Oct. 18, 2001 issue 07 Loquitur

Page 11

Speed bumps on campus cause many to question: safe-or evil?

What is a speed bump? Speed bumps are traffic "calming" asphalt mounds constructed on streets and spaced normally 300 to 600 feet apart. They are obstacles in the middle of a road usually painted a vibrant yellow to signify its caution to slow down. This obstacle is evenly spread out across the road to enable your vehicle from reaching high speeds in a designated area.

Cabrini students oppose any measure or regulation that is deliberately designed to inconvenience and hinder the legitimate travel of responsible motorists.

"Speed bumps are annoying and useless. The campus is not big enough to have that many speed bumps," Kim Campbell, junior, said.

"As I was driving to class in the dark I hit a big speed bump. If you want them there how about some lights so we can see those annoying speed bumps," Kate Hecht, senior, said.

''The speed bumps are too high and they are messing up cars alignments. Is Cabrini going to pay for new alignments in the cars they messed up?" Monica Martinez, senior, said.

"I feel that the speed bumps are stupid. You can never see them and they ruin your car'' Maureen McQuade, sophomore, said

Many opinions were given about the "bonus" speed bumps Cabrini has put down on their campus to keep vehicles from speeding through congested student crosswalks.

'The most annoying speed bump on campus has got to be the one at the comer of Xavier hall and the road past Woodcrest. It's annoying because it's crooked. It certainly must do something weird to any car's alignment and shocks. The car literally has to go over the bump one 18 19

A speed bump lays in front of the Mansion on Woodcrest road to prevent drivers from driving to fast. Many students complain about the speed bumps that are scattered throughout campus, however, Charlie Shaffner, director of public safety, says that they are for safety reasons.

wheel at a time. Besides the fact that it's probably bad for the car-and really annoying, there doesn't seem to be any real point for making it slanted. "Why do they do that?" Christopher Swift, senior, said "Another silly speed bump is the one at the stop sign in front of the mansion. It's redundant. You necessarily must slow down before

stopping, and if you're not going to stop for a stop sign you progably won't for a silly speed bump much Jess one that looks rather marshmallow-like and placid."

- continued on page 2 20 21 22 23 24

photo by Marcel Basset •Haunted Trail 8- •Haunted Trail 8- •AIDSWalk •Pumpkin painting and treats, 11pm, Grace 11pm,Grace Hall Woods Hall Woods •Mass 7pm. Bruck- 4:30p.m.-7:30p.m. mann Chapel of in cafe St. Joseph -Casino Night 8pm •Musicians- Mi- GraceHall Young Parleand Pong-Hi Park, 7:30pm Mansion

Local students protest bombing of Afghanistan

Protests against the U.S. bombings in Afghanistan are not just coming from o\i"erseas. Many colleges, especially on the east coast, are organizing protests against U.S. military retaliation. Such protests could be seen last week at Haverford and Bryn Mawr College's, both schools planned peace sit-ins on their campuses.

At Haverford College about 80 students sat in the center of campus at Founder's Hall, the oldest building on their campus. There was an open microphone where students voiced their opinions and concerns. According to Pam Sheridan, director of public relations at Haverford College, the students said they weren't happy with the bombings in Afghanistan. There were no counter protests, simply open discussions and forums in their classrooms.

One Haverford student didn't agree with the anti-war demonstrations .. He got on top of a nearby building and yelled at the protesters. The antiwar protesters were able to coax the man down by offering him food. Students at Bryn Mawr College had an all day sit-in for peace. There, students met at Merion Green's, the center of campus. They made signs calling for peace, sang songs, wrote letters to their congressional leaders, and even had lectures. -

At Harvard University, over 500 students turned out to support the Harvard Initiate for Peace and Justice's anti-war protests. One sign held by a student protester Molly McOwen read, "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."

Many students simply walked out of their classes in protest. At Wesleyan University, students walked out of classes 10 minutes into them. Some 200 protesters held a rally followed by a teach-in.

Pro-military demonstrators matched anti~war demonstrators as over 1,000 students at the University of California at Berkley set out to rally.

All over the country, students felt the need to express themselves representing their opinions and beliefs in peaceful manners. After a day of peaceful protests, the students of Haverford and Bryn Mawr College's gather on a Lancaster Avenue comer to protest. They held signs and candles while walking back and forth between the two colleges.

It is important to understano that these students are not anti-American. Carol Gifford, manager of media relations at Bryn Mawr College said that these students were very upset at the loss of life on Sept. 11. Gifford said these students are interested in making peace without bombing Afghanistan.

On the Spot

Cabrini's own improv troupe FREE every Monday night 10p.m.

Widener Center Lecture Hall

Speed bumps populate campus, cause uproar among drivers

-story continued from page 1

If someone is going to walk in front of a speeding car, then they deserve to become speed bumps, and it is more cost efficient," Swift said Charles E. Schaffner, director of

there to slow down vehicles for safety. We are taking this measure because we do not want to have to take drastic measures and call for motor vehicle enforcement."

"If they want to waste concrete, how about making the road a little wider on the main entrance road, so we don't feel like we have to hug the opposing traffic or crash

based on the following criteria: There must be at least 800 vehicles a day traveling the street. The two-lane street must be mainly residential or else have a park or school on the street. The speed limit must be 25 miles per hour. There may not be any regional transit bus routes on the street. The street cannot be a designated emergency response route. However Cabrini is private property and therefore holds the rights to do anything they want with their roads.

Commuters are especially angered by these speed bumps, because they must go over them everyday. "As if commuters don't have enough problems finding parking spaces on any given day, we have to deal with speed bumps as well. I think this school invents ways to make you late for class" Lauren Soscia, sophomore, said. Many Cabrini students agree that the speed bumps are unnecessary and inconvenient.

Billy Williams, first-year student, measures the speed bump in front of Holy Spirit Library. It appears to be two-three inches high. into the stone wall," Swift said. A residential street will qualify for the city's speed bump-program

public safety said, "I like the big speed bumps myself but the fact is they are not doing the job. Speed is a big problem on a pedestrian campus that has a road run right through the middle. The speed bump outside of the mansion is a joke. Drivers don't slow down for the stop sign, let alone the speed bump. We put in the new speed· bumps to slow down the drivers because safety comes first. The speed bumps will not ruin your car if you go over them at the proper speed Those who speed up to the speed bumps, and slam on their brakes are going to blame car problems on the speed bumps. Thankfully there have been minimal collisions on campus and speed bumps will help to keep that number low. The speed bump near Xavier is slanted for drainage purposes. The speed bumps are

"I am happy. Happy that a school that claims that it has no money, can waste the "litJle money" that they have on worthless speed bumps. I don't think that safety is an issue because I haven't noticed a lot of road kill lying around the campus before they were put in. Speed bumps are just plain •annoying'' Clarence Scott, senior, said.

NEWS _________________ Th_ur_sd_~_._0c_t_.1_8_,2_00_1
photo by Marcel Basset A jeep rolls over the big speed bump found in front of the Mansion.

Terrorist-sent mail containing the anthrax disease causes biological warfare scare

NBC, ABC, tabloids papers in Florida, a Microsoft office in Reno and Senator Tom Daschle, the Democratic Majority Leader, have all been targeted. The anthrax disease was sent through the mail to its targets. The infected letters sent to an NBC employee and to Daschle were both postmarked from Trenton, N.J.

While many assume that the terrorist acts are orchestrated by Osama bin Laden, others are looking into Saddam Hussein and southern white supremacy groups as the culprits.

Anthrax is an acute infectious disease cased by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis, according to wonderlandstudios.org/anthrax.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that 2,300 incidents of possible anthrax contamination have been alleged since Oct. 1. Most of the reports were found to be false. Due to the high number of rumors circulating about the disease, many people are running to their doctors to get

a prescription for Cipro, the drug to combat anthrax.

"Nobody should initiate treatment on their own," Susan Fitzgerald, college nurse, said. She warns that Cipro can cause joint problems, particularly among younger people.

Anthrax can be transmitted by inhalation, cutaneously (through the skin), and through ingestion. Humans can become infected by handling contaminated products, by eating undercooked infected animal products and through inhalation of spores of a live strain.

Fitzgerald said, 'There is no risk of getting the disease when it is not live."

Vaccines for the disease are available. Three injections are given three weeks apart followed by three additionally injections six, eight and 12 months after the initial injections.

If an outbreak occurs in this area, Fitzgerald said that we would rely on the emergency services of the local health departments.

Symptoms of anthrax


• a raised, itchy bump that resembles an insect bite develops into a vesicle and then a painless ulcer with a black area in the center

• Swollen lymph glands


-common cold

•breathing problems



•acute inflammation of the intestinal tract


•loss of appetite



•abdominal pain

•vomiting of blood

•severe diarrhea

Cabrini Sisters reach out to victims in NYC

The Cabrini sisters, who sponsor Cabrini College, have been rallying neighbors and partners at Cabrini Medical Center in New York City, located in lower Manhattan not far from the site of the World Trade Center.

There were numerous people disturbed by the harsh acts of violence, especially those who were directly involved. The sisters of Cabrini Hospital are coming together to help the victims and their families pull through this tragic event.

On the day of the crashes, the Cabrini Medical Center gave immediate assistance to those injured by the attack. They worked hard to aid the wounded and provide help wherever it was needed. They gathered food and resources, which were running low, and they

provided medical assistance to those injured. The center's ambulance and emergency medical technicians were immediately organized and rushed to the scene of the crashes.

Within the first four hours, the medical center handled about six thousand phone calls from people seeking information, volunteering to give blood and calling to offer assistance in any way possible.

The major task for Cabrini's Medical Center was obvious: they needed to see to the needs of the community and serve those looking for loved ones lost in the disaster. There·was little use of the emergency rooms in the hospital on the day of the attacks. Most of the victims lost their lives. The center figured, "If we can't save the victims, we will help people locate lost friends and families," says Robin

The Cabrini Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation tried their best to follow the daily routine of the institution and not interrupt the residents' lives, but with such an occurrence, abnormality was unavoidable. The facilities of the establishment were located in the middle of "the zone," so they had a lot of confusion and disruption, which was caused by the attacks. ''I'll never forget-what looked like debris falling from sky, I soon realized that it was people falling out from windows or jumping, some holding hands as they met their fate," an employee of the medical center stated to the "Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Weekly Update on September 21, 2001. This was an emotional and life altering moment for those who witnessed the actual event Theillustrations in their minds will never die.

When times got rough to main-

tain their daily routine, the Cabrini Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation called their good neighbor, St. Cabrini Nursing Home in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. The center was running low on bread and milk for their patients, so the nursing home aided to their troubled neighbors and went to the market and purchased as much bread and milk as the store could spare. As it turned out, the supermarkets of New York were sent word to donate and assist the communities in the relief effort. Everyone was doing their part to help one another in this dire time of urgency.

Cabrini Immigrant Services located in lower Manhattan is about 5-6 blocks from the WTC. It was here that many troubled souls wandered to in search of wet cloths to wash the filth from their bodies, water, and bathroom facilttles. The CIS also provided a place for the victims to phone

their families and receive counseling. The counseling was beneficial because the victims were able to cry and tell their horrific stories based on what they saw. Later and to this day, the CIS became a haven for police and rescue workers, providing them with homemade hot soup, sandwiches, and a place to rest.

As did the CIS, the Cabrini Medical Center also provided a haven for the community to visit. All of the centers affiliated with Cabrini did their best to provide guidance, support, and the basic necessities needed to survive during this nation's time of crisis.

As the days have progressed, Cabrini Hospital is still providing services for those who require it. They face "Ground Zero" each and every day. They offer support to the survivors and mourning for the victims.

Loquitur NEWS 3
photo by Maria Chambers Susan Fitzgerald, school nurse, gives sophomore Andrew Storti the flu shot. The anthrax vaccine is injected the same way.

Pres. Clinton suspended from high court practice

The Supreme Court suspended former President Wtlliam Clinton's rights to practice law before it and gave the former president 40 days to argue why he should not be permanently disbarred from the high court.

Although Clinton was unlikely to ever practice law again, especially before the Supreme Court, the high court's sanction came just as he was beginning to come back from the scandal that concerned the last minute pardons he issued right before he left office last J~uary.

The Supreme Courts ruling gave another claim to the critics who

argue that the former presidents flaws tarnished his presidency and his place in history.

"It's an official reinforcement of the view that he was lacking in character," director of the Center for Presidential Studies at Texas A&M University, George Edwards commented.

The ruling, which was issued in a short statement on the first day of the high court's fall term, comes from Clinton's admission that he knowingly gave elusive and misleading answers to try and cover up the {act that he had a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Those answers came in Clinton's 1998 deposition in the lawsuit filed by Arkansas state

worker Paula Jones alleging that Clinton sexually harassed her when he was governor of the state. Clinton made his admission just before leaving the presidential office as a part of an agreement with the independent counsel investigating him. Clinton agreed to pay a sum of $25,000 in fines and have his license to practice law in Arkansas suspended for up to five years.

"The Supreme Court has no political constituency, only constituency to the law," Dr. James Hedtke, political science and history chair said. 'The court must follow the law and hopefully they acted in a non-political fashion."

The.court did not mention a vote

Afgans fight amongst each other for power

The United States is not the only country constructing acts of war on Afghanistan. The country is divided into the Taliban, anti-Taliban and the Northern Alliance. All groups have sub-groups and are fighting for power.

The citizens of Afghanistan cannot remember a time when there has been peace in their country. There has been a war in their country for the last 20 years. Because of these demanding times, the commanders in the country's military and the several anti-Taliban groups, are now utilizing young soldiers to fight in the many battles they encounter.

Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries. The life expectancies are as low as 43 years old for men and 44 years old for women. The majority of the population is illiterate. The people have endured many tragic events. As a result of the country's warfare, appn,ximately 1.5 million people have died. The villages in areas of the northern region are dominated by men who took up arms when they were teenagers. As a result of theunderprivileged and uneducated lifestyles of the Afghanis, ~oung boys are more familiar with g ns than with school.

The anti-Taliban Northern Alliance has soldiers as young as 12

years of age to fight against the Taliban. There are other anti-Taliban alliances that have had several boys engaged in battle by the age of 13. This seems outrageous and cruel to someone outside of the Afghanis nation, but to one

among the nine justices. Currently there are two judges on the court who were appointed by Clinton.

This is the same· court who opened the crucial door to Clinton's lengthy list of legal troubles when it ruled unanimously in May of 1997 that Paula Jones may purse her lawsuit, which accused the former president of sexually harassing her. The court rejected a plea by Clinton that the lawsuit be delayed until after his term was up and he left the presidency. However a lower courts ruling dismissed Jones' claim. Clinton and Jones did reach, after this courts ruling, in an out-of-court settlement to stop her appeal of the dismissal.

But Clinton's lies under oath to conceal his sexual relationship with Lewinsky led to his impeachment by the House of Representatives in December of 1998. However the Senate declined to convict Clinton, permitting him to finish out his presidency.

Hedtke said, "Many people feel that William Clinton is going to judged harshly throughout history, and they feel that this is punishment enough. However the crimes he committed, which include obstruction of justice and pruderies are very serious crimes. The punishment he receives should fit the crime he committed."

Please support the Cabrini Team!

Three ways you can help:

1) Support our "8-mile Sock Safeu :

Top-quality athletic socks were donated to raise funds for the AIDS Fund.

Stop by the Wigwam Thursday, October 18. Socks are $3.00/ea. or 2/$5.00

2) Make a contribution to the AIDS Fund

facing horror everyday, it is second nature and part of the norm.

According to a story in the Sept. 30 New York Tunes, many of these young soldiers are fighting because their own fathers and family lost their lives in the battle against the Taliban. A 15-year old boy who has been fighting for about a year says that his motiva-

tion for volunteering was simple, "My father was killed by the Taliban and I want to take revenge with his gun." This is the case for many of the children that are battling the Taliban.

There have been many attacks against the Taliban from inside the country as well as the United States attacking from outside. Anti-Taliban citizens are outraged and wish to fight and combat the government for as long as needed. The incidences that have taken place illustrate ethnic undertones of conflict. A report by Human Rights in the summer also warned that the fighting was taking on a growing ethnic tone.

It is widely believed that the southern-based Pashtum, the largest ethnic group and one that dominates the Taliban, would not accept a government led by the Tajiks, the major group in the Northern Alliance. Wmning the support of the Pashtum elite is considered central to hastening the fall of the Taliban, and American diplomats and Northern Alliance officials say they have stepped up contacts with Pashtum leaders.

Send checks via campus mail or deliver them in person to Community Outreach

(in the Wolfington Center for Service & Leadership, WidenerCenterfirst floor)

or hand your donation to st~dents who will be making the rounds this week.

Make checks out to: •AtDS Fund0

3) Join us on the Walk!

Call Mary Laver (x8409) to register

We meet behind the Wigwam at 8:30 AM Sunday morning

Aerobic warm-ups with the CAVALIER!

Drive caravan-style down to the Art Museum. Bring your family members and friends. or give some students a ridel

Pizza back on campus at 2=00!

For more information contact Mary Laver in Community Outreach (8409)

Thank you for your support!

....---.:... -· 4 NEWS Thursday, Oct. 18, 2001
As a result of the underprivileged and uneducated lifestyles of the Afghanis, young boys are more familiar with guns than with school.

II Ill ............

Cappuccino increases breast size

A 19 year old woman in south London reported that drinking excessive amounts of cappuccino made her breasts grow three full cup sizes. "My shape has changed completely. People are joking that I must be drinking not Nescafe but Breastcafe," she said. She works as a barmaid, and she also said she drank up to a dozen of the coffees a day to take her mind off food while she was on a diet.

Happy couple marries over the phone

Authorities would not let a Pakistani man into India so a young couple could marry. -Toe ceremony did not get cancelled, howeve. It took place via phone conversation. Indian authorities said they refused to give the groom a visa because of tensions in the region. A Muslim priest telephoned the groom and took him and his new wife through the ceremony. Toe bride's father flew to the groom's home as a witness.

Drunken post office robbery

A drunk man wearing underwear on his head walked into a post office in Oslo, Norway and handea the clerk a note that said, "This is a robbery." Toe man did not realize that he had previously written his wife's name and other personal information on this same piece of paper. Several days later police were at the man's house questioning the nian. He claimed that he did not remember robbing the post office, but he knew he must have done something while he was drunk because he woke up with a significant amount of money in his hands. This man was also alarmed by the picture of himself with a pair of underwear on his head in the local newspaper.

Public Safety Report

The following is a list of infractions reported by Cabrini College Public Safety from Oct. 2-0ct. 16. This list covers two weeks. The dates cover from midnight to midnight.

On Thursday, Oct. 4, four visitation violations were issued in Xavier. Once citation was issued in House Six for a resident who had five visitors. That is three over the legal limit. Two· residents were cited for underage drinking in the New Residence Hall.

On Friday, Oct. 5, two students were cited for alcohol on Residential Blvd. One citation was written for public drunkenness at House Six. Two citations were written in House Five for drinking.

On Sunday, Oct. 7, five citations were written for assault and underage drinking. A fight broke out in the Cabrini Apartment Complex. Four of the students involved were residents of the CAC, while one student was a resident of House Five. One citation was written for a visitation violation in the NRH.

On Monday, Oct. 8, a citation was written for vandalism in House One. A student punched holes into the wall using the earpiece of a telephone.

On Tuesday, Oct. 9, one citation was written for a visitation violation in Woodcrest.

On Wednesday, Oct. 10, five citations were written in Woodcrest for underage drinking. One citation was written for a visitation violation in House Two. Ten citations were issued in Xavier for underage drinking. In Woodcrest, residents were cited for having a popcorn maker, which is an unlawful appliance. A resident of Xavier was cited for vandalism for having a ripped screen.

On Thursday, Oct. 11, three citations for visitation violations were written in House two. Two visitations violations were written in Woodcrest. Citations were written in House two for having illegal appliances, an oversized fridge and a microwave oven.

On Friday, Oct. 12, one citat:J.onwas issued in Xavier for a ripped screen. This citation was issued to the same resident with a ripped screen on Oct. 10. The screen was fixed on Oct. 11. Two citations were issued for visitation violations in House Two.

On Sunday, Oct. 13, three citations were issued in the CAC for underage drinking. One citation was issued in the CAC for drinking and disorderly conduct.

Spanish club bonds while cooking and eating Mayan chocolate

Coffee, sugar and caffeine are good mates to help keep the night rolling on and the eyelids open and alert. Yet the list would to be more complete and more authentic by adding a drink from ancient history. Student who attended the first event hosted by the Spanish culture house and Phi Sigma Iota, the foreign language society, tasted history in the New Residence Hall on Friday, Sept. 12.

Toe activity centered on an ingredient, the first of its kind when created. It was created and produced by the intelligent civilization who also created the numeral zero and the calendar according to astrology.

In another words, the activity was centered on Mayan chocolate.

Dr. Cynthia Halpern, department chair of the romance Ian-

Jacki Armes, activities coordinator for the spanish club, makes Mayan Chocolate for the group to enjoy.

guages, and senior Jacki Armes, Spanish and business major and activity coordinator for the Spanish interest housing, supervised the activity. Toe Mayan chocolate was served and consumed with galletas, which are Spanish cook-

ies. Toe attendants spoke in Spanish and relaxed in the lounge for an hour.

Toe Mayan chocolate activity is the first of many activities to attend for Spanish culture learning. Future events will involve a Spanish dinner with the students who traveled to Spain last summer on the Cadiz study abroad program and a trip to the Kennett square food bank. Toe food bank has a high level of Mexican migrant workers who only speak Spanish.

Dates have not been set for future activities but Jacki Armes -can be reach at 610293-5109 to answer any questions.

Mondays Lj~'e No IPlace Else!

Loquitur l1r11•
~~·:. -~·· . •..
photo by Renee DiPietro
Every Hon.clay.enjoy a double. ottele.rof f&Jt¼ae c~tJ&h.fo.r ¼wo) fot' Ju.ri d2.99 or a s.tne[e order for jwn (1.991• KJ:.H&OP PRUSSIA 739 W. Dekalb P:tka 610.992.0899 WAYNE 312 W. Lancas¼er A1te. 610.687.1001 11-00 to doe,,.

Dox Thrash: The African American Master ~Printmaker

In the beginning of 2001, the Philadelphia Museum of Art began celebrating its 125th aniuversary. A major part of the celebration is a series of exhibitions that celebrates Philadelphia artists. One exhibition that stands out is Dox Thrash: An African American Master Printmaker Rediscovered, which will be on display in the Museum's Berman and Stieglitz Galleries from Oct.

27, 2001 to Feb. 24, 2002.

With around 100 prints, drawings, and watercolors by Dox Thrash, the exhibit will recognize Thrash's rise to national prominence during the late l 940s. The exhibition will showcase Thrash's development from bis early days as a student of the arts to his later years as an innovative printmaker.

Dox Thrash, born March 22, 1893, was born and raised in Griffen, Ga. Born into a family of four children, Thrash, the second child, quit his schooling after completing the fourth grade. After leaving, though. he continued to nurture his love of drawing in taking arts courses.

By the age of 15, Thrash left home and began traveling the world. One of his most important stops was Chicago. where he would enroll for evening classes at the Art Institute of Chicago. World War I interrupted his work there. Thrash enlisted and served for 17 months as a private in the 365th Infantry Regiment, 183rd Brigade, 92nd Division, an all-black unit that would become known as the Buffalo Soldiers.

Thrash's work visualizes the many struggles the black community has endured over the years.

Upon his return to the United States, Thrash re-enrolled in evening school at the Art Museum, then traveled to Boston, Connecticut, and New York City, before settling in Philadelphia. It was in Philadelphia that Thrash used carborundum, as abrasive used to refurbish lithograph stones, to roughen the surtace of copper plates to make etchings. Thrash's carborundum prints were first publicly shown at the Philadelphia Art Museum on Jan. 23, 1938.

In the early 1940s, the Philadelphia Museum of Art acquired 75 prints produced by

Thrash. Today. 50 of those works can be viewed in Philadelphia, including his famous works, Cabin Days. Siesta and Defense Worker.

The exhibition at the Philadelphia Art Museum is the first occasion that Thrash's career will be the subject of an in-depth study. It is also the first time his work as a printmaker will be fully examined.

In remembrance of a pioneer of Philadelphia printmaking, over 50 art organizations of Philadelphia are coming togetherto present Celebrating Prints and Printmaking: In Homage to Dox Thrash. This presentation will be held from Nov. 2 to Dec. 14, 2001.

:nee•••·••ll liUJlfllle t Top Five Most Wanted DVDs ateAC6!!!U

WHERE: In Cafeteria

WHEN: Tuesday, October 23n1from 4:30-7:30pm

WHY: For a chance to win a prize and decorate your room with a cool Halloween pumpkin

Activity sponsored by the houses.

5 Three KingsA group of soldiers set out during the Gulf War to find a stash of gold. A great, vibrant video transfer coupled with some great extras like a very informative making of documentary make for a very enjoyable DVD.

-Information. compiled by Mike Kawnjian

4 Seven- This cop drama pits two detectives (Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt) against the seven deadly sins. Directed by David Fincher, this DVD offers several commentaries, alternate scenes and some truly erie packaging. The movie is worth buying for the ending alone.

3 The Godfather Trilogy- On virtually every most wanted list since the birth of DVD, The Godfather Trilogy was finally released in October. This 5 disc set includes deleted scenes, commentary by director Francis Ford Coppola and the geneolgy of the Godfather family.

2MallratsKevin Smiths story about life inside the mall became one of the first "must own" DVDs. Hilarious commentary by the cast and crew requires multiple viewings and some of the deleted scenes are funnier then what appears in the final film.

1 Fight ClubDavid Pincher's second film on the list is the DVD that other movies only hope to be. Hours upon hours of extras include special effect documentaries, several vignettes and arguably the best commentary ever recorded. The video transfer is spotless and the audio is crisp.

6 A&E Thursday, Oct. 18, 2001
Dox Thrash's master pieces will displayed at the Philadelphia Art Museum from Oct. 27, 2001 to Feb. 24, 2002. photos courtesy of Ryan Mulloy


Your w ay s oon

Before written plays originated, people expressed themselves through types of improvisational acting. Th.is form of theater, known as "Commedia dell'arte," evolved by the creation of stories for the actors to base their performances ·on. Th.istheater enables actors to add their own style and grace while using a technique called improvisation, or on-thespot-acting. There is no, or a very limited amount of written script for this play. "Commedia" also entails stunts such as tumbling and small amounts of gymnastics in the plays.

Periodically throughout the months of October and November, a group of students were either asked to be part of an improv group or they auditioned and were chosen. Th.is group of students will be performing an improv show based on the rules of "Commedia." Some of the characters

and scenarios that are used in this play are derived from "Duel of Love," one of the many scenarios used in "Commedia." Students are also creating their own scenarios for the troupe to perform.

Some of the places the group

Did YouKnow:

* '"Commedia" is the name of the upcollling play Cabrini students will perform in throughout the fall.

* Neal Newmanis the director of the improve troupe and he can be reached at x8510_

• The improve troupe will be performing on campuson Nov. 15.

Buried Treasures


will be performing include the Cabrini College Children's School at the United Church of Christ on Oct. 19, Gwynedd-Mercy College on Oct. 25, Holy Family College on Nov. 7, Cabrini College on Nov. 14 and the Don Guenella School on Nov. 15. After all of these performances, the improv group will also perform Neumann College, Ursinus College and the University of Pennsylvania. All of these dates are to be announced.

Neal Newman, the director of the improv group, says that this will be "one of the nicest looking shows" because there are "masks from Australia and costumes made of real velvet." He also said that the improv group is still available for performances to anyone interested in booking them. Please contact Neal Newman at ext. 8510 with any questions about the improv group or their upcoming play.

DIETING It Is All in the Attitude

Americans today want to be beautiful like celebrities. No one wants to have to work at looking good and feeling great. When the thought of working out or getting in shape is mentioned, people cringe. Stars' secrets to losing weight and feeling great are out there. And, surprise, it does not require starving oneself or doing hours of vigorous workouts. Instead, it is all in the attitude.

Bob Greene, Oprah Wmf:rey's personal trainer, argues that people do not have the right attitude. The way to deal with losing weight and keeping it off is to stop overeating and under exerc~sing. Instead Greene tells his stars to "be active, eat right and feel good today." Stop obsessing about getting results right away. If his advice is followed, the results will come.

Madonna's trainer, Ray Kybar-

tas, focuses on attitude as well. Results from weight loss or exercise are not just physical but spiritual as well. If people ignore their bodies, they attract problems that weight them down like sickness and tension. However, if people exercise, they uplift their spirit as well as their bodies.

"That is why full benefits cannot be measured in strictly clinical terms. Its effects extend to the soul," Kybartas says to his stars. Exercise and being active sparks energy and keeps the soul and body healthy.

Karen Voight, who·trains Tina Turner, Elle MacPherson and Paula Abdul, also stresses the importance of attitude in her philosophy. People have to like working out, or else it will not happen.

"Find an activity you like to do, so you can look forward to your workout as a chance to play and relax your mind," Voight says to her celebrities. If people dread working out, then it is slowing


It is New Year's Eve at the Hotel Mon Signor. Ted the Bellhop (TlDl Roth) is about to begin his first shift. Over the course of one night, he is flung into odd situations and meets more "interesting" people than most people would never dream of. Allison Anders, Alexander Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino all tributed to ''Four Rooms." Rather than write one movie together, it is a combination of four separate plots that occur over the course o the night. Witches, bratty children, insane married couples and Hollywood directors are among the people Ted meets during his night. "Four Rooms" is a comedy that will keep you laughing and guessing as to bow Ted will get out of his predicaments. In addition to Roth. Antonio Banderas, Jennifer Beals, Madonna, Ione Skye and Quentin arantino star.

"Playingby Heart"

"Talking about love is like dancing about architecture." This is the first line to one of the most entertaining movies about love, life and relationships. "Playing by Heart'' follows the lives and loves of 11 people, all connected with one another. It showcases love and loss on all different levels, from the older, married couple to the young college students falling in love for the first time to a mother and her son. Each relationship over-

weaned out of their schedules. Instead, look forward to exercising, and it will become part of your routine. By doing this, people will feel better and the results will be there before they know it.

"Hilarious!" comes obstacles both physical and emotion- of Reneer:::::,,'::urtssy al and comes to a surprise conclusion. The movie puts viewers through all of the emotions a typical relationship does, happiness, confusion, frustration and sadness. With its smart comedy and interesting characters, "Playing by Heart'' shows what the heart is

Critics claim "Playing by Heart'"is a hilarious flick. capable of. Love is real; you just have to realize what you have. Gillian Anderson, Ryan Phillippe, Jon Stewart, Angelina Jolie and Sean Connery are a few of the stars in this amazing ensemble cast.

"Find an activity you like to do, so you can look forward to your workout as a chance to play and relax your mind."

The secrets of the stars do not lie in hours upon hours of workouts or not eating. Their trainers focus on attitude with them. With the right positive attitude, people can look and feel just as great as the stars.

Sitting through "Hamlet" never seemed like this. Tom Stoppard, writer and director, created the movie based on his play of the same name. 1\vo secondary characters from the Shakespearean play are 'ghlighted in this examination of conscious and existence. The story of ''Hamlet" is told through their eyes, as combination of their story and the original play are seen. With added humor and insight, Stopcreates a duo representative of Joey and Chandler in iambic penter. A band of traveling players adds physical comedy as well as clues as to why Rosencrantz and Guildenstem are in Denmark. It is a whirlwindcomedy; the characters can hardly tell which is which and up from down until they meet their inevitable fate. Tun Roth. Gary Oldman and Richard Dreyfuss star in this more modern take on a classic tale.

Loquitur A&E ,.. ., •
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Whether it is fine collection paint, or the fragrance of old money you are after, Ralph Lauren is your man. After all, his innovations some 30 years ago led the fashion path to '1ifestyle merchandising" and paved the way for imitators like Tommy Hilfiger. • Lauren's luxuriant advertising and widespread images that portray a rugged romance and elegance all present the seamless front of a wealthy, adventurous lifestyle.

'The first image-maker," according to New York magazine, Lauren is one of the fashion industry's most influential players. Born Ralph Lipschitz in 1939, he changed his name to Ralph Lauren, which was the name of bis first tie shop.


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for their nonconforming All-American, timeless sportswear styles. Designed for people more concerned with a lifestyle than fashion, Lauren's products have gone without undergoing drastic evolution and are still dominating the ever-changing trends of today's society.

"Whatbegan as a tie 33 years ago bas growninto •an entire world that bas~ how American style and quality is perceived," according to the Polo.com website. "Polo bas always been about selling quality products by creating worlds and inviting ourcustomers to be part of our dieam."


staff writer

Darlene Hildebrand came to Cabrini with one thing on her mind, teach the Lady Cavaliers to play basketball. It's true, the women's team already knows how to play, but Hildebrand loves to teach.

The youngest of six children Hildebrand grew up in Conshohocken and learned quickly bow to protect herself. As children the Hildebrands would practice sledding down the stairs on comforters. "One person would always end up on the bottom, that was my talent, I always came out on top."

In the 60s, "A tie was the way a man eq,ressed himself," Lauren said in bis company's website. "I believed that men were ready for something new and different They didn't want to look like they worked for mM. A

Cutie Csleigh

At the age of 62, Laurenis still providing leadership in the design, marketing, advertising and operational aspects of the style business. For 33 years, be bas been atop the list of Style doctors and is still .holding that position with a fierce grip. He began bis career by creating neckties under the name Polo. In 1968, he created a men's wear line under the Polo name. With no formal design training, Lauren continued to design ties using the Polo label to suit theneedsof the identity-craving male of thelate 1960s.

Wayne resident, sports her favorite

beautiful tie Wl5 an expression of quality, taste and style."

Since bis brcattbtougb, Lauren's allure has endured the test of time and public perception. His designs. from jeans to collection pieces. arcknown

"I've lived through the frenzies of over 100 designers," Lauren said. "Some make it. some don't. What I admire is consistency; a builder. Certain names don't disappear," With bis moniker reputably stamped on clothes, shoes, cologne and perfume, paint cans and towels, thenameRalph Lauren bu become a pennanent fixture among style-engrossed consumers.

Now an adult Hildebrand continues to bone her defense skills by taking karate classes. She bas been taking tae kwon doe for a year and a half. She is working towards a black belt, and currently has a green belt with a blue stripe. Hildebrand admitted, "I'm addicted to Tae Kwon Doe." Tae Kwon Doe is so infectious because it teaches self-discipline, self-defense, goal setting, respect, and responsibility, all good attributes for a college basketball coach.

Candy and caramel apples have been a favorite of young and old around Halloween time. Caramel apples coated with peanuts have been a delicious treat for those who trick or treating every October 31. Since these candy and caramel apples are popular around this time of year, one may wonder where they come from?

The month of October is national caramel month. So just in time for Halloween are the thousands of pounds of caramel being used to make candy of all sorts.

The caramel and candy apples are believed to have come about in southern United States some 50 years ago. Within the past 30 years, they have been most famous around Halloween. Because they are so delicious and relatively cheap to make, that they remain popular amongst many even as of today.

All that you need to begin making your own batch of candied apples are:

• 10 Apples

10 Small sticks

2cups sugar

1/2 cup light com syrup

3/4 cup water

1 tsp vanilla

Wash apples thoroughly then dry them. Insert a stick into each apple; combine the water and the sugar. Heat at a low temperature until sugar dissolves. Let the mixture heat until when a spoonful of it can be dropped into a cold glass of water and the candy should be hard and brittle. This should take roughly 45 minutes. Add the food coloring and the vanilla then dip the apples into the mixture. Finally, place the apples on a piece of wax paper so that the candy can harden.

Once you have made your first batch of candied apples then you can move on to greater feats. If so inclined one can make caramel apples of al kinds. Usually caramel apples are coated with peanuts, but M&Ms,chocolate chips, and a variety of nuts can be used. So have fun and get

Hildebrand grew up with a twin sister, Arlene though they were not identical they shared many experiences. In grade school the two were as different as night and day, but as they grew older they grew closer. In college the twins bad an occurrence common to many other sets of twins, they shared pain even though they were miles apart. Darlene blew her knee out at a basketball practice at Philadelphia College of Textiles, where she graduated in 1995. The same day without L-------p-ho-to_b_y_K._at_ie_H_smso_...,n knowing of her sister's condition, Arlene was unable to practice at Ursinus due to pain in her knee. After the inci-

Women's basketball coach, Darlene Hildebrand shares her insights with the team. dent the sisters became closer than ever.

Being around basketball is the big thing in Hildebrand's life. She loves to teach the game to children and any one else who is willing to learn. She hopes to teach health and physical education to kindergarten children through eighth graders, but coaching basketball is her dream job, after years of playing she just wants to give back to the basketball community. Her face lights up when she tells of the joys of coaching. Hildebrand said, "It's such a rush when you see a child click, when you just see that they get it."

photo 111JII C. Hllwlman Ford, logo.
Thursday, OcL 18, 2001

·rhe Doors= CLosEo, Bu1 NEVER FoRGoTTEN

Tanya McCausland

1967 they released the album Strange staff writer Days, which included the well-known songs "People Are Strange" and "Love Me

In the time of the early and mid 1960's, while experimentation was being done with drugs and music a band appeared making hit after hit. They stirred up an almost cult-like following, and it didn't take long for the lead singer to reach almost iconic status.

The Doors borrowed their name from a poem by William Blake, who wrote, "If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is, infinite."

After meeting at the University of California in 1966, Jim Morrison combined his poetic lyricism and became the lead singer, with fellow student Ray Manzarek's classical music training and his piano talent. Guitarist Robbie Krieger and drummer John Densmore also joined. Amidst the heavy use of drugs such as LSD and alcohol a style of psychedelic rock and roll was created that had never been heard before.

The same year that they met they were signed with Elektra Records. They soon released a series oJ experimental albums with a solid rock and roll, psychedelia and blues sound. Their debut album the following year featured well-known hits such as "Light My Fir," "Break On Through," and "Twentieth Century Fox." Also in

Two Times."

Morrison's charismatic stage presence is the biggest r""-==-m:-;:rm;-,._. reason why The Doors had such a large cult-like following and M.o r r is on himself was soon revered by his fans as a type of god and so began referring to himself as the "Lizard King."

The Doors continued to produce music although they became more and more involved in their drug-addicted

world. Waiting for the Sun (1968) and The Soft Parade (1969) were followed by Mor-

rison Hotel in 1970. All three albums contained only random hits. L.A. Woman released in 1971 was the final Doors album featuring Jim Morrison.

Morrison and his band members were becoming more and more involved with drugs and alcohol. Towards the end of his life, Morrison was consuming large amounts of alcohol everyday. In. 1969, after an excessive drinking binge, Morrison appeared on stage before an audience of thirteen thousand

was arrested and found guilty of indecent exposure and public drunkenness. He was sentenced to six months of hard labor. The sentence was appealed and he died before a new trial was held.

On July 3, 1971 his wife Pamela Courson found Morrison, then only 28, dead in his Paris hotel. Although his death was most likely due to a drug overdose it was ruled a heart attack, and an autopsy was never performed. He was buried in the Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, where such luminaries as Oscar Wtlde, Gertrude Stein, Frederic Chopin and Edith Piaf are buried. His graveside is still attended regularly by flocks of adoring fans leaving various personal mementos such as, notes, graffiti, cigarettes, photographs, condoms, and drug paraphenelia

crowd of screaming fans. Members of the community were outraged and consequently he

Dr. Love On Meeting the Parents


guest writer

HeR's the situation: You got lucky enough to score a few ct.:s widl s«IIMrCICI you think bas some long term potential. You'ff beat on more thanthree dates and your family has come up maybe once. Sooner or later the time will come when you'll painfully introduce your new friend to your parents. So when is the right time?

Truth be told, there is no right time. It just bas to happen. It's kind of like a pimple that way. You don't really expect it to pop up, but when it does yoo'll have to accept it The goal of this waten:d down advice column is to help you make a good first imptasion. Remember, you only get one shot at this.

Even before you meet bis/her parents, start to ask questions about them. Undoubtedly an awkward silence is going to come up when you meet them for the first time, so if you can ask them about their job you're on the right track. Never say," Now I know where Susie gets her good looks from." It's pathetic.

This is especially ttue for the guys, don't ask your girlfriends dad for a beer the first time you meet him. The last

thing this poor guy needs is to think that his daughter is dating a drunkard. This holds especially true if you're under 21. You deserve a thorough ass beating if try to pull this one off, I won't feel the least bit bad for you.

Wear something that doesn't scream " I don't give a sh$% anymore." Your whole purpose is to show them that you are the person to be dating their kid, not some slacker. Don't wait too long to introduce your new love to your parents. It sends really bad vibes all over the place. It's a relationship-ending type of thing. Be very careful.

I know how scary this can all be. It will take a while for you to feel comfortable around these new people but I'm sure that meeting you isn't the most exciting thing to happen in their lives either.1iy yow-best to take this whole experience in stride, it should all gel eventually, but until then don't freak out. The other side to this debacle is not caring about meeting the parents or not. If you're in this relationship for a few good meals and a few nightly desserts, then meeting the parents really doesn't apply to you. But if your date insists just do it. Otherwise it'll be dinner for one until you can convince another poor soul to let you take them out.

Oh, one last thing. Never, ever mention the movie "Meet the Parents." Enough said.

The Doors made a great impact on music history. They are still listened to today, about 25 years after they rocked our parents. Ray Manzarek, the pianist of The Doors, described the group in 1967, by saying, "I think The Doors is a representative American group. America is a melting pot and so are we. Our influences spring from a myriad of sources, which we have amalgated, blending divergent styles into our own thing."

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Loquitur FEATURES 9
photo by Jerry Zurek in Florida. Jim Morrison rests in peace in the Pere Lachaise Ceme- He exposed tery in Paris. himself to
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All has been quite on campus ... until now

Cabrini's students have been pretty good so far. By this time last year almost every student on campus was outraged by, what they felt as ridiculous rules, regarding housing. There were no over night guests allowed, the bathroom doors were locked in house two and some students were forced to live in dorms at Rosemont College.

The name Laura Valente was brought up, in not a very·flattering way, at least three times per issue. Now, half way into the first semester, people are starting to get a little annoyed.

If you haven't noticed the speed bumps on campus yet, it's either because you have never been in a car while coming to Cabrini or you're oblivious to your surroundings. The speed bumps are large and in charge all over campus. On the cover this week Catherine Dilworth takes a look at both sides of the speed bump. There has to be a reason for those monstrosities, right?

Last year Loquitur reported on the state of lighting found around the campus. Students were complaining that it was too dark and felt unsafe when walking outside after night fall. Many promises were made to help make improvements but a year later things seem just as bad. Some nights the main entrance, as well as the parking lots, are pitch black. Loquitur tried to find out what has happened since last year but Steven Lightcap, who was heading up the project last year, did not reply to any of our requests for an interview. We'll keep trying though.

The editorials, viewpoints, opinions and letters to the editor piblisbed in Loquitur are the viewsof the studenteditorial board and the individual writers, not theentire studentbody or the faculty and administrabOD.

St. Edmond's Home for Children sees the world in a different light

Think about what you did this morning. If you are anything like me you saw the time on your alarm clock, rolled over in bed and eventually got up to take a shower. You probably gathered some books and homework together and fed yourself some breakfast. Imagine for a moment that you could not do any of these things without help.

St. Edmond's Home for Children is a residential environment for physically and mentally disabled children. It is also the site for my Sem 300 volunteer service. I have only been going there for about two weeks now and already I have realized how many things in my life that I take for granted everyday.

I have always thought about how lucky I am that I have a roof over my bead and family and friends to care about me. I never really thought about how

great it is to be able to walk without help or even to roll over in my sleep at night.

Most of the kids I have been working with are confined to wheelchairs, need someone else to feed them and are not able to even tell you what they want or need.

Even with all of their disabilities, the majority of these kids are the happiest people you would ever want to meet. The smallest things excite them and they appreciate even the most minute gestures of kindness more than you could ever imagine.

While being inhibited by so many things in their young lives, I see the kids at St. Edmond's as being more able than most of us. They are able to always see the good in people, to see the world in a different light with every turn of their heads. The petty everyday things, that we make important because we become bored with our usual routines, aren't even an issue for them. I thank God for everything I am capable of in this life, but I envy the innocence and the genuine goodness in the souls of these amazing children.

Search retreat provides escape

Do you k n o w what's in store for you down the road? Do you k n o w what's in store for Amy Gassen you now?

news editor Have you explored all of the possibilities that you are capable of, most of the possibilities that you are capable of, or even some of the possibilities that you are capable of!

This world is full of choices and full of possibilities. Some aren't as clear as others. Some-

times, all you have to do is get away for a while to see the answers to self-questions. Sometimes, you need to talk them over with others. Search is a wonderful opportunity to get away for a weekend to think over where you are in the world. This retreat sets the foundation for self-exploration and growth. Search enhances personal awareness. This retreat gives all the chance to evaluate all aspects of one's life. I went to a public high school and did not get the chance to go on retreats. I went on Search V the first semester of my freshman year, and it is the best thing that I have ever done with my life. I had an entire weekend to think about my life. During my


hectic schedule, it's sometimes hard for me to find five minutes to think about what I really want to be doing. Since first semester at Cabrini, I have been highly involved in everything. I am either working in the newsroom or doing whatever activity Campus ·Ministry is currently involved. I am so glad that I put aside this weekend.

Search IX is Nov. 9-11. The deadline for applications is Tuesday, Oct. 23. This time around, I am leading the retreat with Anthony Contipidero and I can't wait to go back. I urge everyone to consider going on this retreat. I am thankful that I did. I love it when a Search comes together!

Editors Editor in chief: Mmaging editor: News editors: Sports editor: A&Eeditor: Perspectives editor: Features editor: ..,_ Photography editor: Copy editor Web editor: Adviser: Michael A. Kazanjian Renee Tomcanin Beth Ann Conahan and Amy Gassen Tracy TIIDSOO Geri Lynn Utter Renee DiPietro Jill Hindman Justioe DiFilippo Joe Holden Charles La Comte Dr. Jerry Zurek Staff Writers Kenneth Baumbach Marianne McK.im Lisa Broomall Maria Chambers Ryan Mulloy Leanne Pantooe Colleen Connor Michael Paolucci Vmcent DeFruscio Gina Roswell John Delsordo-Tarleclci Karen Schweizer Catharioe Dilworth Jeooifer Spriggs Jennifer Dalvano Alexis Strizziere Ryan Griffiths Cheryl Trancbitella Catharine Hemsoo Lucy Truglio Eugeoe Iacovelli Sharvon Urbannavage Sbannoo King Aron Usdan Richard Magda Melissa Modesti Tanya McCausland Cheryl Wagstaff Paul Williams Editorial Board Michael A. Kaz.aojian Staff Pllotognpllers Sean Atwell Jeffrey Hardy Marcel Bassett Catharine Hernson Jennifer Bruooer Amanda Howard April Caldwell Mrianne McK.im Maria Chambers James Mc Quire Tim Gordon Michael Paolucci Diane WIZimirski Loquitur is established as a forum for stu• dent apres&OO and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open disrus,sion of is.wes. Loquitur is a \abonwry acwspapcr ._TlllCII, edilCd1111dpro- by_,,..,-,. COM :M6.350. 351,353 ad 354. Members of the campus comm1IIUIJ avited to won.00 or filorics for O.dy uudents iqistot:d ia th: &bow: clalses.. are c.lipble IO nettive academic credit. Sub-scnptica pncc $25 per~ and is meudcd ill the benefits SC-cared in taitioa and fees.,loqllitl# wdoomcs lenr:n 10 tor. l..etlerl sboold be signed and the authonbip ID lhc editors. Names arc YtithbcldMly ia 11MSU1 approo."Cdby the edi.ur ia chief. Letlcn to the should Ix aubmiutd by nooa oa Mondays. PERSPECTIVES. Thursday,Oct. 18,2001
Shannon King staff writer

Speed bumps inquires

Speed bumps. I feel as though there are more of them than there are students on campus. I realize that they are put on the road for _.......__, safety purposes, Cheryl

Parking and a solution

but they are everywhere. Every time I go off campus I go over at least three or four. That is a little excessive considering our campus size.

I am not the only one out there who cannot stand these three-foot-high mountains that eat the bottom of your car no matter how slow you go over them. I am talking about two in particular, the new one near Xavier residence hall and also the one near the Cabrini Apartment Complex. I have overheard people on campus talking about these constantly. Even my parents mentioned something to me, and parents are all about safety.

If you have a low sports car or even a normal car, you are going to hear a very unpleasant scrape when going over these yel-

low mountains. The only vehicles that are safe are sport utility vehicles, vans, Jeeps and pick-up trucks. It is not like they get worn down from all the cars traveling over them either. The one in front of the apartments has been that bad since last year. There are two kinds of speed bumps on this campus: friendly ones and not so friendly ones. There are three friendly speed bumps and they are in front ofWoodcrest residence hall, Holy Spirit Library, and the mansion. Even though they do not force you to come to a complete stop, only to proceed in fear of what is going to happen to your car, people still slow down as you are supposed to when there is a speed bump. All the not so friendly ones are back by the houses and the apartments, not to mention the new one near Xavier. That one in particular is okay on one side and comes to a peak on the other that is practically the same height as the curb. For those of you who do not know this by now, cars are not made to go over curbs.

My advice to any who does not have a SUV, Jeep, van or pick up truck is to try to find an alternate route to get off campus where the bottom of your car is safe.

No fibs on the resume

ployers actually look at the skills column and expect you to really be skillful at them. Go figure.


I can look outside every morning around 9:35 a.m. and see cars circling the Founder's Hall parking lot. Besides almost causing accidents, most of the peoPaul Williams pie give up and staff writer park at the Dixon Center.

There are problems with the parking lot of Founder's Hall. The next time you walk to your car, check out all of the glass lying around. Also, notice all of the people walking from the Dixon Center's parking lot all the way to Founder's Hall. I think that it's possible to avoid these problems.

First, the problem of too many cars in the parking lot can be easily solved. Make the parking lot a commuter lot during the busy hours of the day. I understand that this would mean that residents who drive to the parking lot would have to wake up five minutes earlier to get across the street from the dorms. Although that sounds terrible, it's not as if they have to wake up a half an hour or more before class, like

most commuter students. The people living in dorms should be doing this already because they probably have a shorter walk from there, than from the Dixon Center. The same thing would go for the people living on campus in an apartment or house. The residents could still drive to school, but they would just have to park at the Dixon Center. This would free up space so that the commuters who were stuck in traffic can easily find a parking space and still get to class on time. The hours to have the parking lot closed to residents would be 8:15 a.m. to 4:25 p.m on the weekdays.

It was the first day of school last year and guess who gets a flat tire. I was mad because I could see that the only spots left in the lot were those covered with shards of glass. The last time I checked, the Wigwam wasn't selling alcohol products. I find it hard to believe that commuters are bringing Heinekens and getting drunk before class. That idea is highly unlikely. A more likely answer would be that the residents were having a party in the lot over the weekend. If they close the lot after classes on Saturday, and after 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, this would be the remedy for most of the glass in the parking lot.

Have you ever been stuck in a lie? How about a small white lie? If you answered "yes" then read on.

If you answered "no" then move onto the special cryptogram to my left.

When you fill out your skills column on a resume, do you mark that you are fluent in Spanish even though you have only taken a semester? Are you an excellent typist only because you were the master of the home keys in grade school?

I just learned that when em-

Take my friend for instance. He had about a year of Spanish and wrote it in his skills section. A few months later his employer asked him to cover a Spanish news conference- all spoken in Spanish. He had to ask his questions in Spanish and then translate all of the news conference into English. The end result was a lot of visits to AltaVista.com.

The hard lesson learned here is to be honest with the material on your resume. If you cannot be honest with your resume, at least tell your boss that you would rather not go to a Spanish press conference when the only Spanish you know is "Where's the bathroom?" and "Food please."

Resume writing guidebooks line the shelves of local bookstores in abundance. Writing one is not as hard as you think. I did not go to the bookstore to write mine. I went to Cabrini's own guides for resume writing- Kristi Beucler and Nancy Hutchison. Pay them a visit in the Co-op office in Grace Hall. They will also suggest that you omit that you are fluent in Spanish, even if you have been Taco Bell- sorry amigos.

Little white lies can hurt you in the long run. Say exactly what you are good at on your resume. You never know who is going to see that you can drink a case of beer and still count to 12 in Spanish.

• Requirements: Names will not be withheld from letters to the editor or commentaries, even at the author's request. A phone number must be included with the submission.

Looking for something that was not in the paper? Need to tell us of a deserving story for future issues? Suggestions are welcomed by classic mail or email: The Loquitur 610 King of Prussia Road Radnor, Pa. 19087 TheLoquitur @hotmail.com Commentaries, letters to the editor and editorial cartoons may be submitted by the entire Cabrini campus community.

Extinction chases down platonic relationships

. Best friends- everyone has or had one. Boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wiveswake up- these are the roles that a lot you hold or will pursue in the future. Sure, the thought of who you will marry and where you will live, meet. dance, play, has not hit you, or maybe it has, but please do not be among the

Friend's Wedding" and "My So-called Life"? Your·platonic best friend is no different then Jules' obsession to keep her best friend single and Angela's obsessive acrossthe-street neighbor who writes her secret love letters through another boy. Though all of these characters are sincere and really do truly and whole heatedly love their best friend the ending was never a happy one for them.

crossed with someone else. There is no way for a boy and girl to have a serious, hands down, solid friendship without crossing that line eventually or fading away completely. The platonic friendship is just the beginning stage of what I will call the friendship love. It is the most evil and torturous love of all for the one who is cursed with this desire to become more than friends with a friend.

Renee Di Pietro perspective editor crowd who is stuck in the most dredged of all places. This crowd would be the ones who believe in platonic relationships- the biggest scams to ever hit the earth.

Look at poor Laurie in "Little Women" who gets harshly burned for his profession of love to his best friend Jo. How much do you hate it when the platonic relationships never work out? The worst part about platonic friendships is that they are portrayed a hundred times better and faker in the movies and books. In real life, platonic friendships are on their way to extinction, and the ones left are far and few. I will give you the argument that the survival of a platonic relationship is longer than some marriages, but in the end the closeness that is shared between the two people is going to eventually cross that line of friendship or just quietly fade away when the line is

For the unaffected friend, the rejecter or shall I say the one that is la-day-dee-la-dayda, who has no idea that there is a serious love affair going on in the head of the other, this is no big deal whether you have had your nightly chat before he or she goes to bed at night. But then that day comes and arrives like a bomb full of confusion-- the tortured one has given in to his strongest instinct-- the instinct to revel the new grown love.

information, new findings or feelings, but also have to stand by them so stubbornly that even after the person is told numerous times that the relationship is strictly only platonic, these words fall on deaf ears. The person, as if he was not present for the discussing of the impossibilities of the relationship, will continually insist with all the stubbornness of his body, that he knows better. He believes he will eventually win over the other's love by waiting and waiting and waiting until, oh, the next year when he sees another moment fit for the disclosure of his love, again.

This instinct to convey love and feelings to the other person in a platonic relationship is an instinct of both man and woman that can ·be described humorously by this quote by Russell Green about fate and destiny: Don't shake your head, it is the truth. There is no normal opposite sex closest of the close 'friend.' Do not believe that as you are talking back and forth on the phone that the other one is not mentally undressing you as you speak. Well no, that probably is not correct but have you ever seen "My Best

"The strongest human instinct is to impart information, the second strongest is to resist it." Kenneth Grahame is all on the money with that quote except he left out a part. Humans not only have to impart their

Letter to the Editor:

"Heaven is the place where the donkey finally catches up with his carrot; hell is the eternity while he waits for it." Platonic relationships are the hell here. Once in a blue moon the road of the platonic relationship will eventually lead to the donkey catching his carrot.

What Jesus does not say about capital punishment

In the Sept 27, 2001 issue of the Loquitur, there was commentary regarding the death penalty. Read'.? ing both the commentary, and the abbreviatedremarks from three students found at the bottom of page 12, compelled me to put in words an angle on the death penalty that wasn't mentioned in the paper.

The Gospels do chronicle one instance of Jesus confronting the death penalty, in the oft-told but under-appreciatedstory of the adulteress.

A Jerusalem woman is found cheating on her husband. Per the Law of Moses, she is appropriately -.4 dragged beyond the city wall to be stoned to death. The Pharisees spy Jesus nearby, writing in the dirt. and resolve to test him. (This in itself is interesting; as if the priests already know that this rabbi of love will disapprove of the death penalty, thus giving the priests an opportunity to accuse Jesus of subversion.) They approachJesus and ask what should be done with the woman.

Jesus' famous answer is simple and anticlimactic. He says, "He

who is without sin may cast the first stone."

The story is taught in Catechism and Sunday schools as an anecdote with an easy message for kids: no one is perfect, therefore we shouldn't judge anyone. And in the story it works, for the populace, clutchipg the stones they consciously selected for their part in the execution, their blood-lust surely at its peak. nevertheless feel their consciences pricked. They drop their stones and walk away, probably sulking and disappointed.

But there are deeper ramifications to this story than just a mere "nobody's perfect" moral. To me, what is most significant about this situation is not whatJesus said, but what he didn't say.

He did not say that the law was wrong.

He did not give a moral argument against capital punishment

He did not say that the priests or the people, eager to kill, were behaving sinfully.

He did not say that the woman was innocent, and indeed she was nol The people prepared to kill her

were acting according to the law, and were not doing anything wrong.

But by not saying any of the above, I think Jesus in essence said this: "Yes, the woman is guilty. Yes the law says she should be stoned to death. You are right, that is the law. Now forgive her."


No other story in the Gospel more clearly exemplifies Jesus' ministry. No miracles,no raising of the dead, not even the Crucifixion, defines by example the high standard of his expectationsfor us. No other story demonstrates the depth of love he wants us to offer each other. It is all right there, in eleven short verses in John.

And the implications are bigger than anyone wants to deal with. It means that we truly forgive those who transgress againstus. It means that Fred Goldman should forgive OJ. Simpson for the murder of his son (regardless of whetheryou believe Simpson committed the murder or not; the point is, Fred Goldman believes it). It means the victims of the Sept 11 World Trade

Center tragedyshouldforgivetheir attackers. It means, incredibly,that the families wounded by Germany's actions in WWII (and my family is one of these) should forgive notjust the German people but Hitler himself. It is almost unthinkable.

Remember that Jesus was not political. He took no sides, nor rallied for any specificcause. Though he was a manwho lived every day of his thirty-three years and surely had conversations regarding war, the Roman occupationof Palestine, and the tyrannicalreign of Herod, it is important to realize that none of his opinions on these matters make it into the GospeJs. Jesus wasles.s interestedin stoppingan army from exacting bloodshed than he was in teaching each soldier in that army how to reach God.

Jesus never promised that forgiveness is easy, yet it is clear that forgivenessis what he expects from us. The story of the adul~ proves that he would never condone the death penalty. This is so clear, I wonder how so many earnest Christians can still approve

of capital punishment For example, it has always disturbed me thatGeorge W. Bush, when Governor of Texas, permitted a notoriously high number of death sentences to go foiward, yet on the campaign trail stated that Jesus Christ Wa.5 his chiefrolemodel. Idon'tknowhow he can reconcile such a polarity. I suspect he has never tried.

Every book in the Bible is an exhortation for man to rise above nature. We are better than nature; we are higher than the beasts. But beasts only kill for two reasons: to eat, and in self-defense. No beast kills for revenge. Vengeance,retribution, these are attnbutes of humankind, and don't put us at a level equal with beasts but beneaththem. The opposite, of course, is forgiveness, which is also alien to beasts, and is the chief attributethat sets us above them. It is the ability to forgive that puts us closest to where Jesus wants us to be.

12 PERSPECTIVES Thursday, Oct. 18, 2001

Equestrian program for beginner riders developed

Cabrini students now have the opportunity to participate in a horseback riding program due to a partnership that has been formed with the• equestrian program at Valley F9rge Military Academy. •

Organized by Chris Winkler, recreation and facilities director, this six week program takes place once each semester at VFMA. The fall program, which has already begun, will run from October to November. The next program will

commence in the Spring sometime in March and run until the week of exams.

Developed for beginners, this program allows riders to learn how to walk, trot, and canter with the horses. "The point of this program is for students to become comfortable riding the horses," said Wmk:ler.So far, four students, one faculty member and one staff member have signed up for the horseback riding lessons this fall.

Neal Newman of the theater department became interested in the

program because of lost roles as an actor. "I love it and I love my horse", Newman exclaimed. "It was instant love as soon as I met my horse." Newman discussed how a lack of proper riding skills resulted in missing out on many acting jobs.

Though the horseback riding lessons are of professional need to some, others have decided to participate solely for recreation. "It's pretty cool", said senior Wendi Wilson. "It's good to learn from someone who knows what they're

Beating the cold and flu before they strike

The temperature is dropping, and your roommate is coughing while you struggle to sleep. You go home for the weekend, and your little sister hugs you with a pair of hands covered in lollipop, cookies and snot. You are beginning to sneeze.

Cold season has started on campus and the flu is on its way, according to the school nurse Susan Fitzgerald. Students need good hygiene in order to protect against these bugs. "The best thing that you can do," Fitzgerald said, "is wash your hands."

Everywhere, sink knobs and telephones, have the potential for carrying a virus. Good manners, like coughing into hands, actually can aggravate spreading because it puts the virus onto other people and objects.

To stay healthy during the season, the American College Health Association suggests using disposable tissues, eating a balanced diet, keeping stress levels low and keeping room humidity up.

Cold classrooms, like some in

Founders Hall, will not make you sick. "The cold won't make you sick. It's an old wives tale," Fitzgerald said. However, it may

Smokers' immune systems are in high danger at this time of year. They should try to cut back smoking during a cold. Smoking enhances cold suffering by irritat--,...,,,=--,,,=---, ing nasal passages and increasing the risk of getting bronchitis or pneumonia, according to the American College Health Association.

A remedy for the cold is taking vitamin C. Both Fitzgerald and the American College Health Association say that it "couldn't hurt." Other popular cold remedies that people can try include decongestants like Sudafed, antihistamines; cough suppressants and cough syrup with expectorants.

If students are sick, the Health Services department in the Rooymans center is open for use. Doctor _Madeline Danny sees patients Wednesday from 10 to 12 p.m. and Fridays from 9

doing and know the animals so well." Wilson, who took lessons as a child, decided that it had been a while and chose to sign up for the program.

Cabrini's involvement with the equestrian program at VFMA includes paying for the care and maintenance of the horses used in the training lessons. As a new intramurals sport to Cabrini, more participation in the program is encouraged, especially from President Iadarola.

The program was initially

brought forth due to the friendship between President Iadarola and the VFMA Commandant, Colonel Joseph W. Adamczyk. "She's an advocate for recreation on campus," said Winkler of President Iadarola. "She really encourages the programs."

All members of the campus community are welcome to join the program. Those interested in participating next semester are encouraged to contact Chris Winkler at extension 3909.


weaken your immune system. Walking around with wet hair won't do it either."

Flu shots are now available in health services. The cost is $12.

to 10 a.m. Students need appointments to see her but "it is not hard to get one," according to Fitzgerald.

Loquitur SPORTS 13
Photo by Maria Chambers Fitzgerald is found in the health services offices on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The CDC recommendsvaccination for: Individuals with chronic illness Individuals 65 and older Health care workers Any person wanting to minimize their risk of infection. Come to health services in the RooymansCenter MondaythroughFriday 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone:902-8400 I

Record breaking week for major league baseball

Cheryl Wagstaff Another Padre was in the spot- that Henderson reached this seastaff writer light on Sunday. It was Ricky son. Earlier in the season he broke Henderson.Hefoundhimselfwith Babe Ruth's career record for Last week was history in the making for Major League Baseball. It bid farewell to two of its legends, had one player reach the 3,000 hit mark and had another

On Satmday, ~t. 6th, baseball's Iron Man, Cal Ripken Jr., played in his last game. He became baseball's Iron Man in 199,5 and he set the new record for consecutive games played at 2,632 on Sept. 20 1998, smpassing Lou Gehrig.

That was not his only milestone. He also hit over 400 homeruns, became a member of the 3,000 hit club, was a gold glove shortstop and made 18 consecutive all-star appearances.

Not only was Ripken a star player, but he was also a class act. He never declined an autograph. In fact he would stand for hours signing them. He was a consummate professional when baseball needed him the most after the 1994 strike,, and he stayed with the Baltimore Orioles for his entire 20 year career.

The next day baseball bid -farewell to another one of its greats, Tony Gwynn. He, like Ripken, played his entire career for one team. Gwynn played for the San Diego Padres for 20 seasons.

In those 20 seasons of work, Gwynn managed to get 3,140 hits and maintain a batting average of .338.

2,999 hits after Saturday's game. He did not want to steal the spotlight during Guynn's last game so he decided not to play. However,

most walk, and, on Thursday Ty Cobb's career runs record with a homer for Number 2,246. Perhaps the most exciting story that has come out of the 2001 set a new homerun record.

MLB season is Barry Bonds breaking Mark McGwire's home

run record. McGwire smpassed Roger Maris' record in 1998 with 70 homeruns. This year Bonds surpassed both of them with 73.

After Bonds' performance this year, he could be looking toward his record fourth MVP award. His 177 walks this season broke Ruth's other walk record, which was set in 1923.

Bonds' slugging percentage is .860, which is by far the best in baseball history. Ruth's record of .847 was set in 1920.

And Bonds' on-base percentage on .515 would be the best in the majors since 1957.

Week In Review

Men's soccer

Cabrini's men's team won against Alvernia 6-2 on ~t. 2 and Eastern College 3-2 on ~t. 6. Jason Catagnus, a sophomore forward, scored two goals and added one assist in a 2-0 PAC week. Cabrini suffered a 2-3 loss on both Oct. JO and ~t. 13 against Randolph Macon and Elmira Colleges.

Women's Soccer

Cabrini's woman's team won 7-0 against Cedar Crest on Oct. 3. They beat Neumann College 3-2 on ~t. 4. Patricia Bradley, Junior, had three goals and three assists in a 2-0 PAC week. On Oct. 6 Cabrini beat Alvemia 5-0. The team suffered a 1-2 loss against Eastern on ~c. 11 and a 1-4 loss against Villa Julie on ~t. 13. Senior Jessica Storck had two goals and one assist in a 1-2 week.

Field Hockey

Baseball card courtesy of Paul Williams

When Barry Bonds becomes a Hall of Farner will this card increase in value?

Gwynn wanted him to. It was perhaps his last chance to hit the milestone number that only 24 other people have hit. There are rumors of him retiring after this season.

Henderson did play on Sunday, and he did get his 3,000th hit. This was not the only milestone

"What he's done is absolutely phenomenal," McGwire said.

"It's in the stratosphere. It's almost like he's playing T-ball." McGwire is considering retirement after this year.

After the strike in 1994 the American fans of baseball still needed a season like this to bring them back to the game. What more could a fan ask for; nearly all-offensive records were broken this year.

Calling all baseball fans

writer Cabrini offers many different sports from field hockey and soccer, to volleyball and basketball.

Unfortunately, America's favorite pastime is not on the list.

Although a division 3 baseball team may not be in Cabrini's near future, fans of the game need not be worried for there is a baseball ttub.

Earlier this semester a group of freshman approached Chris Wmkler, intramurals, recreation and

facility director at the Dixon Center, about forming an intramural baseball club. Because of their request, the club was formed and now has close to 40 members in it.

When asked about whom the club would be playing against,,Winkler. stated that there would be other baseball clubs in the area to compete against. This kind of friendly competition is a great way to meet other Cabrini students as well as other players in the area.

For those who enjoy the sport of

Baseball but don't seem to have the motivation to play competitively, a whiffle ball club will also be forming sometime in November.

The easiest way to find out more on this new club is to contact Chris Wmkler at extension (610) 225-3909 or e-mail him at Cwinkler@Cabrini.edu.

If the club becomes a success, the possibility for a futme division 3 winning, baseball team could be quite high.

Cabrini suffered a 0-1 loss to Wesley College on ~t. 2. The team beat Arcadia 2-1 on Oct. 4 but lost 2-4 to Philadelphia University on ~t. 6. On ~t. 8 the team suffered a 0-2 loss against Eastern but beat Marywood 2-1 on Oct. 9. The team lost against Neumann 1-2 on Oct. ! 1.


Cabrini's volleyball team lost 0-3 to both Alvernia and Irnmaculata Colleges on Oct. 2 and Oct. 4. They lost 0-3 again to Marywood College as well as Gwynedd-Mercy College on ~t. 8 and Oct. 10. On Oct. 13 the team lost 0-3 to Philadelphia University, Rowan, and Notre Dame.


Cabrini beat Albright College 7-2 on ~t. L The team won on ~t.3 and Oct. 4 8-0 and 7-2 to Alvernia and Immaculata Colleges. On ~t. 7 they beat the University ofD.C. 7-2. Star player Patricia Aylmer, freshman, was 4-0 in singles and 2-2 in doubles in a 4-0 week. Cabrini won 6-3 against Eastern College on ~t. 10-11. They beat Neumann on Oct. 12, but lost to Wesley 36 on ~t. 13. Melissa Arriola, sophomore, went 3-0 in # 1 singles as well as 2-0 in #1 doubles in a 2-1 PAC week.

Men's and Woman's Cross Country

The men's te-amplaced second out of nine teams at GwyneddMercy on ~t 6, and the women placed first out of eight teams. • Kristin Zielinski, a senior, came in first out of 49 runners with a time of 20:28. and Patrick Hutton came in tenth out of 60 runners with a time of 29:23. The men's team placed firstst out of five on ~t. }3 at the Cheyney Invitational. The woman placed first out of five. Senior Ryan Jones finished first out 38 with a time of 30:06. First year student. Jacklyn McGuckin placed first out of 33, with a time of 20:53.

_14_____________________ SPORTS----------------Th_ur_s_da_~_~_t._18_,2_00_1

Soccer team defeated in the first few minutes of overtime

They played better, they played harder. Yet last Saturday, October 13, the Cabrini men's soccer team was defeated by Elmira College in an overtfuie score of 3-2. What is the explanation for this defeat?

"Luck.", says sophomore Outside Midfielder Steve Nield. "We played harder than them the entire game."

On Samday afternoon Cabrini fought Elmira to a 2-0 lead by half time. Cabrini was dominating the game, playing faster and more competitively than Elmira had been prepared for. Mike Rennie and Jason Catagnus both scored goals for Cabrini who was ready

to take this, nearly their last home game of the regular season, all the way to a stunning victory over their competition.

After halftime their opponent's luck seemed to change. Cabrini watched Elmira bring up the game with two goals of their own tying them 2-2. By the end, not more than five minutes into overtime, the winning goal was scored and Elmira took the 3-2 victory over Cabrini College.

The men are not broken by this loss however. In fact, exactly the opposite is true They played an incredible game on Samday and they know it. With a captain hurt, • having suffered a minor foot injury a few games back, some might have lost faith in his or the

team's capability. This is not the case for the team itself.

"Our captain was hurt," says Nield of senior captain Michael Braun. " ... but the o_therforward Jay [Catagnus] stepped up and scored. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to match their luck."

The team feels prepared to face their opponents from now on. Even injured captain Braun seems to be giving his all to the fight in the hopes that Cabrini will go all the way this season.

According to the men, there is nothing to worry about. It was strictly luck that won the game for Elmira, and hopefully GwyneddMercy will not be so lucky.

Lady Cavs defeat Marywood

-Continued from page 16

This was a game that every fan felt right down in the pit of their stomach. It was no an easy victory for Cabrini, it was a nail biter right until the end. Both teams played outstanding, and kept the fans on the edges of their seats all through the second half of the game. Both teams had opportunities to make additional scores at the end of the game, which both teams failed to do. It was nerve-wrecking for the fans because if Marywood had successfully scored the game would have been tied. But our team stuck it out until the end. The unity of the team was not only noticed by McQuade and other members of the team, but also the fans at the game.

Sophomore Anne Dougherty had this to say "It is nice to see the girls playing not for themselves particularly but for

the team itself, this is what makes it fun to come to the games, to see a team work together like this". This is refreshing to see because that is indeed what is meant by being a part of a team.

The end of the game was the best part. The women were elated with their performance, and congratulated each other so genuinely. They rejoiced together with hugs and encouragement to each other and from their coach.

The team won achieved their goal, to win the game. This team's victory on the field is wonderful, but the team itself and the friendships made is the real victory. It was de• served that they won this game; they deserved it and worked hard to earn their victory together as a team.

_Loq_w_·m-------------SPORTS-------------- 15
photos by Justine Di Filippo Cabrini's soccer team is ready for upcoming opponents. With a captain hurt the team has to pull together to win the games. Working together as a team will bring home some mo.re wins this season. photo by Katie Reing
The field h ockey team put in a good showing in the game against Marywood.

Radnor,PA 19087

Field hockey team victorious over Marywood

Victory is the appropriate word to describe Cabrini College's field hockey team's performance against Marywood University on Tuesday Oct. 9. The team.itself, coach Jackie Neary and the fans felt victory as well. The fans were with the team from start to finish. Everyone was involved in the game, everyone was excited. The players were pumped, and in turn so were their fans.

Cabrini's field hockey team triumphantly defeated Marywood with a score of 2-1. Seniors Carolyn Katkowski and Nicole

Schulz scored the two goals. These two players definitely shined this particular game, but the special thing about this game particularly is the fact that every player on the field shined in their own unique way. This was not a game about someone's own specific performance, it was more about the team as whole their unity and their ability to work together. Sophomore Maureen McQuade shared her views about the team and their teamwork for this specific game," Our success in this game was due to the fact that we really connected and played as a team."

-continued on page I 5

Thursday, September 13, 2001

Vol. XLVIIl, No.2 lnside

• Themen's soccerteam wasdefeatedin over-

18 19 20 21

22 23 24

•Women's Field


•Women's Field -Co-F.d Volleyball, •Flag football, 5:30 •Squash league Hockey vs. The Hockey PAC 8:30p.m. p.m., Upper field plays, 4-6 p.m., Dixon center College of New quarterfinals, •Women's Volley- Jersey, 3:30 p.m. TBA ball vs. Chestnut

•Flag football, 5:30 Hill College, Hockey PAC p.m., upper field 7:30p.m. semifinals, TBA

•Women's Volley- •Women's Soccer ball vs. Rosemont PAC Semifinals, College, 7:30 p.m. TBA

', ,,
Cabrini College
The Lady Cavs rush after the ball to gain possession before Marywood. The ladies played to a victory on Tuesday, Oct. 9. photo by Katie Reing Sophomore Stephanie Heniz maneuvers around a Marywood player. photo by Katie Reing The Lady Cavs played aggressively to win 2-1.

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Articles inside

Lady Cavs defeat Marywood

page 15

Soccer team defeated in the first few minutes of overtime

page 15

Calling all baseball fans

page 14

Week In Review

page 14

Record breaking week for major league baseball

page 14

Beating the cold and flu before they strike

page 13

Equestrian program for beginner riders developed

page 13

Extinction chases down platonic relationships

page 12

No fibs on the resume

page 11

Parking and a solution

page 11

Search retreat provides escape

page 10

St. Edmond's Home for Children sees the world in a different light

page 10


page 10

Dr. Love On Meeting the Parents

page 9

·rhe Doors= CLosEo, Bu1 NEVER FoRGoTTEN

page 9

DIETING It Is All in the Attitude

pages 7-8

Buried Treasures VI

page 7

'Commedia Your w ay s oon

page 7

Dox Thrash: The African American Master ~Printmaker

page 6

Spanish club bonds while cooking and eating Mayan chocolate

page 5

Public Safety Report

page 5

II Ill ............

page 5

Afgans fight amongst each other for power

page 4

Pres. Clinton suspended from high court practice

page 4

Cabrini Sisters reach out to victims in NYC

page 3

Terrorist-sent mail containing the anthrax disease causes biological warfare scare

page 3

Speed bumps populate campus, cause uproar among drivers

page 2

Local students protest bombing of Afghanistan

page 2
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