Vol. 55, No.l0
Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance
FastenerRefit Center:
tYou Deliver
\Me f)eliver'
Mechanics onthe USS Buffalo Project
(MPC), more commonly known as the
shouldn't have to worry about lost or missing nuts, bolts, screws and other fasteners when it comes time to reinstall
Clamshell. "Our motto is 'You Deliver .. . We Deliver," said Stanley Jensen, Code 900Q
components. Code 900Q has set up a Fastener Refit Center (FRC) in building 5A as a onestop service center for these items. During rip-out, mechanics will turn in fasteners from removed components to the FRC. Workers there will receive, inventory and store the parts. They will also clean, inspect, test and, if necessary, order replacements.
Quality Program Manager. In other
When components are being reinstalled, mechanics can either choose to pick up the fhsteners at the FRC or have them "called down" with the rest of the material required for the job, and delivered to the Material Process Center
words, if mechanics bring their fasteners to the FRC, the items will be ready and available for the mechanics when needed.
The FRC was established as part of a fix material processes at PHNSY & IMF. Code 200 is in charge overall because material ordering is now a responsibility of the Engineering and Planning Department. When PHNSY & IMF was looking into why CNO availabilities did not finish on time, one of the root causes was lack of material, especially fasteners, said FRC team member and Shop 17 supervisor
much larger effort to
Thomas Low Jr. In particular, late ordering of fasteners caused bottlenecks in the supply system. Jensen noted that missing fasteners are
more of a problem on long-term availabilities like Depot Modernization Periods (DMPs), which last a year or more. Due to workforce turnover, the mechanics who removed the components often aren't the same people putting them back in the ship. Overthe course ofthe availability, fas-
teners are forgotten, misplaced, lost, damaged or used for another job. During reinstallation, schedule adherence is critical and some fasteners become very expensive or difficult to replace on short notice. Even common fasteners can cause delays if the supply system hapContinued on page 2
A Fastener Refit Center has been set up in building 5A to supportthe USS Buffalo Project. Shop 17 supervisor Thomas LowJr. (left) scans the bar code label on a bag of fasteners held by Shop 06 supervisor Rudy Salcedo. The information in the handheld scanner will later be downloaded into a database that will showwho has custody of the item and its location.
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U.S. Navy photo by Marshall Fukuki
Shipyard and IMF LOG -May 23,2002
Fastener pens to be temporarily out of stock of the item. A team was formed last December to establish an FRC at Pearl Harbor. Besides Jensen and Low, other team members were ScottTamayori of Code 900Q, Shop 06 supervisor Rudy Salcedo and
Code 300 Program Manager Dennis Carino. They investigated the best practices of other shipyards and decided to model our center after the one in Norfo1k. They combined it with a bar coding system that will be used to track all material, not just fasteners, coming off the Buffalo. "It's just like UPS," said Salcedo. Bar
in the Task (TGIs) Instructions issued to Group code labels are included
mechanics. Shops have been equipped with scanners so, for example, if some fasteners have to be sent from the FRC to Shop 31, someone at the Inside Machine Shop will be able to scan the bar code to record the transfer, new location and custodian of the item. "It sounds like it's easy, but there's a lot more to it than that," said Jensen. "'W'e've had a lot of sleepless nights over this." He acknowledged Shop 56 work leader Charlie Chang and Code 300 zone
manager Sanford Miyashiro for helping the team put together the new process.
Tamayori observed that the FRC wouldn't have been possible without the input and support ofthe shops and Buffalo Project. The Fastener Refit Center is a way to regain control of material and help me-
chanics focus on their jobs on the deckplates, said Jensen. "We will learn from this process," he noted, adding that the plan is fbr the FRC to expand to serv-
ing Selected Restricted Availabilities (SRAs) in the future.
comment or question about
PHNSY & IMF? Call 474-4729 and leave a message for Capt. Edwards. Follow instructions to ensure a timely response.
of the month are (left to right) Tyrone Washington of GLOTECH, Jacob Hamamoto and Swain "Smokey" Ahyuen of PHNSY& IMF and Roger Cadorna of HSl.
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U.S. Navy photo by Lt. j.g. Robert Thompson
O'Kane honors outstanding workers ability - Surface (FMR) team, composed of Shops 51,67 and 98, that removed,
Shop 67 electronics mechanic Jacob Hamamoto and Shop I I shipfitter apprentice Swain "Smokey'' Ah1ruen were among four workers honored by USS O'Kane (DDG 77) for their outstanding performance during the ship's Selected RestrictedAvailability (SRA) at Bravo I 3.
refurbished and reinstalled 26 communications and navigation antennas. Skardon noted this will save the crew many hours of maintenance and troubleshooting. Ahyuen was recognized for support-
The workers were presented with plaques and ball caps by Cmdr. Taylor
Skardon, commanding officer of O'Kane, at a ceremony onApril 15. The awardees were treated afterwards to a steak and shrimp lunch aboard the ship. Hamamoto was cited for his crucial role as part of a Fleet Maintenance Avail-
""'"'O*O ' '*'
Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard
and lntermediate Maintenance Facility CapLJohn+LEdwards Commander
Capt. Carlton W. Puryear Jr. DeputyCommander
JasonD.Hohn PublicAffairs Officer
ing the installation of a stern flap. A1though he is still an apprentice, he was the lead mechanic on the alteration. Stern flaps reduce the power needed
to propel the ship, saving signiticant amounts of fuel, and increase the top speed of the ship.
Gommand feedback
USS O'Kaneworkers
This DoD newspaper is an authorized pub-
lication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Shipyard
& IMF LOG are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or Pearl Harbor Naval Ship-
LOG yard
& Intermediate Maintenance Facility.
rssN 1073-8258. The LOG is normally published on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. Major articles are due June 12 for the June 27 issue. Send material to editor via PHNSY & IMF e-mail or, if hard copy (typed, doublespaced, upper/lower case) or on 3 l/2" diskette, via interoffice mail to Code I 160 (attn: LOG). All material is subject to editing. USPS mailingad&ess is: Commander, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and IMF, Attn: Code I 160 LOG, 667 Safeguard St., Suite 100, Pearl
Telephone: (808) 473-8000 ext. 2580 Fax: (808) 474-0269
E-mail address: FuL:ukiMS The LOG offlrce is located in b1dg. 167 on the fifth floor, Diarnond Head end. The LOG is printed on recycled content paper. &