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Poetry vortex revived
by Stephanie Masucci
The Red Cloud Coffee House has opened its doors for a third year to music, monologues, poetry and stories.
Thiseclectic array of en• tert,munent is held under an event6d PoetryVortex.
The "poetry club·• was controlled by former resident director John Osbourne and former student Jared Schierbaum for a year.
Anthony DiMartini
Gary Rupacz
Fait Nern
Andy Johnson
• Merle Spandorfer art exhibit opening in the Grace and Joseph Fine Arts Gallery Nov. 7, 3-5 p.m.
• The Red Cloud Coffee House will be presenting "Suburbia" Nov. 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 but the perfonnance on the 19 is free.
1umoiBen Lunnand his partner; sophomore Julia Teti, llave taken the liberty of~ this "poetry we Ill)' fOIDl expmsioD:' ...
They handed over their club to Lunn in hopes that he could run it sufficiently. Teti joined forces last year to help take the load off Lunn's back.
Sophomore Chris Swift enjoys the aura present at these events.
• tentense show$. everything and
It ell startedtine years ago when a group of students decided that there was not.bing available for thosepeoplewho wanted to express their feelings tbrougb poetry.
"lt's a time wherewe can • bang out. ltsten to oor friends• piecesof work.and drinkcoffee."
DependingOD the night. the Red Cloud Coffee House can hold a pretty large amount of spectators.
"Frie,nds of the performers come to supportthem. Somepeoplean~ non- assistant a & e editor students," Teti said. Lunn and Teti are looking for a ·'new crew" to help them out with their club. They are looking for people to help them coordinate events.
Poetry Vortex is generally held at the Red Cloud Cof• fee House, located in Grace Hall.
They may sometimes be held in the Widener Lecture Hall as well, which is located on the second floor of the WidenerCenter.
The regulars are interested in seeing new faces and hearing new voices. This is an excellent oppommity to relax, have fun and listen to free expression.
Keep your eyes and ears peeledfor upcoming Poetry VortexEvents.