Nov. 19, 1993 Issue 10 Loquitur

Page 8

equirement ti11 effective

staff writer Thomas Boeke, provost, appointed a committee

•ew the possibility of recting the physical edu,equirements. This comwas led by Dr. Jolyon professor of history. members of the Student emic Council, junior =e Clark, president, and r:iore Edie Lamberti, sec--v, also attended meetings. - Oct. 11, there was a full vote on whether to keep ·.11 education as a core nilum requirement or make an elective. According ::-ard.the results were 20 in of phys. ed. remaining as curriculum requirement in favor of changing it to

kn Goodwin and Sheila t, part-time physical edinstructors, said they :llilled with these results. - ,,f the women was inin the faculty vote be• they are part-time, they

-ym is a good tension-retool," Goodwin said.

•u said the physical edu.requirements go along e old phrase "sound mind sound body."

,:.:anding to Clark, SAC sent _cestionnaires to various c:and received 40 replies. e majority of the survey ~sical education should ped," Clark said. ''Also, E:lt it should be kept as an -.e:·

H gym class at Cabrini," Judi Panasik said. "I tnow if it's needed, but easy .5 'A,' and I got to e and vent my frustraever, feelings are di-



'·It's stupid that we only get a half-credit for gym," Mary Monaghan, sophomore, said. "We spend the same amount of time in gym as we would in a three-credit class."

"A lot of people don't need it and would like to spend their credits on something else," Lamberti said. She also said it should still be offered as an elective because there are some students, such as biology majors, who need to take physical education.

First-year student Lisa Bellano said it is a good idea to have gym requirements. "It's good to push somebody to be active; it's good for your health. Also, it's an easy half-credit," she said.

Sophomore Patty Carr, cocaptain of the women's basketball team, agrees. "Everyone needs to experience physical activity, because college life can easily lead to laziness."

Comments in the survey suggested alternatives to the present gym requirements, including cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and other specific courses, like tennis or soccer, where students can learn what they would like to learn, according to Clark

"It certainly would be nice if we had more facilities," John Dzik, director of athletics, said, referring to a swimming pool. He also said he does not know why dropping the gym requirements was even considered, and he is a great supporter of physical education.

"We're going to try to make it better, though," Dr. M.L. Corbin Sicoli, professor of psychology, said. "I think it's going to be qualitatively better."

Boeke said, "We may very well change the content of the courses now being offered."

New ideas to be discussed would have a leisure, recreation and exercise-for-life focus, Boeke said.

Center commited to service learning

The '80s were the decade of selfishness; the '90s seem to be the decade of service.

In October, Congress passed the National Service Trust Act, a bill that aJlowsthousands of young people from a broad range of backgrounds to pay for college, through either one or two years of service to their communities.

Two years ago. Cabrini initiated the service a~ a part of Seminar 300. School districts across the nation are adopting community service, and Cabrini College was selected as one of the six national sites for the ~ational Center for Service Learning and School Change.

The NationaJ Center for Service Leaming and School Change is a cooperative endeavor of educators and community committed to school change through service learning.

The faculty is in charge of any changes in curriculum. However, according to Boeke, the voice of the students was clearly articulated by SAC at the curriculum meeting.


Zan)! Parents, students ~cation majors are all ering what this New -=---children's store" has er. Get in touch with childhood on page 4. .,-,PERS.

Jo said, "I love Joey, m~ Joey loves me."

UJY>'. her Joey's in jail. - saga that gripped the from "Long Island - to "A Current .- is coming to the 3::::afuquitur.

People connected with the National Center believe high school students will get more involved in their education if they get out of the

works with the director of the center, Louise Giugliano. classroom and into the community to serve others.

Service learning is an approach to education through which students learn by giving service to the

community and eventually becoming the center of the educational process.

more SERVICE on pg. 8

Qli:: ·················}t Friday,Nov.19,1993 Vol.XL,No.10 CabriniCollege At Radnor,Pa.19087
"Her name was Lola, she was a show girl."
nside ...
photo bv Caroline Cr~ First-year students Erica Major, Rob Marish and Michelle Reiser perform in last Thursday's Lip Synch Contest. They won with their rendition of Barry Manilow's "Copacabana." pnoto by Ke1,yMcDonald Linda Arendt discusses an issue involving the National Center for Service Learning and School Change, located in Grace Hall. Arendt
Week at a Glance ... Nov. 19 to 25 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY t/ 6p.m. t/ 8-11 p.m. t/ 10:30 a.m. t/ 4:30 p.m. t/ Last day of t/ No classes t/ Happy Senior Dinner Cavalier Alli- &6p.m. Thanksgiving classes before Thanksgiving in the Mansion. tudes in the Red Mass in the Interfaith Thanksgiving t/ 8-11 p.m. Cloud Chapel Prayer vacation Cavalier t/ 9:30 p.m: - Service in the t/7p.m. Attitudes in the la.m. Ethnic Chapel Resident Halls Red Cloud Student Alliance close for t/6p.mBasketball Legal Party in Thanksgiving Tournament theWCGA vacation

Keep the spirit alive What about Bob?

As the smell of turkey drifts out of the kitchen and into the family room, an assembly of men holler for dinner. They are warming their feet by the blazing fire and flip between the variety of football games. "C'mon babe, we're hungry!'"

It is Thanksgiving Day, and millions of people eagerly await the menagerie of edibles. When they finally sit down to dinner and stuff themselves with corn, potatoes and pumpkin pie, do they stop and think about people who are less fortunate?

Hunger and homeless awareness week was designed to "increase interest and raise concern," as stated by campus ministry. Students have the opportunity to participate in the events planned for the week's awareness. The sch¢uled events not only spark campus-wide awareness but also a global response to hunger and poverty.

During the holiday season, people focus upon the issues of hunger and homelessness. Church programs, school events and public fundraisers help people who are less fortunate and benefit those who are homeless.

We must remember these people long after the holiday season ends. The winter months are the harshest on the homeless, and any type of assistance can alleviate hunger and poverty across the world.

Funds are needed to create living shelters and provide food and nourishment. Monetary donations, as well as non-perishable food donations, can be made payable to Cabrini College for Our Lady of Hope Parish. For more information, please contact Francesca Bansbach, campus minister, at 9718225.

Every little bit can make a big difference. Help others enjoy a thanksgiving, even after the holiday season has ended.

IUps and Downs

Many students have been left in the dark on residential boulevard. While cars travel toward the houses, lights magically shut off and leave students in total darkness. When the lights do stay on, they are too dim to be effective. Hey Cabrini, leave a light on for us.

This previous Thursday night, Nov. 11, the sophomore class sponsored a lip sync in the Xavier Great Room. The event gave everyone a opportunity to sit back and relax, as others sang to their favorite tunes.

A brigade of big rigs consumed a bunch of parking spaces in the Sacred Heart parking lot. These tractor trailers took parking spaces away from people who are entitled to have those spaces. Public safety was nice enough to allow students, faculty and staff to park on the multi-purpose athletic field.

Things don't always go as planned, At times we need others to give usa hand. But life, my friends.. continues on.

It's always darkest before the dawn.

Scramblin' Randall and Eric the Great, Both appear doomed by the same fate. Their teams were hol until they went down.

Will they ever bring home the crown?

Charles was loud, so Charles is gone.

In his place, they drafted Shawn.

The Sixers are run by Harold Katz, Doesn't he know, ''Nice guys finish last."

Florida State had the No. 1 team, But Notre Dame ended the dream. Hope is still there for the Seminoles. They'll meet again in the Fiesta Bowl.

Things don't always go as planned, At times we need others to give us a hand.

But life, my friends, continues on.

It's always darkest before the dawn.

It's Ross Perot vs. Al Gore, What does NAFfA have in store?

Better yet, what does it mean?

Will we be drinking water that's green?

New Jersey has elected a new ruler, Her campaign manager fooled her. "Money to suppress the vote," he jeers, Y'all have fun, these next four years.

John WayneBobbitt did not rape his wife. Yet, he endured so much strife.

The entire situation is very disdainful, Couldn't she find something less painful?

Things don't always go as planned, At times we need others to give us a hand. But life, my friends, continues on. It's always darkest before the dawn.


The semester winds down. Exams awa.

This is the time we have all come to ha•. Students stress for absolutely no reasor:

I really can't wait for the holiday seas°"

The food in the cafe is not the best.

I wonder how it passes the test. The taste is no good, and boy does it sme Does Sellers have a deal with Taco Be[

It is time again to pick out our classes. Are the registrars' heads out of their asso Or must we struggle with financial aid. And have our confirmations be delayec.

Things don't always go as planned, At times we need others to give us a ham! But life, my friends, continues on. It's always darkest before the dawn.

Change occurs nearly every day, Most of the changes don't go our way. Today may be bad, tomorrow could be worse, But at least we're not in the back of a hearse.

All of the breaks don't go our way, A lot of times it's just not our day. It is when we're low that we can't give in. Keep on fighting, and someday you '11 Will.

When things don't always go your wa). Take a minute to sit down and pray, If it's not your day, your week, your season, Remember, all things happen for a reason.

Things don't always go as planned, At times we need others to give us a bane. But life, my friends, continues on. It's always darkest before the dawn.


Edrtorn Chef: _,., McAlister

M1vlagingEdior: Oa-lielleOl.laroo

PerapectillesEcitor: o.nele DiMaroo

Co-NewsEditor. Stew May

Co-NewsEdm: Kely McOonald

F_,,.,. Edior: Ga,y 'l-lllte

Artsand Erwtainmem Ecitor: Gay White

Sports Editor:Bob Macartney

Copy Edior: Doug Eppler

To thd'.d.itor:

------a______ e true to your school Cartoon

I would like to thank those who made Cabrini Spirit Day one to remember. As a senior, it held - special meaning because it reminded me how special Cabriniand its peopleare and why I came here. Itwas a great feelingto see thefaculty,staff and studentsso involved in the school. It showed mehowmucheveryonereallycaresaboutCabrini and the problems of the world.

This Spirit Day brought out good aspects of Cabrinithatmanyofusseemtoforget;wearehere to learn more thanjust a "trade," to learnabout the world around us and how we can help. We are exposed to people who make a differencein this world and are given the opportunityto make one ourselves. It's nice to see that students still care about this campus and are working to make a difference.

I would also like to thank Mother Ursula for startingthis collegeand continuingtobring us the knowledge and ways of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. And I hope that Cabrini and her people continue to make a difference and make this college such a special place.

Wrting Coach: Doug Eppler

GraphicDesig,er: -Aladin

Edtonal Cartoonist: Joe Opiela

Business Managels: Diane Osborn & KNen 5=lr'8I< Pholography Edkors:Eric Balbusaa & Dawniele Klopp

PholographyAdviser: Dr. carter Craigie

Adviser: Dr.Jerome 2urek

Staff: Shelia Brad'(.Kama Corrao,CarolineCroley.Kali Doughr. Olristina l'eelal, Aonette Holt,Rchard Jasper, MargaretMaJO, Regina Miler,Renee Rozniatosld,Brian Satkowski,Calherine

Smalherma,, Jane Van lngen, Trnolhy Wonson, Celene Wfv1. Diane Wrobleski

Pt-oography Staff: ca-oline Croley,Kerdra Mal1Jn,Ame Marie Mauro.catheme Smolhennan

UX1,Jitl.r is publishedweekly dunng lhe school

... t"CN.:,t"Cl, I IVC.::, I Editorial I L..--1V_ie_w--=--p_o_in_t ____ _
(A61{,~r:S Rfs, I¼~ Ult ,s FINI Nu us ~00 Foft A,., I L.LE<A<.tkiNf I u. --~
year by SIUdef1ls d cabrini College, Ramor,PA 19067.Phone: 215-971-8412, SUbscriptiooprice is S25 pet' year and IS inchxledin lhe benefits secured by 1>.mnandstudenttees. Loq.J.u welcomes letters to the edt0<. Letters should be sq,ec and the authorshp m<7M1to lhe editors. However,ij lhe v,m,r wishes, and lhe editoragrees, lhe writer'slllVl1e may be left offh letta' ""°"publicalionand an~ inserted such as "name wiehheld81lhe request of the -.- Lettersshoud be typed, doWl&-spaoed,and no morethan 300 WOidsn length. ij a~ a too long for lhe available space, lhe edW' mayedt Of condense L Lettersto the edirorshould be so..t>rrlttedby noon on Monda"yS. The eatorials and opinionsf)li>islled n Loquitl.rarelhe views ct h student editorialstall and 1hein<ivi<1Jalwrilersand not 1he enlre studentbody or the faculy and actnnstra,ion, LoquiturIS establishedas a fonJmfor studenl expf8SSionand as a ll'0iceIn lhe lrimbited, rol>ust,frae and open ciscussionof issues_-

inding the true self within

.ane S. Van

ngen, staff writer

was a Saturday afternoon in Greenwich

--=,--e, and I walked around adoring the cool

-.; stores and thrift shops. I loved finding

.cgs and rare CDs and looking at all the

-.::sthat I would love to wear, but never anted to be a part of the Village, wearing ders, listening to underground alterna-usic, the whole bit. I wanted to be one of starving poets who lived in a studio ent, went to poetry readings and sat " drinking espresso at outside cafes.

&.:.lcouldn't.AsmuchasGreenwich Village

..ifer,Icouldn'tbeapartofoneofthegreatest :ures of New York City. It wasn't me.

"'& yourself." Sounds good, doesn't it? It so American, kind oflike eating applepie

_;,.king lemonade on a hot summer day. In - though, being yourselfisn't as easy as it

3=1wait. Don't despairyet.

OJ can be yourself. But don't take mine or ·sword for it.Takeitfrom yourown word.

n me.I've tried all my life to be myself, so I I have some experience in the area. ent to a small, private school from the 10the12thgrades,andmy graduatingclass

- Havinggrownupin a middle-classfamily to public school up to that point, I was surprised to hear of some people riding in limousines, like you and I go to

.:ii:il:mld' s.

Al.:boughwe had school skirts and a dress people shopped exclusively at the GAP &nneton. People criticized me for going ill gym clothes on Fridays, when we had ~-period gym. Later on, when I started to ~ly like the GAP, they thought I was = to be like them.

asn 't just clothes, though. I was in my ~ttle world and, for the most part, they • nobby, phony and made me feel about ches tall, because I was unpopular. I - fully recovered.

-,;:close friends I had dido 't go to my My best friend, whom I knew since I I I. lived around the comer from me. My dose friends I met when I was in the 10th One of these close friends tried to conme that no one is normal and everyone is but I never quite bought it. As it is, I ~.'-tried to make my famjly "normal," but _ 'lever successful, and I've come to love for their uniqueness.

I!:.mgs got progressively better as I got

In my last year of high school, I met a

group of people on a computer service called Prodigy. Like me, they all liked the B-52's, who are known for being anytrung but normal. Likewise, the people with whom I came to be friends were anytrung but normal. For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged in a group. Althoughlmetsomeonewhoisnowoneofmy best friends, Prodigy was never a social life for me.

It was also around this time that I actually liked high school. People were nicer to me, and I let my guard down. I tried to forgive them for what they did to me, tried to forgive myself for being in my own little world, and I tried to be friends with them. It never really materialized, though, because it was really too late, and I didn't care anymore. I wanted out, and out I went. But I did not go gently into that good night.

Unlike many people who were sad to leave their rugh schools behind, I eagerly anticipated going to collegeand startingfrom scratch.During summer orientation,[ was excited. anxious.nervous and scared. My parentswere impressedthat I was so sociable. I don't think any of us- my parents, my sister or me- knew what would lie ahead. In fact, if someone had told me ahead of time, I don't trunk I would have believed them. My first year of college was something I'll never forget. Although there were some people likethoselknewinhighschool,Ipaidnoattention to them. I met people who squash pennies on railroad tracks for fun and make up stories about what planet everyone is from. I met people, including loners, who were so naturally themselves I couldn't imagine them being any different. I met people who, like me, appear to be sweet and innocent on the outside, but once you got to know them, it was a whole different story. I met people who were as different as night and day, yet managed to click.

Instead of potential friends, I made genuine acquaintances. I came to feel comfortable in a room, without being friends with anyone. I also made real friends.FriendsI know will be true. As different as we are, and although we may go our own ways sometimes,in the end it alwayscomes down to us.

I've come to be as true to myself as I'm ever going to be. It came mostly as a result of trying to please others and live the way they wanted me to live.

Of course, there are many times when I wish things had been different.Life isn't perfect,even now. There are times when I miss the peoplewho were once in my life, but aren't anymore.There also are times when I worry about the future, which seems so uncertain.

But I try not to let those thoughts overwhelm me. It all comes down to a quote I found in a journal some friends of mine gave me for my birthday last summer. The quote is from Christina Georgina Rossetti, who said. "Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad."

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Long Island Lolita cries


Complete Auto Body in Baldwin, Long Island (L.I.), was steaming with activity. Smashed-up vehicles were being re-assembled, but personalized lube jobs were the establishment's specialty. As family photos collected dust in a side office, the mechanic displayed his brown, hairy mole to an innocent little teen-ager.

The only decoration in the upstairs apartment room was a Superman sticker on the bed's headboard. The squeaking of the bedsprings was drowned out by the pulsating throb of an air gun in the shop downstairs. Sunlight glared through the window and accented the man ·s gray temples and beer gut, while the teen-ager anxiously chewed on the cuticle of her index finger.

"I'm f-ing starvin' ova heah, I'm dyin' fah a slice a pizza!" the petite vixen bellowed.

The two sauntered off to a nearby pizzeria. The burly loud-mouth with the blackand-white, lizard-skin cowboy boots got a piece of something all right, but it was not pizza.

The sexually aroused couple never arrived at the eatery. Instead, they made ·a pit stop at the Freeport Motor Inn and Boatel: The two satisfied their cravings in room 256. • Today, curious tourists from around the wor Id visit the room, searching for remnants (condoms, pizza crust) of the couple's tryst. The affair between L.I. 's Lethal Lolita, Amy Fisher, and the lust-driven, devoted husband, Joey Buttafuoco, has been confirmed.

Amy is serving a five-to-15-year prison sentence in Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for shooting Joey's wife, Mary Jo, in the head, on her front stoop.

On Monday, Nov. 15, Joey received the "maximum penalty allowed under an agreement, reached last month, when Mr. Buttafuoco pleaded guilty to third-degree rape."

Joey is behind bars for six months but can be released, for good behavior, in four moqths. He also is pinned with a $5,000 fine and a five-year probation. It is unknown if Joey will be permitted conjugal visits with


Mary Jo.

For months, Joey has been denying that he a.)had an affair with Amy Fisher; b.) had anything to do with Amy becoming a prostitute for ABBA escort service; c.) knew Amy was planning to shoot Mary Jo. However, six weeks ago, Joey changed his tune and admitted he did have sex with Amy, on a "continual basis:'

Joey_ said he and Amy shared "strictly lustful sex,., and that "sometimes lust takes me over. It's very painful."

Amy, on the other hand, insisted "I was not just a 16-year-old teen-ager taken to bed by a man twice my age. I was a 16-year-old teen-ager shown a world that I was not ready for, a world of elaborate spending and fast boats.

"This man took me to expensjve restaurants and cheap motels."

Apparently, the saga of Amy and Joey has come to a close. However, it remains to be seen if the three-ring media circus will accept this climatic ending or continue exhuming stories from Amy's and Joey's jail cells.

As Jong as people keep purchasing the novels "Lethal Lolita" or "Amy Fisher: My Story," watching re-runs of the three madefor-television movies or wearing $15 .Buttafuoco T-shirts, Amy and Joey will be together forever.

These wild, sex-crazed animals are behind bars, where they both belong.

Lethal love-triangle·

Joey Buttafuoco, 37:

Crime: Third-degree rape; had sex with Fisher when she was a minor

Sentence: Six months jail-time, $5,000 fine, five-year probation

Amy Fisher, 19:

Crime: Assault; shot Mary Jo Buttafuoco in head on front stoop

Sentence: Five-to-15 year jail-time

Mary Jo Buttafuoco, 36:

Crime: Painting lawn furniture on patio, answering the door

Sentence: Still married to Joey

3 • =( day, Nov. 19, 1993 PERSPECTIVES 3
I/Satire ...._________________________ ....J
'I'm no crazy, psycho
, u= IF -t (ON\E- &Ac IC "f'
J 1

Campus Ministryhighlightshungerand homeless

Of the estimated500 millionpeoplewho are sufferingfromhungerand homelessnessaround the world, approximately60,000 people, twothirds of them children, die of hunger-related causesin one day alone.

Hungerandhomelessawarenessweek,a programofferedby campusministry,is lookedupon as an effortto increaseinterestandconcernabout the reality and problem of world hunger and homelessnessandcreativelychallengestudentsto respond.

JuniorMelissaTobias,chairpersonof hunger and homelessawarenessweek,was responsible fororganizingmanyof theweek'sevents."These eventsareplannednotonlyto raiseawarenessof hunger and homeless issues, but also to raise moneyto donatetolocalandnationalrelieforganizations,"Tobiassaid.

Theweekkickedoffon Sundayeveningwith a Mass celebratedby the ReverendAmbrose Cashman,campuschaplain.Thecommunitywas invitedtocometogethertothankGodforwhatHe has givenand pray for thosewhoare in need.

On Mondayafternoon.Cabrinistudentswent to the Lamb Center,a place where elementary schoolchildrenfrom the Norristov.11area go to playgamesandgethelpwithhomework.Volunteerswereinvitedto havepizzawith thechildren and helpthemmakeThanksgivingcardsfor Cabrini'sThanks-4-Givingbaskets.

ThepwposeoftheThanks-4-Givingprogram, a month-longeventtocollectnon-perishablefood items and monetarydonationsin order to buy turkeys,is to makeThanksgivingDay morespecialfor71familiesof OurLadyofHopeParish,in North Philadelphia.They do so by preparing Thanksgivingmealsfor thosewho arein need.

Accordingto FrancescaBansbach,campus minister,cannedgoodscan be droppedoff in the Thanks-4-Givingboxes,locatedthroughoutthe campus,beforeNov.22, thelastday of the drive.

"We try to have everythinga family needs for Thanksgivingdinner,"Bansbachsaid.



issueof hungerandhomelessness.

"Our representativesneed to know what i:; irnportanttous,"Bansbachsaid. "'Ibere's a grea: dealof hungerandhomelessissuesthatneedtobe addressed,notonlyintheworld,butalsorighthert in our city."

Volunteersalsoparticipatedinthesoupkitche& at Old St. Joseph's Church in Philadelphia,IX' Wednesdayafternoonfrom noon to 4 p.m., b~ servingmealsto someof the homelesspeopleiY. the city. Althoughthis event,as wellas Friday", Carewalkfor the homeless,is highlightedduring hungerandhomelessawarenessweek,it isan ongoing,weeklyeventthat studentscan partakeIt' throughouttheyear.

Thursdaywas WorldFast Day, a day that~ celebratedaroundthecountryby millionsof individuals,families,religiouscommunitiesandstudent groups to focus attentionon the causesC1. hunger.Also, World Fast Day raises funds f<1' innovativeprojectsthatgivepeople,inmorethai: 30 developingcountries,accessto the resource:thatneedtoalleviatehungerintheircommuniti~ Many Cabrinistudentstook part in the day b\ giving up one lunch to support world hunger Seiler'scateringservice,thecompanythatrunsth. cafeteria,donatedmoneytovarioushungerrelict organiz.ationsfor everyonewhofastedduringth. afternoon. ,

AlsoonThursday,MarianneDeFruscio,directorof studentactivities,plannedhaircutsfor hurger. Anyonewho broughtin a cannedgood a donationreceiveda freehaircutin the Gatheilllf Area.


rr~t-year student John Lrndsay drops a can of food in a Thanks-4-Giving box dunng Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week. uedTuesdayeveningwiththeHungerBanquetin the cafeteria.Tobiasexplainedthat the banquet gave everyonethe chanceto experiencethe food and meal-timeculturesof first,secondand third world countries. Following the banquet, Dr. KathleenDaley-McKinley,sociologydepartment chair,facilitated a discussionconcerningtheplight

of hungerthroughouttheworld.

On Wednesday,studentscame to the Red Ooud CoffeeHouseto enjoya nightof fun and entertainmentprovidedby students.Duringthe evening,manywroteletterstotheirlocalcongressionalrepresentativesandPhiladelphiamayorEd Rendel,to generatepoliticalmovementon the

To close out the week, the Central BapllS Church in Wayne sponsoredthe Third Worl.;; CraftFair,heldintheGatheringArea. A varietyc;itemsfromthe"CraftsofFreedom"shopwereer displayandavailableforpurchase,ranginginpricr from$1to$50. Agreatwayforthecommunity' starttheirChristmasshoppingearly,all proceec,, from the craftfairgo directlyto the ThirdWorl. countrieswherethe productsweremade. Anyonewhoisinterestedinparticipatinginth: Thanks-4-Givingprogram,the soup kitchen Carewalkfor the homelessmay contactcam~ ministry,ext.8225or 8409.

Kidsand teachersgo 'Zany' in 'Brainy'Main Line store

It makes you feel like a kid again. As you walk through the front doors, you are engulfed in a world of fun, toys and learning, all rolled into one. This is Zany Brainy, a store for children located on Lancaster Avenue in Wayne.

"It is a children's, multi-media toy super-store," Brigitte Cooperman, director of stores, said. She said Zany Brainy is an interactive, fun environment that caters to children, not adults.

Cooperman also said most of the chHdren do not even realize they are learning while they are playing with the toys.

According to Cooperman, Zany Brainy tries to be more than just a toy store. She said these stores are geared to one mission: a child's enhancement of imagination.

Laura Goldstein, an eight-year-old girl from Strafford, describes Zany Brainy as her "Home Sweet Home." She said she gets lost in a world of toys, when her mother takes her shopping Zany Brainy is also important for education majors, because it supplies them with a place for ideas for their future students.

Terri Carragher, a sophomore and early childhood/elementary education major, said she visits "Zany Brainy" a lot, to buy things for her fieldwork experience.

"I bought a puzzle of the United States, which helped me plan my learn-

ing center for my students," Carragher said. "I also purchased a variety of stickers, which served as my positive reinforcement for the kids."

Michelle McKenna, a senior education major, said she usually goes to Zany Brainy to buy presents for her younger brother.

"It's a unique toy store that has a variety of products," McKenna said. "It has everything from computer games, to arts and crafts, to a huge science section."

McKenna said she has not used "Zany Brainy" for her teaching responsibilities, but it will be her first choice.

"There are many more interesting toys than your average 'Toys 'R Us' has," McKenna said.

Denise Tancredi, a fust-yearspecial education major, said she usually shops at Zany Brainy for her younger sister, Marie.

"She's four and just began nursery scliool, so I want to buy her fun but educational toys," Tancredi said.

Marianne Londino was visiting her niece at Cabrini, and she decided to find out what Zany Brainy was all about.

"Zany Brainy is the place where I am going to buy most of my grandchildrens' toys, from now on," Londino said. "I just wish they were around 20 years ago, when my kids were young."

"Zany Brainy is a store that can keep everyone young at heart," Carragher said. "I suggest that if you need to get away from the hectic life of college, visit this store. It's guaranteed to make you smile."

The special Holiday Edition of Loquitur is coming December 10! Send personal messages to friends and co-workers! Personalsare only $1 each. Lookfor applicationsin your mailboxesand in the newsroomon Monday.

by Caroline Croley
"Zany Brainy" provides the young, old with a place to go and feel Ii

Thanksgiving History

Gary White features, arts & entertainment editor

;ianksgiving is a day of celebrating family and being thankful for past, ~nt and future gifts. Thanksgiving

ilOW celebrated on the fourth Thursof November, but this is not the way 1'ays was.

Some consider October, 1621, to be month in which the first Thanksgiv- took place. Governor John Bradford lymouth proclaimed the day, after g the abundance the Pilgrims' firstplanting produced.

Others believe the first Thanksgiving not until Nov. 29, 1623.

'I:le spring and summer of 1623 was dry, and most of the Pilgrims' crops : dying. Governor Bradford ordered of fasting and prayer. Soon after-

;;:s_ a long rain came and revived the

To celebrate, Bradford again proed a day of thanksgiving.

,om this time on, whenever a major t occurred in America, someone d declare a day of thanksgiving.

After the ratification of the U.S. Constitution in 1789, President George Washington named Nov. 26 a day to give thanks. Six years passed before Washington named another day of thanksgiving.

The next time a president declared a day of thanksgiving was in 1815. James Madison proclaimed a day of thanksgiving for peace.

From this time until the Civil War, an autumn day of thanksgiving and feasting was observed, mostly in the north.

At the end of the Civil War, Abraham• Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day. The day was meant to be celebrated by the whole nation.

In 1939, Franklin Roosevelt, under pressure from big businessmen to make the Christmas selling season longe't, moved Thanksgiving from the last Thursday in November to the third Thursday in November.

Two years later, the day was changed to the fourth Thursday in November, because of complaints by the American people

Today, Thanksgiving is still the fourth Thursday of November. It is proclaimed each year by the president and governors of the 50 states. Thanksgiving is a legal holiday throughout the nation, in the canal zone, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.


t-year stuWolen, &rst-year stu-=: c have a huge dinner. All .iatives come _ house. It is _ to see all my relatives, since we them on special holidays.

unn Szczurek, sophomore: e always go to my aunt's house for giving. My family is a mix ofltalian,

Polish and Irish. I know that is not too strange, but my aunt makes not only the turkey and traditional Thanksgiving fair, but also lasagna, rigatoni, soda bread and other things, so everyone gets his or her family favorite

Tricia Reilly, junior: My aunts, uncles and grandparents come to my house for the day. For dinner, all the adults sit in the dining room, and the children sit in the living room. The littlest person there says grace for the family.

Before the parade

The Cabrini Spirit

Committee wishes to thank the entire campus community for your euthusiastic support of Spirit Day 1993!

We are glad you came to "Lift Your Spirit " , • Spirit Day 1994 is set for Tuesday,November 15. Interested in joining the committee? Then come to the Library Conference room on December 3 at 10:00a.m.

riday, Nov. 19, 1993 FEATURES 5
a d r e a ie!iiiillrr.
photo supplied by Gary White
s E E K & F I N D s M A R T I A L L A w s D s T L E E C A A N G 0 A p T T E s R u V R N T R u 8 R E N 0 H E p p 0 T 0 X N u 0 E T A T N M R L A s B G B A I p I L T D M S. R E s E A E T s T D E V I M F R 0 s p A N M M u s s I H C s E R F 0 X y T D· T s L 0 ·o X s B A R C E 0 0 u 0 B I M R C R B A 0 E V I 0 T p T R 0 T D N w 0 D p V y 0 A y E E E T A G N X N X I R E F E 0 A V T N A 0 I R T A C E p T L p N y E F A C I 0 N X y V N A L 0 T y 0 T A E V A N N A R F C R 0 w Can you find the hidden legal terms? Abate Duress Patent Act of God Easement Privity Agency Escrow Probate Arbitration Estoppel Proof Bailment Felon Proxy Caveat Emptor Franchise Remedy Consideration Lien Subpoena Damages Martial Law Summons Deed Novation Tort
5a: with the rain, the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day parade goes on. The y oarade is the oldest Thanksgiving Day parade in the United States.

ARTS Library displays graphic designs

Last Sunday afternoon, an art show of a very different kind opened in the library. Graphic designer Judith Wisniewski will be showing her designs, logos, brochures and booklets until Dec. 19.

The birthplace of stars

A star is born.

A boy sits with his head down, praying to his fingers. lo an almost frozen cube of a room, he sympathetically beats life into an old, beaten piano, under blue and pink stage lights. The tables are filled with half-lit faces and shiny plastic cups.

He may not be famous, but tonight he can sit on a cloud and absorb the responsive cheers of a crowd.

Tonight, he plays in the Red Cloud. It doesn't matter who '·he" is. It matters that "he" is in the crowd's critical eye, sweating and undaunted. "He" has stepped up another creaky stair in a long and often fatal path, without armor, only his talent.

His chance has come in the newest addition to Cabrini College, a pearl created by the director of theater, Neal Newman.

On November 9, the Red Cloud Coffee House served up its first cup of coffee.

Under the calm arm of manager Belinda Desher, senior, the Red Cloud illuminated Neal Newman and seniors Dann Trotter and Eric Barbuscia in a song called, "There is a meeting."

The hardly-seen dance ensemble followed the opening act with a routine to the song, "I'm gonna get you." Senior Alicia Casole, of the dance ensemble, said, "I think it went well. It was good exposure for our group."

The next skit was performed by five members of Cabrini's comedy troupe. The setting was a game show called "Sexual Harassment." Its members included Judge Clarence Thomas, played by Marty Stamps, a sophomore, Senator

Bob Packwood, portrayed by Doug Eppler, a junior, Senator Ted Kennedy, played by Dann Trotter, a senior, Sister Mary Scullion, played by Maureen Klement, a sophomore, and a contestant, played by Katina Corrao, a sophomore.

The lights dimmed for the first of two video presentations of the night. They were directed by sophomore Nathan Carter and senior Rosanne Carfagno. Carter's presentation was the soap opera "Monotony Cliffs," and Carfagno's drama was "Between Friends." Both starred various Cabrini students.

Other acts included singing by Woodcrest resident director Sloane Gibb, Newman and Eppler. Barbuscia added to the musical talent of the evening by strumming an almost flawless acoustic guitar solo.

Two English professors also slid into the act.

Dr. Marice Bezdek read poetry, and Dr. Marilyn Johnson acted out a monologue from Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire."

Corrao and Trotter sweated through an improv, with several explicit lines supplied by the crowd. Corrao's already wide eyes lit up, when even she was amazed and said, "l want a big cock in my ass."

The night ended with Billy Joel's "Lullabye," a sobering piano solo by Paul Marturano, a first-year student. Marturano said, "Billy Joel is God," right before he pounded out the first of several chords in complete darkness.

The Red Cloud Coffee House proved to be something that will not drift off in the near future. For artists, it is a place where they can plant their seeds. For students, it is a place to socialize and appreciate local entertainment.


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Wisniewski's interest in graphic design began during her days at Cardinal O'Hara High School. She designed logos in high school and attended the Governor's School for the Arts. The more she learned about graphic design, the more she realized that she wanted to study it in college.

Graphic design is a form of visual communication with a specific goal. The designer is hired by a corporation to create a logo, sign or brochure that will persuade, educate, sell or direct the intended audience. An example of graphic design is Cabrini's logo, found on letterhead, folders and just about anything the college puts out into the public.

Wisniewski earned her graduate degree from Tyler school of Art in Philadelphia and went on to earn a postgraduate degree in advertising from Syracuse University in New York. Currently, she is the coordinator of graphic design at Delaware County Community College.

In addition to her teaching duties at community, Wisniewski is teaching an advertising design course here at Cabrini.

Graphic design is very different from painting or drawing. It is not considered

a fine art, although there is as mu creativity and artistic talent involvec. Wisniewski believes that her line ofw, is exciting.

"There is a lot of problem solving Wisniewski said. "It is exciting to cha:--nel your creativity that way."

The designer is hired by a corporytion to come up with a design, she sa1 It is the responsibility of the designer t research the product and the compan\ in order to create a successful design Wisniewski' s show will span her prC'fessional career, with works coverin= 13 years.

The choice to showcase Wisniewski·, art was a logical one. Cabrini has jus· listed in the new catalog a concentratioc in graphic design, under the visual art. major. This is the first year Cabrini ha_ had such a concentration.

Dr. Adeline Bethany, chair of the fine arts department, contacted Wisniewsk for help in locating a graphic desigr: teacher. After Wisniewski accepted the position herself, Bethany asked if she would be interested in a show in the library.

It is unusual for graphic designs to be shown in a gallery- type setting. Normally they are exhibited by a trade organization or college with a graphic design major.

There are a few new courses being offered in conjunction with the new concentration. Computer-based courses are available to teach students the techniques of a growing field. Wisniewski onl~ uses a computer in her current work.

The computer allows more alternatives, Wisniewski said, because it is faster than doing tracings by hand. Now. she only has to hit a button to change a font or the size of the type.

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The ticker turns 25

Ageing is equivocal to death in this

:h-oriented society. Every wrinkle cterizes determination and hope, retiring minds are disregarded. obody thinks about it, but everynconsciously wants to grow old, or east older. Time races. Itis measured

• at annoying tick, tick, tick of the A blatant reminder of the hours ng-the 60 minutes in each hour.

: u:ty minutes in not only a measure tune. It is also a title of a much 'rated show. The show, "60 min- spends each Sunday sharing pro-

·n e stories and insight.

-S.xty Minutes" is the home of such J journalists as Mike Wallace, .ey Safer, Dan Rather, Ed Bradley, e\ Stahl, Andy Rooney and Steve

• These older types typically are ted to fade into the cosmos. Surgly, they only continue to relish .1ccomplishments.

r.:ese reporters, stars in their own spark interest and respect from 31.4 million weekly viewers.

'"I hink that they are pretty up on the a!5. but I personally cannot underhow they are in the top 10, week •reek," Chris Erdmann, senior, said.

:..:.::nkthat people would be kind of of it, since they've been around so _ A.ndy Rooney doesn't exactly float ;it, either."

&en Andy Rooney is surprised. In a interview in "TV Guide," he spoke surprise with the results of a 1990 ~ews and World Report" survey ces "60 Minutes" at the top. ~ney said you could not have m that 60 Minutes would main- high ratings without those breakbe-door-with-the-camera-rolling that were so surprising.

""SixtyMinutes" does not do as many sneaky, investigate pieces as in '-1, yet the show is more popular s usually the story I go for," Claire ilo, continuing education student ior, said, "not the reporter. It has ..-.lished look,-the way their format f"''wn, and it's like a script that they = •JJg through every week." : look raked in $1.3 billion since mutes" first went on the air in A consensus theorizes that the is due to the drawn-out drama .in front of American faces, a get-the-bad-guy approach.

- defense of sometimes question:tics, Sam Hewitt, producer, said is like print journalism, and in cype of medium, reporters have alalked right up to their subjects anced and ambushed them with :is. reminded the audience that the -·:1ce is they see it, rather than read :: reiterated that no one is ever

unless they refuse a convenmterview.

•r do tend to come down hard on


wasBarnoy',voice. WU the ftCUUID, -.-1UU11ctida.a;a.' qr WU the Flintstol'le$•


the government and business," Carin Pesotski, senior, said. '·But you know that they know what the outcome is going to be, but they continue to build it up and build it up. I really like the show a lot."

Wallace attributed his success to this simple inquisitive approach. He asked simple leading questions while filling the gaps with great listening skills. He was even noted to give a second chance at a go-around interview.

The silver anniversary distinguishes the show as the only program to rank No. 1 in all three decades. "The Ed Sullivan Show" lasted 23 years. It 1s rare. Episodes of "60 Minutes" are broadcast in 35 countries.

Critics have commented on the notable amount of feature stories on the program lately. "TV Guide" explains that most stories are not pegged to major news events, partly because of the need to build a group of stories, and not all will run. Sometimes, the characters are too dull.

Some of the personalities reminisced about memorable interviews. Bradley remembered a Wyoming teenager, Richard Jahnke, who killed his father after years of physical and mental abuse sustained by Jahnke 's entire family.

Bradley noted his body language in the interview. He commented that even the silences said something.

Stahl remembered the time she interviewed an angry Boris Yeltsin. The complaint was about a tape, in whichYeltsin appeared inebriated. Hewitt denied the charges. Yeltsin asked Stahl to cross her heart, if Hewitt's denial was true.

Dan Rather spoke of a time that he went into Afghanistan in 1980, dressed in native wear, and reported they were gassing people. He received a lot of "beat" from Hewitt and others, questioning the accuracy of the story and his attire. • Rather claims that, as an aftermath, everyone discovered people were being gassed all over that country, due to experimentation with the gas.

The show has upset the gay community and reeked havoc, in some instances. The gay community became upset when Rooney made a comment that homosexuality leads to premature death, just as too much alcohol might.

Havoc occurred when "60 Minutes., did a story on fake IDs, and a man followed the procedure on the show and made 10 aliases that enabled him to steal $10 million.

"I think some of the views are biased," Erdmann said. "I think Mike Wallace, Morley Schaeffer, those types, are from an older breed. I think that they are from the old school, and they are a little more conservative."

"I'll sometimes just watch'60 Minutes' whenever I am able to sit in front of a television and watch it," Lisa Migoraccio, a sophomore, said. "It's difficult for students to always sit and watch."


1. WhatmuppetdidJimHensonfirst cm1111

2,Wlia'twu tile nameof the movie ereatodfrom !'Sesame Street," iJl whidl., ..-di forBigBird?

3. Whati&Jig Bkd'sbbd mead's __ , • • '•<»ulia'•QIIII.C(1 '.Mr,~~dic?

Today'snumberis 25!

Grover, Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch are characters with whom most people in the United States are familiar. They are from the television show that has both entertained and educated pre-school children for the past 25 years, "Sesame Street."

"Sesame Street" first aired on Nov. 10, 1969, on public television. It was the brain child of Joan Ganz Cooney and the initial production of the Children's Television Workshop. The target audience was inner-city children who were disadvantaged in language skills, compared to their middle-class counterparts.

The show received wonderful reviews, and the present weekly audience is an estimated 11 mill ion households. The audience's diversity is seen in the diversity of the characters on the show "Sesame Street" is set on an innercity street, in a run-down neighborhood. The characters come from a multi-racial, multi-ethnic background and are both young and old. Accompanying the people are Jim Henson's Muppets, which are often the most popular characters on the show

The goal of "Sesame Street" is to teach letters, numbers and social concepts to pre-school children. The show has won 33 emmy awards and has been showcased in a special exhibition in the Smithsonian Museum.

The show is copied in 15 other countries, and the English version is shown in more than 80 countries.

"The show allows me to feel comfortable with what my children are watching, and that is not always the case," Susan Sargent, a mother of two from Devon, said.

Sargent likes the characters because they grab her children's attention and teach them while entertaining. She also likes the diversity of the characters. "They show my chil-

dren a world beyond their own,'' Sargent said.

Karmen Gaffin. senior, watches the show more now than when she was a child. She said the show is very positive, because it allows children to have more than one type of role model.

Gaffin said the show is very natural, and there is no competition. She also said she likes the diversity of the characters. "It shows the characters relating to one another like children, before they learn prejudices," Gaffin said. "It is very natural."

The Muppets seem to capture the hearts of viewers the most, and some remain in the minds of people who no longer watch the show.

Senior Priscilla Fuentes watched the show every day as a kid and saw the characters as her friends. Her favorite character is Elmo, a red puppet with a yellow nose. Fuentes said she likes Elmo because he is and explorer, and he is "cute."

Kayce Pottichen, senior, really enjoyed the characters and the songs. She said they were songs that you sang around the house.

Pottichen said her favorite character is Cookie Monster because she loved cookies, and her grandmother used to bake her cookies whenever she watched the show.

"Sesame Street" may have taken a backseat to up-and-coming children's programming, such as "Barney," but it still lives in the hearts of millions.

Other shows have since followed from the Children's Television Workshop, such as "The Electric Company," "3-2-1 Contact" and "Fat Albert."

"Sesame Street" is still aired daily on public television stations across the nation. Although the audience has changed, the message remains the same.

"Sesame Street has been brought to you today by the letter L and the number 3."

I: : 'r:-riday, Nov. 19, 1993 ENTERTAINMENT
,...,... oripnaU_y '"' •
pnocosupplied by Gary White Kermit The Frog, Ernie's Rubber Ducky and the original Sesame Street sign are on display at the American History museum of the Smithsonain Institute.
Ask Roxy Ifyouhaveanygtaestions orcommentsandwouldffl<e tohearAoxy•a901nJon,.send yourfetterstobox586.She wfflthartherp8dl of wiSdomon manysubjects. 7

Service organization reviews goals, responsibilities

Many people on campus know that Kappa Sigma Omega is an organization that is in charge of events such as Family Weekend, graduation and baccalaureate. But how many know who makes up this club, why this club is on campus and how students can get involved?

Kappa Sigma Omega is a campus organization composed of students who want to promote college spirit and do service for the school. Beside handling baccalaureate and commencement exercises, Kappa holds many other fundraisers,such as candy-gramsaround the holidays.

Tina Longo. a junior and executive board member. said. "'Kappa is a non-segregated club that asks students to give time and do service work, like participating in the phoneathon." Longo added The club welcomes all students. We're always trying to accommodate everyone with everything.··

Sherry Cannan, a junior and the admissions liaison, said every spring Kappa inducts a new class. Members of this class are invited to attend meetings designed to inform students of what the club is all about.

If students are interested, they must fill out an application and arrange an interview with the executive board members. Members are required to fulfill a certain number of service hours.

This can be done by participating in tours for incoming students, the phoneathons, selling tickets for various functions sponsored by Kappa or by helping with the admissions open house.

Danielle Harris, a senior and the executive board president, said, "Members are recruited every February, must be at least second semester first-year students and hold a grade point average of 2.9 or better."

Harris said, "This year, we've had the largest membership, as compared to past years." This year's enrollment is 42 members. Last year, there were 11 members, and seven out of the original 11 have returned. Out of the 42 new Kappa members, Harris said 39 are actively involved. In the total organization, there are 60 to 70 members.

At present, Kappa is busy with executive board elections for upcoming senior officers. Harris said, "Because of Family Weekend and its importance, officers' terms run from January to December."

Cannan said the organization has been going through many changes because of a new campus president and a new student activities director. Cannan said, "We're working with Marianne DeFruscio and listening to her new ideas."

Longo said, "With good communication, Kappa Sigma Omega is a great organization, and we should have a good shot of being a success in the future.''

On the other hand, Judi Panasik, a senior Kappa member, said there has been a lack of communication. Panasik said, "I have been on Kappa since my freshman year, and now, during my senior year, I haven't received letters announcing meetings or anything else that is coming up. "

Panasik added, "As a senior, I don't have time to ask. If it is not in my mailbox, I don't know what is going on. I don't know if it is an oversight or what." •

Both Panasik and Longo said the organization seemed to run smoother in past years. Panasik said there seemed to be more meetings and fundraising in the past.

SGA ,outD¥aleon 1 ,...

proposals are to be voted on by the student body next week, to change the constitution of the student body. Youdo have uy on campus pollcy. Vote!

The following are the basicpointsof each amendment. For a complete proposal, see an SGA member:

1. Open electiom uponthe resignation of anySGA member.

2. Amendmenlsmustbeapprovc:dbyZI 3 of voting students.

3-4, 9. President, Vice-President and SocialAdivitiesCllairpCISonofSGA must be at leastjuniors with previous leadership experieoce.

5. Vice-President takes over M Presidentonly if open electionfails to elect newpresident.

6-8, 10. Tn:asurer, Recording and Cortap,1¥ingScaetariesandSocialActivities Assislants must be at least sopbomon:s.

11. Bachclubwitha budgetmustdo TAXI.

,vcvr.:, more SERVJCEfrom 1

According to an article in last year's Loquitur. dated March 26, 1993, Dr. Antoinette Iadarola_ president, said Cabrini recei,·ed the honor for two major reasons. The first as because of the Seminar 300 Jen) classes. The other reason was that Cabnni had made real efforts to help • ipe out illiteracy, through the prison literacy project at Graterford Prison. This program allows students and faculty to help people learn to read in prisons.

Iadarola said the national center will allow students to rub elbows with professionals who are interested in community service and school change. She said she expects the college to become a place where people of all walks of life come together and discuss what they are doing on the cutting edge of education. The center, according to Iadarola, will bring speakers and interesting people to campus.

Linda Arendt, assistant to the director of the center, said, "This process incorporates service to curriculum, so it is richer to the students.··

Arendt said she is working with Dr. Dawn Middleton, chair of the education

department, to prepare teachers to teac to the fullest by involvement.

A recent press release from pubh~ relations said, "The center is a collab0rative effort of PennServe, the Penns) •• vania Dept. of Education and Cabrin. Its primary focus is to encourage school and communities to be bold and innov.tive in their approach to using the powe· of service learning to help drive systemic change in schools."

Pennsylvania Senator Harris Woffor initially recommended Cabrini, base on the college's requirement for community involvement.

The center will provide service including on-site support for schools; access to articles, case studies, strategie reflections and curriculum; with regional and national faculty representing higher education and the business, corporate and non-profit worlds and opportunity to engage in research. to further the knowledge base in the field.

"Leaming in school should be experiential, because that's what life is, " Aren~ said. "The teachers role has to change."

\ ·' 8
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Last week in the world of·news


The U.S.Senateagreedto an amendment lf:.uwouldallowPennsylvaniato stop out-ofs...relotterysaleswithinthe border. This amendment,in effect, would shut ~11severalbusinessesthatusecomputersto - Pennsylvaniaresidentschancesinlotterr- fromFloridatoCalifornia.Officialsbelieve statelotteryis losing$1 millionor more .lilCllluallytoout-of-statecompetition.

..JTuesday,Nov.9- Gorevs.Perot

Foran houranda half,on the "LarryKing lr. e show,Al Gore and Ross Perot argued a tne meritsand drawbacksof the North klericanFreeTradeAgreement(NAFTA),a ::ee-nationtradeagreementthatcaneliminate -...ffsand trade barriers. During the show, re repeatedlyinterruptedPerot. Hechallengedhimandhispresentationand £.i the Texan was more interestedwith his pr.ical foresightsthanthetruth.Atonepoint,

Perotlookedat Goreand said,"Wouldyoueven know the truthif you saw it? I don't thil]k,.yoo would. You'v~beenup heretoo 1 ,,...

O Wednesday,Nov.10-!Joppei<areteaaut in the cold /. .• Shopperstaking~~ to the new Kingof Prussi/~)J(ilh1ot havea wann place for their rif ~e. TheMontgomery CountyPlanning~i~hadbeenpmhiog for an indoorwai,~tpom neat.theJC Penney departmentstore,bltc,,ountyplannerMonicaC. Drewnianyannouncedthatthe finalplansfortbe projectare in, and\ie waitingarea is notpart of them. '\ KennethB. Hu~, the commission'sassistantdirector,saidthe~ionhasdoneeverything possibletQ enco~e the developersto accommodatepublictranspottation,butforwhateverreason,theyhavechosennot k>do that


Governor-electChristineToddWhitmansaid it was not true thather campaignhad made paymentsto suppresstheurbanand blackvotein the

New Jersey's governor's race. Her campaign ~er, E.dwardJ. Rollins,who saidsuch payments~.· _mmaade,gaveWhitmantheapology -~.r r.,~~c!S~asaretraction. ~£tihgblackministersrespond-

uote. They sa_idhis to e imageof the black dnm:l\a:~.~ • & bl,k communitytradition~ ••. l ....,,,,,,;/$ a Friday,Nov. 12- c~ charged with

The pop superstar,MichaelJackson, announcedhe hascut shorta concerttour,toget treatrnentforwhathecalledaprescriptiondrug addictionaggravatedby hisworriesoverchild abuseallegations.

Jacksonandclosefriend,ElizabethTaylor, canceledhis"Dangerous"tourandleftMexico City for London and possibly Switzerland, whereTaylorownsa chalet.

Canfinal,?,>sephBemardin,wasaccusedby a Pbiladelphiaman,StevenCoo,lt,34,inalawsuit,of abusinghlmmoret!f<m a decadeago. In IllsargumentagainstCookjkmardinsaid he has livedacdto&teandchaste,Jifefor65yearsandhas no recollet:tfonof eooi,/ .I Cook,a mentalJiealthcounselorwho suffers from AID~ia'Bemardin abusedhim at least o~,Hesaida priest,theRev.EllisHarsham,first abusedhim,andthenhewasbroughttoBernardin. CooksaidBemardingavehimabookanda framed picture,thensexuallyabusedhim. Cooksaidhe onlyrecentlybeganrememberingtheabase.

0 Sunday,Nov.14-NAFfA dinner PresidentOintoninvited15of 51lawmakers still undecidedon NAFfA to the White Housefor dinner,hopingto presshiscasefor thetradedeal. About20 representativesof the AFL-0O,astaunchNAFTAopponent,stood outsidea WhiteHousegate as thelawmakers arrived,holdingcandlesinsilentprotestofthe agreement.

ocal organizations participate in fight against hunger

Kelli Dougherty staff writer

light of hunger and homeless awareness

whichbegan November 15,community

3re underway, to help needy people in

These programsfocus on the Thanks=holiday, which can be a trying time for

m need.

Ile Holy Spirit parish and elementary

_ in SharonHill,haveSisterMaryLiguori

=careofa listof needy familiesin the area.

-ding to Ligouri, they provide food bas50-60 families referred to her by Com-

':· Action Agency, the Ecumenical Car-

-= ( oalitionand a few local churches. "The provide a full meal for Thanksgiving

;th all the trimmings," Liquori said. "It -i last the weekend."

gouri uses donations given by the com-

·.: to purchasefood for the baskets.Dona-

..regiventhroughoutthe yearand saved in servicefund. She also uses food that is ::tedduringa food driveeverythreeweeks

at the Holy Spirit church and school.

St. Katherineof Siena in Wayne also sponsors a program to help the needy. In this program, casseroles are made and given to Mercy Hospice, which provides shelter for homeless women and children.

Cindy Young,}'arishsecretary,said, "People in the community,purchase the food.needed, make tbtcasserole&intheirhomesandthen take them kl a local~ point."'

Archbishop.Carrollin Radnor has students volunteertime and money for the needy in the area. Accordingto SisterRita Hekker,chairof the religion department,almost every student in the school body of 870 donates one quarter a day, for a two-weekperiod, in their religion classes.

This IDOl;lefis-used to purchase enough foodio produceappro~mately 30 food baskets.

According to Young, Sister Eileen Campbell from MercyHospiceand a resident hosted a lecture fo explain the importance of this program. The lecture, on theology of • hunger,gaveinsighttotheprogtaQtandstressed its importanceto needypeople.

Thel>asketsconsistoffoodfor breakfast, lunch,dinnerand additional food that may lastaweek..

• "A letter is sent to the pastors of the parishesthatourstudentt~present,"Hekker said. "Jo response,they giye us names of fall\ilies having needs that must be dealt with.'J1iefamiliesma jd"stbe having present ctifficul·~ d e to,tneeconomy today."

AsprintedinaSundaybulletinatSt.Katherine' s, "HOW'in1pottam~ mercy'casseroles, do t~y reallymakeadifference?C.ome and give witness to the value of our charity." Youngsaid,"Peoplein the communitypurchase the food neededand make the casseroles in theirhomes and then take the casserolesto a local collectionpoint."

What's Happening

Poetry Reading 11/18

J A fun-filled evening of poetry

-:::adingsand story-telling. Come.overt9

__:sun,or share your oz<ik,.•. ..~ die f{ed )UdCoffee

team will be their special guests. It will be held in the Widener Center Gathering Area, and the cost is $3 with a party flyer 4Dd.$4~ithout a flyer. Food and drink will liea~le. Everyone is welcome,

• • 1 and over are

A few localsupermarketscontributetoArchbishop Carroll's program for the needy. The Acme in Wayne,Genuardi'sinSt. David's and Gentille Market in Newtown Square allow students to purchase food at cheaper prices.

"They enable us to buy things on sale, in quantity," Hekker said. "Gentille's sells us fresh produce at cost."

PhiladelphiabranchesoftheSalvatiorrArmy provide food basketsfor the needy, according Gary Deckert, director of communitysupport services.

There also will be a traditionalThanksgiving day dinner at 715 North Broad Street."It's a walk-in, and no questions will be asked," Deckertsaid.

The Salvation Army in West Chester will make as many food baskets as possible, depending on community contributions.

According to Karen Newman, social service director, they also will provide a Thanksgiving dinner on Nov. 22 at 6:30p.m. for the homeless. "We are planning for 80 to 100 people," Newman said." The people in the community bring in the turkeys."

The Chester County community center will host a larger-scale dinner on Thursday, Nov. 25 from 1 p.m to 3 p.m., according to Newman.

Security Update

Security incidents, as reported by security office from Monday, NtlV.8 through Monday, Nov.15.

Burglary and Institutional Vandalism


::JSecurity found 21 mailboxes

Institutional Vandalism· had been opened. It was unknown 11/9 at that time if anything had been

0 Xavier RD gave security the taken. While checking the rest of phone head-set from X.,.a,,,.v1;.;·e:.:..r_L:_.._::-.n~. the building, security found a trash South hallway p pole had been ripped from the had ripped it of _r:< und.


demand- Cavalier t improvisational CloudCoffee House ent

d enjoy the soundsofBilly eelby

Unauthorize~•""l•.~;;ti~iii:-i;;;'.17 11/13


0 While scanning and patrollidi the halls of Xavier, security discovered a male Cabrini student in Upper South. The RA on duty was notified of the situation, because the male was banned from Xavier. The student was escorted out of the building and back to his residency on campus. The student had not entered Xavier through the front doors while security was on duty.

e Building received a call from a student. There was so n the radio room that was making him cough. When security arrived·, the odor was gone.

Noise Complaint 11/14

0 Security received a call from an unknown male about noise coming from a room in Xavier. Security responded to the call, and no noise was noted.

»riday, Nov. 19, 1993 NEWS 9
==·~~. ;~.
...... -
• ~ll
amt !1/19 in the
:1:20 J The Ethnic StudentAlliance is •-inga Legal Party, and the basketball
- time.
Gym at 6 p.m.
Legal Party
PaulMaturano,followedby a specialappearanceby ReservoirDogs,in the RedCloudCoffeeHousefrom8-llp.m. 0 Lost and Foundis locatedin the StudentDevelopmentOffice,whichis open Monday-Friday8:30a.m.-5 p.m

Cabrini's cross-country teams are sort of like a peach pit- small and pitted, but with the potential to grow into a lush fruit.

If the teams were judged strictly by records, they probably would be categorized as nearly ready to pick. The women's team has won the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) championship for the last two years. The men's team won the championship last year and came in third this year.

The women managed these victories on their own. The men required a graft (irregular runners added to the ranks just for the race) each year, in order to have a team ·of five.

Everyone agrees lack of runners is the biggest problem facing cross-country. There is noaccord on why there is a lack of runners.

Athletic Director John Dzik said there are two aspects to the problem. "There aren't as many cross-country runners these days," Dzik said. "Running is not a glamorous sport. It takes a lot of work and sacrifice.··

Dzik said high school students are getting better offers from other schools. ··some people are priced out of Cabrini," he said. ··\\'e don't have a track. Runners who want to run both fall and spring won't come here."

Although Cabrini does not have a track, there is a track team.

"We've always had a problem with depth," coach Tom O'Hora said. "even when we had a great team. If you don't have depth, and a few people leave, for whatever reason, it looks like everything is failing apart.~'

O'Hora said Cabrini is not the only college having a hard time fielding a full team. One reason the men won last year's championship is Cabrini was one of the few teams

with the necessary five runners.

Cross'.'"countrywraps up season Cabrini question?

Chris Callinan, '92 alumnus, ran under O'Hora for four years and now coaches a high school team. He disagreed that there is a dearth of runners. His high school has 280 students. Last year,12 went out for crosscountry. This year,23 went out for the team.

Everyone agrees recruitment is the main answer to "Where do runners come from?"

"The hardest part of this job is recruiting," O'Hora said. "It takes hours and hours, and it doesn't pay off as much as you'd like it to.''

Callinan said there has to be hands-on recruiting, instead of over the phone. He said, "You have to get these people to realize they're athletes, not just runners on the side. Make them feel special."

Cabrini's expense was cited as a reason some recruits would not attend the college.

Jason Chaya. a sophomore runner,- said, "At some point. there was a drop off, and now • that we don't have enough, it's hard to convince people to come to a program that's rebuilding."

The up-side of the picture for potential runners is that they will run, instead of sitting on a bench, watching someone else run.

Cross-country must keep the runners when the arrive. The cross-country team has been making some internal adjustments recently.

0 ·Hora believes running is fundamentally an individual activity. He said coaching a college team requires a different tactic than a high school teain. High school coaches are usually present at every practice. Cabrini's team has only two formal practices per week.

"I'm not a baby-sitter," O'Hora said. "I have a game plan. If you follow it, I gtlarantee you'll be a winner."

Sophomore runner Margit Karlsen said she agrees with O'Hora' s decisions concern-

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ing practices. "I think he goes out of his way and cares about how everyone does," Karlsen said. "If he hadn't trained us as he did, we wouldn't have won the PAC championship."

Several runners wanted more team practices with the coach present. They approached both O'Hora and Dzik with their concerns.

The response to their complaints is where one can see the germ of some juicy, fuzzcovered flesh. O'Hora responded well to the team's input.

"I've seen a difference in his attitude," Kristen Vento, a first-year runner, said. "I think he just needed to see that we care."

"If you never had complaints, that would be wrong," O'Hora said. ''When I ran at the college level, you didn't question the coach. That was wrong. The only way to straighten things out is to have a dialogue."

"Now be explains where he's coming from, why we do what we do in practice," Vento said.

Kate Spires, a first-year runner, went from thinking Cabrini's program should be different to re-evaluating expectations. "It took me a while to see where he· s coming from," she said. "Making the transition from high school to college was hard."

"I had to get used to Coach O'Hora's way of doing things," Vento said. "But I'm starting to come around."

Some runners would like more practices. Don Little, a first-year runner, said, "I'm satisfied with the coaching, but I think thert: should be more than two practices per week."

Several runners pointed out it is easier to skip individual practice than group practice.

The difficulty with group practice is finding a time when everyone is free. O'lfora said he would encourage the runners to contact one another to run in small groups.

It seems that the more expe_riencea runner has with O'Hora, the more he or she appreciates him.

"He helped me a lot with my running skills and my self-esteem as a runner," Lori Staneruck, a senior and captain of the women's team, said. "I don't think we would have been able to win championships without his coaching."

"He took me from an average runner to an -.. above-average runner," Melanie Bruno, a junior , said.

Karlsen said, "I attribute all my success to the coach."' Communications seems to have been the worst problem in the past. O'Hora acknowledged he may need to make some changes.

"I'm trying to change with the times," he said. "You've got to try to change with your athletes. The athletes today need to understand more of what's going on."

staff writer

The Chicago Bullsmay bethe defendingchampions,buttheykeeplosinggarnes, andtheyjustaren'tthesamewithoutMictJael Joroan.

MattCraig,ajunior,said, "l don'tthlnk they'llmakeittothechampicfnshipsatthis rate."

ThecountrywasshockedwhenMichael Jordan announced he was leaving the NBA. Still in the height of his career, he felt he had nothing left to prove. He was also critical of the press and of his lack of privacy. He also was still grieving over the murder of his father, James Jordan, with whom he was very close. As it stands, many feel he might return to the NBA someday, although he won't be back this sea.son.

It was only two summers ago that no one would have thought Jordan, Magic Johnson and Latry Bird would all retire within two years. To be sure, the NBA willsufferwithouttheseimmonals.However, the NBA nowadays may not need a leader, as it once did. The three players strengthenedthe leagueto the point where the NBA could withstand their absence.

Some people were happy to see Jordan go.

Joe Opiela, a senior, said; "Michael Jordan is like cancer. They got rid of the tumor,but the cancer's stillthere."

Edie Lamberti, a sophomore, said, "I alwayshatedMichaelJordan,andl'mglad he's gone.He'sa ball,-hogger.Anyonecan replacehim." •

Most people feel differently. LindoSabatini, a junior, said, "Scottie Pippencould, but) don't he will be replaced."

RichardGrace, a sophomore,said. "In terms of the team, Pippen could. He's secondplace il1the team. Outsideof the Bulls though, no one has the same leadership skillsasJoroan.ButShaquilleO'Nealofthe OrlandoMagics<X>Ulddoagoodjob. Someone will come up."

According to ChrisSantamira, a oontinuingeducationstudent,said, "Shaquille O'Nealoouldreplacehim,becausehe's got the total talentpackage.There's just something about him He plays wel~ he has a gentle side and he has a good television personality."

JuniorMarkSpringersummedupwhat manypeoplefeel towardsthe retirementof MichaelJordan."ldon 'tthinkanyoneoould ever replacehim," he said.


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The cross-country team begins the PAC Championships. The team consisted of Dan Lorenz, Kyle Simons, Lindo Sabatini, Jason Chaya and Larry Foster.
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ast week in the world of sports

Diane Wrobleski staff writer

e Flyer's future may be on ice.

?hliadelphia Flyers fans were at frenzy Nov .10, after they ~ed Eric Lindros had disred, with seven minutes -::::i:u..:.ning in the first period of =-ame against the New JerDevils.

:e Flyers not only took a 5- at the Spectrum against Devils but also lost their -g scorer, Lindros.

.e sell-out Spectrum crowd ever told Lindros was hurt. tis teammates were not ·-=iedabout his injury until ;_rst intermission of the ndros will be out for threeweeks due to a torn mediateral ligament in his right

s injury occurred near the jefensive corner, just secJ.fter he became locked into .:e stance with New Jers Bill Guerin.

G.erin seemed to fall on --=ros's right leg, then the s· John MacLean cross-

checked Lindros in the back of the helmet. When Lindros turned to pursue the puck up the ice, it seemed as if he spun in place.

T:. Devils' strategy, to continually hook and trip Lindros, was obvious from the opening face-off, when New Jersey's Bobby Holik went off the ice for hooking, just 22 seconds into the game.

The Flyers lost their first battle since Lindros' injury Nov. 13, when Buffalo defeated them 7-2 at the Spectrum.

Unlike the 23 disasterous games Lindros missed last year, he may be back by Dec.2, after a nine- game absence.

College football took a sharp, intense turn Nov. 13, as second-ranked Notre Dame defeated top ranked Florida State, 3124. This Irish victory is certain to go dowm as a college football classic.

Florida State went into the game strong. They won their previous nine games by an average of almost 38 points and never by less than 18. On the other hand, Notre Dame struggled in its first two games

against Northwestern (27-12) and Michigan (27-23). However, they won their last seven by an average of more than 26 points. Before the big battle, both teams had a 16-game winning streak, which was the longest in the NCAA.

Other college football highlights include Penn State's 2814 victory over Illinois at Beaver Stadium on Nov. 13.

Illinois' loss ended their chance to finish first in the Big Ten and go to the Rose Bowl. The Nittany Lionscan still make the Citrus Bowl and place second in the Big Ten.

Thousands of excited fans at Ohio State could not be controlled by security on Nov. 13, after the 2317 victory over Indiana. Fans were doused with chemical sprays, as they tore down the goal posts to celebrate. The victory putthe Buckeyes within range of clinching their first trip to the Rose Bowl since the 1984 season.

As a result of their victory, Ohio State advanced to 9-0-1 overall and 6-0-1 in the Big Ten.

In pro football, the Eagles' mission to get back on track after eight weeks into the sea-

son was not accomplished.

The Eagles lost to the Dolphins 19-14 at Veterans Stadium. They had hoped to stop a four-game losing streak, but created a five-game losing streak instead.

The offense that once got the Eagles off to a 4-0 start has vanished, because of many adjustments due to increased injuries and a toughening schedule. Since Randall Cunningham has been absent, the Eagles have averaged only seven points per game.

Cheers to the Sixers for winning their first road game of the season Nov. 13, over the New Jersey Nets, 98-97.

In the last 24 seconds of the game, rookie center Shawn Bradley gave the Sixers their first and only lead of the game. Finally, Bradley and the team can put their bad start behind them.

The final of the Virginia Slims tournament of Philadelphia wrapped-upon Nov.14,atthe Philadelphia Civic Center. Conchita Martinez, No.4-ranked tennis player in the world, defeated the world's No.1 tennis player, Steffi Graf, breaking Graf's 44-match winning streak, 6-3, 6-3.

Father knows best

Who is the only player in NBA history to score over 10,000 points in a career, despite making fewer than 38 percent of his field goals?

-compiled by Father Ambrose Cashman

oopsters ready to begin season

"IO'? HOOPS from 12

irbereare some players on varsix,,. to Cabrini's basketball exce. First-year student John mond is one new addition to .illl who eventually will prove -.r1h.Dzik described him as "a zs;::nan from Overbrook who was c,sive in the inner-squadgame, :6 points and 14 rebounds."

~added to Dzik 'scomments ing Drummond would make ,...esenceknow to Cabrini "beof his athletic ability and re~mg."

phomore John Flanagan is new to the team. Dzik said _gan was "very strong in performance at the inner:i game. He hustles a lot a good fundamental playe varsity team is seeing a ther additions to the team, as Grace, sophomores Tom

Tap in to Mac


College football is a mess.

Last Saturday, Notre Dame defeated Florida State, 31-24, in one of the best college games in a long time.

The Fightinglrisharenow ranked No. 1 in the nation, have a record of 10.0 and close out their season with Boston College ranked somewhere between16thand17th in the country.

You see, there are two pol1s.theAPpollandtheUSA Today/CNN top 25, which decide the rankings of the schools.

This is where the trouble begins. Florida state (9-1) loses the biggest game Qf the season,_andit looks like Bobby Bowden has blownanotb· er chance at that elusive National Qwnpiooship. However, the Seminoles end up ranked No. 2 in the AP poll and No. 3 in the USA Today poll.

Nebraska (10.0) is ranked third in the AP poll and second in the USA Today top 25. Howevct, when the two polls are added together, tbey end up being rankedthird.

This means the greatest college football game in the past decade was a meaningless regular season game, because both teams may meet again in the Sunkist Fiesta Bowl on New Year's Day.

But wait, the plot gets thicker.

Eagan and Rob Uff, who have the "potential to play varsity, but the final team is not made at this point in time." The return of Kerchner and Wissler will also benefit the team.

The team seems to be headed for a good year. This is due to many things, especially the excellent recruiting of the basketball staff. Last year's record was 20-6, and the men achieved victory in the PACs. Men's

Trivia Answer

lbere are two other undefeated teams in the country, West Virginia (9-0) and Auburn (10.0). 1be Mountaineers are ranked ninth in the APand sixth in the USA Today poll. They play No. 4 Miami(8-l)tbisweekend A win will elevate their ranking into the top five. A loss drops them off the board

The undefeated Auburn Tigers are ranked sixth in the AP poll and nranked in the USA Today top 25 because they are on probation. This means they cannotplay in a bowl game. They close out the season against Alabama (8-1-1) this weekend.

Wehavenoteventouched upon Ohio State, No. 5 in both polls.,and also undefeated, kight now, there are at least seven teams with National Championsnip hopes.

You tell me that college football does not need a tournament.

"day, Nov. 19, 1993 SPORTS
A quote to note
I guess Dave was quoted after the game about this being the orst team in Bengals history. That may be touching closer to ome to him being the worst coach in Bengals history. What goes around comes around."
-Harold Green, Bengals
schedule: NOVEMBER 19/20-Tip-off TournamentHome 27-Radford UniversityAway DECEMBER I-Maryland Eastern ShoreAway 10/11-Washing College Tourn.- Away 30-Lehigh Valley AAUHome JANUARY 5-7- NCBT-Dubuque, Iowa 13- Neumann College-Away 15- Beaver College- Away 18- College MisericordiaHome 20- Alvernia College- Home 22- Eastern College- Home 25- Gwynedd-Mercy Col lege- Home 27- Marywood CollegeHome 29- Wilmington- Home FEBRUARY 1- Neumann College- Home 4- Eastern College- Away 7- Alvernia College- Away 10- Beaver College- Home 12- Marywood CollegeAway 17- Gwynedd-Mercy Col lege- Away 19- College MisericordiaAway 25/26- PAC Champs- TBA
was the last Philadelphia 76er to lead the NBA in a category, 1986-8714.6 rebs./

Cavs set to defend.PAC title

Sophomore Bill Carr moves through the opposing team's defense and finishes off with an impressive shot. Dan Barracliff, a senior, shoots a three-pointer that hits nothing but net. Sophomore Nate Bowles confuses the opposing team with a fake pass that shows his strength and stability.

Mike Dever, a sophomore, drives the ball down the court with aggression. Sophomore Eric Tidwell makes the fans rise to their feet with yet another slam dunk. These are only a few of the impressive moves shown by the men's basketball team of 1993.

"I think the team will do well this year," coach John Dzik said. "The team is not as hungry as they were last year at this time Dzik went on to say, "The mark of a true champion is not winning a championship. but defending it."

Sophomore Greg Grant said the team is "shaky on offense and defense, but that will come in time.- He said The tournament this weekend will be the measuring stick to see where we are at this point in time."

How well the players do this year may be attributed to how well they get along. "Considering the team is made up of eight returning varsity players, plus a fev. additions, it made for a good foundation to build on last year's camaraderie," Grant said.

Sophomore Rich Grace said, "There is a bond developing early. There seems to be a lot of older guys taking the

younger guys under their wings."

Dzik believes that competition among players also adds to the performance of the team. He said, "Competition is a good thing, because it helps the players to do better. These are fine players fighting for starting positions."

These starting positions may be held by the players who will end up starring on the courts this year. Dzik mentioned "Carr, who was MVP of the team last year and junior Brad Dever, who was MVP of the National Catholic Basketball Tournament," as potential star play- • ers. He also said, "I expect solid performance from Barracliff, senior Jamie Shaak. Tidwelland seniors Dave Kerchner and Dave Wissler.

Some of the players are injured. The most recognized injury is Grant's broken nose, which Dzik said should be better by the beginning of the season, and Grant will be back on the courts once again.

When speaking of the downfalls of the team, Dever said, •·The team is not very tall, and we have lost players to injuries."

Adding to the team's losses. sophomore Reggie Marani is now a redshirt and plans to return next year "bigger, faster and stronger," Dzik said.

On the brighter side, the players noted the strong points of the varsity team. Brad Dever said, "The overall team speed is very fast. There are not too many new players to work in, so everyone knows the system."

see more HOOPS pg. 11

Athlete of the Month Lady Cavs set to repeat

Sophomore Billy Carr and first-year student John Drummond battle for a loose ball, as junior Brad Dever looks on. The tip-off tournament is this weekend. photo by cathenne Smotherman Athlete of the Month Kate Spires was victorious at the PAC Championships. pnoto Dy tnc Barbusaa First-year student Megan Dillon goes in for a lay-up. The women begin their season on Friday in the Notre Dame tip-off tournament. Their first home game is December 7, against Allentown College, at 7 p.m.

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