Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Anointing of the Sicir, Hotry Cornmunion tn the Sick anqi

finfamf tsaptism: Parents are lo call the irarish oliice dr"tring business hours [o sc]redule a Baptisnt meeting. Sacran-aent of Matnimony: The proper anci required preparalion for ihis Sacianlent is extensive."fhe time frame is at least six [ii] n:onlhs. Couples are askeci Lo it[tend an Ettgagecl Enr-ounter Weel<end in pr.eparaliop alri compXele !it,rte anri Church praperivorli. Do not set a date or print invitalions for your inarriage ttttlil irfteilu'ott have spoi\ell tvith i'i priesl. Saturday: [Sunci:ry Vigil) 5:00Pm Sunciay


Sunday WEEKDAY T;!,I1SSES: CO M ivl U I{A{" AN N O XNT






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am 9:00ilm & 1l-:00ant




Evenittg: 6:00 ptn

Salurday; L2:00 noon Fnrla-v: 7:Otl atn & J"2:00pnt Last 5:rturctiiy of the Month at" the l-2:00 nor:n ntass F'rida-v 10:15 - 1 1 :30 a.m. Satttrclay 3;3 0 -'1:3 0 pm or by appointmenl l;rrda1 s: Aitet the l:t)U ant lttass :tnr-i LUL l ridirys: 7:30 - 10:00 ptn Sunday: 5:1Spm l,,lonclay - Salltrclay: 1 I r l5atn Nlonciiry





Falth Fonnation Family 1st & 3rd Sunday at 9:00am {0hana Mass every 2o'r Sunclay at 11:00am]

N4 t--{ L--J

Funerals: Please call the Parish

0 ftice.





St. llotiolulLr, Il;rwaii 9()ii 1'l [tO{JR.5: Mon. - B;30 - 12:00pnt 'Ities. * Fri. Ll:3Oam - lZpm/1:0Ll -,t:30pttt

ASDR.ESS: 800 Kahelia OFFICE


F'AX: [t]08)c)'15'0()l]tl eterp aul @hawaii. rr. com


(} F'FIC S E Fdr\trI,



WEBS{TE:!y-Uiw,s,sjl--e-!e[p,i]Ulh4$li!i!rllE i!::1 if..5, Pete

r & Paiti Church !lonolttllt

EHU-BEH*I$_OPfiS; MONDAV-'IHURSDAY: 6:00am * 8:00am


11:00am 6:00am




7:3OPm - t0:00Pm 11:00 am - 1-:00pm

- 6:30pm ii.00am l:L)0irnr et 5:0($m -'7:Litipur

& 3:00pm



This Week s Mass Schedule Dear Parisnioners. Friends. and Visitors,

Celebrani This weei<enc, on his episcopaL visit. His Excellenc5r Bishop Lar-ry Silva tcmnrissions seven members of our Parisir

Pansnioners, Vrsrtors. and Friends of

Fr. Scott

Sts Peter and Paul

Pastoral Council, incLuding tu/o young Councilors, and

Thanksgiving of De Silva & Nakaneiua Ohana +Maric,Contenrplato +Ellen Hashin-ir:to

Bishop Silva, Homilist; Fr. Khanh

twenty-seven Cateclrists for our Faith Formation 0'hana and the thenre for the year is " tiv'tng as Missionary Disciples."

+Bernanda De Guzman +Ahraham Qr:iane

Bishop Silva, Celebrant & Homilist

Generoso Sadao (BD) +philtps

Bishop Silva, Homilist; Fr. Scott

+For all souls in pui'gator-v



s:lt 1li Tue i $ept 19 i ".",..'...,.: Wed . s"pj

Lucia Bunranglag


l\4ichael Alcova (Healrng


+N4aria Taguba

Fr. Khanh )

Fr. Scott


+For all Souls


+For all Souis in Purgatory

i noon


Fr. Khanh


Fr. Fernandes Fr, Scott

+Raymund SetiK

Fr. Khanh

Thu ;


+Maria Calilung

Fr. Scott



Dorotlry Torres (BD)


+For all Souls rn Purgatory


Sept 21

,fri. $ept 22



Bishop Silva, Celebrant & Homi!ist





.,. -',

+Vvilbeft t-iu Valen Lru (Sl) +Bernanda De Guzmai't SLrsan lv4ills (BD) Parishroners, Visttors, anc Friends of Sts Peter and Paul

Fr. Scott

Fr. Scott Fr. Khanh Fr. Khanh

l\4an1i Caiholics have [ong considered " Missionary Discip!es" as a,.rcrcati,:n of the rel.igioLts or calling of a few. This sense of "deieqatlor.'r" or "passing the lrucl<et" is no Lorrger ampte 1n

ALI c.f us, crdained and iaity. by virtue of our baptism, are missir:nar5t, as Saint Pope John Pau[ spoke so much about along with Pcpe [meritus Benedict. "We are aLL rnissionary dlsclpLes",

Fope Francis lras recenily reneled the caLl to all us in his Apcstolic Exhortation Evangelil 6audlum, "to embarl< upon a new clrapter of evangeIization marked by this joy, whi[e pointing out nev!, paths for the Church's journey in years to come."

[ven jesus has to receive his "missioning" - to be sent - He mai<es ii clear that He is "here to do the witl. of the One \n,ho sent me." He nas the humility tc accept the commissioning even thcugh He is Cod's own Son, and it shr:ws us that he is the first amcn0 us to dr; this totaLL'r anC fully. As vr,e contlnLre iiving the life of faitl-r, vue are reminded of the task cf bringing Cod's presence into our world. Parents and

grandparents Di-<rip.lss"

Crr Fr. Scott

+lrene Cruz +Rodolfo Tadec

Fr. Khanh

Mission to the poor to be conrpletely fulfilled +|\,leliion Batao

Fr. Khanh

:Stantev Jabanas

iiqht of our baptisnr vocation as Christians . (cf. Mt. 28:1e)


are also called to truLy be first



for their chI[dren and grandchi[dren.

iteei<encl rr.vhen rnembers

of our Parlsh Pastoral Council

and Catechists of our Faith Formation receive their "missioning", ,,iie nLrt onty hightight catechetical and pastoral work of a few, bri we aiso "mission" pai-ents, grandparents, guardians, and atl

the baptized to tal(e serioLrsly our role of mal<ing our Catholic hcuselrolds, a pi.ace where true faith is passed on lo those arourid us and our church, a home where we bring our qifts together to try to fulfilI our mission "to be church" for years to come.

Delores Bledsoe (Healing) Denise Klosterman (Sl) +For ail souls !n purgatory llr y;r;,rt'

t;l tltt' ,-sr;tri tsi: lli ., iiiyiit,ir;r'.'


Panoclliatr Vican: Seauon IJl"le'st:





Fr. Scott;

Fr. Khanh

,.\;' ,!jri,r icf .!i;!t';iirt:tt.t

PASTORAI- TEAM Rerr, Khanh pham-Nguryen Rev. Scott Bush Rerr. Pat Freitas Deacon Deacon Deacon Yrronne

Richarcl Ai:el

At:gken XVmoi:n Rir-:hard Porl



inr;ite ail Christians, everywhere,

ai this very moment, to


reneviJec persona[ encounter vvith Jesus Christ, or at Least an operrness to letring him encounter them; I ask alt of you to do

this unfailingly each day.No one

shouLd think that this inr,itation is ncr nreanr for him or her, since "no one is excluded fronr the joy brought nV the Lorn." Pope Francis Yours truly,


I wt erc a wetoowi*g ?erish. Bc e raru.itg t*anbcrt '1 oarlsfr g.egistratimlmnts are {ocaud at {7e entrance af the'cfiurch.

;-- 9!:t,9:::,

"^t$fr,ere calring JleaJ,te a,re






rrugrn Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith.

September 2017

Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Father Khan and Father Scott

You con chonge the world 5f. Wenceslous Raised by his devoutly Christian q Eldrlurrruurtrr, \ grandmother, 1\ Ludmilla, King ))/ wenceslaus worked doselywith the Church to end the persecution of Christians in Bohemia. 'The Good King"

encouraged German missionaries, built churches, and cared for the sick and poor. Political conflict culminated in his assassination. One moming, led by his brother, Boleslaus, a group of


nobles killed Wenceslaus on the doorsteps of a church. He was irnmediately recognized as a maryrr and is one of the patron saints of Bohemia.

Poss on the


In the enryclical, Caritas in Veritate, Pope Benedict XW said, "Love is God's greatest gift

to humanity, it is his promise and our hope." As God's children, we convey his love to others through acts of charity. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my uoice and opens the door, fthen] I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me" q?. (Revelation


@ Copyrlght 201


Through the gift of free will, humans can choose to do good or choose evil. Most choose good, but when we learn of suffering caused by evil in the world, we can feel discouraged and powerless. Yet,

Timothy 2:22),The bonus? Your good life may inspire others.


Sharpen your Sacramental sense. Sacraments are

opportunities to share in God's divine life.

your heart, and do not rely on your own insight"

These supernatural

(Proverbs 3:5). Fixing this fallen world is beyond our abilities alone. Cod has the power, however, to bring true peace and healing to the world. Lay all your concerns at God's feet and then have confidence that he is at


Catholics Do That

righteousness, faith, loue, and. peace, along with those who

call on the Lord" (2

through God, we have the power to transform the world. Don't depend on you. "Tiust in the Lord with all

WhY Dd

Choose the good. Evil can be contagious. Sometimes the best way to live a life of good is to avoid bad influences or people that can pull us away from God. "... pursue

encounters with God strengthen our r,r,ill, enlighten our minds, and inspire us to a closer relationship with God. Don't miss an opportunity to meet Christ at Sundav Mass or the Sacrament of

Reconciliation. His grace lvill keep you strong.

Why do Cqtholics hsve finro versions of the Creed?

The Apostles' Creed is the summary of the beliefs of the early Church. The Nicene Creed is the expanded form of the Apostles' Creed, stemming from two Church councils (Nicaea, 325 AD;

Constantinople, 381 AD) intended to combat Arianism, which

proposed that fesus was not God but a kind of super-saint. Therefore, the Nicene Creed emphasizes Jesus' divinity and his divine Sonshrp (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no.465). The Nicene Creed is common to both the Western and Eastern Churches.

Success Publishing & Media, LLC


Growing in FoithrM



Page 2

Mninfcrin your spirifuql heolth Just as visiting the doctor for regular checkups is key to

maintaining our physical health, consistent maintenance is important for good spiritual health. Try these suggestions to craft. a schedule to stay in top spiritual condition:

Daily: Everything we need to know to strengthen our consciences and make good decisions is in the Bible. lt is in Scripture that we discover God's guiding voice. Thke time daily to pray, read Scripture, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal its message for you. Weekly: Attend Mass each Sunday and Holy Day,


Communion. This is key.

Sacrament of Reconciliation ( Confession), Annually: In our noisy world, it can be hard to hear God's voice. Find a Catholic reueat center near you and get awaywith God. Or, spend a whole day in a favorite park or vacation spot praying and listening. Center your day around God.

2O:I-I6o, cripture Motthew Betfer lote thon never

In this Gospel reading, Iesus compared God's kingdom to a vineyard in the charge of a generous landlord. In the parable, the landlord hired groups of workers at different times of the day: atthe start of the workday, at midmorning, noon, midafternoon, and finally, at five o'clock in the evening. Yet he paid all the same wage.

The vineyard is God's kingdom and Cod is the landlord. Some Bible scholars propose that the earlier groups of workers represented the Iewish people, who had followed God's laws for thousands of years, while the

+ Celebration Fessls

Do whatever is necessary so you can receive


Sept. 4 - St. Rose of Viterbo t1252). Born to poor parents in Viterbo, Italy, Rose used her gift of preaching to teach the women and girls in her neighborhood about the faith. As a young woman, she spoke out in support of the pope against the Ghibellines, who supported the emperor, Frederick II. She wanted to join the Carmelites, but was refused, She died at the age of seventeen and was buried at that same convent. Sept. 14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross (300s). St. Helena (mother of

Gentiles were the latecomers. The workers also stood for those whom God cails at different stages of life: from infanry, adoiescence, adulthood, and old age. All the laborers received the same reward. It must za--.z have shocked Iesus' Iisteners to hear that the landlord paid those ,E who worked one hour as if they'd worked for eight. Still, all were rewarded. Clearly, God's ways are not our ways. What is important is not how many hourc we've served God, but that we served him when he called us.

Emperor Constantine), made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, retracing places in Jesus'life. She discovered three crosses, one of which was thought to be the Cross on which Jesus died. On the site, Constantine built the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher.

Sept. 21 - St. Matthew the Evangelist (tst Century), Also known as Levi, he was a nororious 6) tax collector. St. Matthew .-f Ieft everything when Iesus called him to 'z\ spread the Gospel. He wrote the Gospel According to Matthew.

9r-l 1


If God is everywhere,


why do we have to attend Mass?


While God is everywhere, he is present in the Eucharist in a special way. When, in the context of the Mass, the priest speaks

the words


consecration over 'the bread and

wine on the altar, the1, are mysteriouslv tlansfotrned into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Diviniry of Christ. Alrhough the characteristics of the bread and wine remain, they are substantially drffer.ent (Catechism of the Catholic Church,

#1376).ln that moment, Iesus is as present as he was to his Aposties in the Upper Room.

lhe Eucharrst does lor our souls whar food does for our bodies. You wouldn'r go for weeks rvithout eating and still expect to be strong and healthy. From the Eucharist, we receive ali the graces lve need for the rest of the -,veek, Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will gitte you rest"

(Matthew 11:28). Our need for srrength and rest are satisfied by Christ. Tl-re Church commands us to recelve rveekly rvhat is, in fact, essential for our spiritual well-being.

ur ,yllttion

'1b provide practjcal ideas that promote

fairhful Oatholic living. Success I)ublishing & Media, LI_C l'ublishers olCrowing in F-aith,. anri l)arrners ls 4 o) 662 -7 I 4 4 (s 40)6 62-7 6 4? hx h

trp://www.growingin lairh.





(Unless lroted Bible quetes and references are Iront the Revised Srandard Version and thâ‚Ź New Ameri(an Biblc) @ Copyright 2017 Success Pubtishing & Media, LLC


Good News! September 11 .2tl11 'J'y1,g111.1:-[:ourth Sundu.v itt Or"dinurt, Tinte (A) Sir 27:30--28:7: Rom 14:7-9: Mr l8:21-3-5

Often u,hen rve think of a .judge, ive think of severity or cold justic.e. Coudroont and criminal-justice dramas-

even some news coverage

of maior crimes and

scandals--love depicting the offender as receiving his ilr her just rewards, rvitli the .iudge or prosecutor srnugly reflecting or sigiring irt reliet. But in the scriptrual sense. a judge is rnuch more. A goorl judge is an educator" teacher, aild pareut. Ciood jLrdges prornote wise livirg and respect for authurity and the law. Their tools are soruetimes mercy. sometimes penance, but ahvays prornpted by love. A better image to understand the judge's role is a parent educating his or her child. Sometimes education means letting something slide; sometirnes it means holding the child accauntable. Both can be expressions of love. Today's readings caution us against selfish passions that prompt us to judge. One rvho has been forgiven much but is tiren harsh with others will be severely punished-*or as Siracli puts it, God "remembers their sins in detail." Mercy toward others is key to the Gospel message. Some think they are good Christians because they don't steal and haven't killed anyone. They may even be active in their parish but are highly critical of others.

Remember, as Jesus said: "The fiteasure with which you measure will be measured out to you" (tr{atthew 7:2). And, "So will rny heavenly Father do to you, unless each of you fbrgives his brother from his heart." -Fr. Mark Havclw, LC {:) :1) l7 Liguori Publications, l-iguori, lv{(.) t,.-\t157-91B9. Irrjned in

[iS.{. h:primatur: .,ln

iccordaocc rvith CtC 827. plmrissior to publish has heen granted on Aprit lll, 2()l?. b1. Bishop-I:llect N{ark s. Riritnso. Vicrr cienenl. Arr:hdiGesc olst. Lrluis. pemlission ro pul,iish is ao in{lic:ati{}n rhat nothinp coi}trnry to c}rtrch tcachins is tonfaiutrl in this rvork. It dNs Dot irrplv irnv endorsc.nrr:nl oftlrc op;il$ts c\irre:icd in (hr: pubiicrt;on: [or is anv liahiiir! as:onr.d by this Frmission.' No lrirfi oi this u,orl; rnt_! he usr<t in imJ. lbrn) Nittout thc pfilrr rcrirrcrr Pernrission <:f l.igutiri Publicxlio's. sr:riprurc texls in ihis work are takerr

fiorr Nert ,\r,t'rican Bible. rc'iscd cdirion a!::0lll. 1991. J916, i970 Contiarcurir-y oi'Christit. Doctri nc. lnc.. Washirct.n. DC. A)l Itighrs Rtst'r'ccl. Dt,sign: Wentlv Ba'rer. T. onicr l-i



ndav Bu lletins. cail 80i)-.1?-5-9-5l l . or risit




First Reading - Sirach 27:3A-28:7 O{tentimes, we try and hold on to our feelings of anget as a self-justification against tirose whom we feel have harmed us. We nrust relinquish our feeliirgs of anger so that w'e too may be forgiven.

Second Reading


Rornans 14:7-9

Paul's call for the people to iove 'vour neighbor as yourself emphasizes the larv oi the prophets and of Christ Jesus. Il' we do this Paul says. we have fulfi lled the commandment.

Gospel Reading

- Matthew

1B:Z 1-35

We see violence and hatred all around us. It seems that counfies will never be at peace. Yet, violence and hatred are contrary to Jesus' teaching of forgiveness. The Christian commitment to love others as we love ourselves is primary.

Next S,undat's Readings (Cycle A) 2 5.n . S_u 4f, Ar dina ry.. .Ti m e_

First Reading." Isaiah 55:5-g Second Reading :Philippians I :ZAc-24,2T a Gospel :

Matthew ZO: l-16a




Mahalo for your generous cantributions an d Fa ithful Sfewardship. The Collections for Sepfember g-10,2017 are as follows:

Total: $16,305.95 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass Intentions Blessings Electric & Votive Candles

$6,840.74 615.00 120.00


__540.20 $7,996.44

M - Main Church, U-Upstairs Parish Conference Room, R * Reception room, B - Blue roont, G - Green Room, C



Sunday__ 24"'sunday in Ordinary Time Catechetical Sunday 6:15 am * Choir Practice (B) 6:15 am - Rosary (M) 12:00pm

M.snd,4J{ 6:'10 am - Rosary (M) * 6:30 pm


39% 61%

Subtotal: Sp

$157.00 299.00 76.09 22.00 2,860.32 $3,414.41

eqtalealle alians-;

Hurricane Flelief Fund S. Pacific Group AA Seminarian Ed. Fund World Mission Peter Pence Catholic University Catholic Scholarship Donation Scholarship Luncheon Tickets Silent Auction

$218.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 87.00 210.00 315.00 4.000.00 Subtotal: $4,895.00

:15 arn 7:00 pm







il*ss*$fls 18

Rosary (M) Charismatic Prayer Group (M)




* Rosary (M) * Rosary (M)

- eentering Frayer (M) IUedgesdall _-


Sts. Andrew Kim Tae*Gon, Paul Chong Ha*Sang & Companions

6:10 arn - Rosary (M) 7:30 am - Novena to our Lady of perpetual Help (M) 8:00 am - Bible Sharing (M) 1 1:15 am -- Rosary (M) 1:00 pm * Legion of N4ary, Queen of peace (C) 6:00 pm - Scripture Study (R)


st" Matthew 6:'i0 am - Rosary (M)


11:15 am - Rosary {M) 6:00 pm -- Choir Practice (M)



6:10 am -.Rosary (M) 7:.10 am - Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart




Tue-sday St- lanuarius 6:10 am

Building Fund Outreach Donation Rice Bowl Catholic Charities

- Town Hall Meeting with Parishioners and

Bishop Larry Silva 4:30 pm - Weekly Feliowship & Gathering 5:00 pm - Choir Practice (R) 7:00 pnn * Youth & Young Adults with Bishop Larry

11:'15 am


- _SepIem-hs[*17_



10:45 am 11:15 am 5:45 pm

Devotion 1:30 am - Confession and Spiritual Direction

- Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet - Fosary - Stations of the Cross devotion (tM)



St. Pius af Pietrelcina (Padre pio) 8:00 - 11:00 ann - Cleaning Church (M) 11:15 am - Rosary 3:3C - 4:30 pm - Confessions (M) 5:00 pm * Saturday Vigil Mass 6:'15 pm - Sunday 9am Choir Practice (B)







"As each one lut,s ret:eiy,etl {t gi/i, use

it to ,\er\,e ctfie un()ther us good stex:ards af'God,s variecl gr{tce"

(l Pt 4: l0).

i i



means that during any given month, they will be out of money, out of food, and forced to miss rneals or seek assistance



themselves Many are faced with difficult choices: to feed

What identifies a steward? Safeguarding materiai and hunan resonrces and using them responsibly are orle alts\\.er; so is generous giving of tinie, talent" and treasure. But being a Christian stewarrj n1eafis rnore. r\s Christian sternards, u,'e receive God's gifts gratefuily, cultivate them responsibly,

Disciples as Stewards



i !it

OTHERS! Our Parish Monthly Food Collection is this


return them with increase to the Lord.

i ;

utitities Paying for foed or paying for medications ' Paying for food or paying for transpartation or rent .

share then-r lor.ingly in justice with others, and

Drrrins nr narrina Paying fnr paying .F^for fnnrl food or for , ,*it:*!^-


i i




rt a la I trr 6 AEr iFR-r HELP US HELP OTHERS!

i i i

ii"'jWeekend and is sponsored by our parish Catholic i i Care project. Through this mjnistry our parish serves the

Let us begin with being a disciple-a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ- As mernbers of the Chwch, Jesus calls us to be disciples. This has astonishing implications:



needs of our (upuna, Ohana and those who come





struggling with food ii our_ Parish ^-1,::*:o..rt" catholic care project relies heavily on donations i from our parishioners. only by your generosity are we able ,o help others in their time of need. please prayerfully

Mature disciples make a conscious decision to foliow Jesus, no matter what


the cost.

Christian disciples experience

i i i..i

conversion-lifeshaping changes of mind and heart-and commit their very selves to fhe Lord.

i i iit it

Christian stewards respond in a particulm way to the call to be a disciple. Stewardship has the power to shape and mold our understanding of our lives and the way in which we live.

i i i i

Jesus' disciples and Christian stewards recognize

God as the origin of life, giver of freedom, and source of all things. We are gratetirl for the gifts we have received and are eager to use them to show our love for God and for one another. Vfe look to the life and teaching of Jesus for guidance in living as Christian stewards.


Households living in poverty experience faod insecurity.




KNOW? 1 in S lslanders ane in need

A Summary of the U.S. Bishops' pastor{tl Letter on




To Be a Christi*n Steward




fdri"sdf r,r-S.frrrn: ri {l


W sffimmtffii

.sfnr.\ruRmsF{{t} f{,$'

F*ui nfllllf

i. i

.onsider helping us feed the


i i




at and click on the Virtual fooJiast<et button Visit our parish website

i i i

Your donation goes directly to our Catholic Care project, which cares for those who are vulnerable to becoming food

i i


Pe-v-gg &gurrpr.,.â‚Źgse-to-Bsr- pg!:t*.tt.who Please



{s1s) 38s-



woutd benefitfrom

lood bag to hetp them make ends meet? tellthem ta contdct our Cathotic Care Hetplinu


i i





we receive remains confidentiat.

i i i i


Intentions of Pope Francis for the month of September ZALT


cr: i-n



Prayers bring our parish community together and this is true especially when we pray for those parishioners who are ill among us. We would like to update the list above for the month of SEPTEMBER. We will remove the names at the end of every month and have a new list for the following month. lf you wish to have your name or the narnes of your loved ones included on the list, please fill up the form below. The prayer list will be published for the whole month and will be updated at the end of each month. (Because of privacy lows, only person themselves or immediote family member may submit a request.) Mahalo for your cooperation.

Farishes Thilt cur parisl:es, anirnated b3r a missicuary spirit, nlay }:le places where faith is


tnuni cater'l anrl


PRI\YER LIST rOR THE SICK Please pray for the sick in our Parish, especially... Tony Bacani Loranzo Alota

Please complete below so that we may remember you in prayers for the whole month of SEPTEMBER. {Please print clearly!} and put it in the collection basket or return it to the office. Mahalo.

Wini Chow Teresita M. Custodio Tessie Dungo Stanley Ho 0detta Doublet Regina Czerwinski Avon Czerwinski Thomas Mistysjm Purita V. Marcaida Betty Ann Nault Robert Mistysyn Dolores Suredam Michael Bartolome Edwin Tagara Lolita A. Sutton Vanessa Alcova toe tr:transen Shirley Dungo Blanche Hansen Larry Cabrinha

NAME of the Sick: Name of Person Requesting:









Phone #:



JoannitaPangelinan lacklucewicz Bona M. Macabare Ray M. Olis Ephrem Perez Anella Rabauliman Lourdes Olis Myong Soon Sim Patrice Nielsen Ho Lun Big Maria Elena lencks Janleen Maria Xymoon Robert K. F. Ho Vvonne S. Pangelinan Ho Shiu Yan Manzko Brady Yolanda Trejo Ho Chun Wah Pat Low John M. Masunaga ludy Orlando Myrna Vallespin Becky Alota Nancy Pang Oliver Shilling George & Blanche De Conte

Christoph tucewicz

Christmas Wonders $sntc's & $leds, Ornaments & Trim . Fcbulous Febries Croffers' belights!

.Icin *s on Ssturdey, $eptember f;S'd fr:orn gsrr * Bpr"n ct Hoiy Trini?y Chunch &ym!









WE,{,COME Our Be{oved


Larry Si,{va

The Bishop's Schedule Saturday, September 16 5:00pm


Bishop Silva celebrates mass with Fr. Khanh as homilist and commissions members of

our Pastoral Council.

6:00pm * Dinner with our parish leadership to follow in the courtyard.

Sunday, September 12 7:00am

- Bishop silva

celebrates mass with Fr. Khanh as homilist.

- Bishop silva commissions z7 catechists within mass. 11:00am - Bishop silva celebrates mass with Fr. scott as homilist. 9:00am


sts. peter and paul parishioners will follow in the courtyard. Lunch will be served.

- Meeting with


- Bishop silva



celebrates the sacrament of confirmation for pham Britanny within mass.

Meeting with youth and young adults to follow in the courtyard. Light dinner will be served.




This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetieal Sunday on September 17, 2A17 - The 2017 theme will be "Living as Missionary Disciples." Catechetical Sunciay is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a comrnunity of faith. Our Faith Formation ministry at Sts. Peter and Paul will accompany all those who journey as missionary disciples.

Bisfiop Larry Silva will commfssion our cafechisfs at the 9am rnass on $rnday $epfember 17. The faith formatfon classes wiJI celebrafe mass with the bfshop af ffie 9am mass so ffiere urifl fre no classes tlris Sunday. Classes will re*ums nexf $unday, Sepfem$er ?4. l4le encourage all famiiies tojoin us. ln virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples (cf. Mt 28:19)....The new evangelization calls for personal involvement on the part of each of the baptized. Every Ch*stian is challenged, here and now, to be actively engaged in evangetization; indeed, anyone who has truly experienced God's saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love. Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are "disciples" and "missionaries", but rather that we are always "missionary disciples". (Evangellii Gaudium, 119) t*-"---"-""-""-"

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YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Rom. 13:B-9 Owe no one anything, except ta love one another;for he who loves his neighbor has futfilled the taw. The commandments, "You shall not cammit adulteryr, Yau shall not kill, You shallnot steal, You shallnot cove(" and any other commandment, are â‚Źummed up in fhls senfence, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 'Ano'ai Kdkou, As always, we are ever vigilant in our studies, prayers, and efforts to help the commun,ity. Originally when we began, I imagined that the problems we must overcome were doubt, despair, and selfishness. After all our efforts for so long, all our accomplishments and failures, I have come to understand that our biggest barriers to change are fear, pride, and apathy. We continue to learn and evolve our plans and efforts accordingly, with positive results beginning... On Sundays al 4:30pm, all young adults are invited to the gatheri*g and fellowship at the courtyard. Then at 5:00pm, there's a choir practice to prepare for the 6:00pm mass. Hope to see you all there.

On Sunday, September 17 after the 5 PM mass the Bishop will meet with the youth, young adults and those in the 6 PM mass who are the young adults. There will be something light to eat. The Bishop would like to hear from these groups and they in turn can ask him questions about the


church or any other things that they want to find out about in the Catholic faith. Ch::.k oyt ou1 r11eboo.[ Raoel w1trv,fsce-bs+hcsn1lv*yn*"+!111*N{]:,,y*ly.r*a**]ulu

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are gratefutto affwho suyportedthe KicL-off funcfr at tfre ?ago{a 3{ote[tsaffroom on Sunday, Seytember to, 2ot7 to fauncfi tfre Sts. ?eter and?au{ Catfiofrc Tducatton Scfrofarsfriy andT,nfowtnent . lour itwo[yement is greatfy ayyreciated artdma{e tfte event a great success. fotaf donat[ons received as of Seytember to, zotT is g5,060.00. 'Uy[ates about tfre Sts. ?eter ant{?au[ Catho[ic T{ucation Scfrotarsfriy an[fndotvmettt sfiaff 5e ma{e avaifa1fe tfrrough our cfrurcfr iuffetin. If you wamt to suyyort tlie scfio{arsliiy, donation envefoyes for the scftofarsfriy can 6e foun{ at entramce of tfre cfrurcfi.



MondaY Septenrber 18

pope Francis said, "who am I to iuclge?" But aren't *u ,rpposed to hold each other to a higher stanclard of living and iudge actions as moral or sinful?

WeekdaY 1

Tm 2:1-8

Lk 7:1-10


judging. He is likely drawing T-tope Francis is not the only one to warn about Lord and the pope -Hrrir guidance from Jesus in Matthew 7:l-2. Both the those we consider "more warn us about judging others and looking clown upon arrogance and hypocrisy' sinful.,, That sort of comparison can easily lead us to each of us The Lorcl teaches us there will be a flnal (or particular) iudgment give an account of our will have to face. we will all have to stand before God and actions. This teaches us that God is the only one qualified to fully know a person's heart and intentions. If we begin to act as a iudge of people, then we are playing

Septenrber 19 WeekdaY


Lk7:ll'17 WednesdaY September 20 Sts.

Andrew Kim Tae-gdn,

Priest, and Paul Chdng Ha- sang, and C omPanions,

MartYrs 1 Tm 3:14-16 Lk 7:31-35

ThursdaY SePtember 21

Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist Eph 4:1-7, 11-13 St.

Mt 9:9-13

FridaY Septenrber 22 WeekdaY

1Trn6:2c-12 Lk 8:1-3

SaturdaY September 23 Sf. Pins of Pietrelcina,

Prlest 1 Tm 6:13-16 Lk 8:4-15 SundaY September 24

Tventy'Fifth stmday in OrdinarY Tinte Is 55:6-9 Phil1;20c-24,27a

Mt 20:1-16a

God. However, your question also implies that among believers we are to hold one


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another accountable in our Christian community. This is correct (Matthew 18:15*17). In the body of Christ, there is :5 Z a responsibility to help and encourage should be the sharing of each other to follow fesus. Among the baptized, there another higher, not virtues ancl sorne accountability to the church. we call one to help fellow duty through accusation, but through love and service. It is my with mine' I flnd that believers in their discipleship, as it is their duty to help me to help me be a better I appreciate those who care enough about me to want in fellowship, ttol catholic, priest, or person. In comrnunity, we should build up tear down in iudgment. Fr. Matthew Bonk, CSsR I Sundaybulletin@Liguori'org


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n{fio'{druam,?oPnFtnrcl* . .,,

"We rnust nat grow wearyt then, of ke,eping watch aver our thouqhts and iur attitudes, in order that we may be giuen even


,i"i, *;iiO" beautiful-which in eternal li{e we shall contemplate ii'rrr ir, fullness. Forward, thinking of this iudgme.nt which. tl-* begins naw, which has already begun' Forward' d.o,ing.t:'n tor tear' without forward a way that our hearti open to Jesus and to his salvation; Ihis us' orgive f will he sins for our Jesus, love is grrrr*iitrJ ii-i- ,ti torgir,*ress bring us to the is whatJesus is like. F";;-A il"n *itf:'tt is certainly, which will gl*ry of heaven!" ,

*General audience, St. Peter's Square, December 11' 2013



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