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The source of the light for the entire Universe is the Sun. In the creation the absence of it will hover us with darkness. Therefore The God has created the sun to shine its light on the entire universe. Because of the sun’s presence, we have day and night and based on this we have dawn and dusk. We can feel the presence of early morning joy from birds as they harbingers the news of the dawn every day. We can’t imagine human survival without sun light. Crops will not yield without its light and therefore no fruit,flower or grain, eventually no food to eat. Light is the life for every creature. On the face of the earth , the characteristics of the light are peculiar and precious, it has no link with darkness. Wherever the Light enters into the darkness will flee from there in no time.


Bandi Isaac

Similar to mice fleeing from cat’s crooked lives and it has no capacity presence. Another attribute of light to straighten them. is, it travels through straight. Even if we try to keep it in crooked path it The light has its own limitations, travels straight. it has power to travel straight but unable to straighten the lives of the This light is well known to us in this world. We are traveling through people , who are enjoying it’s light. it. As we can see through our eyes we can sense it as light. But some have these eyes and they are unable to see it, there is no joyful morning in spite of the presence of light. For us we are having a morning for those there is no presence of light. So far, we have learnt about the light created by God but based on this straight and right race, how far we are becoming straight?

In fact this light is meant for only radiating light to the world. It’s only GOD who can kindle the light in the human heart. He says Thus in John 8 :12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” NIV and also in John 1:4 and 1: 9

The light is shining out in the This light is being utilized by world but darkness can not those who live in crooked paths but understand it. Human heart is filled the same light is not hindering their with the darkness. The sin belongs to the darkness. As we read before,

Those who have eyes are able to see the light, the ones who dont have those eyes couldn’t see that light. In the same manner; bad eye represent the bad heart. The one who has this kind of heart can not see the lightening passeth by Christ which is a spiritual light. The heart which is not upright will not have the fear of God, fear of sin and fear of death, in turn it travels to the way of corruption.

He is the one who became an Apostle Paul to change thousands to put them in straight path of lord’s Light Once this Paul hated Christ and Christ’s preaching. He was even ready to shake the foundations of Church but the lightening on the Damascus Road brought change in him and thus he became the guide for many to change.

Therefore, the darkness in you from the world, Christ is ready to cast away it by filling with his light. And he is ready to give the fullness To see the light, God is ready to of the light to your life. Are you fill his light in human heart and ready to take him and his light? will separate him from his natural sinful life. In this manner God will Will you become a light? the fill in him the divine principalities changed life of yours will become and make him to lead a straight life an example to others and also can which is righteous and holy. become a path to human life to lead a perfect life in the sight of The God says “ I am holy so God. you to by holy” so, Jesus has Being an exemplary you will become a citizen of his kingdom. become a light for the sake of humanity, fills this light in the heart When the Light of the world lights and changes a sinful life into a holy in you, as you become the light you can become a model to many to one. those who are in the darkness. You will not be hidden but to be a light In the Bible we can find the post for the people at home, for the Soul who was leading a crooked outsiders you will be like a city on life, capturing men and women and the top of the mountain. and all persecuting but suddenly as the your actions are seen by all. light strikes on him from the sky, with that lightening of the cross of If it is for the name sake of the light of the religion, it will not give the Calvary his human eyes are satisfaction for the faith. closed with fear and his internal eyes are opened. For example, how we can Until then he was persecuting, perceive the light that is outside and in which state? what sort of abusing and harmful for those who light will cast away the darkness? are into the light. But Lord touched Lamp is not a light until it its him and delivered, finally brought lighten, though there is a lamp in change in him. the darkness if it is not kindled it is the absence of lamp, in real sense.


You as a person created like a lamp in the form and shape, unless your are lit you are equal to darkness if your devotion is so, it is equal to nothing. To put it in context : When a mother asks her son to get a lamp from inside of the house, the boy replies saying he is afraid to get inside to bring it. The lamp gives light but why this boy is afraid to bring it. Because it it not lightened. So as, even if you appears to be a devotee on outside there is no light and righteousness in you, you are like sinner with sinful nature and to others you seem like deceitful and frightening darkness. The match box has 50 match sticks per say; but the state is no light. Similarly to this match box, you may have 50 principles of light, 50 words of light and 50 songs of light but if you are not lightened even with one of it, there is no action in your heart and remained as darkness. Are you saying that: I believed in Christ, I got faith and I am worshipping with satisfaction as father, son, daughter and mother. Such state of spiritual life will not yield any spiritual fruits. It’s like you have the platter full but you can’t eat at all. Therefore don’t live for today confirm yourself to the light though you are living in the world of darkness. If you understand that you don’t have the light in you and its actions. So, come to Jesus who is the true light and can change your darkness into light from him and also light others lives with the light that you have got from Christ

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