With yet another jump in tuition costs, as revealed by President Dr. Antoinette Iadarola in a recent letter, students will pay more money for their education next year. Story on page 2.

With yet another jump in tuition costs, as revealed by President Dr. Antoinette Iadarola in a recent letter, students will pay more money for their education next year. Story on page 2.
During the board of trustees' visit to the college this year, they met and voted to increase tuition nearly 10 percent for the second year in a row.
Citing continued upgrades to the college, Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, college president, explained the decision to raise tuition and general fees to equal $16,000 and room and board to $7,200 effective next year as part ol the "blueprint for the new millennium."
"Representatives from all areas of our community have come together once again to create the second phase of that strategic plan," she wrote. "The next step is being taken so that you may benefit from advanced technological opportunities, become empowered by critical thinking, cultivate leadership skills and become exposed to a world of differences."
This was stated in a letter sent to the campus community on Monday.
The main reason, however, for the increase seems to be the same reason for the tuition hike of a year ago: technological advancements for the coming years.
Iadarola went on to say that the college
would be doing a great disservice to the students if these upgrades were not met.
However, these upgrades are expensive. "Upgrades, however, are extremely costly, despite the ways the College has worked to contain costs," she wrote. "The Board of Trustees, therefore, approved a tuition increase for the College at their recent meeting."
Among the upgrades explained were the renovations to Founders Hall, the addition of four new faculty members and the groundbreaking of a new 160-bed dormitory.
Hall gymnasium. Included in the old advancements that were already completed were the card access systems for the residence halls and Internet access to the dorms.
In what has become a recurring trend of the last ten years, Cabrini has raised its tuition and room and board in excess of the standard rate of inflation. For the last few years, inflation has increased at a rate of about two to three percent annually.
paid only $11,600 a year, including all fees, when they were first year students.
The tuition and fees for next year at $16,000 are $4,400 dollars more than their first-year totals, a 27.5 percent increase.
Iadarola ended the letter by stating different appeals and forms of financial aid students could seek out from the college and on the Internet.
"We encourage you to learn more about the various forms of financial aid (grants, scholarships, loans and work-study) that are available," she wrote.
"I also urge you to contact the financial aid office if you wish to appeal your financial aid package."
-Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, College President, in letter sent to students
During the year 1996-97 to 1997-98, however, the tuition at Cabrini went up 8.9 announcing the tuition increase percent.
The renovations to Founders Hall are part of the Phase II changes to the college. They will include new adjunct faculty offices and a state-of-the-art Communications center to be placed in the old Founders
From the year 199798 to this year, tuition went up 9 .4 percent.
The rate of increase is going to reach an all-time high for this coming year, peaking at a 9. 7 percent increase. Seniors graduating this year originally
Stephen Lightcap, vice president for finance and administration, was unavailable to comment on the situation.
Iadarola said in the letter that by increasing the tuition, the College would also be increasing the quality of its curriculum.
"Increasing the quality of your degree is vital," she wrote. "We will continue to work hard to provide you with a valuebased education ensconced in the tradition of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini."
The college is seeking a new direction and an upgrade to the advancement of higher education, albeit an expensive one.
The second annual Rape and Sexual Assault Awareness Week will begin on Monday, March 15 and last until Friday, March 19. Highlights of the week will include a victim of sexual assault who will speak to the community and other events such as discussions on date rape, security on campus and a WYBF radio program on the healing process.
by Megan Zustra copy editorAn attempt to educate the entire campus community about rape and sexual assault will be made next week.
Cabrini College will host its second annual Rape and Sexual Assault Awareness Week from Monday, March 15 until Friday, March 19.
Programs and discussions will be held for students, faculty and staff members.
The highly acclaimed program "As They See It Allyson Kurker Tells Her Story" is a program involving Kurker's real-life bout with sexual assault during her senior year of high school.
Kurker will share her story with the audience and will also speak about the importance of
not holding in feelings, like she did for so long after the incident occurred.
This program will take place at 3 p.m. in the Mansion Foyer on Tuesday, March 16.
Other events include "Security on Campus, Inc.: Assault by Fellow Students," conducted by Myra Kodner in the Mansion Seminar Room at 1 p.m. on Monday, March 15.
Also on Monday at 9:30 p.m. in the Woodcrest Lounge, there will be a discussion entitled "Date Rape: A Cabrini Experience?" This discussion will be lead by Resident assistants Beth McArdle, Janine Laskowski., Roman Gabriel and Gavin Mirigliani.
On Tuesday, March 16, the week will continue with a seminar entitled "Sexual Assault and
Substance Abuse" at 12:30 p.m. in the Mansion Seminar Room. The Women Against Rape chapter of Delaware County is sponsoring this event.
Wednesday's events include "Sexual Harassment on Campus Part II: Student Perspectives and Action Plans" from 12:30 p.m. until 1:30 p.m. in the Library Conference Room. This event will be lead by student Kelly Graham and sociology professor Janet Lohmann.
Other Wednesday events include "The Journey to Healing: A Discussion with Dr. Randy Sandler" at 2:30 p.m. in the Rooymans- Center Conference Room, and "Psychologically Speaking" on 89.l WYBF-FM at 7 p.m. with Dr. Andy King and Steve Murray talking about "The Healing Process: From Victim to
Survivor to Whole Again."
A Spiritual Healing Service will be held in honor of the week on Thursday, March 18 at 7 p.m. in the Bruckmann Memorial Chapel on campus.
Two faculty and staff events will take place during lunchtime, 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m., on Thursday and Friday in the Mansion Dining Hall to better educate on the topic of sexual assault.
The Thursday luncheon program is entitled "A Valued Workplace: Is Cabrini College a Hostile Environment? Issues of Sexual Assault, Rape, and Sexual Harassment" and it will focus on how faculty members can maintain a non-hostile environment for the students, according to a memo that was distributed to all faculty and staff members.
The second event, which will
be held on Friday, is "A Valued Workplace: The Impact of a Hostile Environment on Students and the College Community: Issues of Sexual Assault, Rape and Sexual Harassment." This will deal with how to talk to students about rape and related issues.
Any questions regarding the week can be directed to King at ext. 8563.
To commemorate the week highlighters will be given out at all events as a reminder "to be more assertive and to speak out," according to King.
"Many people are unaware of the fact that this is the second annual Rape and Sexual Awareness week that the school has sponsored," said King. "It is important for them to know that this is not a one-time thing."
"We encourage you to learn more about the various forms of financial aid (grants, scholarships, loans and work-study) that are available."
Some students say that the lack of a traditional Mass format and few Catholic religion courses take away from Cabrini's Catholic image. Faculty, however, say that they stress religion in all aspects of college life.
by Anne C. Miller assistant managing editorAbout two thirds of Cabrini students are reported to be of the Catholic faith. But why, then, do only a select few attend campus masses?
The truth is that several students, including sophomore Linda Gross, feel uncomfortable with the way that mass is conducted. •.
"Mass here doesn't follow a traditional format," Gross said.
Not only do students feel uncomfortable, but they are also uneasy about the rotation of priests that come to visit each Sunday.
"It's hard to get to know and become comfortable with a priest when you know he's not going to be here next week," Gross said.
Several students are now at-
tending masses held at Villanova University due to such concerns.
This issue, in addition to others of a similar nature, has come to the attention of Campus Ministry, the religion department and the administration.
Officially, Cabrini is Catholicaffiliated and does not necessarily have to follow the guidelines set by the Pope.
However, if the college does not go along with the Pope's policies, Cabrini won't be on the list of proclaimed Catholic colleges.
Currently, a committee is being established and suggestions will be made about how to solve this dilemma and enhance Cabrini's religious involvement.
"The college is seriously examining its strengths and how we can be doing more," said Dr. Margaret McGuinness, religion de-
partment chair, in regards to Cabrini's support of Catholicism.
As it stands now the Catholic faith is incorporated into many of the religion courses.
Some courses such as The
Meaning touch lightly on Catholicism.
"We try to stretch Catholicism across the curriculum," McGuinness said.
In addition to the courses, Cabrini is scheduled to host the spring meeting of the Catholic Historical Association in March and will encourage students to attend.
Dr. Margaret McGuinness, religion department chair
Sacraments, The Scripture and Catholic Social Teachings, focus primarily on the faith, while others, such as African-American Religion and The Search for
Besides this particular lecture, the religion department has sponsored other speakers, but has found that student attendance is sparse.
Each semester Campus Ministry hosts the Search Retreat, a weekend get-away for self-reflection and promotion of spirit.
Despite this effort to enhance Cabrini's religious affiliation, the retreat has received mixed responses.
General aspects of Catholicism at Cabrini go beyond the obvious to include those things that are unapparent to the eyes, commented McGuinness.
"It expands to how we treat each other," McGuinness said.
McGuinness suggested that student involvement in the Catholic faith on campus may be ineffective for several reasons.
One reason is that students may commute from home for the weekly mass, and another is that students may not be practicing Catholics.
From mass to retreats to core values, Cabrini is numerous in its programs and classes in support of Catholicism.
Its only weakness, according to many students, may be its lack of religious faculty and administrators.
A fountain, a sign and benches will be added near the pond by the front entrance to the College. In addition, lighting in the area will be improved and the depth of the pond will be increased.
by Nick Luchko staff writerThere is some major outside work planned for the area around the pond on the King of Prussia Road entrance. There is to be a new Cabrini College sign, a fountain and an overhaul of the creek.
"The fence that had been in front of the pond for many years was taken down and renovations are in their early stages," said Mike Caranfa, chief facilities officer.
The fence had to be moved because it was rotted at the bottom and it was feared that it might fall into the road. Injuries were a major factor in this decision. according to Caranfa.
The pond will be getting a major overhaul. The pond has been present for many years and is only about 18 inches deep. Caranfa said that in the past it was used as an ice skating rink. Already, the pond has been dragged, and soon there will be a fountain placed there. They also had to increase the depth of the pond because of the installment
of the fountain.
As of right now, construction on the fountain has not begun. The reason for this is that the college is still waiting for bids to come in from other companies. Once all the bids come in and the prices are worked out, the construction can begin.
The fountain is the smallest improvement to be done to the whole area. The biggest part will be the brand new Cabrini College sign.
The new sign will have to be moved back from where the present one is so that it can fit. Due to this move, there will be a number of trees that will be removed. Also, there will be other trees that will be removed from other areas so improvements can be implemented.
Right now, a pink ribbon marks them. "The township has approved the removal of the trees," Caranfa said.
The sign will be a carbon sign. It will be very large and new, brighter lights are scheduled to be placed in front as well. This will allow travelers to see the sign bet-
ter at night.
Also, the stone for the sign will try to be matched to the pillars that are present at the front of the entrance. Caranfa is not sure whether the stone can be matched but they will try their best. There will also be a renovation of the stone wall near the creek in
the front of the pond area.
The age-old bricks will be replaced by new stones that will look similar to the ones of the Dixon Center.
In addition to the lights for the sign, there will be other lights placed around the whole area. Finally, a footpath and benches
are scheduled to be installed at a later date so students can enjoy the area.
"As of right now, the construction is scheduled for two months," Caranfa said. "However, the whole process will depend on the weather condition, as with any outside construction."
''We try to stretch Catholicism across the curriculum."photo by Jim Snook A new sign displaying the name Cabrini College, as well as a fountain, will be installed in this pond area, lo_catedon the King of Prussia Road entrance. Among the other renovations for this area will be a new stone wall, lights, a footpath and benches.
student could only smoke in his or her room. Common areas, such as the Great Room and the hallways, were off-limits to
According to a new policy in Xavier smoking. Now students can not even Hall, students are no longer permitted to smoke in their own rooms. smoke in their dorm rooms and may only "I think it sucks," said Sara Orefice, a smoke outside first-year student. "It was the building. If ...-------------~ one person's fault and it's students are a hassle that no one can caught smoking smoke in their own rooms in their room anymore." they will be pe-
According to Osborne, if nalized.
John Osborne, resident director of Xavier Hall, enacted the policy after three separate and suspicious fires occurred in the residence hall over the past two semesters.
According to Osborne, the first two fires occurred during the first semester of this year. The first fire involved a toilet and the second revolved around a large industrial vacuum cleaner. During the second incident, students were evacuated from the building while a public safety officer put the fire out with an extinguisher.
The third incident occurred in the beginning weeks of this semester and involved a trash can. After the third fire occurrence, Osborne decided to establish the no smoking policy in Xavier.
According to Osborne, public safety has determined the second two fires to be acts of arson. Public safety has also contacted the Radnor Police Department and they have become involved in the situation.
"We want the people who know who did it to come forward, so that not everyone will be punished for one's persons actions,"' said Nick Luchko, a sophomore resident assistant in Xavier.
Before the new policy was enacted, a
students are found smoking in their room they will be punished.
The first offense will result in a written fine and community service hours and the second offense will result in a monetary fine.
So far, only a handful of students have been caught smoking in their rooms.
'Tm pissed," said Adam Duncan, a firstyear student. "It only hurts the people that obey the laws. Those that don't will still smoke in their rooms."
On Monday. March8, a piece of artwork createdby senior Trish Amato that had prcvioosly been taken from outside a library e.lassroomwas found near the scene of die criQJe.on top of an art closet next to hetl)JOfessor's office, located in the HuJIJ~~IJsa __ T 's professor, said the am right outside her 'Ihere was»cJIQte of apology or confession.
The piece thatwas stolen had been a black-and-white portrait of Chuck Close in a mosaic~._, small images.
Amato was Jleasedthat the artm so happy that it." she said. returned in perfect condition. 11le frame, which was first thought to be the real reason for the crime, was ret\U'liedalong with the picture.
"I'm especially excited that the whole picture was returned without any problems." said Amato.
As of right now, no one has admitted to the crime and no suspects are known.
Amato said that she is dropping the whole issue and that she has the picture in her possession right now.
She does, however, have some questions.
Why did it take so long to return it? How come no one saw someone take the picture and no one saw them put it back? Finally, who would want to steal a picture by a fellow student?
These questions may never be answered. However, the person who did commit this crime decided to have a conscience.
3/2, Austin, Texas
Texas governor George W. Bush, the GOP's front-runner, announced that he would seek the presidency unless he felt a lack of interest from voters and donors as he travels throughout Texas beginning in June. Bush is leading the polls over the most likely Democr;itic nominee, current Vice President Al Gore.
3/5, Hollywood,Florida
Yankee legend Joe DiMaggio lost his battle to lung cancer at the age of 84. DiMaggio hit .325 with 361 home runs for the then-dominating New York team. He was an 11-time All-Star and three-time- Most Valuable Player. DiMaggio also served three years in the U.S. Army during World War II. DiMaggio was scheduled to throw out the first pitch at a Yankee game in April.
3/3, Washington, DC
The Supreme Court left intact Timothy McVeigh's \, conviction and death sentence for the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. The court rejected an appeal in which McVeigh argued that his trial was tainted by jury misconduct and news reports of his confession to his lawyers. McVeigh can still pursue a new round of appeals challenging the consti-
tutionality of his prosecution.
3/4, New Delhi, India
An Indian Air Force transport plane crashed near a huge township and exploded into a ball of fire, killing 21 people. The plane was flying in from Gwalior in central India when it crashed about 1 1/2 miles from the airport. Airport authorities had reportedly declared the area unsafe for residence, but it was never evacuated. It was the second air accident in three days in India.
3/6, Beijing, China
Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan dismissed charges that China stole nuclear secrets from the United States. U.S. federal authorities are investigating whether China stole U.S. nuclear secrets and used them to boost its own arsenal. The information came forth while Congress was investigating the role of foreign money in the 1996 presidential campaign and as charges emerged that Beijing had secretly funneled money to the Democratic Party.
-Lisa FineganWhile many students welcome the proposed changes to the houses, residents of Xavier Hall complain that new tile floors will result in higher damage charges to their accounts. They also want repairs to the building's heating system.
by Benjamin Lunn assistant news editorResident life's idea of renovations to the houses and dorms seems to contradict those of the students, especially in Xavier Hall.
Resident life has submitted its requests of what it would like to see done to the houses and dorms during the summer and, at least in some cases, students say it's not enough.
Summer is coming, and the time has arrived for resident life to submit its requests for renovations of housing to the board of trustees. Many of the changes are welcome in the houses, but in Xavier Hall, the students want more.
In Xavier, resident life has requested that new lighting be put in the great room, and that new security screens are installed on the windows on the first floor. Students, however, have their own ideas about what
needs to be done.
Many students had no problem rattling off a long list of what they wanted changed in Xavier. At the top of the list was the new tiling. The majority of students stated that they would prefer to have the rooms carpeted, citing the expense of billing for scuffs when they move out.
Cathy Caulfield, director of resident life, said that the there would be no excess charges for "normal wear and tear" to the tiles. She also stated that in the end, replacing a single scuffed tile would be cheaper than pulling up an entire carpet for one stain. She told students not to worry about the natural scratches that will occur with moving.
Another major notch on the list of complaints about Xavier was the heating system. Christopher Swift, a first-year student, was but one of many who complained about the temperature in Xavier. In reply to this, Caulfield said that something may possibly
be looked into when the system needs to be replaced. However, for the time being, the mechanics of the heating system falls under the job of facilities.
"Everything from the walls in is the responsibility of resident life," Caulfield said. "From the walls to the outside belongs to facilities."
Aside from those in Xavier, many students in the houses are getting the renovations that they wished for. Most students complained about the overall appearance of the houses.
Shannon Downs, a junior, was just one of the many who felt that the houses needed to be painted and refurbished.
For the most part, those requests have not fallen upon deaf ears. Most of the houses will be getting new carpeting and paint jobs.
Maguire House, also known as house one, will begin with Phase II this summer. Like the Dixon House (house two),
Maguire's entrance will be turned to face the main campus.
In addition to moving the entrance from the rear, Phase II will see siding put up on the house, doorways will be changed within the house and the bathrooms will be redone. The other house getting a complete renovation will be Sullivan House, also known as house seven.
With the exception of Lanshe House, all of the others will at least be getting paint jobs. Most will also get carpeting, and house four will get new furniture.
The only house not getting anything done to it will be Lanshe House. According to resident life, that house was renovated last summer.
Caulfield stresses that these changes are not set in stone. These renovations are what she requested, along with her budget for next year.
There are no guarantees that she will get to do all of the renovations that she wants.
During spring break, I saw the movie "October Sky." To the average man, this may appear to be a "chick flick." I can tell you first hand that this movie is phenomenal. This movie is funny and dramatic. I was crying like a baby by the end of it.
"October Sky" is set in 1957 in Coalwood, W.Va., a coal mining town. The way of life in Coalwood is that when people graduate from high school, they work in the mines for the rest of their lives. There is not much chance for succeeding in life unless you are a great football player.
"October Sky" is based on the true story of Homer Hickem and his friends, Odell, Quentin and Roy Lee. Homer, portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal, has always been in the shadow of his brother, who is the state's best football player. Homer has never been book smart. When he sees the Russian rocket Sputnik streak over the October sky, however, he is inspired to build one of his own. Since Homer does not know where to begin, he needs the help of Quentin (Chris Owen), who is the smartest and biggest geek in Coalwood High. Now Homer and Quentin are on their way to completing their dream. Roy Lee (William Lee Scott) and Odell (Chad Lindberg) join the team for support. The boys pull their supplies together and are ready to make a rocket.
The father of Homer, John Hickem, who is played by Chris Cooper, is the leader of the coal mine. John wants Homer to work in the mines after graduation, but Homer has bigger things on his mind. Homer wants to go to college and to get out of Coalwood. The only way Homer can go to college is to get a football scholarship or win the state science fair to get money for college. Since Homer does not play football, the science fair is his only hope. John Hickem always gives his son Homer the cold shoulder and does not seem to love him like a father should.
The boys become aware of the science fair through their teacher, Miss Reiley, who is played by Laura Dem. Miss Reiley gives the boys moral support and keeps them working towards their dream when their situations look bleak. Miss Reiley seems to be the only person in town who believes in the boys and in their chance to go to college.
After fine-tuning their rockets, blowing many rockets up and even going to jail because of the rockets, the boys enter the state fair.
The relationship between Homer and his father John gets solid.
This movie is a "chick flick" for guys. I was reduced to tears by the end of this movie and I do not normally cry during movies. I even caught my father with a tear rolling down his face. I am really glad I saw this movie with my father by my side. "October Sky" has to be one of the best movies of this year, if not the century. I strongly recommend you go see it. It is well worth the money.
In the pantheon of movie mobsters, few actors can claim as many hits as Robert DeNiro. Fellow "Godfather" alumnus Al Pacino is the only other actor who could possibly deserve to be called "the Don" of film gangsters, but for many DeNiro is the one.
Portraying that familiar role of a made man might seem tiresome, given DeNiro's body of work.
In the new movie "Analyze Thisi' it is hilarious.
DeNiro teams up with Billy Crystal, a comic actor whose most memorable performance in recent years has been as host of the Academy Awards. While Crystal is in fine form, it is DeNiro's performance that wins the most laughs.
As the notorious Paul Vitti, DeNiro plays a gangster with problems that he cannot simply whack. Anxiety and panic attacks plague Vitti, and,with an upcoming meeting of all the big bosses, he needs to get help fast.
Through an unlikely set of circumstances, Vitti hooks up with Billy Crystal"s psychiatrist, Ben Sobol.
When Vitti pushes his way into Sobol's office and asks for advice, the psychiatrist is clearly intimidated. Believing that he has been cured after one meeting, Vitti leaves the office, only to discover his problems require more than a little attention. The mobster proceeds to interrupt Sobol's life on a regular basis, in search of counsel.
The movie's climax involves the big meeting, with bosses descending on the site from all across the country. It is in these scenes that Crystal's comedic talent is best put to use.
With "Analyze This," director Harold Ramis ("Caddyshack," "Groundhog Day") has produced one of the most consistently funny comedies in recent memory. While the film might be a little too long towards the end, the characters are so appealing that a little extra time is not such a bad thing.
In a cast that includes such big name stars like DeNiro and Crystal, as well as ·'Friends" star Lisa Kudrow (as Sobol's significant other), it would seem difficult for anyone else to shine.
However, Joe Viterelli, as one of DeNiro's thugs, steals many of the scenes in which he appears. As Jelly, his delivery and somewhat dopey "Okay, boss" attitude makes the character, who is after all, a criminal, rather endearing.
As a genre, mob movies are as much a fixture in cinema as the western or the war epic. Audiences' longtime fascination with organized crime films started with "The Godfather" and has continued in recent films, such as "Goodfellas" and"Donnie Brasco." While other films have attempted to poke fun at these movies, for example, last year's "Mafia!,"none have been suft _ficie~~Y,~i-!_lg._ .~ the presen~ ?f_DeN~, .goodfella, "An~yze, This" successfully shoots holes in the mobster mythos with rapid-fire laughs.
asbenefrom'{he fifrti"•ocfoberSky.",
*** (out of a possible four stars)photo obtained from the Internet Billy Crystal, as Dr. Ben Sobol, and Robert DeNiro, as the gangster Paul Vitti converse in a scene from the recently released film "Analyze This." assistant a&e editor
It was a night of threes. There were three bands. They each consisted of three members. They played for three hours.
The Theater of the Living Arts was rocked by the music of Eve 6, The Marvelous 3 and Stretch Princess, who played before a sold out crowd on Saturday, Feb. 27.
Stretch Princess was a band that did not feed the wants of the crowd. Their monotone voice and annoying occurrence of constantly breaking their guitar strings brought the crowd to an average response.
Marvelous 3 then exploded onto the stage with great music, constantly jumping up and down with their guitars.
The Atlanta-based band delivered great songs, from "Every Monday" to their radio-friendly hit "Freak of the Week," which elicited the loudest response from the jump-started crowd.
Lead singer Butch Walker's rendition of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" had the whole place filled with laughter and was the highlight of their performance.
Blacklights and rotating flies signaled the entrance of the headliner, Eve 6.
The band opened their performance with "Open Road Song," which deals with the life ahead after high school.
Lead singer Max Collins announced before the show that he had a case of bronchitis and that he would try his best to give the crowd its money's worth.
The crowd did not seem to mind Collins' illness, as the response to such popular hits as "Leech" and ''Inside Out" had everyone dancing and singing. Audience members were pulled onto the stage and delivered a solid act as well.
Collins came out at the end of the show in a pink wig and performed a rendition of "Leaving on a Jet Plane" that just capped off a night of greatness.
Movie director Stanley Kubrick, who passed away on Sunday, was responsible for such films as the science fiction classic 0 2001: A Space Odyssey," which was released in 1968.
assistant a&e editor Shining" and "Spartacus."
Spielberg, arguably the most successful director in Hollyw<><><Llamented the loss in a statement issued by EnterDirector Stanley Kubrick died on Sunday at age 70 in tainment Wire. He said that Kubrick made movies that England. With his death. the film community has lost one were "complete environmental experiences that got more, of its most original and legendary talents. not less, intense the more you watched his pictures" and The reclusive fihnmaker crafted some of cinema's finest proclaimed the late director "the grand master of film-makmoments with films like "2001: A Space Odyssey," "The ing."
Like most great art, Kubrick's works were often met with Kubrick's career stretched from 1950 until this year. De- controversy. From his· deadpan war-comedy "Dr. spite his many years in the business, he only produced 16 Strangelove; or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love films. the Bomb" to the "ultraviolence" in his interpretation of
This was supposed to be a great year for Kubrick and his Anthony Burgess' "A Clockwork Orange," his films always many admirers. "Eyes Wide Shut," Kubrick's first feature caused a stir. since 1987's "Full Metal Jacket," is scheduled to open this "2001: A Space Odyssey," perhaps his most famous summer. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman star in the film, movie, was met with critical disdain and downright and the combination of Kubrick's visionary storytelling loathing by many viewers when it was first released in with superstar talent had many salivating with anticipation. 1968.
The release date for "Eyes Wide Shut'' looks to still be The furor that surrounded the film is well-chronicled in targeted for this summer, according to Warner Brothers., the book "The Making of Kubrick's 2001," _edited by the studio backing the movie. Jerome Agel. Reviews included in the book contain criti-
In a statement issued by the Entertainment Wire, Warner cisms such as "it's a monumentally unimaginative movie" executives expressed their sadness at the Joss and stated and the declaration that it "is a disaster." It is now univerthat a screening had recently been held for the recently fin- sally regarded as a classic. ished film. They also said in the statement that they believe Before Mike Meyers did double duty as both the hero and "Eyes Wide Shut" is excellent and serves as an appropriate villain in "Austin Powers," Peter Sellers brilliantly pulled ending to an amazing career. off the trick in Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove," as the Presi-
The news of Kubrick's passing inspired fellow visionar- dent, a British captain, and the inventor of the bomb. This ies Arthur C. Clarke and Steven Spielberg to speak out in black comedy about a crazed U. S. military leader launchhonor of the director. ing an A-bomb attack against the Soviet Union was reScience-fiction writer Clarke collaborated with Kubrick leased in 1964 when tension between the superpowers was on the landmark "2001: A Space Odyssey." Clarke penned a constant source of fear. the novel and they co-wrote the script. Clarke said that the Kubrick's other widely known films are his adaptation of four years that they spent working on "2001" were "stimu-
Stephen King's "The Shining," which contains Jack lating-and occasionally exasperating-but great fun," ac- Nicholson's famous "Here's Johnny!" scene, and the Vietcording to a statement by the author from Reuters. nam epic ''Full Metal Jacket."
Crediting Kubrick with substantially aiding in his sue- The void left in the world of film following Kubrick's cess, Clarke also said in the statement that "my profession- death is immeasurable, but perhaps more important is the ,aJ.-~areerowe,smore to ~taajey than to anyone else
The advent of personal computers, digital organizers, flat television screens and virtual reality is catapulting the human race into the next century. Technology is expanding as rapidly as the human race, and in the next century many predict a very diversified field of gadgets that will enhance the lives of the human race in countless ways.
Since the beginning of our century, technology has undergone a complete facelift. The computer went from a large room full of complicated machinery to a small portable device that a child can operate with ease. Everything seems to have a computer in it, from toys to classrooms.
Many high schools and colleges even have a requirement for students to own and use a laptop computer in correlation with the curriculum. Cathy Yungmann, associate professor of communications, is excited by this computerfriendly classroom environment.
She feels that soon we will be living in a wireless world where infrared beams will hook up laptops to the server. Students will no longer carry pen and paper. Instead, they will take notes on their laptops and be able to access the Internet during class time.
Yungmann already has the infrared beam technology on her own laptop and claims that it is far more convenient. There are no wires to hook up, making technology far more portable.
Portability has boomed in the latter part of this century. Most people now have cellular phones, beepers, laptop computers and digital organizers. It seems that no matter where one goes, one can be reached. Business and personal life have melded so that it is hard to differentiate between personal life and commerce. Even those not involved with business can be seen using cell phones.
This trend will carry into the next millennium in many ways. Yungmann feels that the private home will become one's office. This integration, though, must carry with it rules for separation.
"If society can establish standards for separation of work and home this will be productive," Yungmann said. "But if you're constantly at someone's beck and call, it can be destructive."
This end to
"place-based communications" means that all wireless technology can be an avenue to endless amounts of information. One's watch can be a way to hook up to the Internet and communicate with others.
Radar technology is also expanding at a rapid rate. Many people have utilized radar detectors to detect police officers on highways. Now, there are "phazers" which
will actually make your car invisible from a police officer's radar detector, allowing a car to speed right by undetected by radar.
Computer companies are making their products look better and better. Nintendo has made their Game Boys not only in different colors, but in different styles. Macintosh has made the new iMac, which comes in several bright colors. Not everyone is excited by the computer craze, however. First-year student Colin McGinley falls into this category.
"I hate computers," McGinley said. "If I had a choice I would kill Bill Gates."
McGinley laments the fact that the broadest base of information is on the Internet because he dislikes using a computer at all. Though he cannot articulate where his hatred comes from, he claims that he tries to stay away from the global connection process. He does not own a beeper, a cell phone or a computer.
Yungmann, on the other hand, owns three cell phones. Each of the phones has a separate use: one for her home, one for her computer, and one for her family to communicate.
As far as predictions for the next century, Yungmann sees amazing alliances taking place in the communication industry. This can even be seen presently with the merging of cable and phone companies. Yungmann sees an integrated Internet, cell phone, and satellite TV engine taking place. This way, a consumer will receive one bill per month that will cover all communication needs. AT&T recently bought TCI, a large cable provider, and is beginning to offer a similar service right now.
McGinley also foresees more technology, like the voice activated typing system that can be used on computers. His one fantasy is to eventually use a car that runs on water instead of gasoline, and he claims that they are being developed presently.
Dr. Rocco Paolucci, computer information sciences chair, believes that computers will be able to recognize languages and be able to interact with humans. He claims that the idea of communicating with a computer through a keyboard will be a thing of the past.
Dr. Sharon Schwarze, philosophy department chair,
The Internet has been moving toward new and exciting forms over the past ten years. The question that professionals in the area have been asking is whether or not the television is going to turn into an all-purpose computer, or if the computer is going to provide television shows through the Internet.
by Jennifer Nespoli features editorWar is afoot.
A technology war. Most do not see it, but those in the field of communication are watching the signs very intently.
In an effort to stay in the competition, television sets have been slimming down, the Internet has been speeding up, video is going digital and cable is avidly flaunting its wide bandwidth.
Meanwhile, the future of print is uncertain. Don Dempsey, assistant professor of graphic design, is fairly sure that print will not fade out. He believes that newspapers and other print media will remain a part of the 21st century.
"We are moving closer to a totally digital environment," he said. That means that while newspapers and magazines will still get printed every day, there will much more information available on the Internet. All data will be easily converted into a digital file and posted on the Internet.
''We won't stop printing things," Dempsey said. "We'll just print less."
The reliability of the Internet and the public's trust are two factors that will influence what the Internet is used for in the coming years. Right now commerce on the Internet is gaining popularity, but Dr. Jerry Zurek, professor of english and communication, is not sure if that trend will continue.
''It's hard to tell what people will rely on [the Internet] for," he said. He pointed out that Amazon.com, the first online bookseller, has yet to make a profit. People are buying stock because they are betting on the fact that the company will be profitable in the future. For now, though, Amazon.com has yet to break even.
Until the public's trust is secured, Zurek does not
continued from previous page sees an isolated future in terms of technology. Technology, she claims, makes it possible to do business and not see anyone or have any human interaction all day long. She sees technology as eventually stratifying society. "Mixture among the human race is necessary." Schwarze said. "Human talking doesn't take place and people become very selfish and egocentric."
Paolucci claims that three major trends will begin occurring in the technology field in the next century. These trends will affect not only Cabrini students, but the educational system as a whole.
Paolucci claims that students will begin to access all of their information from the Web and Internet. He states that the Web and Internet will become "an ubiquitous information delivery system."
think that newspapers will be in jeopardy. However, they have to combat the problem of losing readership.
Younger people are not reading newspapers today as much as they were in years past, according to Zurek. Usually people have begin reading papers as they get older, but no one knows if that will be the case with this generation.
''The better papers are trying to become a necessary part of the region," said Zurek. "Local newspapers are thriving."
The reason local papers are stealing regional readership is that local newspapers have the stories people want to read. They cover little league games and town meetings. Local newspapers carve their own small niches in a market that is less concerned with citizenship than it used to be. "Suburban people don't see themselves as Philadelphians," Zurek said. Metropolitan newspapers are struggling all over the country because people in suburbs do not consider themselves city folk and have no desire to read about what happens in the city.
One indication that Zurek sees of how people are responding to news on the Web is sports. Sports fans are most likely to read a newspaper everyday to get their information, even though they could get it from ESPN or the Internet.
That does not mean that newspapers can sit pretty in the reassurance that their existence is likely to last into the next century. All papers will eventually need to develop of strong Internet presence if they hope to stay competitive.
Like Yungmann, Paolucci also foresees technology making strides in distance learning.
"Students will have access to information, knowledge, instructors and subject matter experts around the clock;' Paolucci said. "From anywhere in the world."
His third prediction is that learning will be a life-long process. The system of beginning schooling at age six and ending at age 21 will be obsolete. Paolucci feels that learning at the collegiate level will be more relevant, more practical and more integrated.
Yungmann is expanding Cabrini's technological horizons by offering the Communication 377 course. The class is designed to explore new trends in technology, its development and its effects on everyday life.
Paolucci foresees the general public's lives changing drastically with new technology. Many household devices
They are also starting to team up with television. The Inquirer tried to start a news show on Channel 17. Although the show failed, Zurek sees television as a trend that newspapers are moving toward.
Is it a trend that the computer is moving toward also? Since both the computer and the television have a screen that can show video, they are beginning to compete for Internet capabilities, according to Dempsey. Now that television can handle digital video, it is a strong contender in this race.
One thing that Dempsey is certain of is that the Internet will start handling much more video than it does now. That puts it in immediate competition with television.
"An interesting dilemma is if the TV is going to be the Internet or if the Internet is going to be the TV," Dempsey said.
One factor that will influence the competition is screen size. Bigger television screens make for better viewing capabilities. However, computer screens are also changing their look. Laptop and notebook computers already have flat screens, and are far lighter than television screens. PC screens can come in the 21-inch size.
As modem speeds increase, so too will the amount of information that is shoved through the wires.
Speaking of wires, Dempsey believes that someday there will be wireless networks. People will use satellite technology to bounce their signals around, just as cellular phones do now. Already some cell phones can receive and send e-mail. In the near future Dempsey forsees a switch to fiber optic wire, but he thinks that we will eventually have satellite-based networks.
Whatever happens, one thing is for sure.
"Computers are going to become more and more sophisticated because we are becoming more and more dependent on them," Dempsey said.
will be run by computer. Our refrigerators, ovens, toasters, even our homes themselves will have computers running them. The appliances will be Web based, so that homeowners would be able to control them from wherever they traveled.
Portability seems to be the theme for technology in the next century. If current trends continue, soon computers will all be small and portable and not sitting on our desks. Wrist watches will have Internet access, and even our homes will be Web accessible. Paolucci sees these examples of future technology and information at the public's fingertips a boon for society.
"Leaming will be a part of all the work we do in life." Paolucci said. "The major objective of any working activity will be to learn."
In a letter sent to the campus community on Monday, March 8, President Dr. Antoinette Iadarola informed those concerned that tuition and general fees for the 1999-2000 academic year would be $16,000, a $2,100 and a 9.7 percen~increase from this year. This means that for the second academic year in a row, tuition will have been raised nearly 10 percent.
Included in ladarola's letter is a vague, one-paragraph description of what constitutes such a dramatic increase in tuition. She briefly cites such improvements as renovations to Founders Hall, the groundbreaking for a new 160-bed residence hall and the addition of four new faculty members as reasons for a tuition hike that far exceeds the standard rate of inflation of 2 to 3 percent. If we are expected to pay this much more money for our education, do we not deserve a more specific account of how the additional money will be distributed?
Without providing us with more detailed information concerning where the extra money is going, the numbers just do not add up. Each year the incoming freshman class is growing significantly in numbers, therefore even more money is coming into the school. Instead of our tuition reflecting this surge in student population, it is increasing at exponential rates.
Even though every student is being affected by the tuition raise, not everyone will benefit from the improvements that the money is supposedly going towards. The 160-bed residence hall that is being built beginning in May is intended to house only first-year students. Then why are current students being forced to provide the funding for a building that is not being constructed for their use?
Loquitur concedes that the improvements Iadarola writes of in her letter are worthy to the school on the whole. However, many students, specifically the current junior and • sophomore classes, will never have the opportunity to see and utilize the upgrades
If we are being asked to foot such a steep tuition increase for a second year in a row, are we not worth the respect to provide us with more specific information, like a cent by cent breakdown, about where our hard-earned money is going?
This editorial represents the combined views of the Loquitur's student editorial board. It does not represent the opinion of any one individual writer or any member of the faculty, staff or administration.
Yet they still managed to thrive. At least until the settlers came along. I was amazed to learn about all the intelligence and cleverness the Native Americans possessed. They were able to find ways to cook their food, preserve food and heal wounds.
late c~ctus over spring break. Mmm, yummy! Actually, it was pretty tasteless, but if I was ever stranded in the desert, cactus could save my life. I bet many people don't know that certain cactus plants are edible. I didn't know until I went to Arizona over spring break and actually took a piece of Cholla cactus, squeamishly put it in my mouth, chewed and swallowed. And lived to tell the tale.
Cactus plants have many uses, including medicinal, healing and nutritional. Americans may never have discovered those uses if it wasn't for the Native Americans that lived on the land centuries before we ever set eyes on it.
The Native Americans managed to survive living in the Arizona desert without any of the luxuries we have today. Since Arizona is such a dry state, averaging only 10 inches of rain a year in some parts, water can be pumped from the Colorado River and other places in times of extreme drought. However, the Native Americans dido 't have such an advanced system of irrigation.
In fact, they invented the first crock pot. They knew that the inside of a cactus maintains a constant temperature of 70-75 degrees, whether it's in intense sunshine or the cold of night. So they cut the top off of a small cactus and scooped out the insides like a pumpkin. Then they would put heated stones in the bottom, some leaves above that, then their meat or food, and then more hot stones on the top. Then the lid would go back on, the Native Americans would go about their daily chores, then come back that night and have a nicely cooked meal.
This was just one of the few great uses that Native Americans had for the cactus plant. They were innovative enough to take a simple living thing and turn it into something that could benefit them greatly.
They also knew of many plants that had healing abilities like nothing we have today. One particular plant has a liquid inside of it that is similar to aloe. If rubbed on a wound, it forms a new skin over the old skin and seals the wound. So much for stitches.
Native Americans had no use for material possessions. ·They lived close to the land and were deeply concerned with preserving
the earth. They had respect for the animals also.
Every spring when the plants are in bloom, the cacti grow fruit on their arms. The Native Americans made a holiday out of the harvest. They would make long poles to knock the fruit off while the children would hold baskets and try to catch it in the basket as it fell. Whatever fruit dropped on the ground, they would leave for the animals to eat.
Nothing was wasted. Everything had a use.
Instead of pushing these intelligent and resourceful people off of their land and forcing them to accept the American culture, we should have been learning all we could from them.
They had much to teach. They had lived with the land for so long, and it was a deep part of their religious beliefs.
Unfortunately, most of us will never know much of their beliefs and culture.
If, at the very least, we could adopt their deep respect for the earth and its natural inhabitants, we would all be better off. They set a good example for us.
And if you are ever in Arizona in the Sonoran Desert area, be sure to get yourself a raw piece of cactus. It's soft, it's green and it melts in your mouth.
JenniferNespoliis a juniormajoringin English/communication.Sheis oneof Loquitur'sfeatureseditors.Wenever knewshehadsucha wildstreakin her.
and Wagner College in New York. I got to meet a lot of different people and learned a lot about their college experiences. Toe one thing that stood out in my mind is that many of the problems at Cabrini College are not just our problems, they are universal.
My spring break this year consisted of about three things: sleep, cable television and partying. It was a long way from the Cancun trip I thought I was going on in September, but I guess you can't have it all.
Because Cabrini's week for spring break is a week earlier than most other colleges, I ended up spending most of my time with my friends at West Chester University
In my articles this year for the Loquitur, I have done more than my fair share of reporting on what I see as problems with the college. Some of my concerns were legitimate, such as the housing lottery, and some were petty, like the heating system in my house. But as a journalist and a Student Government member, I feel the need to speak out for what I believe is right.
I think that the Loquitur is absolutely right to question Cabrini's policies and our college life in general. Even if we rarely produce real
changes, it is important that the students of Cabrini College are vocal about the things that we believe are right or wrong for this college.
Toe real reason I am writing the article is to try to discourage the many students who are considering transferring from our college after this semester. Conventional wisdom states that more upperclassmen will tnmsfer out of Cabrini than transfer in. This situation is hardly a crisis for the college, because for every student transferring out there are many more first-year students coming in.
This year's housing lottery is a reflection of the conventional wisdom I mentioned before. The college does not expect all of its resident students to return, but they are unable to handle the situation if they do.
Most students who want to transfer will, regardless of what I
write here. Some students have legitimate reasons not to come back, such as firtancial concerns or lack of courses in their major. What bugs me are the students who think that the college they choose to transfer to won't have the same problems we have.
Our housing is crowded, and some students will not have a spot on campus next year. No, we don't have the ideal housing situation, but I dare you to find a college that does. At Iea~t when you pay to live through our Resident Life, you actually do live on campus, unlike some other local colleges.
The tuition will be higher next year, but again, I dare you to find a college that won't have a higher tuition next year than this year. The same dare could be extended to our problems with parking, book prices and the quality of the food. I have a theory that college students are
physically unable to enjoy the food served in their dining hall, no matter where they go.
The bottom line is, I think that Cabrini students are getting the most important part of what they pay for. I came to this college because it had a good academic reputation, a good job placement rate and many opportunities for involvement in campus life. By this rationale, I have received my money's worth and then some.
So before you throw out your Fall '99 Registration Roster, think seriously about your reasons for transferring. This college sure ain't perfect, but it is ours.
ChrisNielsenis a sophomoremajoringin English/communication. He is the assistar perspectiveseditorof Loquitur.Nomatter whathe says, we allknowhe's goingto forgetto send inhishousingdepositand haveto liveat homenextyear.
lean tell you first hand that living off campus is a hassle.
It is not so much problems with my roommates, but the 15 minute ride to and from campus. There have been countless times when I had to leave the party early so I can make the drive home a safe one. By doing this, I seem to lose the respect of my friends. They say I don't hang out as much as I used to, and that I am no fun anymore. I can accept that because I know it's
That is only one aspect of living off campus that gets on my nerves. Another thing that gets to me is the money situation. In the long run, I am saving money, but in the present, I have to come up with a little over $200 at the end of each month. In addition to that I have to buy groceries, bath supplies and countless gallons of gas. If only someone could have been there to see me pricing toilet paper in the supermarket.
Living in an off-campus apartment has its perks. It is nice to go back to a quiet place that I can call my own. Nobody knocks on my door at all hours of the night. Nobody flushes the toilet when you are taking a shower. There is no loud party down the hall when you have a test the next morning. There is no door alarm, and there is nobody there to tell me what I can and
Thumbs up to the Women's basketball team on winning the PAC Championship.
Thumbs down to the adminis-
tration for raising the tuition again and again and again ...
cannot do. After a while, you start to miss the things that really annoy you.
Why am I telling you this? It is to tell you to think through your living situation next year. There are many aspects of living on campus that people take for granted. Like having toilet paper there all the time, or going to the wigwam to get food flexed
Have you ever opened the fridge and tried to make a sandwich consisting of stale bread, marshmallow fluff and mustard? Sometimes it's all you have.
For as much as I complained about resident life last year, I miss it. I miss the spontaneous games of frisbee on the mansion lawn. Even though it does not apply to this year, I miss the all day games of horseshoes and barbeques on a warm day. Most of all I miss the camaraderie of the people living on Thumbs down for making our spring break not only in the midst of winter, but making sure that the only other school that has spring break at the same time as us was the University of Guam.
compiled by Joe Elliott
•-~Wes editor-
the same floor or in the same without the help of anyone. It is rehouse. ally gratifying to stop and look
I am actually happy to say that I around your apartment and realize will be rejoining my Cabrini farni- that the things you are looking at ly next year in the residence halls. I are yours and nobody else's. will take all the things I learned this Remember that living on campast year living off campus and pus is so much better than the alterapply them to my future living ex- native. It may not be perfect, but perience. it's better. I still wish the resident I have learned much more about life office were nicer to the people being independent. .\.faking your who are already here and under own money and paying your own their care. It seems the first-year bills is a great thing to learn at this students of next year are getting age. better treatment already, and they
There is a greater sense of re- are not even here yet. I wish resisponsibility when living on your dent life did not watch the residents own. It is definitely a different ex- like a nervous hawk. When people penence from the sheltered life at get to college, they are a little more Cabrini. responsible and don't need to be as
If I can suggest an}thing to any- restricted as they are. body, it would be to live either on your own or with some roommates TonyBarrettis a sophomoremajoringin for the summer away from home. English/communication.Heis a staff You learn responsibility, writerforLoquitur.He is alsothe inventor money of such delicaciesas "grilledhamand management and how to survive flutrand the famousmargarinesandwich.
school hands out at the beginning of the year? Well, rumor has it that the school stands by what they put into that book. I think that is a load of crap. It is just a facade. It just makes the school look like it cares.
Have you ever just sat there and wondered why Cabrini College always seems to do the wrong things for the students? Or have you ever sat there and wondered why you came to this school, or why you have not transferred out of this school?
Well, I have asked myself these questions many times and I always come up with the same answer: this sucks!
See, I tried to transfer to another college, but I was not offered enough money, unlike Cabrini, who has been most generous to me with a nice financial aid package. But it was a little harder to get out.
See, Cabrini is like a giant magnet, one that is going to suck you in and never let you get out. I give a lot of credit to those people who manage to get out of this school, because it sure is hard.
But then there are all these people that come to Cabrini. It never makes any sense how the school attracts students.
Cabrini College is this small little school. Sure it attracts people, but why do they come? I think this school sucks sometimes, and the way the school treats its students often seems to be very unfair.
I have always felt that this school was so busy bending and lying about the truth that they never had time to spend all their money. On the other hand, the school has definitely managed to make itself seem as though it cares.
Have you ever read or looked at the Student Handbook that the
Back when I came to Cabrini in the fall of 1996, I was under the impression of a lot of things. I thought that this school was going to be very good for me and it was going to be a good time. I was wrong and right in a couple of ways.
One way I made the school fun was by making it fun by doing things that were fun and making the best out of things. I figured that the rest would just come naturally. Unfortunately, every time I started to have a fun time, the school would go and do something stupid and ruin it for me.
I think the school has been able to constantly make decisions that severely hurt the students. As most of you already know, we have been hit with another tuition increase, and what will it do? Nothing. It will just add a little more prestige and income to the people who run the school.
One of my biggest points is that the school is able to ')ustify" the constant increases every year. Sure, you would kind of figure that it is alright for the school to put an increase on the tuition since it goes along with inflation, but at the same time, how can the school constantly justify raising the tuition almost 10 percent? I mean, that is a lot of money for the school to get from each student.
I think that the craziest thing about the school getting all of this money is that it does not go for anything that most of us will be here to use or see.
When most of us came to school, we never thought in our craziest dreams that we would end up paying so much. I do not see why this school should be so expensive. I mean, it is not like we are
at Harvard or Penn. We're at Cabrini, where the recognition is not as big.
I can see that the school is trying to make Cabrini a big-name school, but they are doing it too quickly, and I am sure they are losing people every year to other, better schools. I do not think that the majority of the students leave the school because it is too expensive. They leave because the school treats the students here at Cabrini poorly.
You can literally walk around campus and ask people what they think about this school and how it has treated them in the past and how it will treat them in the future and I'm sure they will say, "poorly."
I mean, what kind of school is going to go out of its way to make sure that the students are unhappy? Most schools would probably make sure that the students are happy. But, of course, here at Cabrini, we make sure that the students come last, the administration comes first, and the parents get lied to at all times.
Cabrini has always made sure that they deceive the people that matter the most. So this is a wakeup call to all parents, to make sure that they start to speak up for their children here at Cabrini. We all know that the only way to get things done here at Cabrini is to have your parents call and speak up.
This greatly disappoints me, because we are expected to make a stand for what we believe in, and speak out against the administration.
We might not live in the '60s, but I think it is about time that we start acting like it.
Joe Elliottis a juniormajoringin English/ communication.Heis the perspectives editorof Loquitur.Everyoneis invitedto the partyPresidentIadarolawillthrow whenhe is kickedoffcampus.
Loquitur is a laboratory newspaper written, edited and produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346, 350, 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the publication and an inscription insened, such as "name withheld at the request of the wTiter."Letters to the editor must be submitted by noon on Mondays.
Length: no longer than two pages.
How to Submit: E-mail: laura44@xavier. cabrini.edu
Phone: 610-902-8412
Name must be included. If you choose not to have your name printed, we will leave it out.
Classic mail: The Loquitur c/o Cabrini College 610 King of Prussia Rd. Radnor, PA 19087
Aa., from the Big East, who will go up against Patriot League Champion Lafayette. No. 3 Cincinnati has one big thing going for them: they beat Duke. They will be going head-to-head with George Mason.
The wild card in the East might be Charleston, who will give Duke a run for their money as long as they get past No. 9 Tulsa.
It's that time of the year again, BABY!
The NCAA National Tournament--otherwise known as "March Madness"-is in full swing, with a vast amount of games that has basketball freaks filling out their pools and emptying their wallets.
1lris year's tournament should be one of the best in a long time. The reason for this is because, other than heavily favored Duke, it's anyone's game.
In the East, the No. 1 seed Blue Devils take their 32-1 record up against lowly Aorida A&M, who finished with a 12-18 record. 1lris team will have no shot at winning this game and if they do, well, I will never watch another basketball game in my life.
Other than Duke, the other contenders in the East should be the No. 2 seed, Miami,
Look for the two local teams-No. 6 Temple and No. 13 Delaware-to have good shots at making the second round. However, this is as far as these two teams will go.
The outlook looks good for Duke, as long as they can avoid a second defeat at the hands of Cincinnati.
In the South, No. I Auburn will test its credibility against No. 16 Winthrop, making its first NCAA tournament appearance. Another contender to take the South from Auburn is No. 2 Maryland, which will face last year's Cinderella story, Valparaiso. No. 3 St. John's will try their best to outplay the run-and-gun style of No. 14 Samford.
The wild card team in this bracket might be No. 11 George Washington, which finished the season winning 16 of its last 20 games.
However, in my view, I see Maryland coming out winning a close game against Auburn in the regional final.
The Wild, Wild West will be very competitive. No. 1 Connecticut was the Big East Champion and will take on Texas-San Antonio.
Final Four finalist and No. 2 seed Stanford will once again take a shot at making the big time.
North Carolina might have gotten a high seed at 3, but this will not be the Tar Heel team from years past.
Pennsylvania returns to the tournament after a three year absence. They take on No. 6 Aorida and might pull off the upset. Another team that could make some noise is No. IO Gonzaga, which will take on Minnesota.
Although there could be plenty of upsets, I see the Huskies coming out of the West.
In the Midwest, Big Ten Champion Michigan State will try to change the critics' minds and go to the Final Four.
No. 2 Utah will take on No. 15 Arkansas State. Utah wants to get back to the Championship game and they have a good shot.
No. 3 and defending National Champion Kentucky will meet New Mexico State in a game that should be a blowout for the Wildcats. They are coming off winning the SEC Championship and have the most depth in the tournament.
Kansas got dealt a No.6 seed and might set up a dream second-round match between itself and Kentucky.
Villanova was rewarded with a No. 8 seed and will take on Mississippi.
Rhode Island is a team that no one thought would be in, but is. They won the A-10 and
have a superstar in Lamar Odom. They are on a roll.
Although Michigan State will be the favorite, I have to go with Kentucky, which is the hottest team other then Duke.
So the Final Four is set: Duke vs. Kentucky and Maryland vs. Connecticut.
I think that both games will be good. Connecticut bas just too much for Maryland and will face Kentucky. That's right, all you riders out there, the Wildcats will once again bring the end to Duke's season.
The reason I feel this way is because Kentucky has been to the big game. 1lris Duke team has not. Kentucky has the mental advantage over the Blue Devils from last year.
Even though the Wildcats lost to Duke in the beginning of the year, this is the time of the year it matters and anything can happen. Kentucky will win.
So the championship is set for March 29 at St. Petersburg. Kentucky vs. Connecticut. I'm going to go with the Champs. The Wildcats will outrun and outplay the youthful Huskies.
Look for a close score but Kentucky will prevail once again and take the crown.
NickLuchkois a sophomoremajoringin English/ communication.Heis a staffwriterforLoquitur. If youtakehispicksseriouslyandlose,he'snot givinganyrefunds.
te€~tates that there must be seven teams in er" conference. sports editor a conference competing in the sport for at In the past, three teams from one confer-
This past soccer season, the Cabrini Cavaliers ended their regular season with just one loss and a Pennsylvania Athletic Championship, but still did not have the opportunity to go to the National Collegiate Athletic Association tournament.
Last year, the the Cavaliers were snubbed from the tournament as well, this time in the sport of basketball, after winning the PAC for an unprecedented sixth time in a row.
•Right now, however,Cabrini is guaranteed that this sort of travesty will never happen again due to new legislation passed in January by the NCAA's Division III.
The Division III schools overwhelmingly voted their support-200 votes to 80-for the mandate presented by the President's Commission of Division III to give automatic bids to conference champions that met certain criteria.
There are numerous criteria to be met in this new legislation to be eligible to get a conferenc~automatic bid. The main cri-
least two years to be eligible for the auto- ence could make the tournament while no matic bid. schools from conferences like the PAC made The bottom line is that the PAC meets that it. Hence the idea of the old boys network. It criteria for the most part and that this is the was impossible for teams from the PAC to biggest Division III ruling for the PAC and play on a level playing field with other Cabrini College since the PAC's inception, schools because they did not have the opaccording to John Dzik, Cabrini's athletic portunity to prove themselves. director and originator of the PAC. Now, for parity's sake, the rules are differDzik feels that the new legislation and this ent. automatic bid rule will help Cabrini to be- That was the case with the men's soccer come a player in Division ill tournaments team this year. They had dominated the PAC that were traditionally dominated by mem- for the entire year and won the conference, bers of an "old bo¾'' network. yet still did not get the bid. They could not Cabrini is now on the inside as opposed to be expected to ever increase their status in the outside looking in. It was a position Division III soccer if they could not play the those basketball and soccer teams had to be- best in the NCAA tournament come accustomed to until now.
"Our league deserves to have representation," Dzik said.
Traditionally, before this legislation was passed, teams in "stronger" conferences who did not win their conferences would appear more desirable to the selection committee than other schools that won their "weak-
Now schools like Cabrini will be given that chance to compete on a level playing field with others.
"This perception that we are not good enough to compete is false. Now it can be settled on the court where it should be," Dzik said.
They will get their chance, next year.
Last summer, Americans were swept away by the home run race between Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa.
Now, while baseball teams are in spring training, Americans are mourning the death of one of the greatest men to ever play the game.
The legendary Joe DiMaggio passed away at his home in Florida on Monday at the age of 84.
In September, he was diagnosed with lung cancer and battled complications from surgery since then.
However, he will not be remembered for the way he died, but for the way he lived. DiMaggio started playing center field for the New York Yankees during the Great Depression in 1936, a most difficult time in the nation ·s history. His first years in baseball were to be the country's last years of innocence before so many young men were sent to fight in World War IL
Even DiMaggio put his 13-year career on hold to serve for three years in the war.
His incredible athleticism and graceful nature both on and off the field quickly made him a national hero at a time when Americans needed someone to have faith in.
DiMaggio exemplified the American dream. As the son of an Italian immigrant
living in San Francisco, his sheer talent, not money or power, propelled him to the top of the game.
He became an inspiration for all Americans, especially those of Italian heritage.
Dr. Joseph Romano, professor of philosophy, saw DiMaggio play against the Philadelphia Athletics at Shibe Park in Philadelphia in the late 1940s.
Although he doesn't remember much about the game that day, he does remember the powerful impact DiMaggio had on Italian-Americans at that time.
"He was a social role model for ItalianAmericans," he said. "The Italian-American community needed him as their hero."
DiMaggio was highly esteemed by vice president for student development Dr. Bob Bonfiglio's family.
According to Bonfiglio, Frank Sinatra and DiMaggio were two Italian-Americans that were very special in his house.
"Joe DiMaggio was skillful but also very humble about what he did," he said. Bonfiglio was only a baby when DiMaggio retired, so he has learned about DiMaggio's baseball feats from his treasured copy of "The DiMaggio Albums," a two-volume set of press clippings from all the games DiMaggio ever played.
There were many baseball feats. In 1941, DiMaggio had a 56-game hitting streak, a record that no one has broken,
not even super-slugger Mark McGwire.
Romano believes that this "56-game streak is more important than the homerun record."
Romano said an examination of the records would show that DiMaggio, nicknamed the "Yankee Clipper," rarely struck out, something few players today can claim.
With the New York Yankees, he won nine World Series' Championships. He was Most Valuable Player three times.
In his rookie season, DiMaggio made a record $8,500. By 1949, he signed a $100,000 contract, the first player in baseball to do so.
He retired from the game in 1951. Although he was initially passed over in 1954, he was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1955.
He played in several old-timer games at Yankee Stadium after his retirement.
"Joe DiMaggio transcended several generations," athletic director John Dzik said.
Many of his fans never got to see him play, but are still awestruck by his
Future generations will not only have his baseball records; he has also been immortalized in literature and music.
Romano speculated about whether or not DiMaggio would have become such a legend if he had not played with the New York Yankees, but there is one thing about which he is absolutely certain. "He was an incredible baseball player," be said.
The flag at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y. hung at half-staff on Monday and DiMaggio's plaque in the museum was adorned with flowers. He will be buried in his hometown of San Francisco today.
D'Oraziostaff writer and sports editor
Dreams do come true.
As senior Melissa Posse and the Lady Cavaliers basketball team can tell you, though, it doesn't happen overnight, and it definitely doesn't happen without a fight.
This team has won important games before the recent victories.
This past season has actually included many memorable moments that the team members, coaches and proud Cabrini community members will never forget.
Talcefor example, Posse's 2,000th point.
Yes, making memorable events happen on the court has been something this team did best.
The Lady Cavs then won the first round of the PAC playoffs against Cedar Crest 69-50 in a dominating team performance.
Last weekend, however, marked the culmination of more than a full season of hard work and dedication from an enthusiastic team.
When the Lady Cavs defeated Marywood 79-74 on Friday in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference semi-finals and then captured the PAC championship title in the final game against Gwynedd-Mercy, 61-52, the missing puzzle piece to team captain Posse's career was put into place.
Posse received a good deal of help from teammates Erin Crawford, a first-year forward, and sophomore guard Gina Vrrelli during the championship tournament.
Crawford scored 27 points in the game against Marywood and Vrrelli added 15. Crawford came back the next day against Gwynedd-Mercy and drained 20, garnering the team high.
Junior Erin Barney, who came off the bench to add defensive pressure, said, "Winning the championship is greater than anything else."
This career-making win for the Lady Cavs in the PAC opened the door for the team to play in a National Collegiate Athletic Association tournament game against Johns Hopkins University.
The Lady Cavs travelled down to Baltimore, Md., for their game against Johns Hopkins.
1/16/99-2/6/99 Lady Cavs win 10 PAC gamesin a row.
'2/17199 Senior Melissa Posse scores her 2,000th career point as the Lady Cavs beatMarywood71-61.
Despite 15 points from Posse, the Lady Cavs dropped the first-round contest to Johns Hopkins, 61-53.
Trailing 34-25 at the half, the Lady Cavs could not overcome the deficit and were eliminated from the NCAA Division ill tournament.
As for next season, the Lady Cavs have a strong, young nucleus that could very well result in another PAC title. PAC rookie-of-the-year winner Crawford is complemented by first-year forwards Mary Ellen Murphy and Kendra Ryer.
Murphy started in 27 out of 28 games and scored 8.1 points per game.
Ryer came off the bench and averaged 4.5 rebounds per game. Ryer's rebounding totals were good for second on the team.
Barney said that finding power in the center may be the only hurdle in the drive to a repeat, and Ryer may become that power.
"Everything else is in place for a repeat," Barney said.
While most Cabrini students were taking a much-needed vacation, the elite runners of Cabrini's track team were competing in the ECAC championships in Boston.
The ECAC championship is the biggest meet of the indoor track season.
The qualifying times and distances are very high, so only the best of the East Coast get to compete in the meet.
Cabrini's top performer in the meet was first-)e.2r student Ttffan~ Cor-ry.~'ho rm m t!le 55m hurdles and was pan of the women's 4x200m relay team.
Corry's indi-.idual perfor-
mance in the 55m hurdles earned her the honor of being selected All ECAC. She finished just short of qualifying for nationals by finishing in a time of 8:92.
According to Coach Tom O'Hora, this was the first time Corry broke nine seconds in her event.
Her sixth place finish was also note worthy because she was seeded only 14th when entering the race.
For the rest of the Lady Cavs, the season was fittingly concluded with a strong finish in the -ix200.
For most of the season, the first-year runners have made up the core of the team, and this race was no different.
Due to an injury to junior Hamirah Mobley, the women's short distance team has consisted entirely of first-year students. The 4x200 team consisted of frrst-year runners Corry, Amanda Campbell, Donna Kain and Kristen Zielinski.
The relay team finished first in their heat and l 0th overall with a time of 1:51.15.
All of the runners ran strong races, with an average split of 28 seconds.
Particularly impressive was Kain, who had to overcome illness in order to compete in the race.
For the men ·s team. the highlight was the distance medley relay, which broke the school record set earlier this year.
The team consisted of sophomore Ryan Jones in the 1200m, sophomore Shawn Hazlett in the 400m, first-year srudent Patrick Hutton in the 800m and sophomore Jason Bull in the mile.
According to O'Hora, Jone got the team off to a good start, and the team performed better than had been expected.
Other Cabrini athletes who qualified to compete in the ECACs were senior James Williams and Hazlett, who both competed in the 55m. sprint.
With the indoor season now completed. the team is looking forward to competing in the spring outdoor season, beginning later in the semester in late March.
Melissa Posse and company made good on their preseason promise of a PAC championship during spring break, as they beat Gwynedd-Mercy for the PAC championship.