4o Ways in 40 Days

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Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church


40 WAYS IN 40 DAYS "You did it for Me" With these five little words, Christ olfers us a huge chollenge. Gospel.

tells us that whatever we do for the least members of the human family, we do to Christ Jesus speaks these words in the 25th Chapter of Matthew's


Himself. lf we thought Jesus was hungry, that Jesus needed warm clothes, that Jesus was

alone in a hospital or prison, how would we react? Would we not rush to our pantry and fill a box with some of our best food? Would we not riffle through our closets and pick out our favorite clothes? Would we not make time to visit him and gift him with the warmth of our personal touch? These five little words, 'You

did it for me" should compel us to serve the poor, teach us to see others as the Lord, and challenge us to respond to everyone and in every situation the way we

would respond to Christ. HOW WILLYOU RESPONDTO CHRISTTHIS LENT? Feed the Hungry . Give Drink to the ThirrS . Clothe the Naked Shelter the Homeless . Visit the Sick. Visit the Imprisoned . Bury the Dead "\|'lulever you dofor the least of nry brothen and sisten, you dofor me" $.Iattlrcv, 25:10)


Our Parish Social ttfiinlstry offers

40 Ways You can practice the

CorporalWorks Of ilercy, By helping lndlvlduals, families and children in their time of need

during the 40 days of Lent

When I was hunsrv: Serving those who ore hungry and suffer from food insecurity Meal Mats Project -Make Easter placemats for our food bag Recipients: March +5 (This Weekend After Masses) Design on a Dime - Decorate our CC food bins to make them more appealing: March 4-5 (After Weekend Masses) Fast Food Fast: Skip eating ot a fost food restaurant ond donate the money to a local pantry or shelter Catholic Care Food Collection - Donate items for our homebound Kupuna & friends in need. A list of needed food items can be found in our parish bulletin (1) week prior to the food collection: March 18-19 (Drop items in bins) Food Movers - Help collect food items during our food drive: March 18-19 (Arrive 30 minutes before Mass) God Is Love Proiect - Decorate food bags with Easter Joy for our Food Distribution: March 11-X2 (After Masses) *CCP Food Sorting Sort & Pack food bags for friends in need: Monday March 20 (5:30pm 7:30pm) -

1. 2, 3. 4,

5. 5. 7. 8. {'CSFP Food Boxes - Senior Food Distribution: Friday March 15 (l1am - 3pm} 9. Contribute to Operation Rice Bowl www.crsricebowl.org - Pick up your Rice Bowlfrom the Church

10. Hospitality Proiect - Volunteer to set up & and serve at our refreshment table: Sundays after Morning Masses 11. {'CCP Feed A Friend Project- Deliver food bags to the Kupuna homebound: Saturday March 25 (8am - 1X.am) 12. Cereal-sly Blessed Project - Assemble breaHast bags for Ronald McDonald House Wed. March 22lLLam - Noon) 73. Offer to grocery shop for o friend or parishioner who is visually impaired 74. Save ond Clip Grocery Coupons - give to o localfood pantry 75. 7 Cents A Doy Project - Pick up a flyer in the Courtyard and leorn how you con teoch your fomily about poverty 16. CCP Food Shoppers - Volunteer to grocery shop for our Catholic Care Food Projects - Call the office for details AII Projects listed with (*) have a limit on the number of volunteers the proiect can accommodate. tf you would like to volunteer for these projects please sign up in the Church Courtyard

'YOU DID IT FOR ME" Matt 25:40 When I was thirstv: Serving others who thirst for love, friendship and acceptance L7. lnvite a friend back to Church L8. Do something to support cleon water policies to insure there will be clean woter for future generqtions to drink: Use environmentally friendly laundry detergents and try to conserve fresh woter (easy on the lown !) L9, Visit someone who is alone and share morning coffee or afternoon tea with them 20. Donate bottled waters or individual juice boxes to our Parish Social Ministry for our Homeless Friends & Children's Shelters

When I was a stranger without Shelter: Serving others who struggle to have o safe ploce to live or who are challenged with homelessness 21. Sit Upons Project - Make sitting mats for the area homeless to keep them from the dirt March 25-26 (After Masses) 22. Offer to clean o yord of o low income Kupuna neighbor to avoid City fines 23. Cozy Critters Project - Make no-sew critters for door jams to keep hot/cold air outside: March 18-19 (After Masses) 24. Shower & Shave Project - Make shower kits for the homeless who visit the HSI Day Center: Date TBA 25. Make Easter Cards far our U.S. Troops and moil them to www.AMillionThanks.ora 25. Eggstravaganza Proiect - Stuff Easter Eggs for a local Children's Shelter: Date TBA When I was naked: Serving others who ore in need of clothing and dignity


27.Donate a (New or Gently Used) pair of shoes (all sizes) to our Parish Social Ministry These will be Easter Shoes for our Homeless Friends and Families with children living in shelters (March 1- 31) 28. Shoe Shine Project - Help sort and prepare shoes for distribution to those in need Saturday April 1 (9am - lpm) 29. Holy Soles Cards - Prepare Easter gift tags for our shoe distribution: April 1-2 (After all Masses) 30. Cleon your closet and donote your unused clothing to a local shelter or non-profit ogency 31. Undy Sundays! Donate new packages of underwear, t-shirts and socks to our Parish Social Ministry - for our friends in need: April 2 and 9th

When I was sick or in prison: Serving those who ore sick or lonely of heart, those who are homebound and those who struggle to live 32. New Beginnings Project - Make personal care kits for individuals released from prison and living at Hope Services Shelter: Date TBA 33. Boo Boo Bunny Project - Create a no-sew bunny for children in crisis: April 8-9 (After all Masses) 34. Volunteer with the Dioceson Pro Life Office, Cotholic Chaplain Corps, Correctionol Ministries or with the Compaign for Human Development www.cotholichowaii.org 35. Collect Bibles ond Spiritual Moteriols and donote to the Correctionol Ministries of the Diocese www.catholichowaii.org 36. Take your family to Read the Easter Story to the Kupuno at a neorby Assisted Living Center 37. Labels for Lent - Be a Conscious Consumer ond get educated on where your purchases come from - ensure they do not come from Slave Labor -Take your slavery footprint www.slaveryfootprint.org

The Seventh Corporal Work of Mercv - Burving the Dead This is o precious work of mercy: to remember and pray for the dead ?8. Comfort a friend in their time of grief and/or moke a meal for a family w[to just lost o loved one 39. Spend s ome time refreshing the grounds of a locol cemetery 40, Volunteer ot a Hospice and bring comfort to fomilies whose loved one is near deoth

All Projects listed with (*) have a limit on the number of volunteers the proiect can accommodate. lf you would like to volunteer for these projects please sign up in the Church Courtyard We are in need of Project Leaders


lf you would like to serve in this capacity please contact the Parish Office

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