YCN Brief final

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YCN brief 2015/2016 The Orchard Pig Campaign Louise Fielding Research and Develeopment Document

Initial Research

Brief Information Orchard Pig we believe it is the only ‘craft beer’ like cider in the market today (craft liquid credentials, modern positioning and tone of voice) – this needs to be amplified in an integrated campaign across Communications, Packaging, Point of Pour, Point of Sale and Innovation.

Key Words and Phrases Bold, Mischievous, Inclusive, Rooted in Somerset CIDER MISCHEVIOUS A catalyst for more fun SIMPLE Simple brand and simple product INCLUSIVE For anyone and everyone “Stay rooted” is what we say to the world. We appreciate simplicity…and cider. We like to poke fun at the world and ourselves… and each other. We are ALL about the cider…

Opponents/Competion Ths is to show what other cider families look like and what there bottle range is, they are very different compared to the orchard pig. These are sort of like

Point of Pour I looked at the point of pour from other brands to see what other ciders have to identify there own brand. This allows me to see what i have to work with compared to what alreadybig cider companys have on

the market. I want my design to stick out so it is well remembered and even more so then the more established brands.

Mood Boards

Outcomes Posters to go on buses and on billboards simple so people can look at them and be able to understand it quickly becaus of moving traffic. Slogan and layered apple cut outs of pig and somerset with logo stamped on top. Or cider with apple pig in it and slogan. Leaflet with a sort of storyboard inside of story of the orchard pig in the same style as video. Leaflet on different tasting ciders of the brad Packaging for bottles and crates, layered apple effect with slogan.

Video using logo pig flying over orchard giving cider to people of somerset and then ending with bum and pig tail turning into a pig tail point of pour alll the while everything else fades out or solid colour rollr con and big flies in and the bum and tail comes into view. Layered roll on effect on the landscape with textures. the pig is going to stay black throught animation and then at the end the logo for the orchard pig will show up.

New badges for each type of cider in same sort of style with pig as the focus point and then use the same colours as original but updating the design to fit with the posters and video.

Artist Research McCann Vilnius i love these peces of work because they show simple ideas that are very effective. On the move the city poster i love the way the different layers have been created out of something solid and then stuck onto the bike chain and used photography to capture it together. it shows layers of the city and the two smaller images demonstrats the the small amount of humour i want to portray through this campaign to demonstrate the fun factor of the company.


I created and produced these 3D templates to show the type of look i wanted in my head to represent the “hand-crafted like beer� the orchard pig company were so keen to be portrayed through the designs and so i used this concept to produce some things that wuld go on a poster or badge for the cider such as an apple, a pig and an orchard tree.

I think these would be better painted black, greann and red and i chamged the tree to match the other two objects better. I thought the colour would make it more attractive to the eye.

Here i wanted to show the colours of the different types of cider the orchard pig sell, i also put a texture behind to make it more “craft like” so im re-ittarating the fact the company wanted to emphasise this concept. It also gives me a clear thought about the colours that i will be using throughout my project as i dont want to change the whole thing so it is not recogniasable from what it already is. At the top of this page i have chosen to do a few layouts of initial poster ideas with the original 3D work as i wanted to experiment to see what it would look

like against one of the already existing colours as a backgrpund with the texture to build layers. I intially thought of patterns with the pig to make it stick it in your mind as there is many and its repeated its hard to forget. Then i thought of having a pigs head and a pigs bum on seperately as a littlebit of comic factor to the mix. I then moved onto using the new improved 3D figures i created to produce poster layouts. I messsed around with the layout of these things and the repeats of these

objects on the page. I also used there typr for the words, “the orchard pig” to makee the type noticeable and bod. I thought about creating a world for the big on an apple which references back to one of my artists i looked at.. However i decided against the idea and decided to go back to layouts with the objects. I then thought about bringing the bottle of beer in but that didnt look right so this experiment put me off that idea.

I then experimented with this idea and used this to crete the badges for the point of pour.

I played with the layout of the objects and used the circle as a guideline for the badge as i thought this was most appropriate.

I used the colours from the original badges as they are the colours for each different taste of cider, as my badge background.

I settled with the centred tree and pig and I then tried bringing in some type, i tried a few and decided this looked nice with my style of my work.

This page shows all the badges together as a finished design. i like it as it is bold and looks layered which is what i wanted.

On the next page i explore the use of these badges on the bottles as a label.

Idea 2 My second idea is to be a bit daring and cheeky and have the pig be a little cheeky nd be winking and to have ts bum face the audience to make it seem like its more important then them and so the implies the notorious pig concept. Also i wanted to produce this peg as cheeky because its bold and mischievious which are two key words named in the orchard pig brief.

This is the start of my second idea. Here i have the new and improved badges i have created for the second project as finished designs i have kept the colours and textures the same but i have designed a winking pig with a cheeky smile. To really grasp the audiences attention and cheeky side, almost the pig is saying “go on have a cheeky pint on me�. I used the original logo in this design as the company liked it the way it was but i have just made it as though it is a stamp on the pigs bum such as a brand or ownership sign. I thought

this was quite a clever idea as the pig is branded as the orchard pig. This showcases the brand.

pig, rooted in somerset and the taste of the cider such as the maveric.

I wanted to keep my design simple so it was all about the notorious pig. So i didnt want to overcrowd the winking pig and plus it is more memorable if there is less to look at. So i decided the type should be added and it should fit with the style of writing of the orchard pig logo title typeface. This is the reson i chose the typeface i did, and i used this to spell out the orchard

I then went onto use the point of pour i created before and just replace the old badge with the new badge and this i thought looked much better then my first idea and i preferred the cheekiness of the idea too, i think it gives the design that little bit extra.

Ithen decided to change the colour of each pig to the colour of each ytpe of cider taste. This is so it is transferred onto the bottle for the label. On next page this is transferred onto the bottles.

A Little Summary

Here is the finished designs for the project showing the point of pour, the point of pour badges, the labels for the bottles, the posters and finallymock ups on billboards and magazines. this shows all the designs but i will show the full collection of finished designs together. I feel like ive been working reallly hard on this project and i have explored different ideas and concepts on this. As this is a campaign i am going to attempt to do an animation a sort of story/advert sort of video to tell the story of how the Orchard Pig came about and the idea behind it, and hopefully making it a little funny and cheeky to suit the companys new modern style.

FINAL DESIGNS This is just to show clearly which are final designs and which ones i like the best and i also asked some peers to see which ones they liked best and they chose these too. I enjoyed this project and think i have come up with a good outcome which i really like and im happy with it. Obviously a project can never really be finished because you can keep re creating the designs but this is the end of mine. however i still have some develpment for the animation i have produced and i will have a link to the video in the development work.

Animation This is where i show some development work towards my idea of creatting this short animation for the campaighn of the orchard pig.

Here are some screenshoys of the video i have created i changed my ideas on this quite a lot.I wanted a winking pig, a flying pig, a pig the would wee and that would be the cider. i also wanted to show the story of

how the orchard pig came about and this was essential to the orchard pig company. Inn the aniimation i show all the flavours that they have produced and i show their own logo at the end to finfsh the animation. I also

have a winking pig which i think brings out the bold and cheeky side out of this company. it is also more fun and more memorable.

I wanted to just show the process of how i created this video by showing screenhots of the animation windows in after effects.

The Links for the Final Animation The animation can be found on the website vimeo via this link https://vimeo.com/user33084143 And it can be reached by this link to as it will be on my university blog. http://louisefielding.blogspot.co.uk/

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