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2nd Sunday of lEaster
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The Embrace
by Pedro Cano
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Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals:
Please call the Parish
Infant Baptistn: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours to schedule a Baptism iaL4
Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacramen[ is extensive. The time frame is at least six (6J months. Couples are asl<ed to attend an Engaged Encounter Weel<end in preparatron and complete State and Church paperwork. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you have spol<en with a priest.
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Saturday: (Sunclay Vigil) 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am. 9:00am & LL:00am Faith Formation Family lst S Jrd Sunday at 9:00ant (Ohana Mass every 2n.t Sunday at 1"1:00amJ Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00 pm Saturday: 12:00 noon COMMUNALANNOINTING: LastSaturday of the Month atthe 12:00 noon mass RECONCILIATION: Friday 10:15 - L1:30 a.m. SatLlrday 3:30 - 4:30 prn or by appointnrent EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Fridays: After the 7:00 am mass and l"'t Fridays: 7:30 - 10:00 pm PARISH ROSARIES: Monday - Saturday: 11:15am Sunday: 5:15pm WEEKEND MASSES:
ADDRESS: 800 Kahel<a St. Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - B:30 - 12:00 pm Tues. - Fri. B:3Oam - lZpm/lA0 - 3:3Opm PHONE: (B0B) 941-0675 FAX: (B0B) 945-0689 OFFICE EMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr. com WEBSITE: www.sspeterpaulhawaii.org
s,r. Peter & Paul Church Honolulu
M()NDAY-THURSDAY: 6:00am - B:00am 1 1r
6:00aln.- [:00prn 7:30pm - 10:00pm
- 1:00pm - 6:30pm ti:00am - l:O(\rrl
11:00 atn & 3:00pm
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This V[eeks Mass Schedule
Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends,
Mass lntention
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Making Disciples of All Nations
risirioners, Visitors, ancl ncis
olSls. Peter and
Unlike in the Passion of the Christ Q)Aq rnovie where it only shows the final L2 hours of Jesus'life, an earlier
{.Jullnet Santos isil:l Aure llani: Iheaiing
Greofesf Story Every Told (1955)continued on for another hour with Jesus
movie called
coming back to this world talking to the disciples and rgrn
others before going back to the heaven. I never understood this part and felt it was anti-climatic after the resurrection. But, over the past year helping guide the RCIA class of 2018, I now have a clearer
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understanding of what Jesus was saying to the disciples
before going back to be with the Father in Matthew 28:t9 telling them to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the nome of the Father ond of the Son and of the Holy Spiri{ and telling Peter
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Apr 11
Apr 12
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Over the past year as one of the faith formation teachers assisting in leading the RCIA catechurnen and candidate through the inquiry period, Advent and the Lenten seasons culminating last weekend in Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Saturday Vigil and Easter Sunday, I see how the Holy Spirit was working through the eiect and candidates as six new Catholics were confirmed. As a RCIA sponsor standing up at the front of the church facing the altar, I felt a renewed .!oy myself emotionally feeling the warmth of Jesus cleansing my soul and spirit again (as lf lwas being
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I wilt build my church
(Matthew L6:1.8)".
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confirmed again l). Solomon writes
Ecclesiastes 3:L1, "Gad hos made
everything appropriate to its time, but has put the timeless! into their hearts so they cannot find out, from beginning to end, the work which God has done." From the walk into the darkened church lit by
we held, through the
Confirmation and the their First Eucharist, we were able to witness the work God has done in these newly baptized and confirmed Catholics. submitted by Albert Hayashi
Second Sunday Of Easter (B) Leaning Upon God
Sts. Peter and Paul Church
April 8, 2018
Acts 4:32–35; 1 John 5:1–6; John 20:19–31 The painting The Embrace, by Pedro Cano, (see cover) is a powerful image of paternal love and union. It recalls the historic moment when St. John Paul II, at the Mass of his elevation to the papacy, embraced his lifelong mentor, Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński. The painting is a moment frozen in time that represents something much bigger than the event that inspired it.
First Reading - Acts 4: 32—35
The two figures are barely distinguishable. They seem to be fused, like two figures carved out of one piece of marble. It is the mutual love of giving and receiving that makes this exchange so moving. Indeed, it reminds us of the embrace of love we seek in this life from our loved ones as well as in eternal life. There is no distance between them, rancor, or questioning—only the total happiness of being united with a friend.
The community of the church at this time was composed of over five thousand people. Their common ownership was not imposed upon them by church leadership, but had its roots in their unity of heart and soul. These Christian brothers and sisters loved each other, and so they took care of each other.
The pope’s strong, broad shoulders are penetrated by the grasping hands of the one embraced. There is a clenching need to find security in the other. We all search for love, forgiveness, and for strength we do not find in ourselves. We wish our faith were stronger but, the truth is, we need to be constantly turning to God for his mercy.
John reminds the community that everyone who believes that Jesus is the Messiah, the anointed Son of God, has been born of God. They have no reason to be afraid for they belong to God. As God’s children, they can rest assured that they are loved and protected by their divine parent.
Yet, he is pleased to be our rock upon which we lean, the one we can touch in our doubt. Turn to him in need, for he is happy to save you from the trials of this life. He wants to be the risen one who restores our faith. He rejoices that we need him and return to him.
—Fr. Mark Haydu, LC © 2018 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. Imprimatur: “In accordance with CIC 827, permission to publish has been granted on August 2, 2017, by Most Rev. Mark S. Rivituso, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521, or visit Liguori.org.
Second Reading - 1 John 5:1—6
Gospel Reading - John 20:19—31 In the fourteenth chapter of John we read about Thomas who had the candor to openly acknowledge his ignorance about what Jesus meant when he said that his disciples knew the way to the Father to whom he was going. Thomas shows us that it is not wrong to doubt, and in the end, Thomas believed.
Next Sunday’s Readings Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 1 John 2:1-5a Luke 24:35-48
This Week’s Events Apr. 8 –Apr. 14, 2018 M – Main Church, U–Upstairs Parish Conference Room, R – Reception room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room, C – Courtyard
Mahalo for your generous contributions and Faithful Stewardship. The Collections for March 31 - April 1, 2018 are as follows:
Sunday April 8 2nd Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday
Total: $ 26,317.84 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass Intentions Electric & Votive Candles
6:15 am – Choir Practice (B) 6:15 am – Rosary (M) 10:15 am – RCIA
$ 17,048.74 1,695.00 15.00 Total: $ 18,758.74
April 10
April 11
St. Stanislaus
6:10 am – Rosary (M) 7:30 am – Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M)
11:15 am – Rosary (M) 1:00 pm – Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) 6:00 pm – Bible Study
$ 864.00 1.00 28.00 695.00
Special Collections: Holy Land Latin America Mission Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl
April 9
6:10 am – Rosary (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 7:00 pm – Centering Prayer (U)
$ 186.00 130.00 1,000.00 3,041.10 1,614.00 $ 5,971.10
6:30 pm – Charismatic Prayer Group (M)
36% 64%
Building Fund Outreach Catholic Care Project Good Friday Holy Thursday
The Annunciation of the Lord
April 12
6:10 am – Rosary (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 6:00 pm – Choir Practice (M)
$ 1,588.00
April 13
St. Martin I 6:10 am – Rosary (M) 7:40 am – Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 – 11:30 am – Confession and Spiritual Direction
10:45 am – Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 5:45 am – Stations of the Cross Devotions (M) (resumes May 25th) Saturday April 14
Mahalo for your generous contribution to the Operation Rice Bowl Total Collection as of Sunday
8:00 – 11:00 am – Cleaning Church (M) 11:15 am – Rosary 3:30 – 4:30 pm – Confessions (M)
$ 4,059.59
Mahalo also to the Money counters who put in extra time to count all the coins!
Our Parish Monthly Food Collection is April 21 & 22 sponsored by our Parish Catholic Care Project.
VOLUNTEERS Needed for food sor)ng Monday, April 23rd DID YOU KNOW? Half of Hawaii’s household do not earn enough to cover basic needs.
According to the ALICE Report-Hawaii released by Aloha United Way in January 2018. ALICE families represent hardworking people who have two or three jobs and yet cannot afford basic necessi&es to remain stable and self-sufficient. • Paying for basic housing and health care costs. • Paying for food or paying for medications • Paying for food or paying for transportation or rent
Through this ministry our parish serves the needs of our Kupuna, Ohana and those who come to our door, who are struggling with food insecurity.
Our Parish Catholic Care Project relies heavily on donations from our parishioners. Only by your generosity are we able to help others in their time of need. Please prayerfully consider helping us feed the hungry! If you don’t have /me to shop…
Visit our parish website at www.sspeterpaulhawaii.org Your donation to our Catholic Care Project will help to purchase the items to fill the brown bags.
Do you know someone in our parish who would benefit from receiving a food bag to help them make ends meet? Please tell them to contact our Catholic Care Helpline
(808) 941-0675
HB2739 HDI (assisted suicide) was passed 23-2 in the full Senate last week. The only two no votes were Senator Mike Gabbard and Senator Breene Harimoto. Four Senators, Sen. Josh Green, Sen. Gil Riveire, Sen. Donna Mercado Kim and Sen. Kahele voted yes with reservations, yet three of them indicated in floor speeches that the bill has flaws and needs “more work.” ACTION: Call Senator Mike Gabbard at 5866840 and Senator Breene Harimoto at 5866230 and thank them for their very courageous votes against Bill HB2739 HD1 (assisted suicide bill). They did so against strong odds and the community needs to rise up and support them. NEXT STEP: The bill is now with the Governor who can (1) sign the bill into law, (2) let the bill become law without his signature, or (3) veto the bill. He has indicated in the past that he will be honored to sign the bill. A veto will most likely be overridden by both the House and Senate. Contact the Governor (586-0034) and simply register your opposition to the bill and ask him to consider the strong concerns expressed by people in the medical community, the legal community, the disablility community and of course, the faith-based community.
April Prayer Intentions from Pope Francis Universal: For Those who have Responsibility in Economic Matters That economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths.
APRIL 2018 Birthday Celebrants
Charita Abelgas-Mabon Vanessa Alcova Loranzo Alota Becky Alota Darlene Amarosa Tony Bacani Michael Bartolome Ho Lun Big Olivia Mia Blake Maniko Brady Arthur Cababa Mwejo Capelle Wini Chow Matilda Correa Teresita M. Custodio Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Blanche DeConte George DeConte Odetta Doublet Shirley Dungo Tessie Dungo Blanche Hansen Joe Hansen Florence Henson Stanley Ho Robert K. F. Ho Shirlene Iwai Maria Elena Jencks Jack Jucewicz Christopher Jucewicz Charlene Lau
Joycelyn A Enerro Janelle A Davidson Jim Sellar Angela G Dizon Jessie Domingo Margaret B Vincze Expedita D. Tanicala Mariilyn Shimabuku Dan Daoang
April 2nd April 4th April 7th April 11th April 15th April 18th April 19th April 27th April 29th
Wedding Anniversaries April 2018 Dan & Mary Daoang April 1st 47 yrs Nestor & Vicky Guzon April 18th 32 yrs
Pat Low Bona Macabre John M. Masunaga Thomas Mistysyn Robert Mistysyn Betty Ann Nault Patrice Nielsen Felicitas R. Noland Ray M. Olis Lourdes Olis Berry Oloday Maria Oloday Judy Orlando Nancy Pang Joannita Pangelinan Yvonne S. Pangelinan Ephrem Perez Josefina Perez Anella Rabauliman Bregida R. Reyes Oliver Shilling Myong Soon Sim Joseph Anthony Sullivan Dolores Suredam Lolita A. Sutton Edwin Tagura Yolanda Trejo Myrna Vallespin Ho Chun Wah Ho Shiu Yan Theresa Yu
FAITH FORMATION About Divine Mercy
RCIA: EVER ANCIENCT, EVER NEW Please congratulate and pray for those who have joined us in our faith and received the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil mass.
Daniel Pham Glenda James Kiran Polk Dee Willis Nancy Welliver Xyan Ulik If you would like to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Please call our office 941-0675 and leave your contact information (and our RCIA coordinator will give you a call)
Young Adults AnoĘťai KÄ kou, As the young adults ministry of Sts. Peter & Paul, inspired by St. Don Bosco, we wish to volunteer, learn, reflect, and be happy. Servite Domine in laetitia (Serve God cheerfully). Being part of this group, in this phase of our journey in life, will allow us to help each other to grow spiritually, intellectually and physically. The young adults will be cleaning the church this Saturday morning. If you have any interest, questions, comments, ideas, etc. please e-mail us at trivialFyr@gmail.com or txt 305-898-0378. Check out our facebook page: www.facebook.com/YoungAdultsMinistry.Honolul u
Aloha Amala & Sunu
Dear Pro-Life Friend, Human Life International has joined with IOF, the International Organization for the Family (parent organization of the World Congress of Families), Heartbeat International, and the Population Research Institute, to petition the United States Postal Service (USPS) to launch a “Choose Life” stamp. Our immediate goal is to reach or exceed 20,000 signatories. We would ask that you go online and please add your name as soon as possible to Citizengo.org
MALUNGGAY Festival and Parade 2018
Saturday April 14, 2018 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Fun for the whole Kapamilya Live entertainment Food / Retail Vendors Round Trip to Las Vegas / Philippines / Giveaways
Free Admission St. Joseph Church grounds Waipahu, HI
Vendor and entertainment info: Isleproductions1@outlook.com or (808) 256-2755
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish (OLGC) “End of Life and Aging Issues” Workshop
Featured Speaker: Pro. James H Pietsch, JD Lenora H Lee, PhD Date: Saturday April 21, 2018 Time: 8:15 am- 9:30 am 9:30 am-11:30 am Presentation Place: OLGC Pastoral Center 1525 Waimano Home Road Pearl City, HI 96782 Call: 808 455-3013 or to register: olgcparishws2018@gmail.com
Please join Bishop Larry Silva celebrate Mass for 2018 Clergy and Religious Jubilarians
When: Where:
Sat. 21 Apr 2018 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM HST Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa
2018 Diocesan Jubilarians 70 Years • Sr. Francis Regis Hadano, OSF • Sr. Helen Agnes Ignacio, OSF • Sr. James Therese Joseph, CSJ • Sr. Stephen Marie Serrao, OSF 60 Years • Sr. Rosita Aranita, CSJ • Rev. George J. Cerniglia, S.M. • Sr. Marie Christine Platteros, SS.CC. • RIP Sr. Joan E. Souza, OSF 50 Years • Sr. Earnest Chung, M.M. • Rev. Gary Colton • Sr. Marion Kikukawa, OSF • Rev. Msgr. John Mbinda • Rev. Richard McNally, SS.CC. • Sr. Frances Therese Souza, OSF • Sr. Claudia Wong, CSJ 25 Years • Rev. Stephen Macedo Refreshments to follow Mass For more information, contact the Office of Worship at (808) 585-3342 or mcordero@rcchawaii.org.
Congratulations to these men and women, many who are educators, who have sacrificed for us and for our children in their religious vocation. May God grant them health and many more years of faithful service.
Cahnd{a,o Monday April9 Atttuutciation of tlrc Lord Is 7:10-14;8:10 Heb
Lk 1;26-38 Tuesday
April l0 Easter Weekday Acts 4:32-37 In 3:7b-15
St Starrislarrs, Bisltop and Martyr Acts 5:17-25 In 3:16-21
Thursday April l2 Easter lVeekday Acts 5:27-33
|n 3:31-36
Friday April l3 Easter l|reekday Acts 5:34-42 ln 6:1-15
Saturday April 14 Easter Weekday Acts 6:1-7
ln6:16-21 Sunday
Tltird Sunday
Deqn?qdni When our priest raises the host during the consecration at Mass, a parishioner says out loud, "My Lord and my God!" Am I out of line to feel this isn't right? he liturgical assembly at Nlass isn't a random collection of individuals; rather, the faithful form a holy people to give thanks to God. "They are consequently to avoid any appearance of singularity or division....This unity is beautifully apparent from the gestures and bodily postures observed together by the faithful" (General Instruction of the Roman Missal,95-96). Moreover, unity is achieved in the vocal prayers and responses at Mass, "that, gathered into one body by the Holy Spirit," we "may truly become a living sacrifice in Christ" (Eucharistic Prayer IV). The Eucharistic Prayer-the preeminent prayer of the Churchis voiced by the priest on everyone's behalf. Allparticipate in the collective prayer by our acclamations throughout: the dialogue preface, sanctus, memorial, and great amen. Here we express our belief in the mystery of faith and our unity in the Church's prayer. The revised Rontan Missal omitted the memorial acclamation, "Christ has died, christ is risen, christ will come again," because there's no equivalent text
in the original Latin and also because it's more of a proclamation of faith than a prayer. Likewise, "My Lord and my God" is a proclamation of faith that may be for some all entirely appropriate response for a believer as the host is raised, but the church provides three communal prayers as acclamations immediately following the consecration. Any personal expression should be said quietly to preserve the unity of the Mass. Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR I Sundaybulletin@Uguori.org
of Easter
Acts 3:13-15 ,17-lg I ln 2:1-5a
A Wand FrcmPopnfrnncos Mercy warms the heart and makes it sensitive to the needs of brothers and sisters with sharing and participation. Thus, mercy requires everyone to be instruments of justice, reconciliation, and Peace. Let us never forget that mercy is the keystone in the life of faith, and the concrete form by which we make Jesus' resurrection visible. Mercy Sunday, April 23, 2017
Lizuori Lrpr,tsuc&oNs
A Rrd.mptorist Ministry