Oct. 29, 1998 issue 07 Loquitur

Page 6

In Xavier Hall last week, an·unassemble<t!)2-caliber revolver, a knife and ammunition were found in a student's room. Currently, her case is still pending. Story on page 2.


In a little over an hour, it's possible for anyone to learn the ghost stories of Philadelphia. Story on page 9.

••••••••• With a new style of seating, it's now possible ;~ and watch a movie ~ou are sitting in a stadium. Story on page 6.

A comparison between some local colleges' athletic budgets may surprise you. Story on page 14.

C a b r l n i C 0 1 1 e g e
Vol.XLV, No.7 Thursday, October 29, 1998
• 1 • 1
Radnor, PA 19087

Social Security possesses connection to college students

Social Security serves more purposes than to create retirement plans, such as disability and trust funds. Dr. Jolyon Girard, history and political science chair, thinks college students should be more aware of Social Security because it will affect them.

Students have become oblivious to Social Security and the benefits it offers due to the exaggeration of reports that say it will not be there for them in the future, according to Joan Wainwright, deputy commissioner for communications.

There have been mixed viewpoints, ranging from Social Security being there forever to Social Security diminishing in the year 2032. The need for Social Security could occur before a student reaches retirement age.

According to Wainwright, if no changes are made to the current

program, the Social Security Trust Fund reserves will be depleted in 2032 and payroll taxes will pay only about three-fourths of benefits.

One-third of all 20-year-olds will die or become disabled before they reach their 65th birthday, according to Kenneth Apfel, commissioner of Social Security.

Apfel says that Social Security is facing long-term financing challenges in the next century.

Social Security provides survivors insurance for widowed mothers and fathers up to $300,000. It provides disability payments worth $1,200 per month. Students think of Social Security as something for the fu-

ture, unaware that the program pays survivor and disability benefits today. Social Security is structured to pay benefits in the short term and the long term under a vast amount of conditions, including becoming disabled or even dying. Social Security is more than a retirement plan. It is protection for families. The Social Security Trust Funds are managed by a six-member Board of Trustees.

Anne Thompson, telephone service representative for the Social Security Administration, says Social Security will be here as long as there are workers.

"It's like a car," Thompson said. "The car needs gas to run and social security needs workers."

Thompson is concerned about her children's Social Security but says that she is only concerned as a mother.

"I tell my children to keep working so Social Security will be there for them, if anything happens to them," Thompson said. "The more they work, the more their spouse will be paid if they become disabled."

Dr. Jolyon Girard, history and political science chair, said that students need to know more about Social Security.

"College students seem to have no awareness of it at all," Girard said. "Somewhere down the line it will affect them."

Students are not aware of Social

Security or the benefits it offers, according to first-year student John Ferrise.

"What does it do?" Ferrise said. "Most students, including myself, really don't know."

Social Security may change by the year 2032 but it will not completely disappear.

According to Girard the government has to consider more forms of equity on Social Security.

"Social Security as we know it may change, but too many people are now dependent on it," Girard said.

"You can't just do away with it," he said.

Gun found in Xavier Hall; students expressconcernsabout safety Craigie relays haunting experiences

,,,,.,. Klimas along with the other parapbemamanaglngedllor

A disassembled.32 caliber revolverwas found in a roomin XAvierHalllastwcq. Alongwith the revolver,a box of bullets that fit the '1Ul, a box of shotgunshells anda knife were also foundin the room.All the objectsbelongedto a first-yearfemale who went by the nickname "Princess."

According to Rich McEr1ean.. director of public safety, an anonymous sourcecameto public safetysaying that theyknewthat a gun was in the room. McErlean thenwent to Dr. RobertBonfiglio, vice president of studentdevelopment. Bonfiglio believed that there was enough evidence presentto warranta roomsearch.

According to Bonfiglio, the school has certain emergency procedures for behavioral incidents such as these. These procedures may be implementedif ··a student is a danger to himself or herselfor othersor engagesin any behavior whichthreatensor could causebodily bann to himself,herself or others," according to the student handbook.

During the room search. "Princess"en1eredthe roomto find public safety searching it. Afterpublic safetyfound tbe gun.

tia, Radnot-polic:ewae~

Radnorp<>licetoot the gin •into custody. along wi1blhe gun.The girl cooperated with questioning and b8 not bccm8lleskld as of yet.

Rumors also abound that "Princess"bad a hit list of.about 30 people whom shc wanted to kill. Public Safety, however,de· nies these rumors,yet allegations that she verl>al.lythreatenedpeople are still being investigated.

As of the present time, ''Princess., has been requiredto take a leave from campus and must undergoa psychiatric evaluation. After the evaluation,Bonfiglio will have the say on whetheror not "Princess" will be allowed to return.

The scare in Xavier, however, has raised someconcernsamong students, particularly those who live in XavierHall.

"I don't think she should be a). lowed back." said sophomore DonnaDiBlasio. "It leaves me wondering that anyonecan just walk in here with a gun."

Sophomore Frank P1wn also expm.sed tbe same concerns."I don't feel le§ safe, rve just becomemmeconcemed," be said.

Crowds gathered in Xavier Hall's great room as a single candle cut through the darkness. Seats were taken and a hush fell over the group on Monday, Oct. 26 at 7:00 p.m. as Dr. Carter Craigie, professor emeritus of English/ communication, assumed his place at the center of everyone's attention.

For his listeners, Craigie wove the ghostly tales that haunt Cabrini's campus.

Craigie, after collecting insights from students, gained interest in local legends and is now considered an expert on Cabrini's supernatural.

"Let me take you back in time," said Craigie, opening the evening by dictating the tale that we have all come to know so well.

The daughter of the wealthy landowner became lonely at the once-isolated estate. She adopted a playmate in the stable boy.

"Friendship became fondness and fondness became love," said Craigie. The young girl became pregnant. On the first snowfall of the winter that year, the father discovered his daughter's secret and stormed to the stable, which is now the site of Grace Hall. The confrontation between the young girl's father and her secret lover never occurred, for the stable boy was found

hanging from the towering ceiling, dead.

The room in which the boy was reported to be found is the only vacant room in Grace Hall.

'The room is always cold and the rope is said to still be hanging there," Craigie said.

Craigie went on to explain the two possible endings to the story. One is that the girl threw herself over the balcony of the mansion, killing herself and her unborn child.

Craigie commented that at one particular dinner party that was held in the mansion, an oozing, red substance seeped from the floorboards. It was suggested that the girl had made her deadly landing at this mark. Later, a piano was placed on the spot as a cover up for the blemish that mysteriously appeared.

It is also said that the child was stillborn and buried near the site of McManus House, once an apple orchard. Noises are still said to be heard around from this area.

Several sightings of the girl, as well as her father, have been recorded.

On one occasion Craigie, with a group of several students, spotted the ghost of the girl's father. The group was walking across the commons when they spotted a tall man dressed in black. The figure was coming from the mansion and trav-

eling towards Grace Hall.

"I said, 'Good evening sir, can I help you?"' said Craigie. The figure turned towards the group and disappeared. Craigie said that footprints were visible in the freshly fallen snow. The footprints, however, stopped at the point where the figure had turned to face the group and had, immediately after, disappeared.

Senior Kellie O'Neill and a group of friends were experimenting with an Ouija board one night. The group experienced the presence of a spirit, which referred to himself as Tate.

"He is the one who hanged himself," O'Neill said.

She went on to state that she experienced another unexplainable occurrence in the basement of the mansion during this summer's third new student orientation. One attraction held during the orientation was a hypnotist. O'Neill reported that the hypnotist saw a man dressed as coal miner in a distant comer of the basement of the mansion.

"The man was yelling, 'I didn't touch the daughter,"' O'Neill said.

Drawing conclusion to the evening, Craigie specifically warned the residents of Woodcrest's second floor facing the library to beware of things that go bump in the night.

2 NEWS Thursday, Oct9ber 29, 1998

Drugs, paraphernalia confiscated from student in Sullivan House

Drugs were found in a student's room in Sullivan House, also known as house seven, on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 22.

Members of the Department of Public Safety searched the student's room with the authorization of Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice prs::sidentof student development, according to Rich McErlean, director of public safety.

"The purpose of the search was to locate illegal drugs," said McErlean. "We were responding to information supplied by anonymous sources."

After inspection of the room early Thursday afternoon, public safety officers found and confiscated paraphernalia that appeared to be drug-related.

"We found an instrument known as a bong," said McErlean. "We also found a green leafy substance that appeared to be marijuana."

Both items were taken into custody.

The student has not returned to campus since the incident, according to McErlean. The student's case is still pending.

Mirra retires after 31 years -

Mother is a role that has many different branches. Maryann Mirra is a woman whose motherly heart is there not only for her own children, but also reached out to those on Cabrini Campus.

Mirra worked in the registrar's office in Grace Hall for 31 years. She began the job as a volunteer when the college needed help and continued to serve Cabrini in the office until her recent retirement on Sept. 28.

"She was such a good person.'' Ruth Scott, receptionist for the college, said.

Indeed, that seems to be the pervading vibe when people are approached to be asked about what they remember most about Mirra, who returns the affections just as exuberantly.

faculty, the students and my wonderful co-workers, I love them all."

Mirra, who retired in order to spend more time with her family, is keeping herself busy by doing volunteer work both outside and

pleasant, positive and helpful people at the college," Andrew Litavec, associate professor of education, said.

"She was very motherly," Karen Karlsen, assistant registrar, said. "She had an amazing wealth of knowledge about the students."

"She went out of her way to help the students at Cabrini,'' Litavec said.

-Maryann Mirra

within Cabrini. ,. t Cabrini was my extended family," she said. "I've been blessed."

Mirra's cheerful disposition and lack of negative persona is legendary. Her reputation of having an open ear and a helpful hand spread out across campus to students and faculty alike.

Mirra continues to go out of her way for people. She retired with a reminder to call if she was needed, promising that she would come in to help.

"It is with great love that I remember the faculty, students and Cabrini sisters with whom I've shared many, many happy times." Mirra said. "I thank all for the kindness they've extended to me."

Faculty and students are invited to a party honoring Mirra on Nov. 3, beginning at noon in the Grace Hall Atrium. "I love them," Mirra said. "The "Maryannwas one of the most

Rutgers student dies from alcohol

A 20-year-old student died after falling down a flight of steps following a night of binge drinking at a local bar. This student was served underage.

In an article in the Philadelphia Inquirstaff writer er, she described his death as a "freak ac-

A 20-year-old Rutgers University junior was removed from life support and died Monday, Oct. 12 after he suffered serious head injuries during a drunken fall down a flight of steps.

Jason Greco of Riverton, NJ., sustained the injuries Thursday, Oct. 8 after he returned to the Theta Chi fraternity house following a night of drinking at the Olde Queens Tavern, a popular off-campus bar.

Inquiries of how Greco, whose bloodalcohol level exceeded 0.10 percent, was served at the bar have not yet been completed. Greco was not of legal age to be drinking in a bar.

Prosecutors say that the bartender who served the underage Greco may face criminal charges.

Greco was majoring in industrial engineering at Rutgers, where he was a member of Theta Chi. He had planned to run for vice president of the fraternity, according to his family.

Jason Greco's mother, Mollie Greco, assigned no blame to either the university or the fraternity for her son's death.


"I think the school did as much as possible to discourage drinking, but sometimes, when you are 20 years old, you make mistakes," she said. "Sometimes you do things that have tragic circumstances."

In an open letter to the Rutgers University community, Francis L. Lawrence, university president, spoke of the enormous feeling of loss at losing a young person and said that counseling services were available to the bereaved.

Lawrence also spoke of the role alcohol played in Greco's death and reminded students of the services available to them should they feel they need help in dealing with an alcohol-related issue or problem.

"While no one can be certain of the extent to which this factor contributed to the tragic accident that took his life, I want to emphasize that Rutgers has extensive programs in place to provide educational opportunities for our students about the use and abuse of alcohol,'" Lawrence said. "These materials are readily available through our health centers."

International club to host United Nations Day to honor ethnic diversities in community

The International Club will sponsor United Nations Day on Friday, Oct. 30. It will feature events in honor of the ethnic diversity that is present in the college community.

Events ranging from cultural food exhibits to a Mexican dancing presentation will be held in the Dixon Center from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m.

Students, parents, faculty, administration and anyone who would enjoy learning something new about many nations being represented are invited to attend.

The International Club, which is in its third year, has put a lot of effort into this event. Tessa Erikson, president of the club, ( is credited with having met the expectations that the position demands.

The club, in addition to its largely diverse membership, has many domestic members as well.

The International Club's main goal is to encourage students to take a brief walk through the Dixon Center on United Nations Day and experience the diversity that is alive within the Cabrini community.

The club also hopes that more students will learn about their mission and become more involved.

Scheduled activities for United Nations Day

2:00 - Opening ceremony-Or. James Hedtke will give opening.

2:30 - Study abroad workshop-What are your possibilities?

3:00 - Adventures in travel-Learn to travel inexpensively.

4:00 - Experience Tanzania-Martha Dale discusses culture.

4:30 - Learn more about lndia-Nirmala Narayan informs on culture.

5:00 - Irish dancers-Find out what it's about from Helene Campbell's Irish School of Dance.

5:30 - International Cuisine Sampling-Local restaurants bring dishes from many countries.

7;30 - Mexican dancers-A professional ballet will be performed.

Loquitur NEWS
"Cabrini was my extended family. I've been blessed."
·------------- -- ·- -

Cabrini Day offers plethora of events

Burketo relay personaltriumphs I

Chris Burke was born with Down's Syndrome on Aug. 26, 1965. He began his education at the Kennedy Child Care Center m New York City. He then continued his education in Hanover, Mass. at Cardinal Cushing School and graduated from Don Guanella School in 1986 in Springfield, Pa. His interests are music, acting, writing, public service announcements and helping people with disabilities.

was then the lead in a TV series called "The Commish" which aired on ABC in 1994. His most recent performances have been on Geraldo, as a guest, "The Promised Land' (fV series), "Touched by an Anger' (fV series), and "Crook & Chase" as a guest. Burke has given many presentations about his life and pen;onal experiences as an actor with Down's syndrome. He appeared at UC Davis Main Theater for Disability Awareness Week and gave the Davis Community the opportunity to learn more about disabilities. He loves reaching out to those who need more help dealing with disabilities. He has received many awards and

Burke said he developed a love for acting after performing in his first school play as a child. His photo obtained from College Relatioi;.;;n_so_ffiic..;.ieachievements for all interest in acting was Chris Burke, an actor with Down's of his detennination hl·s connection to and h 4 rd work Some syndrome, will speak on Cabrini Day. • Cabrini College. of his honors are: Ten Cabrini offered acting classes to the stu- Outstanding New Faces (] 989), Nominee dents from Don Guanella School and Chris for Golden Globe Award (1990), Nominee knew this would help him to pur;ue his life- r l • ., r~ e Award (1990), Ten Outam a W1 a..:t r He appeared m se, standin,_'YoLingAmeri1....:ms ( 1991), '.itmna, era! Cahrini theater productions and, Rehabilitation Hospital Honoree (1993) and through determination and the courage to in 1995 Just One Break (JOB) Ability First face prejudices, he becan1e an actor. Award. Along with all of those great accom• In 1987 he was in a TV movie called plishments he will receive a Cabrini Award "Desperate," after which his acting career for his tireless efforts on behalf of people began to take off. From 1989- I993 he with disabilities. starred in "Life Goes Ori" as the well-known Presently Chris Burke is a National Good"Corky." This TV series aired on ABC and will Ambassador for the National Down's presently airs on PAX, a network dedicated Syndrome Society. He holds a proud title of to family programming. editor in chief of Employment for News & In 1992, he was the lead in a ABC/David Views, which is a magazine for and aboLit Wolper production TV movie called, individuals with Down's Syndrome. I ··Jonathan, Tlte Boy N~ody Wanted." He __

Workshop with Don Guanella School scheduled

EY.Shivon Watson ln the I 980s, Cabrini College and the staff writer Don Guanella School collaborated and

One of the workshops offered during Cabrini Day is with Don Guanella School stLidents. The Don Guanella School is for boys with developmental disabilities.

Purposeof Cabrini MissionCorps

The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus started the Cabrini Mission Corps in 1990. They are an international institute founded in 17 countries. The founding director of Cabrini Mission Corps was Sr. Lucille Souza, MSC. Souza brought her many administrative and personal gifts, as well as her energy, to the ta~k.The CLirrentdirectors are Alison Arnold Ryan and Eileen Zebrowski. The Cabrini Mission Corps is made up of women and men who have a special desire to help others. Missionaries are brave enough to work with our brothers and sisters throughout the world, especially those who are distressed. Cabrini Mission Corps gives men and women the chance to commit their time, energy and talents for a minimum of one year to I 8 months in various ministries in the United States and other countries. Missionaries volunteer their full-time services and live with the Cabrini Sisters, learning from one another.

First-yearstudents informedon specifics of Cabrini Day

Many first-year students have been introduced to a community-wide celebration known as Cabrini Day. However, they do not know what it is about. When they ask, they are given the same speech that was even written down for the person who read it, but they are never told what happens.

Brunchto begin day's festivities

In honor of the many people who have been associated with goodwill, change and Cabrini, there will be a brunch. To kick off Cabrini Day. the dining hall is hosting the annual Cabrini Day Celebrity Brunch under the direction of Dr. C)'nthia Halpern. The brunch will comply with the theme. 'There's No Day Like Today-Make A Difference" by having volunteers cook and serve a variety of delicious foods. Starting at 10:00 a.m. students will be able to indulge in carved ham, pies, waffles, soft served yogurt and more. After brunch, the festivities honoring St. Frances Xavier Cabrini and the Cabrini network of institutions will begin. Cabrini's celebrity this year will be Chris Burke from the ABC series "life Goes On." The brunch ends at noon.

Workshopto focuson Cabrinisports

In celebration of Cabrini Day, students can attend numerous workshops to broaden their horizons about the college. One work~hop will focus on the history of Cabrini sports. Student Government president Chris Nielsen ..nd JUntor student leader Chad Ma) will be the hief coordinators of this program portraymg Cabrini's fine athletic traditioru,.Also involved in sharing tlus unique aspect of Cabrini is John Dzik, athletic director and long-time head men's basketball coach. Come to Founder's Hall on Nov. 5 to be enlightened on the history of Cabrini sports. The precise time and location will be announced at a later date.

formed a theater pro3ect intended to help improve the boys· self esteem and communication skills. The program also teaches students how to interact with others.

Workshop to address diversity, race issues

Shirley Dixon, coordinator of the office of diversity initiatives, will be offering a workshop: Diversity; Respecting and Valuing Our

Differences. It hopes to accomplish four goals: to help us understand our own diversity, discover other diversities, comprehend how diversity powerfully aligns with Cabrini's vision and to experience the impact of diversity.

Cabrini Day begins at 10 a.m.on Nov. 5 with a community brunch in the dining hall. Next, a World Game workshop begins at 10:30 a.m. This is followed by the dedication ceremony in Founder's Hall for the of· fice~ of ti· M onary Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at 11:30 a.m. From noon-2:30 p.m. there art: workshops dealing with an array of social justice issues. Then, a Cabrini Day Liturgy in the Brockmann Chapel takes place from 2:30-3:30 p.m. At 3:35 p.m. the Charles A. Mastrodonardi Service and Leadership award will be given by the key note speaker, Chris Burke, star of the series "life Goes On." Finally, in the evening, there will be an ice cream social.

Cabrini Day should not be considered a day off from school. Instead, it should be considered a day when we set aside our schedules and join in together in a day of celebration, education and friendship.

World Game to help studentsaccept



The World Game will take place in the gym in Founder's Hall. The event will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will cany on until 2:30 p.m. The floor of the gym will be transfonned into a gigantic map of the world. Students will be broken into different groups and different countries. They will then be presented with their respective countries' problems. The students will be expected to work out ways of Jiving in their country's society and will try to deal with their own adversaries.

NEWS Thursday, October 29, 1998
ftt«J Wt ,.....

Last Week in the World of News

Cabrini Day to honor, educate

"laughter is the best medicine:' A staff writer form of stress reduction theraP.y, people gather once a week to sim10/19 A cure for MS? ply laugh.

Vrrologists discovered evidence of a single active virus in patients' blood cells called Human Herpes V-6 directly linked to the disease Multiple Sclerosis.

MS is a disease in which the immune system attacks nerve fibers and disturbs the nerve signals.

Doctors have introduced a blood test that shows when HHV6 becomes active and have developed drugs to help stop and prevent the disease from occurring in patients. Presently, both doctors and patients claim success in this new breakthrough.

10/20Summitleaderscallin the peacemakers

In Palestine and Israel, progress has been made towards peace with the help of President Bill Clinton and King Hussein of Jordan at the recent Middle East Peace Talks.

Throughout these discussions in Maryland, both leaders, Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Yasser Arafat of Palestine, have relied on the guidance of the experienced King Hussein. These bargaining sessions revolve around the security arrangements for the terrorists. 1be Central Intelligence Agency will aid in this part of the negotiations.

10/22 Humor equals health

Indian physician Mandan Kataria, M.D., has developed new applications to the theory that

Kataria has formed various exercises for the patients to follow in their routine in an effort to improve their immune system. Citizens practicing this activity fondly attend what they call the "laughter club."

10/23 Eco-group promises more destruction

Officials at a popular ski resort in Vail increased security for this upcoming winter season because of continued threats of destruction from the environmental group ELF, which had local citizens and tourists anxious.

Last year ELF demolished a 30,000 sq. ft. lodge in addition to six other buildings in protest of the expansion of this particular resort. Area law enforcers plan to remain cautious and alert.

10/24 Abortion doctor slain

Shot in his kitchen by a high-caliber rifle, gynecologist Barnett Slepian has become the latest target of anti-abortion protesters.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and U.S. Marshals aided local police in the investigation of the identity of the sniper who murdered Slepian from the wooded area in his Amherst, NY backyard.

Governor George Pataki of New York will seek the death penalty for the gunman.Dr. Slepian leaves behind his wife and four boys.

Movie to teach lesson by Angela Grassa staff writer

For Cabrini Day, the History Club is featuring the popular film, "Soul Food." This movie portrays African American families and their cultures. The story is centered on a 40year-old tradition of Sunday dinners at Grandma's house and the strong bonds that the family displays. However, when Grandma becomes ill, the family falls apart. Although the movie contains no historical information, it coincides with the theme of Cabrini Day, ''There's No Day Like TodayMake A Difference." In other words, this film represents a sense of empowerment. It will show the students what it means to take charge and make a stand "Soul Food' will be shown on Cabrini Day, Nov. 5 in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. The time slot of the movie will be announced at a later date.

Irish basketball team to compete with women's basketball team

The Irish National Basketball Team will be visiting the college. They are traveling to the United States to compete with other college teams. Their main focus is to compare their skills to those of American players. They will be playing against the women's basketball team at 7 p.m. in the Dixon Center.

J Leadership award to I be given

As the Cabrini College community considers how the life of St. Francis Xavier Cabrini touched each of us at the college as well as the community-at-large, we recognize two individuals with unique service and leadership characteristics.

The Charles A. Mastronardi Service and Leadership Award is being awarded to two students distinguished by their dedication to their school and community. As a member of the junior class, Chad May has held numerous leadership positions ranging from attendance at the Emerging Leaders Weekend to being a member of the Cabrini College Conduct Review Board. May's positions and involvement has given him the opportunity to acknowledge his leadership abilities.

Also being recognized on this day is Mary Beth Farnan, honored for her outstanding service. Farnan has been involved in such activities as freshman class senator of Student Government Association and Instructional Aide Volunteer at Bush School in Wilmington, Del. for Special Needs Children.

All entail extensive "on-demand" hours, depending on scheduling, planning and activities.

The Cabrini College selection committee has deemed both students as appropriate candidates and will present the award during the Cabrini Day activities.

What's going on this week

Latin dancers teach and perform

Shake your hips and salsa your way into Cabrini Day on Thursday, Nov. 5, with two dancers from the Association of the Latin American Musicians.

The Latino and Friends club will be assisting two professionals, dancer Maribel Lozano and bongo player Jose Serrano, in the Grace Hall board room between 1:15 and 2:30 p.m., unless otherwise specified in the Cabrini Day program.

Dr. Cynthia Halpern, chair of the language department, encourages students to come and spice up their day by learning something about Latin American culture.

"Come out and learn steps to the samba, meringue, salsa and other Latin American dances;• Halpern said. 'Tho professionals will join Cabrini to help you learn and have fun."

Liturgy Mass part of celebration

staff writer

The college will have a Liturgy Mass in the Brockmann Chapel for Cabrini Day. The Mass will be at 2:30 p.m. and will last one hour. John DiMucci and then Rev. Jason Kulczynski will be hosting the Mass.

If you're interested come to the Brockmann Chapel. It is not too late to be a part of this event. If you have any questions about the Liturgy Mass see John DiMucci for more information.

) . NEWS
Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday • Psychic fair, 7 • Halloween • Feast of All • Pac Man Vir- • Election Day • Men's Soccer • Cabrini Day p.m., WCGA. Saints. tual Reality, 11 at Pennsylvania • Fall Gala, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., • Mass, 4:45 Athletic Confer- • Fall Theater • Ballet Gran p.m., Grace Hall • Richard WCGA. p.m., Bruck- ence Champi- Production Folklorico de Atrium. Amoroso, violin- mann Chapel of onships, TBA. Mexico, 7:30 ist, 3 p.m., Man- St. Joseph. p.m., Dixon sion. Center. I ; i. 4 • -6. A,~ - t. a 1, • & • o. 1, 4 1, 4.,. 4 • &. & •,a." & • • • a - • &. • i.-..' "a. 4 4 & 4 J... ,.,.,._ • - 4. •

Poetry Vortex brewing at coffeehouse

The sound of a coffee machine in mid-brew fills the room as people enter with notebooks in hand. Poetry aficionados are descending into the Poetry Vortex at the Red Cloud Coffeehouse.

The Poetry Vortex is a forum where people can share poetry with others in a relaxed environment. They may present their own work or the work of a favorite author.

This program was organized by John Osborne, resident director of Xavier Hall, and senior Jared Schierbaum.

Osborne said that he and Schierbaum organized the program a year ago in an effort to bring something fresh to the Cabrini community.

"I thought the campus could use a non-mainstream program, something more creative," Osborne said.

He feels that the Poetry Vortex has been successful. Audiences are very supportive and many are reading some "great, deep, personal poetry," Osborne said.

Everyone is invited to attend, either as readers or

just to listen.

While some may be hesitant to jump on stage in front of an audience to give a reading, Osborne suggests that poets bring along their work and at least come out to listen. He is confident that once they experience the relaxed atmosphere and see the warm reception given to readers, they will be willing to share their poetry.

The last Poetry Vortex was held on Monday, Oct. 26 and welcomed several readers to the coffeehouse's stage.

Veteran readers Ben Lunn, a sophomore, and Schierbaum began the evening each reading original works.

Lunn's poem, entitled "Imagine a World," offered a contrast between the evils of society versus the qualities of an ideal world. Schierbaum brought enthusiasm to his reading by delivering his work with a rhythmic, rapping style.

Other readers included Osborne, first-year student Julia Teti and first-time reader Karen Urbano.

Urbano said that she was encouraged to read by the relaxed atmosphere.

'Tm into poetry," she said of the Vortex. "I think it's a neat thing to have."

Stadium seating reaches local theaters

Movie going is an experience at some movie theaters. At Regal Cinema, it is an art form.

Regal Cinema does its best to rise above all the competition. With stadium seating, a cafe and digital sound, it offers features that other movie theaters do not match up to. At $7 a movie, with no student discount, it had better offer special features.

Being a spendthrift myself, I am usually not too impressed by anything that quickly depletes my wallet. However, the first time I visited the Regal Cinema theater that opened up last year in Edgemont, I knew I would never be able to go back to conventional theaters. AMC, United Artist, and even the Ritz can not compare with stadium seating.

Stadium seating is a growing trend for movie theaters all over the country, but to find it in our area, you'll have to look to one of the Regal Cinema theaters.

Of the IO theaters at the Edgemont location, not all of them have stadium seating. Yet the ones without stadium seating are still worth the price of the ticket.

As you walk into one of the stadium seating theaters, it will look at first like you are walking into a Jong hallway. Then as you

The Regal Cinema in Edgemont opened last year. It offers stadium seating and a cafe in addition to a regular concession stand.

approach the movie screen, the wall will end and you can look up at the seats rising above you. Each row of seating is on a step above the row in front of it. You have to climb up steps to get to the top of the theater.

Stadium seating is not the only nice feature in the theater. Each individual seat is

soft, comfortable and has a high back so you can Jean back without having to worry about disturbing the view of the person behind you. which also means that the person in front of you will not be blocking your view, either.

Regal has something else that is unprecedented in the movie theater industry: com-

mercials during the standard previews before the movie. The commercial they are showing now advertises a minivan with a television in the back.

The only good thing about showing commercials for the movie watcher is that it allows you extra time to get popcorn or go to the bathroom. Otherwise, I think it is very strange.

The cafe is in addition to the regular snack bar that all movie theaters have. The snack bars sell the usual movie foods, like popcorn, candy and soda.

However, at the cafe they also sell cookies and other delicacies. so you can satisfy your appetite to the full extent of your wallet.

These delicacies are not cheap, of course. If you go to a Regal Cinema theater, prepare to pay. But also prepare yourself for a truly unique movie-viewing experience.

If you can stand to pay $7 for the ticket and more for snacks, then I do not think you will be disappointed.

There is only one problem. Once you've experienced a movie with stadium seating, it will be so much harder to go back to the old-style seating at other movie theaters.

So if you go, understand the consequences, and then enjoy the movie.

For more information, directions or other locations, call (610) 325-8159.

6 A&E Thursday, October 29, 1998
photo by Brandon DeCloux Senior Jared Schierbaum reads a sample of his original poetry during Poetry Vortex at the Red Cloud Coffeehouse. photo by Jennifer Nespoli

A haunted house with a • literary twist

An eerie house laden with sadness and death stands erect against the Philadelphia skyline, and every year 17,000 people come from all over the United States just to see it. This house is the Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site and within its brick walls lies the legacy of one of the most prolific writers America has ever known.

Located on 7th and Spring Garden Streets in Philadelphia, the Poe historic site is more of a preserved time capsule than a museum. The monument was the home of Poe and his wife Virginia Clemm and Vuginia's mother, Maria Poe Clemm, from 1843-1844.

In this home Poe worked on "Burton's Gentleman's Magazine" and the future "Saturday Evening Post" and also wrote several short stories. Poe was in Philadelphia for a total of six years and his stay in the city of brotherly love was considered the pinnacle of his career. This belief is the reason the historic site is located in Philadelphia and not Boston, where Poe was born, or Baltimore, where the author is buried.

From the outside, the house appears trim and quaint. The structure is quite large because there have been numerous additions over the years. When one enters the building, however, a different feeling grips the senses.

The rooms, though quite large for Poe's meager income, are stripped bare. The walls are naked. with only the raw brick exposed. The floor is dark, hard wood and there is a hush of silence over the entire residence.

The park service has not decided what to do with the

rooms, so they are bare until renovations are planned. Until then, however, the cavernous space is devoid of furniture, carpets and life.

Lighting the narrow staircases are blacldights, and red paper covers the basement windows, forcing all light that enters to be transformed into a murky blood-like glow.

The tour was guided by a ranger who explained where Virginia Clemm rested while she was dying of tuberculosis.

One is led though the rooms and down into the garden where a giant statue of a raven stands, a tribute to one of Poe's most famous poems, "The Raven."

The guides seem particularly delighted in inviting visitors to guess where a body might be hidden within the cellar's half-finished brick walls, like in the story, "The Black Cat."

The rangers are quite proud of this home and it is obvious in the way they speak of Poe.

One ranger told visitors that this was not a haunted house. Instead, this was a monument to a brilliant writer. They remind the tour-takers of Poe's desire to be a poet and the meager living that the man made from his creativity.

"People come expecting a haunted house." Ranger Dan Blake said. "It's not that. It is pretty creepy when it's dark, though."

Everyday at 3:30 p.m. the lights in the house darken and on weekend afternoons the guides use lanterns to lead visitors through Poe's world. Tours for the weekend are taken by reservation for the 1 p.m. tour and later afternoon tours are on a first come, first serve basis. There is no admission charge.

The monument is open daily 9 a.m.to 5 p.m. until November, when it is open weekdays and Saturdays only.


• On Friday, Oct. 30, Cabrini College presents Ballet Gran Folklorico de Mexico, a program of folkloric dances and authentic music from several different regions in Mexico. The program begins in the Dixon Center at 7:30 p.m.

• If you have outgrown Trick or Treating, try some of these local Halloween events.

The radio station YlOO is sponsoring "Terror Behind the Walls," a haunted tour of the Eastern State Penitentiary and Old Fort Mifflin in Philadelphia. The tour runs until Sunday, Nov. 1. Tickets are available at all Ticketmaster locations or call (215) 336-2000.

The Philadelphia Orchestra is presenting a Halloween concert on Saturday, Oct. 31 at the Academy of Music. Call (215) 893-1999 for tickets and wear a costume if you go.

The Franklin Institute Science Museum is holding a special Halloween laser light show on Friday, Oct. 30 and Saturday, Oct. 31. The show begins at 10:45 p.m. Tickets are sold at the museum for $8.


Loquitur A&E
photo by Karin Letcher 'The Raven statue stands in the garden off to the side of the Edgar Allen Poe house.

Amidst the modem day multi-cultural restaurants, high-rise a the Olde City section of Philadelphia are the buildings and ho great historical figures lived and worked in, as well as their gh different myths, the spirits of Benjamin Franklin, William Pen American Revolution all remain in Olde City. They dwell in the ious landmarks.

On any given night beginning at 7:30 p.m. at 5th and Chestn as numerous others, are told to anxious listeners on a candlelit of Olde City. The "Ghosts of Philadelphia" tour is based upon IIl entitled "Philadelphia Ghost Stories." Adams is a well-kno ality from the Reading area.

In a little over an hour, a "ghost host" takes participants t church graveyards that are supposedly haunted. The humorous torical references. The first stop on the tour is the American P known as Library Hall during the days of the nation's Foundin Quaker belief, it is said that the statue of Benjamin Franklin th ture leaves its post and roams the surrounding area.

The tour guides use imagery to bring the participants into the done in Adams' book, the audience is told to imagine themselves dependence Hall. A scene is then described in which what was tourist in the building past closing time is really a spirit that aro an icy cold mist into a human form. It is suggested that perh ghostly figure is a Founding Father coming back to bestow mor of wisdom.

Other stops along the candlelit tour include Washington Squ and the Pennsylvania Hospital. According to legend, appro 4,000 people are buried in Washington Square. These corpses c American Revolution victims and casualties from a potter's field isted on the land prior to the Revolution. Supposedly construe stopped at the park because workers have found remains of these Stories of apparitions of their unsettled souls wandering around In particular, a ghost named Leah roams the grounds.

On the lawn in front of the Pennsylvania Hospital is an extre statue of William Penn. This statue is also said to abandon its and meander around the gardens on the lawn.

The tales of Olde City spirits given in the "Ghosts of Phila tour manage to evoke interesting discussions and thoughts, more true fear. One participant, clutching her husband's hand, said, ' think ghosts can hurt anybody, do you?" The stories are not prese a manner to cause physical fear. Nothing is staged or set-up in tr "Ghosts of Philadelphia" excels in giving intriguing historical l without blatantly scaring the audience. Participants walk away different perspective of the landmarks, parks and back alleys c City. Olde City is not just the home to the Liberty Bell and Indepe Hall. It is also the place where numerous spirits lurk and dwell.

The tour runs until the end of October and starts up again i Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $5 for children ages three t 12. Call (215) 413-1997 for reservations and more information.


Charles Adams IUhas written a book on the legends and the his1 of Phlladelphia, called PhJlodefphla Ghost Slot/es. The book Is put llshed by Exeter House Booksand Is avallable at bookstores.He 11 also written several other books.


_s-------------------FEATURES--------------Th_ur_s_d_ay_, o_c_to_b_er_2_9,
photo provided by Charles Adams Ill
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The 'Walking Statue" of William Penn at Pennsylvania Hospital. No one is sure how old the statue is, according to the book by Charles Adams Ill. The statue is said to leave its post and wander through the grounds of the hospital.

£;hostly candlelight

ours liven up Olde ity Philadelphia. The istory is just as scinating as the hosts.

a&e editor

ments and speeding cars in that many of Philadelphia's and legends. According to nd British soldiers from the ·sparks, alleyways and var-

treets, these stories, as well •ng tour through the streets book by Charles J. Adams oumalist and radio person-

•ous buildings, parks and •des tell tales based on hisosophical Society building, athers. Originating from a aces the front of the structales. For instance, as is night security guards at Ininally thought of as a stray ut of this ords Park tely st of t exhas ies. nd. old stal

The Bonaparte House at 260 S. 9th St, The name came from Joseph Bonaparte, the older brother of Napoleon, who lived there in 1815. The ghost that is said to haunt the house is named Chloris Ingle-

Rock climbing gyms are becoming popular spots for adventure-seekers. Indoor rock climbing gyms provide a challenging afternoon for people of all climbing abilities. The Philadelphia Rock Gym is only one of several gyms in the area. by Nick

_____ _ _ If a group wants to see who the biggest staff writer daredevil is, PRG offers three group pack-

Ever feel that you need some excitement in your life that combines both the will and determination to succeed? Look no further, because rock climbing is the sport for you.

Now, you may say to yourself, "How can there be rock climbing here in Radnor?" There is no outdoor rock climbing officially in the Radnor vicinity, but there is an abundance of indoor training facilities that should whet your appetite.

One such facility is the Philadelphia Rock Gym located in Oaks, Penn. Here you get to challenge your expertise or just get your feet wet in the rock climbing business.

Located about five miles from Cabrini College, PRG gives you an adventure you will not forget. PRG has been recognized by "Philadelphia Magazine" as one of the "Top 50 places for Great Dates." John Dicuollo, an employee at PRG, said that most of their business comes from younger adults.

When you enter PRG, you will be amazed by the numerous challenging walls of rocks of different shapes and sizes.

There are a variety of different features that are showcased at the PRG. The first is the El Dorado, which is a huge wall to climb with many hard twists and turns to overcome. PRG also offers 35-foot waJJs and a jam crack where your hands have to be placed when climbing. This is very difficult to maneuver because of the angle and placement of your body.

There is also a complete boulder cave and a lead wall. The boulder is very difficult to adjust because the rocks are hard to handle if you are not used to this kind of activity. The lead wall enables you to enhance your climbing abilities to the next level.

For the college student, the rates at PRG are designed to be well within the college budget. There is an Introduction to Climbing package, which gives you the basics on rock climbing and offers safety tips and equipment rental. This package costs $25.

The general rate for a day pass is $12. The cost of the rental gear is $5 for climbing shoes, $3 for a harness and $2 for a chalk bag. PRG also offers a 10-visit ticket for $80.

The facility also has memberships. There is a one-month student pass (must have ID), which is very popular. The cost for this plan is $45. There is also a three-month membership for $105, a six-month membership for $180 and a year-long membership for $300.


The first package is for a group of IO to 30 people. The cost is $15 per person, which includes the number of trainers needed, a harness and two hours of climbing.

The second group package is intended for 30 or more individuals. This package reduces the price to $12 per person with the same features as the first package.

The third group package consists of 10 or more climbers. It includes two and a half hours of climbing with an $8 climbing pass, $5 for shoes, $2 for a harness and a $10 safety lesson.

A $50 deposit must be made for a group reservation.

PRG also offers instructional courses that can help you m your climbing adventures. The first is the beginner lesson, which includes a full-day pass, rental of all the necessary equipment and a safety lesson.

The advanced class offers instruction on lead climbing and techniques of movement.

After you make it through the indoor course and you think that you are an expert at the inside rock climbing, PRG offers Philadelphia Rock Guides. PRG takes you to Ralph Stover Park to experience outdoor climbing.

The intro class offers safety tips for the outside climbing world. The next class is an upgrade from the introduction class. Here the climbers are put through a tough course of rock climbing.

PRG also provides private courses.

PRG has a store that offers climbers an extensive choice of different materials needed in rock climbing. Harnesses, shoes and magazines are all available.

Rock climbing has the potential for a bright future and the Philadelphia Rock Gym is one place to experience this new wave in America.

For more information, visit their website at http://www.philarockgym.com.


Tol<e476 North (Blue Route) to the junction with 76 West.(SchuylldlExpressway.) Toke 1hot to exit 268 202South). After getting onto lnwnil~ follow signs tor 422 West ( West to Ooksexit ( of exit romp turn Rood. Go 1/4 mi Deli on the ien-nalll the deff

!98 Loquitur FEATURES------------ 9
photo provided by Charles Adams Ill photo provided by Charles Adams Ill This corner of Washington Square is called Logan's Circle. In the early 1900s it served as a public hanging ground. It is supposedly haunted by a ghost named Leah. There have been many sightings of the ghost, according to the book written by Charles Adams Ill.

I hearthe cry of the students



Last week, a disassembled .32-caliber revolver was found in a room in Xavier Hall, along with bullets to go in it, a box of shotgun shells and a knife. This was indeed -a startling discovery, the likes of which a private suburban school, such as ours, rarely sees. Naturally, this incident raises questions about campus safety.

Knowledge of the gun's presence on campus was disclosed by an anonymous source alerting public safety. Upon receiving the tip, public safety took swift action, reporting the situation to Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student development, and then confiscating the gun and other paraphernalia from the room. We would like to commend public safety for their care and promptness in dealing with this matter. Had the anonymous warning been dismissed as a prank, the gun would still be here on campus.

Investigations are currently being conducted as to whether or not the gun's owner has a hit list of those she wants dead. What if she does? Is our campus safe enough to protect students from these potential attacks, or any other form~ of violence for that malter?

\Ve would like to make the following sugge:;tions to the administration for a safer campus environment.

• There are emergency phones all around campus. However, approximately half of them do not work. ,f workmg and to make sure that the phones are kept in working order.

• Currently, Public Safety patrols the campus only in vehicles. A foot or even a bike patrol would be able to monitor areas of the campus that vehicles can not access, thereby expanding coverage.

• Although more lights have recently been added to the campus grounds, there are still not enough to adequately light our heavily wooded campus.

We are asking the administration to please take these suggestions into serious consideration.

And finally, Dr. Bonfiglio, we know the final decision as to whether or not to allow the gun's owner to remain enrolled in school is up to you. Please take the ultimate preventive measure for the safety of the campus community and permanently ban her from campus.

Last Saturday night I saw a movie that was such a stunning metaphor for Cabrini life that I felt compelled to write about it. The movie was titled "Pleasantville," and from what I could tell it was probably written by the bitter young man Joe Elliott. Anyway, here is the gist of the movie. In the beginning, two modern teens are transported into a fantasy world, called Pleasantville, where everything is black and white. As the newcomers spread their new ideas throughout the town, things slowly start to appear in color. This alarms the mayor, Big Bob, who decides that a Code of Conduct is necessary to ensure that nothing else changes in his lovely, pleasant town. I swear to God, I am not making this up.

I felt that this was an appropriate lead-in for a report on SGA's busy last week. It appears that there are students who do not write for the Loquitur who have concerns about student life. And since I know that many of you were too busy to make the campus-wide meetmg last week, I thought rd fill you in on the student body', concern,.

Since last week's Loquitur's cover story on the graduation debate, I have had a number of different students come to me with concern Jb ut gr, juation. These students t.e sen:, ,rs, underclassmen and even a few alumni. The one tying bond I could perceive was that they all wanted to graduate outdoors.

Now, I will admit, this is far

from a black and white issue. The chance of rain is always something to be considered and it would be costly to set up both indoors and outdoors. But why wasn't this considered to be a problem for every single graduation before last year? For a school that sup-

again comment on my weekend. Anyone who wishes to visit a sauna can come up to the second floor of House Five. You should probably limit your exposure to 10 minutes.

The heating system/furnace was turned on Friday afternoon and my floor bas been uninhabitable since. Most of my co-residents had the good sense to go home this weekend and sleep comfortably. I had no such good fortune and enjoyed a weekend on the living room couch.


CHRIS NIELSEN posedly cherishes its rich tradition, they seem more than willing to do away with this one.

The other top issue brought up last week was visitation hours in Woodcrest. Apparently, the administration told the Woodcrest residents to voice their concerns to the SGA. Great idea, we encourage students to speak to us.

However, their approach was, in a way, dishonest. Rather than sharing their reasoning for the visitation policies, they chose to shift the burden to us. the SGA.

This is unfortunate, because every year the Woodcrest residents decide to fonn a petition to - the visitation hour,. \ 1d c::.c 1 , the '>G\ ·:oict the student opinion to the administration and is shot down, making us look like an ineffective organization.

On a final note, I would like to

After calling every member of the Resident Life Office, I received a reply at noon on Sunday saying that maintenance doesn't work on weekends and that I would have to cope for one more night.

After consulting the Student Handbook, I came across the Resident Life Policy, page 98.

Part of the mission of Resident Life is to ensure a physical environment of quality, comfort, safety and security as the foundation for a community that is conducive to academic achievement. Last I checked, 95 degrees was not only uncomfortable, but also UJNlfe.

So Tclose with this reminder to the Cabrini community:

It is not a black and white world. Open your mouths and speak out for what you believe is rigrt. You desc.r,e to h d

ChrisNielsenis a sophomoremajoringin English/communication. Heis a staffwr~er forLoquitur.Helostsixpoundsinthe Housefivesaunathisweekend. ,r:tt£SML 1> $£Ai?af~.

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
This editorial represents the combined views of the Loquitur's student editorial board. It does not represent the opinion of any one individual writer or any member of the faculty. staff or administration. PERSPECTIVES Thursday, October 29, 1998
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We spend four years climbing up the ladder, and when we finally reach the top, we take a deep breath and step out onto the board. We sneak a peek at the blue waters below and the pool looks so far down. We may get nervous, we may cling to the board for dear life, we may wish to stay here forever. But there comes a point when we have to stop thinking and finally take the plunge,

College is a great time to be. There's so much promise for the future and so many possibilities. Anything can happen to us. We can become anything we want to. We can do anything we want to.

When I look out onto my horizon, it is always bright and clear and waiting just beyond my grasp. It is like watching a sunrise. The sky is lit in glorious technicolor, the sun is just peaking over the trees and no matter what life is like at that moment, it just feels like it is going to be a great day.

When people used to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said that I wanted to be a writer, get married and have a family. Of course I also wanted to be rich and glamorous and famous, but as the years have passed, that desire has faded away. All I really hope for now is a job I enjoy and a family that I love.

Up until now those things seemed within my grasp. Maybe it is because I come from a happy family, or maybe because I am an optimistic person. For whatever 'reason, I have never given much thought to divorce.

It was always around me like a thunderstorm that is just a few miles away. You can hear the low rumble of thunder in the

distance and see the sparks of lightning dip toward the ground, but it is a safe distance away. The skies overtop are still clear.

Well no longer. Divorce has clouded my sunrise. My two closest friends are suddenly facing the divorce of their parents and I am stuck in the middle.

These two friends do not

Staying together for the children may seem like a noble thing to do.

However, when it is obvious that the parents have only contempt for one another and they fight all the time, it is not noble for the parents to stay together; it is cruel.

While psychologists do seem to agree that it is best for a child to grow up in a two-parent structure, I am sure there are exceptions.

Having to listen to her parents fight year after year did not have any positive effects on my friend. She may as well start saving money for a therapy fund now.

Bill: The 8tory of a TypicalCabrini8tudent


I have been close with one of my friends since fifth grade. She would always be telling me throughout the years that her parents were fighting again. They were always, always fighting.

Then, just as her parents began to contemplate divorce, they would attempt to make up and bndge the gaps between them.

My friend has recently found out that the only reason her parents stayed together was "for the children."

My other friend has realized the same thing. As the youngest child in the family 1s preparing to graduate high school. her parents are knee-deep in divorce proceedings.

This angers me the most.


coholism, depression, affairs and even violence.

Staying together does not do anything positive for the marknow each other and their situa- ried couple either. In my two tions are different, but their ex- friends' cases, it has lead to alperiences are similar and there is one common theme in both of their stories. Their parents should have gotten a divorce a long time ago.

I have had to listen to both of my friends cry on the phone to me about their parents. I love my friends and wish I could help them. But all I can do is listen. I can not decide what I am more upset with-their parents for dragging out a marriage that died years ago, or at their marriage dying.

When they married, they believed they would be together forever. I do not know what happened in the meantime, but I pray it does not happen to me. And I pray my friends can pick up the pieces of their lives when they are finally free of their parents' web of misery.

I do not know what their horizons look like now, but I do know that dawn is not far away.

JenniferNespoliis a juniormajoringin English/communication.Sheis oneof Loquitur'sfeatureseditors.

• In issue six, page 12, the letter from Ann Servey should have read, "It is okay not to drink."

• In the graphic on page 14 of issue six, the basketball team's figure was miscalculated. There are 30 members on the team and each receives $603 from the_budget.

Weregretall of ourerrors.

0 • 11 ,,

Welcometo Cabrini,havea niceday

In a time when people are constantly learning what they want to do when they get out of college, I find myself looking for some answers. I find it more and more of an adventure of truth and excellence, trying to find what I want to do.

Luckily for me, I still have three semesters to find out what I want to do when I get out of school.

I'm currently enrolled in as English/communication major and • I enjoy writing for the paper. I, along with the other editors on the paper, all enjoy the work that we do. We work together as a team and play pranks as though we were family. I feel that the bond between us has grown very strong and we have had a great time working together.

I think the work we do gets done for many different reasons.

The most important thing is that we do it for the thrill of giving the Cabrini community the news. We have all worked hard to make this paper a paper that does just that We put in countless hours, most of which come from our free time, to give you the news. Which brings me to this point. Because the Loquitur is a newspaper that is made up of students who gain college credits, some people feel as though it is not the voice of the students. That the only reason that we do the paper is because we get a grade for it.

So, maybe you are asking who would say something like that. Well, the president of the school, Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, would say something like that. To make things worse for the president, the vice president of finance and administration, Stephen Lightcap, would say it too.

In a recent meeting that involved the strategic planning committee, both Lightcap and Iadarola said that we do not represent the voice of the student body.

Well, the last time that I checked, I was a student. I pay the big bills and put up with the scams, so I consider myself a student. I put up with the rules, the policies and the man. So how do you consider

Loquitur a non-form of the student voice? How is it that a paper which is written by the students is not the voice of the students?

Well, remember that Iadarola and Lightcap were only sharing their opinion, which is all right. But it saddens me to think that they would say that. I consider both of these people to be people that are in support of the newspaper.

We should all look to the Mission Statement that is in the student

Most of the time, my problems have been taken care of in a quick and efficient manner. Well, I guess all good things have to come to an end sooner or later.

On Monday afternoon, I went to the health services office and spoke to Dr. Madeline Danny. See, I have poison ivy on my eye lid and on my lips. Well, for all of you that have had poison ivy, you know how uncomfortable it can be, and for those of you who don't, just imagine your lips being constantly dry and like sandpaper.

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

Thumbs up to 89.l


handbook. It says that it is Cabrini's mission to support the students in their ventures for the future. I do not think that putting us down is going to solve anything.

It seems as though it is a reoccurring theme in this article. Last week, I showed you a letter that was sent to me by Penny Becht, executive assistant to the president. In this letter, I was personally bashed for my commentary on the deplorable condition of the food. This letter started to raise some questions between my peers and I.

What if the letter was sent as a tool to warn me? I think that Becht was put up to writing the letter,that she is a scapegoat for the hierarchy of the administration, namely President Iadarola. What I also think is that if this is true, and the letter was just typed up by Becht, then I think that the president should come out and speak her mind to my face.

I cornrnend Penny Becht, regardless if the letter was in her own words or not. I think that both the administration and students should voice their opinions.

The second topic that I would like to briefly talk about is the health services. I have gone to health services a couple of times in my three years here at Cabrini.

So I told the doctor what my symptoms are and that I have been taking all of the necessary precautions to prevent further spreading, which I have successfully done. I told her that my main problem was that I could not put ointment on my lips because they were so dry that I was constantly licking them. In past situations, I have been given medicine in a form of pill instead of the ointment. This has been much better, because it is quicker and there is no mess. Well, this time I was not as lucky.

I had already told the doctor that ointment was out of the question, so when I asked the doctor for something, she gave me more topical cream. I again told her that topical cream was not going to work. Then, in a moment of sheer brilliance, she gave me a dumfounded look and told me that she could not offer any suggestions of what to do.

So last time I checked, she was a doctor and the phrase, "I do not know" just does not seem to be an answer of a real doctor. It greatly saddens me that this would happen, so I left and was left on my own.

So the moral of this story is, plain and simple, if you have a medical problem, be sure to find a phone book with the listing of doctors who know what they are doing.

JoeElliottis a juniormajoringin English/communication.Heisthe perspectiveseditorof Loquitur. Don'ttouchhiseye.


WYBF, for giving away a lot of free stuff this week.

To the Dixon Center, for shutting down for the weekend, again.

compiled by Joe Elliott perspectives editor

To public safety, for raising the prices of all the tickets.

name may be left off the publication and an inscription insened, such as "name withheld at the requesc of the writer." Letters co the editor should be submitted by 00011 on Mondays.


Bver wonder about •~••a·••~ -inan-other country?'lake this•opportunityto hear Juan Carlos Jimenez, from Studies Abroad at Cabrini. and Loma Stem, from the center for EducationAbroad at Beaver College. explain opportunities for internships, summer programs and semesters abroad.Learn more about the possibility to study in Spain in July with the Cabrini/Cadiz program and about a variety of opportunities to study abroad with Beaver CoJlege in Britain, Ireland, Australia, Vienna, Greece and Mexico as well as summerprogramsand intern.ships.

Where: DixonCenter,Room203

Date: October30, 1998


Time: 2:30-3:00 p.m.

For further information..contact Or.Juan C8rlos JlmeneZStudtesAbroad Gnace Haff,Room148

Tuesdays and lburtdays. 11:00 e.m.•1:00 p.m. or

• I
News Editors Melissa Lessig Julie S~allis A&E Editor Karin Letcher Photography Editor Jim Snook Adviser Dr. Jerry Zurek Editor in Chief Laura Casamento Managing Editor Nicole Klimas Copy Editor Megan Zustra Perspecth·es Editor Joe Elliott Sports Editors Paul Moser Ron D'Orazio Features Editors Jennifer Nespoli Mary Eileen O'Connor Design Editor Nick Levandusky Photographyand Graphic Design Adviser Don Dempsey Staff Writers Editorial Board Tony Barrett Alison Briant Nick Burch Bridget Egan Shanna Fanelli Lisa Nicole Finegan Janice Funk Adam Greenberg Nick Luchko Ben Lunn Lauren Marcucci Anne Miller Brian O'Connell Chris Nielsen Cynthia Taura Joyce Ward Kristen Williams Laura Casamento Ron D'Orazio Joe Elliott Nicole Klimas Karin Letcher MikeMcGann Paul Moser Megan Zustra Cartoonists Mike McGann Photojournalists Greg Queen April Johnson
is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by studenlS of Cabrini College registered in COM 346, 350, 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however, are eligible to receive academic credit Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes and the editor agrees, the writer·s
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OldtimerQBsshowingyounggunsa thingortwoin NFL

All kidding aside, this has definitely been a wacky year for the NFL. Of the top six quarterbacks in the NFL this year, the youngest is Neil O'Donnel, at the tender age of 32.


Move over youngsters. Step aside for the new breed of quarterbacks in the league: the 30somethings.

Led by ex-Eagle Randall Cunningham, this group of rag-tag rejects and former all-pros are taking the NFL passing game by storm.

They will be coming to a stadium near you, so ready the FlexAll, hot tubs and masseusses.

The oldest of these 30-somethings is Denver Broncos great John Elway, who, at age 38, by all accounts should have been out of his prime and put out to pasture long ago. The only difference is that someone forgot to tell him that.

Randall Cunningham's comeback hasn't been anything less than spectacular. He has thrown 14 touchdown passes this year against only two interceptions. This from a man who said he was laying tiles last year before he was picked up by the Minnesota Vikings. Something tells me that his decision to return was a smart

career move. standard years by their standards.

In the AFC, the Roy Hobbs of the NFL, Doug Flutie, has captivated Bills fans with his skills.

Flu tie, out of the league for about eight years, joined the Bills as a backup in the offseason and has led them to four victories.

Most impressive may be that the rejects from squads are taking over for the younger players at their new teams. O'Donnel and Vinny Testaverde have been impressive in their stints

Whether these statistics are a gauge on the parity of the league or a product of the new training ability of players, it is, at least, something interesting in a very ho-hum year in the NFL. By the way, whatever happened to the new breed of quarterbacks hitting the NFL? Drew Bledsoe and Bret Farve are having sub-


Men's Soccer

Cabrini's men·~ soccer team had a good \\-eek

Their winning streak ~tarted with their win against Holy Family College by a score of3-1 on Oct. 17.

They beat Gwynedd-Mercy College on their own turf, 3-0, on Oct. 20.

Their winning streak did not come to an end there, because they beat Centenary College on Oct. 22 by a score of 3-2.

Next up for the men's soccer team is a game at Lycoming College on Oct. 27.

After that will be on Oct. 31 against the University of Scranton.

In men's soccer, Cabrini stands first in the standings with a PAC standing of 8-0 and an overall standing of 16-1.

Women's Soccer

Like the men's soccer team, the women's soccer team knows how to get the job done and walk away with a victory.

That was the case when the Lady Cavaliers played against King's College on Oct. 20 and won by a score of 3-1.

Next up are the PAC semifinals on Wednesday, Oct. 28 and the PAC finals on Saturday, Oct. 31.

In women's soccer, Cabrini stood third in the PAC with a 4-2 record and 11-6-1 overall.

Women's Tennis

The final statistics for the women's tennis team show the singles record as 53 wins and 41 losses.

The doubles statistics shm1 29 "ins and 19 losses overall.

The women's tennis team is done this year.

The Lady Cavaliers finished at third in the PAC with a record of 7-2 and an overall record of 12-6.

Women's Field Hockey

The women's field hockey team started off last week with a 3-2 victory against Manhattanville on Oct. 18.

An unfortunate tum of events occmred as they were defeated in the Oct. 21 PAC tournament against Marywood by a score of 01. Cabrini's field hockey team is now in third place with" PAC score of9-2 and 156 overall.


Cabrini's volleyball stands at eight in the league at 3-7 in the PAC and 6-15 overall.

Cross Country

The men's cross country team finished second out of nine at the Cabrini Invitational and women's cross country finished third of 11 at the Cabrini Invitational.

Sabrina Smith was named player of the week after she finished first of 84 at 20:02 at the Cabrini Invitational. She tied her own record.

The reason for the influx of the old quarterbacks most likely is attributed to the lack of quality of young players performing at a solid level.

Players such as Kerry Collins, Trent Dilver and Kordell Stewart have taken considerable steps back.

For every young quarterback that has taken a step back, there are also others who have yet to take positive steps at all in the league.

Led by Ryan Leaf, Jake Plummer and Philadelphia's own Bobby Hoying, the rookies and supposed "next generation" of quarterbacks in the league have yet to show much of anything. Hoying has already been replaced by a veteran, and Leaf and Plummer are not far behind.

The idea of throwing young quarterbacks to the wolves may be questioned after this season with the amount of quarterbacks struggling to perform.

Everyone knows that young quarterbacks have growing pains, but the fans are the ones who have the excruciating task of watching the NFL this season. The quarterback situation in the league is a big problem for the NFL this year. If they don't find an answer quick, the fans will get fed up with the play of the young players.

What is next, a 48-year-old John Elway leading the Broncos to their third Super Bowl?

PaulMoseris a seniormajoringin English/ Communication.Heis oneof Loquitur's sportseditors.HewillbackupRandall Cunnigham at quarterbackthisweek.

Squashhitsthe DixonCenter

Some people are born with ~ilver sfl()ons in their hands and others are born with other objects, such as baseballs and footballs, in their hands. Ziggy Whitman, a high school junior from Penn Charter, was born with a squash racket in his hand.

This extension of his limb was apparent when Whitman and Matt Ogelsby played an exhibition match against each other while teaching a seminar on squash Wednesday, Oct. 21, in the Dixon Center.

Between lightning quick reactions and point-saving dives, the two would stop play and explain what just happened to the audience watching, with the intent of passing along the knowledge of the sport to th1 crowd.

Dr. Sharon Schwarze, philosophy department chair and avid squash player, organized the event.

'The purpose for the event was to get people more interested in squash and for them to try it out," Schwarze said. Schwarze also said that she plans to have more events like this on campus.

Along with the seminar, each athlete talked a little about where they were from.

According to Whitman, he began his budding career in squash almost out of the womb. Whitman used to bat balloons

against the wall when be was just an infant. Whitman said he has competed professionally since the age of nine in squash. Perhaps that head start paid off. Whitn}an is currently ranked ninth amonr high <;;;h~)ol juniors in the United States.

Ogelsby started playing at a young age as well and ended up a junior national champion twice.

Ogelsby, although retired from the professional squash circuit, still plays professionally in another sport: lacrosse. Ogelsby is a member of the world champion Philadelphia Wings.

Ogelsby attributes his success in lacrosse to his squash training. He plays the sport for the fitness aspect but also for the work in footwork. That was evident in the amount of sprinting, cutting and weaving the two did m their 45-m.inute exhibition match.

Both Whitman and Ogelsby agreed in their lesson that squash is a grueling game that requires a good deal of stamina to play. The two, seemingly in top physical condition, had beads upon beads of sweat descending from their brows.

Next time you step towards the Dixon Center stairs to make the trek to the fitness room, try and notice the glass arenas to your right. For just the loan of your school I.D., you will get expensive equipment to borrow for the squash workout. You might just get more than you bargained for.

_w--=-qu_itm_______________ ~SPORTS 13


A slam dunk competition and other games, including races and drills, highlighted the annual start of basketball season. The crowd of over 200 was able to look beyond several glitches occurring through the night, such as short planning and a faulty sound system.

Let the games begin.

The men's and women's basketball team opened play this past Friday during Cabrini College's rendition of Midnight Madness, that almost wasn't.

Midnight Madness was orga.nized by Student Government Association one week before the event. SGA president Chris Nielsen declined to comment, however, on the reasons why.

A crowd of over 200 students, parents and alumni packed the Dixon Center to welcome back the returning Cavaliers and welcome newcomers to both teams.

The festivities were run by the the SGA and both teams.

"It was well attended event a~d everyone that was there had 'a good time," Nielsen said. "The only regret is that the sound system did not work."

The sound system static was just one complaint that ran rampant throughout the crowd.

The night started out with the SGA giving anyone in the house $50 if they could make a halfcourt shot. With about 15 participants throwing basketballs at the net, first-year student Colin McGinley came out the winner, hitting the difficult shot. The cheerleaders came out next, performing their routine. Sophomore and team member Sue Szfran said, "The crowd's response was really good and our performance went really well."

After a brief intermission, the lights dimmed and the legendary tune of "Cashmere," performed by Led Zeppelin, came over the sound system. From out of the darkness came the Cavaliers and the Lady Cavaliers as the crowd cheered.

The Cavs did a couple of drills

and then Coach John Dzik got on the mic.

He first thanked everyone for coming out and instructed the captains of the men's basketball team to reveal their 1997-98 championship banner.

Dan Welde, Lady Cavs coach, came up and introduced his team. His speech was highlighted by his introduction of team captain and senior Melissa Posse.

First year student and team member Maryellen Murphy said, "My first experience of Midnight Madness was really fun and a good experience."

Lisa Melish then introduced her cheerleading squad with the men's team providing a gauntlet for them to go through.

Coach Dzik then began his introduction of the men's squad. He first introduced his assistants and team managers, then brought out the non-returning

players from last year's championship team. Finally he brought out the returning players from last year's team and the newcomers.

Each player, coach and manager was given a jacket from last year's championship team. The jacket was designed by former player John Drummond.

After the introduction of the players, Coach Dzik put both teams through numerous competitions.

The first was a three-point shooting contest, which the men have never lost.

Representing the men were senior Randall Sims, Gabe Hargrove and senior Bill Gibson while the women counter attacked with Murphy, junior Jackie Pierangeli and sophomore Gina Virelli. In the end it was the men coming away with the win to continue its undefeated streak.

The next competition was an

audience-team competition. The game, "BASKETball," was to have each member of their respective team spin headfirst around a bat, go the length of the floor and make a lay-up. Many laughs from the audience and both teams were heard but in the end it was the Lady Cavs coming out on top

The final competition was the dunk contest won by first-year student Jamil Gaines. The best 'foaction for a dunk had to be for John Drummond's tomahawk during the crowd competition. Most stylish was sophomore Jon Love's dunk, using first year student Jim Foley's back for a jam.

Overall, Midnight Madness gave the students of Cabrini College a chance to come out and supports the teams. The sound might not have been corning through the speakers that well, but the crowd's enthusiasm made up for it in the end.

Cabrini,Easternshowdifferences in athleticbudgets

According to the athletic directors of several area colleges, Cabrini is about average in the money is allocates to its athletic teams.

Eastern College, which among the teams in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference most closely matches Cabrini in terms of enrollment, location and number of teams, gives its athletic teams a comparably lesser amount of money than Cabrini's athletic department, according to Dr. Dennis Hunt, Eastern•s athletic director.

Cabrini's operating budget comes to a total of $134,070, while Eastem's comes to $89,990.

However, Cabrini fields three more teams than does Eastern, which does not sponsor a women's softball team, a cheerleading team or a men's golf team.

The men's basketball team, unlike Cabrini's, receives the most operating money of all of its teams. Eastern's players are provided a total of $20,623, about $825 per player, which is higher than Cabrini's total of $18,093, which works out to about $603 per player.

At Cabrini, the men's lacrosse team re-

ceives the most total money at $19,740, about $658 per player.

Eastern allocates its team $9,275, which breaks down into about $546 for each of its 17 players.

Cabrini's women's basketball team receives $763 per player, which is more than $100 higher than Eastern's $686 per player.

Another notable difference between the two colleges is the amount of money allocated to the women·s volleyball team. Eastem's volleyball team, which finished at the top of the PAC last year, was allocated $10,990, which works out to $916 per player, the most for any individual player at the school.

At Cabrini, where the volleyball team did not finish as strong, the team is given $6,327, about $527 per player.

Compared to Cabrini, Eastern saves about $13,648 by cutting out the softball, golf and cheerleading teams, which it uses to sponsor a men's baseball team. That team receives $11,060 for its operating expenses.

According to Len Schuler, the athletic director at Neumann College in Aston, Pa., the Knight's athletic budget does not specifically allocate money to its teams. Instead, teams can request money based on their needs.

"The money comes into one big umbrella budget," Schuler said. "When a team comes to me and says that they need something, we get it for them."

In other words, Schuler said, if a coach approaches him with a request for new uniforms, for example, he evaluates the re-

quest, decides if the uniforms are truly necessary, and gets the money from the college's overall budget.

"We do our best to try to make sure that we meet the needs of each team," Schuler said.

Cabrinivs. Eastern

Total OperatingBudgetComparison


Men's Lacrosse

Men's Basketball

Men's Soccer

M's Track/Cross Country

W's Track/Cross Country

Women's Soccer

Women's Field Hockey

Women's BllSketball

Women's Softball


Women's Lacrosse


Women's Cheerleadiag


Eastern OE (per player) $9,275 ($546) $20,623 ($825)

"llll!ll.,.;:;.1..;..4_______________________ SPORTS,----------------T_h_u_rs_da_y_, O_c_to_b_e_r2_9_,_19_9_8
Golf Men's Tennis Men's Baseball
($496) $978 ($245) $116 ($116) $5,310 ($332) $5,960 ($298) $6,863 ($686) not sponsored $10,990 ($916) $3,685 ($184) $976 ($122) not sponsored not sponsored $754 ($108) $11,060 ($502) Cabrini OE (per player) $19,740 ($658) $18.093 ($603) $14,500 ($483) $10.158 ($508) $10,150 ($461) $10.090 ($459) $10,030 ($501) $7,630 ($763) $7,450 ($373) $6,327 ($527) $6,319 ($287) $4,8(,()($442) $3,350 ($223) $2,848 ($285) $2,525 ($316) not sponsored


The men's and women's cross country teams hosted the Cabrini Invitational at Belmont Plateau.

It was a perfect Saturday for running and despite strong competition, both teams lived up to the occasion.

The· defending Penn~vania Athletic Conference champion men's team finished in second place lead by team co-captain Jason Bull, who finished in sixth place with a time of 30:23.

He was followed closely by sophomore Dom Staino, a firstyear runner, first-year student Patrick Hutton and sophomores Jeff Fullem and Ryan Jones.

"We're coming along strong, but we haven't won anything yet, and it's not over until some fat lady starts singing," said Bull, referring to the PAC playoffs.

The Lady Cavaliers, who are the defending PAC champions as well, finished in third place behind a strong showing by sophomore Sabrina Smith.

Smith, who won the individual PAC championship last year, tied her own course record by turning in a time of W:02.

Other team members who finished strongly were sophomore Lauren Dean, who finished in second place with a time of 20:06, and fust-year student Kristen Zelinski, who finished in sixth place with a time of 21 :24.

After last weekend's success, Coach Tom O'Hora is cautiously optimistic about bis teams chances to repeat as PAC champions.

"The papers say that we are heavily favored, but we 're going to have to run faster than today." said O'Hora., "All season, both teams have been consistent."

According to O'Hora, the women's team has improved every week, despite not having senior runner Michelle McDevitt due to tennis commitments.

The men will have to work, but O'Hora said that they can win it too.

The men's team hopes to repeat as PAC champions despite having a very different team than a year ago when they won

the PAC championships.

Only five runners from last year's defending championship squad have returned and two of them, sophomores Colin Broderick and Ricky Romyn, have had to deal with injuries.

Fortunately, the Cavaliers have received new runners in the form of Staino, Hutton and Fullem, who have all made immediate contributions to the team.

On the other side of the track, the women's team has lost only two runners from last year's squad, and they have grown in number and talent considerably.

Lead by sophomore captain Becky Jurich and sophomore sensations Smith and Dean, the team expects nothing less than to repeat as PAC champions.

IIIIXtup: ClbrinlCollegecavaliers at MarywooduntversltyPacers



fast facts:

The Cross Country team goes into this match hoping to oowq out of the~ season widl a wi1LThe team is especidy 1ooting to get a win apiOltMarywood,whorecently pt Ollt (If tbe PACBl CIOSS country.


As the winter weather approaches, the meals get harder and harder to work off. This coincides with generally miserable outdoor weather, making it difficult to get motivated to exercise. Gone are the balmy days of swimming at the beach and even the crisp fall days that inspired walking or jogging through glorious colors.

The new Dixon Center, however, offers many opportunities to work off those holiday meals in comfortable surroundings.

With the large indoor pool at the Center, swimming is no longer confined to the summer months. The basketball courts offer the opportunity for a quick pick-up game. The squash courts challenge the skills of students and faculty alike. The exercise room offers a chance to jog in place or to exercise isolated muscle groups.

"The new facility makes you want to exercise," said Marni DiGiorgio, a senior special education major. "Even if the cold weather discourages you from running outside, you can get together a group to go to the Dixon Center to exercise."

On the day that DiGiorgio spoke to the Loquitur she was joining his sister Amanda, a Cabrini sophomore, to exercise on the elliptical training machine. Also working out on the machine that day was Rachelle Lasler, a first-year student on the track team.

Lasler said that she works out every day to stay in shape. When the weather turns cold she will do more of her running inside the Dixon Center.

Anna Kruse, professor and chairperson of the biology department, also appreciates the new activity center, especially the swimming pool.

"I was interested in swimming for 25 years but found it very inconvenient with my busy schedule," said Kruse. "I do not have a pool at home and had to rely on using the pool at friends' houses. This new facility allows me to swim all year long. It is a good exercise and is also helpful for stiff muscles.''

"I think that it is easier to get motivated to exercise in the cold weather when you can come inside and work out in a nice warm pool," said Matt Kaiser, a senior majoring in sports science and a lifeguard at the fa. cility.

Kaiser said that the important thing is to get into a routine and stick with it.

One of the nice things about having a pool available all year is that swimming is one exercise that can be done by all ages.

"Swimming is great for rehabilitation and for people who have stiff joints and arthritis." Kaiser said.

Swimming works muscle groups that are not usually exercised through running and other sports. Although swimming is a great cardiovascular workout, it is not a weight bearing exercise. Kaiser recommends that

Senior Chris Vitale starts his training regiment with weights. The Dixon Center provides a weight center, among many other thing s, to help beat pounds put on during the winter months.

swimmers also add running or weight training to their exercise routine to build muscle and bone mass.

The exercise facilities at the Dixon Center are free to full-time students, according to Colin Broderick, a sophomore who works as a front desk clerk at the center.

Part-time students and faculty can purchase membership in the center for $50 per semester. Members of the surrounding community can join for a fee of $400 for the first person in a family and $300 for additional members.

The hours of the center are from 8 a.m. 11 p.m. on weekdays, noon to 7:30 p.m. on Saturdays and noon to 4:30 p.m. on Sundays. The center offers aerobics classes and other exercise classes at scheduled times. One unique class is water step aerobics, offered on Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m. This class is similar to the usual step aerobics but the steps are in the water. This gives a virtually no-impact aerobics workout. The hours for other activities can be obtained from the front desk at the center.

Loquitur 15
photo by Jim Snook

ew of

The Cal'aliers kicked off the 1998-99 . basketball season with their annual Midnight Madness festivities. One of the highlights of the night was the raising of PAC championship banner. The basketball teams can now practice in their new gym. page 14


The Dixon Center can be used to help students and f acuity keep away the extra holiday pounds. page 15

Vol_ XLV 6 No. "l Lo quit u r Thursday, October 29., 1998
Radnor .. PA 19087
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