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Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals:
Please call the Parish
Infant Baptism: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours to schedule a Baptism meeting.
Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrament is extensive. The time frame is at least six (6J months. Couples are asked to altend an Engaged Encounter Weekend in preparation and complete State and Church paperwork. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you have spoken with a priest.
Saturday: (Sunday VigilJ 5:00pm Sunday Morning; 7:00 am 9:00am & 11:00am Faith Formation Family f st &. Jrd Sunday at 9:00am (Ohana Mass every 2na Sunday at 11:0OamJ Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00 prX Saturday: L2:00 noon Last Saturday of the Month at the l-2:00 noon mass
Friday L0:15 - 1"1:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment Fridays: After the 7:00 am mass and 1"'t Fridays: 7:3A - 10:00 pm Monday - Saturday: 11:15am Sunday: 5:1"5pm
ADDRESS: 800 Kaheka St. Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - B:30 - 12:00 pm Tues, - Fri. B:3Oam - LZpm/L:00 - 3:30pm PHoNE: (8081 941-0675 FAX: [808J 945-0689 OFFICE EMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii,rr.com WEBSITE: ww!v.sspeterpaulhalvaii.org
s,r. Peter & Paul Church Honolulu
11:00am 6:00am
- 1:00pn: - 1:00pm
- 10:00pn - 1:00pm
11:00 am .Q 3:00pm
- 6:30pm
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This Week s Mass Schedule Date SAT
Time 5pm
Parishioners, Visitors, and I'r' Khenh Friends ofsts. Peter and Paul +Ethel & Frank Souza Fr. Khanh
+Aiexander Hirota +Margaret Chin +Diego tulendiola SUN
+Frantisek Boskovic
Fr. Sieg
+James Evans
+Virginia Gonsalves +Steven Pangeiinan
You and I are here today because of many, many other Fr. Khanir
Louis Lopez [SI)
+Frantisek Boskovic
Fr Khanh
+Keiko Ray
Fr Khanh
+Frantisek Boskovic
+Alberto M Ibe
7am noon
+Frantisek Boskovic
St. Peter suffered martyrdom under the
Angeia Kim [ThanksgivingJ
Fr. Roide
Eunice \iVong [SIJ
Fr. Sieg
Emperor Nero in 54 A.D. He was buried at the base of the Vatican Hill and recent archeotogical excavations show his tomb to be on the very site of the present
+ Fenisitas Meisas
Fr. Khanir
St. Peter's Basitica in Rome. And St. Pau[ was beheaded
5pm vigil
Fr Sieg
+]ames Sakamoto
Fr. Sieg
+Ethel Souza
Fr. Sieg
+Jose Agudo
9am 11am
Fr Roirie
Panshioners, Visitors, and Friends of Sts. Peter and Paul
+Margaret Chin B
At the very beginning of this history two peopte who stand out for their perseverance in the faith are St. Peter and St. Paut. These two men faced many difficutties in their work of spreading faith in Jesus Christ. They refused to give in or give up even to point of giving up their lives for the faith.
Fr. Khanh
parents, and passed it on. We have a very long history.
Terri Shohan [SI]
faith from their parents who received the faith from their peopte. These other peopte received the
Fr. Sieg
7:30 Sat
Fr Sieg
Sr Joan Chatfielci [SI)
Ft' Sieg
Sr Cecelia Santos [SI]
Sr Rosanc Daley ISIJ
Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends,
+Felix Eslampador IVIiles
+Aian & +Ralnh Shrmabuku
+Prisilio & +Leonarda
Fr. Klranir
at Tre Fontane (three fountains) on the Ostiense Road outside the city of Rome. A smatl chapel indicates the spot of his martyrdom and is located just a short distance from the Basitica of St. PauI Outside the Watts where St. Pau[ is buried. Like Saints Peter and Pau[, many of the parents and grandparents of our parishioners today came from ptaces where their ancestors gave witness to the faith
Fr. Roicle Fr. Khanh
by the shedding of their btood for Christ and
Church. Our church stands strong today because of those who have gone before us so wittingty to work in the most difficutt or hopeless of circumstances so
that, in the future, others might benefit from our work. As Pope Francis taught in his message on the Feast day, "Along with Saint Peter, we too renew today our life choice to be Jesus'disciples and aposttes.
to his second, so as to be 'his own' not merety in words, but in our May we too pass from Jesus'first question
actions and our very [ives."
o{ofyy Feast Dayt
0n this weekend, as we cetebrate the Feast Day of our parish Patrons, we thank you for the perseverance and fidetity to the Cospel since the founding of Sts. Peter and Pau[ Church. Many have [eft due to sickness and death. Others became discouraged and no longer live the faith. StitI others found better ptaces to go to. But you have remained to buitd up the faith and refused to give up.
Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, patrons July 1, 2018 Sts. Peter and Paul Church
July 1, 2018
“Self” Magazine is certainly a sign of the times. This is an age when it is socially acceptable to admit that life is all about me. But selfishness is nothing new. Ever since Eve bit into the apple, human beings have made the choice to dethrone God and put in His place the unholy trinity of me, myself, and I. But Jesus commands us to “love thy neighbor as thyself.” Doesn’t this imply that love of self is OK, even required? Absolutely. God placed in us a drive towards self-preservation. He made beneficial activities, like eating, pleasurable. And he made destructive activities painful. But He also gave us intellect and will so that we are not driven simply by instinct, as are the animals. So the ancient enemy of humanity does his best to deceive our intellect into thinking that what is destructive is actually good for us. And he entices us to use our will to choose these destructive things contrary to God’s commandments. The end justifies the means, he argues, and so if we have to trample over others and defy God to get what we want, so be it. This is the kind of self-love that Jesus condemns (Matthew 10:3742). It leads to ruin, confusion, and emptiness. There is no way to tame this or to fit religion into it. The only solution is to kill it. In baptism, this old egocentric self is crucified and buried with Christ (Romans 6:11). The man who wrote this line, Saul of Tarsus, knew what he was talking about. The about-face required of him was radical, turning him from persecutor to persecuted, agent of hatred to apostle of love. There can only be one Lord–Jesus or me. Accepting Jesus means allowing Him to be boss, allowing Him to call the shots and direct my steps. Picking up the cross and following Him (Matthew 16:24-25) means accepting the Father’s will, even where it “crosses” my will, even when it leads to suffering. This is the meaning of Jesus’ words to Peter “as a young man you fastened your belt and went about as you pleased, but when you are older, you will stretch out your hands and another will tie you fast and carry you off against your will” (John 21:18). When Jesus had finished saying this, he looked at Peter and said “Follow me.” As we celebrate the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, let us recall that before these saints were shepherds and apostles, they were sheep and disciples. God was able to do great things in them and through them because they made a decision to surrender control of their lives and destiny to the Son of Man who is also the Son of God. Jesus says “follow me” to each of us. It may mean making a change of career. It may mean breaking off a relationship that is leading us away from Christ. Or it may just mean doing what we are already doing but for an entirely different reason . . .achieving great things not to draw attention to ourselves, but to glorify Christ . . . seeking an intimate relationship no longer to take but to give. . . working not for the weekend, but for the kingdom.. Reflections on the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul by Marcelino d”Ambrosio, Ph.D
Reading I - Acts 12:1—11
In Acts of the Apostles, Saint Luke’s history written for pagan converts, this account follows the opening Pentecost story. Luke introduces a pattern in which the early Christians go through the same experiences Jesus did. They work miracles, give powerful teachings, win converts and suffer persecution. Today’s passage is their first miracle cure. Reading II - 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18 This part of Second Timothy is written as a kind of farewell address by a senior apostle to a representative of a young Christian community. Reading III - Matthew 16:13—19
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st Reading—Ezekiel 2:2-5 2nd Reading—2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Gospel—Mark 6:1-6a
JULY Prayer Intentions from Pope Francis Evangelization – Priests and their Pastoral Ministry
Rose & Fidel Adamos Kiana Rose Adams Vanessa Alcova Isaac Alajado Loranzo Alota Becky Alota Darlene Amarosa Tony Bacani Michael Bartolome Ho Lun Big Olivia Mia Blake Maniko Brady Arthur Cababa Mwejo Capelle Wini Chow Teresita M. Custodio Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Blanche DeConte George DeConte Azarias D Dosdos Shirley Dungo Tessie Dungo Blanche Hansen Joe Hansen Florence Henson Stanley Ho Robert K. F. Ho Shirlene Iwai Maria Elena Jencks Jack Jucewicz Christopher Jucewicz Michelle Keely Charlene Lau Pat Low Bona Macabre
That priests, who experience fatigue and loneliness in their pastoral work, may find help and comfort in their intimacy with the Lord and in their friendship with their brother priests.
JULY BIRTHDAYS Erica Sadaba Michael Feliciani Caney Mills Ili Alota Dylan Guerzon Gemma G Dizon Keith Hollman Rosalinda San Miguel Selberia Alota Edison Bautista Leo DeCosta Chad Manzano Loverson Kerly Santiago Rosario Jean Tye Dondi Vinca Tiffany T Kalous Beatrice Manzano Mei Ling Luke-Almonu
July 2nd July 3rd July 5th July 7th July 10th July 10th July 12th July 12th July 14th July 14th July 21st July 25th July 25th July 25th July 26th July 27th July 27th July 29th July 31st
Charita A Mabon John M. Masunaga Thomas Mistysyn Robert Mistysyn Edwin Munalem Betty Ann Nault Patrice Nielsen Felicitas R. Noland Ray M. Olis Lourdes Olis Berry Oloday Maria Oloday Judy Orlando Nancy Pang Joannita Pangelinan Yvonne S. Pangelinan Ephrem Perez Josefina Perez Anella Rabauliman Bregida R. Reyes Maggie Rotelo Ingo Rafael Sharez Oliver Shilling Myong Soon Sim Joseph Anthony Sullivan Dolores Suredam Lolita A. Sutton Edwin Tagura Yolanda Trejo Myrna Vallespin Lydia Velasquez Ho Chun Wah Ho Shiu Yan Theresa Yu Janleen Maria Xymoon
Please pray for the soul of Inthira Marks and for the consolation of her family. 2
This Week’s Events July 1– July 7, 2018 M – Main Church, U–Upstairs Parish Conference Room, R – Reception room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room, C – Courtyard Sunday July 1
Mahalo for your generous contributions and Faithful Stewardship. The Collections for June 23-24, 2018 are as follows:
Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul (13th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Total: $8,573.55 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass Intentions Electric Votive & Candles
6:15 am – Choir Practice (B) 12:20 pm—Feast Day Celebration 6:15 am – Rosary (M) 7:15pm Movie “I Can Only Imagine”
$7,625.34 190.00 536.71 $8,352.05
July 2
6:30 pm – Charismatic Prayer Group (M) ENVELOPES IDENTIFIABLE
Building Fund Outreach Donation Total:
Tuesday St. Thomas, Apostle
6:10 am – Rosary (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 7:00 pm – Centering Prayer (M)
$36.00 30.00 64.50 $130.50
Wednesday Independence Day, Office Closed
July 4
6:10 am – Rosary (M) 7:30 am – Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 1:00 pm – Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) 6:00 pm – RCIA (B) 6:30 pm – Scripture Study (R)
Special Collections: Father’s Day Stained Glass Catholic Communication Campaign Peter’s Pence
July 3
$5.00 80.00 2.00 4.00 Total $91.00
Thursday St. Anthony Zaccaria, St. Elizabeth of Portugal
July 5
6:10 am – Rosary (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 6:00 pm – Choir Practice (M) Friday St. Maria Goretti, First Friday
July 6
6:10 am – Rosary (M) 7:40 am Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 – 11:30 am – Confession and Spiritual Direction 10:45 am – Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 5:45 pm – Stations of the Cross Devotions (M) 7:30 p.m.—First Friday Mass
A second collection this weekend for the annual Holy Father’s Peter’s Pence Collection 2018 June 30-July 1; "The Peter's Pence collection is a sign of our communion with the Holy Father,"
Saturday BVM, First Saturday
Funds Support Pope Francis’s charitable outreach to the suffering and marginalized Thank you for you generosity.
8:00 – 11:00 am – Cleaning Church (M) 11:15 am – Rosary 3:30 – 4:30 pm – Confessions (M) 5
July 7
AROUND THE PARISH AND THE DIOCESE Sts. Peter and Paul Feast Day Festivities This Sunday: July 1st Join us for Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Corn on the Cob Ice Cream Station 12:15 pm Courtyard and tent We ask our parishioners and guests kokua and exercise reasonable caution and care when entering and/or exiting church grounds. We remind you that the fine for the violation of jaywalking is $130. The church also asks our driving parishioners and guests to exercise caution and good judgment in entering and exiting the church's parking lots in relation to on-coming traffic and/or pedestrians. Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in these important matters.
MOVIE NIGHT Sunday 7:15pm in the courtyard Feature Film: “I Can Only Imagine” Serving: Chili Cheese Nachos and Ice Pops
Knights of Columbus Annual Chicken Sale Tickets on Sale for Chicken and Sushi Rolls Pickup at the Church
Saturday July 14th 11:00-1:00 pm
40th Annual HCCRS Charismatic Conference "It's Time to Harvest" •
When: Fri, 13 Jul 2018 - Sun, 15 Jul 2018 • Where: Catholic Charities Hawaii 1822 Keeaumoku Street Honolulu,HI 96822 6
Every day of the year gives you a special opportunity to instill a great religious appreciation in your children, to broaden their knowledge of Our Lord, the Blessed Mother and the saints, and to strengthen their dedication to the laws of God and the Church. Each day is set aside by the Church to honor a particular event in the life of Our Lord or the Blessed Virgin, or to honor a particular saint. Consulting your religious calendar and one of the many books recounting the lives of the saints you can discuss these events with your children, stressing the qualities in the saints' lives which we might cultivate. The Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul in many parts of the world is a Holy Day of Obligation. You might tell your children that St. Peter was designated by Our Lord to lead His flock, and that St. Peter's authority extends to the present Pope in an unbroken line. The Apostle Paul, a convert to Christianity, reminds us of the billions of souls who remain ignorant of Christ and who must be brought into the fold so that there will be one fold and one shepherd.
Veneration of the rwo great Apostles, Peter and Faul, has its roots in the very
foundations of the Church. They are the solid rock on which the Church is buiit. They are at the origin of her faith and will f,orever remain her protectors and her guides. To thern Rome ow'es her true greatness, for it was under God's
F*t*r di" $t" F;xx$ O Lord, m-y God, You renew the Chur-ch in every age by raising up dedicated priests outstanding in holiness, living witnesses of Your i=*xa{
unchanging Love.
ln Your plan for our
make the capitai of the Empire, sanctified
salvation. You provide shepherds forYour people. Fill the hearts of many young men with the
by their martyrdom, the center of the
spirit of courage and love that they
Christian world whence should radiate the
may answer You r call generously.
provideirtial guidance that they were led to
preaching of the Gospel. A partial indulgence may be gained today by anyone who makes devout use of a
Give parents the grace to encourage vocations in their family by prayer: and good example. Raise up worthy priests for Your Altars
religious article blessed by any priest but
and ardent, but gentle servants of the Gospel. Give the Church more priests
"if the article of devotion has been blessed
and keep them faithful in their love
by the Sovereign Pontiffor by any Bishop,
and service.
the faithful, using it, can also gain a
May many young men choose to serve
plenary indulgence, provided they also
You by devoting themselves to the service of Your people. We ask all
rnake a prof,ession of faith {e.g. the
Apostles Creed), as long as the usual
conditions are satisfied.
these things t.hrough Jesus Christ the Eternal High Priest. Amen.
Ca{eru{s,c Monday Iuly 2 Weekday
Am 2:6-10, 13-16 Mt 8:18-22
Tuesday luly 3 St. Thomas,
Is there any sense in suffering? A friend is
great pain, and I don't think she should have to suffer so much. No one should! rflh"
most popular book of Catholic devotion is The Imitation of Christ, written by Thomas i Kempis. He wrote this as he watched his best friends and members of his religious community suffer and die from the plague. Nluch of the book revolves around suffering. Thomas wrote that it was not deep words that made a person holy and upright, but a good life, lived in God's presence. He beiieved God walked with the simple, and revealed God's very self to the humble. For Thomas i Kempis, there is no
In20:24-29 Wednesday luly 4 Weekday
Am5:t4-15,21-24 Mt 8:28-34 Thursday |uly 5 Weekday
Am 7:10-17
Mt 9:1-8
Friday fuly
Am 8:4-6, 9-12 Mt 9:9-15
Saturday Iuly 7 Weekday
Am 9:11-15
Mt 9:14-17 Sunday Iuly 8 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
solution to suffering except to put your faith in Christ. The Book of Job explores the mystery of innocent people experiencing misery and evil. iob suffers great pains and hardships, but he comes to the conclusion that faith in God must transcend personal pain and suffering. |esus advises his followers to take up their cross and follow him (Matthew 10:38, 76:24; Mark 8:54; and Luke 9:23,14:27). Saint Paul reminds us that we suffer with Christ so that we may be glorified with him (Romans 8:17). The epistle of |ames challenges Christians to consider trials of any kind as nothing but a ioy (|ames 1:2). We all suffer. It's part of life. Our faith in Iesus is the bridge that can lead Lls over the chasm of suffering to the place of peace that many of the early martyrs and saints found. Sundaybulletin@Liguori. org From Dear Padre: Qae-siion-s Crithtdic,s A-s&,
2003 i-rguori
Ez2:2-S 2 Cor 12:7-lA
6" e.fffi",ffi *:ffim)*
Count/ess people suffer trials and iniustice, and live in anxiety. Our hearts need anointing with God's consolation, which does not take away our problems, but gives us the power to love, to fr-% &#5 :L&i*- peacefully bear pain. Receiving and bringing God's consolation: this mission of the Church is urgent. in Tbilisi, Georgia, October 1,2016
m Lizuori ".t i.i ,l
A Redemparix Ministry
ej2018LlguorlPubilcatlons,Llgrlon,ll06305;-9999.pnntedinUSA.lmpnh(txr:'lnaccorCilcewrthCIC827,perlntsstontopublrshhsbeengretedonFebruily12,2C18, by 116t Reverend l4ak 5. Rlvttuso, Aoxrhary Blshop, A.chdtocese ofSt, Lous. Permrsslon to publish $ e indlcatron thatnothmg contrar) to Church teacliingrs cortaned u