Fifth Sunday of Easter

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5'h {unda_y


of Easter



Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals:

Please call the Parish


Infant Baptisln: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours to schedule a



Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrarnent is extensive. The tinie Frarne is at least six (6J montl-rs. Couples are asked to attencl an Engaged Encounter Weel<end in preparation and contplete State and Church paperworl<. Do not set a date or prrnt invitations flor your marriage Ltntil aFter you have spoken with a priest.

Saturday: (Sunday Vigil) 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am 9:00am & 1L:00anr Faith Forrnation Family 1st & 3rd Sunday at 9:00am (Ohana Mass every Zn.t Sunday at 11-:00amJ Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & L2:00 pm Saturday: l2:00 noon COMMUNAL ANNOINTING: [,ast Sarurday of the Month at the 12:00 noon mass RECONCILIATION: Friday 10:15 - l"L:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointrnent EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Fridays; After the 7:00 am nrass and 1't Fridays: 7:30 - 10:00 pm PARISH ROSARIES: Monday - Sitturclay: 11:15am Sunday:5:15pm WEEKEND IIIASSES:

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& 3:00pm


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This Weeks Mass Schedule Mass

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Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends, celebrant

Parish ioners, Visitors, and

rr' Knanll Friends ofSts. Peter and Paul Azarias D. Dosdos (SI) Fr. Sieg Marilyn Shimabuku Alan & Ralph Shimabuku Fr. Kha,ir



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As a chil.d growing up in a country where

Saigon had just fatlen, the lens which I viewed

the world back then was very different yet there were stittthings which are the same today.


Apr 29

6pm Mon Apr 30 Tue May 1

+Martha Cabardo People oi Hawaii


+Prisilio& Leonarda Francisco


Rory V. Elefano IBDJ People of Har,vaii


Fr. Sieg Fr'.


Fr. Khanh

Fr. Khanh


+Odetta Doublet

Fr. Sieg


People oi Hawaii

Fr. Sieg Fr. Khanir

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Fr. Khanh



Azairas D. Dosclos [SI)



lvan Chow (SlJ

Fr'. Khairh


Ron Toma ISI]

Fr. Khanh


George Bernard [SIJ


Thinh Nguyen [SIJ


+ Maria Tinh

Fr. Sieg

Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paul

Fr. Sieg

Fri May 4


May 5

5pm vigil Mass


Fr. Sieg

Fr. Sieg

Iir. Khanh


+ DeSilva & Nakanelua Ohana Mass of Thanksgiving

Fr. Kharrh


+Genevieve & Andrew Doskos Evelyn Bautista (BD)

Fr, Kharrir


Colin Kin [BD) Azarias D. Dosdos [Sl)

May 6


Khristian Vinca IBDJ

Time went by quickty as my family and other vitlagers experienced the tide changing as the Communists moved south. I remember the bishop of my chitdhood diocese and the parishioners trying to protect the bishop. Unlike the fanfare seen at the Vatican, our bishop was very low l(ey and tried to blend in with everyone. With att the chaos and sadness, which arises from war, I went to ctandestine, kept my faith and was confirmed at the age of 11. Atl. over the globe, whether it is a modern westernized country or war torn land, the one constant is our faith and the sacraments inctuding baptisrn and confirmation. The Confirmation that completed baptism promises we are

connected to the Universal Church. By being connected to the One Church, we are a[[ connected gl.obatty through

Christ to 6od. Christ is the "true vine" and we are the branches (cf. ln 1s), growing out from the tree al.t interconnected with one another. Studies show we need social connections and interactions with others to survive. Connections with other peopte affect not onty the quatity of our lives but atso our survival (Dean arnish), and your connections to at[ the things around you literalty define

who you dte

(Aaran D. o'connell). Everyone




connected. Whether it's famity and friendship or worl( and technology, having these connections hetp. No one wants

Fr. Sieg

to be disconnected and everyone l(nows it's true.

Fr. Kharrir

0n Pentecost Sunday, May 20'n, at the 11 a.m. Mass,66 chitdren and 4 adults witl be confirmed. This is the first

We thank our parents for the nourishment provided so that their chitdren wit[ continue to devetop and grow in

faith formation ctass to be confirmed since the re-ordering of the Sacraments of lnitiation two years ago. We have chosen this birthday of the church to cetebrate the confirmation of our young peopte because they are the

their relationship with Jesus at the center of their

confirmed disciples of Jesus.

Iives. We thank our catechist and our church famities for journeying with our young.

0n this day, we wi[[ atso btess the conference room above the church courtyard to be the center for our youth. Here at Sts. Peter and PauI Church we are imptementing postconfirmation programs and activities to hetp keep the children connected with the Mother Church as members of

Without exception, we are the branches that stay connected to Jesus through our actions that witl bear fruits for church and

wortd' .:_i;r1,1;1;,

Christ's Body.

2 1

Fifth Sunday Of Easter The Vine and the Branches Become One

Sts. Peter and Paul Church

April 29, 2018

Acts 9:26 – 31; 1 John 3:18 – 24; John 15:1 – 8 Jesus himself picked the image of the vine to describe the reality of our being united to him and the Father. And this was not lost on early Christians. One of the first images they used to mark their graves was the vine and branches. An amazing thing about a vine and its branches is that you can’t tell the difference between them. Look at a grapevine and try to determine which is the branch and which is the vine or trunk. You can’t, since it appears as one seamless reality. Jesus invites us to be so close to him that we appear to be just like him—“other Christs,” as our name Christian suggests! Second, the sap that springs from the vine, runs through the branches, and matures in the fruit is all the same. The life in Jesus and the life in us as Christians are the same. He has given us the same Spirit that animated him, the Holy Spirit. This is why Jesus can guarantee that, if we remain in him by listening to his word and following his Spirit, we will definitely bear much fruit. His word and Spirit can- not remain sterile in us. The most important result of being united to Jesus and bearing fruit is that not only will we be united to him in this life, but this friendship will last for all eternity. That’s why early Christians put vines on their tombs.

First Reading - Acts 9:26-31 Saul seems to have been the instigator of the persecution of the Church. With Saul’s conversion the persecution of the church did not stop. It was only with the exit of Saul from the Holy Land, back to his native land of Tarsus, that peace once again returned.

Second Reading - I John 3:18-24 This epistle, really a sermon, was written for a community that defined itself over and against the world around it. Those in John’s community were children of light and those outside were children of darkness.

Gospel Reading - John 15:1-8 In John, our sole responsibility to the rest of the branches is love. And, it is worth remembering that branches do not live off their own fruit. The fruit is for someone else, those who need our outpouring of love.

—Fr. Mark Haydu, LC © 2018 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. Imprimatur: “In accordance with CIC 827, permission to publish has been granted on August 2, 2017, by Most Rev. Mark S. Rivituso, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521, or visit


NEXT WEEK’S READINGS Sixth Sunday of Easter Reading I: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 Reading II: 1 John 4:7-10 Gospel: John 15:9-17




This Week’s Events Apr. 29 –May 5, 2018 M – Main Church, U–Upstairs Parish Conference Room, R – Reception room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room, C – Courtyard

Mahalo for your generous contributions and Faithful Stewardship. The Collections for April 21-22, 2018 are as follows:

Sunday April 29 5th Sunday of Easter

Total: $12,165.55 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass Intentions Baptism Electric & Votive Candles

6:15 am – Choir Practice (B) 6:15 am – Rosary (M) 10:15 am – RCIA

$8,249.85 240.00 190.00 607.21 Total: $9,287.06


Building Fund Outreach Catholic Care Project


April 30

May 1

6:10 am – Rosary (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 7:00 pm – Centering Prayer (U) 6:00 pm – Finance Council Meeting

$2,620.00 70.00 50.00 Total: $2,740.00


May 2

St. Athanasius, Bishop, Doctor of the Church 6:10 am – Rosary (M) 7:30 am – Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 1:00 pm – Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) 6:00 pm – RCIA (B) 6:30 pm – Scripture Study (R)

Special Collections:


St. Joseph the Worker

40% 60%

Mother’s Day Easter Dillon Family Hall Use Rice Bowl

6:30 pm – Charismatic Prayer Group (M) – Life in the Spirit Seminar


St. Pius V, Pope

$30.00 15.00 20.00 50.00 23.49 $138.49


May 3

Sts. Philip & James, Apostles 6:10 am – Rosary (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 6:00 pm – Choir Practice (M)


May 4

First Friday 6:10 am – Rosary (M) 7:40 am – Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 – 11:30 am – Confession and Spiritual Direction 10:45 am – Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 5:45 am – Stations of the Cross Devotions (M) (resumes May 25th)


First Saturday

May 5

8:00 – 11:00 am – Cleaning Church (M) 11:15 am – Rosary 3:30 – 4:30 pm – Confessions (M) 5:00 pm – Saturday Vigil Mass




We were able to provide 60 supplemental food bags for our fellow parishioners and families. 1500 lbs of food was collected this past weekend. Mahalo for your generosity. A big Mahalo also to the volunteers who packed bags and distributed food bags and who assisted the Hawaii Foodbank staff to distribute 102 food boxes. Our NEXT Parish Monthly Food Collection will be May 19th & 20th Through this ministry our parish serves the needs of our Kupuna, Ohana and those who come to our door, who are struggling with food insecurity. Our Parish Catholic Care Project relies heavily on donations from our parishioners. Only by your generosity are we able to help others in their time of need. Please prayerfully consider helping us feed the hungry! If you don’t have /me to shop… Visit our parish website at Your donation to our Catholic Care Project will help to purchase the items to fill the brown bags. Do you know someone in our parish who would benefit from receiving a food bag to help them make ends meet? Please tell them to contact our Catholic Care Helpline (808) 941-0675 All information we receive remains confidential. 3


Did you Know?? Safe Environment training is taking place in all dioceses of the Unite States. Over 2 million clergy, employees and volunteers have been trained to prevent and respond to the abuse children. Contact Iwalani White, Safe Environment liaison for Sts Pater and Paul What You Can Do Find Out More—Contact your Diocese or Parish office to find out more about the Abuse Prevention Education and Comprehensive Safe Environment Program and training provided in your diocese. Become Involved—Participate in your diocese or parish Safe Environment Program. A key aspect of such programs is providing adequate supervision of children and educating adults to be aware of the signs of abuse and what to do in response. For more information see www.usccb

April Prayer Intentions from Pope Francis Universal: For Those who have Responsibility in Economic Matters That economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths.

Charita AbelgasMabon Rose & Fidel Adamos Vanessa Alcova Loranzo Alota Becky Alota Darlene Amarosa Tony Bacani Michael Bartolome Ho Lun Big Olivia Mia Blake Maniko Brady Arthur Cababa Mwejo Capelle Wini Chow Teresita M. Custodio Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Blanche DeConte George DeConte Azarias D Dosdos Shirley Dungo Tessie Dungo Blanche Hansen Joe Hansen Florence Henson Stanley Ho Robert K. F. Ho Shirlene Iwai Maria Elena Jencks Jack Jucewicz Christopher Jucewicz Michelle Keely Charlene Lau

We honor our Mother’s on Sunday, May 13th We remember our mothers, living and deceased who have been such a blessing to us and who have nurtured us in the faith. One way to honor our mothers is to remember them in a mass intention. There are cards available with envelopes. • Use the cards as a gift to your mother, letting her know of our prayers. • Enter her name on the envelope and drop them in the offering basket or bring them to the office. Names submitted by May 6 will grace the cover of our bulletin on their special day, as we pray for them on their special day.


May 2nd

Yolanda M. Tumacder

May 6th

Regina Czerwinski

May 10th

Roberta Flora

May 24th

Gertrude Hara-Williams

May 27th

May the Lord grant you a year of good health and growing in the love of God and family!

Pat Low Bona Macabre John M. Masunaga Thomas Mistysyn Robert Mistysyn Betty Ann Nault Patrice Nielsen Felicitas R. Noland Ray M. Olis Lourdes Olis Berry Oloday Maria Oloday Judy Orlando Nancy Pang Joannita Pangelinan Yvonne S. Pangelinan Ephrem Perez Josefina Perez Anella Rabauliman Bregida R. Reyes Maggie Rotelo Oliver Shilling Myong Soon Sim Joseph Anthony Sullivan Dolores Suredam Lolita A. Sutton Edwin Tagura Yolanda Trejo Myrna Vallespin Ho Chun Wah Ho Shiu Yan Theresa Yu Janleen Maria Xymoon

Congratulations to our newly married

Welcome to the Family

Please pray for their union to last a lifetime

Please pray for our newly baptized and their parents:

April 7, 2018

Maui Kyle Rodriguez

April 22, 2018

Christopher & Jennifer Nguyen

April 15, 2018

Mina Maculam

April 15, 2018

Richard & Jefferlyn Welle




Aloha Parents, Parishioners and Visitors of Sts Peter and Paul Church.

ʻAnoʻai Kākou,

How often are we nice to those we don't even know, yet take our friends for granted? What defines our relationships, and how we act on them? Please join us on Thursdays, to share and learn with us in the young adult Bible study! Of course, we continue to have a variety of activities and times: § Tuesdays ESL (English as a Second Language): Practice English conversation Tuesdays 5-6 pm § Thursdays Bible Study: Young adults Bible study Thursdays 5-6 pm § Second Saturday Morning Church Cleaning: Once a month, just for a couple of hours, we help clean the church from 8.30 am We also do other things as well - please contact me if you're interested in joining efforts on serving: •

Kakaʻako Family Shelter

Of course, there are also plenty of one-off projects, partnering community organizations, and social/spiritual activities with our fellow parishes, so please sign up (email/facebook) for notifications, and join whenever you can. For example, currently the diocese is planning a Young Adults Summer Sports Day... Check out our facebook page: As the young adults ministry of Sts. Peter & Paul, inspired by St. Don Bosco, we wish to volunteer, learn, reflect, and be happy. Servite Domine in laetitia (Serve God cheerfully). Being part of this group, in this phase of our journey in life, will allow us to help each other to grow spiritually, intellectually and physically.

If you have any interest, questions, comments, ideas, etc. please e-mail us at or txt 305-8980378. Hope to see everyone soon! Aloha, Amala & Sunu


Our class consists of Pre K and First grade children, ages between 4, 5 and 6. We lay the foundation for these little angels and teach them how to say simple prays like the “Our Father” “Hail Mary” and the “Glory Be” We start our class with an opening prayer and then we take them through the gospel of the day in a story form and we have question and answers just to make sure that all the children are listening, the kids are so eager to answer and all their hands go up, it gives us such pleasure to see how interested these little ones are to know about “JESUS”, after that we have a coloring section where the children use all their imagination and color the page which is based on the Gospel reading. Each child wants to do the best and is so engrossed. Thanks to Father Khanh, Ms. Yvonne and Ms. Iwalani, for the TV and beautiful Bible story CD’s, the children are inspired by these stories, as each story has a lesson that teaches the little kids to be good children, to listen to their parents, to share, to love and much more. We wind up our class with a thank you prayer, asking our Lord to bless and to protect all of us and keep us safe during the coming week. Thank you, Teachers: Joy, Priscilla and Wilson


We, thus, humbly ask that all our parishioners and guests kokua and exercise reasonable caution and care when entering and/or exiting church grounds; including, but not limited to, using marked cross-walks (and traffic signals when available) in crossing Kaheka Street to the east of our church property. Please kindly remember that we all strive to be good citizens in our lives outside of church, and that the fine for the violation of jaywalking is $130. The church also asks our driving parishioners and guests to exercise caution and good judgment in entering and exiting the church's parking lots in relation to on-coming traffic and/or pedestrians. Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in these important matters.

SAVE - THE – DATE The Feast of St. Damien of Molokai May 10, 2018 9:00 AM - Prayer Service at the State Capitol 6:00 PM – Mass for St. Damien Co-cathedral of St. Theresa

As we are counting down to our pilgrimage to Lourdes, Teresa and our family are truly blessed to be given this opportunity to witness our Blessed Mother’s love and presence. We are indeed humbled by our Mother Mary’s blessing and God’s grace that have been shown to us through the immense outpouring support, generosity, and unconditioned love from each one of you in our parish and faith community. Words alone just can’t convey our deepest gratitude for Fr. Khanh, Fr. Sieg, Fr. Stark, Rita, Val, Bernie, and many of you that have donated your time, effort, baked goods, monetary contribution, words of encouragement and prayers. Deep within my heart, the Lourdes pilgrimage starts right at home at this moment in our dear parish community. The healing, the miracles, the grace, the blessings...all start here at home...

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken, and they were filled with the HOLY SPIRIT And spoke the word of GOD boldly. Acts 4:31

Thank you and God’s blessing on each and every one of you! Thank you, Teresa Dillon and Family

The Christmatic Prayer Group of Sts Peter and Paul Church

Invites you to a LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR, a series of talks designed to help people yield to the outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT in their lives.

It will be held on six (6) consecutive Monday’s, the next Talk will be on April 30th from 6:30-8:30 pm. Registration is free


Feast of St. Damien May 10d' See page 5 for evencs to cele b rate H aw a ii's S a in t

May Crowning May 6th at 9:00 a.m. Mass

Sunday, May 13ttr Feast of the Ascension This is celebrate on the Surnday following Ascension Thursday in our Diocese

Sacrament of Reconciliation for Faith Formation Students

Saturday, May 12il, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a,m.

DAY Seast q3fl Xlsmteesst l}tay 2 &t!'

*f'C*ltfirmaatigln al I i":S0 a.m" Mass and the Reordering of the Sacraments


{Students will receive Confirmation before First Holy Communion. Students who have not been Confirmed will join them, 66 in all)

Caknc{ary Monday April30 Easter Weekday Acts 14:5-18

ln14:21-26 Tuesday Ma-v"


Easter Weekday

Acts 14:19-28

Just last week, my parish ran a "ioin up" campaign at all the Masses. I felt guilty because I didn't sign up for anything. Do I have an

obligation to ioin any of the parish organizations?

Sixtlt Suday of Easter

you ioirr any of yotir parish organizatiolls, you will experience a V Y netlvork of people dedicated to building up the body of Christ through the various parish ministries. According to the Code of Canorr Law, the baptized are fundamentaliy united irr tlre contmwio fidelitun, "a dynamic reaiity requiring the active participation of allthe faithful in the Church's life and mission" (Canon 209). It finds visible expression through public worship and through the exercise of obligations and rights. As a parish member, you are obligated to maintain communion with the Church; to fulfill your particular duties to the universal Church and your parish church;to live a holy life arrd promote the growth of tl-re Church;to work to spread the gospel; and to follow what the pastor and bishops declare as teachers of the faith and leaders of the Clrurch (Canons 209-212). Laypeople are called to infuse tireir faith in Christ through all their undertakings in the secular world and within the Church. The various organized ministries of the parish offer ways that you, as a parishioner, can fulfill some of those obligations as you are able, in the Church's life and mission inside and outside your parish. Perhaps you will rethink your decision to not sign up for anything. It's never too late to become a parish volunteerl Sundaybul I etin @

Acts 10:25-26,34-35,

Adapted frornDearPadre: Questions Catholics."tsk, O 2003 LigLrori Publications

In14:27-3la Wednesday May 2 St. Athanasitts, Bishop and Doctor of the Clutrclt Acts 15:1-6 ln 15:1-8

Thursday Mav 3 Sts. Philip and lantes,


Apost/es Cor 15:l-8

ln 14:6-74 Friclay May 4 Easter Weekday Acts 15:22-31 Jn 15:12-17

Saturday May


Easter Weekday

Acts 16:1-10 ln l5:18-21

Sunday May 6

\ [


44-48 1 ln 4:7-10

ln 15:9-17 or

Acts 10:25-26,34-35,

44-48 1ln4:11-16 Jn 17:11b-19


Wsu{ Tiatru ?opn Frcarccs

The Holy Spirit, in the variety of his gifts, unites us and enables us

to contribute to the building up of the Church in holiness....

Let us ask the Lord to help us to take an ever more active part in the Church's life and mission. audience, June 26,2013


Lizuori (-)ru*ruc"lrtoNs

A Re,hmptoNt Minktry

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