in Ordinary Tirme
Iuly L6,Z0I7
p h-l
tlee Sick, E{o}y Comx&n:aiox} to the Sic}< axrd F{omeb*und, Furaerais: Ptrease cail the
Parish Office.
Exfaxt tsaptisr::: Farents are
cali the Farish oflice during business hours to schedule a Baptism
of Matrix;a*zay: ?he prope;: a-*d required preparation far this Sacrament is extensive. The tirr,e {rat:ne is ai least six {6} rconths" Couples are asked to attend an Eagaged Encounter Weekend in preparatian aad ccrnplete State and Church paperv;ork. tlo nct set a date or print invitations for your Sacrax*erst
_::1:5:1i1|:i1J:11Tirr:Ji*:r3:-*--* NVEEKEN* PIASSfiS:
H Fil
i:l E tr---{
Saturday: [Sunday Vigiij 5:00pm Sunday l\,lorning: 7:00 am 9:00am & 11:0*an:
Faitii Forrnation Famiiy l"st & 3"i Sunday at 9:00arn [Ohana &lass every 2'a Sunday at 1-1:0*am] Sunday Evening: 6:00 pr..r Saiurday: 12:00 noon Monday - Friday: 7:${J arn & l-2;00pm WEEKBAY MASSES; COMM{JNAL ANN0trITTITING: Last Saturday of the Ivlonth at the 7Z:AA noon mass R.gCONCII{ATICIN: Friday 10:15 - 11:30 a.ni. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment E{JC#A,RIST}C A*ORATtrON: Fridays: After the 7:00 arn mass and 1'r Fridays: 7:38 - 10:S0 prn Sunda3;; 5;15pnt tolonday - Saturda-v: 11:iSam PARiSN.E ROSAHjSS:
ADSRESS: 800 Kaheka St. Flonolulu, Hawaii 958I+ MOi{DAY-TH{.}RSDAY: 6:fi 0arn - 8:00arn CIFFICE HOUfr.S: Mon" - Fri.8:3Oam - LZprn/1;:$0 - 3:3Opm i' 11:00am - 1-:00pm Fr{ONE: [808] 941-C675 FAX: {BOSJ 945-A689 6:0Oam - 1;0*pm i, FR.IDAY: 73}pm F'IRST FR.IDAY: - 10:00pm EMATtrL : sspeterp aul OF'FICE @hawaii.rr.com l-1:S0 am - 1-:00pm SATURDAY: l,VEE$XTE: w'v'zw.ssp eterpaulhawaii.org & 3:00pm - 6:30pm ffi'X str. Peter & Paul Church Honolulu 6:S0am - 1:00am SUfIiBAY; & 5:S0prn - 7:00pm
I 1
This Week's Mass schedule Date
Mass lntention
Jul 15 SUN
Jul 16
Parishioners of
Paul Carmen Vigil (BD)
sts. Peter and
Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends,
We thank God for the natural beauty of Hawaii, the clean water, wind and air, the sunshine and tropical climate. Among the
; Fr' Khanh i
+Deceased Members of the i Fr. Khanh De Silva & Nakanelua Ohana
most significant of the natural resources in our state are the upland rainforests with its
; Fr. Khanh
watersheds which provide us wells of freshwater. However, if mismanaged or used without care, the natural resources in our state are for the most part irreplaceable.*
(Healing) Scott +ularllvnQueey ; fr.'---"
\Mlbert Liu
Ron Toma Mon
Jul 17
i Jul
(healing) i Fr. Scott
+Mansueto Palmani
Fr. Khanh
+Catherine Mary Low
Fr. Khanh
+ Victorina
+Andrew Vincze
Fr. Syd
+Hiep Luciano
Fr. Khanh
+Thomas Nguyen Vong
Fr. Khanh
+Deacon Lauren Wong
Fr. Scott
Fr. Khanh
Ron Toma (healing)
Fr. Khanh
sts. Peter and
There is a part of Stewardship that calls us to look at all of our lives as a gift. The time we have been given, the talents and abilities with which we are blessed and our share of the treasures of God's earth are entrusted to us. We are the stewards of this world.
Fr. Scott
+Maria Truong Lai
Parishioners of :
Fr. Scott
Fr. Scott
As responsible stewards of God's creation, we are to care for our church facilities and use our energy, particularly electricity in a manner that is accountable to what has been given to us. We are called to safeguard the church environment making it conducive to prayer and worship. ln thoughtful consideration of our parishioners, friends and visitors, the temperature in the church will be monitored by designated volunteers and sacristans.
Joey Canilao (BD)
Jul 19
Thus the utilization and protection of our finite natural resources calls us to be stewards of these resources given to us by God.
Mahalo nui loa,
I Fr' scott *
Repose of the soul
Pastor: Associate Pastor:
Senior Priests: Deacons:
Senior Deacon: Secretary:
of; BD-Birthday;
Sl-Special Intentions
PASTORAL TEAM Rev. Khanh Pham-Nguyen Rev. Scott Bush Rev. Pat Freitas Rev. Mr. Richard Abel Rev. Mr. Angken Xymoon
/ /h
a i id e ptl and. cu s th elp. co m
/ - /wh at- a r e -th
e- n
atu r al- r e s o u r c e s - of-
ap p an sw er s d eta h
a i iok 3
il / a-id/ 6 7
We are a welcoming Parish. Be a Family Member!
Parish Registration forms are located at the entrance ofthe church. You may also contact the parish office for more information. Please call94L-0675
Rev. Mr. Richard Port
or email: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr.com
Yvonne Toma
"&VBa#tre {e:"lse& W**WN*
# *&y *& ff*Y ""
Sts. Peter and Paul Church Eye of God in the Woods Artist: Charles Burchfield
The Book of
Romans meditzrtes on zr truth we sornetimes neglect, but that
has inspired marly artists. Creation longs to share in the freeclom of God's kingdom. Sin has aff-eoted nature, so s:rlvation ri,ill also
it fi'ee liom corruption. What rvor-rld a giorified planet look like Charles set
Burchfieid, a nature painter, tried to irnagine just that. scenes from his bedroom in Salem, Ohio. He became obsessed with dramatizing landscapes and was knorvn to sketch as he rvalked to and from schooi. His love and meditations didu't keep him from entering the army, but given his gifts, he was assignecl to the camouflage unit, using his skills to paint tanks and drapery. Some of his designs are still used today. What Burchfield discovered lvas that a pristine nature scene was a divine image. The forms, the colors, the patterns rvere aii created by God and guided by his providence. By painting these scenes, one was truly
touching the hand of God and entering into his mind. His painting Eye aJ God in the Woods illustrates the eye of God in a sun that pierces through the trees of a snowy forest lvith a rolling brook. God speaks in nature motifs. Scripture is full of them. Jesus also used nature as a model for his teachings: seeds sown in different soils, clouds predicting rain, a sparrow, a catch of fish. Nature is a glorious soil from which inspiration can sprout. This week, meditate and marvel at the beauty of creation and, like Jesus, take lessons from it for your spilitual life.
Mark Haydu. LC
For Reflection H<tv.,orte.n d<t
I spend time outdoors enjo-ting ncttwe? in the natural v,orld
messctges Jrutttt God <:an I .l'intl
,Irily...fi 6;ii,2.$*.S..
First Reading - Isaiah 55: L0-1"1 The prophet Isaiah speaks of nattre in order to illustrate God's Word. We receive the rain and snow to help us make the soil fertile and land productive. The parallel is drawn to God's Word which goes out into the world, in order to reflect God's Will in the world. Second Reading - Romans 8: 18-23 In this passage we read about Paul's corcorn for the sufferings of the people of God. In this world there is pain and sorrow, but all of this does not have the final word. Paul tells us of a new creation that will be birthed. The sufferings of the present time will be transformed into a brand new creation, and we will all share in this as children of God.
Gospel-Matthew L3:1-23 or 13:L-9 We can view this parable from the view of failure or frorn the view of success. We may see ourselves as only interested in winning at all costs and ignoring failures, but this would be ignoring reality, A11 of us fail at times, even with our very best efforts. God is not interested in whether we win or fail. He is interested in om attempts to do our very best, and whether we win or lose, God will do the rest.
Next Sunday's Readings {Cycle Al
in Ordinary Time
First Reading : Wisdom 7Z : 7 3, L 6- L9 Second Reading: Romans 8:26-27 Gospel:
Matthew 13:24-4i or 13:24-3O
Mahalo for your generous contributions and Faithful Stewardship. The Collections for July 8-9, 2017 are as follows:
75th Sunday
6:15 am 6:15 am 5:00 pm 5:15 pm -
$7,584.88 220.00 50.00 0"00 o.00 5.00 728.41 $8,588.29
6:10 am 8:00 am 11:15 am 6:30 pm
(M) - Rosary Vacation Bible School - 1:00 pm(M) Rosary - Charismatic Prayer Group (M)
6:10 am 11:15 am 6:30 pm
Wednrrsday -
IuIy 19
Rosary (M)
7:30 ar,r - Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M)
$141.00 350.71 0.00 97.00 $588.71
8:00 am - 1:00 pm Vacation Bible School 11:15 anr - Rosary (M) 1:00 prn - Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) 6:00 pm - Scripture Study (R)
JuIy 20
St. Aptollinaris 6:10 am - Rosary (M)
Special Collections: $1.00 10.00 2.53
8:00 am - 1:00 pm Vacation Bible School 11:15 am - Rosary (M) 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M)
- Rosary {M) - Rosary (M) - Centering Prayer (M)
6:10 am
Catholic Commu nication Holy Thursday Peter's Pence American Catholic Church Donation for Stained Glass Donation to Facilities Seminarian Education
Iuly 17
St. Cami[Ius de Lellis
Choir Practice (B) Rosary (M) Choir Practice (R) Young Adult Rosary (M)
Building Fund Outreach Donation Catholic Care
IuIy 16
in Ordinary Time
Monday ..--.----....--
- Main Church, U-Upstairs Parish Conference Raom, - Receptlon raom, B - Blue room, G - Green Room, - Courtyard
T-oJal: $l-Q"05.3,70 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions Baptism Funeral Weddings Blessing Electric & Votive Candles
it i' *."r. '"i"-"i' ii"ir r. -"r"ivli]iriii
500.00 200.00 3J 41 .17 $3,876.70
July 21
St. Lawrence of Brtndisl
Rosary (M) Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion B:00 am - '1:00 pm Vacation Bible School 10:00 - 11:30 am - Confession and Spiritual Direction 10:45 am - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 11:15 am * Rosary 1:00-3:00 HFB 32lb Senior food box distribution 5:45 pm - Stations of the Cross devotion (M) 6:10 am 7:40 am
Our Second Collection next weekend, July 22-23, is for the Building Fund.
We appreciate your generosity as we are continuing with repairs and improvements of our Church. Your loving support is greatly valued. Mahalo.
luly 22
St. Mary Magdalene
8:00 - 11:00 am - Cleaning Church (M) .15 am - Rosary 3:30 *'4:30 pm - Confessions (M) 5:00 pm - Saturday Vigil Mass
$*t*r *nd Fani
Are we indeed ,,rich soil?,
ln today's Gospel Jesus speaks to
the crowds using parables. This is one of the most effective ways that Jesus brought the Word to life.
ln today's parable, Jesus speaks of a sower, and how the important factor
Many children and famiries eagerry rooked forward to the end of the school year and the carefree days of summer, playing outside in the warm sun, splashing and swimming in pools and at beaches, and gathering with farniry and friends for Aloha and Hawaiian harbeques. But for rnany of our keiki the end of school can be the end of certainty about where and when their next meal will come. These children who benefit from free or reduced price lunches during the school year may not be receiving the nourishment necessary for proper physical, cognitive, and social development during the long summer months. Hunger has no vacation, Our Catholic Care project asks you to give generously
to our parish food coilection. raa% of your donation
directly to feeding those in our parish and community who are at risk of food insecurity and struggle with hunger. Visit our parish website for more information at uryg*$. $spet-o rp-eu.lka}E aI i. s rg
ru trrL ;r*"rr.
who would benefitfrom food bag to help them make ends meet? please telt them to contact our Catholic Care Helpline (808) 38s- PRAY (772s) All information we receive remoins confidential
behind producing crops is more the soil in which seeds are planted than the seeds themselves. In other words the same seed can be planted in various places but it is only the seed planted in rich soil, which will produce fruit. We, of course, are the soil to which He refers.
Are we indeed "rich soil?,,
Jesus says, "...the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold." lt is up to each of us to seek to become the kind of soil the Lord's Word needs to produce a harvest. lt is we who must receive the Word from the Heavens and do something with it, which accomplishes God's purpose. That is what is meant when we speak in the stewardship terms of: "Receiving God's gifts; cultivating them; and returning them with increase to the Lord."
Please pray
for the sick in our Parish,
That our brothers and
sisters who have strayed frorn the faith. through our prayer and witness to the may rediscover the ,tmerciful rvr vtrr closeness of the Lord and the beauty of the Christian life. I
I and I
Prayers bring our parish community together I this is true especially when we pray for those I parishioners who are illamong us. We would like to update the list above for the I month of JULY. We will remove the names at the end of I every month and have a new list for the following month. I you lf wish to have your name or the names of your I loved ones included on the list, please fill up the form I below. The prayer list will be published for the whole I month and will be updated at the end of each month. I (Because of privacy lows, only person themselves or I immediate fomily member may submit a request.) I Mahalo for your cooperation. I
Please complete below so that we may remember you in prayers for the whole month of JULy. (please print clearly!l and put it in the collection basket or return it to the office. Mahalo.
I PH #: I (Retationshi p to pe rson )
Loranzo Alota
Tony Bacani
Larry Cabrinha
Wini Chow
Teresita M. Custodio
Tessie Dungo
Odetta Doublet
Stanley Ho
Avon Czerwinski
Regina Czerwinski
Purita V. Marcaida Robert Mistysyn
Thomas Mistysyn
Betty Ann Nault
Michael Bartolome
Dolores Suredam
A. Sutton
Edwin Tagura
Vanessa Alcova
Joe Hansen
Blanche Hansen
Shlrley Dungo
Joannita Pangelinan Christoph lucewicz
Ephrem Perez
M. Iltacabare Ray M. Olis
Lourdes Olis
Anella Rabauliman
Patrice Nielsen
lUlaria Elena Jencks
Ho Lun Big
Janleen Maria Xymoon
Robert K. F. Ho
Yvonne S. Pangelinan
Ho Shiu Yan
Yolanda Trejo
Il[anzko Brady
Soon Sim
--CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEWTY BAPTIZED WELCOME TO THE FAMILY Llezae-Summer Ancheta Baptized on May 28,2017 Carrera Marie Rumbawa Baptized on May 28,2A17 Leona Navasca Baptized on June 4,20L7
Al ex and er - M a s on F ern and e z Baptized on May 28,20L7 Teo Chosen Louis Baptized on May 28,2A17
GwenJulz Garcia Baptized on fune 11,,2At7
Please pray for these children and their families that they grow to be true disciples of ]esus Christ and for their parents that the Holy Spirit may gulde them as they teach their children our Catholic faith.
The sacraments that initiate us into the Christian life are Baptism and Confirrnation. Baptism and Confirrnation go hand in hand,like a certificate given its otficial seal. In Baptism, christians share in the death and resurrection of ]esus. In Confirmation, the Holy Spirit comes down upon us as it did on the Apostles on the day of pentecost. Baptism and confirmation are as inseparable as Easter and pentecost Sundays, the first and last days ofthe Easter season.
iesus himself was baptized and then confirmed by his Father with the gift of the Spirit: "After ]esus was baptized, he came up from the water and, behold, the heavens were opened for him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon him. And a voice came from the heavens, saying 'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased"' [Matthew 3:16-LZ).
In the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the sacraments are received in the proper theological order, usually at the Easter vigil Baptism, Confirmation, and then first Holy Communion. This takes place for anyone 7 years of age and older. Soon, our children baptized as infants will also be confirmed prior to First Communion.
i{ff ff$;rl$ ffi$* E Iro'ojaule'e f ke ole Frsnciscan :
"Galebrafs ffte Fr*nefssarl $pfrifl :' " ': '
,S*int Francie $chool Alumni Association 27th Annual Alumni Homecoming llilass & Lu-au,.",",r.--'lir.oo.
$rs*f IInwxiifin ftu*
*tsinw*$t $lfui&n*r*lu$u*r
*rS$ pm $*srrrsrt*$ 5:SO
pm Reglstratlon
6:$O pm Lu'au, Almeida
Ctlitd: $f
:strnvsnt Shnp*t $tudent Center
h *,
aa aa t+t.
Ng*gn*l** Tne tGor-nxtt $cxtll**ss CLASS OF
Axo Ovxen Gmss Reuxrcxs
Proceed* benefit the Saint Francis Schaol Alumni Schotarship Fund Ques#*rsf trIs*$h car sonia wdds fSffiJ 39s-$$3s orJulis Slrutr; .{ {tf$hjiaft.s$S
Sts. Peter and Paul Vacation Bible School
Matt. 9:36-37 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The
began last Monday, June 10 at B:30 a.m. There are 15 who came to participate. They meet in the church courtyard befbre going to our classrooms.
harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;
'Ano'ai K6kou, Last Saturday (second Saturday morning of the month), as usual, we took our turn in helping clean the church... Our next spiritual/social event will be back in WaikTkT - this time Kaimanas to see the baby monk seall lt's an amazing symbol of sacrificial love (the mother starves down for about six weeks as the pup feeds off her, until the pup is big enough to go off and live its own life). We'll enjoy the beach, and maybe go for dinner afterwards...
Check out our facebook page (use the link) https /www.facebo_ok,com/youngad u!!sm inistry_,
Or scan this QR code:
i i
The children learn the teachings of the Catholic Church through stories about the inspirational lives of our saints and the lessons they passed on. Each of the 1-0 days are filled with events tl-rat will create memories connecting the biblicaltruths with our children's hearts and minds. The Vacation Bible Schooi will continue up to Z'j,, 201,2, B:30 - 1:00 pm. Please pray for our children that they will be blessed and be inspired by the lives of the saints that tliey get to know and they may learn to imitate the saints in their love for Jesus.
As the young adults ministry of Sts. peter & Paul, inspired by St. Don Bosco, we wish to volunteer, learn, reflect, and be happy. Servite Domine in laetitia (Serve God cheerfully). Being part of this group,
i i i in this phase of our journey in life, will i allow us to help each other to grow i
spiritually, intellectually and physically.
,t you have any interest, questions, ii comments, ideas, please ]
i I
etc. e-mail us at trlvie!Fyr$gms!!,csm txt SSS_$$S: $n15 Hope to see everyone soon!
{)**n**cl tlrq: rvr-:rci$ lvilh ti"r* $*si:ls. t;r'r:$* tlrr+
u*:,.lliJ ir-,i.)l ',."ril qr*r,v
i:r:S g:rr:t$r:c* i:rui'|.
$csrJ *n g**r*
$*ed on r'**lty
$*** grnwing
$cec} nn th*r
{$tth t*r*rn*
*b*lut se*d*. Tl-:* s*sd t\*t gr*r.*s ln gu*d x*il rvill trs\.\,Nruitf \\ihut ($n 1,.'*Lr Sn t<: h* n *s*$ fh*t gr*ws nn g**d grnus$?
J*s*s t*l\* *
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Sustaining the Faith at Home "May each family rediscaver family prayer, vthich helps ta bring about mutuctl understanding and forgiveness. " -Pape Frcncis
]oin us for an evening of prayer, faith formation, and discussion. Learn how to strengthen your Families in the Catholic Faith, grow closer with each other, and evangelize as a family.
A Evening Workshop led by Anthony Selvanathan
Saturday,Iuly zz, zotj 6:3opm - 8:oo pm Saints Peter and Paul Church, Honolulu
Sponsored by Saints Peter and Paul Parish Fctith Farmation Program and Yauth Mintstry Please call the Parish Olfice at (9aB) 94t-o675 far fttrther informatian.
Anlerdfi(, Monday luly 17 Weekday
Ex1:8-14,22 Mt 10:34-11:1 Tuesday Iuly 18 Weekday
Ex 2:i-15a
Mt11:20-24 Wednesday luly 19 Weekday
Ex3:1-6,9-12 Mt ll:25-27 Thursday July 20 Weekday
Ex 3:13-20
Mt 11:28-50 Friday Iuly 21 Weekday
Ex 11:10-12:14 Mt 12:1-8
Saturday luly 22 St. Mary Magdalene
Sgs 3:1-4b or
Why does the Bible have two creation stories? Q cholars believe these stories (Genesis 1-5) were written by two authors [)during different times and situations in Iewish history. The first story focuses on the creation of the universe; the second emphasizes the creation of man andwoman. The creation account that appears first in the Bible (Genesis 1:1-2:4a) was written six centuries before the birth of Christ by a priest wanting to reaffirm for the |ews that only one God is the all-powerful creator of all that exists. At that time, a belief in several powerful, warring gods was common in the
cultures surrounding |udaism. The story that appears later in the Bible (Genesis 2:4b -3:24) was actually written earlier-four centuries earlier-by a sage in the court of King David. It affirmed that human beings have an inherent dignity and a responsibility to live within boundaries. They must obey God, a rule that applies to kings as well. Both accounts contain the closely held beliefs regardinghuman dignity (made in God's image and likeness) and responsibility (care for the earth as God would care for it) that are core to the Christian faith. At their heart they teach us through symbol and story about that God who is partially knowable, the source of life and hope amid the chaos and loss that beset every generation. Source: "Dear Padre," October 2All Liguorian Sundaybulletin@Liguori.org
2 Cor 5:14-17
ft2A:l-2,1,L-18 Sunday luly 23 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wis 12:i5, i6-19 Rom B:26-27
Mt13:24*43 or 13:24-30
AU)adFrcm,Po-pnfrntd{& "Saint Francis, iaithful to Scrupture, invites us to see nature as a magni{icent bcoJ< in which God speaks to us and grants us a gfirnps* of fuis infinite beauty ar:d gooCness' 'Through the g,-eatness arrs fhe b*auty of creatures one corfies to know by analagy therr m*ksr' {V'lisd*m i3:5}; indeed, 'his eternal power and divii";iry ilave bcei'? made kriow n ihrough his w*rks since the er*ation o{tfoe tw*rfd' (Roinans 1:20). F*r tfois reaso,l, Francis askerj fh#t part af ths friary garden always bs left untauched, sa that wiJd flor,orers and herbs couf* grow tfiers, urd thor* wh* saw them coul# i"aise their minds to Gacl, th* Cre atar a! such beautjr R;the;'thar a preblern to be sclved, ilze warid is a ioy{ul mystery to be contampiateC 'rrith gladness and prsise." -laudato Si'. May 24,2t15
:; a