First Sunday of Advent

Page 1



First Sunday of Advent

December 3,20L7


Fd lF-{ GJ

M h





Christ Awaking



the Disciples on



the Mount





Axroimting of ttae Sick, Hoiy ComnaLlnion to tl:e Sick and F{omleboetncl, il'tlllara}s: Please call the Paris[r Olfice.

{nfamt Baptisti'l: Parenls are lo call tire Parish ofiice during business hours to schedule a Baptism


meeting, Sacnameiet of Matrimony: The proper atd required preparation lor ttris Sacramettt is extenslve. The lime fi:aure is at least six Iol monlits. Coupies are asked lo atiend an Engaged Encoltnter Weel<end itr preparalion ancl complete State ancl ChLrrch papei'."vork. Do not sel a d;lte or print invttattons for your nrarriage unlil aller yott harre spoliett n'ilh il priest.




H Er H










Salurday: [SLrnday VigiiJ 5:0Opm Sunday lrtornit'tg: 7:00 am 9:00am & 11:00am F'ailh Fonnatron Fantiiy 1st & 3rd Struday at 9:00am [Ohana l\lass every Zna Sttnday at 1i-:0Oam] Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Saturday: 12:00 noon Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00Pnt Last Saturday of the Month at the 12;00 noon mass Friday 10:15 - 11:30 a.m. Salurday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment Fridays: After the 7:00 am mass and 1't Frldalrs: 7:30 * 10:00 pm SundaY:5:1"5Pm Monday - Saturday: l- 1:15ant

ADDRESS: 800 Kahel<a St. I{onoltLiu, I"{atryaii 96814 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - B:30 - 12:00pm Tues. - Fri, B:3Oam * t2pm/1:00 - 3:3Optn FHONE: (808j 941-0675 FAXr (B0Bl 945-0(189 OFFICE EMAIX,: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr. com WE tsS ITE : www. s sp ete rpaq&awaff-alg


s.r. Peter & Paul Church Honolulu

CtjU,$(C&q qS OFENI iv1O NI D,{Y-T


6 00am 11:00am 6:00am



- [:l: 00a nr - 1:00pt-n



7:30pm * 10:00pm 11:00 am & 3:00prn

* 1r00pn-i - 6:j0pm

(i:tX)at:r- l.(Xtarn

&5:0()pm- 7()0pm


3-his Week's &9ass Sehedule

Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends, Celebrant

iVlass Intentloill


ffi ffi

Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends of Sts Peter and Paul Katie Muldoon (Healing) +Dimiiris Vanrvakas

Diake (BD) +Chao Fan:ily, +.J Eapiiste Agnes Pai"k Ross +Aning Sapao

ffi [f,c*': ,Oet,rt


Time... most everything in our lives is ruLed by time.





Fr Khanh

{3D) Fr Scoii


Fr Scoit

Zenada A. ReYes

Fi'. Khann

Chenon H. Alcon

Fr. Khanh c, c ^^++





Helen Shin (BD)


SkYla Alcon

Fr. Knanh

+Christopher Quiambo

Fr. Scon Fr. Khanh

lan James

Fi'. Scoli

+Hansel Nakanelua

lmmaculate ConcePtion

Fi- Khanh

lmmaculate ConcePtion

Fi- Khanh

lmmaculate ConcePiion

Fr. Scott

Fr George

+Maria Libatique Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends of Sts. Peter and Paul

Katie ll uldoon (Healing +Chac Famiiy


Fr Scoit

ilcposr' ,$'!/*.sou!


Fr Scott

+Generoso Sapao +Justino Aguanta

Fr t(hanh

+Valentia i/inca (3D)

Fr Khanh

<ti: il!i iJi*l*:'lt;"i'; Sl ii!;t:tiitl




Parochial Vicar: Senior Friest: Deacons:

Rev, Khanh Pham-Ngt"tyen Rev. Scotl Bttsh Rev. Pal Freitas

Senior Deacon:

time. We get up to the alarm cLocl< we set and report to worl< at a designated time.One who does not abide by time is often said to be following istand time.

The First Sunday of Advent lool<s at time differentty. We are wai'ilng for Cod's patient love to come again in lts futlness and aLL that is brol<en in this world can be made whole again. lesus says, "Be watchfu[! You do not know when the tlme witl come."

ln our waiting we mal<e time for famity and friends. 0ur List of to-dos inctudes writing Christmas cards, ca[[ing retatives, and setting time for one another. As we begin this new season, we invite you to spend time at church with Dr. Marcettino D'Ambrosio. P[ease refer to the inside bacl< cover of this bu[[etin for the topics of his presentation.

ln preparation for the Feast of Nativity, you are invited and needed to share your time wlth our Music Ministry. We wl[[ begin Christmas warm-up rehearsal on Thursday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m. Fotlowing rehearsats are on December 12,14,19, ar'd 21at 6:00 p.m. lf you sing in the shower, and Cod l<nows you do, please join us to mal<e joyfuL music. St. Augusline once said, "When you sing you

As we wait together for something wonderfuI to happen, tet us spend time and remember Cod is coming, yet the Em

manuet, "Cod-is-with-us."



cn. Angken Xynr


ileginning this Sunday of Advent, all bulletin request and article trrust be submitted before Friday of each l,*eek to the following: i:ltii,

l ii:nr1,1r,'i

Dcn, Richard Abel D


pray twice." Khanh

+Luke lvlaria Calilurg Pedi-o SaPao

0ur computers, ipads, ipods, and what's not atl


Dcn, Richarcl Por[

*'Wfiere caring JgeoJgfe arre caredfor."

*t;i,rl i.i rri,l

St*..netA r.:afi U.lF.aUI,Ch


December 3, 2017

G@Sm NE$trS F'irst Sanday Of Advent (B) 'Is 63:16b-I7,lgb; I Cor I:3-9; Mk 13:33-37

Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy! The sleepy apostles couldn't keep awake with Jesus and drifted off when he most needed them^ I have only fallen asleep at the wheel once. During college, I worked the moming shift starting at 6 am. After a late night with little sleep, I sluggishly got into my car. Comfortably driving down the highway at about 5:15 am, I dozed for a few seconds before awakening to the noise of rny tires vibrating on the warning tracks*just in time to straighten the wheel and avoid the cement divider. Advent is like those rumble strips. You don't always need them, they are annoying when you accidentally run over them, but they are very important! We can get tired, trying to keep our hearts awake and attuned to Jesus. The rhythm of life, the background musib of the world, the distractions that fly by us-they all contribute to the danger of a passive heart. Running across Advent is like a wake-up call: 'Stay awake! He is almost here." As in driving, there are many distractions vying for your attention, but you learn to focus on what's important. You survey your surroundings, looking for hazards while keeping your eyes on the road. There are many signs to read, but only certain ones point you where you want to go. Jesus says to be attentive to the signs; learn to interpret their meaning, Understand them, without being distracted by them. Be vigilant, pray for strength, and stay awake and alert; Thanks be to God for those rumble strips! Fr. Mark Haydu, LC Prrblicarions. Liguori, MO 630-57-9999. Primed in USA. lmprirnatur: "ln accordance wkh CIC 827, per.rnission to publish lras been granted onApril l.8,2017.bytlishop-tilectlvlar.kS.Rivituso,VicarGeneml,Archdir:c'esenf St. l..ouis. Permission to publish is an indii:ation th:rt nolhing cont(ary to Church teaching is crmtained in this work. It does ,ro1 inrply ony endoniernent of the opiaions expressed in the publication: nor is any Iiability assurned by this perrnission." No pa* of this work may be used in any form tvithout lhe ptior rvritten pernrission of l..iguori l\hlications: Scripture texts i.o this work are taken from New Anrerican Bihle, rer.ised editicn 0) 30,l.0, 1991, 1986, 1970 Conl'ratrnrily of Clrristian Doctrinc, inc., B'ashington. DC. All Righrs Resen-ed. Design: \to'endy Barnes. To order I-iguori Sundal, Bulleti*s, call 80&3?5-95!l , or visit

O :01? Liguori


First Reading - Isaiah 63: l6b-17, I9b; 64: 2-7 The prophet Isaiah speaks of the hardness of heart of the people and of their sins. He hopes for the people to return to the faith by waiting on God and recognizing their sinfulness. Second Reading


Cortn&.inns 1:


Paul speaks to the people of Corinth about God's faithfulness and by this faithfulness they are called

to divine fellowship with Him. Through this fellowship,

He will give them His

peace and

spiritual knowledge. Gospel Reading




to be spiritually alert for coming of the Lord. The best preparation for Jesus encourages us

the the Lord's return is to be diligent about those things he has left for us to do.

Sundayi-s R-eadings- {-Cycle B) Second Sunday OfAdvent


First Reading: Isaiah 4O: 1.-5, 9-11 Second Reading: 2 Peter

3: 8-14

Gospel: Mark 7:1.-8



Thislil"eek's $yenfs {De s,&:D-e


SundayofAdvent 6:15 am - Choir Practice (B) 6:15 am - Rosary (M) 10:15 am - RCIA 5:00 pm - Choir Practice (R) L't

Total: $14.242.55 $7,132.19 340.00 0.00 0.00

Monday _. St.






$376.00 1,050.00 1s.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 400.00 . 20.q0 $1,896.00

6:10 am 7:30 am

Decemher 5

*- Novena to our Lady of Perpetuat Help(M) Rosary (M)

11:15 am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm -

Rosary (M) Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) RCIA (B) Scripture Study (R)


December 7

St. Ambrose, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 6:10 am * Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary (M) 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M)



The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin M, ry, Holy Oay of Obligation fsee Mass sc hedule p 5)

Online Offpring:

6:10 am - Rosary (M) 7:40 am - Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 11:30 am - Confession and Spiritual Direction 10:45 am - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaptet

$ 251.38


Mahalo for your generosity


.Sf. rllicftoJas

2,174.69 2,169.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 Subtotal: $4,358.69

Stewardship Offering


tohn Damascene


Spesral*9.e[eelisn$; Thanksgiving CCHD Religious Retirement World Missions Hurricane Relief


Trreiday_December 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary (M) 6:00 pm - Finance Council Meeting 7:00 pm - Centering Prayer (M)


Building Fund Outreach AllSaints All Souls lmmaculate Conception Christmas Parking Use Catholic Care


6:10 am * Rosary (M) 10:00 am * Misa de Gallo (R) 11:15 am * Rosary {M) 6:30 pm - Charismatic Prayer Group (M)




C - Couftyard

M Main Church, U-Upstars Panslr Conference Raom, R - Recepfion room, B - Blue raom, G - Green Room,

Mahalo for yaur generous contributions and Faithful Sfewardshrp. The Collections for Aloyember 25-26,2017 are as follows:

Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions Baptism Weddings Electric & Votive Candles



to all

our Second Collections this year. Especially for your generous support last week to the collection for ii the Catholic Campaign for Human Development!



,i 6 a parish we raised $2,174.69 lo support erty. l ,1

1:15 am 5:45 pm

-* Rosary (M)

Stations of the Cross devotion (M) Satrr-rdav__* December 2 SL /uan Di e g a Cus uh tlato atzi n 8:00 - 11:00 am - Cleaning Church (M) '11:15 am Rosary 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Confessions (M)

rrylstn Discovering hope and

joy in the Catholic faith.

Special Advent lssue

Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Father Khan and Father Scott

Advent is preporing for somelhing wonderful Why Advent? Advent is a time

Advenl is a gift from rhe Carholic

of warning, a time

of preparation,

Chr-rrch lcl let us knon, somerhing rvr.>nder{ul is going ltt l-i;rppen at


time of urgenry. lt is rvhen

\ i ) J//

the ChLrrcir rvants us tcr ask, "WhaL clo I net:d t<: do ttl

bc r:eacly [0 grec)l the l,ord?" u,ill conle ?lt orrr cle;rth anci he: vvill cr:rne at Lhe end of time.'lhe: scilson of Aclvt:n1 encourages Lls to rnake the necessary preparatiOlls so rve can iovfurlly greet Ieslrs lvhenerrer \.\"e Ilreet him next. \,Ve knor,r, Jesus

( \'et irr or:r inrpatietrcc t0 geI lo that something rvonderf'r,Ll, i,r,e can forget tliaL the wait can be r.vonderlr-rl, too. Try taking iL one week at a time and rt,ait, hol:e, prâ‚Źrpare, and rejoice at the

Our praire r lil'e can rrlature and grclrv I,vhen rve pra-"-

fbl intentions that

are or,ttsiele ourselves. I:roL example, \n;e can pray for dre victims of rvar, the sick, for tire people r,r,ho don't beiieve in Clod, and lbr those in jails ancl prisons, r,r,hether


krrolv them 0r 1rot. 'l'he best kincl of prayer is the kinci

that comes from the heart.

Week C)ne - Wait. Whenevel you find yourself r.vaiting fi;r somethirrg this


fttr he utill

saue his lteopLe.

from their sins" (1r4att1-re'lv

l:21). O Copyrighl 2017 Success Publishing & lvledia, LLC






has prepared

mon conaziuul, lin tltose who lot,e

Corinthians 2:9).

your peace. Week Four

fact t.hat yoll are alsr: rvaiting for f esi-rs Io coll.le, Ask him r,r,hat you neecl to clcl to be reaclr,

lor his arrival. - IIope.'lhis week


Catholics Do That visuirl aids to highllght

uscs a

ofthe liturgical year or a myslery of the faith. Purple - violet - represenls a time o1'penance season

and preparatiori.

f)uring the weeks of ,{dvent, the priest 'nvears violet vestments anci the



Sing "O Come:, O Come l:manuel" at tht, top ()t )()rLr rrricc. l)rl' rr'ith cnthrrsi,rsnr Y '/ at M,rss. Spend tirrrr rr irh lamily and fiierrcls, Wrile out a list ol all the thirrgs in your life for"r,vhich yor-1 itrrr griitefu[. Werlcorne our Saviur rvith il peacehll, joyfLI heart.

'Why is purple the color of Advenf?

WhY Do

l'he Catirolic ChLrrch

"She will beu a son, Lutti ),ou s]rull call his name.

heurd, nctr

what Cod

miracle of Chlist's rvonderful

week; think of'the

Grrew in pnoyer

rernernber that Cod keeps his prurnises in rva,vs rtr<tre gl<trious than we c?ti) inragine. "What. no i/ys trnt seen, nor ettr

altar is decolated rvith violet to renrincl to prepare penitentiaily for Christ's , <,oming. ()n rlrc rlrird 5LrriJal' h ot ol 11.u\'(n r ((rauu( ((,arrdctc )/;2 Adrcnt


rose vcstn)cnls {t ,rnrlSurrd.ry), ,rllar clL-rths are rrscd to

signal that Adtenr is ahnost oi'cr. lhis is a happy rimc lvhen l,r,e anticipate the joy of Clhrist's coming 300989

Sf&Y.!4-Q ih, Faifh


,,, .* .


weys to

sp,,.ior,rau.,.,r rrru,, pue,, : _" . - -* _ keep *lne $e6s@m pewce$ar!

Wirhout our leally knoiving or ir-rtending it, the joy ol

Stockpile gifts. ,\[raid of ge tdng a gili rvithor,Lr having one in retuntl \,Vrap and set aside a f'etv extr.a batches of Chr-istmas cookies just in case. Make time for personal prayer.'Ihroughor-rt the season, make time fbr peacefirl meditation and prayer' - even il it's only a fer,l, rninutes a da,v, Not on [y rvill it help defirse rhe rension,

Christmas cau g,et lost in the rvrappings anel trappings of a hectic holiday. 'l'hat's r,r,,hv tl-re Chr-rrch creaietl Advent as the season tbr. quiet and joyfirl preparation. Here are some tva,\rs to help savor tire spirit of rhe season. Plan ahead.'Iryr to anticipate apd ayen ilte usuai hoiiciay problems. Sit ieuciing reiarives at opposite encls of the Christrtras dinner table. Plan hclrv to handle gLlest-s \rrhc)

to give


pratience and goocl cheer running oLlt, sing your- f avorite Clrristmas carol - the loudet the better. A Iittle silliness r-night be the best anticlote to holiday stress,


yor"r'll be iess fl-azzleci vr,hetn Christn-ras atrirres.

When in doubt, sing. lf you find your

within your budget, Try postponing shopping as long \btnr.,on't have the lrxury of time to overbuy.

as voLt c;rn.

from crl ture

Luke 2:4L-52, Families aren't always holy.

I)erhaps there: is no time cluring the Ve ;lr \r,hen our farnilies Are rnore chaJlenged Llian norv. l'he holiday

fleci to a str;1ng,e lancl l,re:cause ;r uiad man lvirnted ]esus killed. Trvelve years la1er, he and his parents r.vere

brings togethcr larnilies ancl

sepalated for thlee days when he

ir bagg.rge in lvay.s tl.rar don'{ alrvirys bling our tl"re best in the

us. Per"haps

it irelps to lernernber thal the l{ol,v Iramily rvas a leal family jusr likc ours. Ihci'lrad

stayecl behind at the ten'rple.


roLrgh V

tim,'s, too. llrcrc w,rs t.rlk crf clivorr:e: u,hen Josr:ph founci c.rut N,lanr \\ras pregnant. l'hen they hacl trouble iinding a plar-e fi:r \4ary ro girre birlh. Imrnecliatelv aftenvarils, tirc familv

Irarnilies I'rave gooc[ times and bad, and it takes every mernber working togetirer to mai<e a irealthy family. One giti rhar strengthened the tloly Iramiiy r.vas their cooperation n ith Brace - the gili of God's clivine liJ'e. Horv does that look in our owll familiesi []r:r a start, try lor halrnor-rv in

your fhrnily a


rl-ris year, ;rncl love them as lrar.nily,, even j1'ncl1 everyctne: is

sir-rging along.

Use Advenf well Many of Lrs look fonvard to Christrnas all year but let z\dvent pass unnoticed. 'l'his quiet season can't compete rvith the lights, ihe


and the exciterment o{'Chrislrras. lnsreacl, rvhy not use this ye ar''s serascln o{'Aclvt:nl tr:> prepare lctr Christnrasl l.ook be-vonci rvhat vour \')'('5 C.ln S('r'tr.) l(rCLts r)tl )'()Llf jnnpt prep aratiolr


l(eep ilatch. lcstLs is r orrrrrrg. We l<norv this lre:c;ruse lve celebrate his coming evnry, Christnras. I le will alsr> rorne again in glory Is1r.r,e cion't knon, lvhen that wrll [:e. Aclvent rerlinds r.Ls to ;rlrva,vs he trtrep.ired {'or Llre coming of Christ. "Preltare thtt wa1,, ol the Lord, rtahe strai.qht Ltis paths (Nlattherv -3:3)," Give the gifi of yourself, l'his year

prepare the one gifi fbr Iesus that he truly lrrants: YOLJ. Jesus thoughr each of us i,r,as r,vor-ti-i love

and his life.'I'o him, we are a gift from rhe lradrer' (John 1 7 ) 4). l)repare yoursell' cirrring Ach,ent so that it,hen he unwralls -vr:ur- gi fi on Christ.mas lnornit'rg, iL is rhe very best yrtu have tc> oflerr - )rgurl.etlrtrre. Ilreak clown barriers. go of anything *tit1 slands belrveen yor.r ancl :

your lhi th. Pr:rhaprs ),oLr have a bacl habit or a cornpanion n,hct is a pctor ir:fl uenc:e,'1 ake the opportuni ty cluring Advent to make rhings righr. Ridding yoursell of opportr-rniries for sin r,r,ill help vou be ready to greet- the Savior lvhen he comes.

Why do we lighr wreqfhs during Advent?

a &


Aclvent r,vreraths are a time-hr.tnorecl

tradition anci are rir:h in syrn[:oiism.

'I'he wrealh is an anc:ient syrnl;ol of vic(r>n,

in dtis c.use, pal,ing Christ's victory over sitr. 'lhr: circular shape of ilre rvrerrth rerninds Lrs that (,od is ctcrnal; hc - Iike his everlasting love for us * has ncr beginning and no end.'I'he rr,reath ls r-rsuitll.v made of evergreen branches, tribute


syrnbol izing everlasri ng I i f'e. Tladirionally, the four canclles (three violel, one rose) represent the fbur thoLrsand years bettieeu rhe f all

,,\darl and

Eve and

ol fie birth of Clhrisr.

llach rveek an additiclnal canclle is lir, accompanied Lry S611t",1ural rneditations and prayers. 'l'l're three violel candles stand tbr the pravers, ;tenances, and gctclct lvc>rks vve

ckl tcl prcpare lbr Christ's


rose: candlt: is lit on rhe: thircl Sunilay of Aclvelrt as a remindcr to rejoice, bec.ause it tells us t.he season is almost clver. liinally,, t)'re progri:ssirre:

lighting r:f the canclles st,rr-rbolizes the lighL oi- jesLrs' arrlval, whir:h brorLght us orrt r rf tlrt' .lalknr'ss t,f sirr.

0ur Missiolr

1,,1;r,,rr.1t l)rJrli,Jl j,l,.ir tlr.rr 1,1,, 11,11. tairlrlul OaLholic iiving. Sr.rcct:ss I,ublishing s NieL1la, l.l ti

l'ublislrrrs of (lrori,ing in I airh !,:nd I)a:1nt:rs in I:ititr\, (540)(r6?,7i14,| (51r))662-78.17 tar h trp:7'l

orri ngi nlaith conr

I inless 11r)te.l ltiblt, r.lLrotcs ancl relcrenccs arr] fiont t]r(, Ii(rvised SiJndrrd Yersi.rn an.j the Ntrw Ameri(:an liibl() o

Copyr ght 2017 Success P:rbisirlnrT&l,-,tlfrElEl[ff




.,*,amqe$ Sts"PeterandPsul


"My slster was to be a nun, and I


was to be mother,".

a says

Notre Dame Sister Mary Ann Hanson (foreground), 79, "but God had other plans." Throughout 61 years of religious life, she has joyfully followed those plans, serving whenever and wherever needed. She continues in volunteer ministry today. Along with the senior religious

shown here-and 32,000 more across the United States-Sister Mary Ann benefits from the annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection.

There are many opportunities in the community to give at this time of the year. We encourage you to reach out into our community to bring the love of Christ and remind people of the reason why we celebrate Christmas. Our next Hawaii Foodbank Senior. Food Box day will be Friday, December 15. Our food collection for our Catholic Care Project Brown Bag Program will be on December 16 and 17. The bagging and distribution will be Dec. 18 - 20. Please mark your calendars and plan to help.

Your gift helps religious communities provide for older members while continuing vital ministries to the People of God. Please be


tnr }"ight- Stnf $rightl

generous. V i s it : www. reti re re I ig ous.


*\ $N*mr*s *gggw* &r {--}li$N

K-N "I-*R"-H--[*S

SF C$KUMBUS ro6t$f tJ srnvr{â‚Ź t$, sgFVscE



athslic Ccre Froiect


Knights of Columbus Sts. Peter and Paul Church

Christmas Card Sales




This is the 17th year of Star Light, Star Bright which manifested in our diocese as a dream of hope that the simple act of giving would help mend damaged or strained relationships among incarcerated mothers, their children and caregrvers.

"Mele Kalikimaka is the song they sing." These beautiful Christmas cards have a religious message and convey the meaning of Christmas. Cards will be sold after the 7, I and 11am masses on December 3'd and 10th. These "Keep Christ in Christmas" cards will available in the courtyard. Cash or Checks will be accepted as donations for the cards. For more information or to place and order, please contact Armando Lopez (808) 799-4f40 or Vincent Lopez. (808)478-3817.

The program covers airfare, lodging and meals for the weekend at St. Stephen Diocesan Center. This year's party will be Saturday, December #h in the Women's Community Correctional Center. The success of Star, Light, Star Bright is dependent upon donations, prayers and compassion for the families, especially the children, who struggle daily with the effects of Mom's incarceration. You can support the Star Light, Star Bright Christmas program by emailing S{i-$SU{S5 3iglry-ffi3"*glr-W1rySi|"-qrcorcall2A3-6T22 3

Decemher Prayer Intentions from Pope Francis


The Elderly That the elderly, sustained by families and Christian communities, may apply their wisdom and experience to spreading the faith and forming the new generations. +\\\\\\\\\\\


Vincent Baron - December

William Feria - December Zth Valentia Vinca - December gth /usffs David Lobederia - December 72ttt Hunter James Ranon - December 74th Merlinda Domaoal - December l-Sth Mark Zamoras - December 77th Timothy O'Callaghan - December lgth Aidyn Amoroso Raquel - December Lgth Gloria L Mosunaga - December 26tn Verg Palank - December 26th Loranzo Alata - December ZBth Ethan Ranon - December Zgth


P-RAYEB Ltsr roB IHE sP/easepray parish, for



$ t $ especia//y...

the sick in our

Tony Bacani $ toranzo Alota $ fecfry Alota losefina perez Tessie Dungo I wi"i Chow Ieresita M. Custodio Odetta Doublet $ SfanIeyfito Frank Melleno $ $ eron Czerwinski Regina Czerurinski *

$ i

Ilromas Mistysjm RoDert Mistysyn Michael Bartolome Lolita A. Sutton

Alcova Blanche Hansen Vanessa

Elorence Henson Bettgr Ann Nault Dolores Suredam Edwin Tagara Joe Hansen Shirley Dungo

tuxN-#$*sxir,rgs D EC EM B E R

JoannitaPangelinan tackJucewicz


Wilfred & Paula Tomita - December 12th Married 5 years John & Gloria L Masunaga - December 15e Married 25 years


Arthur Cababa


George DeConte Blanche DeConte


Berry Oloday Marta Obday Bregida R. Reyes Charita Abelgas-Maban hony


Mark & Briana Zamoras - December 3.d Married l year

Christoph lucewicz Bona M. Macabare Ephrem Perez Ray M. OIis Laurdes OIis Anella Rabauliman Patrice Nielsen Myong Soon Sim llilaria Elena tencks Ho Lun Big tanleen Maria Xymoon Robert K. F. Ho Yvonne S. Pangelinan Ho Shiu yan Yolanda Trejo Manzko Brady Pat Low Ho Chun Wah Iudy Orlando lohn M. Masunaga Myrna Vallespin Oliver Shilling Nancy Pang Charlene Lau Olivia Mia Blake



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On December 8th the Church celebrates Solemnity of the lmmaculate Conception,



the the


solemn dogma defined by Blessed Pope Pius lX in


1854. As Our Lady lmmaculately Conceived is the patroness of the United States of America, this is

Friday, December


a holy day of obligation in the United States.

7:00 a.m.

Through the centuries the Church has become ever more ar /are that Mary, "full of grace" through God, was redeemed from the moment of her conception. That is what the dogma of the lmmaculate Conception confesses, as Blessed Pope Pius lX proclaimed on December 8, 1854: "The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin." Catechism of the Catholic Church

12 noon

6:00 p.m.

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On Dec. 16, 18 - 23 at 5:30 a.m. on Sundays (Dec. 17 & 24) we will join with the 7:00 a.rn. Mass

Fetlowship in the courtyard to follow ADVENT PENANCI SERYICB IN HONOIULU Make room in your hearts for Christ lnvite family members and friends who have been away from the Sacraments to celebrate

Sacred Heart, Punahou -- December 3 @ 3 pm Newman/Holy Spirit - December' 5 @ 7 pm Sts. Peter and Paul St. Patrick, Kaimuki * December 6 @ 7 pm Mary, Star of the Sea - December 12 @ 6 pm St. Augustine - December 13 @ 6 pm Holy Trinity - December 18 @ 7 pm


Worldwide Maniage Encounter is celebrating its Brh year in horioring the Longest Manied Couple in the United States. The National winner, along with the winner from each State will be honored on World Marriage Day, celebrated on February 11, 2018 (the 2'd Sunday in Februiry annually). Send your nominations no later than January B, 2018 to: Jose & Mary Elizabeth Alvior Call or text808-391 -2045 Email :



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i fne Advent Wreath and lts Meaning i I What are the steps of RCll\? {part 1 of 2) i Advent corne$ from the Latin word r i Prior to beginning the .RCIA process,, an individual wiln I ;JAJi*nii, intended to be , ;-;;;; I i his or'.her inrelatir:nship i-:.91Y This church' wav to i,1su1q.!f,:l the catholic T.9 some preparation for His u"ir*rl"liil" : i :I1:t*d iI of period and Evangelization the Period of is known as ar..^*r ...-^^+L :^ ,^^: ii i






^^_s ^, ^..wreath iii Advent a -T.L^ ii il.JiJ"r,IffiLt.*.;;;;#I,,n',ilii"IJss invorves r^^al^^l:^ -i:r-^J:r:^^ -t?1-ol_:T,-l?:g; -r-'.r:-standins cathorictfgltiT time. ;snorter ;ffi;;;#';;;;;,;;;'i;;';ffiIJ, ?l ii beginninscr i tne wreath, which has no ll::li:r: &iX.:;ir;i ;il"p*#r* or faith irixe you; a1d a ii tle ete-rnity orc$, p*ironrr faith experience lead peopte to inquire about i :nd,symbolizes the i i ine Catnotic church. After a conversation with a priest, immortality th?. soul, and |ltg t.: $h^...-^^+h i






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i everlasting ..-ot_ . :i life found in Christ. Itit i i or nifn director, the person, known as an "inquirer," i fne four candles represent the four i i may seek acceptance into the Order of Catechumens, the Rite of Acceptance. During this Rite, the i weeks of Advent. Three candles are i i through inquirer stands"amidst the parish community and i purpte and one is rose. The purple i i states that.he t11nts,to_fecom?,-"_!??tif,d ii' candles in particular symbolize the ii :t.:h: th1c3tlotic ?hll?h' ,Jl",l:'i*I assem[lv preparatory i:i i 1gmber prayer, penance, ysllclllresr and l,lsPslqtvly €tllt.r , :i PlclyEl .; .?l desire and the inquirer becomes a i rroin."s and goods works undertaken i i fl:I: l!lt_ i ;iihi; ti**. fni, rose candte is tit on tn* i i catechumen" period or the catechumenate can tast ror as tons i tl'lo .l-q1lyt G?:1*!: ?Yi1A, ilT i i rhe as severar years or ror a shorter time. tt depends_ oi Ii lfll.:l3f:y:?"t:.t-1:*,^u;..1T8:1 Mass; Gaudete Sunday is the Sunday i: ii how the person is growing in faith, what quesiions they rejoicing, because the faithful have : j encounter along the way,-and how God leads them on i of arrived at the midpoint of Advent, when this journey. During this time, the Catechumens i j tneit preparation is now half over and ii ii what God is saying to them in the Scriptures, "onuii*r The close to Christmas. they are what changes in their life they need to make to i :i progressive lighting of the candles i i respond to to bod's God's inspiration, and what Baptism in the iI Church means. When a Cateihumen and the Ii- symbolizes the expectation and hope i i Catholic priest and the parish team working with him or her into i surrounding our Loid's first coming ii ready to make a faith i tn" world ind the anticipation o? His I i believes the personin is to Jesus the Catholic.Church, the next i second coming to judge the living's and -"- i i commitment request for baptism and the celebration of step is the ;i ii d;;; : ."------' I the Rite of Election. Even before the Catechumens are the Advent *':':L1 i: Iii llTl{g"^"]l:"' i i nJpii.*o, they have a speciar retationship to the lit crt dinner time tIilIs rrrwDt at Lrilrrsr most qPPlrJPtrc.rsry appropriately ilt church. iii i ;;,;:* food. As each the the of after blessing i i I candle is lit during the fours weeks, a i i The Rite of Election includes the enrollment of names prayer is said. The light on i i of all the Catechum*n* i*"Xing bapti$m at the coming ii traditional .-^ nL*:^r r r1-:r r..-:^-1r.. ^ri-,r=^^c i i r-^r-^- rL^ 3:-^{ 6.,--'t^., ^J ILent, ^^r aL^ -^*.r^' the Light of the ,i-4. Christ, .t^ i tne candle signifies i i Easter Vigil. Typically, on the first Sunday of sponsors and familiesgather at i tneworld. ij Catechumels,.their catechumens cathedral i The Advent wreath and its prayers is a ii I1,,,. express their church'The desire for baptism to the i *ry for families to pr*pri* t* i i lf]ltlv i

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diocesan bishop. Their names are recorded in a book rr*"t. (cantinued nextweek) .", *. iii i

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Saturday, December 16

5:30 am

Fr. Khanh

Sunday, December L7

7:00 am

Fr. Scott Bush

Monday, December 18

5:30 am

Fr. Danny Laeda

Tuesday, December 19

5:30 am

Fr. Manny Hewe

Wednesdry, December 20

5:30 am

Fr. Khanh

Thursday, December 2L

5:30 am

Fr. Danny laeda

Friday, Decemb er ZZ

5:30 am

Fr. Manny Hewe

Saturday, December 23

5:30 am

Fr. Khanh

Sunday, December 24

7:00 am

Fr. Manny Hewe

Please ioin us. Traditional Filipino Fellowship to follow except for Sunday.


Sfs. Peter & Paut Church's Aduent Missdon

TheJourney to Sp tritualt Joy Dt. Mqrceltino D'Atnbrosio haue beenworktng to re-energize the community bg making the rtchness of the Catholic tradttton accessible in languoge that eueryone canunderstanct. His goal is to tesch in a woy thctt is interesting and refreshing , with humor and lots of practical examples. He says, "I'm still a disciple of Jesus and he rs srr// taking me new places." Let's be energized by Dr. D'Ambrosio !

Join otur PqrishAduent Euents 1Uoith

Dr. Mqrcellina

DArnbrosio! Dec 6 - Speaker andAduent Penance Topic : Spirirual Wellness Srrturng No r Surur uing 6:00 pm Speaker and Adyenl Penance and Reconciliation Sen,ice to follotr,. Fellov,,ship: Soup and lJread Et,ening, provided by Sts. Peter ttnd Paul Pcu'ish)

Dec 7 - Eue of the Immaculate Concepti.on Topic: Discrpleship as the Greatest Aduenture: Marg us the First Disciple


Knoutrt in TV and radio es "Dr'. [taly," He con^siders himself as a speaker, author



6:00 pnt Mis.sion Talkfollow'ed by Potluck Pasta Night Fellowship. Rring your Jtuorite pctsta to share and some garlic bread!

Dec 8 - Solenmity of the lraunqcula;te Conception 7

Be srn'e to sistl up earlvrttr the Potluck lit,ening,s please see church bulletin.lbr mLtre irtJonnatiorr on ho*' then v hcre to sigrt rtlt

For ntore information, pbase call (808) 9110675

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qm, 12 noon, 6 pm

Dec A - Liturgical Renewalfor commtssioning (zot9) Topic: Personq.l Prager, Pathtaag to Jog Breakfast provided; Prayer at 9:00 am & Talk at 9:30 am 12:00 noonMasswith Fr. George Cerniglia, S.M. Lunch tofollow

frfffend&,* Monday December 4 Advent Weekday Is 2:1-5 Mr 8:5-11

December 5 Advent Weekday

Is 11:1-10 Lk fi:21-24

Wednesday Decernber 6 AdventWeekday Is 25:6*10a Mt 15:29-37

Thursday December 7 St. Antbrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Is 26:1-6 ivlr 7:21, 24-27

Friday I

nnt a c ul at e C o


Why do we have Advent?

dvent as we know it today developed many centuries after Jesus' life ^{-l.on earth. Because of the number of persons being baptized in the early Church, a practice developed of having another time for baptism in addition to the Easter Vigil. Christmas was chosen as another baptismal season. Since Lent served as a time of preparation for the baptisms at the Easter Vigil, the weeks leading up to Christmas became a time of penance and preparation.






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of tlte Blessed

Virgin Mary Gn 3:9-15, 20

Eph 1:3-6, 11-12

Lk 1:26-58

Saturday December 9 Advent Weekday Is 30:19-21, 23-26

Mt 9:35-10:1, 5a, 6-8

Combined with this penitential practice, of course, was the preparation for Christmas. The Sunday and weekday Scriptures during Advent recall the centuries of longing for the coming of the Messiah, the conception of Iohn the Baptist, and the family history of Mary and |oseph. Today the writings of the prophet Isaiah are featured during Advent because they so eloquently speak of Israel's longing for salvation. Among the special signs and symbols that the Church uses to recall and enter into these central parts of our Christian heritage are the Advent wreath, vespers, reconciliation services, the O Antiphons, Scripture readings, the Jesse tree, the giving tree, the Christmas tree, the crdche, gift-giving, and of course, Midnight Mass. Hopefully, these symbols of the season will remind you of your own birth in baptism and your own commitment to living a life filled with peace and love. Fr. Thomas Santa, CSsR, Sundaybulletin@Liguori. org




Sunday December 10 Second Sunday of Advent

Is 40:1-5, 9-11

2Pt3:B-t4 Mk 1:1-8


f,. A)ad,Frcm,?o.pefrnnd&

,; ^ 1a9' ,4,. fne Lord cornes...into

our li{e as a liberat ar; he cornes to free us from allf,orrns of ir*erior and exterio r slavery. Jt is he who shows us the path of faithfulness, of patience and of persevera nce because, upon his return, our ioy will be averflowing. Chrisfmas is near,....[and] invite us to welcome the Lord who always cornes and knocks at our signs outward daar, knacks at our heart, in arderto draw nearto us.

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December 11, 2016


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