LEAD Co-Delivery Framework
AIESEC in Brazil 2015
AIESEC in We develop young leaders everyday by Brazil providing cross-cultural exchanges and
team experiences, because we strive to achieve peace and fulfillment of humankind ’s potential . We work together as organization to ensure that every person that takes an AIESEC opportunity is truly developing the four qualities we believe that is necessary in a leader. Thus, to align the whole co-delivery process with our country partners, we are officially and proudly launching the LEAD Co-Delivery Framework.
AIESEC GOLDEN CIRCLE Why: We strive to achieve Peace and Fulfillment of humankind’s potential. How: We develop young LEADERS (LDM) What: Cross-Cultural Exchanges (GCDP/GIP) Team Experiences (TMP/TLP)
Who: Values
Standards or Team Minimums (S&S)
What is LEAD ? LEAD is a catalyst of the AIESEC’s
1st step:
Align Standards
leadership development model, by bringing consciousness to the Inner & Outer Journey to enable young people to develop the LDM qualities during every experience provided by AIESEC.
We need to ensure that we are providing the basic conditions to live a cross-cultural exchange, so our customers can unleash and explore their leadership potential.
It’s the leadership development process.
We are dealing with lives everyday and it’s our responsibility to ensure safety, basic living conditions and a job experience in a challenging environment. Deliver standards it’s not an option! It’s the first step to enable leadership development!
2nd step:
Align Inner & Outer Journey to the Customer Flow Every leader needs an external
environment to explore, but also needs to go through a self reflection about the experience, personal goals and values. The inner journey is as much important as the outer journey, if we want to enable a life-long leadership journey.
The Inner and Outer Journey concept grew out of a “new models of leadership� discussion held with the World Economic Forum. Based on research of the best leadership experiences provided by AIESEC, the following elements describe what people go through during their AIESEC experience(s) and what helps them learn and develop the most.
By connecting every touchpoint of the I&OJ flow to the customer experience we can clearly understands the leadership development process. http://reports.weforum.org/global-agendacouncil-on-new-models-of-leadership/
LEAD Co -Delivery Framework
LEAD Co-Delivery Framework Attraction
Leadership Development Flow Flow Standards Promotion Based on LDM qualities 12 - AIESEC Purpose 13 - Expec. Setting Sing up on the website Approach (First Contact) EP Induction (Selection EPs) - OPEN
EP Management (Application Process starts) Consideration - Interview and Selection MATCH OPS
Inner Journey
Outer Journey
OGX Side
12 - AIESEC Purpose, 13 - Exp. Setting 4 - Job Description, 5- Duration, 6 - Working hours, 11 - Basic Living Costs, 1- Visa Permit, Set Personal Goals, 9 - Insurance, Understand Personal 14 - Preparation Values
ICX Side Support System, Individual Responsibilities and goals
Virtual Meeting (IPS) REALIZE (ELD)
Value Delivery
10 - Accommodation, 14 Interact with [Review] Personal - Preparation, multiple IPS (1st week) Goals, Reflect on your 2 - Arrival/Pick up, stakeholders, experience, Monthly Meeting (Evaluation 7 - 1st day of work, Individual Resp. Understand Personal - Inner and Outer Journey) 8 - Individual Goals, and goals, Support Values 3 - Departure Support System COMPLETED (LLC) RIS Alumnus – Young Person with LDM qualities
Reinvent Yourself
Support System
LEAD Co-Delivery Framework We believe that if we have the standards and connect the I&OJ through all the customer experience, we will be providing the environment needed to develop the LDM characteristics. That’s why we want to align our co-delivery process, to make sure that our country partners are aware of the minimum expected for every experience delivered together.
We understand LEAD as the whole leadership process , starting on value delivery phase (MA) and finishing by the end of the experience (CO). The clarity of LEAD it’s also an add value to our product, once leadership development is our core business!
By s ol vi ng o r ga ni z a t i on i s s ue s a nd i n t e r a c t i ng wi t h l oc a l s , t he t r a i ne e be gi ns t o unde r s t a nd t he c u l t ur e a nd bu s i ne s s nor ms t hus ma ki ng hi m/ he r a
wor l d c i t i z en By i nt e r a c t i ng wi t h t he e mpl oye e s a nd ha vi ng a c ol l a bor a t i ve wor ks pa c e , t he t r a i ne e unde r s t a nds how he / s he can
By f ul f i l l i ng c ha l l e ngi ng j ob de s c r i pt i on i n a n a l i e n wor ki ng e nvi r onme nt , t he t r a i ne e be c ome s
Sol ut i on or i ent ed
empower ot her s .
By unde r s t a ndi ng hi s / he r Ke y Pe r f or ma nc e I ndi c a t or a nd by r e c e i vi ng r e gul a r f e e dba c k, t he t r a i ne e be c ome s mor e
s el f awar e
Thank you for reading ! Any doubt , please do not hesitate to contact us:
Lorena Stephanie Santos MCVP TM lorena.stephanie@aiesec.net
Joรฃo Victor Ghiro MC VP CXO joao.ghiro@aiesec.net
Larissa Mansur MC VP GIPi larissa.mansur@aiesec.net
Ana Flรกvia Gonรงalves Rebeca Machado Lucas Andrade MCVP GIPo MCVP GCDPi MCVP GCDPo a rebeca.machado@aiesec.netlucas.andrade@aiesec.net
Thank you for partner with us !