6 minute read
Income Potential
Sed sit amet ex eros. In sagittis, lectus ac pretium porta, nisl ex aliquam erat, in facilisis tellus ante id sapien. One common aim we all share with Quisque diam metus, ullamcorper ut mi faucibus, tincidunt faucibus nibh. Curabitur quis mollis felis. Phasellus dictum id nisl et fringilla. Pellentesque odio nisi, interdum ac imperdiet vel, pellentesque vel sapien.this business is the desire to bring in an income for ourselves and our Nam ut orci vel augue venenatis auctor. Curabitur mollis libero diam, quis ultricies quam iaculis eu. Aenean eu sem egestas, pulvinar justo in, egestas tortor. Nam sit amet ligula vitae enim fringilla laoreet eget eget dui. Nam families. a blandit enim. Nulla non arcu urna. Vestibulum ac sagittis mauris.
Can you make money selling Lovvare products?
Can you make a lasting paycheck selling Lovvare products?
Do you have to have a large following to do this?
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Lovvare is the PERFECT opportunity for a new business. The company is just getting started (literally, we’re just getting started), and a collagen like ours is unlike anything out there, just that one product alone is extremely relevant and needed in our world today. Take some time to get to know about our products and take careful note of your own personal journey with our products. Your testimony will be your most powerful tool!
To better understand how much of a blessing this business can be financially, there are two types of income we need to talk about: Active and Passive (Residual).
What Is Active Income?
Active income is earned as a direct trade-o for our time put in. This is how most jobs are. The upside of active income is that you can put in more hours, or work more jobs, to earn more income. But the downside is that your income is limited by your wage and the amount of time you can put in. Especially for those who have families and other important aspects to their life, it isn't feasible to be working all the time. So, active income is trading your time for money. This is the typical way most people earn an income, and there is nothing wrong with that. But most of those same people are also living paycheck-to-paycheck, and feel that their work is like a prison they must endure out of necessity. What if there was a better way to earn an income?
What Is Passive Income?
There is - it's residual (or passive) income! What Is Residual (Or Passive) Income? Residual income is when you continue to get paid after the work is done, because of your initial investment continuing to pay o . This includes royalties from books, movies, or songs, and also income that comes from business investments where you (eventually) don’t actually have to be present to continue to earn. Simply put, residual income comes from building an asset that continues to pay you after the initial setup work has been done. A rental property produces residual income for the landlord being paid rent, and a business is an asset to the business owner who does not need to be involved in the day-to-day activities anymore.
LOVVARE opportunity
A multi-level marketing opportunity, such as with being a LOVVARE brand partner, is a way to earn passive income. This is because you continue to receive commissions on all future orders of the people on your team! After someone enrolls, it is of course still important to maintain a good relationship with them, being a helpful and encouraging support to them and letting them know that you appreciate them being part of the team and community. But the work of enrolling them is only one time, at the beginning, and then you are blessed with the ability to continue earning on their future orders - as well as the orders of anyone that enrolls under them!
Because of the residual aspect, as well as the snowball e ect in which you even earn on the present and future orders of the people who enroll under those who you enroll, a multi-level marketing structure has a huge income potential!
Because of its amazing income potential, there are some in society who claim that multi-level marketing is an unfair or even illegal "pyramid scheme". This is not true (unless a company really does set up an illegal operation, which then by definition would not be a true multi-level marketing organization), for one simple reason: any person who enrolls today can absolutely out-earn someone who has been a distributor for years.
How is this true? It is because of the "leg" and "rank" structure for earning. Let me explain with a hypothetical scenario:
Person A sits back and believes that Person B's hard work will make them rich.
Is this true? Will they? Not at all! This is because no matter how large of an organization that Person B develops, for Person A, that organization is only 1 "leg". With just 1 leg in a multi-level marketing organization, you will only be able to achieve one of the lowest ranks, and therefore your income will be capped at one of the lowest levels.
This is the inherent protection against corruption that true multi-level marketing organizations have. In order to get to the higher levels of earning, you must attain to the higher ranks - which are only attainable by having many legs which are well-developed with many people in turn hitting higher ranks - all of which is only feasible by putting in the hard work and maintaining it along the way.
Person A wants to
"play the system" and get rich on the backs of the work of
everyone else. They enroll only one person
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Person B, who is a superstar, enrolling thousands of people and developing a huge organization.
So in our example, Person B will dramatically out-earn Person A, even though Person A is technically their "upline" who was in the business before (maybe even years) Person B joined.
Hopefully this example also illustrates this point about LOVVARE's income potential: it is certainly there and great, but it's going to require real work along the way. And even after the snowball gets rolling, with people you enroll then in turn enrolling others, you still need to be present, working, sharing, helping, etc.
The income still is residual because you still are receiving the blessing of earning some commission on those future orders of those you enroll and even those who you didn't personally enroll but who enrolled under those you personally enrolled. But if you cease involvement completely, your ranks will only go down, and same with your income.
Just like the owner of a book, music album, etc., they need to continue developing and sharing if their earnings are to continue and grow. For specific numbers details on the ranks and pay, check out Module 4!
Each of us has our own needs and wants that we would love to see happen through this business. After you think, pray, and decide upon yours, it's time to get started!