Welcome Booklet - AIESEC in Teresina

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T Teresin

Summar 1. Feel at home in Teresina 2. AIESEC in Teresina 3. Teresina, the hottest city in Brazil, in all the ways 3.1. Teresina in numbers 3.2. Map it! 3.3. Culture & Gastronomy 3.4. Where to Go


Fee a hom I Teresin Capital of PiauĂ­, the first planed city of the country, famous for its beauty, welcoming people and enchentment. The only northeaster capital where is not on the coast, o n t h e ot h e r h a n d , i t i s t h e B r a z i l i a n M e s o p ota m i a , bathed by Poty and Parnaiba rivers. Its also know as Green City . It is one of the most afflorested cities in the country, with almost 40 parks. There are great typical gastronomy, r e n o w e n d h a n d c r a f t, and intense nightlife. Quiet land, where you can find human warmth, surprises that fill the eyes of those who visit it, Teresina offers natural, h i s t o r i c a l a n d c u lt u r a l at t r a c t i o n s . I n a d d i t i o n , Teresina has also many shopping, entertainment and sports options.

I Teresin The Entity was brought to teresina in 2012 by a group of people that dreamed for teresina to have the AIESEC impact. Today we are around 50 members working to develop leaders that world needs.

Teresin ,

th hotes cit i Br i

i ever wa

Teresina in Numbers 271 squares

814 230 Habitants

85 hotels 34 environmental parks

Average tempeture Avarage height of 72 meters





28°C 83°F

culture & gastronomy The folklore of Piau铆 is rich, and its manifestations, like the Quadrilles, the Reisado and the Cavalo Pianc贸 d at e f r o m t h e c o l o n i z at i o n o f t h e S tat e , whose origins go back to Iberian festivities.

The photos above were taken during the National Folklore Festival, a traditional event that occurs every June, in Teresina.

Gastronomy is one of its strongest attractions. The city grows with new restaurants, created in a unique way that only our food can conquer the costumers taste. the roots remaing in popular gastronomic habits that perpetuate trough kichens of Teresina. Our typical foods leaves in the air a scent of tasty chicken, and sun-dried meat and fried or baked homemade sweets.

taste the flavors of Teresina and surprise yourself with a hint of nostalgia at the time of your departure.

Where to go day time Start the day walking through the central pavement of Frei Serafim Avenue wich is surrounded by trees, right in the midle of downtown lo o k i n g at t h e r e m a n i n g c o lo n i a l a r c h t e c u t r e , such as Sacred heart of Jesus school and the Saint Benedict Church. w h e r e yo u c a n f i n d t h e i m p o s i n g 4 d e S e t e m b r o t e at h e r , the legendary movie teather Cine Rex, and the incredible Mestre Dezinho handcraft center. Next to all of it, you can also find the Clube dos Diรกrios cultural space, w h e r e h a p p e n s a r t e x h i b i t i o n s a n d t h e fa m o u s B o c a d a N o i t e pa r t y, in wich brazilian musicians plays MPB, Rock and Samba every Wedndsney night.

For the art lovers, the right adress is the Tereina Cultural House, there are exibitions of evry type, since paintings to movies experiments, fine art workshops, art galleries, performer's areas, dancing classes and music. But, if you is a lover of music, you may want to visit the Music Palace, downtown, with "must see" concerts of the Symphonic Orcherst of Teresina. another art places are the Teather 4 de setembro and the Teather Joao Paulo II.

Night Time Teresina is one of the best places to go out at night, there are a lot of reasons why not to stay at home!

Seu Boteco Ar Livre Flyer House Pink Elephant Route 66 Budega California Pub Café del Mar Chopp Time Estaleiro Villa Rio Planeta Diário Casa Pub Mosh party Cenário Caneleiro

those are just some of our most famous Night Clubs and pubs

Price $$$

T e r e s i n a i s t h e 7 1 s t c i t y i n a r a n k of all brazillian cities with the best coast of living in brazil Making Teresina the 2nd capital with the best coast of living in Brazil. Rio De Janeiro

SĂŁo Paulo







142 100




Restaurants and pubs




Low price Restaurant Meal

$ 3,72


$ 1,37

High Price Restaurant Meal

$ 22,75

Bread (kg)

$ 2,95

Beer bottle

$ 2,16

sugar (kg)

$ 4,02

Beer can

$ 1,24


$ 5,33


$ 4,10 Coffe (5oog)

$ 1,70

2L Coca-Cola

$ 2,00 soy oil

$ 1,64

litttle Coffe

$ 0,49

Club Entrance

$ 17,84



Bus Ticket

$ 0,95

Taxi cab (starter rate)

$ 1,35

Taxi cab - rate per km

$ 0,25

1L gas

$ 1,22

1l Etanol

$ 1,02

parking 1h - downtown area

$ 1,57

Sport and Culture


Cinema Ticket

$ 14,64

3D Cinema Ticket

$ 10,81

Monthly Gym

$ 33,78

Teather ticket

$ 13,00

Nacional concert ticket

$ 35,00

soccer game ticket

$ 9,00

all prices in USD converted from google Data from: http://www.custodevida.com.br/

Cit Service Houses of exchange Fitta Teresina Shopping D贸lar C芒mbio e Turismo - Airport of Teresina Useful Numbers

Airport --------------- +558632252947 Local Ambulance ----- 192 Local Police --------- 190 Lo c a l Fi r e D e pa rt m e n t - - 1 9 3 Federal Police ------ +558621064900 Ronda Citizen ------ +558631314781 - +558631314782 RONE ------------- +558632131614 Civilian Police ------ +55863216.5212 Women s Police Station - +558632222323 PROCON ------------ +558632164550 SEMDEC ------------ +558632157472 - +558632157470

AIESEC i Teresin


Within universities today, one of the biggest opportunities identified is the interest that young people have for learning and practicing new languages and also the discussion of controversial national and international affairs, bringing to light important political, economic, social and cultural rights. This interest goes far beyond a front specific courses, but covers them all in general, with the only variant preference issues to be discussed.

Seeking an environment of inclusive education through actions of culture, information and Fun, Project World Turns enables Third Sector organizations working with young people and / or children foster an environment of discussion about global issues. This project is part of National Citizen Global Industry third, even if you have an educational. There are many nonprofit organizations that work with some kind of social welfare related to language teaching and computer science, for example, working directly to communities: c h i l d r e n , t e e n a g e r s a n d e v e n a d u lt s . And within that reality in which these NGOs a r e c o n s ta n t ly s e e k i n g v o l u n t e e r s to provide this type of activity for the company. Looking for taking awareness about Millennium Development Goals to high school students, the Project brings students from different countries to discuss the issues and to think about solutions to the world biggest problems. Trough lectures and workshops the interns will take the Millennium Development Goals linked with the current context to students so they can reflect about it.

The Global Citizen Project Earth Charter is the result of a partnership between AIESEC in Brazil Brazil and the Earth Charter. The project aims to bring exchange students to teach classes and workshops on the content of the Earth Charter, aware students from public and private schools on topics such as respect for all forms of life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice, and nonviolence .

Contac Arthur Victor Vice president of Incoming Exchange arthur.victor@aiesec.net

Lucas Brito Match Manager lucas.brito@aiesec.net

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