Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord



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Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals: Please call


Parish Office.

Infant Baptismt Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours to schedule a Baptism meeting,

Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrament is extensive. The time frame is at least six (6) months. Couples are asked to attend an Engaged Encounter Weekend in preparation and complete State and Church paperwork. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you have spoken with a priesl WEEKEND


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Saturday: [sunday Vigil) 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am 9:00am & 11;00am Faith Formation Family 1st & 3.a Sunday at 9:00am (Ohana Mass every 2oa Sunday at 11:00am) Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm


Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00pm Saturday; 12:00 noon coMMUNAL ANNoINTING: Last Saturday of the Month at the lz:aa noon mass RECONCILIATION: Friday 10;15 - 11:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION; Fridays; After the 7:00 am mass and 1't Fridays: 7:30 - 10:00 pm PARISH ROSARIES: Monday - Saturday: 11,:15am Sunday: 5:15pm --- . -- 't:":..-:..----'






ADDRESS; 800 Kahel<a St" Honolulu, Hawaii 95814 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8:3Oam - 12pm/L:00 - 3:3Opm PHotrt{H: (808J 941-0675 FAXr [808J 945-a689 OFFICE EMAtrL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr. com l{EBSITE:




str. Feter & Paul Church Honolulu

MONDAY-THURSDAY: 6:00am - B:00am 11:00am - 1:00pm 6:00am


1:00pm 10:00pm L1:00 am - 1;00pm


& 3:00pm - 6:30pm tr:0Oam



& 5:00pm - 7:0(ipm


This Week's Mass Schedule Gelebrant Mass lntention Date Time


5' :

Parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul


Jln! 7am




6 Pm




-+gs-r, noon -.-*- " I Tue nrg-"q.



+Valentina Sam Guerrero

(Healing) j,


Goetz '::: ''r':i -' Tom Low (Healing) I :::': ''i: Ron Toma (Healing) r:- '::':,

+MaU & Walter






Augg' /am : nOOn


rngi-oj '"***-; Fri i



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Hannah Tavares






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/ am noon



i 5Pm I Vigil "_-___j Mass i 7am i






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Parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul

Maria Babauta (Healing) Thanksgiving of the De Silva




& Nakanelua Ohana








+Maria Nguyen

Trong -r

:: :..:

Thomas Gomes (Healing)


+ Repose of the soul



Fr. Roide

Fr. Roide

of: BD-Birthday;

Sl*Special Intentions

PASTOK{L TEAM Pastor: Associate Pastor: Senior Priests:

Rev. Khanh Pham-NguYen


Rev. Mr. Richard Abel Rev. Mr. Angken XYmoon Rev, Mr. Richard Port

Senior Deacon: Secretarv:

own grocery shopping. Today, she is accompanied by a companion who watl<s with her everywhere.

ln the Art Af Accompaniment, Pape Francis reminds us, "As we accompany one another, we become Christ for one another, opening up together the mysteries of

tife and faith. With the patience and l<indness of Christ, we attow each other to sort out the comptex situations of our tives and foltow a pathway that leads to hotiness and wholeness."


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We can ptay as tong as our physical strength remains, we can see as [ong as our eyes stay open and we can stay independent untit we no longer are abte to care for oursetves. I reatize that life can impose limitations

on us from itl.ness, medica[ complication, strol(e and age. This week I visited two parishioners in the hospitat, both had mobitity chaltenges. I atso spent time with a parishioner who became homebound from a strol(e. She used to come to dail'y mass and do her

Gretchen Whaley-Wong (BD) Fr Raide + Maria Nguyen Trong


"***i Mon


Maria Babauta (Healing) r-i' Roide +For the deceased members of the De Silva & Nakanelua Ohana

$LJru * ann 6



Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends

Rev. Scott Bush Rev. Pat Freitas

Yvonne Toma

g, ZAfl we witt

reintroduce the Homebound Accompaniment Ministry with a morning of reftection, information and formation at Sts. Peter and Paut. As you leave the church after mass, we invite you to tal(e a brochure and famitiarize yourse[f with this ministry and discover how we can watk with September

one another. lf you choose to after the morning sharing on September g, there wil.l' be the Commissioning Mass for those who want to serve others and their famitY members' As Jesus wal.ked with his two disciptes to the vittage Emmaus, let us be aware of how Jesus watl<s with us today with our limitations in tife And as I had announced last weel(, let us support our Mother Church of our istands through our prayers and financia[ contributions this weel<. Mahato for your contributions and generosity.




We are a welcoming Parish. Be a Family lvlember!


Parish Registration forms

atthe entrance ofthe church. Please call




67 5

or email : s s peterpaul @hawa ii'

"Whetre caring people are cared for""

Sts. Peter and Paul Church

Our walk with Jesus is fuII of contrasts: hurnan and divine, grace and nature, sin



The Raphael

Transfiguration by Sanzio, iike the Scripture that inspires it, is also full of contrasts. The composition is in two registers. Up above we have the heavenly glory of Christ enveloped in a fantastic aura of divine light symbolizing his Sonship. The power of the experience leaves the disciples prostrate while the two Old Testament figures of Moses and Elijah float in suspended adoration. Down below, we have the other apostles, dealing ineffectively with a possessed boy. There is obvious chaos, with fingers pointing everywhere and faces turning in all directions. There is the serenity of heavenly white against the diabolic and


First Beading- Daniel T: 9-7O, 13-14

The images in Daniel portray power and they prefigure similar images in the Transfiguration. In this vision, white clothing is described and a throne of frery flames. Both images are of purity and power. The powerful one can sit on a throne of fire and not be consumed.

Second Reading

- Peter 7:


God has called the Israelites to be holy and He calls us to be holy. We who are His must strive to be holy consecrated to His service.

earthly darkness.

This contrast is present in our own lives. We feel a call to the beauty of God's life, we want it wholeheartedly, and we resolve to make that beauty a reality. But we also know that when we come down the mountain and into our daily lives, we struggle with confusion, temptation, and earthly concerns. It is easy in Christ's glorious presence, but when we get into traffic, our offices, or the trials of raising toddlers or teenagers, it isn't so simple. Here is where we need the power of God's mercy and love. Peter wanted to stay in Christ's presence and enjoy it, soak it up, remain, and never go down the mountain again. He heard the Father's voice, knew he should listen to the Son, and was resolved to do so! Although he wants to stay, listen, and learn, Christ touches him and tells him to not fear, get up, and get going. We need to go down the mountain and into our lives. That is where the faith and love we learn from Jesus in prayer is needed. He lets us see his glory so we can go down and bring that glory into a needy world. Mark Haydu, LC


prayer to your dail.v activities with serenity? Are there days Jace whenyou would rather stay in prayer thanface your eartlxb commitments? For Reflection Do you,spend enough time in


- Matthew 77: 7-9

For modem readers, the story of the transfiguration of Jesus is one of the most difficult to understand. However the meaning is clear. If we want to share in Jesus' glory, we must be prepared to participate also in his suffering.

Next Sund_ay's Readin gs (Cy_c-lg_4}



in Orditery Time

First Reading: 7 Kings 19:9a, 7L-LSa Second Reading: Romans Gospel :




: 22-23




This Week's Events {July 3O - August 5.2O17} M - Main Church, U-Upstairs Parish Conference Room, R - Recepfion room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room,

Mahalo for your generous contributians a n d F a itltfu I Stewa rd sh ip. The Collections for July 29 - 30,2A17 are as follows:


$und.ay--.----.-__--_-_ The Transtiguration ofthe

I_atart $10,s74.99 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions Baptism Weddings Funeral Electric & Votive Candles

$8,735.97 220.OO

0.00 0.oo 0.00


- Courtyard



6:15 am 6:15 am 5:00 pm 5:15 pm -



-_ Augqs_t 6.

Choir Practice (B) Rosary (M) Choir Practice (R) Young Adult Rosary (M)

Mondav Aupust 7 St. Sixtus II & Companlons, 5f. Cajetan

- Rosary (M) - Rosary (M) 6:30 pm - Charismatic Prayer Group (M)

6:10 am 11:15 am



St. Dominic EN-.V..EL.A.PEq


41o/" 59o/"

6:10 am 11:15 am

- Rosary (M) - Rosary (M)


Resume August 15

Building Fund Outreach Donation Catholic Care

Subtotal: "$Beeral--9e!ls-djpns-: Otfering St. Joseph Statue Marco Polo Seminarian Education Fund Catholic Commu nication AII Souls Birthday Rice Bowl 1"t



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$220.00 't00.00 72.04 20.00 $412.00

5.00 500.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 ___-- 0.98 $600.98


St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross 6:10 arn 7:30 am


6:00 pm

- Scripture Study (R)


Rosary (M)

- Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M) 1 1:15 arn - Rosary (M) 1:00 pm * Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C)



St- Lawrence 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 1 1:15 am - Rosary (M) 6:00 prn - Choir Practice (M)

Friday St- Claire

St. Jane Frances de Chantal, BVtuI $r

wtrffitusx ffi


6:10 am - Rosary (M) 7:4O am * Eucharistic AdorationlSacred Heart Devotion 10:00 - 11:30 arn - Confession and Spiritual Direction 10:45 am - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 11:15 am - Rosary 5:45 pm - Stations of the Cross devotion (M) 7:30 pm - Mass

Saturday €s.ulr "\d}* a$rd\


B:00 - 11:00 am - Cleaning Church (M) :15 am - Rosary 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Confessions (M) 5:00 pm - Saturday Vigil Mass

't 1

August 12






STHWAH,T}SF{IT A\nrmg*:{*{u W Christian Stewards:

+Pray +Serve +Love +Share 1. All our gifts and blessings come from God. Stewardship is the wise and faithful use of our Godrgiven gifts {talents) and blessings {treasure).



As "stewards" we have an obligation to manage our gifts and blessings well, and to return a just portion to help


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Sts. Pstsr and



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Transforming Lives by our Love Our Catholic Care Project provides home delivery of supplementalgrocery bags to our parish homebound Kupuna - thanks to the generous donations from our parish monthly food drive. This CCP homebound delivery service is made possible by our dedicated volunteers who take the time to personally deliver these bags.

When a volunteer gives of themselves to this service {by being present with those they visit} it can be life transforming both for the receiver and the giver. Below is a Thank You note given by one of our homebound Kupuna to the volunteer team who delivers a bag to her each rnonth.

build God's Kingdom on earth.

3. We have been called to stewardship through our baptism

4. Stewardship is a way of life. 5. The goal of our stewardship

is our own salvation. We will achieve our goal only if we use our gifts and talents wisely and well.

of us has received a gifto use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grac-e." I Peter 4:I0

'oAs each one

to pray about how God has gifted you your and life. Think about the priority of God in your life. Then listen to Him and decide how you will share your gifts. Then make the commitment and share them with our parish community and the world! Take time

Not sure where you will share your time and talent? Contact our Farish Social Mission and learn more about our Outreach & Seryice Ministries E m a i I : _stsp-pvp-lU {_tegf S g m-aiLS-qru

lf you are interested in becoming a volunteer with our CCP Home Delivery Team please call our palish office 808-941-0675 or Email $!-$pp-lr--ql_u-nt-eer@-gm-ail..ssnn

tf you know someane in our parish who wauld benefit from receiving o food bag to help them moke ends meet please tell them to contact our Catholic Care Helpline

at {8a$ 38s-7729 All information we receive remains confidential.

Intentions of Pope Francis for the m,onth of August 2017



Ar^tists That artists of our time, through their ingenuity, may help everyone discover the beauty of creation. PBAYER Lt$-T Fo8 rHE SIQK Please pray

for the sick in our Parish,




Loranzo Alota

Tony Bacani

Larqr Cabrinha

Wini Chow


M. Custodio

Odetta Doublet

Avon Czerwinski

Purita V. Marcaida Robert Mis$syn Michael Bartolome

Tessie Dungo

Frayers bring our rrarish community togethei- and I this is true especiaiiy when we pray for tirose I parishioners who are i{i an}ong us. I We wor:ld !ike io updaie the list above for the I month of AUGUST^ We wiil remove the names at the end I of every month and lrave a new list for the following I month. if you wish to have your name or the names of your loved ones included on the list, please fill up the I forrn below. The prayer list will be published for the I whole month and wlll be updated at the end of each I month. (Because of privocy laws, only person themselves I or immediate family member may submit a request,) I I Mahalo fbr your cooperation. I

Please complete below so that we may remember I you in prayers for the whole month of AUGUST. I I I (Please print clearly!) and put it in the collection I I basket or return it to the office. Mahalo. I I

Stanley Ho


Regina Czerwinski


Thomas Mistysyn


Betty Ann Nault








(Re/otionship to person)



Dolores Suredam

Edwin Tagura


Blanche l{ansen

toe Hansen Shirley Dungo


toannita Pangellnan



A. Sutton

Vanessa Alcova

Christaph tucewicz Ephrem Perez


Lourdes Olis

Anella Rabauliman

Patrice Nielsen

Myong Soon Sim


IIo Lun Big




M. lWacabare

M. Olis

tanleen Maria Xymoon

Robert K. F- Ho

Yvonne S. Pangelinan

IIo Shiu Yan Yolanda Treio

*Ianzko Brady Pat Low

Ho Chun Wah

ludy Orlando John M- Masunaga Duane Reichert


Denise Ann Legaspi Emi Loo Virginia Rosario Hisako Joshua Leslie Adkins

August 1"t August 18th August 23'd August 25th August 28th

AU_g-us_twEppjl{c_a}lNt_vEBSAEIES Gerald & Frances Moura, August 26th Married 56 years Walton & Nelly Liu, AugustzTth Married 23 years




'..that evangelization is everyone's responsibility? Some Catholics still think that "Father X', will take care- of all the needs of the church and they are quite willing to let him do it. Among these needs is to tell others ,iioot tt Good News, which is what evangelization does. The word "evangelization" comes from the Greek and means " the spreading of the news by angels' Catholics, along with other Christian faiths, have relied on evangelizatiLn since the beginning of the church. In a world of many religions, it is ever more important that the Good News become available everywhere. In a recent Sunday Gospel, |esus relates the parable of the sower of seeds. This sowing, is a great me[aphor for the spreading of the beliefs of the church. To sow the seeds of faith is to evangelize and to give othgfs who do not know |esus Christ a chance to become familiar with him. In past centuries when the church eyangelized the peoples of Latin and South America, Asia and Africa fand even our is]ands!), it did so like the farrier who tries to force plants to grow in unfriendly soil with rough strategies of conversion. The churph doesn't believe in this form of evangelizing any longer. Next week I will share what evangelization :means today.


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$a*:rd*y *&en:u*ns"

Confession, Mass, & Personal Prayer with the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima


$iK s**$ssutfw*


wh* $s

xxr*urf}ing t&* Is*s *S & l*v*S $$s ix sxl*sures*s t* attend xns i&\risd t* brfng a

Join us, Sunday, August 13


@ 5:00AM - 7:00PM

Sls*** |**s* wr etsxnr

**ffi $trS$SStrS SmSt*$, S- $*, $$, SS* SW*. # e S* #SSf #* $Surp $r*r*$Se $*m #rrsre& $$ffiffi

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h*alt sxghe*rtsBmwat$Sgsx**$"**mx

Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of peace 1184 Bishop $treet Weekday Confessions: 10:10

Mass: Weekday at Noon


- {1:S0 am

& $unday at ALL r

For more information, contact the Office of Worship at 5BS-3342




As a parent,

encouraging your child(ren's) spiritual growth is a huge part of your daily life. During your child's baptism, your priest reminds you of this immense spiritual task. Let's explore some ideas to help you in your quest for growing your child(ren) in the Catholic faith.

Create a circle of support You're not the only family trying to raise your child(ren) in our Faith. Surround yourself with people on the same journey. Reach out to others during Mom's Club, preschool, Vacation Bible Schoot and parish events. By linking arms, we strengthen each other. Go to Mass We know how important attending Mass is, for the entire family. lt's hard, especially with many little ones, but put it on your calendar and make it a habit to attend Mass every Sunday.

Pray with Your Children A farnily rosary is a beautifulthing, but you've got to staft out small. Pray 'Bless Us O Lord'belore meals and bedtime prayers together. Even small children can learn the Hail Mary or Our Father. Take a look at some Catholic prayer books and explore some new favorites for your family. To be continued next week...



! t Kgs. 3:1! And God said to him, "Because'you have asked this, and have nat asked for yourself tong tite i or rlches or the lite of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding ta discern what is right... 'Ano'ai K8kou, Last week, we attended the Diocese young adults meeting! Hopefully, this will be the first step in getting more involved island-wide... but for now, it's coming tlme to help with the chores again... As always, the second Saturday morning of the month, we'll be helping clean the church...

More people have responded to the polls! This week's comment was, "The clergy should also be involved and help catechized young adult members so that the young adult members have a sense of paternal authority in the group and lead them in spiritualgrowth and direction." Actually, the clergy is involved! Fr. Khanh himself asked us to start a young adults group, and often follows up with us and otfers us the guidance and resources of the church. So he's involved, it's actually just a matter of young adults realizing that we're here! Of course, much of our guidance in spiritual growth and direction also comes from the sisters. This is for two reasons. First of all, because they're awesome. Secondly, practically speaking, Father is only one rnan, but holds many responsibilities. Father still makes time for us, so it's not a problem at all [for us, any\ilay], but it would be a problem for people looking to instill an image of paternal authority. ln previous generations, this was something often singularly sought, due to a number of misconceptions. I recommend reading Prof. Miller's article about the better subject: l"rt-tp_:lr'ww-w._8risi-sn:a$a:ine_.S*-m1*0"S$f-w:-q_m-Afi$:S.-tj-tlr_afity.:jn:thg:*.hugch understanding.

to gain a

zotT -2018


Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church

Faith Formation We believe that Faith Formation is a life long process of develoPing a relationship with God and learning to love and serve one another.


gn;ee xh* inp*riancc af fan":iiy ** tfi* "fii'si icacner" in their child's journey of faith. Together we will develop a deeper ,;*t*r'sian*ing and appi"**iall*n *f au;' faiir.


CLASSES The parish provides opportunities in faith formation for young children, youth and young adults through sacramental preparation, Bible study, worship, prayer and service' Our parish faith formation program has impiemented BishoP LarrY Silva's mandate to restore the Sacraments of Initiation to their proper order IBaptism, Confirmation and then First Holy Communion]. This is a two (2) year process Formation Registration




Year Two:

Reception of First Reconciliation, Confirmation, First Holy Communion

All incoming children must register for classes. You may register onllne or pick up a form in the Church Please feel free to call the Parish Olfice


(8081 e4L-s67s You may leave a message regarding questions you nlay have about the failh formation program, A Catechist will return your caltr. Of Efnail LIS at.r'{1:iti,:;:"ilrl rll1i11 ll:i :rr' ir"i']-i'r';lii:ii

[Track A) SUNDAY 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Grades 1 - 7 fTrack B) 2"d & 4th FRIDAY

6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Youth Confirmation I & II (Track C) SUNDAY

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. YoungAdults REGISTER ONLINE AT


the mother church of the Diocese of Honolulu continues to serve our community for many years to come, the 174-year-old Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace must be renovated, restored and

To ensure

preserved. Currently, we are in the midst of Phase 2 of our six-phase project: renovations to the bell tower (Phase 24) were completed in December 201"6 and this summer we will begin renovations to the Sanctuary (Phase 2

plywood partition wall will be installed to close ofl the Sanctuary during construction. The AItar will be relocated in front of the partition walland the Cathedral will continue to operate in the abbreviated B-E). A

space. Construction will begin in September and conclude before August 2018, which marks the 175th anniversary of the Cathedral's dedication. These renovations willtransform our sanctuary. Upon completion, you willsee new Bishops' Burial Chapels

constructed on either side of the high altar and an extended sanctuary platform. We will remove the scrim (screen) and move the Bishop's chair to the Mauka side. On the Makai side, we will install a new ADA ramp, a Deacon's screen and seating. The Saint Michael stained glass window will be removed, along with

three others from the sanctuary and shipped to the mainland for detailed restoration. The doorway to the new Reliquary Chapelwill be installed in place of the Saint Michaelwindow. Utility and infrastructure work for the new climate control system will also be completed.

willcost $2.4 million, while the goal of the Cathedral Renewal Campaign is to raise a minimum of StS million to fund all the remaining project phases. Gifts received this year will support Phase 2 and pledges extending into subsequent years will support Phases 3-6. Future improvements include: construction of the Reliquary Chapel, renovations to the interior body of the church, new furnishings and artwork, new tile floors, new lighting, new audio/video system, upgrades to electrical and mechanical systems; and, complete restoration of the vaulted ceilings, stained glass windows and the pipe organ, as well as exterior painting and landscaping. Phase 2


Realign pews to face AItar


Remove scrim (screen)


Extend Sanctua ry platform


Relocate Bishop's Chair (Mauka) and add Cathedra screen

Add Deacons'screen, seating and ADA ramp (Makai) Construct Bishops' Burial Chapels and crypts Cut doorway for Reliquary Chapel r Restore four pictorial stained glass windows Clean High Altar, Mary and Joseph I

statues Electrical upgrades

{atheC'rl $r';lica o{ Q" ,l"Cy o{ f "u.. KrruLwAL C,qt\4rAIGN

.b#* fi'{4*"k fttr+


Campaign Leadership Most Rev. Larry Silva Bishop of Honolulu Monsignor Gary L. Secor Vicar General of Honolulu Rector, Cathedral Basilica

Did you know? The Cathedral of Our Ladv of Peace was consecrated and dedicated on August 15, 1843;16 years after the first Catholic rnissionaries arrived in Hawai'i.



The Iand on whrch the Cathedral stands today was gifted to the firsi Catholic mission by King Kamehameha lll in 1839.

S. C. Chong (1927-2011)

Princess Kapiolani Kawananakoa

Father Damien De Veuster, now Saint Damien, was ordalned a priest in the Cathedral

on May 71,1864.



Mother Marianne Cope, now Saint Marianne, worshipped in the Cathedral upon arrived in Hawai'i in November 1883 along with six Srsters from Syracuse, NY.


The Catholic Church in Hawai'i was officially established as the Diocese of Honolulu in 1941, of which the Cathedral is the mother church.

Walter A. Dods, Jr. Lawrence M. lohnson Eugene N. Tiwanak

CoRr Conx,rrrrrr

Mark Clark Betty Coda

[dward Coda Alika Cullen Robert F. Lessard Erlinda Mesick Ralph Mesick

William D. Souza


ln 2014 the Cathedral was elevated to the distinction of Minor Basilrca.


Our historic Hawaiian Cathedral is listed on the State Register and National Register of Historic Places, is one of the oldest buildings in downtown Honolulu, and is one of the oldest cathedrals in continuous use in the United States. Today, the Cathedral Basilica enshrines the remains of Saint Marianne and a relic of Saint Damien.

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p'.rsl* *U*v* r* {ind suJ r.-h$t Gsd sl:i*.


OUR PARISH SOCIAL MI$SION Marco Polo Fire Disaster Recovery Efforts Update for by the Red Cross and our own parish response efforts, we know that the impact of this disaster affects the lives of victims far past the immediate emergency responses.

As urgent needs are cared

This type of disaster displaces individuals & families, destroys possessions and causes loss of wages. The unexpected crisis the residents have experienced puts a strain on their finances and livelihood. These can cause overwhelming stress and negative vulnerabilities, as parents, caregivers, children and individuals struggle with day to day life without the comforts of their home, clothing, possessions and peace of mind.

lf you are a member of our Sts. Peter and Paul Ohana and you were impacted by the recent fire disaster with a need for assistance, please contact our Parish Social Mission Helpline at (808) 38s- PRAY {772s1 All information we receive remains confidential.

Please continue to pray

We are sincerely gratefulto all of our donors who have provided our team with the resources needed to reach out and help these families and individuals in their time of need. Your generosity has not only helped bring them material relief but most importantly has sent a message to them of your caring compassionate love letting them know they are not alone. MAHALO FOR YOUR LOVING KINDNESS!

for the victims and all those working to help restore their


Prayer for those affected by the Marco Polo Fire God of compassion, You created a world for us to know your love and peace, yet amidst the beauty of creation we encounter pain and hurt and forces beyond our control. At times like this our hearts are shaken and ache with sorrow at the destruction of lives, homes and livelihoods. Hear our prayer generous and loving God, for those affected by the Marco Polo fire and for all those working to bring relief and fresh hope. Amen

Our Parish Social Mission Outreach partners with the Hawaii Food Bank to distribute food boxes to seniors who have been approved for the CSFP food prograrn. These distributions are once a month-and we NEED VOLUNTEERS LIKE YOU Volunteers are needed for our next distribution on Friday August 11th (12:30pm-4:30pm) in our parish courtyard I


lVIonday Augnst 7 lNeekc!ay

Now that I'm retired and my kids are grown ['m feeling directionless. Even rny faith life doesn't feel like it used to. How can I recapture a feeling of purposefulness in rny faith?

Nni 11:4b-15 Xtlt 14;13-21

Tuesrlay August 8 St. Dominic,


liberation from their job and for an "empty nest" at yet, i,izhen some find it, they lose a clear sense of identity, purpose, home; or fuifiilment" This loss can iead to depression, but n:any people are unable to narne it or cope with these iife-changing realities. Is getting through the day more exi:austing than a full day's work before yollr retirement? Do yor.i prefer to live in the past? Are you burdened with lingering feelings of guilt or regret that need healing? Do you feel like a burden? What are yolrr reasons for iiving? Faith and spirituality are connected to the physical, mentai, and emotional dimensions cf our life. It is often easier to recapture vitaiity in faith when r,i,e

l) I

Nrn i2:1-13 NIt 14:22-56 or

15:i-2, 10-14 Wednesday August 9 Weekdcry

Nrn 13:1-2, 25*14:1,




Thursday August

eoRle may long for


St. Lawrence,


fuIartyr 2 Cor 9:6-10 ancl


Friday August


St. Clare,




Dt 4:32-4A


blt 16:24-28 Saturday August i2


may be affected by your lack of direction and purpose, but even a persistent emptiness in prayer can be an opportunity to have God filI tl-re void-by focusing more on God than on urhat's presently lacking in your life. Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR Sundaybui letin@Liguor


Dt 6:4-13 X,il 17:14-20

Sunday Alrgust


liineteenth Smclay ht Ordtnctry Time 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11*13a

Rorn 9:1-5 frtit 14:22-33

Z.A)y'dFwm,?oprftnnd& "By [Jesus'J Transfiguration he invites us to gaze at him. And lookins at Jesus purifies our eyes and prepares them for eternal life, for the vision of heaven. Perhaps our eyes are a little sick because we see so many things that are not af Jesus, things that are even against Jesus: worldly things, things that do not benefitthe light of the soul. And in this way, this light is slowly extinguished, and without knowing it, we end up in interiar darkness, in spiritual dairkness, in a darkened faith: darkness, because we are unaccustomed to looking and imagining the things of Jesus." second Sunday of Lent, March 16,2014


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1,,-:i A Redemptorist Ministy

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