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Artist: Silvio Consadori
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Location: Vatican Museums
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Anointing of the $ick, llnly Communisn to the $ick and Homebcund, Funerals: Office.
Infant Baptism: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours to
M M M ffi
ffim ffiffi
a Baptism
Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for Ihis Sacrament is extensive. The time frame is at least six (6J months. Couples are asked tc attend an Engaged Encounter Weekend in preparation and complete State and Church paperwork. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you have spoken with a priest.
l,VHHKgi\ifi M.{$$fi$;
ffid ffiffi$ mr*q
Please call rhe Parish
Saturday: [Sunday VigilJ 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:0A am 9:00am & 11":00am Faith Formation Family {st S Jrd Sr"rnday at 9:00am [0hana Mass every 2nr Sunday at 11:00am] Sunday Evening: 5:00 pm Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00 Saturday: L2:00 noon
WAEKSAY MAS$fi$: pm CCIMMUNAt ANNSINTING: LastSaturday of the Month at the L2:00 noon mass RfiCONCII"IATISIIT Friday 10:15 - l"l";30 a.rn. Saturday 3:30 * 4:30 pm or by appointment H{JCHAR.ISTIC ADCIRATION Fridays: After the 7:A0 am mass and l"utFridays: 7:30 - 10:00 pm g t',! i 5 i, H{-i5 irfr i }"5: Monday - Saturday: 1.1:l"5am Sunday: 5:15pm
ADDRH$S: 800 Kaheka St" Honol*iu, Hawaii 96814 0FFICI H0[JRS; Mon. * B:30 - 12:00 pm Tues^ - Fri. 8:3Oam * 1.2pm/1:AO * 3:30pm PlloNfr: (808J q41-0675 rAX: (808J 945-0689 OFFICI EMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr.com WE ESITH: lylgvr. ssp eterpaul hawaii.org
s,r. Peter & Paul Church F{onolulu
EHUT(HI$ IPET.I MONDAY-THUR$DAY: 6:00arn - 8:00am
11:004m 6:00am
1:00pm 1":00pm
7:30pm * 10:00pm
- 1:00pm - 6:30pm {i:()0arn * l:00pm & 5:0i$m * 7:(Xlpm
11:00 am
& 3:00pm
t'fils'Yl Date
Sat Feb 16
Moss Scfi,edufe
Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peber and Paul +DeSilva &
7 anr
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Sieg
Dear Parishioncrs, Visitors and Fricnds,
Fr. Sieg
As stated in our Parish Pastora{ P[an, our goal is to
Rita Gaspar (Thanksg iving) +Silvino Belandres
+Mariano Meisas +Manuel Hocog
Fr. Khanh
Dondi & Valentia Vinca
Fr. Khanh
Feb 17
( *
continue our parish hospitali{, intcntionally
{Wedding Anttiversary}
w elc orning, tn a s afe and nurtaving env iron ment.
Ow Homebound Accompaniment Minishry
tlrat the spiritual welfare of ou, par'shioners cxtend
Mon Fetl 1B
7 anr
+Eleuterio Banaag
Fr. Khanh
+Gwen Kaanapu
Fr. Khanh
+Gordon Lau
Fr. Sieg
Feb 19
Robert Piper (H)
Fr. Sieg
Benjamin Manzano (BDl
Feb 2O
Clifford DePonte (BD)
Fr. Sieg
On weel<ly vislts, a pair of vo\unteers nourishes the
+June Satsuko Imamura
Fr. Sieg
soul and spirit of the horweboutnd with Eucharist,
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Sieg
Kupuna where thcy are on tlteir lfe journey as well as heeping them
Our dream
those we serr'e
Feb 21
Fri Feb22 Sat Feb 23
Bernadette Lopez [BD]
+ Eugene Chang
Ruth Toma (H)
Fr. Khanh
Catechumen & Candidaies receiving Sacraments at Easter
Fr. Khanh
Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paul
?am Sun
+Msgr. Louis
Fr. Sieg
+Eleuterio & Andrea
Betry Anne Nault
Fr. KSauir
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Sieg
Jensen Vinca IBD]
Fr. Khanh
of rlrc stml ol: ll,Ilealing: Bl), ISirthtlu.v: Sl,'Special lntantions
.A[iarTfwer Afferirtg 7n lovttr21 mewory
& An{rea
all parishioners feet they are cared.fo, and. are part
of our spiritual O'hana when thry attend.Mass
can no longer
at church.
listening opew heavt, and. accepts the
nnected in p arish
nrinislry is to create
socia{ization, and spiritu
6pm Repose
Fr. Khanh
bryawdtheweekend Mass, andit is our desire that
in the homebound
gather'tng site al.
enrtchment classes.
At this sitc, education ancl rcsources wi[l be to train volunteers,Jamilies and frrends who want to mah.e thetr loved oncs moye cawfortabLe m their present stage oJ lfe and, clraw avattahle
thent closer to Goc{ on their journey. Services needed fo" the homebound arefinc{ing
housing, nursing care, transportation, food,, and house l<eeping. These services could. be referred" to other agencies from an ow auY church site.
dedicatedfor seniors
We are caLled to be the Body of Christ to the world, reachtng out to allpeople. "Do not cast mc asir{c in
Donated 6y:
vvty old
Dr. Emma Avilla
my stren${tfails, do notforsaLteme."
suimined 6y:
an offerhg,y{ease t$e an
laferie Matsuda, l{omonique Merriff,
etvefofef rovirtd A tfie cfutrcfi or
$race{yn Deve6a, Sister R.ose Mar{e Peffigra
ca[[ us at :t4t-06f
ln the Sermon on the lt/ount, Jesus offers a rather radical call to holiness. ttlany of us have a hard time accepting that we are all called to such levels of morality. Yet, read to whom Jesus is speaking here. The Gospel says his audience is everyone: his apostles, his disciples, and a large number of other people from around the region. The Second Vatican Council offers a reminder when it says, "Fortified by so many and such powerful means
of salvation, all the faithful,
These verses in Jeremiah outline two ways of living - only trvo - there is no middle ground. Those who trust in mere mortals are accursed, but tirose who trust in the Lord are blessed.
whatever their
condition or state, are called by the Lord, each in his own way, to that perfect holiness whereby the Father himself is perfect" (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church [Lumen GentiumJ,
I - |eremiah L7:5-8
A key to progress in any personal area is keeping hungry, never being fully satisfied. The same goes for our faith and relationship with our Lord. lf our goal is to be comfortable, to follow the path of least resistance, then mediocrity is our goal. Jesus is anything but mediocre. He proposes to us a high moral standard that isn't reached by coasting. Our souls are hungry by design. They are never fully satisfied in this life because we desire the lnfinitewe desire God. Luckily, our Lord not only proposes a high moral ideal of holiness, but he also gives us his very Spirit so we can reach the heights he proposes. And so we can pray with St. Augustine, "Give me what you command, and command what you will." Fr. llark Haydu, LC
Judaism emphasized the wholeness of the person body and soul. That ernphasis continued in the Christian church. Paul wants the Corinthian Christians to know that belief in the resurrection both Christ's resurrection and the general resurrection of believers in the last days is faundational to the Christian fhith.
III - Luke 6:17,20-26 Sunounded by a vast crowd, Jesus
I consider myself a Calholic who is tending und working toward ltoliness? Would Jesus consider me a Catholic teho is tending and warking toward ltoliness? For Reflqction: Do
@ 2019 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Pinted in U.S.A. lmprimatur: "ln accordance with c. 827, permissrbn to publlsh has been granted on December 1,2017, by the Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Eishop, Archdiocese of St. lour's. Permission to publish is an indication that nathing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this worl<. lf does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission." No part of this work may be used in any form without the pior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scnpture fexts rn lfir's work are taken from the New American Bible, rcvised edition @ 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confratemity af Chrts$an Doctrine, lnc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved To order Liguoi Sunday Bultetins, cail 84042*9521
II - L Corinthians 1.5:L2,16-20
pronounces a series of blessings and a series of woes. He does not tell anyone to do anything. Instead he describes how things are. And how things are, according to Jesus, is the upside-down version of how we usually regard them.
I\EXT WEEK ,S READINGS ' Seventh Swtday in Ordinary Time lst Reading- I Samuel26:2,7-9, I2-13,22-23 Znd Reoding
Corintltians 15:45-49
Gospel - Luke 6:27-38
FEBRUARY Praver Intentions from
Pope Francis
Ple*se pruytsr tfi* sick in our Psrisft
Human Trafficking -For a generous welcome of the victims of human trafficking, of enforced prostitution, and of violence.
LENTEN REGULATIONS TASTING r In the cliocese in the Uniterl States, Catholics agecl 18 through 59 are bound to fast on both Ash Wednesday
(March 6th) ancl Good Friday (April 19th) o 'lo tastmearls to consume one tull meal a day at rnost, although taking of other, srnaller quantities of f'oocl at the other customary mealtimes is pern'ritted. t'ood and clrink between meals (excepting water and nredicine) is not permitted on fast days.
ABSTINENCE TROM MEAT . Catholics aged 14 and up are to abstain trom meat on Ash Wednesday, all l'ridays of l,ent, and Good t-riday. o To abstain rueAns refraining from eating beef, veal, pork, or poultry at least, althorgh e.gg;s and nrilk products are acceptable.'lhe cousnrnption ot fish ancl shelltish is pcrnritted, though thc pcnitential chalacter of the abstincnce should be kept in rnind.
Loronzo Alota
Encornito Esteban
Becky Aloto,
Morio Eleno Jencks
Dorlene Amoro
Jack Jucewicz
Susie Cobobo
Christopher Jucewicz
Avon Czerwinski
Richard McCreo Jr.
Regina Czerwinski
Edwin C. Munalem
Yuriko Enomoto
Betty Ann Nault
Encornito Estebon
Judy Orlondo
Charles Goo
Andreo Pontillos
Robert Heisler
Ruth Tovores-Tomo
Encornita Esteban We are updating the list of prayer
for the
sick. Please
submit their nome so thot we might continue to keep them in our prayers. Mohalo for taking the time to fill out the informotion.
AIl the taithful, after they have been initiateci into the X4ost Holy liucluri.st, are bcxutd by the obligation
of recelrlr* Cornmunion at least once it year.'Ihis precrtr)t is to be fullilled during the Easter Season rrnless ii is
firlfillt":d, for a just czluse? at some other time clurin-g the year. This pericxt is extended io include all the weeks ol' Len[ arrc{ the Easter Season up to Trinity Suntlrry (fune
l6rh) LENTEI{T PRACTTCES . J'he faithful ars encouragecl cluring lent to attencl claily Mass, receive Iloly Cornrtunion, lrarticipate in penance service.s, and receive sacramental absolutlon; to take pnrt in public and private exercises of piety, give generously to works of religion and charity, perform acts of kindness tow'arcl the sick, aged, and the poor; to practice voluntary self -denial, especially regarding tbod, drink, and u,orldlv amusements; and to pray fore fewently, parlicularly for the intentions of the Holy Father. . Ash Wecinesday, tlie first day of Lent, f'alls this year gn March 6th. Ashes are to be blessed as a si-gn of our entry into the season o1'conversionr repentance, and reconciliation. Ashes are to be blessed by a bishop, pr:iest, or deacon. t)lhers nlay be associated with the clergy in the distribution of ashes. . Frttteral A4zrsses may not lre celu:bratecl on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday, nor on the Sundays of Lc'nt. When pastorzl rtasons require that a fllncr.al be celebrirted on tirese days, only a l'uneral Outside of l\4ass may be held. ..'lb afford the faithful opportunities to participate in lenten praycr services, pastors are erlcouraged to have suclr prayer services zrt least twice a week, including the Way of the Cross on Fridays, Expositiorr ancl Benecliction, f,vening Prayer, and evening N4asses. A homily or instnrction should be included. BLESSING OF THE
OIIS AND CONSECRATION OF THE CHRISM will bc during the Chrism Mass on Thursday, April 4th at7 p.m. at the Co-
Otr Oalut, the blessing of the Sacreci Oils Cathedral of St. Thercsa, Honolulu
Partners in
Helping our children grow in their Catholic faith
February 20'19
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Thoughtful D Moments St. Ierome Emiliani St. Ierome lecl a
waywarcl life as a soldier until he was captured in
\ ]A\
battle and turned back to God. After a miraculous
escaple. lre
returned to Venice and studied ftrr the priesthood. After being ordained, lre begirn rvorking for the poor. IIe rvas especially devoted to caring for orphans-victims of a recent war.'Ib help, he and some companions fbunded the Clerks Regulars of Sonrascha. He is the patron saint of orphanages and abarrdoned children.
Through the eyes of a child trr a child's w'onder about the mysteries of Cod's lor-e awaken your own sense of e,xcitement. In connecting with vour chilclren, you rnay find ),ou are reconnecting rvith the child in yourself. "I"Iear, () Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord; and yau sltall loue the Lord your Qod with all your heart,
and with all your saul, and with all your might'
(Deuteronomy 6:4)
@ Copyright 2019 Success P0blishil|g & $ihdia, LLC
Shore whot you love obout being Corholic We choose to be Catholic because we know jo,vful practice helps us to become the people Cod wants us to be. A good way to help
children find the same ioy in our Faith is to share what rve love about it ourselves: "lvlv grandnrother prayed the Rosary every day of her life," said Lisa. "When I rt'as old enougtr, slre gave me my own Rosary and taught rne how to prily it. Tlris prayer has helped me throtrgh many tough times in my life and I pray it often rvith my own children." "l enioy celebrating the seasons of the liturgical year and marking the
whv Do
Cofh o C5 Do Thot
In the early Churclr, rnost people v"ho were baptized were adults converting to Christianiq'. Because of the persecution, sponsors would confirm the integrity of potential converts, called catechumens, to make sure they weren't spies. They
milestones of our Faith," said Chris. "My children Iove changing the colors of our displays, singing seasonal hymns, and learning the stories of saints from long ago." "l fell away from the
Church rvhen I lvas in
college" said Erica. "Then I started dating a man who rvas a devout Catholic and I lvent to Mass a ferv times with him. We fell in love and he asked that I go to Confession so we could receive Communion together. I did it for him, but felt such a thrill when I hearrl the rvords of atrsolu(ion and realized that lesus really did forgive rne. Norv rve tell our children that Confession brought us together. "
Why do Cotholics choose godporents for boptism? rnould also instruct the catechumens. When infant baptism became more common, sponsors would make the Profession of Faith for the infants and be responsible for raising them in the Faith if the parents were unable to.'Ihis is when the name "godfather/godmother' came into use.
Psrtners in FoithrM
Page 2
Whqt gifts will you offer your child?
All loving parents want to give their,'children gifrs. I-Infortunately, we knorv that the gifts we chn give l.on't brjng lasting happiness. Instead, we can pray fiequently and felently for gifts that will. Consider making petitions for these gifis a part of your daily praJ.ers for
your children: Wisdom. Asl< that 1,our child be inspired to avoid poor choices and have the wisdom to lead a Gospel-centered life.
Courage. Irortifr him to stand for justice and speak out against bigotry unfaimess, and cruelty. Strength. Pray that as she grows she rvill w,ithstand
Compassion. I{elp him follow Iesus'commandment to love one another.
Discernment. Enrjorr then: with the skills to select healthy friendships. Inclependence. Ask that children care less about what others think of them and be more interested in pleasing God. Faith. Cive them faith in God, belief in the teaclrings of Christ, Scripture and of the Catholic Church. Ttrese are the foundation for a healthy life and eternal salvation. These gifts will make us happy forever.
Pa rent
Luke 6227-38; ON Loving like God
'l-his Gospel passage is all aborrt
Christl ike conduct with difficult people or siftrations. Iesus tells us to "love your enemies...forgive. " It's easy
to love our frjends, but nearly impossible to love those who treat us badly. Love is acting fcrr the other's good; it's not (iust) a feeling. \{e know our love is authentic rvhen r,ve can pray for our enemies,
do a favor for someone who can't rcpay us. repay an insult w"ith kindness, or return violence with non-violent resistance Forgiving others means we stop
Feos a
negative peer pressure.
a a
Feb. 2 - The Presentation of the Lord. In accordance with the [.arv of Moses, Mary and Joseph brought |esus to the temple to make the required offering forry days after his birth, and Simeon przrised God for revealing the
Iong-awaited Saviol.
Feb.2l - St. Peter Damian (1072). Childhood deprivation may ha'o,e created a de.sire for an austere li{b. St. Peter Damian became a disciptir:ecl nronk bu{ was callecl to serve as a bishop for many 1'ears and servecl as
accusing them in our hearts. Itis
ctroosing not to prolong a bad situation by hoping f<rr reveuge. When rve forgive, it sets us free*free tt: move on with our life.
Whatean aparsfit do3'lell children that truly following Christ rneans doing the rjght thing even if itt dilfcult or unpopular. Not taking reckless dares, u,alking arvay from a fight. and choosing not to "get even" aren't signs of weakness, but require real strengtir of character.'lhe surest sig:r of being Clod's children is if rve love odrers the
Limiting the TV time I was becoming concenred that my ctrilclren were spencling too much time in front of screens. Most of their conversations
rerrolved around
movies and
television shorvs. They rryouldn't miss
their favorite programs but they were missing hours
of their lives. My concerns were confirmed one night when we lost power for a few ttours during a long thunderstorm, No television, no computers, no iPads. The
way he does.
girls grew bored cranlry, and restless. Finally, I lit candles and pulled out board games. We play'ed Dominoes,
advisor to severl popes. I"{e retired to monastic life and died in the
Monopoly,'Irivial Pursuit.'Ihe power came bach lrut Kara and Dad were tied and wanted to playto the finish. After that night, J realized we r:eeded to make a change, In order to earn screen time the children had to spend rime reading playing outside or doing chores. Since then, thry have found other Wa1,s to have fun and don't need their der,rices nearly as much.
care of his brother monl<s. Feb. 25 - St. Caesarius of
Nazianzus {369). Brother ofSt. Gregory <lf Nazianzus, St. Caesarius served as physician to the emperor Julian the Apostate. Iulian tried to convinee St. Caesadus to renounce his faith" btit the saint refused anct later resigned his post. After sr-rrviving a terrible earthqr:ake in Nicaeir, he decidecl to be fonnallv
baptized (most people back then dela,ved baptism uirtil Iater). He died soon after.
'0ur Mission
it'o help parents raise faithftrl Catholic children Suciess Publislring & N.ieitia. t-.t.C I\rhlishers o1'(,rotinc in l.ai.lh'" antl ['.rrtntrs in l]ait]r"' {5.10)6rr?'784 { (54tt)ti(r2' 7114 7 Lrx Irttl:://r'r*r,. p;rnntrsinlai lh.itour ((lnlrx' rrorr<l iliill. (lriiltL\ .r,r,l rel. rr'ri,'r\ .rir i.r'f, )
i{i'\,iseii Sr,rir(liiril \'ttsioo arrl 1.lxr N$v t\ilo:icarr l}iirlt:.) Copyritlfrt 2i:r1! iiuccess f irhiisirine & t,ludie, Li-C
This Week's Events February 17 -February 23.2019
- Main Church, U-ltpstairc Parish Conference Room, - Reception room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room, C - Courtyard M
for your g enerous contributions and Faithful S tew ard sh i p.
The Collection for February 9-70 is as follows
$14,11+.77 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions Electric Votive & Candles
$7,792.88 365.00 646.45 $8,804.33
Building Fund Outreach Donation Augustine Ed. Fund Altar Flowers
$38.00 20.00 1,710.08 2,058.36 200.00 Total: $4,026.44
Soecial Collections: Solemnity of Mary
6:15 am 8:15 am
-Rosary [M)
Youth choir practice (BJ
6.00 6.00 906.00 344.00 2.00 Total: $1,284.00
Presldent's Day, Holiday, Ofiice closed 6:30 pm
- Charismatic Prayer Group (M)
Latin American Mission Black & lndian Mission 50th Anniversary Stained Glass Catholic Charities
February 12
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 19
6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary (M) 7:00 pm - Centering Prayer (M)
February 20
- Rosary (M) - Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M) 1.1r15 arn - Rosary (M) 1:00 pm - Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace [R) 6:00 pm - RCIA IBJ 7:00 pm - Scripture Study (B) 6:10 am 7:30 am
SL Peter Damian, Bishop
- Rosary (M) - Rosary (M) 5:15 & 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M) 6:10 am
:15 am
Februarv 22
The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle
This month's Building Fund Collection will be on the weekend of February 24-25. the Kitchen renovation materials are delivered and installation will begin
soon. Our Building Fund at work!
6:10 am - Rosary (MJ 7:40 am - Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 - 11":30 am Confession and Spiritual Direction 10:45 am - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 1 1:15 am-lnternational Rosary l"1:45 am-Benediction
Saturday St.
OPERATION RICE BOWL is right around the corner. Lent begins on
Pnlycarp, Morg'r
11:15 am - Rosary 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Confessions [M)
your blessed palms.frorn last year./br Ash lle.dnesday (March 6). Please bring them in heginning next week and place them in the ntarkecl boskets. Mahalo nui loa.
Ash Wednesday, March 6th. We will be including
stories of people and places who are helped by your Lenten sacrifices and prayers. c
-t}=. Ar"-, o-i.".trg
:r g
Mahalo to our volunteers and to the Anniversary committee for the delicious malasadas and baked goods last week. The funds raised will finance the projects
prepare the church for her 50th Anniversary.
MnS E* - S$r g$t$ Thnm,e:
Divine llfrercy and the llfiessage of Fatirra Register yourself now and invite your families, friends, prayer group members, ministry members, neighbors and co-workers to the DIVINE MERCY CONFERENCE
Theme: Divine Mercy and the Message of Fatima Dates: May 24 - 26,20L9 (Friday - Sunday)
Location: Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Oahu
Keynote speaker: Archbishop Bernadito Auzo, Apostolic Nuncio, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the Untted Nations Featured Speakert Fr. Donald Calloway, Marians of the Immaculate Conceptton Speakers: Fr. Mark Wheelan, Mr. Ertc Mahl Mrs. Judy Studen Prof, Americo Lope-Ortiz Due to limited seets, one-day registration will not be allowed. Seats will be reserved only for participants attending 2 or 3-day conference (same price) $75 for Adult and $65 for Youth (age 17 and under) Callfor more information: (808) 389-5764 orwww.divinemercyhawaii.org/register
t,i 5'
The6thl(ids'Bulletin in Ordinary
dden Blessi!]gs In today's Gospel reading Jesus tells us that people rvho are poor, hungry, or sad are blessed! Do they sound blessed to you?
Sunday Time F-'ebruary l7th,2Ol9
Can you match up the piece.s in this puzzle?
[]ad things that happen to us have hidden blessings in them. If you are poor then your fhrnily and friends are more imporlant to you than money aud things. [f you are hungry then you appreciate food more. If you are sad then sometimes it's easier to remember to pray. Ilut things that seern bad have another hidden blessing in them- rvhen you are suffering, you can give your sadness or hurt to Jesus. Tell Him you are otTering it up along r.r,ith Him on the cross. He w,ill give you grace to make your soul stronger. You can offer things up for other people too, and God will use your gift to help them! .Egtt, Next time 1,<lr.r leel unhappy about something, try'to find the hidden blessing!
l, -r' llt
wil t be g|eat in Ileaverr
!! 0z
u 8t qsrq tt re+r'91 Frl sl rprscq tl q z t DI u s.usrp 6, lrur{ i lHs 9 Erq } sr Z hrd I :tr*rrj - rH{ It slor'f l s&!"q tt Erf tI
uaEl-â&#x201A;Źt rES l I
0I [o6ea_8
s o+rr
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ii: i::
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Mareh Ath bggins thg holg ssason ol tcsnt. Traditionallg thg daus bgforg. dsh Wgdngsdag wgrg dags eooks would trg to usg up gggs, rnitli, mgat and lard in thgir pantrigs.Thgsg thin$s wgrg not allowgd during bgnt.ailgneg the tradition of malasadas on Slrrovg Tuesdag.
Join gour parish familg for Mardi Gras
Tugsdag, Mareh 5, 2Ol9
flrom 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.nr. in lhg eg,lg,bration bgf org, bgnt
Sring a sids dish or sntrss to f rod 10-12 poopls or gour favorit s thin$ to givs up for lrsnt.
Corn g
ushgr in thg 6gason of brnt with ths burnin$ of Palrns at abo ut 7:30 p.rn. Bring in your blessed palms from last year to burn for Ash Wednesday
C6(kndâ&#x201A;Ź{z Monday
I{hy does the Church rightfully celebrate marriage,
Weekday Gn
Mk 8:11-13
Tuesday FEBRUARY 19 Weekday Gn 5:5-8; 7:1-5, 10
Mk 8:14-21
Wednesday FEBRUARY 20 Weekday Gn 8:6-13, 2A-22
Mk 8:22-26
Thursday FEBRUARY 21 Weekday Gn 9:1-13 lVIk B:27-33
Friday FEBRUARY 22
Chair of St. Peter, Apostle 1 Pt 5:1-4 Mt 16:13-19
Saturday FEBRUARY 23 St. Polycarp,
Bishop and
Heb 11:1-7
Mk 9:2-13
Sunday FEBRUARY 24 Severth Stnday in
farnily, and religious life but neglect the equally important celibate single life? Perhaps if this vocation got the respect and attention it deserves, we'd have fewer people rushing into bad relationships and weak marriages. ur vocation in life is a gift from God to become a living response to God's love. God invites people to holiness and service through marriage, the single life, the priesthood, the diaconate or the religious life. Lest the single life be overlooked, the Catechism of the Catholic Churclt states, "We must also remember the great number of single persans who...are especially close to |esus' heart and therefore deserve the special affection and active solicitude olthe Church, especially of pastors" (CCC 165B).It adds that the doors of homes "and of the great family which is the Church must be open to all of them." Like the gift of one's vocation, celibacy also is a gift from God that's offered back to the Church. Iesus himself chose celibacy, not because he disapproved of marriage or family life, but for the sake of the kingdom. He was wedded to his mission in bringing about a universal family that follows God's will. To be celibate, then-r,r,hether as a single person or in consecrated life-isn't upheld in and of itself, but for the reign of God. \,Vhatever the vocation and however it's lived out, "a11 cooperate in the building up of the Body of Christ" in a spirit of equality and dignity according "to each one's own condition and function" (Canon 208). Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR Sundaybul letin@Liguori.org
Ordirmry Time
I Cor 15:45-49 Lk 6:27-38
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by Most Reverend Mark S.
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AWa4d/rcm?apnftra*, No vocatio n is born of itself or lives {or itself. A vocation flows {rorn the heart af God and blossorns in the gaod soil of faithf ul people, in the experience of fraternallove. Did notJesus say: "8y
of prayer for vocations, May 11, 2A14
nlvitwo, Atxiliary Bishop, Archdlocrse ofSt. Lous. Permsson to pubhsh ts an udication that nothrngcontraryto Churh teachlng ls contanedln
form uthout the prlor wntkn permrsston of Ltguol Pubhcatrons. Scripture texts in dts work are taken from
8lDle, revised edrtlon O
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