Third Sunday of Lent

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Third Sunday of Lent

March 4,2018



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Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals:

Please call the Parish


Infant Baptism: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours to schedule a Baptism meeting,


n d

t t

Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrament is extensive. The time frame is at least six (6J months, Couples are asked to attend an Engaged Encounter Weekend in preparation and conlplete Slate and Church paperworl<. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you have spoken with a priest.


Saturday: (Sunday VigilJ 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am 9:00am & l-1:00am

Faith Formatron Family lst S. Jrd Sr-rnday at 9:00am [0hana Mass every 2r,t Sunday at 11:00amJ Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm WEEKDAY M,ASSES: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00 pm Saturday: l-2:00 noor COMMUNAL ANNOINTING: Last Saturday of the Month at the L2:00 noon mass RECONCILIATION: Friday L0:15 - 11:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Fridays: Alter the 7:00 arn mass and 1't Fridays: 7:3A - 10:00 pm PARISH R.O ARIES Monday - Saturday: 11:15anr

ADDRESS: 800 Kaheka St. Flonolulu, Hawaii 96814 OFFICE HOUR.S: Mon. - B:30 - 12:00 pm Tues. - Fri. B:30am - tZpm/1:00 - 3;30pm PHONE: $aq94T067s FAX: IBOBJ 945-a689 OFFXCE IMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr. com W



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S,r. Peter & Paul Church l-lonolulr-r





11:00 am & 3:00pm 5:00am

- 1:00pm - 1:00pm 10:00pm - 1:00pm

- 6:30ptn


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, nrt. Time .SAT Mar 3


visil Mass



Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends of Sts. Perer and Par"rl


DeSilva & Nakauciua Ohaua

Dear Pai'ishroners, Visitors, and Friends, celebran{ Fr. Khaiih



(Thanksgiving) Eduardo Flanuel, Sr. ISI) Liz Spector IBD)





fr. Khanir

Stailley Ful<e Ihealing) Felecisinra Justino Aguanta Dr. Eleiriia Rubio Ihealingj

Fr. Sieg

+Lisa Amimoto Charles Cash, Aaron Amimoto,

Fr (ipo


ln today's Gospel Jesus comes in to upset the status quo. The Temple way of doing things was going to be different. Change is difficult. Human nature resists any form of change. Socrates once said, "the secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." Do you sense that the way we have been trying to enact laws that value human life are not working?

We have a duty and a responsibility to

do whatever is in our power to assist the weak and most vulnerable in our society. Often those who

KamalAbadii (healing) Mon Mar 5


+Bregida Sacamay


+ i,,lora S. Borja



+ Simeon Santos

ilr Siro

are encouraged to choose death. Please allow God

Fr tieo

to be the author and perfecter of faith and of

Fr. Khann

human life.

r. Klran


Fr. Kiranh

Mar 6


Madison Kim IBD]

Wed Mar 7


+Sr. Doroihy Sailtos





Fr. Sieg

Mar 8


7am Fri Mar 9

+Mayet Ver + Nla




5pm Vigil Mass

7am Sun


Mar 11

Fr. iiirar, ir

fr. Knrnh irr. Khanir

+Micaela Quiambao (1st AnnivJ

Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends of Sts. Peter and Par.ri DeSilva & Nakanelua Ohana E. Nuyles IBDJ + Henry Parenio, Jr. + Virginia Burl<e


+|ohn Correa +Clorifina & Roman Aguanla


+ Lisa Amimoto Charles Cash, Aaron Amimoto, Karnaj Abadir (healing) Jansen Vinca IBD)

lrr {i;o Fi. Khann Fr'.

are sick or too weak to decide to do what

best are not given the choice but



Fr. Sieg

7:30 pm

Sat Mar 10



We continue to make our voices heard through our Senators and Representatives, whom we elect to serve us to enaet laws to protect the lives of those who live in our great $tate. On Tuesday testimony was given to the House Heaith and Human Senvices Committee as well as the Judicial Committee. The Bill passed the Committees Wednesday but with notes and amendments. lt now goes to the House for a vote and then to the Senate. Flnd out whCI your local representative is by going to: Vww-papilAllLaryAttgp_U or by phonelernail

your representative (Direct link to

Fi, l',ilii':i:


Representative and Senators: t tp -s,11 ww w.p ap- ilq l b-a w a ! i sp vl ru e rub q r s l,le gi s |a


lr. r

tt) Share your concern and give them your



i, iili



feedback. Some of them are up for re-electiorr. Lei them know they need your vote.

We need to be a people of faith who make a positive impaci on society instead of waiting for others to do something. 200 years ago slavery was acceptable until someone like Abraharn


or William

Wrlberforce made


difference. We can do our part in stopping this evil and save human lives, beeause in thern anci in us is Jesus, whs cares. ']vLttltal0,

't { ')\nrtnfl

This Week's l}Iass Schedule Date ,SAT Mar 3


vigil Mass

llJlass lntention Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends oiSts. Peter and Paul

Fi. Khanh





Dear Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends,



DeSilva & Nakanclua Ohana (Thanl<sgiving) Eduardo Manuel, Sr. [Sl)

Fr. I(hanh

Liz Spector (BDJ Stanley Fuke Ihealing)

Fr. Khanh

Felecisima Jusiino Aguania Dr. Eleniia Rubio (healingJ


+Lisa Amimoto Charles Cash, Aaron Amimoto, Kamal Abadii" (healing)

Fr. Sieg

Fi'. Sieg

ln today's Gospel Jesus comes in to upset the status quo. The Temple way of doing things was going to be ditferent. Change is difficult. Human nature resists any form of change. Socrates once said, "the secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." Do you sense that the way we have been trying to enact laws that value human life are not working?

We have a duty and a responsibility to

do whatever is in our power to assist the weak and most vulnerable in our society. Often those who

Mon Mar 5


+Bregida Sacamay


+ Nora S. Borja

+ Simeon Santos

Fr. Sieg

are encouraged to choose death. Please allow God

Sr. Sieg

to be the author and perfecter of faith and of

Fr. Khann

human life.



Mar 6


Madison Kim (BDl +Sr. Dorothy Santos


r. Klrairli

Fr. Khanh



Mar 7


Fr. Sieg



Fi". Sieg

Mar 8


7am Fri Mar 9

+Mayet Ver +



noon Mar 10

5pm Vigil Mass

7am Sun


Mar 11 11am

l-r. Khairh Fr. Sieg

7:30 pm


Fr. Iihanii

Fr. Kfianh

+Micaela Quiambao (1st AnnivJ

Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter ancl Paui DeSilva & Nahanelua Ohana E. Nuytes IBD] + Henry Parenio, Jr. + Virginia Bull<e

Fr. Sieg

Fr'. Kiiairh

Fr e;:,:

Fi. l'.irar:h

+John Correa

+ Lisa Amimoto Charles Cash, Aaron Amimoto, Kamal Abadir Ihealing] Jansen Vinca IBDJ

best are not given the choice but


We continue to make our voices heard through our Senators and Representatives, whom we elect to serve us to enaet laws to protect the lives of those who live in our great state. On Tuesday testimony was given to the House Heaith and Human Services Committee as well as the Judicial Committee. The Bill passed the Committees Wednesday but with notes anC amendments. lt now goes to the l-iouse for a vote and then to the Senate. Find out who your local representative is by going to: Ww-w.Q-epjLA! hat,yajLgqy or by phonelernail your representative (Direct link your Representative and Senators: ht?s/{legLsLa p t o fS -qqp t ? bO m b eI=tD Share your concern and give them yaur feedback. Some of them are up for re-eiection. Let them know they need your vote.



+Clorifina & Roman Aguanla


are sick or too weak to decide to do what



We need to be a people of faith who nnake


positive impact or-r society instead of waiting for others to do something. 200 years ago slavery was acceptable until someone like Abraharn



William Wilberforce made


dlfference. We can do our part in stopping this evil and save human lives, because in thenr and in us is Jesus, who cares.


--r 't { ')lnann.

Third Sunday of Lent (B) Wisdom, Strength

Sts. Peter and Paul Church

March 4, 2018

Lenten Schedule Wed, Mar 7th 6:00 pm

EXODUS 20:1—17, I Corinthians 1:22-25 John 2:13—25

6:30 pm

Evening Prayer Presentation “How to Forgive”

(See artwork on cover)

A ceiling painting by Laureti is found in the Constantine Room of the papal apartments. It is a symbolic celebration of the triumph of Christianity over paganism, set in a classical architectural space. The remains of a crushed Hermes lies broken in pieces on the floor, while a crucifix of Jesus Christ sits upon the pedestal. It is fitting that the painting crowns the papal hall honoring Constantine, the first Roman emperor to leave paganism and be baptized a Christian. Constantine had four basilicas built in Rome—including St. Peter’s—and gave Christians freedom of religion in the Roman Empire. The message is clear. The Romans worshiped statues of gods who were mere human creations and projections. In the statue’s place is not just another statue but a crucifix that reminds us of a reality, a historical event. God himself became human in Jesus Christ and showed his divine strength by emptying himself and being crushed by our sins in order to forgive and win back a rebellious humanity.

Friday, Mar 9th 11:15 am

Stations of the Cross (Daily Mass EMHC & Lectors)

6:00 pm

Stations of the Cross (RCIA)

6:30 pm

Movie Night “Brand New Life” Korean Subtitles

Sunday, Mar 11th 7:00 pm

Movie Night” Amazing Grace”

Wed Mar 14th 6:00 pm

Evening Prayer

6:30 pm

Reflection “7 Deadly Sins”

Friday, Mar 16th

This show of godly power through weakness is foolishness to the Gentiles and inconceivable to the Jews. Yet this humility and love is the wisdom that confounds and the strength that saves.

11:15 am

Stations of the Cross (CCP Volunteers)

6:00 pm

Stations of the Cross (Building & Planning Committee) Movie Night “Heaven is for Real”

6:30 pm Wed March 21st 6:00 pm

Religion isn’t a business or human invention for personal enthronement. Jesus overturns this idea like he overturns the moneychangers’ tables. Worship of God is all about accepting his initiative and humbly responding in the obedience of faith and the purifying joy of love.


Thurs March 22nd LENTEN PARISH MISSION 7:00 pm

Chrism Mass at CoCathedral

—Fr. Mark Haydu, LC Friday, March 23 rd 11:15 am

© 2018 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. Imprimatur: “In accordance with CIC 827, permission to publish has been granted on August 2, 2017, by Most Rev. Mark S. Rivituso, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521, or visit

6:00 pm 6:30 pm Sunday, Mar 28th 7:00 pm


Stations of the Cross (Sacristans) Stations of the Cross (Youth/Altar Servers) LENTEN PARISH MISSION HOLY WEEK BEGINS Movie Night “The Passion of the Christ”




This Week’s Events Mar. 4 – 10, 2018 M – Main Church, U–Upstairs Parish Conference Room, R – Reception room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room, C – Courtyard

Mahalo for your generous contributions and Faithful Stewardship. The Collections for February 24-25, 2018 are as follows: Total: $13,747.62 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass Intentions Baptism Electric & Votive Candles

Sunday March 4 3rd Sunday of Lent 6:15 am – Choir Practice (B) 6:15 am – Rosary (M) 10:15 am – RCIA 11:00 am – First Scrutiny & ACTS celebration Monday March 5

$ 8,591.94 185.00 100.00 619.02 $ 9,495.96


6:30 pm – Charismatic Prayer Group (M)



33% 67%

Building Fund Outreach Ash Wednesday Donation Stained Glass Catholic Care Subtotal


March 7

6:10 am – Rosary (M) 7:30 am – Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M)

11:15 am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm

$ 20.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 12.00 53.45


St. Perpetua & St. Felicity, Martyrs

Special Collections:


March 6

6:10 am – Rosary (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 7:00 pm – Centering Prayer (M)

$ 2,866.21 60.00 19.00 350.00 100.00 761.00 $ 4,156.21

Augustine Ed. Fund Latin America Mission Catholic Relief Services st 1 Offering Scholarship Operation Rice Bowl

– Rosary (M) – Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) – Evening Prayer – Scripture Study


March 8

St. John of God, Religious 6:10 am – Rosary (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 6:00 pm – Choir Practice (M)




March 9

St. Frances of Rome, Religious

6:10 am – Rosary (M) 7:40 am – Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 – 11:30 am – Confession and Spiritual Direction

Mahalo for your generous contribution to the Building Fund. As we prepare for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the presence of Christ in our community, we are getting ready by repairing and beautifying the place we worship.

10:45 am – Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 11:15 am – Stations of the Cross (M) 6:00 pm – Stations of the Cross (M) 6:30 pm – Movie: “Brand New Life” 7:30 pm – First Friday Mass Saturday

March 1 0

8:00 – 11:00 am – Cleaning Church (M) 11:15 am – Rosary 3:30 – 4:30 pm – Confessions (M)



What the CRS Rice Bowl Project Means to Me

Three parishioners and 2 staff attended the Stewardship Workshop sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor on February 17 at St. Theresa. Bishop Larry Silva shared in his homily of the opening Mass that being good stewards of the gifts God has given to us is a given as disciples of Jesus. Some people think being good stewards means collecting money or having enough ministers to serve at Mass, but this is not the goal of Good Stewardship. The purpose of Stewardship is to reach out to those who do not know Jesus, those “nones”, who do not claim any religion or who do not attend any church services. It is good for a parish to operate within the means God provides and to stay within our budget, but ultimately it is to bring the love of God to those who are hungry and lost, to set them free to live the lives they are called to live. Our good Stewardship is not for the few who come to us, but the 90% whom we do not see. Let us plan to open our doors wide this Lent and plan to welcome the multitudes.

Next Hawaii Food Bank Foodbox Friday, March 16 Catholic Care Food collection

What encourages me to save money and add it in the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) rice bowl project?

Well first of all to me giving back plays a big role in m y life this makes me happy to see others happy when I help them. On occasion, we may feel some temporary happiness when we receive something. But, greater sustained happiness is found by putting smiles on other faces. Showing kindness, love and support to others gives m e great joy! By just giving a dollar a day or even giving a cent it makes a very big difference on how it will help others who are in need for food, water and shelter. These are some of the basic things that a person may need. In addition to these, there are the emotional and spiritual needs of showing others compassion and love. My goal is to encourage young people such as children, teenagers, and adults in the happiness I find in giving. Adults can encourage their kids to put their spare change in their CRS Rice Bowl and fill it up as much as they can. As soon as it fills up, grab another one and fill it up some more. The CRS rice bowl can feed thousands of kids and people around the world who are in need of help.

If I could travel around the world and visit the people who are in need of food, shelter, water and most of all love and the care, that would be great!. In addition to helping our own folks on the island here on Oahu, it is the look in the eyes of young kids roaming the streets looking for food and begging for money just to eat. With no shelter, food, water, support and love, I feel an urge in my heart to comfort them. I am willing to give food to the homeless and the things they need and hope with others helping we can m ake even a bigger difference in their lives. Back in 2014 when I went to go visit my home in the Philippines I was emotionally impacted by the vision of such poverty. While leaving the airport walking to the parking lot and getting picked up by a cab you already see kids walking up to you holding up there 2 hands begging for money. Although I was initially scared and sad at the same time, it was a deep learning experience for me. I felt so bad that I told my mom to go buy them food and she did. As of today my mom taught me so m any things that she encourages me so much I know.

So help me out and spread the word out. You can pick up your rice bowls at the entrances of the church and in the courtyard. When your rice bowl is filled bring it back to church on Easter Sunday there will be a bigger version of rice bowl waiting to get filled up and ship to those in need. Thank You and Aloha. Gerica Mae Pintor

March 17 & 18



March Prayer Intentions from Pope Francis

Please pray for the sick in our Parish, Especially for …

Formation in Spiritual Discernment That the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on the personal and communitarian levels.

Pat Low Bona Macabre John M. Masunaga Thomas Mistysyn Robert Mistysyn Betty Ann Nault Patrice Nielsen Felicitas R. Noland Ray M. Olis Lourdes Olis Berry Oloday Maria Oloday Judy Orlando Nancy Pang Joannita Pangelinan Yvonne S. Pangelinan Ephrem Perez Josefina Perez Anella Rabauliman Bregida R. Reyes Oliver Shilling Myong Soon Sim Joseph Anthony Sullivan Dolores Suredam Lolita A. Sutton Edwin Tagura Yolanda Trejo Myrna Vallespin Ho Chun Wah Ho Shiu Yan Theresa Yu

Charita Abelgas-Mabon Vanessa Alcova Loranzo Alota Becky Alota Darlene Amarosa Tony Bacani Michael Bartolome Ho Lun Big Olivia Mia Blake Maniko Brady Arthur Cababa Mwejo Capelle Wini Chow Matilda Correa Teresita M. Custodio Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Blanche DeConte George DeConte Odetta Doublet Shirley Dungo Tessie Dungo Blanche Hansen Joe Hansen Florence Henson Stanley Ho Robert K. F. Ho Shirlene Iwai Maria Elena Jencks Jack Jucewicz Christoph Jucewicz Charlene Lau

March Birthday’s May the Lord Bless you on your special day. Danilo A Dizon March 2nd Elena Contemprato March 2nd Rosemarie U Yu March 3rd Aileen DeSantos March 4th Turnjai Babauta March 5th Brady Guerzon March 10th Akiyo Morimoto March 12th Carol Luke March 14th EJ Bautista March 14th Matilda Correa March 14th Haley Chuang March 18th Patricia Ramos March 18th Jose A Dizon Jr. March 19th Patricia Saniuk March 20th Marsha Feliciani March 23rd

Please pray for the repose of the soul of +Father Francis Nakagawa who died February 24, 2018 in Cupertino California. He was 90 years old with 69 years of religious profession.

Congratulations on your Marriage Anniversary Rosemarie U Yu Bernard & Helene Tombelaine Danielle & Larry Munn

38 years 12 years 40 Years 4

FAITH FORMATION CCD Lent is a season of the Church when children can set practical goals to give up, give away, and pray more. In explaining Lent to children, we share that this is a time we prepare our hearts to meet the risen Lord on Easter. One way to put it into perspective for the children is to lead them through the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross helps them understand Jesus’ sacrifice and love for us. In our faith formation classes, children learn to pray the Stations of the Cross during Lent as a way to enrich their understanding of Christ’s passion death and resurrection. Children discuss Jesus’s action in relation to what is happening in their lives. An example: At the Second Station, Jesus Takes Up His Cross. The soldiers brought the cross to Jesus and put it on His shoulder. He knew He was not guilty of any crime but He accepted the heavy cross and carried it to show us how much he loves us. Sometimes things do not go as you want them to go, but you can’t run away and take the easy way out. To really get anything out of life you have to work at it every day. Jesus gave us His example; even though it was hard and painful, He accepted all our sins and took up the cross. Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me strength to do the things I don’t like to do. (from The Way of The Cross For Children)

Young Adults

ʻAnoʻai K ākou,

St. Don’s young adult ministry is mostly young wom-­‐ en. We totally understand the difficulties associated with periods. All women have the right to live their life with dignity regardless of rich or poor. Young adults are doing this project for the emergency shelters serving our ar-­‐ ea. We are collecting menstrual hygiene products so that we can help some of the homeless women in need, be-­‐ cause there shouldn’t be a question of “Food or Sanitary napkin?”

Currently, we are looking for donations of the following items:

1. Heavy flow overnight sanitary pads 2. Regular flow sanitary pads 3. Pantiliners

Please d eposit the items in the b ins at the church with the label Period Project. Last d ate for donations is March 26th (Monday). Due to hygiene reasons we do not accept opened napkins. Thank you so much for your understand-­‐ ing. Let’s bring change in the life of others, even if the least way possible.

Also, we continue to have the Thursday Young Adult Bible studies during Lent. The passages we go over are inspired from the following day's Gospel reading. For exam-­‐ ple, March 2nd's Gospel starts with John 3:16 (For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life). So for the March 1st Bible study, we'll read John 3:16-­‐21. On the March 8thBible study, we'll go over M ark 12:28-­‐34.

The Stations of the Cross affirm for children the following truths: • Jesus experiences pain/hurting, just like us. • On the cross, Jesus shows how much he loves us. • Jesus' death and resurrection brings forgiveness of sins. A profound thought shared by a catechist, “If you had been the only person who ever lived, Jesus still would have died and rose again, just for you. He loves you that much.” Submitted by Yvonne Toma

Check out our facebook page: As the young adults ministry of Sts. Peter & Paul, inspired by St. Don Bosco, we wish to volunteer, learn, reflect, and be happy. Servite Domine in laetitia (Serve God cheerful-­‐ ly). Being part of this group, in this phase of our journey in life, will allow us to help each other to grow spiritually, intellectually and physically. If you have any interest, questions, comments, ideas, etc. please e-­‐mail us at or txt 305-­‐898-­‐0378. Hope to see everyone soon! Aloha, Amala & Sunu 5

AROUND THE PARISH AND THE DIOCESE MOVIE NIGHT FRIDAY MARCH 9 at 7:15 p.m. “BRAND NEW LIFE “ (Korean/Subtiltes) Written by Ounie Lecomte. Loosely based on Lecomte’s own life experience. A Brand New Life set in Seoul in 1975, about a girl who is left in an all-­‐girls Catholic orphanage by her father, and struggle to adjust to her new lot in life. SUNDAY MARCH 11 at 7:15 p.m. “AMAZING GRACE” – Do you know where this beloved hymn comes from? One man’s campaign to change Parliament and to end the transatlantic slave trade in the British Empire. (1 hr. 58 minutes) SUNDAY MARCH 16 at 7:15 P.M. “HEAVEN IS FOR REAL” Little boy’s astounding story of his trip to Heaven and Back. 2010 New York Times best selling book. SUNDAY MARCH 25 at 7:15 p.m. “THE PASSION OF CHRIST” depicts the Passion of Jesus, largely according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Suicides have become a serious public health crisis in Hawaii, with one person dying from suicide in our islands every other day. We believe every life is precious and that preventing suicides is everyone’s kuleana. We, the undersigned, believe every person is entitled to be safe at every stage in life, including those who may be marginalized such as the elderly, those who are disabled or have mental health challenges, and others. We believe awareness and suicide prevention programs are key to supporting the most vulnerable, consistent with our island values of caring for others like family. We believe physician‐assisted suicide is not consistent with these values and sends conflicting messages to Hawaii’s youth about suicide. Therefore, as a way to further reduce the prevalence of suicide in our state by 25% by 2025, we believe it is critical to concurrently prevent the legalization of assisted‐suicide in our state. SIGN THE PETITION TODAY. Mahalo to those who came to show their support for the sanctity and dignity of life Tuesday, February 27 at the State Capitol. Keep watch and in prayer that our voices will be heard. This is just the beginning.

Save the Date Mackey Lecture - April 22, 2018 at 4 pm Mystical Rose Oratory – Chaminade

Journey to Jerusalem

“Barking to the Choir: The Power of Radical Kinship”

(Holy Week Retreat)

Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J.

Follow Jesus on His final journey. Join Sr. Marie Lemert SS.CC. and Malulani Kamanu as we enter Holy Week, listening to His teaching, observing His actions, feeling His passion and power.

Also a Prison Ministry Workshop with Fr. Greg Boyle – April 21, 2018 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon (Registration is appreciated but no required. Contact Bro Dennis Schmitz, S.M. at

We will begin with Mass at 9 a.m.

Fr. Gregory J. Boyle, S.J. is the founder of the Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, the larges gang intervention, rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world.

Free will offering. Lunch will be provided. Location: St. Anthony Retreat Center, Rose Hill Call to register: 845-­‐0065 by Tuesday, March 20th


Partners in Helping our children grow in their Catholic faith.

March 2018

Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Parish Faith Formation

Thoughtful Moments St. Margaret Clitherow St. Margaret Clitherow converted to Catholicism soon after she married, at a time when Catholicism was illegal in England.

Yet, St. Margaret

continued to practice her faith, Her husband was not Catholic, but allowed her to hide Catholic priests in their home so they could say Mass secretly. Margaret was arrested when royal officials found a cupboard filled with vessels used for Mass, Her peaceful, joyful attitude during her imprisonment, trial, and execution inspired those around her.

Don't rush fixes It is said that good teachers show students where to look but don't tell them what to see. Good parents, too, give youngsters a chance to find solutions to their own problems. Coaching without 6xing for them teaches children confi dence,

How fo be fhe perfect pqrenf Imperfection is a sad consequence of our human condition. It is deeply unrealistic to expect to be a perfect parent, but we can strive to be the best parent for the children we have. Consider these ideas: Fill them with faith. Think ahead to the day your children are on their own. What role do you hope faith will play in their

influence your family. Stand on strong shoulders. Do you have a reiative, friend, or other role model who inspires you - someone you can call up as a model of strength,

determination, generosiry devotion? Such people can act as concrete examples of faith

lives? Decide how prepared you are to achieve this and

lived for both us and our children.

identify the resources you may

Look for

need to shore up

progress, not perfection,

your own faith and

Parenting is


long-haul job

Choose good company. if you don't live what you believe, you will come to believe what you live. Therefore, surround yourself with solid companions who share your values. These are the people who will help

Why Do I Cofholics Do Thot


and it is

unrealistic to think we will never blunder or our drildren err. When we or our children lose our way,

it is best to admit mistakes, ask for forgiveness, get back on the right track and keep moving.

Why do Cotholics give up meqf on Frid oys in Lenf?

self-reliance and resilience. "For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?"

(Luke 14:28).

@ Copyrighl 2018 Success Publishing & Media, LLC

The practice of giving up meat on Fridays in Lent is a reverential offering honoring lesus' sacrifice on Good Friday. We abstain

from eating meat

as a

reminder that Jesus gave up his flesh for us.

Fasting from certain foods during Lent can be a form of prayer. It helps us to focus on Christ. Fasting is also an outward sign of our faith. The Church asks that we observe all Fridays as

penitential days of

abstinence, even outside of Lent.


Portners in Foith'"

March 2018 Page2

Symbols of the seqson Christian cultures all over the world share symbols of the Lenten season: Ashes. In the early Church, sinners were marked with ashes and isolated from the community on Ash Wednesday. During Lent, they lived apart for serious wrongs such as adultery theft, murder, heresy. On Holy Thursday, they were absolved and welcomed back. Today, a cross is traced on our foreheads from ashes of last year's palms signaling the start of Lent.


Eggs. Eggs used to be among the foods that

couldn't be eaten during Lent. A staple in many diets, the lack increased their importance. Over time, the egg became a symbol of the tomb. Jesus was laid in a tomb and rose on Easter to bring us new life. New life also comes from an egg. At Easter, we dye eggs and gift them in baskets, Palms. In pre-Christian days, palms were

thought to ward off evil. Palms were laid at ]esus' feet as he rode into Jerusalem. Blessed palms are distributed on Palm Sunday in remembrance.


Mqrk l4: I -15247, Join our poin with Jesus'

This Gospel reading tells of suffering and death on the


Cross. Remembering Jesus' suffering is not just something we do just

once a year. The more often we remember, the

more it will help us recall that Jesus was human, too, and experienced what we feel - and so much more. If we offer him our suffering and remember his, it makes our pain easier to bear.

our joys, our good health, our family and friends are all important ways to share in the joy of his Resurrection. The

feqstgâ‚Źr?+ Celebi6tion March 2 - St. Agnes of Bohemia (1282). Born in Prague to Krng Ottocar

i of Bohemia, St. Agnes renounced court life to become a Poor Clare sister instead. She was known for serving the poor and working miracles. March 10 - sr, Iohn ogilvie (1615). Bom in Scotland and raised a Calvinist, St. John Ogilvie converted to Catholicism and later became a Jesuit priest. Despite intense persecution in Scotland, St. John ministered to Scottish Catholics in secret. Eventually, he was arrested and executed for treason.

Last year, I felt our family observance of Lent had gotten stale. We have given up everything from chocolate to TV to

videogames. We needed a new approach to the

What can a parent do?


G' as

he did, and we can also share in his joy of the Resurrection.

When children are hurt, sad, or

our loneliness and temptations can become ways in which we share in the suffering and death of Christ. Likewise,


point is to offer everything to Christ.

attitude toward suffering

scared, help them remember to

turn to Jesus because he wants to comfort them with his great love, March 17 - St. Patrick of Ireland (c.461). Born in Scotland, St. Patrick was kidnapped and brought to Ireland as a slave. He escaped but later returned to become the bishop of lreland and is credited for having established the Church there.

March 25 - Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion (1st Century). Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion recalls Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem when he was greeted by crowds waving palms and cheering, and it marks

the beginning of Holy Week.


What if we "competed" to do good deeds? I

bought a giant roll of tickets and set up an empty jar for each of us. Every time someone performed a good deed, a ticket would go in his or her jar - two if the deed was secret. To keep up enthusiasm and interest, we totaled the tickets halfway through Lent. The person who earned the most tickets decided where we went for brunch on Laetare Sunday. We made a final count on Easter and celebrated with brunch after Mass. It was a great success! This was the most observant Lent we ever had. More importantly, the kids learned to

look for opportunities to practice kindness, compassion, generosity, and love.


Our Mission To help parens raise faithful Catholic children Success Publishing & Media, l,l.C Publishers olCrowing in Faith" and l)anners in Faith*


(s 40) 662-7 844 (s 40)662-7 847 fax h rtp://www, pannersi nfai (l.lnless noted Bible quotes and references are from rhe Revised Standard Version and lhâ‚Ź New American Bihle.) , @ Copyrighl 2018 Success Publishing & Media, LLC

Lenten Series Giovanni Paolo Sayegh

0:00 n.m. 6:00 r.m.

Giovanni Paolo Sayegh con:es to r"rs from Egypt, the birthplace and heart of Christian monasticism.

Egypt is wherc St Mark spreacl the gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the l" century. Giovanni Paolo's cleep spiritual training is rootecl in the teachings of the early Cl'rurch ancl augmented by unclergoiug intensive training by the monks of the Desert Fathers. He has a background of social work, philosophy and theology.

His love for serving others has taken him as a missionary in the countries

of North

Afi'ica, the Middle


Europe, Mexico and throughout the United States. Giovanni Paolo is u,ell versed in the teachings of the Bible and believes that to unclerstand the Bible, one must firct know the true

meaning of spirituality ancl live tl're teachings ofJesus Christ.

In adclition, he is a Certifiecl Stress Management Consultant and Master Tiainer with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists ancl conclucts workshops cln variclus

0:00 p.m. 0:80 n.m.

topics. Describecl as a "mincl engineer", Giovanni Paolo's method of wellness and healing is the paraclig:n of energetic Medicine of the 21" centLlry.

His innate specialized skills


pinpoint accllracy to discern hidclen problems within the l:ocly ancl mincl is lauded by trained professionals in various fielcls of healthcare ancl patients alike.

with his cor.lnterpart, Liberata Orallo, an Oriental IVleclicine


Practitioner, they believe healing is achievecl through balancing the person emoti0nally, physically, mentally, ancl spiritr.rally.

Ca/endc{ry, Monday lVlarch 5 Lenten Weekday

5:i*15ab Lk 4:24-30

2 Kgs

Tuesday fularch 6 Lenten Weekday

Dn3:25,34-43 lVIt 18:2i-35

Weclnesday March


Lenten Weekday

Dt 4:1, 5-9

Mt 5:17-19

Thursday IVIarch 8

Lenten Weekdav Jer 7:23-28 Lk 11:14-23

Friday March 9 Lenten Weekday Hos 14:2-10

Mk 12:28-34

Saturday March l0 Lenten Weekclay Hos 6:1-6

Lk 18:9-14

Sunday March


Fourth Sunday of Lent 2 Clrr 36:14*1.6,19-23

Dean?qd/Te, Much time is given to purify the vessels after Communion. At another parish, two people bring the cloth and unfolcl it on the altar before the gifts are presentecl. Shonlcln't the preparation and cleanup of the table be less significant than the Eucharist itself?


liturgy is a beautiful expression of our faith, and we value its L,,f simplicity ancl grace. When we celebrate a liturgy, we keep in mind the nature of a particular part and its relationship to the whole celebration. We want the Eucharist to be the clear, central part of the liturgy. The preparation ofthe gifts is a practicai rite that gets us set for the eucharistic prayer; it is done with simplicity and few additional gestures. an "acolyte or another lay minister arranges the corporal on the altar" (General Instrttction of the Roman Missal,159) and places the chalice !., and other vessels. it seems appropriate for laypeople to help dress the altar, especially if they assist the entire Mass. Their actions should be inconspicuous **lEe*s& 'kry and not extend the rite. These ministers can be lay faithful because they are encouraged to present the bread and wine, emphasiziirg the inclusive nature of the Eucharist (GIRM 140, L4l). The purification of vessels is tricky because it must be done by a priest, a deacon, or an instituted acolyte. Since churches use several vessels, this action can take time and be overemphasized. However, its placement in the Mass is flexible, taking place "after Communion, or after Mass" (GIRM 279) and should be "done briefly and inconspicuously" (Introduction to the Order of Mass, l3B). These pastoral suggestions enable us to leave the purification ofthe vessels until after Mass so we maintain a proper focus on the Eucharist and the meditation that follows. Fr. John K. Schmidt, CSsR I Tlze Roman Missal says

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Eph 2:4-10 Jn 3:14 .

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Men and women are sacrificed to the idols of profit and consumption: it is the "culture of waste"..,.[Whenj sorneone dies, that is nct news. When the stock market drops 10 points, [it] is a traEedy!...People are thrown aside as if they were trash. ._General audience, UN World Environment Day, June 5, 2013

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