Oct. 25, 2001 issue 08 Loquitur

Page 9



my baby?"

You look over from where you sit at your desk in Woodcrest and there is a lady dressed all in white floating inches above the floor. She is pleading with you to tell her where her precious baby is. The woman, believe it or not, is a common face around campus according to some students and staff. Ghosts only come around on Halloween right? Well, if you are a Cabrini College student, you know that that is totally untrue. From the first

night of orientation students are told the tales of happenings of long ago in the very buildings where they live, learn and visit every day. Some people choose not to believe the legends, passing it off as only that, a legend. Others know from experience that unexplainable things are known to take place every so often right here on campus.

Before it was a college, the Paul family, a wealthy and prominent family in the area, bought the property that Cabrini now occupies and had a home built that was away from the sickness and disease that

was rampant in the cities. The mansion home of this family is now the president's office, the business office and other college offices. What is now Grace Hall was used as the stables for the family's horses.

The Paul family had a daughter who was about the same age as the stable hand they had hired. When the children were growing up, it was acceptable for them to play together, but as they grew older, the very different social backgrounds of the pair deemed their friendship inappropriate. In their teenage years, the daughter and the stable boy soon fell in love. The daughter became pregnant and, knowing what the response would be if her father found out, hid the pregnancy for as long as possible. When the night came that she could hide it no longer, her father put on his coat and top hat and headed to the stables. The stable boy, anticipating the father's actions, went up to the bell tower, tied a piece of rope and hanged him-

Phantom footprints are just one of Cabrini's

self. By the way, the bell tower has been sealed ever since and it is said that the piece of rope hangs from the rafters to this day. When the daughter found out about this, she flung herself over the balcony in the mansion, broke her neck and died along with her unborn baby. Another ending to the story is that the daughter had the baby stillborn and buried it in the peach orchard where Woodcrest stands today. As legend has it, the daughter, who people refer to as Mary, still roams the estate looking for her baby. Take this story as truth or legend, but no matter what you believe there are some occurrences that still go unexplained on Cabrini's campus.

Former professor of communications, Dr. Carter Craigie comes to give a lecture most years around this time about the bizarre happenings that have caused alarm among some of the students and faculty over the years. One story that he tells is of a dance that was held in the

mansion when he first joined Cabrini. It was October and by coincidence, the dance was being held on the anniversary of the young girl's death. When they pulled up the rug to create a dance floor, the bloodstains came right up through the hardwood floor. Have you ever wondered why there are no dances in the mansion?

Many students tell stories of odd things that have happened to them in the dorms. Many of these involve appliances turning on by themselves, objects flying across the room and lights flickering on and off. Junior Rita Horning tells of when she was a freshman living in Woodcrest and she was sleeping in her neighbor's room one night. "It was about 5 a.m. and we were all sleeping. All of a sudden the hairdryer tu~ed on. No one was anywhere near it and it didn't fall or anything. It just turned on."

-continued on page 9

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photo by Katie Reing The ghouls awake in Halloween Adventure photo by Justine DiFilippo haunts.
What's up on Campus? www.theloquitur.com thurs f ri '--ill 11 ))l() 11 l lit 'S
• Hoedown,
p.m.-4 p.m., Woodcrest p.m. Lounge -.
-Career Connec- • Midnight Mad- • Dance, Grace •Mass, 7 p.m., •Campus wide •Halloween, Feast tions workshop, ness, Dixon Hall, 9 p.m.-1 Brockmann Event sponsored of All Souls 12:15-1:15 p.m., Center, 9 p.m. am., Halloween Chapel of St. by staff, houses Hall, room to 1 a.m. Costume Contest Joseph
field, 12

Anthrax: campus concerns

The threat of bioterrorism has grown since the beginning of this month when anthrax started being sent through the mail. Officials confirmed the death of two postal workers as a result of inhalation of the powdery substance. This brings the total number of deaths resulting from this bioterrorism to three. Irr addition to the confirmed deaths, a mail employee in New Jersey is believed to be suffering from the disease, according to state health officials.

Anthrax is an acute infectious disease that is spread by a sporeforming bacterium. It occurs most often in wild and domestic animals, such as cattle, sheep, goats,

camels and other lower vertebrates. Humans become infected when they come in contact with the disease through the skin, lungs or gastrointestinal tract.

Tim Serbin, the mailroom manager on campus, does not think "we're one of their targets" so he sees only a few concerns but does not believe it to be an issue at Cabrini.

As a precaution, the school has supplied the mailroom with gloves. It is recommended that mailroom employees wear gloves when working with mail from the post office but not required.

Outside the door to the mailroom is a flyer, which lists characteristics of a suspicious letter or package and explains what to do if a student receives a suspicious

Watch out for suspicious mail with:

•no return address

•possibly mailed from another country (had excessive postage)

•misspelled words

•addressed to title only or incorrect title

•protruding wires

•lopsided or uneven

•rigid or bulky


•wrong title

•excessive tape or string

piece of mail.

Director of Public Safety

Charles Schaffner said, "There's always room to be concerned."

His concerns are focused on the country. He is not as concerned that the college will be targeted. No students have attempted to make prank calls to public safety regarding the disease and no real calls have been made either. "The student populous is mature enough not to play those kinds of pranks," he said.

If any student did make a prank call, they would be handled harshly. "This is not a joking matter by any stretch of the imagination," Schaffner said.

, Circle K: helping hand and having fun

The Circle K club bas been nothing but busy. This international service program is focused on helping communities, and that is what Circle K has been doing. Already, even as one of the newest clubs on campus, the Circle K club has spread its wings and is in flight.

Since the beginning of its existence Circle K meets at least once a week, usually on Thursdays at 2 p.m. in the Grace Hall board room. At these meetings, members discuss ideas on what they can do in the future to help with communities. It is always open to new ideas and would like to see new faces.

If you receive a suspicious package or letter:

•Handle with care. Don't shake or bump.

•Isolate and look for indicators.

•Don't open, smell or taste.

•Treat it as suspect and call 911.

Student passes away suddenly

On Monday, Oct. 22, junior Robert Cumming, Jr., passed away. On Tuesday, President Antoinette Iadarola set this letter to faculty and staff.

"Our hearts are heavy and saddened with the recent news of the death of one of our students, junior Robert Cumming, Jr. As some of you may know, Robert was a business administration major, with a minor in finance, who planned to make a difference in the lives of many. With a 3.2 average, be was a very good student with a promising -


"While we cannot explain the mystery of life and death, we can be there for each other to offer comfort, support and love.

The student development office, with campus ministry, is working hard to help all of us with our grief. Counselors are available to meet with students every Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The counselors are also available every Thursday evening until 8 p.m. A campus-wide memorial service will be held on campus at a later date to celebrate the life of our friend.

"When funeral arrangements have been made, I will be sure to tell you about the details. I know Robert's family, friends and loved ones will be in your prayers today and in the days that will follow."

is a program where handicapped children ride horses to help them strengthen their muscles.

Due to the events of Sept. 11, Circle K took it upon itself to make boxes for donations to send to the American Red Cross. It also sold ribbons for the victims, donating all profits.

Circle K has already participated in two fun nights. Fun nights are when Circle K and volunteers from the community help plan games for the children to participate in, keeping them off the streets.

Circle K has also gone to soup kitchens twice to help serve food. It also participated in Light the Night with West Chester Circle K, which is a walk for leukemia.

Circle K also helps with a program called Sebastian. Sebastian

The Cabrini chapter attended the Fall Rally, which is a convention for Circle K. West Chester, Drexel, University of Pennsylvania, and Immaculata College all came together to meet each other, and train for future events at this rally. Circle K has also made soup bowls from scratch to sell them to raise money for its division, along with many other fundraisers. Cabrini's Circle K has participated in kite festivals and Philly Cares day.

Circle also plans on gift-wrapping with MARC (Montgomery county association for retarded citizens), helping out with Habitat for Humanity and with adopt a highway programs.

The chapter of Circle K that is recognized at Cabrini College is having tons of fun. This organization is a heart-warming club that is willing to serve the community while having fun.

Club sponsors hoedown

Did you ever dream of throwing a pie in the face of your favorite professor or student? The Cabrini College chapter of Circle K is hosting a hoe down on Sunday, Oct. 28 from 12 p.m.- 4 p.m. One of the events planned is 'pie in the face.' So far, professors Mary Laver, Hal Halbert and Michael Taylor will offer their faces for pie. Additionally, Catie Garafalo, sophomore and Jesse Gluckman, sophomore, will be available to throw a pie at.

"The big event is the horse plop:' Lisa Difabio, sophomore board member of Circle K, said. According to Difabio, one of the fields on campus will be converted into a checkerboard with a matching grid on a sheet of paper. Names of people wiio purchase plots of the grid will be randomly placed on the plots. Plots cost $3. ''Whichever person's plot that the horse poops on gets the money," Difabio said. Additionally, 2/3 of the money collected will be donated to Sebastian.

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photo by Dr. SharonSchwarze Robert Cumming,Jr.

Proposed changes to health benefits

The president's office and faculty and staff are facing proposals to change the current health benefits plan. The intended changing of the plan is causing concern among employees of the college but is believed to be necessary by the president's office and the board of trustees.

An issue has aroused concern among faculty and staff, as well as the administration. Faculty and staff's health benefits are under examination by the president's office and under reconsideration by the Board of Trustees.

"Everyone is concerned," Dr. James Hedtke, head of the faculty and staff advisory board, a board established by President Antoinette Iadarola not long after she began working at the college, said.

The administration compared the college's programs to those of 22 comparable colleges in the area and found that its health care benefits were "out of whack" with those of other colleges, according to Iadarola.

That is one of the three reasons Iadarola and Stephen Lightcap, vice president for finance and ad-

ministration and treasurer, said that the faculty and staff's benefits were under examination.

Across the country, health care costs are rising dramatically, another reason for the reconsideration. The weak economy has added to this rise and it is expected that many companies will request that employees share in the expense. Another reason for the rise in costs involves customer freedoms. Years ago, care companies were able to control costs by striking bargains with doctors and hospitals. The expense began to rise again when care companies began to allow customers to choose their doctors and hospitals.

The faculty is aware that costs are rising across the country but wants the administration to consider methods other than cutting the benefits budget.

"We need to look at creative ways to offer quality health care

plans," Dr. Margaret McGuinness, department chair, religious studies, said.

Right now, the benefits are handled in a cafeteria plan. Employees have a budget of flex dollars, which they can use to pick and choose what they want, as though off a menu. The flex dollars left over can then be opted-out, so that an employee can take that extra money home in their paycheck.

The third challenge involves these flex dollars. Many institutions offer its employees a fixed or flat number of dollars to use. Cabrini has never d0ne it this way. The school offers flex dollars based on a percentage of the lowest cost family medical plan. Right now, it's based on 80 percent of that plan, bringing the total number of flex dollars to $5,840.

Forty percent of the faculty and staff choose to have no benefits through the college and take their

entire flex dollars home with their paycheck because they have benefits through a spouse. Cabrini has the "highest cash out in Philadelphia," Lightcap said.

For many employees on campus, the opt-out is a very popular perk. Would prospective new hires be turned off to the college if the optout money were taken away?

"I have heard faculty express concerns about that," McGuinness said.

Iadarola feels that Cabrini offers a competitive salary and that whether or not the opt-out money is offered would not be a major consideration for a new hire. She said the school has no intention of offering a poor package.

For the employees who take their opt-out money home with them, any cut to the benefit budget or the opt-out money will be viewed as salary cut. Iadarola and Lightcap do not agree. Flex dol-

lars are not a part of the salary. They are for benefits, according to Iadarola.

McGuinness, however, recognizes that if money that employees are accustomed to taking home in their paychecks is no longer there, it will feel like a salary cut.

On Friday, Oct. 19, 11 proposals were made to the Board of Trustees. Some of the proposals did plan to take away the opt-out but all proposals were rejected. The final decision is that of the Board of Trustees.

Right now, the issue is still unresolved. Hedtke and the rest of the faculty and staff share a concern over what the new plan will be.

"Healthcare is a justice issue," McGuinness said. For now it's "up in the air," Hedtke said.

Students walk for the fight against AIDS

The numbers are staggering. An estimated 16.3 million people, including 12.7 million adults and 3.6 million children under the age of 15, have died from AIDS since the epidemic began. Today there are about 33.6 million people of all walks of life living with HIV/ AIDS, according to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. HIV infection and AIDS is the second leading cause of death among adults ages 25-44.

The AIDS Walk in Philadelphia was held on Sunday, Oct. 21, in order to raise money for AIDS treatment and education. About 17 Cabrini students, through Community Outreach, were a part of this tremendous support raising about $400 for the cause.

Early Sunday morning students gathered to have their picture taken with the Cavalier before boarding the van to Philadelphia.

'Thewalk began at 8 a.m. at Eakins Oval in front of the steps of the

Philadelphia Museum of Art. Walkers completed the 8.5-mile walk in about three hours while students who brought rollerblades finished in about two hours. There was also a one-mile stroller walk for families with children and a 10k run to accommodate supporters with different preferences.

Before the day of the event, students asked faculty, staff, friends and family to donate whatever they could for their efforts. Any contribution was greatly appreciated and desperately needed by the organization. Everyone has their own reasons for doing things like this and Bernadette Hazel, organizer of the Cabrini team, is no exception. ''I organized the team for the walk because my uncle died of AIDS last year;• she said.

"Everyone seemed to have a pretty good time, but we all came home really tired." After the walk, pizza was provided back on campus for those who walked for the fight against AIDS.

AIDS Fund, who set up the walk, is an organization in the Philadelphia area that organizes volunteers to raise money in order to provide AIDS and HIV-related services, education and prevention to the community. In 1987, volunteers from Philadelphia's lesbian and gay community center, Penguin Place, as a walk-a-thou to raise money, established the beginning of the AIDS Walk. Since its start, AIDS Fund is the region's largest private funder of AIDS service organizations raising more than $8 million. The money raised for AIDS prevention and treatment is seen to be decreasing the trend in AIDS related deaths in the past few years. In Philadelphia in 1999, there were 204 deaths from AIDS reported, down 50 percent from 1997 and 75 percent from 1995. Currently Pennsylvania and New Jersey are among the ten states reporting the highest number of AIDS cases, making the Philadelphia AIDS Walk that much more important.

According to Philadelphia Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area, as of 1999 Philadelphia, Pa., Camden County, N.J. and Delaware County, Pa. had the highest number of AIDS cases reported with 12,641, 1,292, and 983 cases respectively.

AIDS Fund provides 38 organizations with funding for programs. Everything from educational classes and presentations to hospital care and shelter for children and families who are inflicted with the disease are provided through various organizations. Organizations are chosen for funding through an annual Request for Proposal process that is highly competitive. To apply for funding, the phone number to call is (215) 731-9255 or an application can be downloaded from www.aidswalkphilly.org.

The Cabrini team raised about $400. This money will be going to very good causes. Every $100 raised will pay for six hours of home health aide service, a week's

supply of medication, four support groups or HIV treatment education workshops, one month of nutritious breakfasts and healthy snacks for preschoolers infected and affected by HIV/AIDS as well as countless other necessities. For every $500 raised, an infected person can be provided with a full battery of diagnostic testing, one full clinic session with an AIDS specialist, or 32 hours of residential personal and nursing care. There is so much more that the AIDS Fund provides, but everyone can be comforted to know that the money raised will go to desperately needed services.

Former Mayor Ed Rendell called the AIDS Walk, "A great cause, a great event that touches the heart." The walk not only raises money for a great cause, but also creates community ·compassion and awareness. Going along with the motto of AIDS Fund, until it's over. walk for a world without AIDS.

Students study cultures and lifestyles in Italy

Students who studied Italian last year were able to receive a first hand account of the language and of the culture that they were studying. This past summer, foreign language professor, Massimo Musumeci, and a group of Cabrini students took a trip overseas to the country of Italy, for a two-week stay. They traveled to all regions of the country including Florence, San Girniniano, the Island of Ponza and ended their travels in the beautiful city of Rome.

The purpose of this trip was so that the students could learn more about the Italian culture and lifestyle. It was also to expand the student's vocabulary and improve their speaking skills in Italian. The students got a first hand account of what the Italian lifestyle is like from professor Musumeci, who is

a native of Italy himself. They were introduced to Muscumeci's family and friends who showed the students examples of everyday living in Italy. The students were treated with authentic Italian cooking as well and were able to sense what it would be like to live in the country of Italy. "It was a great experience," Chris Glavin, sophomore, said. "We were able to see for ourselves what life in Italy was like and what their customs consisted of. We would not have been able to do this if we were not being given the tour be a former Italian resident.'' •

The students commented that they all had a great time and learned a lot about the culture and history of Italy. They did all this while having a lot of fun. "We all had a great time. The beaches were beautiful. The whole trip was something that I' 11 never forget and I look forward to doing it

again sometime," Lucy Truglio, sophomore, commented. One student saw and experienced more than just the famous landmarks in Italy. Christine Casale had the unique experience of meeting family members of hers who still reside in Italy. "Along with learning about my culture and where my father was from, I got to meet some of my relatives and family that still live there. It was a very unique experience that I am glad I had."

All of the students agreed that the trip was a lot of fun and that it is something that they would do again if given the chance. No trip has yet been planned for next summer. However there is definitely a plan for a trip in the summer of 2003. One does not have to take Italian to go on this trip. Anyone who attends Cabrini College is welcome to travel with the group.

Haunted Trail scares over weekend

Aside from the chill in the night air, a distinct sound could be heard rising out of the Grace Hall woods last weekend. Approaching the chapel, ear piercing screams became louder as crowds of people were seen making their way toward the scene. What was the commotion that had gotten campus screaming? The Cabrini College Haunted Trail.

Beginning in the Grace Hall atrium, the Halloween fun abounded. There was a table for painting pumpkins, snacks, Cabrini student volunteers in costumes and eerie black lights to set the frightening mood. After a brief wait, small groups were escorted out of the side doors by their "ghostly" tour guides. As groups approached the wooded area, screams could be heard in the distance, while the guides entertained their groups with stories of the Cabrini College haunting.

Making their way through the darkened woods, huddled groups faced masked creatures, foggy tunnels, severed limbs and even the Cabrini ghost herself, dressed in white and accompanied by her elusive "missing baby." There was even a grand finale as SGA president Colin McGinley burst out of the woods armed with a face-mask and a chainsaw. Colin had no inhibitions about chasing down his fellow classmates for a good scare.

, Students weren't the only ones-tcrenjtly"the-scary .excitement of ~nted tr~. There were Brown-

ie Troupes, birthday parties and families from surrounding areas all here to join in the fun. Freshmen class President TllD McIntyre was pleased with this year's turnout. "A lot of people came, especially on Friday night. There were a lot of students but also a lot of people outside of the campus community."

Perhaps the cause for the significantly larger turnout than previous years was due to the hours of work put into the project. "We worked from 10 to six on Friday," McIntyre said. Their hard work seemed to pay off as the line formed outside of Grace Hall to get a piece of the Halloween action.

"I was surprisingly impressed," sophomore Laura Girrlando said. "I went last year but it wasn't nearly as good. This year was scarier and a lot more fun." Girrlando was not the only one who favored this year's trail to the ones in years prior. Krista Michalowski brought her entire family to the Haunted Trail this year, including eight year-old Cousin Danielle. "She really loved it," Michalowski said. "She wouldn't let go of my leg for anything. My whole family had a good time."

According to those in charge, this years Haunted Trail was an overall success. "CAP board and SGA did a good job of putting the whole thing together," McIntyre said. If the screams coming out of the Grace Hall woods were any indication of its success, the Haunted Trail may be around for many Halloweens to come.

4 NEWS Thursday, Oct. 25, 2001
photo by Lucy Truglio
©mltfll{J~ ®IP@tf Cabrini's lmprov Troupe Every Monday 10 p.m. Widener Center Lecture Hall Admission is Free!
Students traveled through Italy. Above is a spot in Rome near St. Peter's Basilica.

l1rl1:• II 1•1 ............. I Peer tutors assist students

Watch where you're touching

The Utah state Supreme Court overturned a Court of Appeals ruling that said a 15-yr-old boy was properly convicted when he lewdly grabbed his (clothed) crotch and gestured to a woman in a convenience store parking lot. The lower court had found it not so offensive and said; besides, it might be an "expressive symbolic speech." One high court dissenter said he had a solution to the whole dilemma: send the case back to trial for a clarification on whether the kid's action amounted to illegal "public masturbation."

Fun, fun, fun 'til Daddy took the buggy away

In Middlefield Village, PA, an Amish teen got sloshed and took the family buggy out for a spin. By the time police caught up with him, the carriage was careening all over creation, and the kid was passed out in the driver's seat. Police said sirens, flashing lights, and pounding on the buggy all failed to rouse the boozed-up brother. A 21-year-old Amish backslider who bought beer for the youth faces charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Where's the super glue?

Recep Yavrucu, a Turkish bus driver, refused hospital treatment after having his ear cut off by thieves. Four youths attacked him on his on his bus run, cutting bis ear off, and stealing money and his mobile telephone. The injured man helped police with their inquiries of the four I thieves, but refused their offer to take him to the hospital. "I've never been to a doctor, and I'm not likely to start now," Yavrucu said. "I have this fear of doctors and I've always treated my own wounds. Having a piece of my ear cut off was not that serious and I fixed it myself with some super glue."

Public Safety Report

The following Is a 11stof lnfrilctlonsreported by CabriniCollege PublicSafety from Oct. 15-0ct. 22. The dates cover from midnightto midnight.

-00 Thursday, Oct 18, one citation was written for a visitation violation in House 2.

-00 Friday, Oct. 19, three citations were written in House 2. One for a visitation violation. Two were written for a noise violation and failure to obey a campus official.

-00 Sunday, Oct 21, five citations were written in the CAC for underage drinking. Two citations were written for giving false infonnation to a Public Safety officer and failure to obey a college official.

There is a great need for peer tutors on campus this semester. Marita DeJesus, head of peer tutoring, said, "We are always looking for more tutors, especially in math, biology, Spanish, French and Italian. The more tutors we have, the better." DeJesus also said that a lack of tutors could cause problems because not everyone is available all the time. "To become a tutor you need an application and a letter of recommendation from a faculty member in the subject you wish to tutor," DeJesus said. Subjects that the tutoring center offers help in are math, biology, chemistry, accounting, Spanish, French, Italian and computers. DeJesus recommends that once students notice they are struggling in a class they should get a tutor as soon a possible to ensure a better connection with the tutor, and better results. She also said that the tutors tend to get overwhelmed

right before finals week because so many people wait too long to get help. "If a student wants to improve in a class, he or she should get a tutor right away," DeJesus said.

A point that DeJesus would also like to stress is how unappreciated the tutors are. "Some tutors are paid, but most of them volunteer their time. I don't think everyone realizes that," DeJesus said.

Kristin Zielinski, a senior at Cabrini and a peer tutor, said she enjoys tutoring. Zielinski has been tutoring since her freshman year. She tutors math, sociology and psychology. Zielinski said that getting a tutor is a good idea even if a student is struggling in homework and on quizzes. Getting help in these areas can help a student better understand the material the class is covering and get better test grades.

Zielinski said, "(Peer tutoring) is an excellent program. It helps everyone including the tutors. I think it is a rewarding experience for all."

Cabrini College Supports National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week 10/H-I0/26 "Bar

Pltau'"'flkk IM~qwst,t,,u nd ~,. 1Mbar v,dwud,. ei/11,r1MFood Cowrtor Q,/Nn4. T« tnJ nd>M""1tlw,IAIM-,aH'r«lnn«nun, I~,. di, Dau,egSrrnu (/la or CnC.rd). ofttb,. • rd""- drdfllUffu.U Wt Ii-, IP,- rtOlifodby,,,,_, Fri,i,,y@ftr,o.

I. The Frrnch call this "wood mouth,• Germans refer to it as "wailing cats." Italian• call it "out of time, and "Norwrgian• identify it u" carpenttr1 in the head, "'Spaniard•call it" backluh.'

What do Amencana call it? _____ _

I. Tom Arnold, Sendra Bullock.Che-vyChase. Bill Cotby, Kru Kriatolfenon, and Bn,ce Willia an all lormtt

S. WhoM-mother invented the Manhattan cocktaa? __________ _

In what city is it illegal to feed a moote any alcohol beverage? _______ _

5. What atate never ratilied the JP Amendmmt establishing Prohibition? ____ _

6. Drunk driver, in this country can be punished by death bef0tt a firing .quad.

7. The corkscrew wu invented in what year?

8. _______ is the kl!r of alcohol.

9 Bill McCoy wu a bootlegger well known for ,eUing quality imported goods. He wu the original __________

10. The Women's Christian Tffllfll!Tln<:eUnion (WCTU) ttill exists ud bouu a membenhip ofhow many? _____ _

I I. Vikingi uaed t"-- u drinking ve.scls. ___________ _

Ii. The adultttation of alcohol bev~ wu punishable by cte.th in medieval

JS. 15.

______ wu a temper1nce product developedin the hope that it would repllCe t-r in popularity.

William Sokolin paid$,____ for• bottle of 1787 vinta~ wine which auppotedly had been owned by Thoma, Je&rson, then later aecidentally knocked it over, breaking it and •pilling the ptteiOUJrontenta on the Door.

In English pub drink, are ,erved in pints and quarts leading to the origin of what saying?

Name Phone ________ _

Loquitur NEWS 5
t;J 'P%t:& • -

Review- Shadow of the Vampire

As we get closer to Halloween, nothing is more disturbing than a movie that suggests that a classic horror movie might actually be real. "Shadow of the Vampire" goes behind the making of the silent vampire movie, "Nosferatu," which came out in 1922.

A strange and creepy actor named Max Schreck played the part of the vampire, Count Orlok, in the original. Actor Willem Dafoe plays Schreck in this film. The movie goes on to suggest that the reason that Schreck was so believable in "Nosferatu" is because he was a real vampire. The film is frightening but funny and actor Willem Dafoe is made to look so much like the original character played by Schreck that the audience can't even tell when clips from the original "Nosferatu" are mixed in.

Of course the suggestion that Max Schreck was a real vampire was not based on fact. However, the film is a somewhat believable account of what the making of "Nosferatu" might possibly have been like. It delves into the bizarre world of German filmmaker F.W. Mumau (John Malkovicb), who created the original, and presents him as a dictatorial visionary who will stop at nothing to perfect his work of art.

"Shadow of the Vampire" is witty and a bit peculiar, but its consistent intertwining of what really happened and what might have been is the backbone of this film's appeal. The movie is extremely enjoyable when the story behind it is known.

Review-Jeepers Creepers

When scary movies are made there are usually elements to them that take away from the reality of the whole thing. Someone is always stupid enough to walk in the woods alone at night or to answer the door when nobody else is home. Only the good horror films make the viewers think they could really happen. Picture every single set back that

...1ovles '"


bas ever kept a horror movie from being decent, put them all together in one film and the the result is "Jeepers Creepers." This movie obviously had a low budget; it was blatantly unrealistic and painfully predictable.

The whole movie basically revolves around a kid and his sister and their fight to stay alive in spite of their stupidity. It also comes equipped with a psychic (every horror flick should have one) who tries to warn the characters of the monster. They, of course, don't listen to her.

Early on in the movie the two main characters are driving in broad daylight (everyone knows how scary that is) and they see someone dumping a dead body down a sewer pipe. The person (or thing, which is found out later) then proceeds to run them off the road. Like any other clear headed person, the brave soul who, lucky for us, is one of the main characters decides not only to go back to the crime scene, but to actually go into the sewer pipe bead first.

For those who enjoy seeing bad actors play stupid characters in a low budget setting, this movie is a must see. It combines everything that is generic about horror films and does its best to illustrate every flaw and shortcoming that any horror movie ever bad. Not only did the tally of combined brain cells of the characters in this movie remain somewhere in the low teens, but it assumes that the viewer bas the IQ of a hamster. Don't waste time or money on this one. The only thing scary about this movie is that someone actually funded it.

l,afl•mtta eat•: enatlt_. WttcfJ:ttnftts, ttttt.alf.s, fDota.s, 9foo~ •uatlJ an~ aott . ..

Imagine, for one second, if people cooked traditional meals for Halloween as they do for Christmas and Thanksgiving. What types of things would people eat? If more of an old-fashioned family were to create a Halloween meal, the dinner would probably resemble the Thanksgiving meal. However, for a more modem or outgoing family, perhaps they would make meals that are a bit more outlandish.

As an appetizer, perhaps Eyeballs and Worms would do the trick. Then for an entree, Gnarled Witch Fingers and Guts would be a nice touch to add to the evening. Afterward, as a dessert, Cat Poop Cookies would be a wonderful treat. To wash all of this wonderful food down, maybe some Blood Punch would be a good thirst quencher.

As disgusting as all of this sounds, all of these recipes are nothing more than regular

dishes with odd names. The appetizer, Eyeballs and Worms, is similar to a bruscbetta appetizer, made of diced cheese, diced tomatoes, diced garlic and other seasonings mixed together and served atop bread, melba toast or anything else one might desire. The Gnarled Witch Fingers are nothing more than breaded chicken with four slits in the top part of the boneless breast to make the shape of a hand and the Guts are simply spaghetti and gravy with food coloring. Although Cat Poop Cookies sound repulsive, the ingredients are mainly cocoa, honey and Grape Nuts cereal. The cocoa cookie is rolled into long or short cocoon shapes and placed on a bed of Grape Nuts. This creates the illusion of a kitty litter box. Finally, the Blood Punch is comprised of only tomato juice and orange juice. The two are combined at either room temperature or can be placed in the refrigerator, depending on preference.

6 A&E Thursday, Oct. 25, 2001
photo retrieved from www.upcomingmovies.com Jeepers Creepers is a thriller about two-college students running from an evil demon.
f' t
*Graphics for this page were retrieved from various Halloween sites.

Artists Lift America's Spirits in D.C.

A star-studded lineup took the stage at RFK stadium in Washington D.C. on Oct. 21 to raise money for the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Michael Jackson headlined the event, which raised over $2 million for the Pentagon Relief Fund, the American Red Cross Liberty Relief Fund and the Salvation Army Relief Fund.

Though accomplishing its purpose of raising money to aid in the relief efforts in New York City and D.C., the concert became one long night of technical glitches and irritable fans. After 11-and-a-half hours, the crowd of 47,000 people grew weary of the continuous waiting. Large gaps between performances resulted in many ticket holders leaving the stadium before the end of the concert and those who remained responded with spurts of booing.

Despite not having the concert come off exactly as planned, the show did go on. Backstreet Boys opened the show with an acappella version of the national anthem and then continued with a five-song set that included their hits "I Want It That Way" and "Shape of My Heart."

Aerosmith performed a stadium-booming rendition of "Walk This Way" and kept the crowd on its feet with ''Livin' on the Edge," "Don't Want to Miss a Thing" and "Just Push Play." "We thought the world was coming to an end," Steven 'fyler said during Aerosmith's energy-packed performance, "but we got something you can't kill: love, liberty and the pursuit of rock and roll." Aerosmith proved its commitment to the nation by chartering a plane to get in and out of D.C. in time for a show later that

night in Indianapolis after deciding not to perform via satellite.

Highlights throughout the evening included a blond Pink with acoustic renditions of "My Vietnam" from her upcoming album and a cover of Janis Joplin's "Me and Bobby McGee." Bette Midler performed "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy," Al Green sang "Let's Stay Together" and James Brown did his famous sweat-andgrind routine to "Living in America."

A recovering Mariah Carey struggled through her songbird hits "Never Too Far" and "Hero" as she seemed incapable of hitting the high notes. Rod Stewart rocked the crowd with ''Hot Legs," while World War II images flashed behind him.

Other performances included 'N Sync, Mya, Billy Gillman, Usher, O-Town, Carole King, Train, Destiny's Child, Ce Ce Peniston, America and the Goo Goo Dolls. However, the most memorable performance of the evening was that of Sean "P. Diddy" Combs.

The most animated of anyone onstage that night, P. Diddy danced and marched from one end of the stage to the other while urging the crowd to grow louder. Bringing new meaning to his record label anthem "Bad Boy for Life" the rap mogul, dressed in military fatigues, managed to pump up the audience by playing clips of Queen's ''We Will Rock You" and Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the U.S.A." P. Diddy's finale included a huge gospel choir spanning the entire length of the stage, while performing "I'll Be Missing You" featuring the background vocals of Faith Evans.

Jackson performed just one song on his own, ''Man in the Mirror," dutjng which he draped himself in an American flag while a

platform raised him above the audience. "Tonight we all stand united and ask, 'What more can I give?"' Jackson said. "To the families of the victims of Sept. 11 that are here with us tonight, you are not alone. You are in our hearts, you are in our thoughts and you are in our prayers."

The concert ended with a late night debut of his benefit single "What More Can I Give?" Jackson attempted a successful performance of his new tune with a host of

personal celebrity friends including JC Chasez and Chris Kirkpatrick of 'N Sync, Mariah Carey, Usher, Billy Gillman, Angie Stone, Chris Tucker, Mya and Macaulay Culkin. However, good intentions do not always promise good results. Singers botched the verses and technical difficulties drowned out everything other than the overpowering chorus. Still, their hearts were in the right place.

111111 T11r 2111 reels 1111111111

Music has always been an important part of my life. I have always been into rock music; therefore, on Oct.22 when I was offered a free and last minute chance to attend this year's Family Values Tour, I gladly accepted.

The first band was Deadsy. It was the first time I ever heard this band and I was not the least bit impressed. They were a little too boring for my tastes.

Up next was Static-X. This band played the Pantera/Slayer show which I also had the privilege of attending this summer. As far as live performance is concerned, they were pretty good.

Then there was Linkin Park. I was anxious to see these guys; they were not a disappointment. The band was full of energy and they got the crowd pretty fired up. Their music consists of a good blend of hard rock and hip hop. Most of the songs they played was off of their album, with the exception of an unreleased song that everyone seemed to


After a short break and a sound clip from Kubrick's The Shining, Staind took the stage.There are no other words to describe their performance better except, incredible. This is another band with an extremely talented lead singer. The relaxing vibe they give off live, while playing their loud abusive tunes is amazing. They played a lot of tracks off of their new CD, a couple of favorites off of Dysfunction and an acoustic version of "Outside."

The band that ended the night was Stone Temple Pilots. STP is a band that I got into nearly a decade ago. I listened to their first two albums relentlessly and quickly lost touch with the band; however, the majority of the music they played consisted of tracks from their first couple of albums. They gave an outstanding performance.

With the exception of STP, I stand by my original opinion about today's bands. The MTV/ mainstream radio-rock music scene is getting more and more full of talentless showoffs, but there are exceptions. All the bands that performed at the Family Values Tour really gave it their all and showed all those in attendance a great time.

Loquitur A&E 7
Photo retneved from www.mtv.com Michael Jackson and N' Sync were only a few of the artists that performed at the RFK benefitconcertinD.C.

Itrs Pumpkit1 Pickin° Time "'

Halloween is coming fast, and the pumpkin population is beginning to feel it. For hundreds of years people have been making jack-o-lantems, but no one made them with pumpkins until Europeans formed colonies in America.

When the British came to America they discovered that a pumpkin would make a perfect jack-o-lantem. They soon began carving the scary faces into the fruit to keep the evil spirits away from their homes in the new land.

Pumpkins have inspired many people to do incredible things with them. Washington Irving wrote about a man with a jack-o-lantem head in 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," and Cinderella's coach was made from a pumpkin. There is even a nursery rhyme devoted entirely to a man obsessed with pumpkins in "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater."

Now carving pumpkins is a Hal-

loween tradition in the U.S. There is a litjack-o-lantern in front of nearly every house in any given neighborhood. Pumpkin Carving has become an art' form in towns across the country as every family tries to outdo the next.

To carve better pumpkins try a few new tools to make life easier. Serrated knives come in a variety of sizes for big and little cuts. Heavy-duty versions of this knife have larger zigzag serrations for cutting through tough pumpkin skin.

A double-edge serrated knife is great for hard-to-get spots. Sawing in both directions comes in handy when trying to create the perfect evil eye. A strong, sharp mat knife is easily able to cut through even the toughest pumpkin rind. An artist's craft knife can make delicate patterns or help you cut out little tough-to-reach spots.

A melon-baller can be used to scrape away the final layer of stringy innards with this super scooper. An apple corer can also be useful to make polka-dots or to make snake like stripes that don't entirely penetrate the pumpkin rind. Use a cookie cutter and hammer to make shapes in the pumpkin without much trouble. Cut a hole in the bottom of the pumpkin for a candle, that leaves the entire top of the pumpkin available for creative carving. Instead of using a candle try using a small electric light or a string of lights to illuminate the jack-o-lantem. Pumpkin-carving tools can be found at most craft, art and hardware stores.


Does anyone remember the song, "If I only had a brain"? No, not what your drunken friend said at the party the other night, but the song from the movie 'The Wizard of Oz." The comical portrayal of the scarecrow without a brain is quite amusifig, but where did the concept of a scarecrow originate?

The earliest known fact written about a scarecrow is in 1592. The scarecrow was designed to scare away crows that wduld feast on farmland. The scarecrow was nothing more than the clothes of an adult stuffed with hay then propped upon a large cross. The scarecrow would be placed in the middle of a field to keep away the hungry crows.

ditional scarecrow. There are many new devices that are used to keep away all sorts of birds. Today farmers use electronic devices, such as pop up balloons that are triggered by a motion detector.

The scarecrow will forever be immortalized with tlte movie 'The Wizard of Oz" and its popularity around Halloween, but the scarecrow lives on in folk art as well. It is still famous among those in arts and crafts and those farmers interested in keeping in touch with their past.

Halloween is about a week away. Do you have your costume? An alien like in the picture above is just one of the thousands of options available,

Some Christian farmers used the scarecrow in the 16th century as a symbol of the crucifixion of Christ. Crows can be disastrous to farms, so the frightening depiction of a person nailed to a cross was enough to terrify the birds away from the precious crops. Farmers of today rarely use the tra-

The scarecrow also goes by several other names in different places through out history. In the play "Merry Wives of Windsor" by William Shakespeare, written inl597, the scarecrow appears as "Jack A Lent." In Berkshire, Isle of Wight, he is fitted with a hat and stick and is known as "Hodmedod." Last but not least, in the small town of Potato Fields, just outside of London, the scarecrow will answer only to "Tattie Bogies."

There is no longer any use for the old

time scarecrow on farms, but the



• 8 --------------------------- FEATURES Thursday, Oct. 25, 2001
photo by Amanda Howard
fruit from this time of year. They sit in their patches or decorate our homes during the fall season.
Pumpkins are the famous photo by Katie Reing photo by Ju 5 fine DiFilippo scarecrow Scarecrows date back many years. Their usl! become American icon that still for scaring has dwindled down to welcoming makes appearances from time to time. patrons and guests to businesses and homes.

Remember the day when you found out your crush's birthday and that night when you got home you looked in one of your magazines, or went on the computer to look up their astrological sign? You may have even looked up whether or not that person's sign was compatible with yours. Who knows, maybe it's meant to be.

staff writer

the planets, stars and moons for guidance. Thousands of years ago astrology was mostly for members of royalty only. An astrologer could look forward to a comfortable, civil service job in a palace, if they served royalty.

Shannon Kin it the first snow fall of the year, you will staff writer see footprints leading from Grace Rall to the mansion that just disappear after a

Many read their horoscope on a daily

basis for some amuse- What's in the stars for you? ment, or to see if maybe

Alexandria, Egypt was considered the cultural center of ancient Hellenistic Greek thought. The study, development, and acceptance of astrology increased over about 300 year~. During this time horoscopic, zodiacal and individual astrology as we know today first came into exissome truth could lie behind it. How long tence. have you been waiting for that special someone that your horoscope keeps telling you about?

Astrology has had quite a history and has become very popular over the thousands of years that it has been researched. As far back as history can go people have looked to

Now astrology and horoscopes has become a daily thing for many people. We can only thank the ancient Greek philosophers and the steadfast astrologers for continuing their studies so that we can find out if that Scorpio in our English class is really our type.

-Continued from page J whlle. Long ago students said that they had seen a man wearing a long coat and Some of the staff members have told top hat who looked lost. When they asked stories of meetings they were having in Grace Hall when the radio just turned on without anyone being near it. They turned it off and a few minutes later it came back on. They even went as far as to unplug it from the wall and what happened? That's right, it came back on a few minutes later. Junior Stacy Hanby tells a story from Woodcrest as well. She was in her room about to go to sleep. There was no one around and she was lying in her bed. All of a sudden she felt a weight on her,chest and she could not move or yell. ''I heard whispering all around me, but no one was there," she recalls. "I was talking to Dr. Primiano about it and he said that he bas interviewed many people on campus who havehad the same thing happen to them. Apparently there is a name for it, it's called 'Old Hag Syndrome."'

There are all kinds of legends aboutthe haunted Cabrini mansionand die young girl who still roams the land. There are also stories abouther father.~ legend bas

him if he needed help he turned around and disappeared ., If all of this ghost stuff intrigues you and you want to tempt fate on Halloween night with a Ouija Board, don't worry, that has been done too. A group of guy~ were in Xavier and decided to play a little game. They took out the board, asked it a few questions and just when they thought nothing was going to happen, the phone rang. As one of the guys stood up to answer the call, he looked in the long mirror that is on the back of every door in Xavier. Right behind him was a young woman dressed all in white, floating about a foot off the ground. The young men, just out for a little _fun,ran screaming from their room and vowed never to tempt fate again. Don't believe any of this? Think it's all a legend that people have taken to far? Halloween is only six days away. Go ahead, takeoatdaat~oard and. a little~· ~fqu.

• forget the broom Facts of the Craft

Hlodmao features editor

When someone mentions witches we tend to think of Samantha on "Bewitched" with her cute little daughter Tabitha, or the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch of the North from 'The Wizard of Oz." It is rare that we would actually think back to when witches were in fact very real and not just a character on our television screens. The history lies in Salem, Massachusetts where a wiggle of the nose wasn't so cute.

It all began in January 1692. Two young girls of Salem Village became ill with no explanation. It was deemed that bewitchment was t!te cause. The two girls

accused three women of afflicting them with spells. In other words the girls said that they were tormented and possessed by the three women. These women were everyday women. They did not have big noses or wear pointy hats and the certainly were not green. This case started witch trials, the first was held on March 1, 1692. These trials led to a witch hunt. Nineteen people, including five men, were hanged as a result of this witch hysteria. One person was pressed to death, which means exactly what it says. It is unknown where the bodies of accused witches were buried because they were not allowed to be buried on consecrated ground. The trials lasted for less than a

year, but their impression on history will never die.

The Salem Witch Muse.: um located in Salem, MA gives those who are eager to inquire a detailed display of what exactly happened in 1692. Life-size figures and lighting are used during a narration to give visitors a sense of what went on during the time of superstition and mass hysteria.

Witchcraft is a pantheistic religion, which means a belief in and worship of all gods, which includes respect for nature. The practice of witchcraft focuses on the good and positive in life and in spirit. This practice rejects any connection with the devil, although this may be contrary to common belief.

• Witchcraft means "Craft of the Wise Ones."

• Witches believe in the 'Three-Fold Law", which states that whatever you do, be it good or evil, comes back to you three times over.

• The Pentagram, a five-pointed star in an upright, one-point-up position, is the symbol of witchcraft. The top point symbolizes Spirit.The four elements of life: air, fire, water, & earth are the four lowerpoints.

Loquitur FEATURES 9
JFriglhlit~m1ftm1g JF~cit~
photo by Amanda Howard Dressing up as a witch may be popular now, but admitting to witchcraft hundreds of years ago would not have gotten you any kinds of tricks or treats.
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Staying positive in a very negative time

The world is in a turbulent time. Everytime we turn :m the news we hear stories of destruction, devistation and war. New reports of bioterriorism and bombing are on every news broadcast.With all of this comng out at us, it is hard to believe that there are still ~ositive things in the world.

But there are. Cabrini students are still maintaining !heir spirit of charity and caring for people and cultures ¾roundthem. These tough times have had an effect, out the same kind of dedication is there.

On page 2, Jennifer Dalvano features one of the newest service clubs on campus, Circle K. Students have taken time to form this club and want to help others. Many events like the hoedown are designed for people to have fun while helping.

Campus Ministry, in their newly opened Wolfington Center, promote service and community outreach. On page 3, Shannon King features student and staff leaders who put together a team to participate in the AIDS walk to help raise money to find a cure for the disease.

Even in the classrooms, students are helping the community. The service requirement in the Seminar 300 classes have many students donating time to help feed the hungry in Philadelphia, spending time with children in and out of classroom settings and helping the elderly. Peer tutors, featured on page 5, help on students campus as well.

Even though the world is in turmoil, Cabrini is still helping the surrounding community. It is nice to hear something positive.

The editorials,viewpoints,opinionsand letters to the editor publishedin Loquitur are the viewsof the studenteditorialboard and the individual writers,not the entirestudent body or the faculty and administration.

Editors Editor



Campus repairs and luxuries put before teachers financial benefits

Last week I heard something that irked my cookies. The school has lowered the coverage on the teachers benefit plans. They were told there wasn't enough money in the budget for benefits, or the medical and dental plans, for the teacher and their family members.

Justine Di Filippo

Last time I checked, the photo editor school was making good money from tuition. The Loquitur in the past has tried to find out where the students tuition goes but no one has succeeded yet. For every 100 residents the school makes roughly $2.6 million and for every 100 commuters the school makes roughly $1.6 million that equals $4.2 million now that's only from 200 students that go here.

Let's see, I can tell you where most of the money has gone from the changes I have seen on campus. New steps in front of Woodcrest, added speed bumps, a new roof for Grace Hall, new computers in the library, the first floor Founders computer lab, and the new sign located at the back gates of campus. Oh yes, the greatest thing I saw last Thursday, a fresh coat of paint being applied to the back gates of the college. These are just the examples of obvious

places money is spent on this campus.

I'm not an expert roofer or anything but these improvements to the campus seem to me to be ridiculous if we cannot afford to get a good medical plan for our teachers. The computers in the library worked fine, I used them all the time. Sure they weren't as great as the one at my house but they didn't freeze as much as the ones in the newsroom. If the roof was so bad that it needed to be replaced why were there residents living there last year?

The campus already had a high number of speed bumps for such a small campus. Why do we need more?

The back gates looked perfect when driving by them I don't think I ever saw someone actually looking at the gates to see if the paint was chipping. Woodcrest had the original steps for many years. The funny thing about the new steps is that they are still not handicap accessible. What was the point?

I may be over stepping my boundaries here, but I feel that my tuition here is not going to anything that is worth my money. I feel that the person who is put in charge of the college's finances has made many bad decisions. Why the teachers have to be punished for poor decisions of the person in charge of the budget is beyond me.

see related news story on page 3

No help from the 1ST department

Tracy Timson

Geri Lynn Utter

Renee DiPietro

Jill Hindman

Justine Difilippo

Joe Holden Cbarles La Comte

Dr. Jerry Zurek

Staff Writers


Marianne McKim

Lisa Broomall Ryan Mulloy

Maria Chambers Leanne Pantone

Colleen Connor Michael Paolucci

Vincent DeFruscio Gina Roswell

John Delsordo-Terlecki Karen Schweizer

Catharine Dilwortb Jennifer Spriggs

Jennifer Dalvano Alexis Strizziere

Ryan Griffiths Cheryl Tranchitella

Catharine Hernson Lucy Truglio

Eugene Iacovelli Sharvon Urbannavage

Shannon King Aron Usdan

Richard Magda Melissa Modesti

Editorial Board Renee Tomcanin

Staff Pbotographen Sean Atwell Jeffrey Hardy

Marcel Bassett Catbarine Hernson Jennifer Brunner April Caldwell

Maria Chambers Tim Gordon

Amanda Howard Marianne McKim James Mc Quire Michael Paolucci Diane Wizimirski

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

Have you had a problem with your computer and needed the 1ST department to help you? I'm sure this has happened to most of you. I have had a problem with my computer for about a month now. I've left messages on their voice mail at least once a week. They never returned my phone calls. I do not think they are that busy that they cannot return phone calls. There have been many times where I have walked by the 1ST office, and they are sitting at the desk either on a personal phone call or playing on their computer. I do not think I've seen them do anything all year. .

I understand that there are a lot of people on campus and not that many computer workers, but shouldn't they show more concern towards the students? I mean Cabrini is about the students, isn't it? Ever since I visited this school for the first time I've been

told that the faculty and staff are here to help the students, and they will do more for you then at a large university. I think that the new 1ST department needs to think on a Cabrini level instead of a Drexel level.

I never got a phone call returned. I complained to residence life about my problem and a couple days later the IST department called me. Now should we have to complain about everything to someone who is in charge in order to get something from this school? I don't think this is fair. I had to drive a half an hour away to take my computer somewhere else in an area and I didn't know to if I needed to get it fixed because nobody here wanted to help me.

Last year I did not think too highly about the 1ST department either because I thought that they took too long to come to your room. The good part about it was that they actually showed up. If you called and left a message they would call you back and make an appointment to come to your room and fix your computer. I think it should still be like that.


X PERSPECTIVES Thursday, Oct. 25, 2001
In chier: Michael A. Kazanjian
editor: Renee Tomcanin
editors: Beth Ann Conahan
editor: A&E editor: Perspectives editor: Features editor: Photography editor: Copy editor Web editor: Adviser: and Amy Gassen
Tanya McCausland Cheryl Wagstaff Paul Williams
Loqwwr iJ. a laboraLOty nev.i.papcr wrincn. edited and produced by students registered in COM 346, 3.50, 351, J.53 and 354. Mcmbcn of the campus conmun1ty arc invited 10wcri: oa or submit S10f'IC$. for (}ll,ly .stutents teJ.is1em:I in the abon cluses.. hQol.C\'Cr, .c eligible to r:-cei..-eacademic crcdil. Sub· '°'1ption price is S2S pcr~ea;and 1s incll.ldedin I.hebenefits SC· cured 1n IJ,uuoaand I«1. Loqwnr welcomes lctk~ 10 the cdi1or. Letters ~Id be siant(f and the aulhonih1p known to d)t cd1tor1.Narne:sar~ withheld only in un~ual Cll'tumsunces approved by the editor in clucf Leite~ to the editor- ~hould be submitted by noon on Mondays.
AZB YCXD TED AY FEHB AZB SMKZA GBQMOMYC MO AY TSYCK GBQMOMYC MO. O=S and D=Y Answers will appear in Issue 9 on www.theloquitur.com

The greater danger of A·nthraxis in the public's reaction

Three days after two Washington postal workers were killed by anthrax infection, the nationwide fear of bioterrorism has increased to the Richard Magda point of pandemostaff writer nium.

In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks, many speculated that bioterrorism was a distinct possibility. Indeed, in early October Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld warned the nation that terrorists might use biological agents to spread fear and disrupt daily life. It has now been confirmed in several cases that anthrax has invaded, and in three tragic cases destroyed, the lives of innocent American civilians. Although it is not known for certain whether those behind the anthrax attacks are the same individuals responsible for the Sept. 11 tragedy, the recent attacks have targeted the media and the government

- the bastions of our freedom of speech and thought and the institutions that make our liberties a tangible reality.

Although these targets have generally been far away from Cabrini College, it is easy for the threat to come close to home. With new anthrax infections being reported daily, there is no certain way of determining when or where the next case will appear. As long as we are receiving mail, we are in danger. That in mind, however, we must know that the danger caused by anthrax is insignificant compared to the danger of our chaotic reactions.

Living under the threat of such attacks will require both patience and prudence. The Cabrini College Mail Service is wise to abide by the recommendations of the U.S. Postal Service and FBI in weeding out suspicious packages and in making accommodations for its employees, such as offering gloves and other means of protection against biological contamination. It is also wise not to redirect college mail elsewhere. Doing so would only encourage the hysteria

that has already sprouted around mail services. Although caution certainly seems necessary during this current national crisis, Cabrini has done well to resist the temptation to take this caution to extremes. Nationwide precautions have similarly been encouraging. The significant increase in the production of the drug Cipro, which has been found to impede the effect of even the more dangerous forms of anthrax, should help to relieve Americans across the nation. Further increases, as well as stockpiling of other antibiotics and vaccines, may be required. At the same time, of course, the nation cannot take preparations for biological warfare to extremes. America depends on its mail system for everything from daily business transactions to casual correspondence between friends; abandoning the mails, hoarding supplies of antibiotics or reverting to hysteria in any form would only add to the attacks' impact. Many of the envelopes tested for anthrax have been shown to be hoaxes, which do the perpetrators a favor by multiplying the fear

We cannot leave Halloweenbehind

their attacks create.

The terrorists claimed the first victory of the war on Sept. 11, but we must remember that the war started only a month ago, and it promises to last months or even years.

Unlike the military conflicts of recent times, the current campaign in Afghanistan is especially difficult because we are fighting an unknown enemy whose location is unclear. But we still carry on and commit ourselves to the cause.

The same should apply to the threat of anthrax. Although we may not know its source or sources, we must commit ourselves to seeking out those responsible for this biological terrorism and holding them accountable for their attack on our nation. Until then, however, we must continue to carry on by rebuilding our greatest cities and our confidence.

see related news story on page3


for Issue 7

It doesn't get much better than Halloween. Why? Because there is no other day in the year when making an ass out of yourself is completely acceptable. Better yet, people give you candy to do it. This year, with all the scary anthrax letters floating around, there has been talk of canceling Halloween. It can't happen. Halloween must go on, no matter what. Halloween is for the kids, the kids who can't even spell anthrax or Osama bin Laden, it's their day, let them have it.

Don't get me wrong; I do think that parents must be extra careful when sorting through the candy this year. There's nothing wrong with that, my parents did it every year. So, that aside, let's talk about the fun.

I needed, every year, to have the best costume. It's who I am, what I do. I definitely had a few clunkers through the years, but there are a few that stick out in my mind. 12 years old I was Howard Stem. 12 years old, what were my parents thinking? I had the frizzy wig, the nose was a gift from God, and the sunglasses. Word to the wise: Never wear sunglasses on Halloween night; I must have wiped out 30 times.

At 13 I decided to go out as John Lennon, my hero. This was a bit tougher to pull off. I had to get the Beatie wig and find an outfit that was very "John Lennon." But that wasn't enough, luckily I found a pin with "Give Peace a Chance" written as big as day on it. The response I got from the baby-boomers was terrific.

Then one year, when I was 14 (OK so I went out until I was 14, cut me a break), I wore the.Halloween costume to top all costumes. That's right, on Halloween night I was Santa Claus. I must've blown 70 bucks on this outfit, but it was the best 70 bucks I ever spent. I won't lie to you; I was a pretty hefty teen, so wearing that Santa outfit really worked out for me. I was the star of Oct. 31, 1993. Little kids could be hear screaming "Santa Claus!, Santa Claus!" from 10 blocks away. The parents who opened the door for my motley crew couldn't stop taking pictures of Santa in October. So many camera flashes went off that night that I was legally blind by 9p.m.

Steal this idea; consider it my gift to you. I guarantee only the greatest things for you and your Santa outfit. Now that you have your award-winning costume picked out, it's time to hit the streets in search of the "King Size" candy bar. Now I don't think that there is a universal "best candy" to get on Halloween, but if it were up to me to choose I'd have to say the "King Size Snickers" is my personal favorite.

One of the greatest feelings as a kind was graduating from the small plastic baggie to the pillowcase. The pillowcase never knew it was intended for such great things. It's amazing how much this cotton sack can hold. If you're able to fill that sucker, and carry it, you'll easily have enough candy to put you through Christmas.

As you can see Halloween is a day not to be left behind, it's a day to have a good time and the weeks following are meant to gain a few extra pounds. Did you know that more candy is sold for Halloween then any other holiday? Let's not let all that candy go to waste. Trick or Treat?

The "Calling all baseball fans" article in last week's issue 7 reported some inaccurate statements.

•The group of students who created the baseball club is not officially a club at this time. The group must get approval from Mary 1 Beth Horvath, the student activities coordinator, who is in charge of clubs.

•Other schools do have baseball clubs, but we currently do not know which local schools in the area have baseball clubs.

•Chris Winkler is not in charge of the baseball club but in charge of intramurals.

•lntramurals will be starting an intramural whiffle ball program

•John Dzik, Athletic Director, would decide if a baseball team would exist here at Cabrini. Chris Winkler has nothing to do with this area of responsibility.

, Loquitur PERSPECTIVES 11

As both members of 'On The Spot,' Cabrini's improvisational comedy troupe and members of the commedia company that is performing on campus and around the area this semester, we would like to clear some things up. We fear the "Commedia" article in issue 7 created some confusion and may have misled some read~rs.

• Many schools and areas have more than one improv troupe and therefore the term can be thrown around to describe any group of individuals performing anything that involves any form of improvisation. Cabrini, however, only has ;:meimprov troupe. The troupe is .:>ftenreferred to by fans, faculty and the Loquitur as "the improv troupe," not by its actual group name. This common dubbing, therefore, makes the article in question confuse some readersby leading them to believe that 'On the Spot' as a whole is in some way involved with the commedia company's performances, which it is not because the commedia company is repeated to referred to as 'the improv troupe." The article could also lead one to believe that the commedia "improv troupe" is a ore permanent entity which exis outside of this semester productio , which it does not as of yet. Al ugh the five of us are in both the c edia company and 'On The Spo ' there are over 10 people who are 1 one or the other, but not both.

The part of the co we, as members of 'On The want to make most clear is nothing our troupe does ever in-

Letters to the editor

volves a scenario, scnptmg or anything other than a format and a suggestion from our audience.

Commedia is an art form though which actors develop their own scenarios or work with more famous scenarios and add their own inspirations, abilities and style to their performance. No script is ever used, but the scenarios are clearly written and it is important for each actor to stay within the guidelines of the pre-established story. Improvisation comes into commedia in both the scenario writing process (if am existing scenario is not used) and most importantly, in the lines each character uses to tell the story. Commedia works because each scenario is repeated in both rehearsals and performances, so the actors get to tty new lines, movements and ideas. The best material gets kept in the show for the next performances and that which did not work as well is replaced for the last time. 'On the Spot's' style of improv is very different.

'On the Spot' repeats "games," but never the same story. This improv troupe plays games established by and in the style of Keith Johnstone, who is widely regarded as the father of modern improvisation (commedia is 'old school' improv). The games always have a different inspirational suggestion, different actors, locations and storylines.

Neither of these forms of improv is better than the other and we, the members of both tro.upes, enjoy both and think our audience do and will enjoy themselves as well. We just want to avoid people

coming to a show expecting something completely different than what they receive.

Thanks for your time,

Jessisa Snow, Kit Dewey, Brian Fry, Haven McMickle and Jana Fagotti

No offense, but the speed bumps on campus are because of most of you. I read the article and thought it was a good article. However, your point about why they should be removed- not happening. The cars on this campus move way too fast and the only reason the cars feel like they are jumping off a cliff is speed.

It's for people who walk that we should put first. Why would anyone want to hit someone? They wouldo 't. Why did they? Moving too fast. So if you place a speed bump on campus everyone is safer.

Why doesn't the Loquitur look at finding out why Cabrini doesn't have more traditions, or something that should allow for the college to be built up instead of tearing down something that is in everyone's best interest - safety?

Thanks for listening,

talking back and forth about the lack of campus life on weekends. I don't know why the students feel it is the college's requirement to make students stay on campus. I think what Matt said was excellent. If the students stay, then we would plan a lot of things on campus for your benefit. Moreover, we do not do this job for the money, there is a bigger pot of gold in the corporate world.. We do it because Cabrini is a great place and our students are great people.

I know this fall semester there have been a number of new things that began because of freshmen students who are aggressive to change things. We have a president who cares about developing talent on campus. Her office alone has initiated a recreational dance program and a horseback riding program. She has supported a number of ideas that are for the students' enjoyment.

There is a new student activities coordinator on campus. Has anyone been to see her about doing such and such?

Has anyone come to me to start something? Yes and because of that a roller hockey group idea grew into a club, which Frank Plumb started and now a baseball group is working to become a club.

want to see you lack because you did not try. Change starts with one person who will not quit and from there anything is possible.

I hope you make this campus the place to be. Students from all over will come here and say I wish I had come to Cabrini this place rocks!

Thanks for hearing me out. Matt; I appreciate your ideas.

Chris Winkler Recreation, Intramural & Facility Director

Commentariesand lettersto the editormay be submittedby the entire Cabrinicampus communityto Theloquitur @hotmail.com

I am responding to Matt Holmes and echoing his statement of changing the way we live here at Cabrini. I often see students

Studen~ of Cabrini, you have to know that if things are going to change it will start with your hopes being voiced, your words being heard and your initiative being funded. Your enthusiasm will draw more students. I do not

•Requirements:Names will not be withheldfrom lettersto the editoror commentaries,even at the author'srequest.A phonenumbermustbe includedwiththe submission.

Movie theater offers more than entertainment, but an escape

I was unaware how beneficial a trip to the movie theater was until the lights dimmed and the previews for other movies began.

Renee Di Pietro perspective editor

I felt at home. I love going to the movies. One of the only reasons I look forward to winter is because I get to go to

the movies more often, yet this time was different

As I sat in the dark theater a sweet sense of peace came over me. I was never aware of how stressed I was until it vanished. I looked at my mom and I know she felt it too.

There was no news anchor to break in and report the latest scare, no American flags hanging up everywhere to remind us of the tragedy and even the everyday thorns of life were left outside the theater's doors, banned from entering.

The movies offered a lot more than entertainment this we~kend. They offered an escape that I needed.

I could not find this escape at home, school, church, in my car, the bar or anywhere else.

I am not one who wants to run away from reality and close my eyes and pretend that everything is magically better, but spending two hours watching Bruce Willis and Billy Bob Thornton rob banks was the foundation I unexpectedly needed for an enjoyable weekend.

When I sat down in my seat I did not know that I was escaping my unconscious stress and fears. Actually, I looked at my parents and then at the tall woman ready to sit down in front of m~. She laughed when she saw me gawk up at her. She said to her friend loud enough for me something about how I looked traumatized to see such a tall woman. She laughed. I laughed along with her, not really aware why we were laughing, but this is how it all began- the best decision of my weekend.

( 12
Thursday, Oct. 25, 2001
.___ _ --------

Studentsgo to Astonto play sport they love

They drive twenty miles down the road to play a game that they love. Seniors Frank Plum and Anthony Contipidero,junior Anthony

D' Aleo and graduate student Mike Fineberg all travel to Aston, Pa. on Thursday nights to play in a men's adult roller hockey league in Tri State sports.

"I started the team," Contipidero said. "The team is a lot of my buddies from high school and a couple guys from [Cabrini]." Na.med the Wolverines, the team has been

playing in the league for the past three years under Contipidero, team captain.

On Wednesday, Oct. 17, the team played a double-header. The Wolverines had both games from the start. With less than four minutes into the first game, D' Aleo already sunk the ball into the net. As always when the men scored, he raised his stick into the air to notify the official and all of the fans that the ball was in his control.

Soon after, the other team named the Untouchables, scored. However, they were not untouchable to the Wolverines. The

Wolverines sunk eight more shots that game, bringing in their fourth victory of the season with a score of 9-1.

Around 20 eager Cabrini student fans congratulated the team on their win and encouraged them on for ¢eir upcoming game. During the brief break, the men rested up and guzzled water and various sports drinks.

During the second game of the double-header, the Wolverines were up against Wolfpack. The game ended in a shut out of 10-0 with 15 seconds left in the second period and a third period to spare.

The rules list that if a team is up by 10 points, the game is automatically won.

''The double-header was rough, but we played so well," Plum said. "We only allowed 13-14 shots on goal for both games, which is pretty amazing."

"All of the team members have just stepped up their levels. That's why we're blowing out teams," Contipidero said.

Although the four members of the team have leadership roles in the new Cabrini Hockey Club, they will continue out the season in Aston

"We'd love to have the support,' D' Aleo said. "If anyone wants tc support us, come up to one of w and ask us where it is or give us : call," D' Aleo said.

Carissa Bassett, junior, has beer following the Wolverines sine! last season. ''They're fun," Basset said. "They give you something tc do on a Thursday night that doe: not relate to drinking and you ge off campus for a bit."

Roller hockey: coming soon to a campus near you

The newest activity to be added to the wide array of sports offered at Cabrini is roller hockey. A popular game played all over the world, roller hockey is much like Ice hockey, but withO{!tthe whole ice,element. Instead of ice skates, '11~• ', •t "- i_"'lf I'(• l~ roller hockey .players wear m-liiie

skates to help them glide smoothly across the rink's concrete floor.

The roller hockey club at Cabrini was organized by senior Frank Plum and currently has 16 members. So far the club has been set up into two different teams that will scrimmage and practice against each other. The club meets e~imrTuesday.night at 10 p.m. to discuss 'new developments and the

clubs future. Practice is held weekly at both Valley Forge Military Academy and at the Marple Sports Complex.

For those who enjoy a more competitive level of roller hockey, a league club has also been organized. The league, which is played at the Vtllanova.-Skating Center five minutes away from Cabrini, consists of four on four teams with

a goalie. The game is played in two twenty-four minute halves instead of the regular three thirtyminute periods. Games are played twice a week during the 10 game season as well as a guaranteed spot in the playoffs.

The roller hockey club is a good w.ayto take a break from Cabrini's 4,ily grind. All one needs to become involved is a pair of skates,

a helmet, and a hockey stick.

For more information on joining this new club contact either Frank Plum at (610) 902-.5169, or Rot Caine at (610)902-5145. Remem• ber hockey fans keep your sticb down and your heads up.

Loquitur SPORTS 13
photos by Amy Gasser Above left to right: Junior Anthony D'Aleo competes in the face off. Frank Plum (left) takes the puck away from an opposing team member.

Volleyball has plans to end season strong

The volleyball team's skill is being tested this season because they have eight team members.

"A team has six membernin play on a side, unless they are playing beach volleyball," Coach Jim Harrigan said. "Injuries are a big deal."

The team now consists of one junior, four first year students and five sophomores. Two sophomores were recruited from inside the school. It was the first time the team had needed to ask students to participate. Two spots are on the

bench for tired and injured players, while the rest of the team must battle.

Coach Harrigan, who has been coaching at Cabrini for 11 seasons, says he plans to finish out this season strong and create a foundation for next season. The team is learning how to function without a reservoir of fresh players. "Volleyball is not as easy as other sports," Harrigan said.

'Toe team has to improvise and play the ball where it goes. Plays are tough to carry out," he continued.

New players like first year student Katie Updike are doing well,

according to the coach. Updike's height and power is helping to contribute to the team's success, as are the other new player's skills. Some of the new team members never played volleyball in high school. However, they are proving to be large assets to the team, according to Harrigan. The coach encourages students who want to be involved, to contact him. Harrigan states that "it can be easy to handle college and a sport if you can budget time well." The coach is looking forward to the future and said that "the team has a lot of potential."

Week In Review

Men's Soccer

The men's soccer team won against Gwynedd-Mercy with a score of 4-0 on Oct. 16. The Cavs then suffered a loss of 1-3 against Holy Family on Oct. 18. The team came back at the end of the week on Oct. 20 with an 8-0 defeat over Marywood. Sophomore Jason Catagnus, Player Of The Week nominee, had two goals and two assists in a 2-1 week.


The Lady Cavs of the women's soccer team defeated Bryn Mawr with a 1-0 score on Oct 15. The ladies ended the week with a 1-2 loss to Marywood on Oct. 20. Their PAC record to date is 44-1 and 9-7 -1 overall.

Field Hockey

The field hockey team started the week with a 2-3 loss to Delaware Valley on Oct. 15, followed by another loss to TCNJ on Oct. 18 with a 0-3 score. They finished the week with a 2-1 win 1,,-• over Misericordia on Oct. 20. Senior Carolyn Katkowski had two goals, including a playoff game-winner, in a 1-2 week and is the field hockey POTW nominee.


The volleyball team is being tested this season with only eight people on the team. They plan to end the season strong and have a good foundation for next year.

Yankees head to World Series for the fourth time

The New York Yankees reached their fourth straight World Series by defeating the Seattle Mariners on Oct. 22 with a by score of 123.

The three-time defending champions will return to the World Series to defend the title against the National League winners, the Arizona Diamondbacks. The series kicks off in Phoenix on Saturday, Oct. 27.

The Diamondbacks will. have to deal with the Yankeemystique and

attempt to steal the glory from the 26-time World Champions.

The Yankees, seeking a fifth championship in six years, won a record fourth American League Championship Series in a row.

''This is a special team because of the World Trade Center," Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said. Giuliani used the Yankee games to rally civic pride following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

The city of New York has been trying to return to a state of normalcy after the devastation and disruption created on Sept. 11.

Another World Series win from the Yankees may actually be the sentiment needed to help the city cope.

'Toe Yankees and the 'NY' that we wear on our cap when we play, we feel we're representing more than the Yankees now," New York manager Joe Torre said. "We feel inspired by what's gone on. I don't think it would be fair for me to say that that's been our motivation because we've done it before, before this tragedy, and we've always been a highly motivated team."

A 0-3 loss against Misericordia on Oct. 16 began the week for the volleyball team. The team then won 3-0 against Rosemont on Oct 18. The week ended with two 0-3 losses against both Mary Baldwin and Notre Dame on Oct. 20.


The women's tennis team began the week with a 9-0 win over Chestnut Hill on Oct. 17.They followed that win with a 2-7 loss to Marywood on Oct. 19 and another win on Oct. 21 against Villa Julie with a 7-2 score. Nominated for POTW Patricia Aylmer went 2-0 at number two singles and 3-0 at number one doubles in a 2-1 week.


The Collegiate Track Conference Championships were held on Oct. 20 where the women's cross country team finished 7th out of 28 and the men placed 12th out of 29. Senior Kristin Zielinski finished 15th out of 133 runners at the CTC Championship with a time of 20:39 minutes. Zielinski is the cross county nominee for POIW.

photo by Marcel Bassett

Lady Gavs_beat Cougars ~-1

The field hockey team played well enough this year to advance to the quarterfinals of the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference where they beat Misericordia 2-1. The game was played on the Misericordia Cougars home field in Dallas, Pa. on Oct. 20.

The field hockey team was faced with a challenge. They had previously lost to the Misericordia Cougars earlier in the season by a score of 4-1. They had to overcome the bumps and bruises that they felt from the long season and put forth a great effort to advance any further in the PAC playoffs. They also had to put the defeat that they suffered earlier in the season to Misericordia behind them.

Cabrini had previously lost to Misericordia earlier this season and were seeking revenge. Cabrini ranked 6 in the PAC, surprised Misericordia, who was favored to win and seeded 3, by scoring the

first goal of the game. Nicole Schultz was able to put the first goal by Misericordia's goalie after receiving a pass from Maureen McQuade.

Annmarie Smith said, "It seems that when we score in the first half that we play with more confidence in ourselves and our teammates, which usually will lead to a victory."

However, the Cougars would strike back when Megan Lenig of Misericordia scored to tie the game at 1-1. She was assisted by Kim Daniel with 14:32 left to play in the second half.

The starting right wing for Cabrini, Sara Righter said, "The goal that Misericordia scored didn't ruin our confidence and we still played believing that we could win."

The Cavaliers would respond and deliver the final goal of the game with 4:32 remaining in the second half. Carolyn Katkowski slammed home the game-winning goal to defeat the Cougars and advance to the semifinals. In the

semifinals Cabrini will face off against an undefeated Eastern team.

The team had to face a strong opposition without help with some of its players. Lauren Calamai and Melissa McDonough could not play in the game due to injuries that sidelined them. However, some players who were injured less severely decided to play in the game through their pain.

Jodi Sodano had problems during the game with shin splints that she needed to ice and tape down to remain in the game. First-year student Julie Smith was not expected to play due to a sprained ankle in last Thursday's game, but she did and played well hurt.

"It was a great day to play, we needed to play the whole game with everything that we could in order to win and we did" Annmarie Smith said. "We will have a tough challenge against Eastern but it was important to get past Misericordia first."


_L~eq\i~~-r_:_,._,,__~_,:_:~_·______ ~-----SPORTS----------------- 151
photo by Marcel Bassett Senior player Stephanie Masucci gets ready to take the·ball down the field from the other team. photo by Marcel Bassett
Flu shots are D.QWavailable in health services. The cost is $12. The CDC recommends vaccination for:
with chronic illness
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person wanting to minimize their risk of infection. Come to health services in the Rooymans Center Mondaythrough Friday 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone: 902-8400 -
Cabrini field hockey team defends their goal.

Men's soccer wins last home game 4-0

Cabrini's men's soccer game against Gwynedd-Mercy College Oct. 16 was an important one. Not only was it their last home game, but also it may have been the last time for two of their players, Roy Bowman and Michael Braun, who are graduating seniors, get the chance to play at home.

The 4-0 win was bittersweet, but it was very important in getting home field advantage for the semifinals. They needed to win this game to clinch second place in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference. If Cabrini wins their next PAC game, at Marywood University, they will secure home field advantage.

The first goal of the game was scored in the 11th minute by Cabrini midfielder Chris Roach. There was a scare in the 28th

thur~ f ri 25 26

•MidnightMadness, 9 p.m., Dixon center


minute of the first half, when there was a delay of game. Cabrini's Lincoln Strehle was temporarily taken out of the game due to injury.

At the end of the first half the score was 1-0 in favor of Cabrini.

The Cavaliers did not waste any time in the second half. Four minutes into the half Nicholas Fenton scored to make the lead 2-0.

After the second goal Gwynedd-Mercy's team and coaching staff started to get frustrated. Seven minutes into the second half Gwynedd-Mercy's coach, Marty Stanton, was given a yellow card. He was unhappy about the calls that the referees were making. The frustration continued throughout the rest of the half. Gwynedd-Mercy's players received two yellow cards.

Cabrini went on to score two more goals, one by Michael Braun

and the other by Roy Bowman. They won the game in a 4-0 shut out.

The reason that the game was a shut out was not that GwyneddMercy did not get any shots on goal, it was because Cabrini's goalie Sean Atwell made exceptional saves.

Sean Atwell was not even on the team in the beginning of the season. He came to the team after junior James Beck broke his arm. The team was lacking an experienced goalie and asked Beck to return to the lineup. When asked about the importance of having Beck in the line up junior Phil Catagnus said, "We're glad he came back. We really needed him."

When asked about how they played the game the team said that overall they played a "decent" game. The main area that they want to focus on for the next game

Who's Playing?

is their comer kicks, defense and finishing their opportunities.

When asked about their reaction to Gwynedd-Mercy's team, there was a smirk on everyone's face when Jay Catagnus imitated head coach Doug Meder by saying, "The defenders were on us like bees, but we got a "W" out of the game. Now we are starting to climb up the mountain."

The highlight of the game was Roy Bowman scoring the fourth and final goal. Phil Catagnus said, "It was the highlight of the game, because he is not a starter, and it could have been his last home game."

The men's soccer team is hoping that they will get home field advantage in the semifinals, but first they must beat Marywood University on Oct. 20th at 2 p.m.


l l ll 111( >n 27 28 29 30 31

•Women's tennis

-Co-ed Volleyball, •Flag football, 5:30 •Squash league PAC Champi- 8:30 p.m., Dixon p.m., Upper field play, 4-6 p.m., onships, TBA center Dixon center

•Men's soccer PAC Semifinals,TBA PACChampi- PACFinals, TBA onships, TBA

•Women's soccer

•Women's field hockey PAC finals, TBA

<:;abriniCollege Radnor, PA 19087
photo by Jam9S Mcguire The men's soccer team battles it out against Gwynedd-Mercy.

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