Horn'arrl Thr-rrmarf, a theologian, once said, "Goc{ coffres to firrcl t[e lost, tc> heal the broken, to feed the hungry.. . t<> rnake music in the trreart." This is the story and the joy of Chrisrmas. God l>ecame like gs, one with us) to firrcl Lls, to heal trs, to feecl us with Himself and ... bring joy to our lives.
As the final clays of Ach.'enr iire approaching, the rnorlcl arouncl us is fasF changirrg- Everyone is preparing for Chrisrmils. Tfiese p!:epsrittiops begir-r earlier anc{ earlier and tl-re frenzy escalates until terrtr)ers are frazzlecl a1cl t6e lisr of to-clo's is endless.
This past week before the Fourth Sunclay of Advent, I went to hospitals almost every d*y. On Sundry, the Sacrament of the Sick was ministerecl to our long-time Altar Server's grandfatther vvho suffered a terrible stroke rhat left him Llnconscious^ On Monda.y, I ,*,as cnlled ro pray over a wife of a permanent deacon from Marshall Island who had a tltrn for the worse. On Tuesday, a sad 11ews of the passing of a faithful parishioller came o1-lr of the blue- The shocking list just keeps stretching and adding as days go by. There seems to be no day withcut wondering about "good news of great joy" as announced by the angels.
If rn'e feel as thcugh this w'as a particr-llarly harriec{ seasol1, let us take anot}rer look at the pLrrpose of Christrnas. Instead of allowing the rfui1gs we neeC ro do, the presents \ /e need to L-ruy, let us re-discover the mysrery of, hou, the blrth of a tiny baby opens up the padl of life forever. 'Wherever this Christmas nlay take us, let us be awAre, arrd alert to the preselce of Jesus in our fiearts. Maybe it w'ill cclrne in watching our family or friends opening presents. lf any of trs are in grief at the loss of a beloved friend, animal, or family mem6er, maybe lve rx.'ill r:ernemtrer how Jesus rn,as often preserrt t(} Lrs in that l:eloved one's iife, in times of both happiness and stl.rlggl*. Att memories are stored in God's hcart, where ra,h:lt is bad is sifted a\A/ay, w.hile tiee gogcl lives o1 forevcr.
!7'* u'ish rhis kind of Chrisrmas 'ioy arrd llcace
Mele Kalikimaka e Hauoli Makahikiho Fr. Kho,nh
f<:s 41,*,g1'yone
Jcsus is b<>r1