Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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February L2,2OL7

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Let your 'Yes' tnean 'Yesr' and

your tffit fir,ean


Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals: Please call


Parish Office.

Infant Baptism: Parents are to cali the Parish office during business hours to schedule a Baptism meetrng.

Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrament is extensive. The time frame is at least six [6J months. Couples are asl<ed to attend an Engaged Encounter Weekend in preparation and compiete State and Church paperwork. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you have spoken with a priest. Saturday: (Sunday Vigill 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am 9:00am & 1L:00am [lnterpretedJ Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00pm Saturday: 12:00 noon Last Saturday of the Month at the 12:00 noon mass Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm or BY APPOINTMENT




Fridays: After lhe 7:00 am mass and X-'t Fridays: 7:30 - 10:00 pm Monday -Saturday: 11:15am Fridays: 5:45 - 6:30pm

* Sunday: 5:15pm

ADDRESS: 800 Kahel<a St. Honolulu, Hawaii 9681,4 OFFICE IIOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8:3Oam - L2pm / 1.:00 - 3:30pm OFFICE EMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii,ryeerll PHOF,IE: {808} I 4t-A67 5 WEtsS ITE: www.sspeterpaul hawaii.o rg ffi Sts. Peter & Paul Church Honolulu

This Week's Mass schedule


Legend states that Valentine, along with St. Marius, aided the Christian martyrs during the Claudian persecution. In addition to his other edicts against helping Christians, Claudius had also issued a decree forbidding marriage. In order to increase troops for his army, he forbade young men to marry, believing that single men made better soldiers than married men. Valentine defied this decree and urged young lovers to come to him in secret so that he could join them in the sacrament of matrimony. Eventually he was discovered by the Emperor, who promptly had Valentine arrested and brought before him. Because he was so impressed with the young priesg Claudius attempted to convert him to Roman paganism rather than execute him. However, Valentine held steadfast and in turn attempted to convert Claudius to Christianity, at which point the Emperor condemned him to death. St. Valentine is the patron of engaged couples, bee

keepers, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travelers and young people. PASTORAL TEAM Rev. Khanh Pham-Nguyen Rev. Danny Laeda Rev. Pat Freitas

Pastor: Associate Pastor:

Senior Priests:

Rev. Joseph Grimaldi


Richard Abel

Richard Port Angken Xymoon



We are


- l0 PM

i1:00AM-lPM & 3:00 PM - 6:110 PM


6:00 AM 1:00 PM & 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

awelcoming Parish, Be a Family Member! Parish Registration forms are locaLed at the entrance ofthe church.

You may also contact the parish office for more information. Please call941,-0675 or email: sspeterpaul


M @





I;m IM Iffi


Time 5pm Vigil Mass



Mass lntention


Parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul

Fr. Grimaldi

Rosario Pascua (Thanksgiving) +Kenneth Patterson

Fr. Khanh

Sr. Rose Marie (Healing) u


+ Wilma Secuya +Clemente & Leonora Senagote

Fr. Grimaldi

Alexander Hong

11am .^.,fll::?3[,13,",0"n

Fr. Khanh

D. Lara


Lourdes Vinca (BD)

Fr. Khanh


+ Armando Fajardo Jr.

Fr. Khanh


+Ho Joon Peter Ko

Fr. Grimaldi


+Keiko & Harold Ray

Fr. Grimaldi


+Clement Aona +Keith Patterson

Fr. Danny


+ Remedios Fajardo

Fr. Khanh


+ Soon Hee Kim)

Fr. Danny


+Raymunda & Pedro Avecilla

Fr. Danny


Alice Kim (BD)

Fr. Khanh


+ MaU & Walter Goetz Sr.

Fr. Khanh


+Ho Joon Peter Ko

Fr. Danny


+ Soon Hee Kim

Fr. Danny


Parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul

Fr. Danny

Vigil Mass

', Repose of the soul of: BD Birthdal,: SI-Special Intentiorrs

"Where caring people are cared fotr."

February 17, 20L7

Sts. Peter and Paul Church O-BEY MY COMANDMENTS


is the Reality of all


figures of the Old Testament. He is the Perfection of all the imperfections of old, and calls us to this Perfeciion, which is

Himself. The old Law was extremely protected by its doctors and our Lord's raising of it to an elevated morality was, to say the least, radical and scandalous. But

as Jesus tells us, this is not an fulfillment. One might say that Jesus accomplishes the will of the Law. Saint John Chrysostom writes: abolishment,



"He [Jesus] fulfilled the Law by reducing all the precepts of the old Law to a more strict and powerful morality." Our Savior often spoke the words: "Amen, I say to you. . ." That "Amen" is an assurance, a

First Readirg

- Sirach 15:15-20

The Bible portrays faith as a paradoxical partnership

between the individual and God. We must seek Cod's r,vill of our own free choice, but we can only do God's will with the help of God. God must give us what we choose and we must choose what God gives us.

Second Reading


1 Corinthians 2:5-10

guarantee that what He is about to say is absolute truth.

Saint Thomas Aquinas teaches us: "See how necessary it is, not only to believe, but to keep all the Commandments, even the very least. Our Savior makes this solemn declaration at the opening of His mission, to show to what a height of perfection He calls us."

The word "Raqa" is a word of contempt. lt was used in ancient lsrael. lts root meaning is "to spit". Jesus uses the setting of a legal court and that setting is something that would have been very familiar the hearers His words first-century Palestine. There were three kinds of tribunals: the first had three judges to try smaller cases, like theft, for example. The second kind of tribunal consisted of twenty{hree judges who listened to criminal cases. These twenty-three judges had the power to condemn to death. This was known as the "Little Sanhedrin". The final type of tribunal was known as the "Great Sanhedrin" which consisted of seventy-two judges who decided on cases involving religion, the king, the high priest, and affairs of the state.



We cannot imagine all the things that lie ahead when we choose the way of hol:iness. But God always gives us the light that we need for the journey of faith. Each step we take brings us closer to the mystery of God's grace.



Matthew 5:17-37


Jesus is not suggesting that all oaths


forbidden. Certainly asking God to witness matters in our legal system, for example, are necessary. Most likely what our Lord is referring to is the swearing to God in casual conversations. God's Name is sacred and should only be spoken with great reverence

Why did Jesus make such extraordinary demand of his disciples? He put wrong thinking in the same category r.vith wrong doing in order to make it clear that we can never become holy in our own wisdom and strength. Our holiness finally comes as a gift liom God.

Next Sunday's Readings (Cycle A) 7lh Qgndey



First Reading : Leviticus

and respect.


19:1-2, 17 -18

We have been called to a perfection that seems impossible

by human standards


and without God,

it is. But if we are to

understand and adhere to the spirit of the Law, then we have to recognize that a key and essential ingredient in the spirit of the Law is mercy. Not only are we called to be merciful, but to trust in God's love and mercy for us, This ingredient is so impodant, that our Redeemer made it a sacrament - and the sacraments can raise us to the heights of perfection.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:L6-23

Gospel: Matthew 5:38-48




We are grateful to all who so generously contribute to our Parish.


This weekend, February 11-12, the

The Collections tor February 4-5,2017 are as follows:

Augustine Educational Foundation (AEF) is having its annual Second Collection

To-ta!: $12.056.22 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions

$8,116.16 530.00 50.00 50.00 572.75

Funeral Baptism Electric & Votive Candles





Bldg. Fund Outreach Donation Augustine Ed. Fund Black & lndian Mission Catholic Care Project

$216.00 150.31

1,0000.00 10.00 5.00 -1,2-5-0...-00*

$2,631.31 s-peeial-cp-ll-e-sti-o--ns-;

1't Offering AA Solemnity of Mary Christmas Latin America

5.00 80.00 5.00 11.00 5.00 $106.00

ffiffiw Time




Gi*sFrom*n-@ We kindly ask for you to support the AEF's Scond Collection - Gifts from the Heart Give the Gift of Education. Your gift enables Catholic education to be affordable for families in Hawaii. Every dollar raised in Sts. Peter and Paul will go directly to the families that are within our parish community. A priority is given to those with the highest level of need.

ln September 2016, the AEF was able to reach 400 students with scholarships totaling more than $1.1M. Nearly 1,100 applications were received and many who need assistance We need your help!


0if t of tducation

You may also make a gift on-line including by credit card, by visiting us at : g ustinefou

Thank you for your continued support! The Augustine Educational Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to provide scholarships to economically disadvantaged students at private and parochial schools operated under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Church without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic origin or religion.




ln operation since 1946, St. Catherine School is a fully accredited Catholic institution ranging

from pre-school through high school.


Catherine's is dedicated to providing the highest quality Catholic education to a diverse student body.

We are located in Kapaa, Kauai. The Search Committee representing St. Catherine School, are inviting qualified applicants to consider this challenging and most rewarding opportunity for the position of Principal at this prestigious school. We await your decision and the resultant application submittal to us. Shown below are the qualifications for this position.

. Bachelor's Degree required o I practicing Catholic with a sound grasp of Catholic traditions and A person living a lifestyle consistent with moral values and exercises professional conduct


consistent with Catholic teaching.

. Demonstrated leadership ability . Five (5) years of demonstrated success in teaching . Commitment to a Catholic philosophy . .

of education Excellent lnterpersonal skills




the Lay

Educational Ministry Certification

. .

within the first three years of hire Agreement submit documents required and T.B. clearance upon hire Eligibility to work in the United States, to be verified upon hire


Note: Please complete the application online. Submittal to: I

With Lent coming up soon, we are called


to build a culture encounter. Lent is our time to encounter, to

ts'.'wL FOR


rofr cultivate



of global solidarity. The

Catholic Relief Service Rice Bowl is our tool.

Through the CRS Rice Bowl, we hear stories

from our brothers and sisters



worldwide, and devote our Lenten prayers, fasting and gifts to change the lives of the poor.

How will we contribute

to the culture of

encounter this Lent? ln the weeks leading to the first day of Lent, we will learn ways and have opportunitiesto make changes. Everyone will receive their CRS Rice Bowl during the first week of Lent. CATHOLIC CARE FOOD COLLECTION THIS WEEK

Many of our households live



to paycheck coming up

short by $320 each month. Most

parents have second and third jobs^ Our kr-rpuna and the disabled, those on fixed income are finding it ever more difficult to make ends meet. Through your generosity we are able to help those who cannot get out to shop and are using their income to pay rent or medical bills. Every 3'd weekend of the month, (the next one will be February lgth ) our Catholic Care Project collects non-perishable

food items to help our needy brothers and sisters in our community. Please find attached a list of suggested food items.

Thank you for your ongoing care of our Kupuna and the vulnerable. lf you would like to volunteer & help us pack the bags, please call the church office at 941-0675. Mahalo.


Comfort for the Afflicted That all those who are afflicted, especially the poor, refugees, and marginalized, may find welcome and comfort in our communities. aqr_E REIEEAI Would you like

to have a soul-cleansing & spirituallyrejuvenating weekend with fellow Christian men? lf this sounds great, here is some great news! The Men's

ACfS Retreat is being held

9 - 12 March 2A17 (Thursday


work until Sunday after Mass) af the St. Anthony retreat center in Kalihi Valley. This retreat will be a great opportunity to focus on our faith and its application in our daily lives, to build purpose in our prayer life, to increase our presence at the liturgy, and to cultivate friendship among members of the church community. For more information, or to sign up

now, contact Tom Storm, thejgslahj@gmail.gsm

o Lo pez, am-!-ep__e-A7_Z_Z@ at Arm




V is






we bs i te

Take advantage of this opportunity to draw closer to God and connect with other faith-filled men!!! E.EF]BUAB.Y--F.!&TU-PAY9

Darnell Flora Gregory Smith John Etzel Edward Camara Betty Ann Nault Norbert Rebain Benjamin Manzan Sandy Rosario Edwin Munalem



February 7th February 11th February 13th February 13th February l8th February 20th February 23'o February 25'n



pray for the

sick o7 ou, por:iish, especially,...,.....

Robert Agpalsa P. Almeida Anthony Alatan Edward & Emily Atalig Marjorie Atalig Jose & Concepcion Atalig George Auyong Tony Bacani Dolores Bledsoe Helga Boettger Larry Cabrinha Betty Cecil Joelle Chamberland

WiniChow Louisa Comajis Ronald Costa Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Steve Dagali Bernanda De Guzman Victor & Rita Dizon Odetta Doublet Tina Louise Duncan Jo Dowling Nicky Dresci Robert Fahl Sue Felix Douglas Ferreira Norman Fong Chris Foster Serena Fujii Thomas Garcia Helen Garcia Joanna Gates Lorraine & Walter Gonzalves Sadie Gouveia, Magdalena Gualderama John & Barbara Hanao Joe & Blanche Hansen Stanley Ho Jill lshikawa Frank & Sharla Jensen Christopher Johnson Joanne Jones Christoph Jucewicz Jack Jucewicz Joyce Kaanapu Cash Kahoopii Stephen Kalili Renee Kam Sr. Roland & Debra Kamanao Mapuana Kapana Emily Kuhn Christiana Lai Anu Lau Herbert & Thelma Lee Uilison E. Leuta Jamieson Longoria

Theodora Luke Thelma Lum Violeta Luna-Hill Jennifer & Santiago Maldonado Claudia Maldonado Alphonsa Maligro Stanley, Jr. & Marion Medeiros Wilma R. Medeiros Glenn Medeiros Sr. Tammy Medeiros Bob Mendoza Houghton Meyer Jim Meyer Thomas Mistysyn June Nakamoto Larry Nakamura Betty Ann Nault Sylvia Nelson Susan Nelson Leona Oliveira Dan O'Leary Shirley Onishi Judy Orlando Sherrie Pacatan-Gentry Michael Pacheco & Family Earl & May Phillips T.J. Pochinski Elsie Quinn Neva Rego

Alfred & Judy Robolledo James & Peggy Saballa James Sandobal Marilyn Sciortino Donald Secor Myong Soon Sim Charleen Sl iger-Saucedo Clifford Smith Dorothy Suchar Theresa Sung Dolores Suredam Jean & Ken Takaki Janet Tavares Kristen Tavares Mary Teves Ruth Toma Ellen Tomita Fr. Dave Travers

Yolanda Trejo Soane Uiagalelei Peter Uiagalelei Jane Vasconcellos Betty & Art Watkins Larry Wong, Sr. Teresa Yu, and your special intentions!

*I This Week's Events (Feb 12-Feb. 18, 2017)



Parish Conference Room, - Courtyard

B - Blue room, G - Green Room, C


Monday - Saturday (11.15 a.m.) will be led in different languages as follows Monday - Filipino & English Tuesday - Korean Wednesday - Legion of Mary (English) Thursday - Chuukese Friday - lnternational Saturday for Families Sunday 5:15pm - Young Adults

Februarv 12

In Ordinary Time, World Marriage

6'h Sunday

Day 6:1 5 am - Choir Practice 6:15 am - Rosary (M) '1 0:15 am - Choir Practice 5:00 pm - Choir Practice (R) 5:1 5 pm - Young Adult Rosary (M) 7.15 pm - Young Adult Ministry (R)


OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Wednesday following the 7am Mass

February 13

6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11'.15 am 6:30 pm

MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS DEVOTION Friday following the 7am Mass

- Rosary - Charismatic

Prayer Group (M)


DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION & CHAPLET Friday 10:45 am, followed by Rosary & Benediction

Februarv 14

Sts. Cyril & Methodius, Valentines Day 6.10 11 .15 5:30 7:00 7:30

Devotions of the Catholic Church are ways of showing our love to the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angels and the saints. These can be done privately or as communal, oral prayer. The Church has always encouraged private, personal prayer such as meditation, in which the mind, in

am - Rosary (M) am - Rosary pm - Women's AA Meeting (C) pm - Centering Prayer (U) pm - AA Meetlng (C)


Februarv 15

6:10 am - Rosary (M) 7:30 am - Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M)

God's presence, thinks about God and divine things.

11'.15 am 1:00 pm

The times listed above indicate when the communal, oral devotions should begin in order to allow time aftenrards for meditation and personal reflection, including 15 minutes of silence before Mass beqins.

No group or communal prayers will be

- Main Church, U-Upstairs



Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) pm Scripture 6:00 Study (R)


Februarv 16

6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11'.15 am - Rosary 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M)


outside of the schedule in order to respect the time for personal private prayer.


Ministries and apostolates are encouraged to help with these devotions. Please call the parish office to indicate your interest.

6:'10 am - Rosary (M) 7:30 am Eucharistic AdorationiSacred Heart Devotion 10:00 11:30 am - Confession and Spiritual Direction 10.45 am - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 11'.15 am Rosary 5:45 pm - Stations of the Cross Devotion (M)






We will collect blessed palms from

Palm Sunday 2016 on February 18119 & 25126. The palms will be

Saturdav BVM

burned at our Mardi

Gras baskets in the

celebration. Place these in the courtyard and at the entrance of the church.

February 17

The Seven HoIy Founders of the Servite Order

11'.15 am






- Rosary

4:30 pm - Confessions (M)

Februarv 18

Saith Sormation Faith Formation Continues After Confirmation Confirmation has been misunderstood and treated as graduation from learning about the Faittr. This is neither the true meaning of the sacrament nor the intention of the Churcli. Growth in the understanding and living out our faith is the result of a life-long effort. Parents and siblings have the first responsibility of being an example of fesus Christ to each other and living the Gospel each day. Children will stay in religious education if they see their parents striving to grow in holiness through family prayer, Scripture reading, Sunday Mass, regular confession, and living a life of charity. Parents are to keep their children in religious education programs iust as they keep their child in school until graduation. While there will be an emphasis on parent involvement, it is the parent's responsibility to see that their children grow in the faith. Our parish, Sts. Peter and Paul is here to assist in this process. REMINDER: An informational meeting about the Original Order of the Sacraments and the comprehensive youth ministry at Sts. Peter and Paul will be held on Sunday, February 12 from 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. for all parents with children in our Faith Formation classes.

Young Adult Ministry The Sts. Peter and Paul Church Young Adult Ministry seek to be involved in our community so that we may enrich each other spiritually, intellectually and physically in this phase of our life journey. We meet to learn, share our faith, for prayers and reflection. We also love the fellowship with one another. We meet after Sunday 6:00 p.m. Mass. We also do community service. Last weekend, Meg Hunter-Kilmer came to share her life and love for |esus Christ to the young adults of Sts. Peter and Paul. For those who were not able to join us last Sunday, you may check her website at

This Sunday, February 1"2, following the 5:00 pm mass, there will be a human trafficking meeting with the young adults. A short video, reflection, sharing and discussion will be the format of the meeting. Pizza and drinks will be served,

We invite our young adults to attend this informative gathering.










t We thank you for your ongoing support and understanding of our church maintenance projects. The stained glass film panels are deteriorating due to weathering and moisture. A number of these panels below the steeple of the church have peeled and chipped. Some have blackened from the water collected between the glass and film. We have tried to maintain the panels as long as we can but have begun to research replacing the filmed panels with stained glass. The circular lights inside the church are beginning to malfunction due to age. The transformer in one of the lights is broken. Our electrical engineer, Albert Chong and licensed electrician, David Houle, have recommended that these circular light fixtures be replaced with LED lights to save energy and provide longer use. This project will take several months to complete. We will keep you posted.

Mahalo for your generous support of our building fund and helping us create a safe and caring church environment.

Ca{erukn Monday February 20



Sir 1:t-10

Mk 9:14-29

Tuesday February


Weekday Sir 2:1-11

Mk 9:30-37

Wednesday February 22 Chair of St. Peter, Apostle

Pt 5:1-4


NIt 16:i3-19

Thursday February 23 St.


Martyr Sir 5:1-8

Bishop and

Mk 9:41-50

Friday February 24 Weekday Sir 5:5-17

Mk 10:1-12

Saturday February 25 Weekday

Sir 17:l-15

Mk 10:13-16


it ever OK to use "God" and "damn" together?

\ [ F"n we pray "hallowed be thy name" in the Lord's Prayer, we give

Y Y God the reverence he is due. Because the Lord's name is holy, we mustn't abuse it. The Second Commandment tells us not to "take the name of the vain" (see Exodus 20:7). With our tongue, "we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. This need not be so..." (James 5:9-10). What happens, when our reverence is contradicted by cursing? For some, cursing is a cathartic response to pain or anger. Those who view it as a form of stress management or as a substitute for physical aggression may contend that condemning in this context is neither literal nor deliberate. If God knows our hearts, that our misuse of his name is insincere, what's the harm? 'A sharp tongue is the only edge[d] tool that grows keener with constant use," wrote Washington lrving. In other words, if we constantly and carelessly misuse God's name, we may stop feeling sorry that it offends him. That irreverent attitude is more offensive-and more dangerous-than the vocabulary. Scripture warns, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue; those who choose one shall eat its fruit" (Proverbs 18: 21). Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR sundaybul letin


Sunday February 26 Eighth Sunday

in Ordinary Time Is 49:14-15

4:1-5 Nlt 6i24-34 1 Cor

Lizuori (-In:xlcrtom A

ReilenptorLst Ministty



A U)od

FM1, ?ap.e frrmnis,

"lt's terrible to see an insult or taunt issue from the mouth of a Christian. lt is ugly....To insult is not Christian....Before God we are all sinners and in need of forgiveness."


September 7, 2014

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