine of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, writer Hans Koning claimed, "There is not one conversion of a Native American to Catholicism on record for Columbus's time. His was a trading expedition, and even that is a painful euphemism. He had nothing to trade but trinkets."

Girard explained the variety of interpretations of Columbus' importance.

"It depends on your heritage,'' Girard stated.

"It is very complicated. Italian Americans are happy that a Genoese opened up an entire hemisphere. Europeans appreciate the effort, but the Native Americans are upset''

Koning wrote. "And when it is asked why a man who has been dead for 486 years should be exposed, the answer is that not he, but we, this nation, its honor and its future, are on trial in 1992. He was but the foremost of the many false heroes who, with a false sense of courage and manliness, have burdened our national spirit. The very name 'Columbus Day' i5 still an insult to every native and black American, and indeed to all of us."

Hedtke's perspective lent an interesting twist. He claimed Columbus lacked intent, as far as native genocide. He said the Spanish may have assimilated the North Americans into Spanish culture but did not attempt to eliminate them. Hedtke stated, "There is a combination of both cultures that exists in Central and South America. This was not a holocaust where you see a separation of cultures.

"There was a type of enslavement used,"Hedtke continued."Why would you want them to die? You want them to work, not die.''

A process of eliminating myths in education was touched on by Bever!y Bryde, secondary education coordinator. She talks of the forces that assist in the dissipation of myths.

"The schools are trying to get a wider viewpoint," she said. "The time to introduce the controversy with the facts depends on the development readiness of the student."

Jeannine Zapiec, sophomore, said, in regard to Columbus Day, "Well, I get a day off,'' but, on a more serious note, "I truly believe in it, since the Indians were the first ones in America. That is if you think of it logical!y. ••

Micheal Furman, continuing education student, said, "I think that we should continue to celebrate Columbus Day. We need more threeday weekends. We need to put less emphasis on work and more on leisure time."'

Girard disregards the good guy-bad guy•· approach. "In history we do not use that approach." Girard said. "We use our interpretation of all the facts."

"No matter how you view it, Columbus had

The first annual FamilyWeekend

Margaret Maio staffwr1ter

sun was shining brightly all weekend ...5 the campus took part in the first-ever _.Weekend. Many students roamed the with their parents and family, meethculty and supporting the Cabrini sports Later they would converge upon the ~'1 Forge Sheraton for the dinner dance, is the highlight of the weekend.

e name of the weekend has been 9!d from Parents Weekend to Family end, but the essence is still the same, ~g to Danielle Harris, senior and presiKappa Sigma Omega.

~a is the college service organization responsible for running the events of Weekend.

abrini rosswords

Harris began to plan the weekend last January. She met with Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, president, to discuss ideas and goals for this year's event. Iadarola wanted to change the name of the event from Parents Weekend to Family Weekend.

The change was made to dispel any feelings of awkwardness a student may encounter if they did not have a parent or parents to attend. The change opened the weekend to not just parents but an aunt, uncle or cousin, according to Harris.

The campus activities for Saturday also were modified, Harris said. The float parade was deleted, and there was a faculty-parent reception added in the morning. Remaining from years past were the theatre scenes and home sporting events. The dinner dance remained on the agenda. as did


a great courage and conviction in his ideas, and he wanted to see them through, Hedtke said.

"He was t_ryingto overcome the obstacles that everyone set for him. This is the most important event for both European history and the history of the Western Hemisphere in years. To not discuss it or honor it is Iudicrous.''

Sharon Metz, director of Honor of Our Neighbors Origins and Rights, (HONOR), shared her views on the celebration.

"We have no other national holiday that honors someone who has such a dubious record and that honors a man other than an event," Metz said. "Martin Luther King is the exception, but he was a promoter of peace and honored for his contribution--not an exploiter."

Metz claimed the survival of the American Indians pre-empted human rights

"You have to survive before disputing the celebration of your oppressor,'' Metz said. "It's a myth, and you are celebrating a lie. His activities were genocide to an entire population."

October is:

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National Clock Month

National Kitchen and Bath Month

National Popcorn Poppin' Month

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National Cosmetology Month

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the parents ofnew friends got the opportunity to sit down and meet," Ellsworth said.

Mass and Sunday morning brunch. Students reacted to the weekend with mixed emotions. Senior Janice Reuter was upset that the dance seemed to end so early.

"They should have booked the room longer," Reuter said. "Everyone left so early.''

Senior John Quiros was upset at the lack of publicity. "No one seemed to know what was going on until it was happening," he said. The inefficient publicity was a concern of many students. Toni Ann Bibi, senior, said Kappa should have organized the publicity better. "The tickets were not on sale when the poster said, and students were confused,'' Bibi said.

According to Harris, she knew there was a problem with publicity. "I'm not denying that I publicized people would be there (outside the cafeteria) selling tickets,'' Harris said, "The girls didn't show up. I can ·1 be their mother."

Beth Mulvihill, senior, voiced concern regarding the overall organization. "People need to ask for help," Mulvihill said. "One person cannot pull off the entire weekend."

First-year student Jennifer Ellsworth was pleased with the events of the weekend. "The food was good, the DJ played a nice mix and

Amy Jackson, first-year student, agreed. "It was a lot of fun," Jackson said.

Jackson and her parents met Dr. Anthony Tomasco, psychology department chair, attended the theatre scenes and watched the soccer game. They also went to the dinner dance, according to Jackson. "I would go again next year," Jackson said.

Dena Della Rocca, senior and vice president of Kappa, was pleased with the overall results. "There was a lot of time and organization put into the event," Della Rocca said.

According to Della Rocca, Kappa was a !1ttle rocky in the beginning. She attributed this to a lack of time commitment from some members.

"There were a few key members who put a lot of time and energy into the organization of the event,., Della Rocca said.

The dinner dance was attended by more people this year than last, according to Harris. There were 403 people at the dinner this year, as compared with 377 from last year. Despite the confusion over the selling of tickets and the concern over publicity, the numbers show people came, Harris said. ''I am very pleased with the results," Harris said, "I did what I could do."


Friday, Oct. 8, 1993
27. Some 28. Mister 29.
30. Verb (form of be) 31. Plan (pl) 33. Plural of I 10
.:_p_,\e :: Odor
lock Adore
Money (pl)
Pointed missile
37. Jelly 21. Cede 38. Coat 22. Origin 39. Squeeze 23. Lighter 40. Twist 25.Cutback 41. Desk 26. Bloat 43. Drunk 28. 44. Tune in (pl) Spade 46. Aired 29.High 49. Mistake card 50. Scary 31. Relation 52. Yale between tones 53. Course on scale 54. Oddity 32. Inhabit 55. Fish eggs ant (suf) DOWN 35. Certifier 1. 7th Letter, Greek 37. Ditch alphabet 39. Senior 2. Frightened 40. Trick (early eng.) 42.Squabble 3. Military Depot 43. Hunt 4. Poet 44.Morning 5. Before moisture 6. Depart 45. Ireland 7.Ash- Military Orga8.Lake nization (abbr.) 9. Attorney 46. By way 10. Ceres mother of (Gr.) 47. Rock 11. Drone group 16. Type, Sort 48.Decrease 18. Burden 51.Con ?fl Tnrl11l0 rP. n1 o
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~Review -~-----Aman and his women

Neil Simon is known for his humorous and touching plays that have a human quality everyone can relate to. This rings true in his latest venture, "Jake's Women," playing at the Walnut Street Theater.

"Jake's Women" is a heart-warming play about a fiftysomething workaholic author named Jake. Jake faces marital disaster when his wife of eight years, Maggie, asks for a trial separation. Added to this Jake encounters writer's block.

Maggie has left Jake because she says he needs to "live" life, rather than observe it as a writer. Alone Jake remembers the many women of his life, as he tries to come to grips with his past so that he may move on with his life.

Through the course of the play the audience is invited into the mind of Jake, which often treads a thin line between reality and fantasy. The set helps the audience distinguish the difference between the real and imagined characters

upon the stage.

Jake's apartment is seen, but behind the furniture where a wall should be is a large black backdrop. Whenever the audience is in the mind of Jake, the backdrop illuminates in a multitude of tiny colorful specks that looks like a million stars in the sky.

The use of such a device allows the audience to distinguish between Jake's real encounters and those he has created in his head. Often part of the backdrop is lit, showing the crossover between the real and the imagined.

"Jake's Women" is directed by William Roudebush. His use of the stage and set is very strong, and the audience has a clear understanding of where Jake's territory is and where he is in less control. The cha.racters are very comfortable together, and there is a strong relationship between Jake and his women.

Who are Jake's women? In addition to Maggie, the group includes first wife Julia, whose death 10 years ago still haunts Jake; Karen, his assertive sister; Edith, his no-nonsense shrink; Molly,

Helmer. Barbara Tirrell, Susan Cella and Mimi Bensinger. his daughter at ages 12 and 21 and Sheila, his mistress.

Paul Hebron does a fantastic job as the distraught Jake. The play consists of a number of reflective monologues which Hebron handles very well. The audience feels the pain and the anger that Jake is trying desperately to work out.

Barbara Tirrell, Maggie, plays her part with ease, and the audience likes this character from the start. Maggie is a very human character full of wants, needs and desires.

The other characters all were played very well, and were very believable in their roles.

"Jake's Women" is full of funny moments. These generally occur when a cross is made of Jake's imagined world into his reality. Simon also has filled his play with witty one-liners and en-

dearing human truths.

"Jake's Women" entertains and provokes. The audience leaves the theater chuckling and crying in the same breath "Jake's Women" is currently playing at the Walnut Street Theater in Center City. The show is running through November 7, and tickets range from $21 to $38, with student, group and senior discounts available. For more information contact the box office at (215) 574-3550

Ask Roxy

If you have any questions or concerns and need some good objective advice write Roxy. Send your letters to bo~ 586.

The Dance Ensemble has entered another year of existence. Pictured from left to right are First-year students Chrystal Valentine and Trish McGovern, Junior Tricia Reilly and Seniors Alicia Casole and Jen Yates. Not included in the photo is Junior Sherry Cannan. The ensemble performed during Family Weekend. They have many events planned, but nothing is finalized.
ARTS Friday, Oct. 8, 1993
photo by Gerry Goodstein/ Walnut Street Theatre Paul Hebron as Jake is seated center. He is surrounded by his women. Clockwise form top: Denise Taylor, Leslie Mason, Tara Carnes, Rebecca
People choosetheir favoritetype of
National Cabrini 3.0 Romance 2.3 2.1 Action, war. Children's Science adventure fiction historical 1.9 STEVE MCKINSTRY, U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT 1.2 Occult .6 Western ©1991 Aldus Corporation. Allrights reserved. Children ~ence Fiction Created in Aldus FreeHand. 2 0 Occult Western

WYBF keeps the area informed

High atop the Widener Center sits a strange er that beams the sounds of today's latest emative hits in and around the Radnor ea The tower belongs to WYBF, Cabrini College's FM radio station.

The station, like many other Cabrini of6:es. has undergone some changes. Many voices are filling the air-waves, and the j ones are just as strong as they have ever ~n.

The station has been on the FM airwaves • the past two years, and the audience is :!:OWing.According to Senior Steve Murray, - ,,ramming director, the station operates rler an alterative format. "The market is re for the station," Murray said, "even _,,WDRE moving into the area."

WDRE is an alternative format commerstation that broadcasts from New York :Im·

\\'YBF operates every Sunday, Monday, c:dnesday and Friday from 7 a.m. to 12 a.m. ,1 of that time is filled with music, but the t10n also incorporates special programc:...:iginto the format.

-sports Source" gives WYBF listeners a - .a.neeto catch up on the world of sports and •ce their opinions. Guests on the show from Cabrini athletes to professionals m local teams.

-About Women" is an hour-long show focuses on the needs and issues that .dfect women within the community. The £0\V has focused on topics ranging from :.pc to dating in the '90s.

Senior Ellen Robbins, promotions direc: feels the specialty shows are a strong part programming. They deal with issues and 1q)icsthat are relevant to the college commu0.

·The station has undergo::ie some changes s.xe last year and, according to Murray, they uve given the station a more professional xmd."

The procedures for the on-air jocks are

structured, similar to a professional s::ition, Murray said. In addition to these

the station is taking a more profes'S..,Jllalturn in programming. This semester a specialty show may be heard on Sunday

Community Focus is hosted by Juniors

·eve May and Heather McAllister. This

program includes interviews 11hoff-campus authorities in such fields as r:ipe, AIDS and the homeless. On-the-spot

are juxtaposed with news analysis the hosts. Community Focus airs from 2 to

p m. on Sundays.

WYBF is considered by the Federal Com-

Commission to be an educamal station. This means the station is used

only to teach students how a radio station

but also to bring pertinent public

service programming to the surrounding community.

Murray said "one of the goals of WYBF is not only to teach the students but the community as well." Evidence of this goal can be heard every Sunday afternoon. According to Murray, Sunday afternoons are dedicated primarily to public affairs programming.

Several other shows are part of WYBF programming. Phone-in-Forum, which deals with news issues, allows the listeners to call and voice their opinions on current events.

Sunday News, with host Eric Barbuscia, senior, brings the listener all the important news for the past week.

The changes that have occurred at WYBF are seen as optimistic, according to Murray. "There is a lot of enthusiasm this year, and this year should be exciting."

WYBFbroadcasts on the FM dial at89.l.

Tune in and see what the excitement is about.

Review True Romance

The title "True Romance" suits this movie as much as "Erotica" would suit Mother Cabrini's autobiography. This is no teen-age, small town U.S.A. love story.

In his most magnificent performance yet, Christian Slater has bloomed. He is not merely the stem of "True Romance, "he also gives this exceptional movie a healthy steadiness that brings together urban American romance and an "uppercut" cynicism of the checks and balances of getting ahead.

Quentin Tarantino, "True Romance" screen playwright, reflects his early achievement of "Reservoir Dogs," (another rebel trying to make good story).

Clarence Worley, Slater, is introduced to Alabama Whitman, Patricia Arquette, in this dumpy movie theater. She "stumbles" upon him and, after Slater takes her home, she is there in the morning. They are in love.

Worley proudly manages a comic book store in Detroit and is an Elvis obsessor. He lives in a lonely apartment and talks to a silhouette of Elvis several times in the movie.

The cast is sprinkled with a slew of seasoned actors. Val Kilmer, Bronson Pinchot and Gary Oldman add their own flavorful personalities to the movie. Brad Pitt portrays a shiftless yet comical pothead. The drug lord rests easy in the convincing eyes of Gary Oldman, and Christopher Waiken stands off with Dennis Hopper, Slater's father, in a sensational questioning scene.

"Get it quick" mentality races right along


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Sophomore Laura Barnett plays local music during her show on Sunday nights. with the drugs and fast carsof the movie, but the quick, ever-draining turns, concerning the emotional highs and lows, smack the movie along at a treacherous pace. The scenes when Slater and Arquette transport cocaine that they steal from Alabama's ex-pimp from Detroit to Los Angeles, in order to prosper on a big payoff, and the final confrontation, both keep suspense and perspective, with the constant pursuit of the drug mob behind Slater and Arquette urging on the movie.

The theme of prostitute-gone-good who falls in love with the naive Slater, a comic book salesman, is a nice spin-off of the drag-throughthe-dirt love story.

The harsh "in your face" dialogue throughout the movie is alluring. Slater jeopardiz.es the life of police-wired Pinchot in an almost breathstopping scene. Another more subtle periodof Worley declares, "I'm not a fag or anything, but if I had to f--· a guy, it'd be Elvis." This allows a gentle entrance of a controversial issue into our skin, in hopes of turning our attention to the finer stereotypes of life. Vexing stereotypes are found in several scenes, giving it another realistic touch on the 20th century's social ignorance.

The crisp, ruthless violence in the movie is beautiful. The soft loves scenes are tragic. This zesty combination gives "True Romance" the balance to allow it one of the best movies of 1993.

Dead Trivia

1. Woodstockwas the monumental concert the Dead played in 1969.

2. Deadheads is the name commonly used to describe the fans of the Dead, especially those who follow them around.

3. Touch of Gray iSthe only top 10 songthat the Dead has ever released.

4. The Dead have been together for 28yem.

S. This is the Dead: Jetty Garcia - lead guitar Bob Weir - rhythm guitar PhilLeab - bass guitar BillKreutzmann-drums Mickey. Han- drums

WYBF does art reviews

Cabrini's airwaves soon will be filled with the sounds of artists, playwrights, actors and perfonners. Those who tune into WYBF on Sundays from 3 to 3:30 p.m. will be treated to a closer look at to world of the arts.

"Backstage" with Kathryn Helene is a new addition to WYBF programming this semester. The show is a half-hour look at people in the Philadelphia world of art. According to Helene, the show will cover all areas of the arts, from actors to musical soloists.

Her first guest, Rob Becker, discussed his play "Defending the Caveman," which is playing at the Movement Theater International. Becker wrote the play and is a castmember. Helene holds an M.S.A. in theatre arts and is an adviser to students in the Perfonning Arts program at the University of Pennsylvania. She also writes for a weekly Philadelphia paper.

Helene, who has been interested in the arts since childhood, said she had an idea for a show and made some°talls. ·She was encouraged to send a proposal to the college by Frank Hogan, radio broadcasting instructor. The proposal was accepted, and Helene can now be heard every Sunday.

Music Tri.via

1. Who is the new guitarist for the Chili Peppers?

2. What band was Juliana Hatfeild formally in?

3. Who's album, released in 1992, did Juliana Hatfield play bass on and do back-up voacls for?

4. What band did Tommy Stinson, curently of Bash and Pop, originally play guitar for?

S.What is the name of the band tha just released a single with Beavis and Butthead? What is the title of the song?

Friday, Oct. 8, 1993 ENTERTAINMENT 7
photo by Caro ,ne CrOley

Cabrinicontractsnew companyto 'clean house'

Thecollegehousekeepingstaff,longemployed bythecollege itself,was replacedinthespringby an outsidecompany. Long-timeCabriniemployees, now ex-employees, do not like the changes that occurredwhen theywere hiredby the ISS corporation.

This change,likeany, has broughtaboutrrnxed feelings.

AcrordingtoBobDiSalvatore,diredorofuousekeepingservices,therewas a feasibilitystudy conductedtofindoutifcontractingoutthehousekeeping staff would improve the quality of service and benefitthecollege.

"It would be more economical to contract out, accordingtothefeasibilitystudy,''DiSalvatoresaid.

~likeCaranfa.chiefphysicalplantofficer,agreed withDiSah-aroreandsaidCabriniwill benefitgreatly from contracting out both economically and throughthe~ of work.

··Contractingoutwillbringsa,ingsand a better qualityofwotktothe~ -Caranfasaici After thestudywasdone,theseniorstlfhuedandagreed to go ahead with the takingand analysisofbids. The analysis of bids was a long process that included acquiring information from comparues that wanted to hire Cabrini's housekeeping staff. The senior staffthen conductedan examinationof ISS, the company chosento employ the staff.

Even though Caranfasaid that contractingout thestaff is beneficialto thecollege,membersof the housekeepingstaffdisagree.

Choosing to remain anonymous, one housekeepersaid that he/shefeelsas if the staffis under a whipwiththenewcompany.'Thestaffwasnotwell paid before, but now we are not well paid and working under conditionsthat are far worse than with Cabrini, one employeesaid.

more RUSSIA from 1

In an attempt to ease the standoff with Yeltsin's opponents holed up in the parliament building, negotiators from both sides agreed on Thursday. Sept. 30 to restore electricity if the unyielding lawmakers ratify a plan to surrender their weapons. This agreement, however, was not accepted, greatly increasing the chances of violence erupting.

President Clinton, like most Americans, was taken by surprise by the events in Moscow. He moved quickly, however, to throw the support of the United States behind Yeltsin in his showdown with the Russian Parliament. In doing s•o, the United States has decided that Yeltsin's suspension of a Parliament elected under Communist Party voting rules is acceptable.

The upheaval of the government, plus the fear of bloodshed, has caused the U.S. Embassy in Russia to issue an advisory to Americans planning on visiting Moscow to "exercise caution.·, This warning could have a serious impact on Cabrini as well.

According to Helene Hennigan, head language department, both she and Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, president, met this past summer with Roustem Bichurin, director of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Foreign Languages in Nizhny Novgorod, to discuss setting up an exchange program of faculty and students between the college and the Institute.

"Thepresident hopes to set up exchanges in various countries so that the Cabrini community may share more fully in the cultural diversity for which we aim," Hennigan said. The

AccordingtoDiSalvatore,thestartingsalaryfor thehousekeepingstaffrangesfrom$6,070-$9,027.

'The staff is expectedto the same amountof work as when they were employed by Cabrini," DiSalvatoresaid 'They are expectedto clean the bathroomson a daily basis,the same as before."

'These alteredconditionsincludecleaningwith harsherchemicals,witha bleachthatstingsoureyes, and with reduced health benefits,"anotherhousekeepersaid.

Oneemployeesaidtherearecliscrepanciesamong theirbosses."DiSalvatoreinstructsustodoachore one way, and ISS tellsus to do it anotherway," he/ she said. "ISS has taken us back to slavery."

AlthoughCabrinistilladvisesISSastowhatthey shouldandshouldnotdo,theworkershavesaidthey are lookingfor other places of employmentif this situationdocs not improve.

"There are more students. more work and not enough of us to go arounci"one housekeepersaid. ''We should get a pay increaseand more workers shouldbe hired.''

In contrast, Caranfa said there have been no major changesamong the staffanciat present,ISS andCabrini,aswellas thehousekeepers,areironing out any minorproblems.

"We feel that Cabrini is benefiting from this change.'.Caranfasaid 'Thefoodandbookservices were onceemployedbyCabrini,butnow theyhave alsobeen contractedout"

Caranfaalsosaidthatwhenthecompanieswere screened for bidding this past spring,the advising staff carefullyinspectedthe ISS treatmentof employees. "It was the most important aspect we lookedatwheninterviewingthecompanies,''Caranfu said.

''WewouldnothavecontractedISSifwedidnot think that they could do a betterjob than our own management,"accordingtoCaranfa

college is also making more efforts to get international students to study here.

The Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Foreign Languages, founded in 1937 on the basis of foreign language courses, provides academic programs in languages and linguistics at bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels. Since the opening of the City of Nizhny Novgorod (formerly Gorky) to foreign visitors in 1991, the Institute has been hosting groups of students from Western Europe and the United States studying Russian language and culture.

"Although the title of the Institute mentions foreign language, the Cabrini exchange is not limited to language majors," Hennigan said. The exchange program is also open to business majors and students of sociology. as well as a number of other possibilities, including internships.

Iadarola is invited as a guest of the Russian government during Thanksgiving break this November to hammer out the details of the exchange link between the Institute of Foreign Languages and Cabrini. as welJ as to talk with the presidents of various colleges in Russia about the American higher education system and privatization of colleges.

The Nizhny Novgorod Institute, however, is located appro.ximately 188miles southeast of Moscow. where the daily struggle between Yeltsin and his opponents is being waged.

"I would be hesitant of sending anyone, faculty or students, in light of the situation in Russia," Jadarola said. "Whatever happens in Russia will very much affect what will happen with the exchange program."

Even so, Iadarola remains optimistic.

"Negotiations between the two schools are still getting through.'' she said. Many of ladarola's contacts in Russia also seem to think that Yeltsin will prevail and things will



FUND from 1

work themselves out.

"It's important to allow our students to study and travel abroad," Iadarola said. "It is a learning experience that one never forgets. The more Cabrini can do to prepare its students to live and work in the next millennium is really exciting."

Many Cabrini students seem to think thlll the prospects of studying abroad and allowing foreign students to come to America to learn about our lifestyle and culture is a good idea.

JohnCunicelli, first-year student, felt the exchange link is a great objective for the college to have. "Russians seem to hate Americans," he said. "If they had the opp0rtunity to come here to study and learn our culture, they would realize we are basically just like them, with only a few differences."

Katie Ellis. first-year student, was hesitant about the exchange program. "In the thought process. it's a good idea, but no teacher or student is going to go into a country where so much turmoil is occurring in their political system," Ellis said. "If the turmoil should calm down, however, it would be a great learning experience."

In an effort by faculty to promote international studies and prepare students who wish to study abroad, once the final details have been worked out between the Institute of Foreign Languages and Cabrini, the language department will offer Russian 101 in the Spring of 1994.

Any student who has fulfilled the competency requirement in Spanish, French, Italian or German may take the Russian 101 class on a pass/fail option. ''This is allowed in order to encourage language study by all majors," said Hennigan. So. as the tumultuous events continue to unfold in Moscow, the world, and Cabrini, awaits.

Bogia said,"We' re coming close to meeting the challenge. Right now, we are asking alumni, parents and everyone involved in the Cabrini community, to help raise the one million dollars we need."

According to Director ofDevelopment MaJ) Helen Herzog, there may be little interaction because the development office isa one-person department. Herzog said, "Faculty speak with me informally about enhancing their programs." She added, "It is my job to go out and raise money. By doing this, I'm representing the students and the students are benefiting from their teachers."

On the other hand, professors such as Dr Joseph Romano, professor of philosoph). worked closely with him last year on the Inauguration Committee. Romano said,"Ever. though I don'thavedirectlinks with Mr. Stable) I saw how personable he is, how easy he is to get along with. He's very competent."

Hedtke said. "Mr. Stabley has proven hi~ expectations through the Dixons' Challenge a~ well as the increase in enrollment this schoo. year." Hedtke added that with a position like Stabley's, it is unfair to make any judgment~ after one year. •'After the next two to three years, we' 11have a better understanding of who Stewart Stabley is and whether or not he'<: living up to his expectations and promises.''

Stewart Stabley, vice president of institutional advancement, has been a member of the Cabrini community for about one year. Stable} received a bachelor's degree in journalism at Pennsylvania State University and later a masters degree in communications management and 12 years in higher education institutions.

Throughout his career, Stabley worked for 15 years in corporate management and 12 years in higher education institutions.

Prior to his responsibilities at Cabrini. Stabley spent time at Allentown College of Saint Francis De Sales, Northwestern University and Illinois University.

NEWS Friday, Oct. 8, 1993
photo by Caroline Crole, Leon Halloway waxes the floor outside of the weight room in Sacred Heart Hall. Although the college contracted a new company to clean the campus, ISS kept the same employees, and no major changes have taken place in Houskeeping service.

7 '

Last week in the world of-news

:lTuesday, Sept.28-Mioorities arePredicted.

The Census Bureau announcedtoday their predictions of the nation's racial and ethnic balance.

The Nation's StatisticAgency feels that in 2010, Hispanics will replace blacks as·the largest minority group, with 14 percent rather than the 9 percent of today. In the year 2050, Hispanics will rise to 23 percent.

Asian Americans will triple in births, from whattheyaretoday, intheyear2050. They are considered the fastest growing racial group. Blacksare 12percenttoday. By theyear 2010, they will be 13 percent and, in the year 2050, blackswill reach 16 percent.

!:JWednesday,Sept. 29- EarthDay creator chargedwith murder.

CounterculturefigureIra Einhornwas convicted Wednesday for fatally beating his then 31-year-oldgirlfriend,Helen"Holly"Maddux, ;n 1977.

She was found in March 1979 in a locked

steamer trunk in a closet in Einhorn' s apartment.

Witnesses say that Maddux had been trying to breakoffheraffairwithEinhom and had begunher missionby renting a separateapartmentfro • in order to get away from him.

Einhorn, now 53, is found first Earth Day.

Einhorn, who is pr where in Europe wi tenced to life in p •

0 ThursdayJM. Qua ill India.

At least 30,@wete found dead C)I'missing from theshatteringeaithquak:ethatoccumdearfy Wednesdaymoming.

The U.S. Geological Smvey in Washington said the quake meastited6.4 on the RichterScale.

The quake ripped through Southwest India at 3:56 am., devastating a1luge area. Telephone, electricity and water lines were cut. Umarga was one of the wor& towns hit. Sixty percent of the town's buildingswere destroyed.

0 Friday, Oct. 1- Visit from Cardinal Bevilaqua

The Waldron Student Center at Gwynedd


Kelli Dougherty staff writer

Some Cabrini students serve time at :erford prison. They are Juniors Tricia .i!lerand Lor, Staneruck, Sophomore Heidi ::-ooleyand Senior Mollie Chesna.

However, the time being served is not a :=.shment for a crime but actually a reward nelping others overcome the barrier of

These students have volunteered their time

·-,e Prison Literacy Project, sponsored by


This program exposes illiterate prisoners to world of reading and writing, with the

student tutors.

-Between 40 and 60 percent of Graterford 's - tes are illiterate or have only a third or ai grade reading level," Schuller, student :dinator of the program, said°.

The program matches a student with an -ate to improve his reading and writing ..;ties. According to Francesca Bansbach,

campus minister, "This program will allow prisoners to get through their basic reading and writing skills, which will hopefully lead to acquiring the~eberal Equivalency Diploma (GED) and-then able them to courses off~:at~

MercyCollegeinl..owerGwyneddTownshipwas the place to be on Friday.

Cardina!AnthonyJ.Bevilacquaansweredques~from students on the state of religion in 's • homosexuality, abortion and v~edin parishactivities.The th~ents as the "future ."ents the young adults, to the oup of 30 that life beagardenofrcre5,butyoushould stop and smelI;them.

0 Satunlay, Oct. 2 • Clinton's American Healdtftan PremdentOirlton explained Saturday that his health care1eform.willtak~shape across political boundaries.WhenCongresspassesahealthpackage, it will not have a labelon it statingRepublican or Democrat but ratl,er "Made in America" Governmenf'will control prices and decide wh.\t new technologies and techniques can be used.

The President tried to stop Republican criticism of the plan's key fuqding mechanism by making workers pay 80 percent of their employ-

ees' insurancepremiums. The GOP feels this will killjobs in minor businesses.

0 Sunday, Sep. 28- Blow out in Russia Violencebrokeoutwhen enemiesofBoris

N. Yeltsin, armed with rocks, clubs and machine guns, smashed through troops to get to the ParliamentBuilding (White House).

At least 24 civilians and soldiers were killed. Over 100 people we1einjured. This was the army's first show of force • during the two-week-<;>ldcrisis between governmentand lawmakers.

This is reported to be the worst violence since.the1917 Bolshevik Revolution.

0 Monday, Oct.4 • Kelso keepsjob.

DefenseSecretaryl..esAspindecidednotto takedisciplinaryactionagainsttheNavy'stop adrniraloverthe 1991Tailhooksexualharassment scandal. Admiral Frank B. Kelso II will keep his job.

TheNavy'sLas Vegas conventionwas the Tailhookscandal's birthplace.

Kelso would not resign from his job but w,!itedto seewhat.Aspin had to say.

Kelso,60, a 1958Nava1Academygraduate is scheduled to retire next July.

on Cabrinitradition

involvement in the program.

Another reason this project is lacking students is a conflict of schedules, according to Schuller.

But the maingoalis~prisonersthroug ,.Myschedule conflicts with the night that these basic skills~fu, ~-~elhaveaclass," will irnprovetbeirfutureonthc~. ~~said, "but hopefully, ThismaybedifficwtduetoPiefacttheteis 1lflerthis semester's training program is coma shortage ofsiw:lent~and •l.-ar~•~ J.cu with the new students on list of inmates trying to ge_tioto.theprt,gnnr. night thatwiD fittn~schedule."

this is in response to the mission of the college. We are following the footsteps of Mother Cabrini, because she worked with the immigrant prisoners in the United States."

On a individual basis, student involvement is due to other reasons. "At fust I initially became involved with the project to fulfill my Seminar 300 requirement," Chesna said. "But this year I decided to come back because it is more than just teaching someone how to read. You learn so much about society andalotofthe influences of the environment."

There are avarietyofreasoosw'1ystudCllt$ ~ptesendy aregoing through are not gettinginvolved,aax,tdmgto~ the~ JeSSiooandshould be available to She said some studentsarefearfulof being-. by Janµary. the prison.

A studentmustcomplete a one-hour adult

"It's a shame that there are so many stereo- literacy training program, in addition to a onetypes about prisoners that keep students from hour prison orientation, before actively bejoining," Schuller said, "butl have not run into coming a tutor. anyproblemsorconflictsandwasneverputin

The roots of Cabrini's interest in prisons a dangerous position. I am glad I got past those goes back to when Mother Cabrini learned of fears."

Italian immigrant pr_isonerswho did not under-

Students' parents often feel the same fear, stand English or their rights in this country causing them to disapprove of their children's Bansbach said, "One of the reasons we do

"You also learn a lot about yourself," Chesna continued. "I listen to their stories and leave there thinking about them. It actually makes you realize these are real people."

Ortiz volunteers her time for other reasons.

"l always wanted to teach literacy and saw an opportunity to do so, even though at first I was skeptical of being in a prison," she said.

"I also find it is an enrichening experience, and I learned a lot about myself and the world through it," Ortiz said.

What's Happening _Security Update

Legal Party Scheduled 10/7

:l Rock'in AIDS luau legal party will ,e held from 9:30 p.m.-1 a.m. in the Widener Center Gathering Area. Guest DJ Brian Naab will provide ent~taiq-,, ;:::ient,along with Cabrini band Reservoir :><>gs. The cost is $$ and the money r.lised will be donated to the Philadelphia .-\IDS Walk.

Author Presents Book 10/8

:l Author Jerry Spinelli presents "From Fried Chicken to Fiction" Literacy O;,nersations, Lecture and Book Signing at , p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture nail.

Art Show Held

Flea Market & Craft Fair 10/16

0 Cabrini Children'sSchool will hold a flea marketandcraftfairfrom9a.m.-la.m. Weather permitting,theeventwillbeheldin theChildren's -Schoolparking lot; in case of rain it will be relocatedfothe Grace Hall Atrium. For more info~ c:allKaten Stauffer at 647-3968 or The Chilifreit'sSd,oolat 971-8520.

AJl)SWaJkSdMd11hd 10/17193

OThePhiladelphiaAIDS Walk begins with ~on at 9 a.m. 'Thewalk will begin at 11 a.Jl,l.and a freeconcertandpicnic will take place from 2-4 p.m. at EakinsOval. For more info CQntactJoelle~Box 132.

HedhC.Refrom Panel Scheduled


ClHcalth Care Reform: Is the Cure Worse ThantheDisease?willbeheldfrom7:30-9:30in the Grace Hall Atrium. Four panelists and a moderator from various health professionswill speak

Security incidents, as reported by security office, from Tuesday, Sept. 28 through Oct. 4.

Institutional Vandalism 9/28/93

0 Six or seven textbooks were reported stolen from a chemistry professor's office in Grace Hall.



0 Security responded to a call about a O A car was observed by security problem on Residential Boulevard. Resi- driving across Woodcrest's front lawn, dent director informed security th~~ three t?e lawn and entering the street at unknown males were.J~~l~ug, high rate of speed. The car sped no parking signs ou~~~~hel;l ight. the suspects saw RD~lli{y ran. A se~, &~t sign was found in fl&i~ous~, fi!- ft ·~----:;:-~?


Simple Assualt/Disorderly Conduc~ ~meone t pied to steal the tele9/28/93 • vist~;f • 2. The alarm went off.

0 RD informed security of three nonCabrini students entered the building wi_thout signing in. Two of the males had no identification, and the third presented security with a fake I.D. The suspects were intoxicated and became loud and disorderly when asked to leave the building.

Stolen Property 10/1/93

Suspicious Person 10/5/93

0 A female Cabrini student reported to security that, whilewalkingfrom the Widener Center to House 6, she saw a man running through the woods, ducking behind trees. No suspect was found.

'T Friday, Oct. 8, 1993 NEWS 9
is sponsored
works and sell them.
by Wayne Art Center all day and night. This event gives local artists the opportunity to

Stoppin' the Chop

A sea of red and white engulfed the Kennedy Plaza at noon on Wednesday, as Phillies fans of all ages, sexes and backgrounds came together to rally their team.

The rally was the idea of 610 WIP Morning Show hosts Tony Bruno. Al Morganti and Angelo Cataldi. They had been organizing the event since the Phillies clinched the pennant in Pittsburgh the previous week.

Some of the personalities who were present included ex-Flyer Ed Hospodar. the mayor of Philadelphia, Ed Rendell, Sixers announcer John Guravitch, 1980 World Series hero Tug McGraw and boxing announcer Michael Buffer, as well as the reigning Miss Pennsylvania and Channel Three anchorwoman Jennifer Ward.

A multitude of fans, ranging from women carrying babies to businesspersons holding signs, turned out to help ''Stop the Chop:'

Kevin O'Keefe, a graduate student from Temple University, was one of the multitude.

O'Keefe said. "The last time the Phillies made it to the playoffs, I was selling pennants on the street. I figured that this was the best way to prepare for the playoffs."

Rendell opened the proceedings by declaring it Philadelphia Fan Appreciation Day.

McGraw drew one of the loudest ovations by bringing out a newspaper from the day after the Phils had won the Series in 1980. The headline read "We Win!"

McGraw then said, "In two weeks, one of your favorite 1993 Phillies will be holding up a paper with the same headline."

Buffer finished the pep rally off with his famous line, "Let's get ready to rumble."

Judging from the turnout, Philly is ready.


I may not have a "phever," but rm definitely coming down with something. It was late last Wednesday night when the Phi lies clinched their division and one more fan. I have never really been a big Philies fan, being that I come from Boston. As I watched the post game show, however, all that began to change.

As the Phillies celebrated by dousing themselves and others in a river of champagne, and later beer, their friendship as well as their dedication really shown through. That is what is so different about this team. They are not just a group of grown men paid to hang out and play a game together. They are friends.

How far do students think the Phillies will go in the National League Championship Series. Pat Ryan, senior, said, "The Phillies will win it all. They're on fire, fire fire." His horrendous imitation of Beavis really got his point across.

Ryan went onto say, "The Braves and the Giants are gonna wear each other down." Ryan also _thinks Dykstra will play amazingly wel~ and walk away with the MVP.

Gary Stec, sophomore, felt the result would be the same but the route

to that result would be different. Stec said, "The Phillies will win, but it's going to come down to the wire." Stec went on to say, "That will be all right though, because they're going to win it in Philly."

Stec also showed a tremendous amount of confidence in Philly pitcher Curt Shilling. Stec felt Eisenrich would play well. "The guy swallowed the book on bow to play the game, " Stec said. "He is the best new player the Phillies have."

Billy Bono, senior. was tke most positive oftheIQ all. "They're ~onna sweep!" Bono screamed. "They will dominate the series."

Bono felt the Phillies bench would really help the team in the long run. Bono said, ·'The 'Dude' will play really well. He's gonna be the team leader." While he felt Dykstra would lead the team, he did not think he was going to be their best player. According to Bono, "I think we are going to see a lot from Duncan. He is going to be their outstanding offensive player."

The Phillies have traveled down a long road but they have not yet made it home. The Braves are going to be a difficult obstacle to pass. It remains to be seen if the Phillies really will go from worst to first, or should I say "Phirst !"

photo by Doug Eppler pnoto by Douge_.

Last week in the world of sports

cy Catherine Smotherman staff writer

Recentgames at Cabrini:

Men'ssoccer Oct. 4 Stockton

: lost 4-3

Yolleyball Oct. 4 Lincoln Uni-

ity. won 3-1

Women's tennis Oct. 4 West _-1erUniversity, lost 8-1


Men'ssoccer Oct. 9 Swarthmore

Oct.11 RandolphMacxm home

Oct.14 Lycoming College home

YolleybaJI Oct. 9 WestChester

ersity/William Patterson home

Jct. 12 Neumann College home

Oct. 14 Cheyney State Univ.

} \\'omen's Tennis Oct. 9

"shury State Univ. away

Oct. 12 Cheyney State Univ.

# :n::ie

Oct. 14 Eastern College home

Fteldhockey Oct.11 Gwynedd~_ College away

Oct. 13 Marywood College


Beven teams participated in the ~lphia CollegeofBible Invitacross country race on Oct. 2. are Valley College clinched - place in the men's contest with three finishers. They were edby Philadelphia College of

Bible in second place and Valley Forge Military College in third. The other eight men's teams, including Cabrini, did not have the five runners required to score.

In the women's race there were also three full teams and eight partial teams. Delaware Valley College took first place, Philadelphia College of Bible took second and Rutgers State University took third. The men ran five miles; the women ran five kilometers, or 3.1 miles.

The 16th annual 5 Mile Radnor Run, benefitting the American Lung Association. was held Oct. 3. World• class athleteSydney Maree, whoonce ran for Villanova, won the five mile race, setting a new course record of 23 minutes and 19 seconds. He set the previous track record of 24:32 last year.

There were numerous award categories. Winners in the school team category were: first pla_ce,Sun Valley High School; second place, Villanova ROTC; third place, Radnor High School. There was a Fun Run for less serious runners and small children.

The contest for the National League West championship,between the Atlanta Braves and the San Francisco Giants,, was nail-biting!y close.

On Sept. 30 the Houston Astros beat the Braves 10-8 and the Giants beat the Los Angeles Dodgers3-1, giving both the Braves and the Giants a 101-

Father knows best

In Game One of the 1983 National egaue Championship Series, the Phillies oeat the Dodgers 1-0. Who hit the home unto win the game for the Phillies? Who as the winning pitcher? Who was the osing pitcher?

58 game record.

On Oct. 1 and 2 the Braves beat the Colorado Rockies, 7-4 and 10-1. On those same dates the Giants beat the Dodgers twice more, 8-7 and 5-3. Oct. 3rd. with both teams holding 103 wins and facing one final regular season game, the Giants finally blinked.

The Braves beat the Rockies again, 5-3, but the Giants were defeated by the Dodgers, 12-1. The Braves will now play the Philadelphia Phillies for the National League pennant.

The first two play-off games were Oct. 6 and 7 at Philadelphia's Veterans Stadium. Games three and four will be held in Atlanta on Oct. 9 and 10. Jf additional games are required, they will be Oct. 11 in Atlanta and Oct. 13 and 14 in Philadelphia.

The PhiladelphiaEagles won their fourth consecutive game Oct. 3, beating the New York Jets 35-30. The Eagles may have lost more than they gained though, as quarterback Randall Cunningham broke his leg and will be unable to play for at least eight weeks.

Spectacorannouncedthatfinancing for Spectrum II has finally been arranged with PNC Bank. The 21,000-seat future home of the Philadelphia Flyers and 76ers is scheduled to open in the spring of 1996, assuming no further hitches delay the planned January ground breaking.

Financing forthe stadium has been very difficult to arrange and could still founder. Harold Katz, owner of the 76ers, must agree to new conditions imposed by PNC, and PNC must find other banks that are willing to carry part of the $134 million financing package.

Sydney, Australia beat out Beijing, China, among other cities, to host the summer Olympics in 2000. The competition to serve as host was fierce. Australia spent approximate!y $17 million on their bid, and there may be political repercussions over China's loss.

The games have been held in the southern hemisphere only once before, in Melbourne in 1956. To win the bid, Sydney promised to pay the estimated $23 million transportation cost of transporting athletes, equipment and officials, to and from the Games. They also volunteered to provide free lodging in Australian homes for two relatives for each athlete.

Lennox Lewis beat Frank Bruno in a seventh round TKO, Oct. 2 in Cardiff, Wales, to retain the WBC heavyweight championship. Lewis, like IBF and WBA heavyweight champion Riddick Bowe, is unbeaten. Frank Bruno, a popular sports figure in England, was making his third and probably final attempt on the title.

A quote to note

Tap in to Mac

ieldhockey falls to Misericordia

.Jane S. Van lngen staff writer

ite the bees and other pesty the publicity for the Family d field hockey game drew -:= r crowd than usual. Parents dents alike cheered for the Oivs, even though they lost Misericordia 3-2 on Saturgame started off well. Jen rwax, first year student, the first goal of the game the first three minutes. ax was not in her usual

Usually she is a midfielder,

Saturday's game she forward. She played a strong and. according to Coach Quinn, it was her best game ~n.

ricordia also scored its first the first half of the game. ==::ding to Kristen Rudnick,jun-

ior, "They made the goal by breaking the wind, which means going one-on-one with the goalie."

In the second half, the Lady Cavs and Misericordia both came close to making a number of goals, but either the goalies kicked the ball out or the ball rolled inlo a comer. Rudnick scored the Cavs' second goal with a corner shot. Misericordia then went on to make the last two goals of the game. According to Rudnick, the last goal was pure luck.

From the beginning, the Lady Cavs had a good defense, whereas Misericordia had a good offense.

Quinn said, "We relied on our defenders too much, thinking they'd come up with the ball. As a result, though, there was a lot more recovery on defense."

There also were a lot of one-onone battles, which accounts for the

numerous near-missed goals on both sides. However, the Cavs put up a good fight and became more offensive in the second round of the game.

Amy Loesche, sophomore, said, ··we should've won because we dominated the other team."

Sherry Roam, junior, added, "We got a little unlucky, but we gave it our all."

According to Jen Schaub, sophomore, the Lady Cavs played well, but it was hot and sticky out there.

The season is going well for the Lady Cavs and although they lost last Saturday, it was a strong game.

Quinn said, "Although we played hard, the game lasts for about 70 minutes, and we were only intense for about 55. There were different phases in the game where we let down, and Misericordia took advantage of us when they were

down. If we were intense 100 percent of the time, the close losses would be wins."

The Cavs' next scheduled game was last Tuesda~ against Wilson. Denise Cassidy,junior, said, "We played well, and it's a shame we lost in the end because we played tough. I think we'll win against Wilson. This game is JUStone step away from scoring on Tuesday."

Trivia Answer

Garry Maddox hit the game-winning double to beat the Astros in game 5 of the 1980 NLCS.

In the past few weeks, I have heard a lot of complaints from people who object to the number of articles in this publication regarding teams from Philadelphia.

To these people, I have one thing to say:ifyoudon'tlik:eit, leave.

This is Philadelphia, after all. NotNew Jersey. NotNew York. And especially not Dallas.

If you want to read about teams from New Jersey, go to Rutgers.

And if you like the Mets. the Jets, the Yankees, the Knicks, the Giants. the Rang• ers and the lsle5r I bear that Syracuse is nice in the winter.

And if you happen to be a fan of the Cowboys, there are some inbreds down at TexasEl Paso who would be glad to have you.

But this is Philadelphia, and the articles in this paperwill deal wi.th the Phillies, the Eagles and everything else from soft pretzels to cheesesteaks.

If you have a problem with this, DEAL with it.

So, this week, we will talk about the Eagles.

On Sunday. Randall Cunningham suffered his second major injury in the past three years, a fractured fibula which will keep him out for the next eight to 10 week$.

Two years ago, head coach RichKotiteguidedtheRandall• less Eagles to 11 victories. However, that team was made up of players from the Buddy Ryan era. This one is not.

T have never been a Rich Kotite fan. In fact, I am a Kotite-basher. But I will not bash now. I will wait.

Rich Kotite has gotten rid ofallofBuddy Ryan's players in the past two years. He has replac.edthem with his type of guys. So far, they are 4-0. I say, that has to do with Randall. Now, we will see what type of coach Rich Kotite is.

As for those of you who need an out-of-town update, here it is for you: The NEW YORK Mets finished behind the expansion Aorida Marlins. The DALLAS Mavericks were the worst team in the NBA. Andi am still waiting for NEW JERSEY to field a professional sports team (the Nets and Devils don't count).

'::::ac Friday, Oct. 8, 1993 SPORTS
"I've done it all. There's nothing left for me to do. 11
-Michael Jordan, upon announcing his retirement

Cabrini athletes circle the date on their calendars. The home game on family weekend is one of the most important match-ups of the year. For four of the fall athletic teams, those games took place last weekend.

Better weather could not have been possible. The sun was shining down on the playing fields of Cabrini, and the athletes were prepared to take on their opponents.

At high noon, the volleyball tri-match between Cabrini, Beaver and Alve~nia began. The Lady Cavs played strong throughout the day and walked away with two important PAC victories.

At one o'clock, the women's tennis team took on Cedar Crest. The Lady Cavs also picked up an important victory in this match.

Beginning at two, the field hockey team began the fight against Misericordia. First-year student Jen Wiederwax and Junior Kristyn Rudnick

dominate Family Weekend

scored for Cabrini, but the women fell short in their effort and found themselves on the wrong end of a 3-2 score

The loss was especially tough because it was a PAC match up. However. the team played well and held their own

The most exciting game of the da~ took place down on the soccer field at J p. m. The Cavaliers defeated Beaver 5-1 Senior Marty Meehan scored twice for Cabrini.

The game was highlighted by a nearbrawl late in the second half. Two seniors, John Quirus and Jason Giles, w~rt' thrown out of the game, along with Giles father. Despite playing two men short for the remainder of the game, the Ca\ s walked a,vay with the win.

One of the best results from this pa~I weekend was the number of parents anJ students out supporting their teams. Th~ athletes took advantage of this turnout by playing some of their best ball of the season. Hopefully, the fans will returr to the fields of play to continue to sup· port our athletes.

As the teams approach the stretch rur of their seasons, the support is needed

.,. -
photo by Dawnlelle Klopp
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ........................................................ , - ----.,, -, • •
Junior Kristen Rudnick battles against Misericordia. The Lady Cavs lost, 3-2. photo by Kelly McDonald
game,5-1 ......................................... ,
Senior Eric Burke, in action against Beaver College. Cabrini
• • • • • • • • • • •
• •
photo by Diane Wrobleski The women's volleyball team defeated Alvernia and Beaver in a tri-match.
• • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Senior co-captain Maryanne Walker µhoto by Dawnielle Klopp

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