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by Melissa Lepouski staff writer
There are many good reasons to exercise and be physically fit. There are also many forms of exercise. Exercise can be formal and structured. According to Susan Fitzgerald, RN at Cabrini College, "for your physical health and mental health you should exercise." If you make yourself exercise for the first three to four weeks, then the benefits of exercise will only make you continue.
When choosing an exercise, one should think about what one wants to get out of exercising. Goals should be set and determination to reach them must be made. Before exercising always stretch and warm-up so pulled muscles and injuries can be avoided. "You should exercise for 30 minutes three to four times a week to get a full benefit from exercising," Fitzgerald said.
Too much exercise depends on the person's ability and flexibility. If you are an athlete then you will be able to do more than someone who is not athletic. There is really no such thing as too much exercise. "More is better but only up to a point. You should definitely not exercise the same muscle seven days a week,"Fitzgerald said. If you do not have time to exercise then you could always walk or run, which still works the cardiovascular muscles. Cabrini's campus is great for walking not only because it is so beautiful, but also because of the hills. The campus also features the Dixon Center, which has two types of exercise machines, weights and cardiovascular. Kelly Miskin a student who works at the Dixon Center said, "these are the best machines to use when you are exercising."
The Dixon Center has different kinds of aerobics classes. Water exercise, step-n-sculpt, kick boxing, step aerobics, body sculpting, hi-energy-low energy impact, water step aerobics and tai chi are some of the features. Classes are available every day of the week at different times. There is a sheet at the Dixon Center counter that tells you when they are. The center also has machines like the cardiovascular, treadmills, Stairrnasters, elliptical trainers, bikes, free weights and strive equipment, which are very new.
The Dixon center has many people over there exercising and very nice students and staff there to help you out if you need help with anything. "I like to exercise," Kate MacMenamin said, "I also do it to stay in shape."
Kelly Miskin, a sport science major, knows how important it is to exercise. "I love to exercise," Miskin said "I do it about four to five times a week."
The center is open seven days a week and all are welcomed.