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First Sunday of Lent
February 18, 2018
th d H rI t!
Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals:
Please call the Parish
Infant Baptism: Parents are t(
business hours to schedule a Baptism
q E e
Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrament is extensive. The time frame is at least six (6J months. Couples are asked to attend an Engaged Encounter Weekend in preparation and con4rlete State and Church paperworl<. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you have spoken with a priest.
a F{
Saturday: [Sunday Vigilj 5:00pm Sunday Morning; 7:00 am 9:00am & 11.:00am
Faith Fornration Farnily [st S, Jrd Sunday at 9:00am (Ohana Mass every Zu,r Sunday at L1:00am) Sunday Evening: 6:00 prn Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00pm Saturday: L2:00 noon In maSS
l:30 pm or by appointment L't Fridays: 7:3A - 10:00 pm Monday - Saturday: 11:1Sam
ADDRESS: 800 Kaheka St. Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - B:30 - 12:00pnr Tues. - Fri. B:3Oam - 12pnr/1:00 - 3 30pm PHONE: [B0BJ e41-0675 FAx: (B0B) 94s-068e OFFICE EMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr. com W
: !y!yy.!!p_q t-ellaqlXa1,t/al]-o_ig
JI S,r. Peter & Paul Church Honolulu
Sunday: 5:1Spm
elIUneH ISlP_Elli THURSDAY: 6:00am
11:00atn 6:00am
7:30pm -
This Week's Mass Schedule Date SAT Feb 17
Time 5pm
Vigil Mass
Mass lntention
Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends oiSts. Peter and Paul
Fr. Scott
+Deceased members of De Silva & Nakanelua Ohana
Fr. Khanh
+Lourdes Mary john
Fr. Khanh
Sih,ino Belandres
9am SUN
+Wilbert Liu
Feb 18
Fr. Khanh
+Robert Cassiero 11am
E @ @
E @r@ E
+Valentrna, +Pablo Secretaria Sr. Charles Cash, Lisa Ar.nimoto, Aaron Amimoto, Kamal Abadir (healing-)
Fr, Khanh
Felicitas Noland
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Khanh Jansen Vinca IBD] Joseph & Patricia Santos 7th
Fr. Khanh
Wedding Anniversary
+Mildred Pico
Fr. Khanh
+David Wetherford
Fr. Khanh
+Teodulo Sujol
Fr. Sieg Fr. Khanh
Feb 23
Fr. Sieg
Fr. Sieg
Parrshioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paul
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Sies
7am Sun Feb 25
+Enrique Kou Sr. +Ken Worley
J rl6vrry-s
O ref
Fr. Khanh
5pm Vigil
Fr. Khanh
,t-,:"'i:.:l.:-r'- ..;.. wtls
by Albert
Drivrng by McDonalds and seeing the sign "Fish Friday" dici 'not mean much to me until I enlered my conversion to the
Catholic f aith a f ew years ago. Prior to my conf irmation in 2016. the word "lent" was used in the context of lending or
loaning something to another person. Webster defines lent as to give f or "temporary use on condition that
the same or its equivalent be returned".
interesting fact is Jesus never expected anything in return. Bather he unconditionally gave his lile for us so that we can enter into the gates of heaven. Only now in my 2no year of being a Catholic does this reverent season between Ash Wednesday and Easter makes more sense to me.
Fi. Sleg
Fr. Kharrir
+Deomideza & +Celso Magusara
Charies Cash, Lisa Amimoto, Aaron Amrmoto, Kamal Abadir
Jesus was the ultimate human bank lending his life for others. But unlike the bank which asks for interest or your
home or car for non-payment, Jesus does not ask for anything, even if you turn your back on Him. He continues to love us no matter how much we fall and come up short. Even though you deposited the money into the bank. the bank charges transaction and management f ees f
or your deposited money. Jesus born of the Father bef ore
all ages, gives us Iif e without any f ees, interest or
I am reminded when Paul writes in his letters to the Romans,
"to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice" and "let the
reciprocity expected. The Kings of Egypt and rulers of empires tried to bury riches with them in hope of bringing
renewing of your minds transf orm you"
their gold and wealth with them into the next
(Roman s
What can I do to show my love for Christ during the Lenten
It is only
through Jesus can we meet the Father in Heaven.
season? Give up tasty high calorie foods? Comforts ol life? Eating oul? Search your heart, reflect on your life and pick
lf a man born of the flesh from the Father can give his life. why can't I give up something to show my love for the
something, which shows your sacrif ice to lhe Lord. Amen
February 18,2018
Sts. Peter and Paul Church
GOOB ISEWSI Genesis 9:8 - 15; 1 Peter 3:18
- 22; Mark
- 15
Like Noah being prepared to navigate the Flood, so the Spirit sent Jesus into the desert. Why was he sent there?
Did he need to learn something he didn't know? Did he lack something he needed? Jesus as God didn't lack anything, of course, but he needed time to pray, reflect, and prepare for his mission. He also wanted to set an example to follow. Another Scripture says he went into the desert to be tempted by the devil. That time of spiritual
All of creation is given a new beginning, a new opportunity to live in the harmony that God intended. God brings about a new covenant which is a newly-restored relationship between God and God's creatures. God enters into this covenant even though the flood has not cleansed the human heart frorn sin.
combat was helpful for him.
We also need to go through trials and crises to grow both in our spiritual lives and human maturity. We each have had our desert where we are challenged to our core
and stretched beyond our limits. Perhaps it was a crisis such as a health, employment, or relational issue. But it doesn't always have to be such a dramatic event. lt can be as simple and constant as the prolonged embracing of daily challenges in a manner that leads to life. We probably look back and see these as some of our best times-if we truly encountered ourselves and our Lord.
The key is in peaceful acceptance, looking for what good can be learned from these inconveniences. In every Gross there is a resurrection; in every storm a rainbow assures us of God's presence and victory. lt tells us that clouds and storms will not lead to total death, but rather to a purified
rebirth, growth, and newfound life and strength. He has promised us this"
Mark Haydu, LC
l-igtiori Publications, l-iguori.l\'IO 63057-9999. Printed in LiSA. Irn;rrlnratan "ln acconlance rvith CIC {l?7. pennission to publish has heen grirntcd r)n Ar-rgust ?.2{)17. by Nlost Rer.. Mark S. Rivituso, Auriliary Ilishop. Archdimese of St. l-ouis. Permission to publish is an inrlication that nothing contrary to Church telching is coutainecl in this rvork. It does not iurply any endorserneut ol the opinions expressed in tlre publication; nor is any liatrility assurned b1- tlris pemrission." No part of this s'ort may be used in anv fbrnr without the prior rvritteu pennission of l..igutiri Putrlications. Scripture texts in this \rork are taker frtxn Nerv Arnerican llihle, revised edition i0 ?010, 1991. 1986. 1970 Confratc'rrrity oi Christian Doctline. Inc., Washington. l)C. All Rights Re'servod.'[o order I..igur.rri Sunday Bulletirrs. call 8fi)-325-9521 . r:rr visit [,iguori .org. iO 2018
Peter wants to assure his readers that they are indeed the church, a new ark rising and falling with the waters of adversity, yet proceeding toward the day of peace when chaos around them would recede and a new world would be established.
Gospel_Beadug:ildrk I : 12 - 15 to proclaim the coming reign of God until he had personally stood the tests against all the temptations of Satan. He would only preach to others what he had experience himself in
Jesus was not ready
the wilderness.
This-l,yeekf s Evenls f-â&#x201A;¬h-
Mahalo for your generous contributions a n d F a ithf ul Sfewardshrp. The Collections for February 10-11,2418 are as follows:
Electric & Votive Candles
- Courtyard
6:15 am - Choir Practice (B) 6:15 am - Rosary (M) 10:15 am - RCIA 2:0A pm * Rite of Election at CoCathedral
$ 8532.01
6:30 pm
- Charismatic
Building Fund Outreach Sotemnity of Mary First Offering Ash Wednesday Stained Glass
$ 133.00 399.00 5.00
6:10 am 11:15 am 7:00 pm
Subtotal -$-pe-c-ral-Lqll-eetiens: Augustine Ed. Fund Latin America Mission Black & lndian Mission Operation Rice Bowl
Subtotal: $
-..F-e.hrua.ry 1.9
Prayer Group (M) Februarw 2O
* Rosary (M) * Rosary (M) * Centering Prayer (U) F-e-bruary
Wed.nes-day St. Peter Damian, Bishop & Doctor
15.00 _
First Sunday of Lent
$ 7,561.15 411.10 120.00
: feb. ? 4,2O1B
Is!aU*$fi",2{A.s{ Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions
M - Main Church, U--Upstarrs Parish Conference Room, R * Receptlon room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room,
* Rosary (M) 7:30 am - Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M) 6:10 am
11:15 1:00 6:00 6:30
$ 2366.93 5.00 5.00
am pm pm pm -
Rosary (M) Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) Evening Prayer Presentation on "Fasting"
St. Chair of St. Peter the Apostle
6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary (M) 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M)
St. Polycarp, Bishop & Martyr
for your generous contribution to support Catholic education in our Diocese and for giving one of the families an opportunity to send their child to Catholic School.
6:10 am * Rosary (M) 7:40 am * Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 - 1 1:30 am - Confession and Spiritual Direction
10:45 1 1 :15 6:00 6:30
am * am pm pm -
Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet $tations of the Cross (M) Stations of the Cross (M) Movie: "Young at Heart"
There will be a Second Collection next week (Feb 24125) for the Repair and Maintenance and the varlous projects for the capital improvement
Fetlruarv 24
8:00 - 11:00 am - Cleaning Church (M) 11 :15 am - Rosary 3:30 * 4:30 pm - Confessions (M) 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass
of our buildings.
Peterand Paul
Care t atholic \,, Proiect
Half of Hawaii's household do not earn enough
to cover basic needs. According to the ALICE Report-Hawoii released by Aloha United Way in January 2018. ALICE famities represent hardworking people who hove two or three jobs ond yet cannot offord bosic necessities to remain stable and self-sufficient. . Paying for basic housing and health care costs. . Paying for needs for their children and family . Paying for food or paying for transportation
Our Parish Monthly Food Collection is this Weekend and is sponsored by our Parish Catholic Care Project. Through this ministry our parish serves the needs of our Kupuna, Ohana and
those who come to our door,
who are struggling with food insecurity. Our Parish Catholic Care Project relies heavily on donations from our parishioners. Only by your generosity are we able to help others in
their time of need. Please prayerfully consider helping us feed the hungry! ff you don't have time to shop... Visit our parish website at
ytww: sspete Ipa u Ihawa ii, g rg Your donation to our Catholic Care Project will help to purchase the items to fill the brown bags. Do vou know someone in our parish who would benefit from receiving a food bag to help them moke ends meet? Pleqse tell them to contact our Catholic Care Helpline
@a8) s41-067s All information we receive remains confidential.
ln lroq, we encounter Mojd and his fomily, people forced to flee violence, seorching for stdbility. How are we colled to welcome the stranger in our midst? How can you support those, worldwide, who are forced to flee their homes to find sofety or better o p p o rtu n i ti e s? V i si t crsricebow l.org fo r m o re.
Eight-year-old Majd thought his family was going on a picnic. His mother, Lamya,said they would be back home in a week. But when lSlS attacked their home in northern lraq, the family fled for good. "What worried me the most were the kids," Lamya says. "Our life was stable and we were doing well; we had a very big house. Our children had everything they needed. But when we fled, I was not able to bring anything for them-not even food." Fortunately, the family found an apartment to rent with other displaced families. lt is much smaller than the home they had, but it's safer. The children enrolled in a CRSsponsored school, where the routine provides hope, stability and a sense of belonging. "Education is very important," says Lamya, especially in lraqi culture.
Lamya received training from CRS and became a teacher at the school. Now she has hope for the future. "l really love children, so when I go to class I feel like I am with my family," she says.
Her son, Majd, also loves going to school. "Majd is so motivated to go to school. He just wants it to be morning so he can go," Lamya says. "He is relaxed, having fun and more confident." For Majd, school means a normal life-now and in the future.
February Prayer lntentions from Pope Francis
Please pray for the sick in our Parish, Especially for ...
Universal: Say "No" to Corruption
That, those who have material, political or spiritual power may resist any lure of corruption.
Welcome to the family of God Please pra1,
those v,ho w,ere Baptized Last week and
./itr theirJZrmilie,s that they w,ill raise them of Jesus Christ
layden Dumalan
February 9't'tt
Gabrielle Esporlos
VJ Evo Lance Jose Apdol
Februury I lrut
MARCH 2018 BIRTHDAY and/or ANNMRSAY CETEBRANTS Please complete this form
with your pertinent
information so that we may remember you at Mass and with prayers and blessings on your special day in MARCH. Fill in the complete this form (please print clearly!) and place it in the collection basket or return to the office no later than FE 28,2A17. NAME:
Charita Abelgas-Mabon Vanessa Alcova Loranzo Alota Becky Alota Darlene Amarosa Tony Bacani Michael Bartolome Ho Lun Big Olivia Mia Blake Maniko Brady Arthur Cababa Mwejo Capelle Wini Chow Matilda Correa Teresita M. Custodio Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Blanche DeConte George DeConte Odetta Doublet Shirley Dungo Tessie Dungo Blanche Hansen Joe Hansen Florence Henson Stanley Ho Robert K. F. Ho Shirlene lwai Maria Elena Jencks Jack Jucewicz
Christoph tucewicz check)
Charlene Lau
Pat Low Bona Macabre tohn M. Masunaga Thomas Mistysyn Robert Mistysyn Betty Ann Nault Patrice l\[e/sen Felicitas R. Noland Ray M. Olis Lourdes Olis Berry Oloday Maria Oloday Judy Orlando Nancy Pang toannita Pangelinan Yvonne 5. Pangelinan Ephrem Perez losefina Perez Anella Rabauliman Bregida R. Reyes Oliver Shilling Myong Soon Sim Joseph Anthony Sullivan Dolores Suredam Lolita A. Sutton Edwin Tagura Yolanda Trejo Myrna Vallespin Ho Chun Wah Ho Shiu Yan Theresa Yu
Betty Ann Nault
CCD Our 2ud Grade students
Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation this year. We are using, "Together in Jesus" a child-friendly program that invites children to use their concrete thinking ability to experience and tell the stories of fesus' Sermon on the Mount and his parables of forgiveness and mercy, The program is designed so that fesus'stories is told in a play, so the children can step into the shoes of disciples, talk, and interact with f esus at their own Ievel of understanding. There is always something to share with parents at the end of our Sunday lessonl The topics our students encounter are:
a I Belong to a Loving Community a We Keep God's Comrnandments 0 We Can Act Like |esus O fesus Teaches Us to Forgive 0 esus Gives Us the Holy Spirit a I Prepare for First Reconciliation f
Stay tuned to hear how we'll be prepar-
ing for First Eucharist and Confirmation! Ms. Lisa
Matt. 5:3-18 But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secre! and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And in praying do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then like this: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven our debtors; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses, And when you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by men but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret
will reward you.
'Ano'ai Kikou, We're in Lent! How can we make the most of it? Jesus reminds us that we must be humble, focused, and forgiving. Please send us your ideas of what we can do this lent (and times that would be good to do them). For example, I would like to restart our young adult bible study. lf interested, please let me know suggestions for times. Currently we have planned: 1. On the last Sunday of the month, Feb. 25th, we'll have a meeting at noon, inside or around the church for fellowship and discuss plans for the future. 2. We continue to provide free tutoring to those trying to learn English or get their GED. 3. Last year we had several educational sessions on human trafficking. This year more training will be available, and we're going to start volunteering to help victims (of course, all volunteers must first undergo a background check, and all related information must be kept discreet).
Ms. Bernie
Nana Linda Nana Evelyn
Check out our facebook page: p11r-y.f-q-c-e-b-99-k.g-o-mlY-p-qnsAd-ul!.rM.ini*r.v.!:tp*np-td.u. As the young adults
ministry of Sts. Peter & Paul, inspired by St. Don Bosco, we wish to volunteer, learn, reflect, and be happy.Servite Domine in laetitia (Serve God cheerfully). Being part of this group, in this phase of our journey in life, will allow us to help each otherto grow spiritually, intellectually and physically. lf you have any interest, questions, comments, ideas, etc. please e-mail us at !liv,!ilfyt@)gm.lil,gofx or txt 305-8_98-037_8. Hope to see everyone soon!
ii i:
Centering Prayer Retreat
STATIONS OF THE CROSS (the following groups qre leading Sfatrons,)
All are welcome to join in this silent retreat 23-25 February 2018 at St. Anthony's Retreat Center in Kalihi. There will be an introductory workshop for newcomers as well as renewal teachings to depeen the practice of Centering Prayer, a Keating and others in the Christian tradition. Call Jean at (628)400-2644 of get more information at Ut{W.cohA!rcii.ors.
Friday, February 23
AM 6:00 PM
Friday, March
Office staff &volunteers Kupuna & Faith Formation
Legion of Mary
Parish Anniversary Ad-hoc
Weekday Mass EMHO &
Friday, March 9 11:1"5
Lector 6:00
Friday, March 16
AM 6:00 PM
tt{E tO&S .
${I Lil,:
Catholic Care Project
$}&HT {iSff Y$l}
Building & Planning Committee
Friday, March 23
AM 6:00 PM
Youth & FF Altar Server
Friday, March 30
AM 6:00 PM
Families/lndividuals Children & Parents
AC{S Svlinistry Sts ?eter & ?au{ Cfiurcfi
I l l
i I I I I
for your
i I
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ACTS Ad orati
n, C ommu ni ty, T heo logy,
S e rv
ic e
(All Women's RetreatJ March 1st * 4th ACTS retreats have enriched the lives of hundreds of thousands of people; men and women, teens and retirees, rich and poor, Catholic and non-Catholic, in the United States as well as other countries. It has reinvigorated the spiritual lives of individuals, of families, of entire parishes.
lfyou are interested in attending the retreat, please fill our a registration form or call for information Sts Peter & Paul: Ana Campos Lopez at799-4741 or Bernadette Lopez at 808-386-3024
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SS' rL about
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in the
C6dend&Y Monday February
Lenten Weekday Lr,19:1-2, 11-18
Mt25:31-46 Tuesday February 20
LertenWeekday Is 55:10-11
Mt6:7-15 Wednesday February 21 Lenten Weekday fon 5:1-10
Lkll:29-32 Thursday February22 Chair of St. Peter, Apostle 1
Pt 5:1-4
Mt 16:13-19
Friday February23 Lenten Weekday Ez 18:27-28
Mt5:20-26 Saturday February 24 LentenWeekday
Dt26:16-19 Mt 5:43-48 Sunday February 25 Second Sunday of Lert
Gn22:1-2,9a, 10-15, 15-18 Rom 8:51b-54
Mk 9:2-10
Why won't the priest hear my confession right before Mass? heoretically, any time is a good time for penitents to reconcile and renew their relationship with the Lord! In practice, the priest's refusal to hear your confession immediately before presiding at Mass may be as much for your benefit as his. In his preoccupation with last-minute details of leading the assembly, he may think: "How cqn I be more attentive to this individual and to a worthy celebration ofthe sacrantent of penance without delaying Mass?" He might also be reacting to a penitent's mechanical understanding of the sacrament that fosters a scrupulous practice of devotional confessions-that is, confessing only minor sins in preparation for Communion. Anyone who is conscious of serious sin is not to "receive the body of the Lord without previous sacramental confession unless there is a grave reason and there is no opportunity to confess" (Code of Canon Law,916).ln this case, the person makes a sincere act of contrition, including a resolution to confess as soon as possible. 'The Eucharist is not ordered to the forgiveness of mortal sins-that is proper to the sacrament of Reconciliation" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1395). Nevertheless, "the Eucharist strengthens our charity...and this living charity wipes away venial sins [and] the Eucharist preserves us from future mortal sins" (CCC 1394-95). Catholics in a state of grace show respect for the dignity of the Eucharist, but trying to confess grave sins to a priest right before Mass may lessen the dignity given to one sacrament over another if the celebration of the sacrament of penance is rushed or the celebration of Mass begins late. Fr. Byron n,{iller, CSsR Sundaybulletin@Liguori.org
AU)o4dT-wm ?opnfrnnci& ln the face of tragedies which take the lives of so many migrants and refugees...expressions of empathy and compassion cannot help but spontaneously well up. "Where is your brother?" (Gen 4:9). This is not a question directed to others; it is a question directed to me, to you, to each of us. on Migration and Peace, February 21,2017