April 27, 2000 issue 22 Loquitur

Page 7

Educating to avoid repetition

Kent State University, Ohio, was the scene of a bloody battle of civil rights between students and the national guardsmen. May 4 marks the 30th anniversary of the event that left 4 students dead, 9 wounded and millions questioning the reasons why this force was necessary against unarmed students.

Story on page 2

C a b r I n I C 0 l l e g e Vol. XLVI, o. 22
April 27, 2000
Radnor, PA 19087
The above photos were taken from Prof Cathy Yungmann's 1973 Kent State Yearbook

Kent State U. tragedy reaches30th anniversary

It was 1970.

President Richard Nixon recently announced that the fighting in Vietnam would expand to Cambodia. This meant more drafting of college students. Tension built across the country, especially at Kent State University in Ohio. Angered students banded together and burned down the big wooden ' ROTC building on Kent's campus.

The governor of Ohio, James Rhodes, summoned the National Guard, concerned about the rioters. He was quoted as comparing the outraged students as being "worse then Hitler's brown shirts."

Like unwanted chaperones, the National Guard came to campus.

Cathy Yungmann is currently the associate professor of communication here at Cabrini. In 1970 she was a freshman working at Kent State University's radio sta-


''The [National Guard] invasion was ridiculous. Every third car was a National Guard jeep. There were curfews so no one could go out anywhere at night," Yungmann recalled. "Noise from helicopters distracted us 24 hours a day. People were not permitted to walk together to class with more than three people," she continued.

Days later a group of people gathered together on a campus hill to peacefully protest. The National Guard threatened the group, ordering them to disperse and they refused.

Soon after, tear gas was sent up the hill. "Supposedly next there was an unconfirmed shot from the protesters towards one of the guards. Nevertheless, the National Guard opened fire,"Yungmann explained.

Four students were killed in the line of the National Guard's fire.

Nine were wounded.

Sandy Schrowder, an honor student, was reported to be walking in the opposite direction going to class and was killed by a "stray bullet."

hard to imagine the immensity of Kent's campus. With 20,000 kids attending, not one was outdoors. It was eerie."

The students had to evacuate the campus immediately. They were not allowed to return to gather their belongings for another six weeks. "When we were finally allowed to go back, we had an hour to get there and had to be escorted by the guards at all times."

-Cathy Yungmann, associate professor of communication said about the walk back to her dorm after the shooting took place

Yungmann stayed at the radio station to cover the news. Only one hour after the shootings, she returned to her dormitory. "I will never forget that walk home. It's

Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor of history, was a second lieutenant in the Vietnam war. " I feel that it was inappropriate for the officers to be issued live ammunitions," Girard stated. He continued, 'The First Amendment allows people to protest. Therefore they had every right to be there and had no business being shot."

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, a popular singing group at the time, wrote the song titled, "Ohio." VHl senior producer Thomas Kaniewski was quoted in

an on-air interview saying, "It was a hard-hitting song that indicted an American president for murder. It shows that freedom of speech is alive and well in America-- that song gives back a voice to the students who had it taken away that day."

David Crosby. of C,S,N&Y,recalled in an interview, " There we were, reacting to the reality. The song named names and pointed the finger. It said 'Nixon.' I was so moved by it that I completely lost it at the end of the song in the recording studio, screaming ... 'Four. Why How many more?'

" Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young gave a free concert for the students when they returned to Kent State in September. "It was our anthem. We went crazy when we heard it," Yungmann stated.

The Kent State shootings erupted an explosion of protests countrywide. Four-hundred universities and colleges were shut down and even professors staged strikes. "It struck me as strange and ironic that African-Americans were killed at Jackson State University shortly after [the Kent State shootings]. But it never made the media," Girard speculated.

Nixon's press secretary, Ron Ziegler, responded to the country on air about the deaths, "when dissent turns to violence, it invites tragedy."

And so, this May marks the 30year anniversary of the time when Kent State was in turmoil. When asked how hearing the song "Ohio" after all these years affects her, Yungmann manages a quieted whisper, "After all this time, it is still very emotional."

For more information on the Kent State shootings, several networks will be airing shows around the anniversary of the shootings. VH-1 will be airing a segment on its "For the Record" called "Politics," in which "Ohio" will be featured. The show will feature archival footage from the demonstration and interviews with a shooting victim. Also, NBC. on May 7, will air a miniseries entitled, 'The 70s," which will feature incidents surrounding the Kent State tragedy.

2 NEWS Thursday, April 27, 2000
''With20,000 kids attending,not one was outdoors.It was eerie."
photo taken from Cathy Yungmann's 1973 Kent State yearbook The National Guard, armed with machine guns, throws tear gas towards students at Kent State University in order to try and stop protesting. The presence of the guardsmen resulted in four student deaths and nine more being wounded. The incident at Kent State is remembered 30 years after the horror.

Construction booms in Phila as GOP nears

Philadelphia has been shifted into the national spotlight due to the Republican National Convention, which will be in town on August I.

The convention will push the city into political prominence that it hasn't enjoyed since a dis-

needed to the late I960s. host the large crowds the convenPhiladelphia has been preparing tion traditionally draws. The for this event since it was offi- convention center has over 1.3 cially named the host for the con- million square feet of space availvention. The city able, making it the second largest was considered to be a major center in the Northeast. contender for the convention Construction has become upon completion of the First prevalent throughout the region, Union Center and the Pennsylva- mostly concentrated in Center nia Convention Center, pictured City. Construction is nearly comlower left, giving the city the as- pleted on the Penn's Landing

A major element for the city to be able to host a convention of such prominence is the availability of hotel rooms easily accessible to the convention sites.

A Marriot Hotel at 15th and Arch streets, Center City, pictured below right, recently opened giving the area muchneeded accomodations' space.

Besides the overwhelming amount of work being do!le to get the city in top shape for the GOP, Peco Energy has launched a project increasing the electrical capacity of the South Philadel-

at cost of over $ I million. The increased electrical service will allow for more dynamic and energy-intensive light and sound systems.

I 0,000 volunteers and officers from Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey will be assisting city workers and officials to avoid any mishaps. They are prepared to handle the worst-case scenarios and have staged terrorist attacks to make sure they are ready to handle the large numbers expected.

Loquitur NEWS 3
photos at top left and bottom right by Joe Holden astrous Democratic convention in sembling space that it photos top right and bottom left by Stephanie Rose Masucci Hyatt, pictured above left. phia sports complex buildings

Students, faculty participate in recent health fair

Students and faculty alike participated in the health fair, which took place in the lobby of the Dixon Center on April 12 from 11 a.m to 3 p.m. A variety of opportunities took place, such as

having your cholesterol checked, locating sun damage on your face and getting a massage, to name a few. Admission to this event was free.

For those who were thirsty, Fresh Fields Whole Food Marketc; gave samples of protein drinks. The drinks were made out of Tri

Protein Plus in vanilla, frozen mix berries and soy milk.

Students were asked to sign in when they arrived and were invited to participate in a raffle. The prizes were a long sleeve T-shirt, a water bottle and wall and desk clocks. If someone wanted to go to a certain table, they had to sign in and wait for their name to be called.

One of the more popular tables was the cholesterol screenings, where you have a drop of blood taken from your finger to determine both your HDL and LDL cholesterol levels.

"It's an awareness program to tell people the results so they can make better choices," said Mary Gilliford, who administered the test.

For those who were not able to turn in their alcohol survey, health educator Karen Pollack gave people a second chance to participate.

At times, it seemed that there was more than one table for a particular screening. An example was the cholesterol screening, which consisted of three tables. Also, it seemed that not all the screenings were available during the four hour time slot. Those who came in the late afternoon

may have noticed that there wasn't a Diabetes screening table available.

Seniors Tia Starkes and Kim Phillips went to tables such as the Diabetes screening, the sun damage screening and the cholesterol screening. "I thought there were

going to be more tables, but overall I thought it was pretty good," Starkes said. Phillips commented by saying, "I like the sun screening table. It was pretty good and pretty informative. It's better than paying to have it done."

4 NEWS Thursday, April 27, 2000
photo by Cynthia Taura Sophomore Georgie Rushworth watches as Geri Lynn Utter takes the opportunity to get her eyes checked at the Health Fair held on April 12. photo by Cynthia Taura Dr. Marilyn Johnson, professor of English, enjoys a relaxing massage given by a professional working at the Health Fair.
Now open to students, faculty and staff CABRINIANAROOM, SECOND FLOOR,HOLYSPIRIT LIBRARY Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30-3:30 p.m. Exhibit, book and photo collection and archival materials relating to St. Frances Cabrini and Italian immigration. What's Going On Tliis Weelc ' ' ,. •·· •. ' .• ' Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday • Bingo, 9 p.m., • M's Tennis PAC, • M's Tennis PAC; • W's Softball • Mass, 4:45 p.m., WCGA TBA TBA PAC, TBA Bruckmann Chapel • W's Softball • M's GoJf PAC, of St. Joseph PAC, TBA TBA • M's Lacrosse • Mass, 7 p.m., PAC, TBA Bruckmann • Hat 'N' Tie, 9 Chapel of St. p.m.- 1 a.m., Joseph Grace Hall Atrium

Last Week in the World of News



4/22, New York City, New York

The U.S. stock market volatility should do nothing to dampen the domestic appetite for new cars, provided a long-term on Wall Street is avoided.

4/21, London, England

Jan Leschly, outgoing chief executive of UK drugs giant Smith Kline Beecham Pie, has attacked the British government for not giving enough support to ~e country's pharmaceuticals industry.

Hat and Tie to be last dance of school year

It is that time of year again for the annual Hat and Tie dance that is sponsored by the Campus Activities and Planning Board. The free dance for all Cabrini students and their guests will be held this Saturday. The Hat and Tie, which is a semi-formal dance, is a Cabrini tradition. The CAP Board asks that all students wear hats and ties that are humorous.

This year the theme is "Monopoly." The dance will be from 9 p.m. to I a.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium.

There is no need to have a date. Come with someone, stag or come with a bunch of friends.

Tricia Arnold, chairperson of the CAP Board, said, "The Hat and Tie is always a good time."

Senior Merrie Lewis agrees with Arnold. "I can't wait to attend my very last Hat and Tie."

If you are of age to drink, bring your identification because alcoholic beverages will be served to those only with the proper identification.

Also, the newly elected members of the Student Government Association executive board will be inducted at the dance.

Those interested in turning in requests for songs can do so by dropping them off at the Student Development office prior to this Saturday.

4/23, Eilat, Israel

During his first visit to Israel, Jordanian King Abdullah II talked about the need for progress in the peace process, calling on Israel to make Jersalem an "open-city" for Jews, Muslims and Christians.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori took a big step toward early elections, saying he will decide next week whether to go to the polls in June.

4/24, Kualalumpur, ,.

Malaysia ...,,,~

Six masked as- J \ sailants have taken \\ more than 20 people,

including Americans • _ and Europeans hostage on a resort island in Malaysia.


Loquitur NEWS
J-Melissa Lepouski photo by LinseyHeiser
from left to right: Margo Bare, Sister Mary Louise Sullivan and Shirley Dixon enjoy a scrumptious meal in the cafeteria during the teacher appreciation luncheon sponsored by the Academic Board.


There is something missing from the collection of songs b}' Judy Paster.

What's missing is the loud, screeching noises accompanied by furious guitar chords and jangled, static-sounding notes that have become the repeated ingredient in most "nouvelle" artists.

A nice change and rather refreshing, Paster presents a line of songs that don't lecture, anger, complain or irritate but instead explore different emotions, relationships and situations that she has gone through and invites others to relate to.

While some critics are calling her the "next Sheryl Crow" and comparing the "Petite Powerhouse of Sound" to really rocking tunes, Paster has more folk songs than anything else.

The interesting thing about Paster's music is that each song has its own identity. That is to say that one song is not an exact mimic of the other, or the same tune with the chords reversed. Her songs have structure and an almost innocent quality to them that make them enjoyable to listen to.

Surprisingly, the best song on her self-titled album is the last one, "All My Relations." It delivers some nice harmonies and the kind of melody that can be stuck in one's head without getting annoying.

"Rise and Fall," "Running" and "All My Relations"

photo on the far right is courtesy of Randex Communications, center photo obtained from inside of CD jacket.

For more information on Judy Paster log onto www.airrecords.com, CDNow and Amazon.com.

have good beats that veer towards the style of classic rock. Also refreshing in a mass-produced era of studio brats and bubble-gum pop composed with a click and a switch of machinery and manipulation, is the fact that Paster practices the lost art of writing all her own songs.

If you're looking for riot grrl music or heavy, crashing sounds, it won't be found on Paster's album. What will be found is nice music. There is nothing shocking, revolutionary or incredibly outstanding about Paster's sounds, but there's nothing wrong, horrendous or intolerable about them either.

Paster is like the yellow jelly bean in the bag; nothing to love, nothing to hate but if it's there, something to like.

6 Thursday, April 27, 2000
®'VJ) ~[3~ lJ[M)ffiffi@)@ffi,~, "irOil@ lMl@O[j\)OO[j\)@11@} lMl@@}i! ~@[j\)U@(m ~~!) h,... • Tune in to Cabrini College Radio '} ®":) Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday from noon to midnight. Call in to request a favorite song, or keep a D.J. company 610-902-8453 • 1 . . Ii i Senior Art Exhibit Mays Grace and Joseph Gorevln Fine Arts Department In the Holy Spirit Library 3-6 p.111. 77

Do you have a talent? Are you in a band? Are you hoping to be the next big fashion model on the scene, or just trying to get some acting work? If you are trying to get into the "biz," then you know how hard it is to get your name and face out to the professionals.

Starting up a career of this kind is a very difficult process.

There's a new web site to help you in your ordeal. lam.com is set up for aspiring actors, models, dancers and musicians. A $75 subscription fee puts you on the web and lam.com will post your resume, headshot, demo tape and any other vital information that you would normally have to send out to agencies and talent scouts.

The web-wide digital capacities of the service replace the usual shipping costs, traveling expenses, and overall time it takes to get yourself out there. Plus, your information is available to industry professionals from New York to Los Angeles and everywhere in between with just the click of a mouse.

The web site links you to a community of like-minded, aspiring talents who are going through the same process you are. Chat groups organized by profession, advice from others who have made it into the business, casting call news and industry message boards inform the aspiring performer about how the scene works. Celebrity interviews, music reviews and top model fashion and hair tips might be interesting to anyone, talented or otherwise.

Anyone can visit the site and see the hopeful future actors, musicians, models, dancers, singers, songwriters and so on. Once you have your face and facts on the site, you

The poetsstage

Amy Gassen staff writer

"Only God can predict anything with any accuracy." This line was delivered from "Predictions," one of the artistically read poems by Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore. The Islamic-convert beat poet read his literary works in the mansion lobby on April 18. About 30 students, faculty, staff and friends of the poet sat in the audience as the lobby was transformed into the poet's stage.

The event was sponsored by Cryptic, Cabrini's literary magazine advised by Dr. Seth Freebie, along with the office of diversity initiatives headed by Shirley Dixon.

"Daniel Abdul-Hayy Moore is arguably America's leading Muslim poet. Since 1990, his work as a poet and as an editor has appeared in numerous literary and religious magazines and journals. One of his sonnets appears in the forthcoming issue of Cryptic," Freebie said The literary magazine will be available to the community on May 1.

Moore intermittently played various instruments originating in third world countries while reading his works. Two brown cushioned metal chairs and an empty suitcase covered by a green cloth created a table to prop up a few of his larger instruments. He also played smaller string and wood instruments which the poet referred to as "an eclectic bunch of things."

During the performance, Moore periodically addressed the audience. He shared his thoughts on his works. "I shouldn't talk in between cause there's this spell,'' he had said during one of his performance breaks.

can refer anyone to your portfolio. The site advertises that they help you set up your headshot and resume "the way the professionals want to see them."

You can visit http://www.lam.com to see if you want to post your talented profile, to view the upcoming talent, or just to take a look into the industry.

Editor'spick of the week

Enigma, The Screen Behind The Mirror

Full of interesting sounds, pulsing beats and infectious melodies that , despite sounding cheesy, stir the senses. A sound addition to any CD collection.

1O Things I Hate About You

Only about 1O million things to love about this current adaptation of William Shakespeare's "Taming Of The Shrew" starring Julia Styles.

"Predictions,'' "Love Song," "Statement of Witness" and "The Blind Beekeeper" were among the works that Moore read. During ''The Blind Beekeeper," the last poem read, Moore requested audience participation. While he read off a list of names, he had the members of the audience "buzz" a response.

Written and audio versions of Moores works were on sale after the show. Those that are interested in purchasing the authors works can contact him at Abdalhayy@aol.com. Also, The Ramadan Sonnets, a bookof his poetry, is available at Borders bookstore chain.

His work touches on themes of love, social justice and reflect his abiding faith in God, Muhammad, and the enduring spirit of poetry.

Commenting on the performance, Azeen Keramati, junior, stated, "It was really cool. He reminds me of Alan Ginsburg."

Loquitur A&E
There is a new web site out there in computer land that is appealing to hopefuls and wanna-he's of every entertainment and fame-craving category. Just another novel idea to introduce fresh faces to agents more affordable and efficiently.
photo obtained from Vogue

Visitin& Vall y For e National Park

I could feel the sun heating up the top of my head and a light wind brushing hair across my face. This year we had some crazy encounters with Mother Nature. Some days seem pleasant and sunny; however, just when we think it's okay to wear shorts, the rain and wind return, and out come the sweaters. When I went to Valley Forge National Park, spring had finally sprung.

Now is the time for everyone to take advantage of nature and the nearby sites and parks of Cabrini. With sunshine and some culture in mind, Valley Forge National Historical Park is the place to park your picnic basket.

Not only are the verdant green hills fun to play on, but there is a historical twist involved. Luckily, I was able to play on the lush, green, plushy grass, and I even followed a few of the nature trails. For the first time, I saw the Issac Potts House, otherwise known as Washington's Headquarters during the Revolutionary War.

Here's a quick history lesson. In 1777, Washington and his troops lost Philadelphia to the British. The Centennial Army needed a place to regroup. When Washington and his troops sought refuge at Valley Forge, it was a long, hard winter for the troops battling for independence. The significance of Valley Forge is that after their rest, Washington's troops became a more unified body and continued their battles to eventually defeat the British.

Washington's headquarters are open to the public for a fee of two dollars. Also, there is a book store and various exhibits highlighting the American Revolution and the trials and tribulations of the Centennial army's encampment at Valley Forge.

It is not unusual to see some men in costume lurking

Valley Forge Park has something tor everyone. It is a great place to go to get away tor the day.


photos taken by Meghan Merkel throughout the brush. Reenactments are part of the experience of the park.

Valley Forge is only a hop, skip and jump away from Cabrini. [tis a wonderful way to spend the day. With a friend, the many hiking paths, boating activities and biking paths will consume the hours. However, if one prefers to be alone, there are benches, nooks and crannies with which someone can find solitude.

Soon, it will be time to pack up your posters and pick the sticky blue stuff off of your wall. The weather will be calling your name, and one cannot ignore the calls of nature. Gather some friends and enjoy this inexpensive, nature full and historical experience.


Anyone walking into the library on an average day might find a tall, brunette woman standing over a computer giving a student advice or showing a student where to find a certain book. This woman is Anne Schweim, the Cav of the week.

Schweim has been working as Cabrini's reference librarian for 12 years. Her job is not one to be taken lightly, and it is not an easy one either. She oversees references, all of the library instruction sections and circulation. ''The reference is not only answering students' questions but also giving handouts for frequently asked questions, purchasing reference materials and helping with the reference part of the Holy Spirit Library web page," Schweim said.

Included as part of Schwelm's job are library instruction sessions, which are available on an as-needed basis. She works with faculty on a subject or assignment. Some of the sessions are done for psychology,

social work, Sem 100, business, a few biology classes, graduate and accelerated degree programs. She also assists students with history and political science, education, advertising and marketing. Schweim teaches these sessions herself.

In addition, Schweim teaches 1ST 125 for Dr. Paolucci. She usually teaches one course per semester. She also gives infonnation to put in the reference portion of the Holy Spirit Library web page. However, another librarian, Alan Silverman, puts the information on the web.

Schweim ·describes the best thing about her job by saying, "Every time a student asks me a question, I learn something." The worst thing is "not having the time to follow through." When students get A's on a paper, the librarians will usually hear about it.

Schweim also gets along very well with her coworkers. ''We all work very well together in the library. It's a team effort."

photo by Cynthia Taura
Anne Schweim , more than a familar face in the library. is surrounded by books as she pauses from helping students to smile for the camera.


No time for the past; too worried about the future

Has our generation learned from the past? Or, are we a mindless and apathetic group of individuals who are too worried about the future to step back and take a look at what previous generations should have taught us?

4 individuals were killed and 9 were injured as part of a stand against something they believed in. The students at Kent State University were appalled by Nixon's orders to send in more young soldiers to Vietnam. The students banned together to fight a cause that they were very adamant about. When the guards were called in, the students lost their first amendment rights, a privilege that should be respected by all.

The guards suppressed the students to the point of not being able to assemble, a right guaranteed by the constitution.

We live in a society that is ambiguous to events that changed the face of this country many times over. We feel that we are oppressed if the network server is not operating or if the college does not offer call waiting, but the students from Kent State knew what oppression was. Armed guardsmen convening on the college campus to prevent any form of assembly or gathering is inconceivable to us. While we selfishly fret with parking tickets and late dorm constructions, we lose sight of more important issues for ones that concern us directly and only for the time being.

The old adage, we should learn from the past, seems impossible when half of us are oblivious to the fact that such events could have ever occurred.

Most of us are fearful of speaking our minds when it comes to superficial issues, while the Kent State students were willing and did protest the government's actions.

Ignorance should not be as respected as it has come to be. Intelligence and a grasp of what is going on around us will help us to grow into a society that has structure and integrity.

SO's: Not for the innocent

this section has been successful. That is not to say that every column will be deep and provocative. There will be columns that are light-hearted and funny. but it would get boring if every column was like that. The introduction portion of this column is now over. Now let's get to the juicy stuff.

Welcome to the first official column of the Mike "80's" Butler reign as Perspectives Editor. More than likely you have seen me walking around campus and have commented to one of your friends "Who's that scary guy with the hockey hair?" Now you know who I am. Nice to meet you.

Now that we're acquainted, I would like to warn you about this column and probably every other column I write during my reign as Perspectives Editor.

I am not out to win any popularity contests. In fact, I love going against the status quo (the hockey hair and the long back coat should have tipped you off to that) This means that I don't mind being controversial. I actually excel and thrive at pissing people off. I have a natural flair for it. So if you read a column from me and it angers you, then I have done my job. If you read my column and you like it, then I have also done my job.

And whatjob is that, I hear you ask?My job is to stimulate the flow of ideas. I want to make people think. That is what this section is all about. The smallest amount of thought created by reading this section means that

I am not going talk much about the whole Elian Gonzales debacle. The law is the law. He is an illegal alien. He might be six-years old and he might be a cute little boy, but he is still an illegal alien. I have figured out one major message from all the hoopla about letting Elian stay in this country: "We'11only let in the cute illegal aliens." Trust me here, folks. If Elian was thirty-five and butt ugly, people would not think twice about slapping a pair of water wings on his arms, pointing toward Cuba and saying "Happy swimming." Vaya con dios, Elian. Maybe after Castro kicks the bucket you can get into this country legally. Until then, say hi to Uncle Fidel for me.

This past week also saw the anniversary of the shootings at Columbine high school in Littleton, Colorado. It brought back memories of people trying to blame video games and movies and the media for making the two gunmen shoot up their school. No one really blames the teenagers who picked on the gunmen without mercy. Of course, why would we blame them? I'm sure that the

two gunmen would have shot twelve random people even if they were the most popular people in school. Can you taste the sarcasm in that last sentence? Let's think for a second here. Would teenagers who were popular and well adjusted go on a shooting spree? Only the maligned and ostracized students are the ones who go on shooting sprees. And who makes these students maligned and ostracized? If you answered "their fellow students," treat yourself to a cookie because you are correct.

All the coverage about the anniversary of the Columbine shootings has revealed one major fault of our society: Poor people can get shot all day long and no one will care, but when rich white kids get shot the whole nation must mourn. A street corner shooting in the South Bronx does not get its own hour special on The Learning Channel. but the Columbine shooting did. I am not saying that the Columbine killings was not a tragedy, but people are senselessly shot everyday and they do not have large remembrance ceremonies that garner full network coverage. But since the networks are run by rich people, I guess it would make sense for them to give as much exposure to an event concerning other rich people.

So what have we learned this week? Don't let the media tell you what to care about. Find things on your own to care about and care about them for your own reasons, not the media's.

-10 The
editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial board and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
PERSPECTIVES Thursday, April 27, 2000
---We misspelled the name of the movie "Judgment Day."
.nouni.:::> ncm1i;n 5m w011
---We misspelled Georgie Rushworth's name. We are very sorry!

Moving on: What I learned the hard way

It's hard to believe that this semester is near its close. Four years do go fast when you're having fun. As expected, life here was anything but dull. There was a great deal of highs and lows in this trip. As this ride ends, another wiJJ begin and now is the time to start looking back. The lessons that I will take with me are not the ones that involved a lecture or studying for a test of any sort. These lessons are the ones that I learned the hard way. So it is only fitting that my last perspective for the paper shares these lessons with you. There may be some things that you agree with, and others you won't, but these are the precious gems of wisdom that will always be the most valuable. It is okay to make mistakes, it's the one thing that makes all of us the same. It is also why the eraser was invented. Don't dwell on your shortcomings, focus on bringing your strengths out more. This will help you gain confidence and a greater deal of self-respect. Don't regret anything that you have done in life. Learn from everything. No matter what, every choice and move that we make should be looked at in this light.

Remember that not all that glistens is gold. Ever heard of fool's gold? In other words, don't get pulled into some-

thing that's too good to be true if you can help it. Intimacy does not mean that your partner loves you. Be very careful if there is any doubt before taking this step. Better to hold out than to give everything you have to someone that is not willing to accept it. There is someone for everyone out there, just don't throw yourself at everyone who walks through the door. Time does heal broken hearts, as well as bad hangovers. Laughter and music are great medicines for any injuries.

If you are not with your friends, do not drink more than what you can take. In the morning, they'll be the ones to tell you what you really did the night before. Trust your heart. It is the one thing that knows you the best. If you are making a choice that will affect the rest of your life and you doubt for a second, take a day or two to think about it more. Take chances when you can, as long as they do not involve injure to yourself or others.

Do something crazy, something that you and others might not think part of your character. An example of this would be getting a tattoo (provided that it is not vulgar, or something you wouldn't want on your body for the rest of your life). There is something beautiful in everyone and everything. Even if you don't see this right away, don't forget that. A family involves people that respect and love you for the person you are, unconditionally. If your biological family does not provide this, find the family you have in your friends and treat it with care.

Don't ever pack more than you can carry (this means can be taken in more ways than I can count). If your load gets too heavy, it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help. It takes more courage to ask for help than it does to take on more than you can handle. Do not be the ftrst to throw punches, especially if the person you're hitting can drill

you into the ground. Sometimes, it's just best to shrug and walk away.

There 1s a positive side to every negative. It may take time to find it, but it's there. There is no storm that lasts forever. When you strive for perfection, you fall much shorter than you would if you just do the best you can.

Finally, give credit where credit is due. To my friends, who are my family, I love all of you guys and these four years have been a pleasure thanks to all of you. To the staff and faculty that have helped me immensely, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Now, as this journey ends, I will begin another as I start over in Florida. I miss the family of friends that I have left there more than I can explain. Still, it is with I will look back on these four years with a smile and much gratitude. Take care, everyone. Follow your hearts down the right path, then make that path a journey.

Shannon Downs is a guest columnist for the Loquitur. If you read this column out loud while listening to Enya, it will sound a lot like that "Everyone's Free to Wear Sunscreen" song. But who has an Enya CD in their collection? Furthermore, who would admit to owning an Enya CD?

Top Ten Hat Ideas for the Hat and Tie

by Mike "BO's" Butler, Perspectives Editor

10. The fez. It doesn't matter if you're not a shriner or that pudgy bearded guy in the Indiana Jones movies, the fez will serve you well.

9. A football helmet. When you get the urge to put your head through a wall but aren't sure that your noggin' will be able to take it, slap a helmet on your cranium.

8. A construction hat with the beer holders on the sides. Form and function come together in the pinnacle of American haberdashery.

7. A beret. Nobody messes with a guy wearing a beret. Plus I can't resist a girl in a raspberry beret (A little 80's joke there).

6. A tri-cornered hat. Run up and down Residential Boulevard yelling "The British are coming!" See how many people you can make panic before Public Safety apprehends you for your patriotism.

5. A ten gallon hat. It's so huge you could easily sneak a good amount of booze into your dorm in one of these.

4. A bowler hat. This will sharpen you up and get you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence.

3. A top hat. Pull a rabbit out of this hat, or a fifth of vodka. Either way, people will dig the hat.

2. A wide-brimmed purple fidora with a large peacock feather sticking out of it. Because pimpin' ain't easy!

1. Darth Vader's helmet. No one questions the power of the dark side.

Top Ten Tie Ideas for the Hat and Tie

10. A collar and leash. Guys, your girlfriends will love this idea.

9. A Traosformen tie. Nothing says cool like having Optirnus Prime around your neck.

8. A red bow tie. Pee-Wee Herman may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. Show some love to the man!


Perspectives Editor

7. A bolo tie. Wear it with the ten-gallon hat for that rustic, Nashville Network look. Just don't get too excited when they play Cotton-Eye-Joe.

6. A Speed Racer tie. See how many people you can get to sing the Speed Racer theme by wearing this tie.

5. A noose. For when you want to look like The ScareCrow from the Batman cartoon.

4. Barbed wire. The only tie that is HARDCORE!

3. A tie made out of duct tape. Your friends will admire your ingenuity and craftsmanship.

2. A clip-on tie. Easy on. Easy off. /

1. Any tie that has lights in it. It's like Christmas for your neck.

. ' Loquitur PERSPECTIVES 11

Getting the last of my chips off of my shoulder

Crisis 2000" mentality, and Loquitur definitely contributed a lot to the mood on campus. Before that, we took on "Parking Crisis '99," "Apartment Chaos 2000," and the perennial favorite "Evil President Iadorola Raises Tuition to Pay for Duck Pond" controversy.

treated unfairly or disrespected.

So you can see, clearly we were not just another tabloid out on the attack. But, then again, sometimes we were. On that note, I'm going to point a few more fingers at people and things I consider absoulutely ridiculous.

You didn't really think that I was going to pass this section along to '80s without getting one last commentary in. Did you?

"If I could tell the world just one thing, it would be, we're all ok," said Jewel, the gap-toothed Alaskan songstress. And I think that pretty much sums up the year at Cabrini. But there were times this year when I didn't think we would all be ok.

I fed into the whole "Housing

Along the way, we managed to make some friends. We extended a late olive branch to Public Safety, partially because the new director looks like he could lay the smack down if he had to. And partially because a good many of them seemed to acually chill with the students instead of trying to be all hard all the time.

We supported Wood Dining Service, and repeatedly honored "Steak Night," a true red-ticket occasion. And we made a point to support our teachers, especially when we felt they were being

Elian is home with his father. I guess it's a shame that he got sent back, but I think that his life will go on. Not everybody thinks that.

My cousin Patti, a Miami resident, tells me that many Cubans are frightened that Castro is going to eat Elian. Now Castro may be a communist, and he's probably ordered some people killed, but I never heard that he is a cannibal. Elian will probably just go down to Cuba, learn to play baseball, and defect back to America to pitch for the Yankees. By then, Castro will be 103 or so, and he won't mind.

Letter to the editor

Who will take care of the CARE Center?

Dear Loquitur,

As students at Cabrini College, we have many services available to us. The Rooyman's Center (Center for Academic Excellence) houses counseling services, health services, learning disability services, the ACT 101 Program, and the writing lab. For the 2000-2001 school year, Cabrini College is contemplating the out-sourcing of the health services and counseling services to the Jefferson Health Care System. The services of the peer counselor/drug counselors who have served Cabrini stu-

dents may also be out-sourced. This means that the nurses and the counselors who have served Cabrini students for many years will be replaced. Student satisfaction with the present personnel who provide these services is very high. It is very questionable whether out-sourcing these services will provide students with more attention and better care.

I suspect this firing is to save money, and I believe that it will do more harm than good. Replacing these members of our Cabrini family by out-sourcing

is sure to create discontent among students. Why change a system that has proven to be successful?

If we all come together, we can help our present health care professionals and counselors at Cabrini College!

Thank you, Laurel Golub

The writer held a petition signing on April 18 against the out sourcing. Contact the Health Office for more information

On to other subjects George Bush Jr. is about as much a reformer as I'm a Pulitzer Prize winner. Which is not to say that Al Gore is any ball of fire either. The man who should have been our next president, John McCain, is at home in Arizona because the Texas oil billionaires who control the Republican Party sensed an enemy, and the bigwigs responded accordingly, selecting their Fortunate Son, "dubbya."

The NRA continues to stand by the overproduction and easy access to guns, despite the seemingly daily stream of shootings in and around schools. They are quite possibly the most evil industry in America.

If not them, then probably the

tobacco industry, who make millions off of addicting teenagers to a killer drug. And Woody Harrelson gets arrested for planting a few hemp seeds.

So no, the world ain't perfect, but I think we can change it. All we need is to want to.

Chris Nielsen is the former Perspectives Editor and current staff writer for the Loquitur. He lost his editor position to Mike "80's" Butler in a cage match when 80's hit him with a steelchair. Long live "The Dude."

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the tmlnhiblted, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

12 PERSPECTIVES ___________ Th_u_rs_da.J..:.y,_A.._pril_2_7,'--2_000
Editor In chief Joe Holden News editor Managing editor Sports editor I .in.seyHeL~ Stephanie Masucci Jessica Soow A&ll editor Cepyedltor Features editor Shanna Lynn Fanelli Chris\'escl Meghan Merkel Photography editor Perspectives editor Design editor MattHolmes Mike Butler Janke Funk Sports Columnlst Photography and Graphic Design Adviser Adviser Brian O'Connell StaffWriten Tony Barrett Caroline Clll(jUlno l<,,ndraClark Linda Cylc ArnyGassen Jessica GiorCano Chris Nielsen Bernadette Smith Jennifer ten Boom Renee Tornc~nin Gabby Bellran Terry Cipolllnl Beth Conahan CrystalDavis Kristina Geerken Melissa Lepousk Kate Pelust Cynthia Taura MattThol<,y Allison \\~bb Don Dempsey Dr. Jerry Zurek Editorial Board Joe Holden Stephanie Masucci Weh F.ditor Ben Lunn Loquitur Is a laboratory newspaper written. edited and produced by students registered in COM 346, 350, 351. 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publlcatlon. Only students registered in the above classes, however. are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price Is $25 per year and Is Included in the benefits secured in tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. Let Loquitur know what's on your mind! Commentaries and letters to the editor may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community using the following format. We look forward to hearing from you! •Email: Triple80s@aol.com •Classic Mail: The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087 •Phone: (610) 902-8412 •Length: No more than two typed pages •Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters to the editor or commentaries, even at the author's request.

Flyers on a roll to begin the second round

The second round of the NHL playoffs is around the corner and the Flyers are on a roll. One might wonder how they could be playing so well without their star captain Eric Lindros and head coach Roger BRIAN O'CONNELL Neilson. Well, it is very simple. The team has just come together without Lindros and are playing some phenomenal hockey. That was so well exemplified when the Flyers tore apart the Buffalo Sabres, winning the series four games to one. That series was spectacular with some great hockey played. But, there were some real cheap shots by the Sabres.

But, what was most impressive was the Flyers' ability to

get the puck past goalie Dominik Hasek, the "Dominator", who less than dominated the Flyers in this series. The defense has really stepped up for the team and did a great job on the power play.

Rookie goalie Brian Boucher had an outstanding first round for the Flyers. He was so attentive on the quick plays made by the Sabres. There were a few times when the defense was a little off and the Sabres had several opportunities to score, but Boucher scrambled all over the ice to stop every shot, or just about every shot. So, there is no reason to put Vanbiesbrouck in goal anytime soon. Boucher for the second round is a lock.

Coach Roger Neilson, or as he is now called, assistant coach Roger Neilson, is back from his recovery from cancer treatment. There was a huge talk about whether he should return as head coach or as an assistant coach. Some people argued that since Neilson was the head coach, he should return as head coach. However, others argued that

Last week's results for Cabrini sports

Women's Lacrosse

On Tuesday, April 18th, the women's lacrosse team played against Rosemont College at that that team's home field. The women won with a crushing victory of 21- 7.

On Thursday, April 20, the team won again in a match against Villa Julie, in Maryland, with a score of 10-9.

Men's Lacrosse

Men's Lacrosse was also victorious last week. The team was successful in a match against Montclaire State on April 19th. The team walked away with a t9-9 victory

On Saturday, April 22, the men lost to Westchester University with a score of 15-7.

Men's Tennis

Men's tennis played Rowan College

on Monday, April 17th and won with a score of 7-2. The team also played Savannah College, on Tuesday, April 18th, but they lost with a score of 6-3.


The softball team suffered their first loss last week, but the team beat Wesley to leave their record at 34- 7 overall and 21-1 in the PAC.

interim head coach Craig Ramsay should remain as the head coach because the team is on a roll since he has taken over. But the decision was just made this week that Neilson will stay on as assistant coach. Great move, Bob Clarke.

Now, the Flyers have the second round beginning tonight versus the Pittsburgh Penguins at the First Union Center. The Penguins did not win a game against the Flyers during the regular season. But, that does not matter at all since the playoffs are the "real season" to the players. They do not care about the regular season because the playoffs are far more intense.

But now, hockey fans, all we can do is sit back and hope that the Flyers will carry their outstanding team play from the first round to the second round. It will probably happen because this team has dedicated players who are committed to playing their very best. So, let's relax and enjoy the games.


Post-season play for Philadelphia teams

The Flyers successfully finished a series with the Sabres on Thursday, April 20. The team will begin a series against the Penguins tonight and Saturday, April 29. Both . games are a 1n Philadelphia.

The Flyers travel to Pittsburgh for a Tuesday, May 2game.

After an impressive victory

in an away fist game of the series, the Sixers lost 108-98 on Monday at Charlotte.

The Sixers and Hornets are scheduled to meet again on Friday, April 28 at 8 p.m. in Philadelphia and on Mon-

toms were beaten by Hershey on Friday, April 21. The Kixx lost to the Baltimore Blast on Saturday, April 8. The Wings were defeated 14-10 in Canada by the Toronto Rock who the same game 13-2 won last year to advance to the finals.

. This year's game was on the K1xx S t d A ·122 day, May 1. The Wings, and the Phantoms lost in a ur ay, pn the semi-finals. The Phan-

Loquitur SPORTS 13


Spring sports near.end of season


Record: 8-0 in the PAC, 12-4 overall

Top players: Megan Hyde is the team's lead, ing scorer and Angela Grassa is on the PAC: honor roll this week.

Upcoming games: The PAC championship game, Saturday,April 29, will feature the winners of yesturday's Cabrini/ Cedar Crest game and the winner of Wesley/Neumann.

Men's Lacrosse

Record: 4-1 in the PAC, 7-3 overall

Top players: Sohomore Tom Lemieux is the team's leading scorer. He is followed by senior Paul Flohr.

Upcoming games: The PAC championship game is scheduled for Saturday,April 29, at Wesley.


Record: 5-1 in the PAC, 8-6 overall


Top scorers: Seniors Linda Costello and Michelle Gabriel, sophomore Megan Johnston, and first-year students Rita Horning and Erin Brooks helped the talented softball team achieve sucess this season

Upcoming games; Cabrini, Misericordia,Wesley and Gwenyd-Mercywill compete for the PAC championship on Saturday.


Record: 1-2 in the PAC and

Top players: Seniors Brian Dombroski have led Antho Butz, Brian Moose and the it's sucess this season.

and Jeremy eo, Alex of the team to

Upcoming games: The PAC championship is scheduled for Saturday,April29 and Sunday, April 30.

Upcoming games: The Tennis teams last regular season game was played Monday. The PAC championshi12-will be held the following weekeng at Beaver College.

~l4 _______________ SPORTL~-----------Th_u_rsd_~_.A_pn_·12_1,_20_00 •

Yoga: A newly popular ancient tradition

Once deemed to be an activity practiced only by cultists and eccentrics, yoga is now a more well known and widely used form of exercise for the mind and body.

Yoga evolved from the Veda, a collection of ancient scriptural books, which stated that the universe is one and that all religions are "on paths ascending the same mountain towards eternal truth."

Yoga is a Hindu system of philosophic meditation created to link man's soul with God, or a higher being. One of its primary doctrines states that God is within every person, however chooses only to reveal himself in conditions of purity. In order to attain this purity, a person's mind and body must meld together.

Yoga addresses mankind's basic need for control and discipline allowing him to deal with everyday struggles and stresses.

Yoga is a Suskrit word that means "to bind together." In its practice, not only the powers of the mind, body, and emotions are united, but one's individual consciousness and the universal consciousness as well.

It is meant to aid in the search for truth in life as well as the search for one's identity. Yoga is supposed to allow a person to achieve peace of mind, enabling the exploration of life's questions such as 'Who am I'

of yoga, each following its own format and mantra. All, however, have the same basic principles, stemming from the purpose of yoga as being a means of searching within oneself for the answers to life's questions.

There are five basic principles in yoga, which vary little in the different forms: exercise (Asanas), breathing Pranayama, relaxation (Savasana), positive thinking (Vedanta), and meditation (Dhyana). These, along with a proper diet, are important in the practice of yoga.

There are also four Margas, or paths, of yoga, each of which concentrate on different aspects of the art. Jnana Yoga is the yoga of wisdom or knowledge and is meant to help in the development of intellect or will. Raja Yoga is the yoga of self control, which involves allowing the mind to over-rule the body. Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of devotion, which is meant to open up the heart. Karma Yoga is the yoga of action, which is meant to teach selfless service.

Although this art form is complex, many people have been utilizing the main focus and techniques of yoga as a form of exercise and relaxation. Centers for yoga can be found nationwide a~ well as fitness centers offering yoga classes.

Numerous books and web sites online have a lot of information concerning the different forms of yoga, its philosophy, and history.

Many people have considered trying yoga but like many other lifestyle changes, have simply not gotten around to doing it.

Kit Dewey, a first-year student, states, "I've always wanted to try it but I've never actually done it."

To try this ancient art form. The Baptiste Power Yoga Institute in Bryn Mawr, the Yoga Lifestyle Center in Phoenixville and Yoga on Main in Ardmore are nearby.


The city of Philadelphia also has numerous places where yoga is practiced including Urban Yoga Incorporated, Bikrarns Hot Yoga, and it's own Yoga on Main location in Manayunk. There are several different forms

Cabrini's own Dixon Center also offers classes on Wednesday

Vans prove dangerous for traveling teams

Economically speaking 15-passenger vans are an excellent way for colleges to transport athletes to and from their competitions. However, this practice is beginning to appear very dangerous.

In the past four months there have been at least six accidents involving these vehicles in which students and their coaches were injured or died.

Douglas Mosley, the sports information director for the National Association for Intercollegiate Athletics told the New York Times that he "can not remember a year that's gone by that we haven't had news of an accident involving a 15-passenger van."

However, he informs that the economics of the situation do not allow many other options because many schools do not have the money to charter buses or fly teams to games.

The most recent accident was between a tractor trailer and a van holding 9 members of the Tennessee-Martin baseball

team and their coach. The accident happened near Memphis as the coach, Victor Cates, was driving the players home from a game against Mississippi. Cates and two players were left in critical condition.

Last month four athletes from Prairie View A&M's track team were not as lucky. They died when the school's van, which a studen.t was driving, swerved off of an east Texas road.

Since a January 13 accident involving Kenyon College students the school's athletic director has temporarily stopped using vans to transport students. Molly Hatcher, a senior and the captain of Kenyon's women's swim team, was killed. Hatcher's teammate, junior Sarah Steen, was driving the van when it fishtailed, skidded off the icy road into a guardrail and flipped over minutes away from the campus.

The school is currently searching for new guidelines and regulations for decieding when to charter buses and find other forms of transportation for students.

Until then, Kenyon is chartering buses for all of it's athletic competitions.

It is the job of individual schools to decide how to transport teams when the school's state does not regulate the practice.

Some schools require anyone driving students to be licensed specifically for that purpose, others do not need anything more than a regular drivers license. Some charter buses for longer trips, but allow van travel for closer competitions.

According to Leslie Danehy.the assistant athletic director, Cabrini's policy is to charter buses for trips over 60-70 miles and to use vans and mini-buses for closer games. Only coaches are permitted to drive the vans and a certified driver is used for the mini-buses. But, even with precautions taken, accidents happen.

"We had a minor accident with a mini-bus recently, but that was a certified driver, not a coach or a student," Danehy reported.

Loq_u_it_ur__________________ SPORTS--------------------15
photo obtained from the internet
Lo q u 1 tu r Vol. XLVI, No. 22 Thursday, April 27, 2000 Radnor, PA 19087 A dangerous ride?
Several accidents nationwide over the past few months have raised questions about the safety of the vans most college teams use to transport players. Yoga is becominga popular activityfor all differentpeoples. Storyon p. 15. "I .,r * •- ----·Story on page 15 Springsportslookingtoward post-seasonplay.Checkteam statisticson p. 14
photo by Jessica Snow

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