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'l'cntlt Stttrtlin' i n Ol'tliniu'\"1'i
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Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals: Please call
the Parish
Infant Baptism: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours to schedule a Baptism meeting.
Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrament is extensive. The time frame is at least six (6J months. Couples are asked to attend an Engaged Encounter Weekend in preparatton and contplete State and Church paperworl<. Do not set.a date or print invitations for your nrarriage until after you have spoken with a priest.
Saturday: (Sunday VigilJ 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7;00 am 9:00am & 11:00am Faith Foimation Family 1sr & 3rd Sunday at 9:00am fOhana Mass every 2n,i Sunday at 11:0Oam) Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00 pm Saturday: 12:00 noon COMMUNAL ANNOINTING: Last Saturday of the Month at the 12:00 noon mass RECONCILIATION: Friday 10:15 * 11:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Fridays: After the 7:00 am mass and 1't Fridays: 7:30 - 10:00 pm PARISH ROSARIES: Monday - Saturday: 1i-:15am Sunday: 5:15prn
ADDRESS: 800 Kaheka St. Honolulu, Hau,aii 96814 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - B:30 - 12:00 prn Tues. - Fri. B:3Oam - l,Zpm/L:00 - 3:30pm PHONE: {Baq941-067s FAX: [B0Bj s4s-068s OFFICE EMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr. com WEBS ITE : wr,v1g. ssp ete rpa ul har.vai i.org
s,r. Peter & Paul Church Honolulu
1L:00am - 1:00pm 6:00am - 1:00pm 7:30pm - 10:00pm 11:00 am - 1:00pm
& 3;00pm
6:3Opm i:(X)pnt
This Weeks Mass Schedule
Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends,
Mass lntention
Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paul +Margaret Chin +Terri L Souza & +Leila Kondo +Marcel Phu
Celebrant Fr. Sieg Fr. Khanh
+Thomas Jones +Leila Kondo
Fr Khanh
Sumrner invites us to engage in more outdoor activities. To do so safety, Dana Teremoto from the Department of Transportation Services provided hetpfut information about crossing the streets safety, wearing visibte cotors as a pedestrian, and using reftective devices in the evening.
FIo & jim Andrade (SI)
Fr. Khanli
This event was coordinated by Pedestrian
Tina & James Andrade (SI) Rory & Violet (Wedding AnnvJ
Fr. Khanir
Micaela Quiambao
Fr. Sieg
Nenita & Frank Hing [SI] +Leila Kondo +Angel & Genevieve DeVega +Brien Joshua & +Leila Kondo
Fr. Kirenh
Linda Han [SIJ
Jiil lshikawa ISI) +Stella Satal<e
Hesos F Asentista ISIJ
vigil Mass
Fr. Sieg Fr Dann1,/Sie g Fr. Khanir
Fr. Khanh
Richard Asentista (SIJ
Fr. Khanh
+Theresa Perreira
Fr. Sieg
+Catherine \,'incze
Fr. Sieg
Parishioners, Visitors, and Friericis of Sts. Peter and Paul
committee (see betow) and assisted by Pastoral CounciI members and volunteers. Seventy plus parishioners and neighbors were served with hamburgers and hotdogs. Those who attended the gathering left the meeting with a "Watk Wise Hawaii" tote bag and reflective devices, happily, btinking and shining.
Fr. Sieg
+Margaret Perreira
fun 15
Summer is already near, and the school year is drawing to a close. Our pastoral theme for this week is slowing down and that's what summer is about - to relax and rejuvenate.
Fr. Khanh
There is something magica[ about summer, also. lt offers many different opportunities and balances. 0ur Faith Formation conducts again a Vacation Bibte School from June 18 through June 22. Through drama, art, and music our chitdren witl learn about the importance of prayer and nourishment. The theme for this summer is "Faith journey through Bible stories." lt wi[[ be a week
of fun and relaxation. Fr. Khanh
Father's Day
Fr. Khanh
Fr Sieg
rf'<'4 ; t A I
\1ni:nio l,ig tc Dcpi,t"t 'ttcttt of Trntrsl.tortatiorr Scrlicc.< ,\!s. Drtla Tcronaic. anci tltost tttho atienclert "\A;atk \f isc Hariraii", especrailtl Starishioners and uolurtteers. fltattL \ttu, also, to lhe.follou,ilg u,ho nntie the
To provide a ptace where our young can interact and grow in knowledge of Cod and the Cathotic faith, the current conference room on the second floor above the courtyard is being formu[ated into a youth center. lf any of us woutd like to hetp or make suggestion with the formation of the ptan, ptease contact our Parish Pastoral Council (as listed on this page). We want our youth to l<now the church is a place where they can catl home. serve today and [ead tomorrow.
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Erlits 'A6o{kitt, -Lt'Rrty '81'()1i,1tt Qttli Caruttcfrtr, Atttttt F{ores, 1) ot id'Konda,'Bc nw drtft -[. oyt z, n nd']'ft i ['],{itt rr.
As we look forward to the summertime, we negotiate the ups and downs, the curves and corners and reshape the imbatances in our Iives. "Together with a cutture of
worl<, there must
be a culture of [eisure as
gratification," says Pope Francis. May we a[[ stow down and appreciate the gift of time and this season of tife. lt'khonh
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18" THRU
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JUNE zzn'
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8:00 A-.M. - 12:00 NOON. A sN&cN vftt-t BE pRoVtDED .&_T 10:oo
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Sts. Peter and Paul Church
Gfi'D Genesis
fune 10,2018
3:F15; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-35
(see picture on
front cover)
In an idyilic painting of Eden, Peter Wenzel r.vonderfully depicts the harnrony and rnultiplicity of all God's creatures. The pastel heavens and the nrajestic soft mountains give a natural warmth and serenity to the background. Birds appeal to be chatting in a tree rvhile a tiger plays with a harc at his feet. A lion and lioness vigilantly stroll their kingdorn, inspiring security rather than fear. There is space to run, shade for rest, a path under a leafy arch that invites us to walk. Eden is the perfect habitat of protection, freedom, and fratemity.
Genesis 3:9-1.5
God speaks of man's fall into sin and his seeking the grace of God to be redeemed. God searches us out as well and uses His spirit to bring us back into relationship rvith Him.
And in the center are Adam and Eve. Traditional f'arm animals are nearby, and man's best friend is at Adam's right hand with a cat sitting at his feet. Like our first parents, ws are not alone in our search for God. We are sumounded by rnariy of the r.vonderful creatures he has placed alongside us to reflect his giory and show us his love.
Corinthians 4:12-5:1
Paul traces in these verses the whole jour'ney oIa community of believers. In the midst of affliction, the comnrunity still gathers and gives tlranks. In fact they gather and join in thanksgiving of the meal, rvhen the cup of salvation is lifted up.
When God comes looking fcrr people in the Garden, he expects to find them enjoying the beauty and harrnony ofi his creation. Yet original sin, that abuse of freedom by doubting God's goodness, destroyed hrimanity's innocence and his unity with cieation. What rvas cherished now becomes a sourcc of fcar and suspicion. We destroy and pollute what God gave us to use and to preserve. Trusting in Cocl's goodness, as proved by the wonderful bear.rty in creation, is the key to inner peace and unity rvith others and creation. Doubting his love is to doubt oul'very source and goodness.
Gospel - Mark 3:20-35 The story in the wider context sets Jesus' farnily in cornparison to intluential religious leaders. They express an inability to understand rvho Jesus really is. Close relatives and kiends and religious insiders were bewildered by what Jesus said, which threatened to disrupt so rnany aspects of farnily and human society.
lvlark Haydu, LC () 20ltt Liguori Publications. Liguori, IvlO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. lntprinratur. "l,r accordance wirh CIC-' 827. permission to pubiish has been granted or' Augiuir 2, ?017. by
Most Rer,, Mark S. Rivituso, Airxil-
El eztenth Su ;tday
iary Bishop. Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indicarion that nothing contrary- to C'hurch teaching is coniained in this lvork. It tltjes not implv any endorsement of the opinions expresscd in the public.ation; nor is an-y liabilitl, assunred by this permission." No parl olthis ll'ork rnay be used in any fbnn without the i',rior *'ritten permis:,ion of Liguori Puhlir,ations. Scriplure texts ilt lhis u,ork are laken f.krrr Ner.r, American Bible, revisr,:d edition ,S 2010. 1991. I986. l97C Conliarernity of Christiau Doctrine. lnc.. Washington. DC. All Rights Reserr'.:d. To ordrr Liguori Sunday Bulletins. call 800--1?5-952 l, or visit Liguori.org.
ln Ordinartl Tinrc
First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24 Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10
Gospel: Mark 4:26-34
JUNE Prayer lntentions
ss&Y* s,.H$y so [It$.#"$,|$K Piesse prsyfsr the sir* i* our Psnsft.'
from Pope Francis
Universal: Social Networks
That social networks may work to-
& FidelAdomos
Charita A Mabon
Kiona Rose Adoms
lohn M. Masunoga
wards the inclusiveness which re-
Vanesso Alcovo
Thomas Mistysyn
spects others for their differences.
lsoac Alojado
Robert Mistysyn
Loranzo Alota
Edwin Munolem
Becky Aloto
Betty Ann Nault
Darlene Amorosa
Patrice Nielsen
We remember our fathers, living and deceased who
Tony Bacani
Felicitas R. Nolond
have been such a blessing to us and who have led us
Michael Bartolome
Roy M. alis
Ho Lun Big
Lourdes Olis
Olivia Mia Bloke
Berry Oloday
Maniko Brody
Moria Olodoy
Arthur Caboba
Judy Orlando
Mwejo Capelle
Nancy Pang
Joonnita Pangelinan
Teresito M. Custodio
Yvonne S. Pangelinan
Avon Czerwinski
Ephrem Perez
Regina Czerwinski
losefina Perez
Blanche DeConte
Anella Raboulimon
Father's Day Mass lntention
in the faith. Please submit names by June 10 in the
offering basket or to the office to be included on the cover of our bulletin on as we pray for them on their
specialday. To send a caring message to someone who is a fa-
ther, please take a card, submit their names. Write a special note to let them know you are praying for them. They don't always show that they need our prayers, but they do.
ffdrt {"*l*nr**p1 j.*...,
Edwin & Faye Munalem, June Married 46 years
Si*NrN"s"Slessings Lolita Bumanglag
George DeConte
Bregido R. Reyes
Azarios D Dosdos
Maggie Rotelo
Shirley Dungo
lngo Rafael Shorez
Iessie Dungo
Aliver Shilling
Blanche Hansen
Myong Soon Sim
Joe Hansen
Jose ph Antho ny Su I liva n
Florence Henson
Dolores Suredam
Stanley Ha
Lolita A. Sutton
Robert K. F. Ho
Edwin Taguro
Shirlene lwoi
Yolanda Trejo
Maria Elena Jencks
Myrna Vallespin
Jock Jucewicz
Lydia Velasquez
Christopher Jucewicz
Ho Chun Wah
Michelle Keely
Ho Shiu Yon
Chorlene Lau
Theresa Yu
Pat Low
Janleen Maria Xymoon
|une 14th
June L7th
Pamela Escalona
June 2Sth
Gregory Aquino
fune 30th
,,'fiea$epra.;n .&r r/re sord
Katherine Jay and
{orr}e ionso*{on of }er*mf}r Karherine
sd,il{*y 30th
s s
Sts. Peter and
&E?s&ffi urse 2
Each month the Hawaii Foodbank distributes 32lbs of surplus food from the Federal government to those over 55 who qualifu. They use our facility to help the community. We supply the manpower and use this opportunity to make friends with those who may not normally come to church, Help us evangelize by your love and our deeds.
IReligious] freedom remains one of America's most precious possessions. And, as my brothers, the United States Bishops, have reminded us, all are called to be vigilant, precisely as good citizens, to preserve and defend that freedom from everything that would threaten or compromise it. - Pope Francis
The distribution will be Friday, June 15th. Volunteers needed to help kupuna check-in and move boxes.
Serving others in God's Love:
Religious Freedom Week 2A!8
Our NEXT Parish Monthly Food Collection will be June 16th and 17th
to religious libe rty ( http ://www. u scc b. o rg/iss ues-a nd-a cti o n/ Check out fact sheets on threats
This is our Parish Catholic Care Project. By ycur generosity we are able to help others in their time of need. See food list for ideas on what to buy. Please prayerfully consider helping us feed the hungr"y!
ht-f o r-f re ed o m/fo rt n ght -fo r-freed om -fa ct-s heets.cf m ) re I i gi o u s- [ i b e rty/fo rtn
Take Action! Text the word FRREDOM (or LIBERTAD) to 377377 for updates
Volunteers needed for food sorting Monday, June 18th
Food pick up and delivery June 19th lf you don't hove time to
for religious lrberty at home and abroad.
i $x$$T NNN,{$$$$$$$$}$$R$$N
Visit our parish wehsite at www.sspeglrgaul ha uva ii,orE Your donaiion to our Catholic Care Project wiii help to purchase the items to fitl the brown bags.
Do vou know someone in our paith wha wouirl benefit from receiving a food bog to fielp them ntake
"".$rStiwsNsN Y*st F*ES,*$ffitc
ends meet?
$IF$}}t* Ss{s$d rs*$r rS$ i:*S*r
Pleose tel! them to contoct our Catholic Care tlelpline
(808)su-a67s 3
FAITH FORMATION Y*umg &d*sltx 1 Cor.1"2:13 For by one
into ane body
-- Jews
Spiritwe were all baptized
Greeks, slcve.s or free -- and
all were made to drink of one Spirit. 'Ano'ai Kakou, Join in the many opportunities to serve x
Tuesdays ESL (English as a Second Lan-
guage): Practice English conversation Tuesdays 5-6 prn * Thursdays Bible
Study: Young adults llible study Thursdays 5'6 pm x Second Saturday
Morning Church Cleaning: Once a month, just for a couple of hours, we
help clean the church from 8.30 arn We also do other things as well - please contact me
if you're interested in joining efforts on seruing: * Kaka'ako Family Shelter
I Human Trafficking Victims
Faith Journey through Bible Stories Monday, June 18th
through Friday June 22nd
From 8:00 a.m.-12:00 noon A snack will be provided at L0:00 a.m.
Of course, there are also plenty of one-off projects,
partnering community organizations, and social/ spiritual activities with our fellow, parishes, so
Registrations forms are available in the court-
yard and the front entrances ofthe church.
please sign up (ernail/facebookJ fbr notifications, and join whenever you can. For example, currently
the diocese is planning a Young Adults Summer Sports Day I Ca
tho I i cl{ a rva i i. o rg/ YAS u m.rne
rS po
rts DayJ...
Check out our facebook
lf you have any interest, questions, comments, ideas, etc. please e-rnail us at trivialFyr@grnail.conr or txt 305-898-0378. Hope to see everyone soonl Aloha, Amala & Sun
Children's Liturgy of the Word Every Sunday at the 9:00 a.m. Mass
Father will invite preschool and elementary age children to gather in front of the sanctuary for a blessing before the first reading. Catechists lead the children to a chapel - like
room by the courtyard where they experience the sharing of the Gospel at a level they can understand and respond to. Children return to join their families during at Offertory.
This Week's Events lune 3 - f une 9. 2018 R
- Main Church, U-Upstairs Parish Conference Rootn, * Reception room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room,
Maholo for yout generous contributions ond Faithful Stewardship. The Collections for/une 2-June 3,2078
Iune 10
are as follows:
11tt Sunday in
Total: $12.498.60
6:15 am 6:15 am
Envelopes & Loose Mass lntentions Funeral Wedding Electric Votive & Candles
$ 8,658.74
355.00 300.00 700.00 672.86 10,686.60
$ 38%
Building Fund Stained Glass Father's Day Ascension Outreach
Choir Practice [B) Rosary [M]
Irrne 11
SL Barnabas, Apostle
6:30 pm
- Charismatic Prayer Group [M)
Iunp 12
- Rosary [M) LL:15 am - Rosary [M) 7:00 pm - Centering Prayer 6:1"0 am
}rdinory Time
Wednesday St.
$ 256.00 150.00 1,329.00 25.00 50.00 1,810.00
Rosary IMJ 7:30 am - Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help [M) l"l":15 am - Rosary [M) 6:10 am
- Legion of Mary Queen of Peace 5:00 pm - RCIA IBJ 6:30 pm - Scripture Study IRJ 1.:00 pm
June 14
- Rosary [viJ L1:15 am - Rosary IMJ 6:10 am
Special CollecllgJns: Catholic Communication Campaign
Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor
6:00 pm
- Choir Practice [M)
Iune 15
- Rosary (M) 7:40 am - Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred
6:10 am 10:00
Hea* Devotion
- 11:30 am - Confession and Spiritual Direction
10:45 am * Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 5:45 pm
Stations of the Cross Devotions [M)
Saturday B:00
1L:00 am
1,1":15 am
Building Fund Collection is June 10/1.L. Our Building Fund collection is usually the last weekend of the
month, but for June the last weekend is designated as
the Holy Father Peter's Pence collection.
Iune 16
Cleaning Church IMJ
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
- Confessions (M)
- Saturday Vigil
ww ft
Farru Fonruerrou CoiIrEREr,rcn 2018
We ask our parishioners and guests kokua and exercise reasonable caution and care when entering and/or exiting church grounds. We remind you that the fine for the violation of jaywalking is $130.
Friday Breakout Sessions: 1-3pm, 3 :3 0- 5:30pm, 6:30-8:30pm Saturday Breakout Sessions: 10:00am - Noon;
d:OO- 3:OOpm Masswith Bishop Silva, Sat@B:30am Meals available fellowship!
Co-Cathedral Honolulu
for purchase, exhibitors and lots of
of St
Theresa, 7LZ North Street,
Presenters lnclude: . Dcn. Mike Ross, former academic dean of Pontifical College Josephinum . Chaplain Hyun Underwood o Drs. Dave Coleman and Regina Pfeiffer from Chaminade U. . Sherry Hayes-Peirce from Church Social Tips,
r .
Redondo, CA Kainoa Fukumoto and Malcolm Zara from Epic Ministry, Oahu Don Ricardo Burgos, M.D. Diagnostic Radiologist at Tripler and Deacon at St. John the Baptist, Kalihi
The church also asks our driving parishioners and guests to exercise caution and good judgment in entering and exiting the church's parking lots in relation to on-coming traffic and/or pedestrians. your continued Thank these understanding and cooperation important matters.
you for
LTâ&#x201A;ŹfiIISED }ffiN
$wfuanffa{ i
futo,r&;g, Tktta t?d, I0?
,. QQ*Ars B@fiI$Asr Fcr*ucwm wmt A l-ECxsE
Plus 20 other clergy and lay facilitators with diverse backgrounds and awesome expertise tied to our Catholic Faith.
Sample Topics: r PracticalWisdom: Practicing Catholic Faith at End-of-Life Situations . What Do You Believe: The Catholic Answer r From Reader to Lector to Proclaimer . Labyrinth - Path of Prayer . Revelation: The Book of Hope, Not Fear Before you pack light and go, Comel
Register at wlrrw.cath,olichawa ii.orqlhawaiifaithconference
AM - 10:00 AM
Sat, 23 Jun 2018 @) 8:00
Resurrection of the Lord Church 94-1260 Lurnikula Street
Waipahu,Hl96797 I,LEASE LET US KNO1V IF YOU ARE COMING, CONTACT DEWEY ARAKA}VA AT (808) 428-8s43 OR ROLWATPAH UNET@jGMAr L.COM. Sponsored by: The Oahu Catholic Men's Conference
Visit us at rv:vy.8$$-t*thpl!-q,lUg,
.3n J
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*J$t*aw fno$rBt su;og 3slIG
Ir4ahalo! To those who attended the Pedestrian Safety Meeting on Thursday, |une 7th.
Presented by: Department of Transportation.
. Cross the street only atthe corner or at a crosswalk. While crossing, keep to the
right of the crosswalk.
. When crossing at a lighted intersection be sure to use the pedestrian signal button and wait for the waik light indicator.
left-right-left before crossing and continue to look while crossing. Always waik across the street, never run. Be sure to look
. Walk on the sidewalk if there is one; if there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the roadway facing traffic.
. Wear bright or light colored clothing when out walking or jogging. Wear retroreflective materials at night.
. Watch for cars backing out of driveways; drivers don't always see you.
. Stand on the side of the road while waiting for the bus. Always stand at least 10 feet away from where the bus will stop. Jaywalking is crossing outside of a crosswalk or away from a street corner $130 fine.
Walk smart and safely by following these safety rules. Teach these rules to your family and friends and follow the rules daily.
Monday June 11 St.
Barnabas, Apostle
Does a Saturday wedding Mass count for Sunday obligation?
Acts 11:21b-26;72:l-3 Mr 5:1-12
Tuesday |une
our question is frequently asked of priests, so it's good to help clarify this matter.lf you attend Mass anywhere in a Catholic rite either on Sunday or in the evening of the preceding day, then the obligation is satisfied (Canon 1248). "Evening" is generally understood in most dioceses as anytime from 4 PIvl onward. Thus, an afternoon Mass (wedding or otherwise) before 4 PM on Saturday is not an evening Mass and doesn't fulfill the obligation. Moreover, if Mass is celebrated in a Catholic rite after 4 PM on Saturdal,, the Sunday obligation is satisfied regardless ifthe scriptural texts differ from those of
Weekday 1 Kgs 17:7-16
Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday June 13 St. Artthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of tlrc Church 1 Kgs
the Sunday or holy day (Canon 1248 commentary). A related question often asked of priests is whether Communion may be receirred more than once a day. Any eligible Catholic can receive Communion "a second time on the same day only within the eucharistic celebration in ruhich the person participates" (Canon
Mt 5:17-19
Thursday June 14 Weekday
917 ). " Asecond
time" doesn't "repeatedly." Only those mean
Kgs 18:41-46
Friday Iune
Weekday 1
Kgs 19:9a, 11-16
Saturday June 16 tAreekday 1
in danger ofdeath, or priests who trinate at Mass, can receive Communion a third time in one day. This law is intended to promote a full sharing in the Lord's Body and Blood, u,,hile preventing the abuse of receir,"ing multipie Communions out of misguided devotion.
Kgs 19:19-21
Mt 5:33-37
Byron Miller, CSsR
@ Li
guori. org
Sunday June 17
Eleventh Srutday
in Ordinary Tinte
n U)ond, narru ?apn frnnci^e
Ez 77:22-24 2 Cor 5:6-10
Allow meto callyour attention to the value and beauty of marriage....The differences between man and woman are not for opposition or subordination, but for communion and generation, always in the "image and likeness" of God. Without mutual selfgiving, neither one can understand the other in depth. to bishops in Puerto Rico, June 8, 2015 -Address
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