The Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

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2747 Pali Highway Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 808.s95.3105 ssccpali@rcchawaii. org facebook. co m/st. stepherpali


Mon-tr'ri: 9:00 am to 12 Noon PASTOR Fr. Mario Raquepo STAFF


(Cell) B0B-228.3053

Deacon Ronald Choo Sister Marykutty Kottuppal Celine Asato






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=im lx; E; T Fj

FAITI{ FORMATION CCD-Children Velma Cuieb-Mamuad Youth

& Confumdion



RC.I,A. lJebbre l-ujryama Parish Scripture..Gr oup s Francis Jordan PARTSH MINISTRIES

*'ffi4::tl € Ko).ro )t.,tAl (W€LCoM€)


Homebound & Berca'ement Virginia Jordan & Helen Luke


Hospirality David Tom

SATURDAY (Main Church)......4:00 PM

Altar Server

SUNDAY (Chapel).................7

:1 5 AM (Main Church)..........9:30 AM

Zachary Choo

LiturgicalMusic Leka Leaeno ( Saturday Vigil ) Felix Secretaria (Sunday 7:15 AM) Mike Felipe (Sunday 9:30 AM)


DEVOTION & ADORATION Holy Rosary ...............Before Mass


' Beverly Perry Holy Conanunion at Mass Jennifer Thmayo Sacristy Celine Asato & David Tom Justice & Peace TBA - (Respect Life) TBA - (Aloysius Food Pantry) TBA - (Halo Holo Ministry) PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Pastoral Council Patricia Silva Steruails hip/Dkcip leship C o uncil Bernard Ho (lnterim) Finance Council James Solidu m (l nterim) Knights of Columbus Randy Tom Liturg-r- Commission

TBA Social Fellowship Sui Kozuma & Kitchen Crew








St. Catherine

SATURDAY.........8:00 AM

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION SATURDAY ...........3:00 - 3:30 PM or by appointment





First Wednesday, after Mass

8:30 AM - 6:00 PM Other Wednesdays B:30 AM - 9:00 AM

VISITATION OF Tl-{E SICK: Priest and Homebound Ministers are available io visit ihe infirm or hospitalized. Please contact the Parish. For sacramental emergencv; call 595.3105 and press #2. BAPTISM: Sacramental preparation is required. lf you are expecting or have a child to be baptized, please call tlre Parish officefor more intormatiorr. MARRIACE: The Diocese of Honolulu requires couples to marry in ihe Church and participate in the preparatiorr for the Sacrarnent of Matrinroriy. Couples should contact the office for Marriage Preparation at Ieast 6 months before tlre wedding. FUNERAL ARR{NCEMENTS: Kokua! Please coniact }rour Churcir prior arrangerreirts i,viih a furreral home. PAR.!51-{IONERS: Wlrerr cltarrgirrg address/teleplrorre,

io makins

or mcrving out of tite


please kindly notifiu tlre ottice.

NtW PARISX-IIONERS: lf you would Iike to become a parislriorrer of St. Stapherr, please use the fr:rms availabie at the errtrar:ce of the Church or contact the office.



23, 2015


St. Cerard, who, Iike the Savlor, Ioved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many from disease and even death, Iisten to us

who are pleading for our sick children. We thank Cod for the great gift of our sons/daugl'rters and ask Him to restore our children to health if such be His holy will. This favor, we beg of


you through your love for all children and mothers. Amen.


* Parish Scripture Croups * Wednesdays, 9:30 AM SPAM Conference Room





HALE NURSING HOME MASS Our monthly Mass for our parishioners at Nuuanu Hale will be at 9:30 AM on Thursday, September 3. The residents look forward to celebrating with us. Please join us if you are available.

t ATTAR SERVERTRAINING t On August 30, after the 9:3O AM Mass, there will be a special training session for Altar Servers for the Saturday 4:00 PM Mass. Please mark your calendar. lf you are an adult and would [ike to serve as an Acolyte for the Saturday 4:00 PM Mass, please see Fr. Mario. Our Altar seryers and their families provide an invaluable service

to our community. They are an integral part of the Liturgy of the Church and support all our ministries, but especially Fr. Mario. PLEASE PRAY FOR FAMITY & FRIENDS Please pray for Lawrence Perry who passed away on August 14,

2015. Nexr Week: August 29 & 30 Altar Server: Marian, John Paul, Ceorge Houle [Sat] [Sun]


Lector: [Sat] [Sun] -

Nalu Aki, Adrien Abcede, Jade McCuinn

Lawrence is survived by his wife, Lector Coordinator Funeral services are tentatively scheduled for






CATHOLIC ADDRESS: CHARITIES 1822 Keeaumoku Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 HAWAI'I OFFICE PHONE: (808) 327-2720

Michelle Silva, Richard Leong Frank Jordan, Sandy Wong



Valerie Low, OIive Houle, Jennifer


Cwen Kurahara, Sandy Worrg Helen Luke


Collection Counting: Team


Church Cleaners: August 28 Sui Kozuma, Patti Silva, Leona Auerbach, Rose Paraz, Meriam Ladrillono

SERVINC THE HOMEBOUND SENIORS We are partnering with Catholic Charities in our service to elders age 60 and older. Many of our elderly live alone or alone most of the day and are in need of someone to visit with them on a regular basis. ln addition to friendly visits, escort services are provided to doctor visits and other pre-approved destinations. Essential Iy, i nterested parishioners wi I I become Cathol ic Charities volunteers assigned to St. Stephen Church. Catholic Charities will process applications from our parishioners and wi[[ conduct a 1&1/2 hour training. lf you know of someone who can benefit from these services, or if you are interested in being a volunteer, contact the church office or Catholic Charities Program Volunteer Coordi nator, Maureen Caracciolo, at 527 -47 BO.

* THE 21ST SUNORY IN ONOINARY TIME * The Cospel for Sunday, August 23,2O15 fohn 6:60-69 Saturday, B/22

4:00 PM

Mass: Vickie Solidum

Persist in your prayers.

When you think about it, it's kind of an amazing teaching. Prayer is where our little and limited selves meet the all-knowing the allpowerful, the anything-but-little-and-limited Creator of all things, the Force behind all that is. I would think the message would be more like, "What do you know? Hush up and let Cod be in charge!" But thafs not what it says. Why do we pray? What is it about our prayer that makes a difference? How can we affect the will of the all-knowing, allpowerful Creator of the world? The only answer I know is hard to believe: We and our prayers are integral to Cod's plan for the world. Isn't that amazihg? Our prayer is part of Cod's will. Makes you sit up a bit straighter; doesn't it? Cenesis says Cod created the world by speaking. Let there be light; let there be water; let thee be avocados and fishes and kangaroos; and let there be people, human beings, folks. Cenesis also says that we folks are made in the image and likeness of Cod. Don't you suppose that if we're made in Cod's image, we create in a similar fashion? That what we speak may come into being? lf what we say somehow becomes, shouldn't we turn our negative, complaining, whining, gossipy, downer words into prayer? lf nothing else, we can pray with psalmists who caution us to watch our mouths. From Psalm 19: "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord...." And from Psalm 141 : "Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips." And keep on praying. PAICE BYRNE SHORTAL

Weeklv Offerinss (Aug B-9, 2015)


{+ Donations/Col lections

* *

Sunday 7:15 AM

* Votive Offering *{ $2o4.oo * Building Fund

-Sunday 9:30 AM

$Bl B.00

Saturday 4:00 PM





All Families

9:30 AM Mass: AII Families Monday, 8/24 Happy Birthday! 8:00 AM Mass: Teresa Kottuppallil Tuesday, B/25 B:00 AM Mass: Daisy Leong

Wednesday, 8/26 B:00 AM Mass: Ceorge Kottuppallil Thursday, B/27 B:00 AM Mass: Daisy Leong Friday, S/28 Lawrence Perry B:00 AM Mass: Daisy Leong Saturday, B/29 B:00 AM Mass:

All Families

For the sick and homebound: Roland Albarado, Margaret Robello, Joe Chang, Don Yee, Carrie Talwar, Fred Lum, Nancy Asato For the recently deceased: Harry Bender, Charles Ho, Edith Demello, Catherine Aoki, Donna McDonnell, Jerry Tarutani, Vickie Solidum, NancyTom, Lawrence Perry





Special Offering



Total Offering


Sunday, B/23 7:15 AM Mass:





Our donations will be taken to St. John the Baptist Church to help with their ministry to the kupuna and homeless.

dear PADKfl AWhy \-_-,,!z

do some pastors endorse political candidates?

Why do some bishops and pastors say we must or must not vote for a politica


idate? Doesn't this violate separation of church and State?



Augst 24

llonday of the Zlst Week ln Ordinary Time

Revelation 21 :9-14 Tuesday, August 25 Tuesday of

tre 21st


ln Ordinary Time

FirstThessalonians 2:7 -B Wednesday, August 26 Wednesday ofthe


Week in Ordinary Time




Concerned Citi

Dear Concerned,

Marry faith-based groups are becoming more politically outspoken. Thi ises legal and moral issues. Legally, the groups' tax-exernpt statLrs precludes th rom endorsing a particular candidate or party. But faith-based groups also feel a responsibility to educate the public on Iity of the candidates' positions. And while we must evaluate political iss hatare intrinsically evil (abortion, racism, torture, death penalty), we cannot i ues with a high potential to be evil and which are therefore also morall rehensible. Some issues aren't as morally black and white (for example, violence, war, ab the environmen! poverty); however, they decay our moral fabric and are a si inst the people of Cod. Too often, we choose candidates who agree with our o ig issue and dorr't look at how their politics will affect the rest of the community. No candidate is going to be perfect, so we must balance all the issues to ma best-informed decision. This is why the Church doesn't endorse a particula ndidate or party but instead teaches the morality of each issue. Ask yourself what are the goals and values of each candidate, how the candida lan to achieve those goals, and how well those goals compare to yours as a child and those of the Church. Father Rick Potts, C.Ss.R.

Thursday, August 27 Thursday of the



in Ordinary Time

Manawale'a Riding Center Therapeutic Horsernanship Program Annual Ranch FREE

First Thessalonians


Friday of the

Saturday, August 29,2015, from noon to 7:0O PM 41 -1 7 OA Wai kupanaha Street, Wai manalo


Friday, August Z8


Week ln

Ordinary Time

FirstThessalonians 4:1-B 5aturday, August 29

Follow the signs at Kalanianaole Highway & Hihimanu Street ridingforfirst 100 keiki ages 2 to 12 from 1:00 PMto 3:00 PM ***Covered shoes & Iong pants please! Fabulous live entertainment all day, silent auction, Country Store, shaved ice, T-shirts, face painting, massage, keiki games, Ciant Human FoosballTable, & MORE!! FREE vision testing for keiki ages 4 lo 12, sponsored by the Manawalda Lion's Club. Huli-Huli Chicken (1/2 Chicken) lunch plate $10.00, served from noon to 5:OO PM. E Komo Mai FREE***Horseback

5aturday of the 21st Week


In Ordinary Time

leremiah 1 :17-19 5unday, Augu:t 50 5unday of the



ln Ordinary Time





15 Assumption 6 19 20 21 22 1

of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Stephen of Hungary St. John Eudes

24 St. Bartholomew 25 St. Louis 25 St. Joseph Calasanz 27 Sl. Monica

St. Bernard St. Pius Queenship of Mary

29 Beheading of

2B St. Augustine St. John the Baptist

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