NinctccrrtIr Srrrrtl;"rv in Ortlirrirrr"l'inre
l'2,'10 I tt
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Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals:
Please call the Parish
fr. Gr
Infant Baptism: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours to schedule a
Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrament is extensive. The tinte frame is at least six (6) months. Couples are asl<ed to attend an Engaged Encounter Weel<end in preparation and complete State and Church paperwork. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until afteryou have spoken with a priest.
Saturday: {Sunday VigilJ 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am 9:00am & L1:00am Faith Formation Family lst S Jrd Sunday at 9:00am [Ohana Mass every Zna Sunday at 1,L:00am) Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00 pm Saturday: 1,2:00 noon COMMUNAL ANNOINTING: Last Saturday o[the Month at the 12:00 noon mass RECONCILIATION: Friday L0:15 - 11:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Fridays: After the 7;00 am mass and 1't Fridays: 7:30 - 10:00 pm PARISH ROSARIES: Monday - Saturday: 11:15am Sunday: 5:15pm
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ADDRESS: 800 Kahel<a St. Honolulu, Hawaii 9681,4 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - B:30 - 12:00 pm Tues. - Fri. B:3Oam - 1.2pm/L:00 - 3:30pm PHONE: [808) 941-0675 FAX: (B0BJ 945-0689 OFFICE EMAIL:
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S,r. Peter & Paul Church Honolulu
MONDAY-THURSDAY: 6:00am - B:00atn
1:00pm 6:30pm
6:00arr - l:00pm 7:30pm - 10:00pnt 11:00 am
& 3;00pm (r:0tiam
& 5.tXipnr - 7'()opnr
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This Weeks Mass Schedule Date
Mass lntention
Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paui
Fr. Khanh
+DeSilva & Nakanelua Oirana
Fr. Kiranh Fr. Sieg
Concepcion Asuncion IBDJ Felecisirna Aquauta +Wiliiarr Sullivan
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Kiranh
Gordon [SIJ
Fr. Khanir
+Bernanda De Cuzman I't Anniversary
Fr. Khanh
+ Eler"rterio Banaag
Fr. Sieg
For the Sick and Homebound
Fr. Sieg
Intentron olThinh Nguyen
Cindy IH]
7am noon
Challes Coo IH] In thaniisgiving
+Martino Nguyen
Fr. Sieg
+Vincent & Maria
Fr. Khanh
+Ciara Kim
Fr. Khanh
Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends olSls. Peter and Paui
Ron Toma [H] Jean Obara IH] + Ceorge Pecor +Deomideza Magusara
Safety for lamilies in Calilornia
Fr. Khani.r Fr. Sieg
Cathotic parishioners escaping reLigious persecution.
in the deep forest
gathered every night at the foot of "Ciy da" (the Cay tree) to pray the rosary. One evening, The Lady appeared in the
branches and promised "Whoever comes here their prayers witl. be heard."
to this national shrine, which has become over the centuries a pilgrimage place for Catholics in Vietnam as we[[ as those overseas, to pray for my mom. My prayer
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Klrar.ih Lrh
As I now recatl an image of my bedridden mom who is now
onty so frail, covered with skin and bone, I am reminded of the bread made for our communion, which is Christ's tife offered for our evertasting [ife.
to thank you for your prayers for my mom and your caring concern to my famity. I can never thank you enough for your love and kindness. .f': kh'utli
Fr. Sieg
was whatever happens, "Cod's wiLt be done."
I would Like
Fr. Khani'r
Fr. Khanh Fr. Sieg
l{rr,,.,r, itl tlti' ;itil ,tl. ! I I !,',ti;rrq. il! t }'lit'tltLitt.t. .\'i ,\gtLtitl i;tl.'ttli(}it.';
Later at the Last Supper, Jesus uses bread to represent his holy body and how he died for us for our salvation. Varieties of other manifestations of unleavened bread cross all continents and cultures including the following: (1) Jewish Matzo. (2) Mexican Tortilla (g) tnAian Naan (4) Arab and Greek Pita. How can this simple wafer symbolize so much in receiving eternal life? When I consume the bread at church, it is a regular reminder of His presence in me. This presence is amplified as I think of Christ dying on the cross for us.
As I somberly reflect on Jesus who was God in the form of a rnan dying for us, I leave mass with an uplifted spirit of hope and optimism for the future.
White I was off the isl.and to be with my etderLy mother, I made a pil.grimage to the national shrine known as Our .1798 to Lady of LaVang who appeared in the year
So I went
Anna Maria Stella Guy In [SlJ
5pm Vigil
Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends,
The parishioners seeking refuge
Jenni Komine [BD)
,* .
Follou,ittg is the Bread of Life reflectiott bg Albert Higasli.
As Jesus talks about his body being the bread of life in John 6, I thought about how bread has been linked to man's sustenance for thousands of years. He says, "l am the bread of life" seven times in the Bible, which raised rny curiosity on the history of bread and what type of significance it played in daily life. Why bread? Why not rice or potatoes?
While the world has change with advancements in transportation, automation, medicine and engineering, the making and consumption of bread hasn't changed. It serves as the basic elennent of the family meal in nearly all cultures since the start of mankind. More importantly it serves as the body of Christ for billions of Catholics at the Eucharist every week. Bread in all its various forms, is the most widely consumed food in ihe world.
Recent scholars suggest humans started making bread at least 30,000 years ago. The Greek word for bread is 'psomi'which comes from the verb'psoo', which means to rub or grind. When we take the communion, the "host" is derived from unleavened flour, which is used to symbolically show how the Jews had to quickly leave Egypt at the Passover and could not wait for leavened bread to rise.
August 12,2018
Sts. Peter and Paul Church GOOD NEWS! 1 Kings 19:4-8; Ephesians
4:30-5:2; John 6:41-51
Marc Chagall, a painter in the late last century and one of the favorites of Pope Francis, shows Jesus' crucifixion as a global mystery. lt is not just an event in the past. Jesus is still coming down among the throngs of Reading I - 1 Kings 19:4-8 needy souls of the modern day, laying down his life and The prophet Elijah was at the end of his accompanying them in their sufferings. rope. He had taken refuge in the wilderThe Gospel of John uses this term of "coming down" ness and was trying to save his life from to take up the theme of the lncarnation. Jesus left his his enemies. But thirst and hunger brought heavenly home and came down among us. He lowered him to the brink of starvation and death. When all hope was gone, however, he himself to dirty his feet along the tortuous routes on somehow found the strength to trust the which humanity travels. He is not unapproachable, far future and go on living. from the sufferings of his followers, but has become like them in all things but sin. He knows the hunger and Reading ll - Ephesians 4:30-5:2 needs of his people. This is nothing new for God. He came down to walk One of the great mysteries of the life of faith is that we only gain by giving. This in the Garden with Adam and Eve. He came down to principle flies in the face of common sense see the people building the Tower of Babel. He came and enlightened self-interest, so the world down to Moses in the burning bush and in giving the refuses to believe it. Yet Jesus demonstratTen Commandments. And he came down to console ed that the way of love is the way of caring and feed Elijah, who was despairing of his life. He gave for the unlovable and of forgiving the undeserving. Elijah food for his journey, strengthening him to travel in the desert. Gospel - John 6:41-5'l ln the Eucharist, Jesus comes down to you today to ln one great metaphor, Jesus tied the carry your burdens and give you his life. He urges us to whole history of salvation together. For get up, eat. He is the Living Bread come down from Jew and Christian alike, the bread of life heaven that, if we unite with him in holy Communion, comes to us as a miracle from God. There he will give us his divine force and we will live eternally is no proving the fact that we receive evewith him. rything from the hand of a loving God. But Mark Haydu, LC physical and spiritual needs are met our -Fr. each day through the unfailing grace which Reflections God provides. Jesus comes down to be with me. Am I available in my heart to be with him? NEXT WEEK'S READINGS 2A18 Liguoi Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Pinted in U.S.A. lmpimatur: "ln accordance with c. 827, permission to publish has been granted an December 1, 2017, by the Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Sl. Loals. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Chureh teaching is contained in this work. lt does not imply any endorsement of the opinlons expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission." No part of this work may be used irr any fonn without the pior written permission of Liguoi Pubticafions. Scnpture texls ln lhis work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition @ 2010, 1991. 1986, 1970 Confratemity of Christian Doctrine, lnc., Washington. DC. Ail Rights Reserved. To order Liguoi Sunday Bulletins. call
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1
st Reading*Proverbs 9.'f-6
2nd Reading-Ephesians
Gospel-John 6:51-58
AUGUST Pral,sv Intentions front Pope Fruncis
- The Treasure of
Farnilies That any far-reaching decisions of economists and politicians may protect the farnily as orle of the treasures of humanity. i\",r Rr*
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trayers bring our parish community together ! is true especially when we pray for those Ra!and-this ! I rishioners who are ill among us. We woutd tike to update the list for the month ! !I I of SEPTEMBER. We will remove the name. ttr" I of every month and have a new tist for the"tfotlowing "nU I I month. lf you wish to have your name or the ,r.r"i I I of your loved ones included on the tist, please fitl the I I form below. The prayer list wil! be published for the I I whole month and will be updated at the end of each I I month. (Because of privacy laws, only person them- | I selves or immediate family members may submit a I
that we may in prayers for the whole month of Au- | I gust. You may place your request in the collection I I basket or return it to the office. I I Mahalo for you prayers & concern Please print clearly I
Please complete below so
I remember you
I wRue of the sick: I I Name of Person
I Requesting:
I (Relationship):
I Phone:
August 4th
Please pray for these children who were
recently baptized and [or their families, that they grow up to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
Michael Bortolame Ho Lun Big
Jeon Oboro
Olivia Mia Blake Moniko Brady I
Chorito A Mabon
lohn M. Masunoga Brady Metcalf Thomos Mistysyn Robert Mistysyn Edwin Munolem Betty Ann Noult Patrice Nielsen Felicitas R. Nolond
Kiono Rose Adams Vanessa Alcovo lsaoc Alojado Loranzo Alota Dorlene Amarosa Tony Bocani
August 20th
Rose & Fidel Adamos
Becky Alota
ffi*$-ilNwsmn*ssrn$$ Norman Oshiro
p"fi*.ffifr.,1t$*:.f*"* THH.$I$X Ffess* pr*pf*r f$e sfs& fil o*r F*rfs*."
Arthur Cababo Mwejo Capelle WiniChow Teresita M. Custodio Avon Czerwinski Regino Czerwinski Blonche DeConte George DeConte
Azarias D Dosdos Shirley Dungo Tessie Dungo Charles Goo Blonche Honsen Joe Hansen Florence Henson
Stanley Ho Robert K. F. Ho Shirlene lwai
Maria Eleno Jencks Jock Jucewicz
Christopher Jucewicz Michelle Keely Chorlene Lou Pat Low Bono M. Mocabore
Roy M. Olis
Lourdes Olis Berry Olodoy Morio Olodoy Judy Orlondo Nancy Pang Joannito Pangelinon Yvonne S. Pongelinon Ephrem Perez
losefina Perez Anella Rabauliman Bregido R. Reyes Maggie Rotelo lngo Rofael Sharez Oliver Shilling Myong Soon Sim Joseph Anthony Sullivon Dolores Suredam Lolito A. Sutton Edwin Toguro Yolanda Trejo Myrno Vollespin Lydio Velasquez Ho Chun Woh Ho Sltiu Yan Thereso Yu
lanleen Mario Xymoon
[nr:flt$$$$e$U,;of|ilCI,nUifUl:Uii:We;gii$iexf,u$$$;:f"$ffiiitlt i
of,,tilulns loJe,lter} jH tulm,asp;,:gn.nru,qs$:1]riii iouf,iftti.o$ tsth. There wi!! be Mass at 7:0O a.m.'and at n,oon.. , fhereuwill:. bB,,,el,potl utk.fetl,ow5hi:praft
h 1,Mat-$,
Sts- treter anrj traul
Sioperrs f*r tht teg*tr Prcrecrfom *f fi[utnffm llfs
ethtrilic Cmse ,.d Frcriect MAHALO Last week's Hawaii Foodbank 32lb Food box distribution 145 boxes were distributed to households who are vulnerable to hunger. Our next Food Box distribution
August 24th (and not 17th, holiday) Through your wonderful support: Our volunteers were able to assemble 40 brown bags for the Catholic Care Project to assist our families, our kupuna and Homebound parishioners especially during the summer rnonths when school is
i From Friday, August 3, 2018 to Friday, September ii28, 2018, the weekly Call to Prayer will be adapted :i as a nine-week Novena for the Legal Protection of , Human Life. ln addition to the current invitation to r fast on Fridays, participants are encouraged to pray r one Our Fother, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the ini
tention of the novena.
will also be provided with weekly opi portunities to learn more about Roe v. Wade and iishare that information with their representatives. . Participants
out. Our NEXT Parish Monthly Food Collection will be August 18 & 19 lf you don't have time to
*uL,.xN -iliiil:.,lf{ryn clran"{rr in $i*$iti.,-tl*$rvnrs{,btgrf nx-sss.,r:riir;Yrr.N axr nasiox clo.trr ls tlt{" dq$'r.'i:.''.iiiii\
r**ea ffsn'Iurnrnn $efilgfr . ' ,. , $mlcrlerI irr lcr.' nrrl , ,,1.N ,,.,Jr\\ .i,,,,., gelcarfiefl in life.
Visit our parish website at ww-w..t s p-q-&l_rp_$ L{!}.S-w a i i.-o rs Your donation to our Catholic Care Project will help to purchase the items to fill the brown bags. Do vou know someone in our porish who would benefit from receiving o food bag to help them make ends meet? Please tell them to contoct our Catholic Care Help-
{808)e41-067s Alt
information we receive remoins confidentiol.
a change in the U.S. Supreme Court move our i nation closer to the day when every human being riis protected in law and welcomed in life, :,Our Father..., Hoil Mary..., Gtory Be.
Hmsffi F'sW
This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 16, 2A18. The 2018 theme will be "Enlisting Witnesses for Jesus Christ." Those who the Community has designated to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. We are living in a secularized society which continues to squeeze Christianity to the margins, or completely out of engagement with Jesus Christ and the Church. We are losing baptized Catholics at an alarming rate. According to Pew Research, nearly one-infour Hispanic adults (24%\ are now former Catholics and most of them are "nones", a term used for people with no religious affiliation. Many parents are saddened to report that their children are leaving the Church after preparing for and celebrating initiation sacraments, and after years of Catholic School or parish religion classes. Figures for Baptisms, Church weddings and weekly Mass attendance are down. Those who seltidentify as atheists or agnostics ("Nones") now make up roughly 23% of the U.S. adult population. Adults, especially young adults, are more likely to say they are not religiously affiliated than in past generations. (Michael Lipka. A closer look at America's rapidly qrowinq religious 'nones'. , pew research center; 51512017). Also growing in numbers are those who are baptized, and in junior or senior high school, who are increasingly stopping to selfidentify as Christians and grouping themselves among the "Nones", At the same time, we are blessed with an incredibly
generous cohort of faithful who are sacramentally graced to give Gospel witness in their homes, schools and workplace, if only they were invited, trained and supported in their outreach as missionary disciples. lt will take the whole Church's witness and engagement of the "Nones", inside and outside the walls of the church and across society, to reach out, accompany them, and share the joy of the gospelwith them. Our 2018 and 2019 Catechetical Sunday and Leadership lnstitute themes are designed to address the phenomena of the "Nones" in two parts. During 2018, we will be researching some of the causes eroding faith and moving people to step away from life in Christ and his body, the Church. We will also showcase some of the many groups of missionary disciples already enlisted and engaged as witnesses for Jesus Christ. Hopefully many more will be able to learn about and join in their efforts. During 2019, we will focus particularly on the steps needed to enable the faithful to claim their true roles as witnesses to Jesus Christ. ln imitation of Jesus' encounter with two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), we will become more familiar with terms like "accompanying", "evangelizing" and "catechizing". We will learn how to assist folks in exploring the reasonableness of the Faith, having an "encounter" with Jesus, sharing in a deeper faith experience, and drawing out the meaning of those experiences for their lives. May the joy of our life in Christ be so remarkable that even the "Nones" are moved to ask what is the secret behind this joy and claim it for themselves. Sincerely yours in Christ, Bishop Robert Barron, Chairman Committee of the Evangelization and Catechesls (USCCB,)
Mahalo for your contributions a nd Fa i thful S tewa rdsh ip, The Collections for August 4 - 5, 2O7 B are as Ibllor,vs:
- Reception room, - Cour$,ard
B - Blue room, G - Green Room,
Ausust 12
Sundav 79th Sunday in Orclinary Time
Total: $11.691.16 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions Baptism Funeral Electric Votive & Candles Total:
This Week's Events August 12-August 18. 2018 - Main Church, ll-llpstairs Parish Conference Roont,
6:15 am 6:15 am
$9,200.73 13s.00 200.00 150.00 874.53 $10,560.26
Choir Practice (BJ Rosary (M)
Ausust 13
SL Pontiun, Pope & Companions, Ma.rtyrs
6:30 pm * Charismatic Prayer Group [M) Tuesdav
Arrpust 14
St Maximilian Kolbe, priest and Martyr
- Rosary [M) L1:1"5 am - Rosary (M) 7:00 pm - Centering Prayer
6:10 am
Building Fund Outreach Donation Splits
$1 1s.00
31.90 60.00 480.00 $686.90
Special Collections:
August 15 The Assumption af the Blessed Virgin Mary, Solemnity
- Rosary (M) 7:30 am - Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help [M) l^L:15 am - Rosary [M) 1:00 pm - Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace [R) 6:00 pm - RCIA (R) 6:30 pm - Scripture Study IRJ 6:10 am
Ausust 16
SL Stephen of Hungary
Seminarian Education Fund Catholic Communication Stained Glass
291.00 3.00 150.00 $444.00
6:10 am - Rosary [M) 11:15 am - Rosary (M) 5;L5 & 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M) Fridav
Arlsrrst 17
{,.lxfinissf**s' f}*5
sEcoNp qolLEcTroN The Building Fund Collection is moved to next week August 18119 because of the Catholic Charities Hawaii on August 25126 We are still continuing with our improvements to our Parish in preparation for the 50th Anniversary. Mahalo.
}Jolir}rr_u**$J'}ire r*t:rsr,.tf}
6:L0 am - Rosary (M) 7:40 am Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion L0:00 - 11:30 am * Conf'ession and Spiritual Direction 10:45 am - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 5:45 pm - Stations of the Cross Devotions [M)
Saturday 11:00 am - Cleaning Church [M) 11:15 am - Rosary 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Confessions [M) 5:00 pm - SaturdayVigil Mass
August 18
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We ask our parishioners and guests kokua and exercise reasonable caution and care when entering andl or exiting church grounds. We remind you that the fine for the violation of jaywalking is $130. The church also asks our driving parishioners guests and to exercise caution and good judgment in entering and exiting the church's parking lots in relation to on-coming traffic and/or pedestrians. Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in these important matters.
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Sorh Aor*i vers;s.rjr
ANX) T.*$H $)H#flHi$${
ln preparation for the celebration Our fundraising committee will be hold a Car Wash on August 18th from 9
Volunteers needed. Please leave your name and phone number with the office. Suggested donation S10.00
A Saint Anthony Retreat Center Sponsored Event
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r*$*rve u*ur ss*t *odevl
3351 Kalihi StreeL Honolulu, Hl 96819
Assurrptictn of Our Lady
TheI9thl(ids' Bulletin in Ortlinary Tinre Sunday Sunday August 12,2018
?his cornirrg H,trcfnrxr{flU.,.rlugrrsf r5tlr, fs a duy rd Orr r J-od3y. ?he ;lssu rn;rlrsln fs tfte day rr,el cc{t:brofe ffte *nd r;f rWtrryt life orr ctrrlh un<l rftc bcrgfnnirrg r:r;f lter" lt$r uriri .y'cs*s irr lfe.crrren. ^s1;
-$ierJe.sus r(r:nt fnfo f,lecrl'en und the Holy larlg ft+lfie"d the neir: Cltn-sfieirrs and prcyed.f:r tAenr" ?htrgrr louec{ and rt"s;recfed fter cnd J<:ro[:eid qfrtr lrrrr;fr:n'monlit Ue{:rs. Irinally, il ru'os tirnc;f?rr her Io go to G<x{ in .FIeuuen.
-Spfrft c{lr}re, Orrr
corr{. (o fhe end oJaur lirres" rrre die
crnd trrs buried in fhe grround. Brrt Gtrd rrould nol lef tlr<rf hcrgryr*n fr: filis holgl Muflrer. Hrhein lrer tife r$<rs ()rr(ir, she, intn l{gcrrwn, {:,ody anci snull
fhtrf $.fnry *fecru*n. Hr<l .\'cry
(s.sumetf, or lcrken rrp, fntn
you soy o spec{cl }Io{I lt{irryl on in ftonour qf0ur I"<rrly tr;feast rlng?
*'X*tll 'rlt
l t \i-*$* tl 'NiF'{}! '*x'!t 'ss* 'ne$'! I*anNls'lr t\afl'! xas
:ffi 3;XX'I
L Jcsus teld the peapk th$t l-Is rvas the llread of Life. The perptc wErs ct:nfuse(t tnd u'ondered vl'hrrt Hs was talking atrout. So Ile explained again" rnd tcld therrr thi$:
"*_ tl
is'l $st"l
f(.lse gJ/ rrr,.:tat.r.s {Aa{-rrrujrtrss da t}e m<r:e ro^lilJ irr rAe lrlarlts arrcl./in<f orrt x*ar "/*,sl.t .r'aidJ Joier tl,.cl--iJ
Sfs. Peter and Paul Church 50th Anniversary
I* l--
l:r tr
bration Fundraiser
Ce le
Wash Car
Saints Peter and Pau! Ghurch parking lot Saturday, August 18, 2A18 9:00 am until 2:00 pm
dIKNIGHTS q[tg*ore Supportedby \Uz
senvrcE ro orue
Cahruht, Monday August
Ezl:2-5,24-28c MtlT:22-27
Deqn?ndnp, What does doxology mean? he verses of a popular gospel song, "How Can I Keep From Singing,"
Tuesday August 14 St. Maximilian Kolbe,
Martyr Ez2:8-3:4
Priest and
Mt 18:1-5, 1O,12-14 Wednesday August 15 Asxmtption of the BlessedVirgin Mary Rv 11:19a; 12:1-5a, 10ab I Cor 15:2O-27
Lk 1:39-55
Thursday August
Weekday Ez
Mt 18:21-19:1
Friday August
Weekday Ez L6:l-15,60, 63 or Ez 16:59-63
Mt 19:3-12 Saturday August
Weekday Ez 18:1-10, 13b,3O-32
Mt 19:15-15 Sunday August
speak of our struggle with sorrow and darkness, and the ultimate ioy we have knowing "Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth, / How can I keep
from singing?" The songwriter ioyfully sings out because of God's love; it's a doxology ofpraise. Doxology, "a glorious utterance," is a prayer the Church uses to give God praise. We have countless examples in Scripture, such as the psalms, which by their nature give God rightful praise. The Sanctus acclamation is another example. Taken from Isaiah 6, it directs our focus to praising God for his power and might. On Christmas night we sing "Glory to God in the highest," a doxology from the angels. The eucharistic prayers end with a doxology to the Trinity showing how "the Holy Spirit who thus awakens the memory of the Church then inspires thanksgiving and praise (doxology)," Catechism of the Catholic Church,ll03. We use doxologies to emphasize our worship of God, acknowledging his rightful praise. Doxologies are part of maior liturgical prayers such as the eucharistic prayers, the communion rite where we add a doxology following the Our Father. We also add doxologies to our personal prayers. The rosary contains a well-known doxology called the Gloria Pati, a prayer praising the eternal nature and love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Fr. John K. Schmidt, CSsR Sundaybul letin@Liguor
Twentieth Sunday in
OrdinaryTime Prv 9:1-6
ln Jesus his Son, God has come down among us. He took flesh and showed his solidarity with humanity in all things but sin.... He saw and embraced all of creation. But he did more than
Eph 5:15*20
In 6:51*58
touched people's lives, he spoke to them, helped them and showed kindness to those in need. Day of Peace, January 1,2016 see,' he
m Lr