"4c T
3rd Sundav ln 0rdinary Tirne
an{ l wiff ma6n youfisaers
to the Sick and llomebound, Funerals: Parisl-: office
U C TI,.1
Please call ihe
during business h*urs to schedule a Bapttsm
Vigil) 5:00pnr 7:00 aai 9:Oilam & 11;0Cam iinterpreted,l 5:0u prn '; 7:00 am & 1?:00pm Saturday: 1"2:00 nccn the ivlonth at the 1"2:00 noon mass - 4:3{.' pin 0r BY APPOti{TlvlgN'l the 7:00 am mass and i0 * 10:{_.10 pm
ADDRISS: 800 Kahei<a St, Fir:neiulu, Har,vaii +5814 OFFICE fiOURS: Mr:n. - Fri, 8:3*ani * 1"2pm I 1:Srl * 3:3Lltrlm PHONE:
EBSITE:L!.1w j/=1,._1$pejg,rcA=Uibgj3:ai-r-eXg
OFTICGEtr}IAIL: gs.t?eterpaui@hawaij.rr.rant
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This Week's Mass schedule Date
Mass lntention
Parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul
Fr. Manny Hewe
Jan 21
Vigll Mass
Agnes Mendiola (Sl) SUN Jan 22
+Kaisha Chu Thanksgiving for the De Silva & Nakanelua Ohana
Alfonsa Maligro (Sl) + Ricardo Mabon
+ Nora Cruz Rico
Congratulations to foel Narusawa who was accepted as a candidate for the Permanent Diaconate Program of the Diocese of Honolulu (Class 9). We thank Joel for accepting the call of God to serve in a deeper way. Let us continue to pray for Joel and Lily as they continue their faith journey.
Assoiiate Pastor: Assisting Priest:
Richard Abel Richard Port Angken Xymoon Yvonne Toma Lily Narusawa Deacon Ronald Choo Yvonne Toma Barbara Gambol
Maintena nce/Landscap ing:
Caesar Reyes
Secretary: Parish Council: Finance Committee: Faith Formation:
6 Mon
Jan 23
Rev. Khanh Pham-Nguyen Rev, Danny Laeda Rev. Pat Freitas
+ lrene
Jan 24
Wed Jan 25
Fr. Stark
+ Rosita Nacapuy
Fr. Danny
+ lrene Arcayna
Fr. Manny Hewe
Porras (Thanksgiving) noonGrace+ Ho Joon Peter Ko
Fr, Manny Hewe
+lrene Arcayna
Fr, Manny Hewe
Agnes Mendiola (Sl)
Fr. Danny
+ lrene Arcayna
Fr. Danny
Ermie & lna Gahiana noon .+ il;;;;&;;;il;
Thu .lan 26
Fr. Stark
+ lrene Arcayna
+ Nora Cruz
Fr. Danny Fr. Manny Hewe
Fr, Danny
Fri Jan 27
+ lrene Arcayna + Ho Joon Peter
Fr' DannY
Barbara Nakanelua
(Sl) t',-.|!;:"
+ Loren Butler
Fr, Manny Hewe
Parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul + lrene Arcayna
Fr. Danny
6AM-IPM 7:30 PM
- l0 PM
1l:00AM- l PM & 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM
I:00 PM 6:00 AM 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
We are a welcoming Parish. Be a Family Nlember!
Parish Registration forms are located at the entrance ofthe church. You may also contact the parish oifice for more information.
Sat Jan 28
noon 5 om vigir Mass
, Repose cf the soul
of: BD-Birthday;
Please call94L-0675
or email: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr.com
"Whsre caring people are cared for."
Sl-Special Intentions
fanuary 22,2017
Sts. Peter and Paul Church
Saint Matthew begins here
by letting his readers know that when Jesus heard John the Baptist had
been arrested He withdrew to Galilee. John was now finished with what he was called to do and now it's time for Jesus to take over. The red carpet has been rolled out and humanity now fervently waits for the Ministry of the King of kings. Saint John Chrysostom, understanding the fulfillment of prophecy here, writes: "Jesus Christ enters more publicly on His mission, and about to occupy the place of His precursor, He chooses Galilee for the first theatre of His ministry, the place assigned by the ancient prophets." 'Galilee of the Gentiles' was actually the proper name used in the time of Christ because it was a non-Jewish section of Galilee. Notice that Jesus uses the very same words, which were exhorted by Saint John the Baptist: "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand." He may have said this as a comfort for the followers of John who likely had lost hope after his arrest. But Jesus is an assurance to them that the work of the Kingdom goes on because everything John foretold is about to be manifested. Saint Jerome tells us that Christ will not only set out to prove that His ministry is heaven sent, but He will also humble the pride of man; and it is for this reason that He chooses fishermen instead of orators and philosophers. It may seem a bit strange or unusual to most readers that the first four called by Jesus to apostleship were immediately obedient and dropped everything. You might be inclined to credit it to some sort of divine stare and certainly that's a possibility; but if you read Saint John's Gospel (135-al it seems that Peter, Andrew and John were already familiar with Jesus. The closing verse is a summation of Christ's Ministry in Galilee but in addition to that it is likely intended to create anticipatory emotions leaving us longing for a more detailed account of Christ's miracles and teachings, in which Saint Matthew will gladly oblige throughout his Gospel.
First Readirg
Isaiah 8:23-9:3
Back when the divided nations of Israel were involved in war and treachery Isaiah was moved to envision an ideal king who would come in the future. When this king comes, both Jew and Gentile will see the light of God's truth, will have their burdens lifted, and will experience joy.
Second Reading
1 Corinthians 1:L0-13,17
The church at Corinth was a source of great distress to Paul because its members were divided into factions based on contlicting loyalties. Paul insisted that our ultimate loyalty belongs to Christ, not to any of his messengers. This allegiance to Christ is the basis of Christian unity.
- Matthew
or 4:72-17
ln calling his disciples, Jesus simply said, "Follow me." This invitation is at the heart of the Christian faith. Our theological and liturgical concems are important, but must never become a substitute for living the life to which we are called.
Next Sunday's Readings (Cycle A) 4th Sunday In Ordinary'Iime
First Reading : Zephaniah 2t3;3:12-13 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Gospel : Matthew 5:1-12a
We are grateful to all who so generously contribute to our Parish.
trllSSl$t{ 0FF}GE
The Collections for January 14 * 15,2A17 are as follows: Total: $20.802.72
Collections lntentions Funeral Electric & Votive Candles
Envelopes & Loose Mass
$6,546.15 140.00 200.00 544.45
39o/" 61"/o
Bldg. Fund 0utreach
$10,217.00 399.42 50.00
Donation Catholic Care Project
C o,[p_c-_tio-n-s
Manger Thanksgiving Latin America Black & lndian Mission 1't Offering Solemnity of Mary Christmas
14.70 20.00 11.00 2.00 90.00 10.00 40.00 $187.70
WffiW T$rne
Our Diocese participates in two causes fhis weekend:
1) Today, our parish will take up the 13'lst annual National Black and lndian Mission Collection. Our support of this collection helps build the Church in African American,
Native American, and Alaska Native to coast, Schools,
communities from coast
parish religious education programs,
and your generosity to help them spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ! You can help meet unmet needs with a generous contribution today. Thank you for your support.
diocesan ministries depend
2) The Second opportunity to give will be for the Church in Latin America. Many of our brothers and sisters in Latin America want to do more but lack the resources. This allows us to participate in Evangelizing and sharing in the growth of the universal church as we help them to provide Seminary education, and
to help them to
the Sacraments with others. Your gifts go a long way. Please mark your offering with either "Black & lndian Mission" or "Church in Latin America" or use the envelopes in the racks by the doors.
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Would you like to have
soulcleansing & spirituallyrejuvenating weekend with fellow Christian men? lf this sounds great, here is some great news! The Men's ACfS Retreat is being held 9 12 March 2A17 (Thursday after work until Sunday after /ttlass) the Sf. Anthony retreat center in Kalihi Valley. This retreat will be an great opportunity to focus on our faith and its application in our daily lives, to build purpose in our prayer life, to increase our presence at the liturgy, and to cultivate friendship among members of the church community.
On behalf of the Mary Jane Program, Ars an?-inbir babies, I want to thank you for your generous donation of $138.00. lt was so kind of you to think of us.
Since 1976 (when we first started keeping statistical information) we have provided residential services for over
1700 teens, women and babies. We are always so grateful to people like you for helping to support our program. Mahalo Nui Loa and God Bless you.
CATHOLIG GARE FOOD COLLEGTION THIS WEEK The Star Bulletin reported this week that many of our households live paycheck to paycheck coming up short by $320 each month. Most parents have second and third jobs. Our kupuna and the disabled, those on fixed income are finding it ever more
For more information, or to sign up now, contact Tom Storm, Ihgj-o__qlghi@gmai!,com and Armando Lopez, amlo_pez7_77_@msn.com. They will speak at all masses during this weekend.
Take advantage of this opportunity to draw closer to God and connect with other faith-filled men!!! ri
difficult to make ends meet. Through your generosity we are able to help those who cannot get out to shop and are using their income to pay rent or medical bills. I wish you could see the faces of those who are recipients of your generosity and the blessing you are to them. Deacon Xymoon is helping us to reach out to the Micronesian families in our community as well. Your help is welcome on Monday to Sort and pack - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00.
DIOCESAN STEWARDSHIP DAY IANUARY 28,2AL7 Mary, Star of the Sea Church 8:00 AM - Registration & Continental Breakfast B:30 AM - Opening Prayer & Remarks Bishop Larry Silva
Keynote Presentation by Fr. Andrew Kemberling Chairman of the Board, International Catholic
Stewardship Council (ICSC)
Lunch @ 12 noon along with workshops by:
Robbi Joachim Prinz, 5A years ago spoke at the Civil Rights .March in Washington, D.C. He
Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) Parish Data Systems (PDS) Vanco (online giving) Catholic Charities
declared, "bigotry and hatred are not the most ttrgent problem. The most urgent, the most
To register by January 20, 2017, call or email Mark Clark at mclark@rcchawaii.org or (808) 203-6723. There is no charge for this year's Stewardship Day thanks to the sponsorship of Our Sunday Visitor.
Foodbank Senior 32 lb. food box distribution and who then went to the State Capitol to March for Life.
Followed by a variety of workshops presented by national and local experts
. . . .
to all those who helped with the
disgraceJul, the rnost shameful and tke most tragic problem is silence. " Moments later Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. The unborn, the critically and terminally ill have no voice but yours.
Please pray
Evangelization: Christians at the
of the
Robert Agpalsa P. Almeida
challenges of
Anthony Alatan Edward & Emily Atalig
Marjorie Atalig
That all Christians may be faithful to the Lord's teaching by striving with prayer and fraternal charity to restore ecclesial communion and by collaborating to meet the chal lenges facing humanity.
Jose & Concepcion Atalig George Auyong Tony Bacani Dolores Bledsoe Helga Boettger Larry Cabrinha Betty Cecil Joelle Chamberland Wini Chow Louisa Comajis Ronald Costa Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Steve Dagali Bernanda DeGuzman Victor & Rita Dizon Odetta Doublet Tina Louise Duncan Jo Dowling Nicky Dresci Robert Fahl Sue Felix Douglas Ferreira Chris Foster Serena Fujii Thomas Garcia Helen Garcia Joanna Gates Lorraine & Walter Gonzalves Sadie Gouveia, Magdalena Gualderama John & Barbara Hanao Joe & Blanche Hansen Stanley Ho Jill lshikawa Frank & Sharla Jensen Christopher Johnson Joanne Jones Christoph Jucewicz Jack Jucewicz Joyce Kaanapu Cash Kahoopii Stephen Kalili Renee Kam Sr. Roland & Debra Kamanao Mapuana Kapana Emily Kuhn Christiana Lai Anu Lau Herbert & Thelma Lee Uilison E. Leuta Jamieson Longoria
The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the lnternational Union of Superiors General has designated February 8 as an annual day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking. February B is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and ltaly. Once Josephine was freed, she became a Canossian nun and dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering. She was declared a Saint in 2000. On February 8, Catholics all over the world are encouraged to host or attend prayer services to create greater awareness about this phenomenon. Through prayer, we not only reflect on the experiences of those that have suffered through this affront to human dignity, but also comfort, strengthen, and help empower survivors. Pray
for our
for the sick of our parish, especially.,.....
family and friends:
t Jason Wong t Alvin dela Cruz f Rose Ann Poyzer t Lillian Soto Mary Lou Kinoshita + Emma Corrigan Etemal rest grant unto them, a Lord, may the perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Carroll, a priest and faithful parishioner of Sts. Peter and Paul. He often celebrated the Daily Mass and Sunday Masses with us. He had a great devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe and was a storehouse of wisdom, wit and knowledge. His Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, February 8,2017 at 6:00 p.m. with visitation at 4:00 p.m.
Please pray for Fr. foseph
Minchak, OFM Cap. who died January 15,20L7 in New York. Funeral services will be Please pray for Fr. Paul
held in New York and a Memorial Mass here at Resurrection of the Lord, Waipio at a later date. 4
Theodora Luke Thelma Lum Violeta Luna-Hill Jennifer & Santiago Maldonado Claudia Maldonado Alphonsa Maligro Stanley, Jr. & Marion Medeiros Wilma R. Medeiros Glenn Medeiros Sr. Tammy Medeiros Bob Mendoza Houghton Meyer Jim Meyer Thomas Mistysyn June Nakamoto Larry Nakamura Betty Ann Nault Sylvia Nelson Susan Nelson Leona Oliveira Dan O'Leary Shirley Onishi Judy Orlando Sherrie Pacatan-Gentry Michael Pacheco & Family Ead & May Phillips T.J. Pochinski Elsie Quinn Neva Rego Alfred & Judy Robolledo James & Peggy Saballa James Sandobal Marilyn Sciortino Donald Secor Myong Soon Sim Charleen Sliger-Saucedo Clifford Smith Dorothy Suchar Theresa Sung Dolores Suredam Jean & Ken Takaki Janet Tavares Kristen Tavares Mary Teves Ruth Toma Ellen Tomita Fr. Dave Travers Yolanda Trejo Soane Uiagalelei Peter Uiagalelei Jane Vasconcellos Betty & Art Watkins Larry Wong, Sr. Teresa Yu, and your special intentions!
Mass for Feast of St. Marianne Gope, OSF Monday, January 23,2017 @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace
The annual mass is in honor of St. Marianne Cope on her feast day, January 23. St. Marianne Cope was canonized in October 21,2A12 by Pope Benedict XVl. Her remains are interred at the CathedralBasilica of Our Lady of Peace. We are blessed to have our very own saint who walked and served among us. Let us give her honor on her feast day. SL Marianne, pray for us. C hi nes e*N ew-
Yean Qele
b ratro_n
Mass & Luncheon When: Sunday, January 29 @ 10:15 AM - 2:00 PM Where: Mary, Star of the Sea Parish 4470 Aliikoa St. Chinese-English Bilingual Mass on Sundays at 11:45 A.M. 7:00 a.m. Friday, Feb 3 to 7:00 a.m., Saturday, Feb 4. EAIIMATA.UBTqB_?ELQE Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace Friday, Feb 3 to Saturday, Feb 4 First Friday, Feb 3 - Processionalwith the Fatima statue 6:25am - Mass 6:30am 7:00am - 12n - Benediction, Adoration of Our Lord and Veneration of Our Lady . MASS 12 noon 1:00 - 6:45pm - Adoration of Our Lord and Veneration of Our Lady with Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm - Confession 5:00pm 6 - 6:45pm - Scapular Enrollment - Talk by Custodian of Fatima statue 6:45pm - Mass with Bishop Larry Silva 7:00pm followed by Crowning of Fatima Statue 8:00pm - 12mn - Continuation of Adoration of Our Lord and Veneration of Our Lady Saturday, Feb 4 12mn to 7am - Continuation of Adoration of Our Lord and Veneration of Our Lady - MASS and Farewell 7:00am Contact Esther Gefroh at estherjoeysmom@gmail.com or (808) 538-3158 for more information Also visiting: February 2,2017 at St. George, Waimanalo February 4,2017 at Our Lady of Good Council, Pearl City
ZZ :28, 2o-t7) Main Church, U-Upstairs Parish Conference Room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room, C - Courtyard
Ih is-Weck's Eventsl]an
3'd Sunday In Ordinary Time
6:15 am - Choir Practice 6:'15 am - Rosary (M) 10:15 am - Choir Practice 5:00 pm - Choir Practice (R) 5:15 pm - Young Adult Rosary (M) 7:15 pm - Young Adult Ministry (R)
Monday Januarv 23 Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. St. Vincent, St. ll,Iarianne Cope 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary 6:30 pm - Charismatic Prayer Group (M)
Tuesdav Januarv 24 St. Francis de Sales, Bishop & Doctor 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am 5:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm
- Rosary
- Women's AA Meeting (C) - Centering Prayer (U)
AA Meeting (C)
Januarv 25
The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle 6:10 7:30 11:15 1:00 6:00
am - Rosary (M) am - Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M) am - Rosary pm - Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) pm - Scripture Study (R)
Januarv 26
Sts. Timothy & Titus, Bishops
6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M)
Januaw 27
St. Angela Merici, Virgin
6:10 am - Rosary (M) 7:30 am - Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 - 11:30 am - Confession and Spiritual Direction 10:45 am - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 11:15 am - Rosary 5:45 pm - Stations of the Cross Devotion (M)
Saturday Januarv 28 St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor 11:15 am - Rosary 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Confessions (M)
Saith $'ormation Since 1974,
'O, Catholic Schools Week is k'\r the annual celebration of $:. Catt',otic - -- - - education in the $ UniteO States. tt starts the S last Sunday in January and
Rnosi\* is January 29 - February 4. The theme for the National Catholic Schools Week 2017 is "Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service." Schools typically observe the annual celebration week with Masses, open houses and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members. Through these events, schools focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities and our nation. See vtww,catholicschoalshowaiLarg "drrrr.
4th ANNUAL ST. MARIANNE COPE WALK Saturday, January 28, 2017,7:30 a.m. Magic lsland and Kewalo Basin Park A Day of Fun, Celebration & Wellness
Begin a leisurely three-mile walk from Magic lsland to Kewalo Basin Park and back. lt's an event for the entire family, keiki to k0puna and will
include a Family Wellness Fair,
entertainment featuring Frank De Lima, healthy
Happy New Year and welcome to our Faith Formation Ministry! This Sunday, children are invited to participate in the Children's Literacy of the Word. 3 I
What is the Children's Liturgy?
The Children's Liturgy is a sharing of the Gospel of the
n.{ !f n :L ff day at a level the children can understand and enjoy. The children will participate in prayer, song, art, and story-telling about God's love, the humanity of Jesus, the Seasons of the Church, and the understanding of symbols in the Mass.
The Children's Liturgy of the Word aims to introduce children to important aspects of God's message by: -Helping them understand the Word of God -Helping them receive God's Word in their hearts -Helping them to respond to God's Word in their family life and elsewhere Procedures during Children's Liturgy Mass
At designated Children's Liturgy masses, Father will invite the elementary age children to gather in front of the sanctuary for a blessing before the 1't reading.
Older children are encouraged to bring their younger siblings. The children will proceed to a chapel-like room in the courtyard for the Liturgy of the Word. The children return to mass to join their families during the offertory. There will be a catechist meeting on Sunday, fanuary 22 atl2:00pm at the ProPark BIdg.
snacks, and a KeikiZone.
Free t-shirt and a gift for the first 500 registrants. Register before Jan. 76, 2017 for early bird fee of $30. (Registration fee after Jan. 16 is $40.) Onsite registration starts at 7:00 am. Questions? Call 547-8031.
Young Adult Ministry The Sts. Peter and Paul Church Young Adult Ministry seek to be involved in our community so that we may enrich each other
spiritually, intellectually
$t" Francis tr[:&[rH(]AR[: sY$Tt]!!t ()F ]t,\]r"$l n rrNN'N
{i\n}{S$ $dwi!! }splt
physically in this phase of our life journey. We meet to learn, share
our faith, for prayers
reflection. We also love the fellowship with
another. We meet after Sunday 6:00 p.m. Mass. We also do community service.
Check out
these catholic websites to learn more about the soinfs:
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Saint fivl.arionne Cope, O.S.E, Though leprosy scared off most people in 1fth-century Hawaii, that disease sparked great generosity in the woman who came to be known as Mother lVlarianne of Vlolokai. Her courage helped tremendously to improve the lives of its victims in Halvaii, a territory annexed to the United States during her lifetime (1898).
Mother Marianne's generosity and courage were celebrated at her May 1,4, in Rome. She was a woman who spoke "the language of truth and love" to the world, said Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for Sarnts' Causes. Cardinal Martins, who presided at the beatification Mass in 5t. Peter's Basilica, called her life "a wonderful work of divine grace." Speaking of her special love for persons suffering from leprosy, he said, "She saw rn them the suffering face of Jesus. Like the Good Samaritan, she became their mother." 2005, beatification
On January 23, \838, a daughter was born to Peter and Barbara Cope of Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany. The girl was named after her mother. Two years later the Cope family emigrated to the United States and settled in Utica, New York. Young Barbara worked in a factory until AugustL862, when she went to the Sisters of the Third Order of Saint Francis rn Syracuse, New York. After profession in November of the next year, she began teaching at Assumption parish school. iVlarianne held the post of superior in several places and was twice the novice mistress of her congregation. A natural leader, three different times she was superior of 5t. Joseph's Hospital in Syracuse, where she learned rrurch that would be useful during her years in Hawaii. Elected provincial tn 1877, Mother Marianne was unanimously re-elected in 1881. Two years later the Hawaiian government was searching for someone to run the Kakaako Receiving Station for people suspected of having leprosy. More than 50 religious corununities in the United States and Canada rn,ere asked (by the Bishop). When the request lvas put to the Syracuse sisters, 35 of them volunteered immediately. On October 22,1883, iVtother Marianne and six other sisters left for Hawaii where they took charge of the Kakaako Receiving Station outside Honolulu; on the island of Maui they also opened a hospital and a school for girls.
In 1888, Mother Marianne and two sisters went to lV{olokai to open a home for "unprotected women and girls" there. The Hawaiian government was quite hesitant to send women for this difficult assignmen! they need not have worried about Mother Marianne! On iV{olokai she took charge of the home that Saint Damien de Veuster had established for men and boys. Mother Marianne changed life on Molokai by introducrng cieanliness, pride, and fun to the colony. Bright scarves and pretty dresses for the women were part of her approach.
Awarded the Royal Order of Kapiolani by the Hawaiian government and celebrated in a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson, Mother Marianne continued her work faithfully. Her sisters have attracted vocations among the Hawaiian people and stili work on Ntolokai. Mother klarianne died on August 9,1918 and was beatified in 2005 and canonized seven years later. Father Don Miller OFM on franciscanmedia.org
C(r/erd{o'o Monday fanuary 23 Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children Heb 9:15, 24-28
Mk 3:22-30
Tuesday fanuary 24 St. Francis de Sales,
Bishop and Doctor of the Church Heb 10:1-10, Mk 3:31-35
Wednesday fanuary 25 The Conversion St.
Paul the Apostle
Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9zl-22
Mk 16:15-18
Thursday fanuary 26 Sts. Timothy and Titr"ts, Bishops
2Tm 1:1-8orTi 1:1-5 Mk4:21-25
Friday laruary27 Weekday
Heb 10:32-39
Mk4:26-34 Saturday fanuary 28 St. Thomas Aquinas,
Piest and Doctor ofthe Church Heb 11:1-2,8-19 Mk 4:55-41 Sunday |anuary 29 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cor l:26-31
Mt 5:1-12a
Corinthians 10:15 states, "God...will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out...." My brother committed suicide, and I woncler why he wasn't "able to bear it." Please help me to understand. L
he death of a family member is never easy to deal with. I pray for your peace and your brother's eternal rest. ,, We can't be sure what your brother was
thinking when he ended his
life, but we can be certain God was with him. God remains faithful to his covenant and will never disappoint the hope and trust of his children. Does this mean your brother failed to trust in God? We don't know that. Only God and your brother know the extent of his condition and suffering. When we recall fesus' lament from the cross-"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46; Psalm 22:2)-we see that in his darkest moment, his Father was with him. In the same way, God was present in the worst of your brother's trials. Why he was nevertheless unable to bear them is a question we may never have the answer to on this side of heaven. It's important to remember that the Church has great compassion for those who commit suicide. To leave your brother in God's merciful hands is to act with the conviction of our faith. Fr. Paul Borowski, CSsR sundaybulletin@1 iguori. org
A)ond T%{tt ?opn francis,
"To evangelize..,it is necessary to open ourse/yes once again
to the horizon of God's Spirit, without being afraid of what he asks us or of where he leads us." audience, May 22,2013