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Anointimg of the Sick, Hoty Communion to the Sick and Flomebouncl, Futrerals: Please call the Parislt 0ffice.
tu m m
lnfant Baptism: parents ilre to call the Parish oilice
F{ ErSl lr-l
Al,--J n
m Bd
to schedule a Baptisnt
Sacrament of Matrimony: Tire proper and requirecl preparation for this Sacratnent is extensive. The time frarne is al least six [6) months. Couples are asl<eci to ;rtteflcl an Engaged Enccunter Weekend in preparation and cornplele Slate ancl Church paperwork. Do not set a dirle or prittt invitaliotts lor your *rarriage Llntil after ).'oti have spoi<en r,vilh a priest. Saturday: {Sunclay VigilJ 5:00Ptn Sunday Morning: 7:00 ani 9:00am & 11:00ant (l:llflaitt Faitli Forrnation FamilY 1st & 3rd Sii lrri.l-v ai [Ohana Mass everY Zna Surlday at i 1:0i)antJ
cir"rring brisiness hours
Sunday Evenittg: 6;00 Pnt Satut ii.ir: 12:il(l tli;oti Monday - ltriday: 7:00 aln & 12:00pnt Last Saturday of,the Month at the 12:00 noon nlass Friciay 10:15 - 11:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or b1'api;ottlintelia Fridays: After the 7:0U arn mass atld 1't Fridays: 7:3A - 10:00 pni SundaY: 5:1,SPnt Monday - Saturday: LL:15am
ADDR.ESS: 800 Kahel<a St. Honclultt, I{awilii 96Bt+ OFFICE ll0l,lRS: Mon. - 8:30 * 12:00pnt Tues. - Fii. 8:30ani * 12pntl1-:00 - 3:30pttt FFIONE: {s08l e41-0675 FAX: IB0BJ 94s-0689 OFFICE EMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr. com WEES{T'E:L&:vyW.ssEeLe-I,}:-itlLlh-aw:lii.-o,-lg
srr. Peter & Paui Church Hotrolnlu
MOhIDAY-TI{URSD.{Y: 6100an: - 8:00atr 1l:00ar:r - 1-:00pnt
6:00atn .. 1:00Pm
7r30Prr"r - 10:00Pnr 11":00 am l:00Pttr
& 3:00Pm * 6:30Pm
f .i}(.}am
This Week's Mass Schedule "fin:*
usloi Jit
Mass lntention Parishioners, Visiiors, and Friends of Sts Peter and Paul Anto I lqrrn
/(lr i!J,i
Dear Parishir:ners, Visitors and Friencis, Celebrant
Fr. Khanh Fr. Khanh
+'Aileen Park
It's trard to r-1ei.irrve, ili.tl- 0rtober is atready hare. in ncrthtrn mcLrniainous.llnrospl'rere ai in CoLorado where lv,ras oi"laineC anc served is priesi: before llal^;aii, ociooei';s or+ cf ihr mcsi beaLitifuL rncnths. a tln':e of ti-ansiilor beiween suirmei- ;inci ';vinter. of beauiiful citange cf coLor aLL oi,,er C
Fr. Khanh
+ilciwari Rapoza
Fr. Khanh
I Oct2 .,---"
+For all Souls rn Purgatory
Fr. Khanh
Jrll lshikawa (SI)
Fr. Khanh
+Theresa Perreira
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Khanh
Oct4 :^^-'---.
+Marjorie Ogoc Alcon
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Khanh
Anie LJsoro (Sl)
+[steban Recel
r ,
Fri Oct 6
5it 5pm Vigil Mass
7am g dlll
Fr. Hewe Fr. Khanh
Anre Usoro (Sl)
Fr. Khanh
+Laakea Makananl BJ Nakanelua (Sl)
Fr. Khanh
Maria Shin (Thanksgiving)
Oct 7
Parishroners, Visiiors and Friends of Sts. Peter and Paul
Fernandes Er. Khanh
'Si,s3n Abtr:sa'' +l'.iicholes !"iuynh & !\laiiha Dang
Fr. Khanh
+Carol Cab*nilla Guzman
Fr. Khanh
Jill lshikawa
Fr Khanh
Anie Usoro {Sl)
:;J't ji
+For all Souls in
Fr Khanh
Past*r: Faroch{a{ l,ricar:
Senior Friest: ile;lconsl
n s.
aspens tn the Rocky Mountaln, bursr irto a varleiy of shiriing Eoid, bright oranges, ano brtllianl reds. 'ihe cnanqinQ cf the Leaves is lvloiner" Nature's signai to rrriinci us of life's cyci.es. "The:-e is an appcinted rirne foie;p:;;,:..1y
" iErrlesi,rsr:s ";.
Rev. Khanh Pham-Nguyen Rev. Scott Bush Rev. Pat Freitas Deacon Richard Abel Deacon Angken'Xymoon
Senisr Deaco{t:
Deacon Richard Port
Yvonne Toma
Beqinnlng this 0rtcbei" untii.-fhanksgiving season. we wouLd iil<e lc present a series r.:f refieciions cn Ste',vardshin, in tne
U.S. Bishops'Paslo;-ai Leiter on Siewardship {isg:), our stev';ai-dship beg!irs,iiilh the recognilion inal eveiything we have lras been given to us by Cod . .. our time. cur talents. ,r,.ir ti?asJra. )eS. av€- i:'e itseif.
Llvinq srewardshi, as CathoIics is a grateful way oi f-rl,-ii-n;nq a portlor of Cod's many gifts to i:s. And lhe gifts v'ie reiui-rr aie clii" rime. our'lalenls anci cur treasuie. Each of us ili-, 1-his in our- o',vri way; some through i"nusic, teachinE, servlng varicus rnlnistries and cornmunitrv projects. We ieiLli-n ih0se !ifts ncl because Cod neecs or because cuiCh:ich asks iis to qiiie, but because r!'e feer an ov..uteLr,rinq need to show oui- apprecialicn and gratitucle tc,icc's nrany gifls given us. ln other words.'ive seTve oul commirnily.',,ve share our talent:j, we ccnii-ibute our money ic r:hurch or char"iiable crgarizations, nol because rhere is a need for us lc give to, bul rather because \,,€ need to give in
:vefythin! anrj a season f:r ever!'aciivity under
Ar:ie Usorc (Sl) +Raym3nd Setik Christine Gyves (BD) Jill lshikawa (Sl)
, o:"
u:i.oi-.: d o m o u
u/hiLe the pine ii-ees stay green allyear round, ine foliage in
, n-^^.rLf,Ui ^.-^^ ltj LJldilC
tulary Can"lacho iBD)
ai, Ccil ir:.s qiver, us.
in ihe Cospel of
L,.ike v',,e proclaim
al ThanksqivinE Ilass ihe siory oi tne i0 Leilei"s who were heaLed byJesus. Cne of iher€ nren relurned anC ihankecl iesus for healing him, bur the 'ttirer nine rJicn'r. We know that Cod is worihy cf cur praise ncw ancl vve shouLd lal<e every opportlrnity io lhark Irir,'r ior ali. ihe bi.esslngs vve have i-eceived.
Rt,ile:ipg on ihe beauty of autumr: and grar-itude to Cocl, w-. lhani< oilr parishioners. voLunteers, friends and vlsitot-s fer the generous shar"ing of time and tai.ents as vr:ell as faithfuI glving. lvay our spiril cf stewardship reflecl llie celei"i:sity cf oui" Coc ancl witness to the Love of Christ ir cilr-Lir,,:s. As aLways, Mahalo nui Loa.
"'Wfi,ere caring yea?[e a,re
Partners in Helping our children grow in their Catholic faith.
Thoughtful Moments St. Anthony Mury Claret St. Anthony Claret
was bom in Spain in 1807 to a poor cloth weaver. He was ordained a
/1)\ priest in Catalonia land in 1849, he founded the Claretian order shortly before becoming the l' archbishop of Cuba. He served as confessor to Queen Isabella II and was e>riled with her. He defended the doctrine of infallibility at the First Vatican Council. He also had the gifts of prophecy and healing. He is the patron of tortile weavers.
Prayer Bursts Prayer is how we connect
God, and a lifeline for much-needed graces. We all know we should "pray rnote", but it can be hard to find the time in today's busy world. Offering up brief prayers throughout the day makes it easier to stay focused on God having despite having a hectic schedule.
October 2017
Give children o love for fhe Rosory Teaching children how to pray the Rosary can be one of the most
influential and long-lasting prayer habits you give them. Consider these ideas for helping children leam to Iove the Rosary: Share what you
value about the Rosary. Some
people love the calming rhythm of the Rosary prayers. l, Others enjoy meditating on Jesus' life, death, Resurrection and Ascension described in the mysteries. Still others enjoy the idea of praylng a centuries old prayer. Help children to see what you find beautiful about this Catholic prayer. Make Rosary time family time. Give each child his or her own set of Rosary beads that work best for small hands (or make your own). Gather
Why Do I Cotholics Do Thof
Baptism washes away the conveys sanctilring graces - a share in God's life. Baptism is also the gateway to life in the Spirit, the Church, and the other sacraments, including the Eucharist and Confession. It starts one on
are your worlzs! My uery self you hnow"
(Psalm 139:L4). O Copyright 2017
Success Publishing
& Media, LLC
Start small and let it grow If the Rosary is new to your family, introduce the full prayer by teaching the components. For example, practice making the Sign of the Cross and rehearse the
individual prayers,
Consider using the "call and response"
method, in which
leader begins a prayer and the rest of the group finishes it. Take turns being the leader. When children have mastered the prayers, pray a decade together. Then graduate to a
full family
Why do Cqfholics bopfize infonfs?
stain of original sin and
"I praise you
together in a favorite spot in your home, light a candle, play calming music, or do whatever you like to make this time feel special and
the surest path to salvation: "Whoeuer belieues and is baptized will be saued; whoeuer does notbelieue be condemned"
Catholic parents, desiring t}te best for their children, bapize them as infants to give them the best start in life.
Porfners in Fqith,"
Odober2077 Page2
Hqve o holy Holloween Halloween can be more than a chance to dress up and collect candy. It is a chance to get in touch I with our Catholic roots. AII Saints Day-Eve. In 835 pope Gregory tV moved the Commemoration of Martyrs from May 13 to November 1 - now All Saints Day. The night before became l.rnown as ,All Hallow s Even" or "holy evening,,, and eventually Halloween. "Trick or Treat." Years ago, Irish farmers prepared forAll Saints Day and Atl Souls Day (November 2),
Sciafiire A lawyer went to debate
In fact, theTen Commandments can be divided into two categories: those dealing with love for God (the first three) and those
dealingwith responsibilities toward others (the lastseven). In the
coming to agreement on the answer. Encouraged by the Pharisees, rhe Iawyer asked in the
My daughter, Teryr, came home one
dayfrom school in tears. She said a classmate, Virginia, promised to beat her up on the bus, and Terry was unnerved. The driver confirmed the story and reported it to the school. I assured Terry that the school
would keep her
end, it comes down to love. Even the
arrested. Iesus silenced them all by saying that everything starts and ends with love
feqstgâ&#x201A;Źr3+ Feast of the Guardian
Angels. On this feast day, remember to thank the Guardian Angels for the work they have done in helping us. Ocr- 7 - Our t ady of the Rosary (157L). Pope Pius V created this feast in thanlisgiving to Our Lady of Victory who helped the Christians defeat the Ottoman Turks. Since it was believed that they won after praying the Rosary the feast was renamed Our Lady of the Rosaryby Pope GregoryXIL OcL 18 - Sr l;uke the Evangelist (1st
with your children about how it is easy to love people who are nice to ut but that loving everyone, even if thqy're not nicq, is what God reallywants us to do. Century). St. Luke was a Christian physician from Antioch. His Gospel and Acts of the Apostles were probably written between 70 and 85 A.D. Oc/.-21- St Hilarion (371). An abbot from Palestine, St. Hilarion was bom near Gaza. He converted to Christianity A while studying at ['_rt '/co Alecandria. He tried to \7-
live as a hermit but his reputation for working mirades drew crowds wherever he went. At lasi he retired to Cypru9 where he died at the age ofeighty.
TALK safe and, sure
enough, we found out the next day that
Pharisees couldn't argue with that. What can a parent do? Talk
hopes ofgetting Iesus to say something against Jewish law so he could be discredited and perhaps
Iove ofGod and love ofeach other.
generations without
OcL 2
focus on three holidays. Learn about a saint
you didn't know visit the grave of a loved one, collect food for the poor. It's a time to remember the believers who have gone to Heaven before us and the hope we have of following.
Moffhew 22234-40. Con'f qrgue wifh love.
toyed with him by asking for Jesus, opinion about which law was the most important. There are more than 613 commands in the law and ]ews had been debating
that question
honoring deceased loved ones, by going door-to-door the night before collecting food for a village celebration. Those who gave were promised prosperity; those who didn,t received threats of bad luck. Irish Catholic immigrants brought this practice of "trick-or-treating" here. Holy holidays. Halloween is a chance to
Virginia was suspended from the bus for three days. Terry was happy to hear that Virginia was being punished. "I'm glad she got in troublq" she said. "Now she knows how it feels to be miserable. I hope she gets expelled
from school." I explained that Jesus'followers can never be happy when something bad happens to others. Even our enemies are God's children. We want justice, but not suffering. I asked Teryr to
work harder at being a friend to Virginia, or at least not to rejoice at her pain.
Our Mission To help parents raise
faithful Cathoiic children
Publishiag & Media, LLC Publishers ofGrowing in Faith- and Partnas in Faith(s 40) 6 62-7 844 (s40) 6 62-7 842 fax Success
http://w.parmesiafaith.com (Llnls nored Bible quotc and references ae ftom the Revised Standard Vesion and the NewAsâ&#x201A;Źlicm Bible)
@ Copyright 2017 Success Pubiishing & Media, LLC
Stsi..Heter..ail. .ip,,au.[.G,llurffi
READINGS Octolrer 1,2017 Twenty-Sixth Sund*y in Ordinary Time {A\&z L8:2528; Phil 2:1*11or 2:1*5; lVIt 2I:28*32
We can reaily relate to God when he repeats the people's blame and accusations at him for not being fair. ln moments of suffering or injustice, it's easy to pass judgment and blame it ail on God, lt's especially dif cutt when innocent and good people (ourselves included) suffer. We're tempted to ask, "Aren't you supposed to treat your friends better?" We only need to look at Marco Palrnezzano's painting Chnsf Bearing /lre Cross to reconsider our complaints. How have we treated God? Jesus was and is the most innocent of souls; no other beir:g was or is as good as Jesus. No orre was asked to suffer like him, and he suffered not to gain for himself but tc pay our debt. Relating it to today's Gospel lesson, Jesus is the son whc, when asked to work in his Father's vineyard, promptly said "ye$" and went. Always obedient, always docile, always loving. Watching Jesus, we hear the echo of St. Paul's let- ter. Jesus humbly regarded his brothers and sister$ a$ more than himself and was willing to go to the cross and win them back for the Father. Keep in mind, those siblings had destroyed family unity, squandered away their inheritance, sold their birthrighi, sold him into slavery with their sin, and very often refused his love. Yet "God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). God knows his merciful justice well and can kindty and provokingly ask in Ezekiel 1B:25, "ls it my way that is unfair? Are not your ways unfair?" Mark Haydu, l*C
Liguori Publica'tiurs, Liguori. li{O 63{i57-9999. Prilred in US:\. Irnprininur: "ln acronlauce with CiC 8?7. prmissi<xr to publish ha-r been gnnred on April 18, ?0i7, by 1)ishop Elect lvltrk S. Rilitase, Vicar Central. Archdiu:esc of St. Louis. Ptnnission ro publish js an C:21-11?
inilitation that trothing cortliiqr tc Churc:h teaching is containel-l in rhis worl. 11 d{Bs no1 i{nply iiny endorserrlerl of the opilions expressed i[ tl]c pul]licatior: rur is an1, lirbility assunrc<l by lJris pcnuission." No pan cf ilris rvok nray tre usetl in any tirll *ithout thc prcr \\.rirtl'n
oI Liguori Publicritions. Srriptue exts in this \vork lre rilkrn frour Nrw Anrericln Bible. reviscd editlos C) ztllt}, I991. 1986.1970 Clotliatemiry ol tlhrisrian Drcrrinc. lnc., Wxhington, IX. All Rights Resr:rvcd. Desigr: \\hn<!y B:irnes. To oni<r l-iguori Sunday
Bulh:tirs, call 800-125-9-521
or visit Ligoori.org.
First Reading - Ezekiel T& 25-28 The Lord will judge each of the Israelites according to his ways. On this is glounded an exhorlatior: to repent, and to make them a new heart and a nerv spirit. Cod does not command whal oannot be done, but admonishes us to do what is in our power and to pray for what is not. Ordinances and means are appointed, directions and promises are given, that thase who desire this change may seek it fiam God.
Second Reading
Fhilippians Z: 1-11 or 7-S
Paul exhorts them to live in unity and love so that they may enjoy the highest degrees of tbe consolations of the Spirit. Gospel
Reading*Matthew 21: Z&-iZ
God expects us to do our work in the world as professed Ctristians. As Christians we aro called to readily follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
First Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7 Second fr.eading:Philippians 4 : 6-9
Gospel: Matthew
I :33-43
TIME_TAIENT-TREASURE IU,rfU*ek-l Eyp-r:ts-{gctelryr
TBEA$URE Mahalo for your generous contributions and Faithful Steward shiP. The Collections for Sepfember 23-24, 2A17 are as follows:
IPIall$l-5-:l-a0-.17 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass Intentions Baptism Electric & Votive Candles
$7,484.91 310.00 50.00
Building Fund Outreach Catholic Care
$2,771.25 280.00 20.00 $3,071.25
Special Collections:
468.00 1,872.00 20.00 105.00 900.00 70.45 79.00 Subtotal: $3,514.45
Hurricane Relief Fund Donation in Memory of Eleanor Chang University of America Scholarship Luncheon Tickets Scholarship Fund Star Advertiser Refund Catholic Charities
WNWW }.sls$rt
I $'sfisrlr*j
M - Main Church, U-Upsfairs Parish Conference Raom, R - Reception raom. I - Blue room, G - Greert Roarn, C
2dh Sunday in Ardinary Time Respect Life Sunday 6:15 am 6:15 ani 4:30 pm 5:00 pm
- Choir Practice (B) - Rosary (M)
- Weekly Feliowship - Choir Practice (R)
& Gathering
Q-ctp-ber 2 The HoIy Guardian Angels 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary {M) 6:30 pm - Charismatic Prayer Group (M) 12:00 pm - OFFICE CLOSED in the afternoon
.- -
6:10 am 11:15 am 7:00 pm
- Rosary (M) - Rosary (M) - Centering Prayer (M)
October 4
St. Francis of Assisi, Blessingof Animals
6:10 am 7:30 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm -
4:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm
Rosary (M) Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help(M) Rosary (M) Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) Blessing of Animals (C) Drive Thru blessing of animals Scripture Study (R)
{r:iday St. Bruno, 81. Marie Rose Durocher
October 6
81. Francis Xavier Seelos Sukkot 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary (M) 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M)
First Friday 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 7:40 am * Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 - 11:30 am * Confession and Spiritual Direction 10:45 am - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 11:15 am - Rosary 5:45 pm - Stations of the Cross devotion (M) 7:30 pm - Mass
Saturdav Our Lady
October 7
of the Rosary, First Saturday
am - Cleaning Church (M) - 11:00 * am Rosai'y :15 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Confessions (M) 6:15 pm - $unday 9am Choir Practice (B)
ffi.wwwffim$x&W *q
To be a steward of serviee
means that we gratef,-rlly nanre and !lurture our" gifts from God' We then offer them to our Chu;'ch and to the world. With ihis in mind, we are called to reflect upon our oersonal calenctars and cortsider how we can best use our tin're end our gifts. Our" Church offers unique opportunities to serve wlthin our parish. ln additicr-l to your financial contribuiiorr, you can also signup to
volunteer for these opportunities.
Church Cleaners Our Church Cleaners clean the Church to maintain a reverent and attractive environment. Church cleaning days are every SaturdaY 8am -10am
Office Help On occasion, we need assistance in the Parish Office which handles the day to day business of the parish. These tasks include, but are not limited to: Clerical duties including folding, stapling and collating; Entering data into a computer using various software; Taking photographs or videos at the various parish
activitiâ&#x201A;Źs and functions; Caliing parishioners for various parish functions; and/or answering the phones and taking messages when our Administrative
tram is not avaiiabie. lnterested in Volunteering to support these needs? This is a great way to give back to our parish. Time commitrnent is only 1-2 hours per month or week !f your time allcws. Hours are very flexible and no special sklils needed. You will be grouped with others who share your desire to keep our worship space
tidy and inviting and help our office staff with clerical support. Please contact our Parish Office [B0B) 941-0675 or Email us at st$ppt'*trurtee,r@$nlati,cptrt
for tnore information,
{ \
Stt Petet nn<i ilsill
*thm$$s Swr* Fn*gwet
lntentions of Pope Francis for the month of October 2017
\\i*rkers I,in errr l
al-tr{ the grl*r'*d
l itiit;rll ir,,r'l.cr: rtti!\ r't it:i\i' c$prr:t anri protrrclion o I' tirri;^ righl:, irrril lhrt tlre
Elizabeth Grinder
Bernondito Riyhoff
Kylie Guerzoa
October 20th
trtrcni;: love tJ trliv rc,-:r:iv* titir rlrptl^tLriri1y lo eorrLi'ihiitr: t,.r
lhc,r:ontttoi.i Si)0ii.
PRAYER LIST FOR THE SICK Please pray for the sick in our Parish, especially.".
Loranzo Alota Becky Alota Larry Cabrinha Teresita M. Custodio Odetta Daublet Avon Czerwinski Purita V. Marcaida Robert MisWsW Michael Bartolome
OCTOBER 2017 BIRTHDI\Y and/or AN NIVERSARY CELEBRANTS ! Please complete this form with your pefiinent information, so that we may remember you at Mass and with prayers and blessings on your special day in OCTOBER. Fill in and complete this form (please print clearly!) and put it in the ccllection basket or return it to the Office no later than October 3,2417.
Tony Bacani Josefina Perez Wini Chow Tessie Dungo
Stanley I{o Regina Czerwinski
Thomas Mistysyn
Betty Ann Nault Dolores Suredam Lolita A. Sutton Edwin Tagltra Vanessa Alcova loe Hansen Shirley Dungo Blanche Hansen lackJucewicz loannita Pangelinan Bona M. Macabare Christoph Jucewicz Rajr M. Olis Ephrem Perez AneIIa Rabauliman Lourdes Olis Patrice Nielsen Myong Soon Sim Maria Elena Jencks Ho Lun Big Janleen Maria Xymoon Robert K. t. Ho Yvonne S. Pangelinan Ho Shiu Yan Manzko Brady Yolanda Trejo Ho Chun Wah Pat Low lohn M. Masunaga ludy Arlando Oliver Shilling Myrna Vallespin Arthur Cababa Nancy Pang George & Blanche Charlene Lau
(please check)
De Conte *.$$I$$*$I
(please check)
,, *NNNNNN "NNNN re":N..NN' N**N*NN.NNN *W*S NNNNS:.NN* &dvis*ry frcrx Sis$:*p Larry Silva n*ganding Mg$A$YHffi ffi HLEffiS **LLffi#YI*FJ$ A couple of weeks ago, I authorized each parish to conduct a second collection on a weekend of its choosing in September for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Since then there have been several other hurricanes, which have devastated various Caribbean islands and some U.S" states and a huge earthquake in Mexico City. We know that the Catholic community has been very generous in responding to these crises, and we ihank you. Any donations whether through Sunday collections or individual donations - that you would like to make can be sent either to your parish with the "Disaster Relief" designation, or to the Diocese of Honolulu (1'184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, Hl 96S13) with the same designation- All proceeds will be sent to the United States Conference of Gatholic Bishops, which has devised a means of distributing the contributions as equitably as possible arnong those who need them. Meanwhile, let us also support our suffering brothers and sisters with our prayers. Thanks,
$ishop Larry Siiva
Blessing of the Animsls for the Feost of 5t. Francis of Assisi on Oct 4 @ 5:30 p.m. in the courtyord followed by fellowship sponsored by Wednesday Scripture 6roup 6:00 - 6:30 Drive thru blessing of animals Please drive your cor under the yellow tant
outside the courtyard.
{t ir i; H*$ii ffi
FAITH FSfrMATISN CIne uvay you, the ycuth cf nur ;:ansh. c*n cofile and serue tlr* Lord is by becoming an Aitar Server. The inf*rmaiicn beiow shares the rcle *f a youth altar server, lf ycur child is int*resterj in serving as an altar server, prlease call the church office ai S41-06?5. {et tfre ch{.idre* r,onte ta rire. {Luke 18:"1,,}} \\$r* c*l,r b*cr:rsr.r* nn Ai$*1" Server'.} Anytxe n,ho is in tht -lrr"l r:i'itdt. m;:de your Firsl C-'ommr"rni*r.i. a*cl is eryolled ir: F'uith Irorilati<:n cl*sses il,itll tl:* rvil[ing;:ess t<l selv* an1,'ct thr: Sunda-i i]aitri]-1,]fassts ;ibout I-? tirnes per rnontli. Fr:*eedur*s: Bel'*rc i\,{ass
. ' .
An'ive 15 minutes b*fbre the starl cl V[;rss.
Dress irto alb, cupe, ancl appropriate cross or medirl. Stand in back of church until fulass starts. Iluring Mass - L'llrry'cmcif ir dLli'i*q begilriiuu 1:lue"-ssion. . iJolct Si{criifiirnt}i} hclk for i:riest. - ,Assist in setting the *luu' tsble . (-ii:'! ) clrndles tlrrrirr:: tl'lcrtoi'], pri.ucssiurr. '
Continued from last week......
, " "
. .
ALTAR. SIRVER5 l''ii'$ri'+"n s rlG
$ s*6;n
n {r
Hold pitcher & finger irou.,l so rhe priest can u,ash his hrnds. Cle.ar altar: atier coinrnnnirlrr. Carry crucifix dLrring eirdrng pr*cession. &{a.cs
Replace crucifix in Sacristy. Replace alb, stole. and cross or medal.
Our bishop came last week, for an audience with the youih and young adults. He asked about both what we're grateful for and what we wish for, what are our suggestions to help, and what questions everyone had.
Our latest efforts in helping the community are with the Mgl(i$p_y
$*qrrmun-l$ Schqd tn &dullu {M$_$A l*g-W_Aii). We are assisting students in the English Language Acquisition program or those trying to get their GED. We are also planning to start a Bible study specifically for people learning English as a second language. Native English speakers can assist with the evening classes, and those who speak other common languages here (e.9. Korean) can assist with tutoring on weekends.
The young adults will also assist with computers, for members of our parish that have not yet completed the $-hi-eldTheV-qJ.{}pj-qbl$,of$ program. lt is necessary for all volunteers who wish to help youth/families, to be completed every five years (it takes less than two hours to complete).
Anyone interested in any of the above (or if you have more ideas), please let me know.
* l$ {i.
Movers 3rd Weekend of every
month (Sat or Sundays)
r Val untee r O p partu niti es
Offirc l{etp
Volunteers will sort our food donations and assemble food bags for distribution. MONDAY, October 23 9am - LLam Courtyard Area Volunteers are asked to wear enclosed toed shoes and to bring a muitipack of toilet paper for the bags. Greqt Family Friendly Project-Volunteers All Ages
God ls Love Project
collect food
donations before Mass (arrive 30 rninutes before Mass to prepare). Greet donors and help carry their donations to our food bins. Commitment is once a month to cover one Mass. Project is great for all ages - Family Friendly
Food Sorting Project
Church Cleaners & Church Ground
Stop by our Catholic Care Project table after Mass to decorate grocery bags for our food distribution. These will be used to pack groceries for deliveries to our homebound kupuna. Courtyard Area - After Morning Masses Family Friendly Project-Volunteers All Ages
PurkinE Attendawt
Feed A Friend Project Volunteers are needed to deliver a bag of groceries to our hornebound Kupuna. You can pick up youi' bag for dellvery immediately following the Mass you attend and will take it directly to theii' home on October 24 - 25 This is a great Family Friendly Project that provides
individuals and fomilies with an opportunity to serve others together.
. . . . . .
Catechists Church Choir
Hamebound Ministry Hospitality/Fellowship Ushers HFB Senior Faod Box
'r"".:tft:;::!*"t Monday 0clober 2 The Holy
Guartlian Atry;els Zec 8:1-8
Tuesday October
Zec 8:20-23
Lk 9:51-56
Wednesclay October 4 St. Lrancis ofAssrsi Neh 2:i-8 Lk 9:57-62
Thursday October
Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6,
7b-12 Lk 10:1-12
Friday October 6 l,'Veekday
Bar 1:15-22
Lk i0:13-16
Saturday October 7 OtLr Lady of the Rosary Bar 4:5-12, 27-29
Lk 10:17-24
Sunday October 8 Ir
h S tm il a yin Ordinary Tirne
Seve nt
is 5:1*7
Phil4:5-9 l,{t 21:35-45
offer Mass for a specific intention? Aren't Masses offerecl for the intentions of all present?
clo we
rl-1he Eucharist makes present, in this nlorrent, the memorial sacrifice I of Christ; the source of tl-re Church's iife and the focus of the Church's prayer (see the Constitutiotr on the Silcred i,iti-rrgy fsacrosarrctunt Concilitlnrl, 10). I,lass afi,vavs incllicles the inientions of a 1ocal community as well as the needs of all people throughout the world. In the er-rcharistic prayer, lve pray for the corlmunity anci those "scattered throughout the r,vorld." l,\ihat does a renelr,ed liturgical practice uean for specific Mass intentions? Canon lar,l, speaks of applying tl-re l.'lass for anyone living and dead (see Canon 901). ]'he practice also has roots in history, especially dr-rring medleval tintes, r,vhen participation at lvlass rvas at a low. Asking tl-re priest to remember an intet-ition kept people active and connected their needs to those of the r,r'ider Chr,rrch. Vatican II stressed active participalion in its liturgical renewal, so asking specific iutenlions needs a rene,,ved understanding. Speciai intentions provide a valuen e l;ecotne aware of others' neecls and troubies. If we are aware of how these troribles affect a tnentber of our parish, \,ve can not only pra-v fr:r that person trr-it rearh o,-rl and he1p. Hor,vever, the Eucharist does not give grace only to those named in special intentions. The grace God gives thl or-rgh the Eucharist is tneant for the whole Chr-rrci-r. God's grace bitilds us ttp it-t holiness. Since people find special intentions irnportant, the response from pastors is important in helping people understancl holv God's grace affects everyone. Fr. Iohn Schritidt, CSsR Sundaybuiletin@Ligitori.org
nfu)ar{dfrrcm,?apnfrwats* jay which
to obedience. An obedience to the Church in the hierarchy which gives us not simply the externatr ;..' ,. , u "' f ramework for our obedience."but also unian with God the Father, '".-. " the source of allf atherhaod. lt is Jikewise an obedience to the Church .;.:-: :';:.:':iir! 1'?:. '. in service...,The availability of her prests rnakes the Church a house s\i ,: Z 1".".' " ':"r with open doors, a re{uge for sinners, a home {or peaple living on ihe streets, a place o{ lovinE care for the sick, a cam1 {or the young..".Wherever God's people haye desires or needs, there is the priest, who knows how to listen and feels a loving mandate {ram Christ who sends him to reiieve that need with mercy." Holy Thursday, April 17, ?A14 " Priestly joy is
is sister
ffiLizuori r j (-Irunucmous
nedenptori* Ministry