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The source of the light for the entire Universe is the Sun. In the creation the absence of it will hover us with darkness. Therefore The God has created the sun to shine its light on the entire universe. Because of the sun’s presence, we have day and night and based on this we have dawn and dusk. We can feel the presence of early morning joy from birds as they harbingers the news of the dawn every day. We can’t imagine human survival without sun light. Crops will not yield without its light and therefore no fruit,flower or grain, eventually no food to eat. Light is the life for every creature. On the face of the earth , the characteristics of the light are peculiar and precious, it has no link with darkness. Wherever the Light enters into the darkness will flee from there in no time.


Bandi Isaac

Similar to mice fleeing from cat’s crooked lives and it has no capacity presence. Another attribute of light to straighten them. is, it travels through straight. Even if we try to keep it in crooked path it The light has its own limitations, travels straight. it has power to travel straight but unable to straighten the lives of the This light is well known to us in this world. We are traveling through people , who are enjoying it’s light. it. As we can see through our eyes we can sense it as light. But some have these eyes and they are unable to see it, there is no joyful morning in spite of the presence of light. For us we are having a morning for those there is no presence of light. So far, we have learnt about the light created by God but based on this straight and right race, how far we are becoming straight?

In fact this light is meant for only radiating light to the world. It’s only GOD who can kindle the light in the human heart. He says Thus in John 8 :12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” NIV and also in John 1:4 and 1: 9

The light is shining out in the This light is being utilized by world but darkness can not those who live in crooked paths but understand it. Human heart is filled the same light is not hindering their with the darkness. The sin belongs to the darkness. As we read before,

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