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The Word became flesh and dwelt among us
p a
Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound,
Infant Baptism: Parents Sacrament frame is at preparation marriage until
prep for this Sacrament is extensive. The time I to attend an Engaged Encounter Weekend in l<. Do not set a date or print invitations for your a
o H o
Saturday: (Sunday VigilJ 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am 9:0Oam Sunday Evening: 5:00 pm Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00pn
1L:00am flnterpreted)
Saturdav: 12:00 noon Last Saturday of the Month at the 12:00 noon mass Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm or BY APP0INTMENT Fndays: After the 7:00 am mass and 1't Fridays: 7:30 - L0:00 pm Monday - Saturday: 11:15am
Fridays: 5:45 - 6:30pm
ADDRESS: 800 Kahel<a St. Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. B:3Oam - 12pm / l:00 - 3:30pm PHONE: (808J941-0675 OFFICEEMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr.com WEBSITE:
www.sspeterpaulhawaii.org fl
Sts. Peter & Paul Church Honolulu
This'Week's Mass schedule
6pm Christmas Vigil Mass
to aff ou r Jcaris fr,ioners friends and famify aJ Sfs. ?e ter and ?aut
Parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul
*Irene Arcayna +Fileman Bonilla
*Lorraine Lee Mary Correa (SI)
+Albert Stephen I.S. Park +Alexander Hirota +Frank
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Danny
Fr. Khanh
& Ethel
Fr. Khanh
+Dr. Marcelino Avecilla
Fr. Khanh
+Fileman Bonilla +Esther Miranda
Fr. Danny
Rev. Khanh Pharn-Nguyen Rev. Danny Laeda Rev. Pat Freitas
+Loretta M. Garzke
Richard Abel
*lrene Arcavna
Fr. Danny
+Emily Kuhn
Fr. Dann-v
+Benjamin Arcayna
Fr. Khanh
*Francisco Arcayna
Fr. Khanh
Assisting Priest:
Sts. Peter and Paul
+Rose Gambol
from Cfergy and
Pastor: Associate Pastor:
Mass lntention
Fr. Sydney Femandes
Richard Port
Angken Xymoon Yvonne Toma Lily Narusawa Deacon Ronald Choo Yvonne Toma Barbara Gambol
Cesar Reyes
Secretary: Parish Council: Finance Committee: Faith Formation:
Angelo Kim (Thanksgiving)
Fr. Khanh
+ Irene Arcayna
Fr. Khanh
+Frank and Leonora Woronorvicz
Fr. Dannl'
We are awelcoming Parish, Be a Family Nlember!
+ Loren Butler
Fr. Khanh
Parish Registration forms are located at the entrance of the church. Are you interested in joining one of the above
Nelv Year
ll:00AM-lPM 6AM- 1 PM
7:30 PM
SATURDAY: 1l:00 AM - I PM/3:00 PM - 6:30 PM SUNDAY: 6:00 AM - I ;00 PM & 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
inisrries? call 9 41 - 0 67 5
or email : sspeterpaul@hawaii,rr.com
Repo.sc o.f the .toul of:
Irene Arcayna
Sts. Peter and Paul
Fr. Danny
Fr. Dannv
BD -Birthdav: SI-Special Intentions
December 25,2CI\6
Sts. Peter and Paul Church
This Week's Events (Dec. 25, 2016- Jan. 1, 201 7)
fl-rEIIRUE LrGHT! Four Masses are celebrated for the feast of Christmas, and each is given its own set of readings to help us contemplate
Christ's birth. The Gospel for the vigil Mass on Christmas Eve is taken from the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew. The sat t proclaims the birth of Jesus using the Gospel of Luke. The Mass at dawn on Christmas morning continues the story of the birth of Jesus as found in Luke's Gospel through the shepherds' visit to the infant Jesus. ln each of these Gospel readings, we hear portions of the lnfancy Narratives with which we are familiar.
The Gospel for the Chrlstmas Mass during the day is taken from the beginning of John's Gospel, but this Gospel is not an lnfancy Narrative like those found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. lnstead, John's Gospel begins at the beginning, as it
were, and presents the Creation story as the framework for announcing the lncarnation. John's opening words, "ln the beginning . . " echo the opening verse of the Book of Genesis. This framework invites us to view Jesus' birth from God's perspective. Each of the Gospels makes clear that Jesus' birth was the result of God's initiative. However, John's Gospel highlights that this was the divine intention from the very beginning, from the moment of Creation.
One that particularly stands out is John's use of the expression, "Word of God." This expression (logos in the Greek) borrows from a concept found in both Jewish and Greek
thought. ln Jewish thought, this phrase describes God taking action-for example, in the Creation story and in the Wisdom literature. ln Greek, or Hellenistic, thought, the logos was understood as an intermediary between God anci humanity. John and others in the early Church adopted this language to describe God's incarnation in Jesus. As the term was used to express the Trinitarian faith of Christians, the word Logos came to be equated with the Second Person of the Trinity. ln this prologue to the Gospel of John, lhe main themes that will be developed in his Gospel are introduced. These presented themes dualities: light/darkness,
truthifalsehood, life/death, and belief/unbelief. We also hear in
this prologue a unique aspect of John's Gospel-the motif of testimony. John the Baptist was sent by God to testify about Jesus, the light. Others in this Gospel will also offer testimony about Jesus. The reader is invited to accept this testimony, which bears witnesses to Jesus, the Son of God. But even more directly, Jesus' action and words will themselves testify to his identity with God as God's lncarnate Word.
Main Chutch, U Upstairs Parish Conference Room, Blue room {8), Green Room (G), C - Courlyard
-qgnday----... . ..-..- . ....-- ..---P9ceq!qr25 The Nattvity of the Lord (Chrlstmas) 6:15 am - Choir Practice 6:15 am - Rosary (M) 10:15 am - Choir Practice 5:00 pm - Choir Practice (R) 5:15 pm - Young Adult Rosary (M) 7:15 pm - Young Adult Ministry (R) St. Stephen OFFICE CLOSE
6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary 6:30 pm - eharbnatie Prayer GreuB (M) Will resume January 9 Tuesdav st. tohn 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M) 5:30 pm - Women's M Meeting (C)
7:30 pm
December 27
AA Meeting (C)
... Decqmber 28
Holy Innocents 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 7:30 am - Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M) 11:15 am - Rosary 1:00 pm - Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) The
WwillresumeJanuaryll Thtlrsdav _. lh
Day w/in the Octave St. Thomas Becket
of the Natlvtty of the Loil
December 29
6:10 am - Rosary (M) - Rosary - Choir Practice (M)
11:15 am 6:00 pm
Fridav The HoIy Family of Jesus, Mary &toseph
December 30
6:10 am - Rosary (M) 7;30 am - Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 11:45 am - Confession and Spiritual Direction 10;45 am - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 11:15 am - Rosary
Will resume January 6
Saturdav fnay w/ln the Octav;of the Natlvlty of t St. Sylvester, New Year's Eve 1
1:15 am - Rosary 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Confessions (M) 4:15 pm - Choir Practice (U)
We are grateful to all who so generously contribute to our Parish.
A Big MAHALO for your generous contributions to our Building Fund last weekend. We collected $3,192.78.
The Collections tor December 17-18 are as follows: Total: $15.801.13
Please continue your generosity as we are continuing with repairs and improvements of our
Church. Your loving support is
appreciated. Mahalo.
Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions Electric & Votive Candles
$10,296.25 690.13 _
.- JJ-
Save the Dates for Early 2Ol7
35o/" 65o/o
Bldg. Fund Outreach Designated Donation for Church Solemnity of Mary lmmaculate Conception Catholic Care
$3,192.78 200.42 75.00 5.00 40.00 100.00 $3,613.20
Christmas Thanksgiving Campaign for Human Development Advent Mission Retirement Fund Misa De Gallo
Mass March for Life
Friday, |anuary 20
4h RtuNuer
Tuesday, )anuary 17
Saturday, fanuary 2B
sr. rtn-ABrAttNE cope welx
Saturday, January 28, 2017, 7:30 a.m, Magic lsland and Kewalo Basin Park A Day of Fun, Celebration & Wellness
Special Collections:
a leisurely three-mile walk from Magic lsland to Kewalo Basin Park and back. lt's an event for the entire family, keiki to k0puna and will
$113.80 25.00 8.00 30.00 22,44
include a Family Wellness Fair, local entertainment featuring Frank De Lima, healthy snacks, and a Keiki Zone.
Subtotal: $385.80
Free t-shirt and a gift for the first 500 registrants. Register before Jan. 16, 2017 for early bird fee of $30. (Registration fee after Jan. 16 is $40.) Onsite registration starts at 7:00 am. Questions? Call 547-8031.
N ffiW Tatr**t
__ 815=_25
E&NTC.{RE SY$TBM OS IIIWAII r l.l$ry {emig $ t{ir,s,iii
CATHOLIC CARE PROJECT The Christmas collection of nonperishable foods last week helped the Kupuna of our parish and also families who may be
s-.clirE-puLE oF PARISH
. .
facing hardships. With
your generous gift we were able to collect 780 pounds of food, which enabled us to pack 75 bags of groceries for our Kupuna and the vulnerable. We thank all parishioners and the 15 volunteers who helped sort and bag the food. Mahalo those volunteers who deliver the bags of food to those who are unable to pick them up at church. lf you would like to contribute your time to this Catholic Care Project, please call the office at 941-0675. Mahalo to the volunteers who helped distribute 168 Senior Food boxes for the Hawaii Foodbank. Much thanks the Knights of Columbus who helped with lifting and sorting.
YoungAdult Ministry The Sts. Peter and Paul Church Young Adult Ministry seek to be involved in our community so that we may enrich each other spiritually, intellectually and physically in this phase of our life journey. We meet to learn, share our faith, for prayers and reflection. We also love the fellowship with one another. We meet after Sunday 6:00 p.m. Mass. We also do community service.
. . .
RECITATION OF THE HOLY ROSARY Monday - Saturday (11:15 a.m.) will be led in different languages as follows Monday - Filipino & English Tuesday - Korean Wednesday - Legion of Mary (English) Thursday - Chuukese Friday - lnternational Saturday for Families Sunday 5:1Spm - Young Adults OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Wednesday following the 7am Mass MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS DEVOTION Friday following the 7am Mass DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION & CHAPLET Friday 10:45 am, followed by Rosary & Benediction
Devotions of the Catholic Church are ways of showing our love to the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angels and the saints. These can be done privately or as communal, oral prayer. The Church has always encouraged private, personal prayer such as meditation, in which the mind, in God's presence, thinks about God and divine things. The times listed above indicate when the communal, oral devotions should begin in order to allow time afterwards for meditation and personal reflection, including 15 minutes of silence before Mass begins. No group or communal prayers will be allowed outside
of the
in order to
respect the time for
personal private prayer.
Ministries and apostolates are encouraged to help with these devotions. Please call the parish office to indicate your interest. The rrext 2 pages are an invitation for you to find what is rnissing in your life.
costumes and to the parents who made sure the children were present. Thank you for the wonderful gift of Christ you have given us.
You are invited to corne horne for Christmas Seewww_.c--aIhg].i--c-5--A-Am-e.hp_m--e,p-fgf
and reasons why to come home.
j I
Faith Formation for Adults and Children Consider
if you want to grow
your Catholic Faith
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADUTTS [R.c.r.A.) Discussion groups are held each Sunday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass from September until June for those adults (over age 18) who are interested in receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist. The class is not limited to those who are not Catholics but for anyone interested in learning the basics about the Roman Catholic faith. Attendees share in the faith journey of others and find inspiration in God's working in and through one another. The classes are designed for those who need to complete the Sacraments of lnitiation: those who have received Baptism but have not received First Holy Communion, Reconciliation or Confirmation. The Sacraments are received together with other catechumens & candidates at the Easter Vigil Mass. Call the office if you would like
member of the faith.
: ,
Classes meet weekly every Sunday after the 9:00 a.m.
: Mass from September through May. Last year the . parish started Summer sessions like Vacation Bible . School. Fun-filled learning where we become disciples r of Jesus Christ. Our catechists come from all walks of l life and are dedicated volunteers who give time,
talent and treasure to ensure that the faith is passed on to the smallest members. Classes are for PreK - 12th which meet after the 9:00 a.m. Mass and are actively involved in the Family Mass (bimonthly), Children's Liturgy of the Word and various Social Outreach ministries of the parish. Call the office to register your children.
YOUTH AND YOUNG ADUTT Young Adults lead the Sunday evening rosary which begins at 5:15 p.m. We meet to discuss everything from prayer to current events after Sunday 5:00 p.m. Mass. A ministry in the making, You are invited to join us with your ideas on how to grow in our faith
' i
to be a fully initiated
and reach out to our peers who are looking for direction and hope. Look for us at the Masses at Parishioners of all ages meet weekly to discuss the i: Christmas or meet us in the Office reception area Sunday readings. Attendees gain insight into the i: after the 6:00 p.m. Mass. ii Check out these websites as well: meaning of the Gospel readings, how the Old and New Testament readings tie together www. bustedhalo.com www.catholicculture.org and how to apply the Word of God to www.catholic.cor! www.wordonfire.org SCRIPTURE STUDY GROUPS
our lives. We meet evening 5:00
Wednesday "1(t $]* $ tl
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Our mission is to serve the church by supporting faith
TEGION OF MARY An Apostolate for prayer and devotion the Blessed Virgin Mary and ministry to the homebound, sick and needy. We meet for prayer, rosary, spiritual direction on Wednesday after NOON Mass.
=sH *s*
w $
and family, priests and the Holy Father. An international Fraternal organization
15,342 councils. The council promotes social and intellectual fellowship among the members and supports educational, charitable, religious, social welfare and war relief efforts. We meet monthly Third Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.
Liturgical Ministries & Social Outreach See Father
if you wish to serve in any ministry or outreach or callthe office to make an appointment. TECTOR
ln the word of God handed down in the Scriptures, the community of faith even now hears God speaking to it. Proclaiming the word of God is much more than just reading. Through your personal relationship with God, prayer and study of Sacred Scripture will have a greater impact on your parish family gathered to worship.
Outreach to the homeless was ceased with an order from the Board of Health in September. We are working to renovate the kitchen to code and in the meantime have begun a monthly nonperishable food distribution to kupuna and families in need. Food collection: Third Sunday of each month & Food Packing and distribution the following week Volunteers are invited to participate. Please watch the bulletin for announcements and events. Families help to decorate the food bags and make gifts for the homebound after Mass. Volunteers also work with Hawaii Foodbank to distrubute boxes to 160 Seniors each month.
The administration of Holy Communion during the mass is truly a ministry. lt is the ministry of bringing the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the People of God and to the homebound and infirmed. lt also witnesses to faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of Christ's sacrifice. "They are to shun any appearance of individualism or division, keeping before their eyes that they have only one Father in heaven and accordingly are all brothers and sisters to each other."
The trifold advisory boards that help our pastor to
guide the parish to grow and foster faith and community among the members. Each has their own unique ministry to the parish.
Altar Servers are essential to the flow of the Liturgy They assist the Celebrant who is then able to lead the assembly in prayer and worship to God.
:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,
IMPAIRED i The 11:00 a.m. Mass is signed for those who are i hearing impaired and for those with special needs. i Anyone interested in helping is asked to call the i office. MINISTRY FOR THE HEARING
Those involved in this ministry are the parishioners who magically make Christmas appear. They work tirelessly behind the seasons to transform the church
Amistad is new ministry in the a'i st.*AMISTAD parish to assist those who are victims of Human Traficking. We work together with other professionals in the community who will pool resources to reach out to those who have no one else to turn to.
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month
For those who understand St. Augustine's directive that "he who sings prays twice". Music ministers lead the assembly in singing praise to God through prayer and proclaim the Word of God as cantors. Musicians and singers alike work together to assist the people of God each Sunday. Practice is Every Thursday 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the church
Pleqse pray
28L6 Antonio
Universal: End to Child-Soldiers That the scandal of child-soldiers may be eliminated the world over.
Mary A. Robert Agpalsa P. Almeida Anthony Alatan
Evangelization: Europe That the peoples of Europe may rediscover the beauty, goodness, and truth of the Gospel which gives joy and hope to life. Pray
for our
Edward Atalig Marjorie Atalig Jose Atalig Concepcion Atalig Emily Atalig George Auyong Tony Bacani Dolores Bledsoe
family and friends:
t Jason Wong t Alvin dela Cruz t Rose Ann Poyzer t Lillian Soto t Mary Lou Kinoshita
Helga Boettger Larry Cabrinha Betty Cecil
Joelle Chamberland WiniChow Louisa Comajis Emma Corrigan
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
may the perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Ronald Costa
Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Steve Dagali Bernanda DeGuzman Victor & Rita Dizon Odetta Doublet Tina Louise Duncan Jo Dowling
FATIMA ANNIVERSARY Pope Francis has granted a plenary indulgence opportunity for 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions throughout the centennial year, from the 27th of November 2016 till the 26th of November 2017.
Nicky Dresci Robert Fahl Sue Felix Douglas Ferreira Chris Foster Serena Fujii Thomas Garcia Helen Garcia
There are three ways to obtain the indulgence, detailed in a statement from the Fatima Shrine in Portugal:
. .
Make a pilgrimage to the shrine in Portugal and participate in a celebration of prayer dedicated to the Virgin.
Joanna Gates Lorraine & Walter Gonzalves Sadie Gouveia, Magdalena Gualderama John & Barbara Hanao Joe & Blanche Hansen Stanley Ho Jill lshikawa Frank & Sharla Jensen Christopher Johnson Christoph Jucewicz Jack Jucewicz Joyce Kaanapu Cash Kahoopii Stephen Kalili Renee Kam Sr. Roland & Debra
Pray before any statue of Our Lady of Fatima solemnly exposed for public veneration during the days of the anniversary of the apparitions, the 13s day of each month from May to October and participate in a celebration in her honor.
for the sick of our parish, especially......,
The elderly and infirm who are unable lo get around, may pray
in front of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and must spiritually unite themselves to the jubilee celebrations on
the days of the apparitions, the 13th of each month, between May and October 2017. They must also "offer to merciful God with confidence, through Mary, their prayers and sufferings or the sacrifices they make in their own lives.'
ln addition, the faithful must pray the Our Father, recite the Creed and invoke Our Lady of Fatima. To obtain the plenary indulgence,
Mapuana Kapana
the faithful must also fulfill the ordinary conditions: go
Emily Kuhn
to interiorly detached from and Communion, be sin, and Confession pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.
Christiana Lai Anu Lau 6
Herbert & Thelma Lee Uilison E. Leuta Jamieson Longoria Theodora Luke Thelma Lum Violeta Luna-Hill Jennifer & Santiago Maldonado Claudia Maldonado Stanley, Jr. & Marion Medeiros Wilma R. Medeiros Glenn Medeiros Sr. Tammy Medeiros Bob Mendoza Houghton Meyer Jim Meyer Thomas Mistysyn June Nakamoto Larry Nakamura Betty Ann Nault Sylvia Nelson Susan Nelson Leona Oliveira Dan O'Leary Shirley Onishi Judy Orlando
Sherrie Pacatan-Gentry Michael Pacheco & Family
Earl & May Phillips T.J. Pochinski Roseann Poyzer Elsie Quinn Neva Rego Alfred & Judy Robolledo James & Peggy Saballa James Sandobal Marilyn Sciortino
Donald Secor Myong Soon Sim Charleen Sliger-Saucedo Clifford Smith Dorothy Suchar Theresa Sung Dolores Suredam Jean & Ken Takaki Janet Tavares Kristen Tavares Mary Teves Ellen Tomita Fr. Dave Travers
Yolanda Trejo Soane Uiagalelei Peter Uiagalelei Jane Vasconcellos Betty & Art Watkins Larry Wong, Sr. Teresa Yu, and your special intentions!
2017 Meds ACTS Retrcat
Please complete
this form with your
information, so that we may remember you at Mass and
with prayers and blessings on your special day
in and complete this form (please print clearly!) and put it in the collection basket or return it to
the Office no later than p-*E*qEMrE82a-?916. NAME
(please check)
will be a great opportunity to focus on our faith and its application in our daily lives, to build purpose in our prayer life, to increase our presence at the liturgy,
about a
soul-cleansing & spiritually rejuvenating weekend "t\ r *,\\ii\\\ with fellow Christian rnen? lf this sounds great, here is some great \\.\\.\\\\s,:..u$ newsl The Men's ACTS Retreat is being held 9 - LZ March 2077 (Thursday after work until Sunday after Mass) at the How
\\ ll.\\'\\':i.\
St. Anthony retreat center in Kalihi Valley. This retreat
Ladle, arc you wonderlng wftat to tet that speclal man ln your llfB for Chrlsfrnas?
and to cultivate friendship among members of the church community. For more information, or to sign up now, contact Tom Storm at thojoglohi@gmqit.gom. Give the perfect gift of time this year that will draw him closer to God and connect him with other faith-filled men.... Or, there are always the old Christmas gift standbys: neckties, lime green sweaters, or socks!
"Bcyon{ tfie nnon nn{ fiars, as dey as nigfit, s0 qreat our {tunger, Lort{, tu see ylur {igfrt Tfu ynrrowJin,{s firr fionrc Lurcatfi ylur wing. So rrrity tu( clrile t0 rest wfiere ange{s sing."
This refrain from the Advent hymn by Dan Schutte has been my Advent reflection, and now brings me to Christmas, as it speaks of the sparrow finding her home beneath God's wings.
think back to the family home I grew up in, especially all the warmth experienced at family celebrations - Birthdays, Easters, Thanksgivings, Christmases and New Years. l've had many homes and even have experienced twenty months of not having a home as a refugee. As we hear of more and more people having to leave their homes because of war and violence, I am grateful for the home I have found here at Sts. Peter and Paul among the caring people of the parish. I
This parish is a special place because of those who have gone before us and made this parish a welcoming home. This Christmas, we remember April Ahlf, Agnes Mendiola, Joyce Levesque, Patricia Woods, Florence Wanic, Robert Cassiero, Hilda Cagata, Wildred Tom, Ceorge Couveia, William Wong, Raphaellie Batngan, Jimmy Borges, Andrew Apo, lrene Arcayna, David "Butch" McShane, Eusebio Santiago, Richard Tkachenko, Ellenora Wedge, Keith Pedersen, Norma Lopes, Shaw Johnson, Jason Wong, Rose Ann Poyzer, Mary Lou Kenoshita, many other parishioners and friends who have left this home and gone home to be with 6od.
And with gratitude we say "thank you" to Deacon Richard Port and his wife Ann who have been here since Sts. Peter and Paul was first established a parish as spiritual home for residents of West Waikiki, Kapiolani business district and beyond. They were instrumental in beginning many of the ministries of the parlsh, they inspired many others to vocation, and have been deeply committed to fostering Faith Formation for all age groups. We also thank Dan & Ceri O'Leary who dedicated many hours a week to helping those who did not have a home, especially vulnerable families and those who found themselves with nothing and nowhere to turn. As we celebrate the feast of Christmas, the coming of God into the world, let us remember that Our Lord Jesus came to us as a helpless, homeless baby. But Cod's wings were over the stable that night - LOVE was there and shepherds who heard the angels sing. Like the sparrow who finds a home beneath God's wings, may we open our hearts to Him and to one another and find a home under His Love this Christmas. Fr.
Ghrflstrmas 20[6
Ca{erdrco Monday December 26 St. Stephen,
tlrc First Martyr Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59
Mt 10:17-22 Ttresday December 27 St. Iolur,
Apastle and Evangelist 1
ln l:1-4
Jn 20:la, 2-B
Wednesday Decenrber 28 Tlre Haly lrutocetts, 1
Martyrs ln l:5-2:2
Thursday Decenrber 29 Fifth Day in the Octave of Christnws 1 ln 2:3-1tr Lk2:22-35
Catholic school should teach in a style that conveys Catholic Tradition. It also cannot ignore the insights and questions or the disagreements and misunderstandings that occur when the arts and sciences rub shoulders with Catholic teachings and perspectives. Our belief in God's creation of humanity and the scientific understanding of evolution are not fundamentally at odds with one another, as long as our Catholic vision of life is preserved. However, "faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God" (Humani Generis,56).
development of generalized statements (or hypotheses). If so many scientists, many of whom are people of faith, can intellectually iustify the creation of humans through an evolutionary process, this itself shows the application of thought and discovery
Friday December 30
[esus, Mary ard laseplr Sir 3;2*5, 12*14 ar
Col 3:12*21 or 3:12-17 NIt 2:13-15, 19-23
Saturday December 31 Seventh Dny in the
Octave of Chrlstnns 1
Should a Catholic school teach both evolution and creation?
Science is the careful study of details and theories that leads to the
Mt 2:i3-18
Tlre Holy Farnily
ln 2:18*21
deepen an understanding of our world and ourselves. We need our faith to harmonize with other branches of knowledge, and
this means respecting their proper domain of research and methods. It would seem prudent for a Catholic school to teach evolution in science class and the stories of creation in religion class. A calm, reasoned discussion that respects the limits of each discipline and espouses a unified search for God's revealed truths would be best. The attitude should be that evolution and creation are not mutually exclusive but complementary explanations for our human origins that arise from different perspectives. From Dear Padre: Questions People Ask, Liguori, 2003 sunday'bulletin@ liguori. org
Jn 1:1*18
Sunday fanuary
Solernnity of lvIary, the Holy Mother of God
Nm 6:22-27
Gal4:4-7 Lk 2:16-21
W l,
Lizuori (',lruauc.stsixs
A Redm?torist M;nistry
n T/,)o4d frnn ?ope frmci,s, "History has always been accompanied by the Lord!....ln him vvas revealed the Erace, the mercy, and the tender love of the Father....He has pitched his tent in our midst." __Homily, December ?4, 2A13 (Midnight Mass)