Collide final

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Research and Development

COLLIDE BRIEF Louise Fielding YEAR 2 2016 1

Happiness What is happiness? -worry free -stress free -mentally stable -healthy -confidemt -doing something you love -an emoticon What makes you happy? -listening to music -singing -driving -thrills and adrenaline -challenges completed -producing good work -being appreciated - riddles and pub quizes -laughing with friends 2

The Internet + The Digital Age How has the internet changed us? -doing business -easily influenced -reliant on internet for normal lfe tasks -vulnerable -nosey/youth culture How does the digital age affect your life? -affects my career choice -constant learning of new software and technology -keeping up with forever changing current trends -know news through internet What else could it do for us? -provide more job oppurtunities -make fantasy a reality

Your Future Self Who will you be in 10 years time? -graphic designer in an agency or a film company -a mum -travelling around the world -teacher possible career path -married or engaged - no idea there so many possibilities and you cant predict the future How would you represent the future you? -an aged photo showing the differnt clothes and styles -a video showing differences -virtual stuff -projection of different outcomes of things -storyboard or comic -a series of photos -sarcastic advert -jars filled with different things to sum me up -through a song and id create the video for the song

to depict how it relates to me. -through paper structures -graphs Things that make me happy and what the possible outcomes are in the future. What makes me happy? -family outings -swimming and winning -drinking with friends -funny things we do when drunk -sister having a baby -becoming an auntie -making new friends -eating cake -listening to music -singing -karaoke

Things that make me happy and what the possible outcomes are in the future. What makes me happy? -family outings -swimming and winning -drinking with friends -funny things we do when drunk -sister having a baby -becoming an auntie -making new friends -eating cake -listening to music -singing -karaoke -nightclubs -cinema -watching theatre -sleeping -chiling in bed with someone to cuddle

-getting through house after a hard day -holidays -scuba diving -snorkelling -christmas -christmas dinner -passing driving test -showering -ice cream -shooting, and archery and other acitivities -having money to spend -pancake day -sex, kissing -driving

-skydiving -bungee jumping -travelling -begaining another neice or nephew -birthday -visiting landmarks around the world -having a family -not knowing what future holds

things that could happen to me in the future -jobs/career -married -pregnancy -engaged


Stefan Sagmeister

Stefan Sagmeister (born August 6, 1962) is a New York-based graphic designer and typographer. Sagmeister co-founded a design firm called Sagmeister & Walsh Inc, with Jessica Walsh in New York City. He has designed album covers for Lou Reed, OK Go, The Rolling Stones, David Byrne, Jay Z, Aerosmith and Pat Metheny. 4

I decided to look at Stefan Sagmeisters work because it appealed to me and i went to the library in the university and searched on summon for a book and i found a book of his work and it shows a few pieces he has created. I wanted to do some background research on this paticular designer as his work is inspirational and also the layout of his work is great.

I then looked at his happy show exhibition which has a lot of work that relates to the brief.


One of the largest exhibitions in MOV’s 120-year history, this astonishing experience transcends the boundary between art and design. It takes over museum galleries and in-between spaces-stairwells, hallways, and restrooms-in order to ask: what makes us happy? Sagmeister, who has documented his struggles with alcohol and drugs, weight gain, and depression, first conceptualized The Happy Show in an attempt to define and control his own happiness during a client-free sabbatical—a year-long break he takes every seven years to creatively recharge. The final display is the result of 10 years of research into his own personal happiness.


giant inflatable monkey, and a series of gumball machines that displays visitors’ collective level of happiness. Audiences will also enjoy a preview of Sagmeister’s soon-tobe-released documentary, The Happy Film, which depicts his attempts to increase his happiness through meditation, cognitive therapy, and mood-altering pharmaceuticals.

MOV will engage visitors in a diverse array of public activities that extend The Happy Show into the community. Programs include a public symposium on ideas for happier communities led by one of the world’s foremost experts on the subject, University of British Columbia Confronted with stories about wellness, mindfulness, and Professor John Helliwell; a series of Happy Hours that will sexuality, viewers will be immersed in an experience akin to encourage Vancouverites to meet each other and inspire happiness through interaction; and a series of guerilla walking into Sagmeister’s mind. street interventions that invite social connection. The Happy Show is comprised of an array of engaging infographics, video projections, and interactive installations, including a stationary bike that powers a wall of neon, a

Idea 1-3 summary

Idea 1-3 summary idea1- the music video to a good song that i can relate to and vinyl covers for the album. sam rothery riptide music and artist, i could get the rights off tom to use song.

idea2 - to produce story of drawings to show what makes me happy and what i think are possibilities of events that are yet to come. then project animation ontop of drawings

idea3 - inspiration wall to inspire me in the future for future career, include things that inspire me therefore i enjoy looking at and making me happy. Not sure what digital aspect i would do butid use stencis and paint to produce the wall. Could produce stencils on laser cutter. 7

My Idea to produce story of drawings to show what makes me happy and what i think are possibilities of events that are yet to come. Then project animation ontop of drawings. I could bring in materials onto some of the drawings myabe make some 3D or use later ctter to create fame or something over some of them. I could do life odels using the 3D printer or papar and cardboard.


Artist Research: Illustrators

Alyana Cazalet With the playful eye of a cartoonist, Alyana is intuitive and spontaneous once she puts ink to paper. She likes to create images that say more than words can express. There’s the element of surprise, along with lots of movement and energy, in Alyana’s work. Her style is expressive and carnival-esque, and it’s evolving all the time as she experiments with new techniques and different media. She’s influenced by everything from Jazz to dark Russian literature, and from Hieronymus Bosch to the Moomins.

Client List Tatler FutureBrand Cafe Rouge CHI&Partners Sainsbury’s Edward Said Jerusalem Conservatoire of Music BBC Children’s magazine Hermes International


Andy Gellenberg



Martin Tomsky


Development of practical outcome

This is were i will show the thought process of what i have thought about in my head and what the order each sketch will be and how they will link into each other and how they will become a finished piece. im hoping to incorporate somehumour within the images i draw so it makes people happy not just describing happy events which have happened or that could happen in the future. There will be a rough sketch of my thought process of the sequence, then the rough drawings in sketchbook of each frame of each happy event and future event. then i might experiment by

drawing on my wacomb tablet to the computer and this could be used for the animation i want to produce.


These tow photographs of my sketchbook shows some quick sketches as i went through a thought process of what my drawing for my final projecct will look like as i drew little sketches of what ech frame would be and the order inwhich these frames would appear. I am going to draw each frame properly in my book and ths will be able to go on the wall of the exhibition.


I started to sketch ideas in my head for a wall mural, i looked on the internet for some inspiration such as pinterest to get me in the mood of rawing. And i produced this quick sketch which was a starting point for themural i know i wanted these elements in my work but i thought drawing will take a lot of time to produce this and upscale it. So i made the decision to go into illustrator and start to

use the pen tool to re draw these elements this woud make for a neater line and also easier for me to colour if i anted to use colour and if i wanted to move things around.


Here shows the first Drawing of the mural taking shape as i started on illustrator evrythimg just fell into place i drew each component and placed them where i thought looked appropriate and it turned out like this. i am very happy with the arrangement and how it looks. this is what i was aiming for.


I then started to add some black into the picture to experiment with a sort of colour palette, i think the black made it more striking but i think the colour would make it even more striking and more exciting to look at and also more colours woud mean a more sort of crazy feeling which would relate to the collide brief through.


Above shows the wall mural in a black and white colour but the with one colour added which is the deep red, i used the different shades of red to make it look more 3D like. i really like it but i still think having other colours would improve it. i liked using the different shades though i think this improved it from the black and white version.


On this page i started to experiment with using lots of different colours. It took a lot of time to colour the mural in and what colours looked best where. I also experimented with the thickness of all the lines to see if i could make each object stand out from each other a little more. The top picture shows experimentation with colour, the picture to the left shows more experimentation of colour and experimentation of the line thickness.



Practical Outcomes

This is where ill show the final pieces for the physical outcome that i have produced for this project. This piece will go in the exhibition and hopefully will look great.


Final Physical Outcome I finished experimening with colour and shading and line thickness and this is the finished wall mural. I ended up adding more drawings and elements into the work. On the next few pages it shows close ups into the mural and i love this look too so it gave me a few ideas which i could do into the exhibition.





Final Designs

The mural gave me ideas of creating the mural for the wall and then the close ups on canvas, and also it could be used as a design for a tea set as everybody loves tea and it could be used in the exhibition to be used asmerchandise or to be used as mugs for the guests. at the top is an example of how the cup and saucers would look like and to the right, it shows the place mats dor the cup and saucers to sit on. I thought it would be a cool idea to just further project.


Digital Outcome

This is where ill show the final pieces for the digital outcome that i have produced for this project. This piece will go in the exhibition and hopefully will look great.


Final Designs

The mural gave me ideas of creating the mural for the wall and then the close ups on canvas, and also it could be used as a design for a tea set as everybody loves tea and it could be used in the exhibition to be used asmerchandise or to be used as mugs for the guests. at the top is an example of how the cup and saucers would look like and to the right, it shows the place mats dor the cup and saucers to sit on. I thought it would be a cool idea to just further project.






Links The animation can be seen on these links.


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