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Holy Family of fesus, Mary and |oseph December 3L,2AL7
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,{moimtlng s}f the Sic}<, }-Xoly Comnauni*n to t|re Sic}r and F{ernetiound, Funerals: Please call the Parrsh Olfice,
{nfant tsaptisn-l: Parents are [o cal] the Purish oflice clunng business ]rours to schedule ir Baptisnr meeting.
Matrirntlny: '1'he proper anrl reqriired preparation lor this Sacranrent is extensive. The time frante is at least six [t,J ntouths. Corilrles are askecl to atlenii an Engaged Encounter Weel<end in pre;:araliort and cotrtplete SiaLe atrrl Cliurclr 1;aperworli. Do nol set a date or print invitations for yoLrr marriage untrl after you have spol<en wilh a priesl. Sacnauaerat ofl
m Vigill 5 :00pm Slrnday Morning; 7:00 am 9:00arn & 1L:00am Faith Fornralion Family Ist ft Jrd Sunciay at 9:00arn
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SatLrrday: {Sr,rnday
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fohana Mass every 2n.i Sunday at 1-1-:00arnJ Sunday Evening; 6:00 pm Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00pm Saturday: 12:00 noon L;rst Saturday of lhe Month at the 12;00 noou mass Friday 1U:15 - 11:30 a.nr. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 prn or by appoirltment Fridays: Alte r the 7:00 am mass and 1.t F'ridays: 7:30 - l0:00 pm &{onclay - S:rtulclilv: l- l:15am Sunday:5:1Spnr
ADDRESS: 800 I(;thella St. lli:rtolulu. liarv:rii',)(rtlL.l OFF'[Cf HOUfi.S: Nlon, - l]:-10 - l2:(l0pnr Tues. * [rri. B;.]L']aur - 12pnr/ l:()0 - 3:3Oprn e41-0675 FAX: [B0t) 9+s-068e FSIONE: [808] O F-FICE E N!,{{{, r ssp ete rp aui @hawaii. rr. com W E B S {'[' E : W !!']ry.Sllt qI e,rp a Llili
,?r: $t5. Peter & Paui Churr:ir
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6: 00a ra - 8: 00am 11;00am - l:00pm 6:00am - 1:00pm 7:3Opm - 10:00pm 11:00 arn * 1:00pm & 3:00pm * 6:30pm
o:O(laru 5:00i,rm
* 7:()(\1p
frDear Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends,
t{,rffy Niw Tearl FoLtowing Christmas,
the birth of our Savior, Csd has
given us another new beginning. For most of us, the year that is just about to end has been a combination of joy and sadness, ups and downs, triumph and faiture. As we reflect 0n the year, we turn to Cod for comfort, consotation, strength, thanksgiving and guidance.
We would like to thanl( you for your presence through the year, especiatly your participation and contributions in making Sts. Peter and Paul a toving and welcoming parish. We thank you for the financial, spirituat, social
and moral support given to the church:
Let's us appreciate Fr. Scoit Bush and bid him a fond Aloha. Sr Please join us in fellourship on Monday, January 1,2418 after the 8:00 am Mass. ,
Amistad/human trafficking movement, Cathotic Care Project, Buitding & Maintenance Fund, Stained 0lass project, Misa De Calo tradition, Faith Formation, RCIA, Youth & Young Adutts, Liturgicat Ministries, Sacred Music, Ohana Mass, Legion of Mary, Knights of Columbus, Charismatic & Prayer groups, as weit as teadership services, are truty appreciated; we are blessed.
we end ZAfi, we anticipate the Year 2018 wi[[ be a year of joy and hope as we look forward to our parish Colden Anniversary. ln lool<ing forward, we tool< bacl<wards to those who pastor our church, those who once were heatthy and youthful but no [onger able drive themselves to Mass, especially our l(upuna and homebound. We think of them often and want them to l<now we are As
always gratefuI and thankfu[.
ln particutar, we thank Father Scott for being present to us during his time with us. His homilies have nourished us and we have been comforted by the care tal<en to tisten to us in our worst moments. Despite of heatth condition and vutnerabitity, we have witnessed the Suffering Christ in his willingness and challenges and his comptete faith in Cod's plan for him. As of the 1't of .January, Fr. Scott wi[t begin to transfer to the Chancery. We are grateful for his witness and pray for his we[[ being and new beginning.
I am certain God has prepared att the hetp we need to make 2018 a good year. May we atl have a good year so we can come to Cod with hands fult. Mrzy the Lard bless you ancl protect jrot1. May the Lord vnile on you and be graciotrs to yott. M*y the Lardshow yotL his frwor and give you his peoce. (Nu 6:24-26) 'i'
t;,'1,i:. :,,:
Peter,and :faul,,fhdtth
This Week's Mass Schedule
6&&S ffiEWS 3;2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:7-6; 27:7-3 Col S:12*27 or Col 3:72-77 ar Heb 17:8, 77-72, 17-19 Lk 2:22-40 or Lk 2:22,39-40 Sir
Nasx lnterrtion Parishioners, \risitols, and !'ricrnlls olSts. Petqr and iraul
Federico Barocci (see picture, front cover) captured the Holy Family escaping to Egypt. Although they are refugees in a dramatic, stressful situation, he
Ch;tllr:s {...rsh i lru.r lingJ
chooses to show the delightful communion among them. Mary sits comfortably in the center of the fami[y, busily collecting water. Perhaps she will wash the cherries or the toddler's dirty hands. Her face, full of serenity and joy, is lost in thoughts that go beyond the work of the present. She is the model of so many mothers who, in spite of challenging circumstances, focus their energy on loving their children and creating an oasis of peace^
Paulir:r: Scr:rctaria (BDJ
Timothy lVcslev
Arrrrt: Barucr {SI) +\,lralter Nornuri:l Rose Welch (healingJ Lorrai ne Cilmataotao (SI)
!'r. Khanh i:r. lihanh
Fr l{hr:nl:
+Julian;r Suh
+Gregorio Sapao +[ficrn Njcolas
SsJ:r.,,sE *,J'ir1r*
rii; $l)
{ir. Khanh
nnrJ:r:'"pl Si "Sirel:irrj J*trwjjr:nt
PrtST'$Rt\X" THi\$l{
Vicar: $enior Priestr Deacons: Parochiirl
.BishopElect lVlark S. Rir,.itnso. Vicar General, Arehdiocese ol $t. Louis. Pennission to publish is an indication tlnt nothing contrary* to Church teaching is coatained in this tork. 11 does nol imply an-v endoxernent 9f the opinions expre.ssed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed bv rhis pcrmission." No part of this lvork nray be used in any form u,ithout rhe plior tvritten pernriss.inn of Liguori Puhlic'ations. Scfipture texts kl thi$ work are taken from Neu. Anrerican lJible, rer,.ised edition O 2010, l99l , l9tJ6. l97tl C-'oniratemity of (-'hdstian L)o$rine, Inc.. Washington. DC. All Rights Resetved. Design: Wendy Barnes. Tn order Liguori Surday Bullerins, call 800-325-952i , or visit Liguori.cxg.
Jill Ishiluwa (healingl
+Robert Fascual
Parislrioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts" Peter and Paul
Fr. Mark Haydu, LC accordnnce with CIC 8??, pcnnission to publish has been granred on
+Bcl'nard Ho
63t)57-9999. Prinre.(, in USA. Imprirnatur:
lir. I{hanh
Cr:n e t'rt go Sit l:)it{r
+ Derceased members of Perrcrira
Liz Spector' {Tha gkpgiving}
The Holy Family reflects the divine farnily. One day the heavenly Father will also extend a piece of fruit* this time the bitter passion and the wood of the cross. Although it costs his human nature, Jesus accepts it, thanks in part to the strength he finds in
+|osr: C l.)izon 5r.
+Sotrn Ilne l{im
returning that love with joy and gratitude.
[rr, Klianh
f'r. Khanir
+\{alter Nornilr;l
Jesus is next to Mary, and reaches out to Joseph. He receives love from both parents while
3017 Liguori Publications, Liguori,
+Pcrrci* larniiy
Saint Joseph stands behind the Madonna and reaches up into the tree to pull off a branch for the child Jesus. His strong arm and hand extend straight down toward the child as they both grasp the wood from opposite ends-one giving and the other receiving. This simple domestic gesture of providing for the son is strongly syrnbolic of what so many husbands and fathers do on a daily basis. Alongside their wives, they care for their families with hard work.
Khanh Pham-Ngulren
Rev. Scott llush ile r,. Pat F'reita.s
Deacon Rlchard Abel Deacoi: Angken Xyrnoon l.|eacon Richard Fort
Pqrtners in Foilh'*
Simple tlcts of kindness Jcsus rv.ts cle;rr thirt lre to*irn{s us
to be kind to
every.lnr. ln the famous prarable of the Cciocl Samaritan, lesus told r"tf a man rvho rvas ri.rbhed irnd lefi fr:r dead. 'lhr man tvas passcd bv a priesr ilnd a l,er..ite before a Samarjtau rnJn helped irim.'Ihe Sarnaritan
g,irnrtr-r,-inning l:;rskct, lrer leirmnlates g,]v(: her dirtv lool<s
and passrcl as she lay on thr floor hokiing her ankle. It lvas a mernber of'the other team srho was kind enougir to help her ug:. F;ilcouragâ&#x201A;Ź acts of kindness. Gerry noticed that the nerv bcy at school seerned sad. It turned out that Sammy's dad lost his job and n"roney r,ras tight. Gerry begar: packing an extra sandwich in tris Iunch for Sarnmy, sat next to irim in the cafeteria, and prlayed together at recess Both bo1,s made a good friend.
* supposerlly an ene'nrv * clemr:nstrated true kindnrss. Iesus told us to do the same
(l.uke 10:.17). Teach children l.r: value people first. trVhen Ashley tripped plal,ing basketball and missect the
Scriafitre In this Cospel reacling.
Mork I :2I -28, More thon iust q teocher r,r,e
read that
Jesus entered the synagogue at
Capernaum with his apostles to teach. lvklst teachers woulcl clraw frorn the writings of other scholars for -{' authcrity. and would begin, "Thus says the
Lorcl..." but }esus said, "l tell you..." As Cod, he already knew what the Scriptures rneant without leaning on someone else's teaching. fesus taught as one who had the authority of Cod and that astonished his listeners. Er.en the unclean spirirs
who were torturing a man at the
CelebFofions Ian. 7 * Epiphany of Our Lord (lst Century). Hpiphany is Greek for manifestation. When they honorecl the infant Jesus with gold, frankincense and myrrh, the three wise nren bare vr"itness to the fulfillment of Cod's prornise of a savior.
Ian. 8 * Baptism of the Lord (Ist
Century). Iesus began lris puhlic ministry b1, getting baptized u'y St. Iohn the Baprist. Iesus was free of sin, but he allowed himself to be baptized in order n "fulfill all nghfeousne-ss"
synagogue recognized |esus as "the I-Ioly One of Israel." Clear}l', this was no ordinary teacher! Jesus showed his authority again u,hen he performed an exorcism 0n the man.'Ihe unclean spirits had no choice but to obey him
when he commandrd them to depart, despite their reluctance.
TALK I was madl I emailed Kara's teacher asking that he move her arvay from Ioey', a boy rvho was distracting her. A week rvith no respon$e and I rvas sure he was ignoring rn)r reque$t. I rvanted to fire off an angry
email, but instead rvaitect
a puent do!
Iesus shows us that Cod's po\ 'â&#x201A;Źr and lorre are greater than any evil. Teach children that they can talk
to Jesus alrout anyt]ring that happens, good or bad. At the same tirne, stress that Jesus is God and deseryes to be worshipped and,:beyed.
{Matthew 3:15). By his baptism, Iesus declared his willingness to
fulfill God's saving plan. It is also
this time vn'hen God reveirled Jesus as his "balouel.f Son" (ir,{atthew 3:17). Ian. 17 - St. Anthony of }:rypt (356). Born to a rich farnily around 250 A.D. in [,gypt, St. Anrhorry gave up his riches tr: live a life of simplicity in the @; desert. liventually'; otlrer rnonl<s seeking the :;arne Iifcst;-lr tbllorvecl hinr into the desert and he fbr,rnded rr cornnrunitv of heunits. Hc is the founder of monaslicisnr.
a reply'.
\,Vhen lvtr.
l-{rinz finally phoned, I explained rny concern. I"Ie explained that he has educational reasons for assigning seats and, while he tries to accommoclate parent request$, his goals must take priority. Still, he had taken a few da s ro observe Kara and Joey and found they worked well togerher He paired them for a geography activity and they did A-quality rvork. More impomantly, he asked Kara if she wanted tt:l rnove and she didn't. She likecl working w,ith foey. Clearly this w.as a thoughtful teacher. I hung up the phone and decided I would trust him to run his own classroom.
Our IYlission To help pnrenis raise faithfi.rl Catholic children Sui:tss l}rblishiug & tlcdi:r. I.l..o Ptrhlishrrs ol(iri:rt!ni1 in ir;rith'u arril Prrtnars in lrlirir,. ( 5 4t] ) r.r (, ). 7 t3{ d ( :i.,l.i I ii (i i. i il.{ I i,1x ) hitl: :,/,rrr,t*r.. paltnt rsi ntai tl:.i:om (i.lriicss o(r{j:(l iililit (lu(xi:r iiri{ r(i(rlrn,:t* n.t ii(ri} rltt: i?r'vis<ril 5r,llil.xd Versiot :ulti drc
li{\, r\rrricill lliltl.
Cl i-:q;;rl.1Lril ?il1ii Sui:ilrrss Prihirsi:ir!i & l.;'li:diri, l..i.C
Partners in Helping our children grow in their Catholic faith.
January 2018
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Thoughtful Moments
Pcrent like the Holy Fsmily 'lhe llible doesn't tell tis much about the parcn{ing s$,1* of N{ary and loseph,
l>ut r,rr cilr) grless lrv lvhat we kncirv
St. Angela Merici Iloln in ltirl1,, St^ Arrgela and her sister rvere
raiscd by
the aclult ksus. Ie;rnr frorn the [l:ly Fanrily hot, tc: raise one, tt:t:.
he r-re;rlerl sorneilt ing ilrnazing Sonretimes childre^n need a nudgr ttl den:onstr"ate their Cod-given talents.
Trust God's plan. When the angel revealed the plan Cod had for her life, Mary gave Cad her u.hole self to his purpnses. Following her exarnple, Iesus did the same. ?each children, throug,h rnodelling prayer and sacrifice, tc let God control the direction of rheir lives.
Nurture virtue. lVhile interacting r.vith prople cluring his public
uncle iliier the death o1'their parents. Wheu her sisrer dierl
ministn, Iesus rlemonstratecl tlrt:
lvithr:ut the Sacraments, Angela became n'lhird Order Franciscan to pray fbr hrr. She rvas inspired by a vision to fcxrncl a teaching orclt:r.
Initiaill', strq ',r,as rlet lvitlr opposition; ilre po;lr lvanted trer to rcrrrain in Rorrre rvirlr ll nursing, order, lrut she refi-rsed arld hrcnl ort to found the [.lrsulines in IJresci;q,
Mary points to her Son Cor"rtrary to lts title, the t.Iail lr{ary is actuirlly a Scriptural prayer to
Cod alrour jesus. In it, rve prrofess our lirrn beliei-that Cocl Lrecarne
rnan arrd l.ta$ Lrorn of N,lirrv: "Blessed is the fmit o{, 1hy wr:nrb, Jcsus." As a ilmih', prav il l{ilil \,larv ;lr:d ;isk Ior thr grirce tt: l<nt>rv
rriftues r:f piltience, persistence, hard rvork, self contxri,
and conrl:assion. Iincouraging these
Iend to your own faith. When Iesus was young, hnr,v his parents lived, how they praciced their faith, and hcrw they answered his questions helped ro forn Jesus' ear$ understanding of
vi(ues in children rvill help prrepare theln tbr their orr'n unigue vocations.
Nudge when necessary. At the wedding ftast in C;ana Iesus rsas rcluc"tnnt
to perform his first public rnimcle, but his rnother knew tkat he was ready and capable. Afier a genrle push from he4
whv Dol Csfh olics
Do Thsf
Cod. Be$urelrllrown knowledge and practice of ycur faith is strong so you can properly in{luence that of y'our children.
Why do Cstholics celebrqte Sqcrqments?
Iesr.rs l>etler.
Safmrr-ients are "effic;rrir:r_rs signs, insdtr:led by t.hrist and erltrusted ro the Church" tr
"I{e({ii r}r.,sol}, ],orr firi/1e,r'li tn-sirxc:Iicn, rlnti ft,riral n{rf }?r{r y1i
(rlf i1,y'lq
givr grar:e ( {-irrac&i.rlr rr/' I}rt; (lrtlr',/ri' (.liiiri fu (,rat.t' is ;r J. slxrrc in God's diuinc lik:.
{rar:1litig,. "
Proverhs i :8).
i\s iind, rest, and iledicinr rurrintlir-r cur hodies. so th*: Strcrllnru"tts
iil: i0p.,r:Uilt lC
Siiraesx pxblisitiiti & fyle.Jia.
rnain$in our souls. Our lilb of gnce in B.,rptisn: is deepened hv (,orrfi n:r.rtittrr.'l hc I_rrrharist
(\ ) \ f'
nourislres us ;urd (lonfrssion he.tls.tts I tolv ()rriers and Milttirnonv snstilin the (,hrrrclr. Iriually olrr souls lr"r:
l.lrpilml lor rtenritt h,v tlx: ;\nrinling of rhe Sicli.
TBEA$-URE Mahala for your generous confribufions a n d F a it hf ul SfewardshtP. The Collections for December 23 25, 2417 are as follows: Total: $33.392,ap
Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions Blessing Electric & Votive Candles
$7,790.25 350.00 20.00 341.90 $8,502.15
ErllyEI=oPE$ 397"
$11s.00 60.00 120.00 122,00 Subtotal $417'00
Building Fund Outreach Catholic Care Proiect Donation
S-unday - *- - - -- De-sPmb-e.r 33 The Holy Family ofJesus, Mary &loseph, I$ew Vears Eve
6:15 am - Rosary (M) 10:16 arn RGIA
lanuary I Solemnityof Mary, TheHolyMatherof God, New
Vea{s Day, Office Closed 8:00 a.m. Mass followed bY Appreciation brunch for Father Scott Bush (will resume January 22,2018)
Tuesday St. Easil the Great &
$18,085.08 826.00 5.00 35.00 5,240.00 20.00 20.00 7.00 5.00 200.00 $24,443.08
Office Closed, St. Gregory Nazianzen 6:10 am - Rosary {M) 11:15 am * Rosary (M) 7:00 pm
Centering PraYer (U)
Special Collections: Christmas Misa De Gallo Immaculate ConcePtion Retired Religious Fund Stained Glass First Otfering Catholic Education ScholarshiP Latin America Mother of God Facilities
M * Main Church, U-Upsfairs Pan'sh Confierence Room, R * Recepfibn rootn, B - Blue raom, G - Green Roorn,
The Most IIoIy Name of lesus 6:10 am - Rosary {M) 7:30 am - Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M) 11:15 am - Rosary {M) 1:00 pm - Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace {C)
... ..... ... . ...... ... ... Ianuary 4
St. Elizabeth Ann Setoa 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary {M}
@i6e-{M} Fuda.y-
JanuarJ 5 FridaY First Neuntann, St. John 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 7:40 am * Eucharistic AdorationiSacred Head fievotion '! 0:00 - 1 1:30 am - Confesslon and Spiritual Direction 10.45 ain - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 11:15 am -- RosarY (fil) .**S*m-* S+a+i€*1€-€S-th+€+os+Aevetie++{+*} 7:30 pm - First Friday lviass
Sa!ur-d.ay- Frrsr Saful daY St.
- 1 1:{J0 arn : Cleaning Church (M} :15 a*r -- Rosary 3:30 - 4"30 prr- Cr:nfessi*ns (til)
fi:C0 1
{d dt
{i i* rr{
\t x
December Prayer Intentions from Pope Francis
PR.AYER Please
rhe Eldedy That the elderly, sustained by tamilies and
with your pertinent information so thatwe may remernberyou at Mass and with prayers and blessings on your special day in IANUARY. Fill in the complete this form (please print clearly!) and place it in the collection basket or return to the office no later than December 30, 2OL7. Please complete this form
pray for ffie
Loranza Alota Becky Alota Tony Bacani Michael Bartolome
Betty Ann Nault
Ha Lun Big Afivia Mia Blake Maniko Brady Arthur Cababa Mwejo Capelle Wini Chow Matilda Correa Teresita M. Custodio Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Blanche Deconte
Patrice Nielsen Ray M. Olis
Lourdes Olis Berry Oloday Maria Oloday Judy Arlando Nancy Pang loannita Pangelinan Yvonne S- Pangelinan Ephrem Perez Josefina Perez Anella Rabauliman Bregida R. Reyes Oliver Shilling Myong Soon Sim Joseph Anthony Sullivan Dolores Suredam Lolita A. Sutton Edwin Tagara Yalanda Trejo Myrna Vallespia Ho Chun Wah Ho Shiu Yan Theresa Yu tanleen Maria Xymoon
George DeConte
Odetta Doublet Shirley Dungo Iessie Dungo Blanche Hansen Joe Hansen Flarence Henson Stanley Ho Robert K. F. I{o Maria Eiena Jencks tack tucewicz Christaph Jucewicz Charlene Lau Pat Low
in our Parish,
Bana M- Illlacabare tohn M. Masunaga Frank Melleno Thomas Mistysyn Robert Mistysyn
Charita Abelgas-Mabon t/anessa Alcova
Christian communities, may apply their vuisdom and experience to spreading the faitir and forming the new generations. JANUARY ZA18 BIRTHDAY and/or ANNIVERSAY CELIBRANTS
P*rp* Tr*ncts
rs Srrgge*tt$ns
Prayer for our deceased
spiritm{lifg, Yst{r'! t l Tiatt* csre iltlnour ? 'Tcle cnre of ysur $'Tcke c*rs of $*rur *our rx$st$ h:i$s wfth Q i$*k* *$gg,.qf g* ' ful.h**.f$r* $ ;" .s .l{*$ :w,$$$d$ sf th* }i**r*',r+lth the *i| +f g -l!*ck *f{.*.q tqur $.sql{" . , . . sf ss*yl|. l$$t- h$tr* ,,.* fsS .lVatch ]$q,cupSxl -Yl{oTcn CIGt out ufor for fr${rer ts!. anher sr or nstnTtn$ n*infino fne the .fgr *fsr I lfidetch Wotch .$r$ out cdnnrlaini$s csilti*r"h cdrrrplaini$g.csilTinL$sl cs$rploifii$E csilTinL$s S ,i.i
H$tch l0.Toke corâ&#x201A;Ź of brctlrsrs ant sisters
family andfriend: + FrankMellena A Funeral Mass was celebrated an i i
i i i
LIKS Faceb*a
December 28,201"7
\ I I
i i I
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lard and may the perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest irt peace, Amen
There wilt be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament following the 6:00 p.m. Mass (December 31'tlas we close out the old year and pray for God's peace in the New Year. Exposition begins at 7:00 and closes with Benediction at 1.0:00 p.m. Join your parish family in praying in the New Year.
{ i'Si
"As each one htts receit,ed a gift, use it lo serve one anolher as good stev:ards of God's varied
grece" 1l Pt 4:I0).
(Followed by a end-of-the-year fellowship.)
MAHATO to all aur Liturgical Ministers, who assrsted
Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God
the celebrations of the
Fourth Sunday ofAdvent Monday, January 1, zCIt} 8:oo a.m. (only one Mass)
and the Feast of Christmas, those who helped decorate the church
for We appreciate your making
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord Saturday, January 6, za$ 5:0o p.m.
our Christmas celebration
Sunday, January 7,2018
and who serued
the fellowships,
73OO, g;OO
a.m. & 5:OO p,m.
bright andfestive.
Please share in the talents
aur parish family next week)
lanuary 7,2018 an the Feast af the
Epiphany of the Lord
Save the dates $Oth birthday anniversary Jan 21, 20XB @ Kalaupapa
after the 11:00 a,m, Mass in the courtyard.
N ltr.w 't|l *#s rit
Jan 23, 2018 G! 6:00 p.m. St, Francis School,
Almeida Center
Ya 135th Anniversary of
Arrival in Hawaii Nov 8,2018
130th Anniversary in Kalaupapa
Nov 14 2018
100th Death Anniversary
August 9, 2018 on Oahu August 12,2018 @ Kalaupapa 3
;.iit{'fi{{{t'{" Monday |anuary
Salenutity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
Nm 6:22-27 Ga14:4-7
Lk2:16-21 Tuesrlay January
DwnTndlTe I worry that I'm cramming too much of my Catholic devotions down my children's throats. Should they have more freedom to choose the faith on their own?
Sfs. Basil the Great and
l\ lfany of us can connect our faith to our mothers. It was most likely IVI,fr.ir constancy, love, and devotion that gave us the first hints that
Greg,ory Nazianzen,
$ishaps and Doctors of the Churclt
1ln2:22-28 Jn 1:19-28
Wednesday |anuary 3 Cfuistmas Weekday
1ln2:29-3:6 ln 7:29-34 Thursday |anuary 4 St.
Elizabeth Atm Seton, Religious
ln 3:7-10 ln 1:35-42
Friday |anuary St.
lohn Netuncrut, Bisltop
3:1i-2i i:43-51 ]n
1 Jn
Saturday ]anuary 6 Cltristmas Weekday
faith is important in one's life. When a woman chooses to be a mother, she commits to handing on to her children that which is most powerful and most profound in her own life. Over the years, the children will take what is given, sift through it, and finally add it in some way to their own personalities. But the gift first has to be given, and the commitment of motherhood is giving that gift. N{ary, the patron ofthe Church and of mothers around the world, is first represented in the Gospels as the one "who believed" (Luke 1:45). Itwas this deep became the weil'n"'
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"Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child's earliest years. This already happens when family members help one another to grow in faith by the witness of a Christian life in keepingwith the Gospel" (Catechism of the Catholic Church,2226). The sincerity and reverence of a mother's faith can become a fountain of living water that will naturally overflow, and her children can choose to drink of it. Renew your commitment to handing on your faith to your children freely and without limits! Source: Dear Psdre: Quesrfons Catholics Asr(, @ 2005 Liguori Publications, Sundaybulletin @ Liguori.org
1 |n 5:5-13
Mk 1:7-11 or Lk 3:23-38 or Lk 3:23, 31-34,36,38
Sunday |anuary 7 Epiphany ofthe Lord Is 60:1-6 Eph 3:2-3a,5-6 Mr 2:1-i2
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is necessary to rea{firm the convictian that every {amily rs the principal setting for the growth of each individual, since it is
"b.':j the natura{ need {or relatfonshfps with others. Over and over we see that {amily bonds arâ&#x201A;Ź essentia! for the stability of relatianships in again society, for the work of education. and far integral human developme nt, for they are inspire d by love, responsible intergene rational solidarity, and mutual trust. *-Addr*ss, F*od and Agricultural Organization, June 20, 2013 ;;.,:,.,j.'
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