Visiting our Pearls
Celebrating Alumnae Birthdays 90 Years and Older Our precious Pearls, Loreto Toorak alumnae aged 90 years and older, have been very much in our thoughts during the pandemic. As we were unable to host them on Campus for our annual Pearl Assembly with our Rathfarnham students, we brought Loreto to them! Our Year 6 Green students wrote beautiful personalised hand written cards to each of the ladies and these were a joy for both staff and Pearls alike. We are very fortunate to have over thirty Pearls in regular communication with us and more than twenty located in metropolitan Melbourne. Each welcomed our Engagement team members to their front doors with genuine delight; our surprise, COVID-safe visits a welcome distraction during lockdown and a reprieve from isolation for many. These extraordinary women represent such a rich living history of our beautiful school and are much loved by us all. Their still vivid memories and stories from years gone by are treasured beyond words. It is said Pearls represent wisdom gained through experience and just like real pearls ours are highly prized gems indeed. Left: June McCann (Shelton, 1942) Below Left: Helen Marron (Healy, 1942) Below Right: Pam Nicholls' Thankyou Card to Year 6 students Opposite (clockwise from top): Margaret Griffiths (Parkes, 1946) and daughter Katherine Griffiths (1980); Joan Gray (Mahon,1945); Wilma McCoy (Jorgensen, 1943) ; Pam Nicholls (Corben, 1941)