Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

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21ut Sunday

in Ordinary Time

August 27 ,2OL7


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Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals: please call the parish 0ffice.

Infant Baptism: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours to schedule a Baptism meeting.

sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrament !s extensive. The time frame is at least six [6J months. couples are asked to attend an Engaged Encounter weekend in preparation and complete State and Church paperwork, Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you spoken wirh a priest. frlve WEEKEND MASSES:

M Es{:l l,--{ Iz--,r


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Saturday: [Sunday VigilJ 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7;00 am 9;00am & 1"1:00am Faith Formation Family lst ft Jrd Sunday at 9:00am [Ohana Mass every Z"o Sunday at L1:00amJ Sunday Evening; 6:00 pm Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00pm Saturday: 12:00 noon Last Saturday of the Month at the 1,2:AA noon mass Friday 10:15 - 1"1:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment

Fridays: After the 7:00 am mass and Fridays: 7:30 - 10:00 pm Monday - Saturday: 11:15am Lut


Sunday:5:15pm CHUR{,HIS_OjEryi

ADDRESS: 800 Kaheka St. Honolulu, Flawaii 96g14 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. B:3Oam - 1"Zpm/t:00 _ 3;30pm PHONE: {B0BJ 941-0675 FAX: [B0BJ s4\-a6as OFFICE EMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr. com WEES ITE: www. sspgLCrpaul


JX s,r. Peter & paul Church Honolulu


MONDAY-TH{"trRSDAY: 6:00am * B:00am 11":08am



- 1:00pm - L:00pm

- 10:00pm

LL:00 ar:r - 1:fi0pm & 3;00pm - 6:30pr,,r {r:00am



& 5:00pm - 7:{ii.ipm

?'*ris bY**k's

&{a,q*q $*ta*dsaS*


Parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul Maria Babauta ( Healing) +AIvin Kam

Fr. Khanh

"To be or not to be" is the opening phrase of a sotiloquy spoken by Prince Hamtet in the Shakespeare's p[ay.

Fr. Scott

"To be or not to be" is a serious question and requires a

+Maria Nguyen Trong Ashley (BD)

.. !a'

Ben Beldad (Sl) +Joseph Calderon, Jr. +Feltcisima

Fr. Khanh

Merna Chao (Sl)

Fr. Khanh


Patsy De Cambra (Healing)

Fr. Khanh


+Bernanda De Guzman

Fr. Khanh


Jill Ishikawa (Sl)

Fr. Scott


+Oliver Wayne Shilling

Fr. Scott


+Dr. Marcelino Avecilla

Fr. Scstt


+Theodore Thomas

Fr. Khanh


Salud Dizon (BD)

Fr. Khanh


+Oliver Wayne Shilling

Fr. Scott


+Oliver Wayne Shilltng



+Wallace Ching


Mon Aug 28



Aug 29




Aug 30



, Thu


: Aug31; ,' "'"-



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: SePtl

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Fr. Khanh

7:30 I



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pm noon

+Lauro Abon Parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul


of the soul

Pastor: Associate Pastor: Senior Priests: Deacons: Senior Deacon: Secretary:

of; BD-Birthdary


gratefut and appreciative to our catechists who come weekty to pass atong their faith and Christ's teachings to our chitdren, youth, young adutts, and those joining our Rite of Initiation for Adutts journey. And as part of the Body of Christ, our catechists, both new and old, wi[[ be commissioned by Bishop Larry Sitva at the 9 a.m. Mass,

Fr. Khanh

Sl-Special Intentioru

PASTORAL TEAM Rev. Khanh Pham-Nguyen Rev. Scot[ Bush Rev. Pat Rev. Mr. Rev, Mr. Rev. Mr,

"To be or not to be" is an invitation and a disciple's response. By virtue of our baptism we are called to hand on the faith and be witness to the Cospel. As Pope Francis reminded us at the for Catechists in 2016, "the Lord is not an idea, but a living person: his message is passed on through simpte and authentic testimony, by tistening and wetcoming, with joy which radiates

Fr. Khanh

Fr. Scott Repose

Yesterday, on Friday, we happity welcomed back a parishioner at a baptism who now lives a watking distance from our church. She was happy to be back and expressed that Sts. Peter and PauI has atways been "my spirituatchurch." she was happy to be home with us.

As we now took forward to the new beginning of Faith Formation year, "Living as Missionary Disciptes", we are

Fr. Scott

+Diomedlza +Celso

serious setf-examination: Who am I and whose am l? Our answer to this question should not be a catechism type answer. When Peter answered Jesus' question "Who do you say I am," he wasn't talking in abstract terms. He was tetting Jesus that Jesus was Peter's Messlah. He was Peter's Savior. Similarty, our answer to the question "to be or not to be" is not existential but of faith. And this makes it quite a different response.

Fr. Scott

Fr. Khanh


Dear Parlshi0ners, Frlends, and Vlsllors,


, ; r. :. -,-


Richard Abel Angken Xymoon Richard Port Yvonne Toma

September 17,2017.

the baptized, we earnestly invite atlto be "Missionary Disciples" and to be part of our Faith Formation Ministry as prayerfuI partners and Catechists. Ptease catl our church office at 941'0615 or emait at and a catechist wi[[ meet you after the mass you attend to share about our Faith


Formation Ministry. Mahato


"Whers carlng pseple al"e cared for."







rHlq RogKl

.Br4_p{]v65 I

Saint Peter's Basilica is built on the tomb of Peter, which literally serves as the rock on

which the church





built. Peter states his

Jesus as

l\,iessiah in

the name of the other apostles. ln reply, the

Lord reveais


intenried missian for Peter: to become the visible foundation of the Church.


account that Peter's act of faith did not come through " flesh and blood," that is, through his human abilities, but through a particular revelation from God. By contrast, right afterward, as Jesus foretells his passion, death, and resurrection, Peter "began to rebuke him," denying that this would ever happen (Matthew 16:22). Jesus scolds him in return. Peter shows his human weakness and what he is: a stone along the path on which men can stumble. ln this scene, the drama of each soul and the history of the papacy and Church itself are anticipated. There is the joint presence of divine assistance by which the papacy constitutes the Church's foundation throughout history, and human weakness, which is also evident through the centuries and can be transformed only through abandonment to God's action. ln today's Gospel, Jesus clearly promises the forces of evil will not prevail. prophets such as Jeremiah (1:18- 19) were threatened only by human enemies, whereas Peter will have to be defended from a supernatural evil. Jeremiah receives a promise that affects him as a person and his prophetic ministry; Peter receives assurances concerning the future of the Church and the new community founded by Christ "upon this rock."

also tells us


Mark Haydu, LC

F.or Reflection: Pefer's missrbn is to confirm the faith of the other aposiles. How willing are you to tet the pope, Pe{er's successor, confirm yaur faith today? What are you doing ta ensure your faittt is built on a salid foundation?

Cod relegated autlrority to Eliakim, a servant, instead of to Shebna rvho tvas the master of the piilace. Cod sees character and worth in people we may have hardly noticed.

faith, acknowledging and Son of God,

First Reading - Isaiah 22:L9-23


i I i

I i i

I i

i I I

I I i i


Second Reading

- Romans 11:33-IG

In rapturous doxology Paul praises the boundless wiscl:rn ancl mysterious urays of Gcd. These \rersLls have a rnusical quality. The depths cf God are beyond all cornprehension. Gospel Reading

- Matthew 16:13-2O

In sonre of the readings about Peter we see that he seemed very weak of character, very unpredictable and impetuous. But Peter u,as the rock upon which Jesus built his chruch. It was not because of peter's merit because willingness and faithfulness, which helped God use him to furtl"rer the cause of the Ctrurch.


of his

Next 5unday_r.&eading.s leyqle3)

Zfd S\nday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Jeremiah 2O:T-g Second Reading:. Romans LZ:I--Z Gospel : Matthew 16 :21 -ZT





This Week's Events (August 27 - September 2) M

Mahalo for your generous contributions and Faithful Steward ship. The Collections for August 19-20, 2417 are as follows:

6:15 6:15 5:00 5:15

$8,116.70 210.00 0.00 0.00


Main Church, U-Upstairs Parish Conference Room, room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room,

am am pm pm

Choir Practice *- Rosary (M)


- Choir Practice (R) - Young Adult Rosary (M)


Aueust 28

St. Augustine 6:10 am 11:15 am 6:30 pm

--a7z1"l $8,803.81

- Rosary (M) - Rosary (M) - Charismatic

Prayer Group (M)


OFFTCE CLOSE 47o/" 53o/"

Building Fund Outreach Donation Catholic Care

6:10 am 1


Special Collections:




$5.00 25.00 25.00 5.00 1,178.24 1.000.00 Subtotal: $2,238.24

6:10 am - Rosary (M) 11:15 am - Rosary (M) 6:00 pm - Choir Practice (M)


September 1 Woild Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation First triday/ OFTICE CLOSE

6:10 am - Rosary (M) 7:40 am * Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 - 11:30 am - Confession and Spiriiual Direction 10:45 am - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 11:15 am * Rosary 5:45 pm - Stations of the Cross devotion (M)


Our Second Collection this weekend, August 26-27, is for the Building Fund.


We appreciate your generosity as we are continuing with repairs and improvements of our Church. Your loving support is greatly valued.


- Rosary (M) - Rosary (M) - Centering Prayer (M)

August 3O OEEICE CLOSE 6:10 am - Rosary (M) 7:30 am - Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M) B:00 am - Bible Sharing (M) 11:15 am - Rosary (M) 1:00 pm - Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) 6:00 pm - Scripture Study (R)


Catholic University Aloha Donation St. Joseph Statue Latin America Parish Social Mission Stained Glass

1:15 am 7:00 pm


$32.00 170.00 10,000.00



The Passion ofSt. John the Baptist


.August 27

27't Sunday in Ordinary Time

Total: $21.469.05 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions Baptism Funeral Electric & Votive Candles


- Reception - Courlyard Sunday R C

September 2

BVIW, First Saturday

- 11:00 am - Cleaning Church (M) :15 am - Rosary 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Confessions (M) 5:00 pm - Saturday Vigil Mass 6:15 pm - Sunday 9am Choir Practice (B) B:00





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Todat's Second Reading from Paul's letter to the Romans reveals the awe with which Paul holds God: "Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of Godl How inscrutable are his judgments and how unsearchable his ways!" As Paul reflects on the Lord, Paulis a bit overwhelmed.

ffi&hs$ffi.f ffii$ffir.h$* 'tsilsfsst


We would like to extend a very special Mahalo to our volunteers & donors who helped make a tremendous impact in our fight against hunger within our parish and greater community through our rnonthly parish food collection.

There are many key messages in this brief reading

from Paul's letter to the Romans, but look at his closing: "For from him and through him and for him are allthings." You may have heard the statement "You cannot out-give God." That is the point of everything coming from Him and through Him and for Him. God has a plan for each of us. We nray have our own plans, but they can never be as accurate or important as God's plan for us. That in itself is humbling. Even if we have our own plan, we could not make


Through your wonderful support last weekend: Over 1,200 pounds of non-perishable foods were donated to our August Food Collection. Over 245 individuals will be touched by the generosity of our parish. Your Donatiols were used in this way: . 45 bags of supplemental food were distributed to . households who are vulnerable to hunger, including our Kupuna - All are registered

happen without God's help. We lack God's wisdom


and knowledge. Accepting that and turning to the Lord through prayer and commitment will allow us to

fulfill God's desire for us that is to be His disciple. All we do needs to be for Him. That is what Christ did, and what the Lord meant when He said, "For I have come down from heaven not to do my will, but to do the will of Him Who sent me." Our role is to seek what it is God wants from us, and then to try to fulfill that in our lives. lt is not nearly as complicated as it

r .

may seem.




recipients of our Catholic Care Brown Bag Project Each bag provided an average of 20 lbs of food to support nutrltion for 3 - 5 days which provided a total of 405 meals at a time most needed We shared an additional 50 pounds of food with the lnstitute for Human Services to support the needs of our homeless friends ln addition more specific food items collected will provide us enough supplies to support our Snack Pack Project for our Homeless friends and our Breakfast Box Project for the families at Ronald McDonald House. We also received financial donations to our Catholic Care Ministry. These generous donors allowed us to purchase rice, milk and other food items to complete our Brown Bags, giving our recipients full bags of supplemental nutrition.

Our Catholic Care Helpline {B0B) 3BS-7729 All information we receive remains confidential. 3



pray for the sick in our Parish, especially...

Loranzo Alota Larry Cabrinha Teresita M- Custodio

Odetta Doublet Avon Czerwinski Purita V. Nlarcaida Robert MisUsyn Michael Eartolome Lolita A. Sutton Vanessa Alcova Blanche Hansen loannita Pangelinan Chrtstuph Jucewicz Ephrem Perez Lourdes OIis Patrice llielsen Marta Ekna jencks Janleen Marta Xymoon Yvonne 5. Pangelinan Yolanda Trejo Pat Low Iudy Orlando Duane Reichert Oliver Shilli*g


R LIS:L r oR

r HEtrcK



Tony Bacani Wini Chow Tessie Dungo Stanley Ho Regina Czerwinski Thomas Mistysyn Bettjr Ann Nault Dolores Suredam Edwin Tagura loe Hansen Shirley Dungo





Prayers bring our parish community together and this is true especially when we pray for those parishioners who are ill among us. We would like to update the list above for the month of SEPTEMBER. We will remove the nar.nes at the end of every month and have a new list for the following month. lf you wish to have your name or the names of your loved ones included on the list, please fill up the form below. The prayer list will be published for the whole month and will be updated at the end of each month. {Because of privocy laws, anly person themselves or immediate family member may submit a request.) Mahalo for your cooperation.

I I I Please complete below so that we may remember I you in prayers for the whole month of SEPTEMBER. I {Please print clearly!} and put it in the collection I basket or return it to the office. Mahalo. I I NAME of the Sick:

lacklucewicz Bona 7/1. Macabare Ray M. OIis

Anella Rabauliman

I Name of Person Requesting: I {Rbtationship) I Phone #:

Myong Soon Sim Ho Lun Big Robert K. F- Ho Ho Shiu Yan Manzko Brady Ho Chun Wah John M. Masunaga Myrna Vallespin Nancy Pang

I- _






- r.,l-

















I Please complete this form rvith yorir pertinent I information, so that we rnay remember you at Mass I and with pra'./ers and blessings on your speciai ciay in I SEPTEMBER" Fill in and complete this form {please I print clearlyl) and put it in the collection basket or

I return it to the Office no later than August?B,7OL7.

I xaur' lI PHONE#: ! I

I glRTHnaY:-

fplease check)



A.UGUST BIRTHDAYS Alice Clay Edward Damron Jr. Lucy Shilling

)li t lr

August 1"i August 14th August 22nd










The office will be closed for four (41 days from Tuesday, August 29 to Friday, September t,20'J.7 to clean and reorganize the parish office and the parish court yard closets and storage areis . It is our desire to serve you better.

Mahalo foryour understanding aud cooperation.

,i t

September 7 is recognized as the Wo{Id Day of Prayef for the Care of Creation.

"The annttal World. Day af

Prager for the Care af treation offers to indiuidual belieuers and to the

. a precious opportunitg to renew our communitg

personal pa;rtictpation fn this



custodians of

creation, raising to Gotd. our thanks fisr the maruelous u.,or/cs that He hc.s entrusted to olu- cet"e, inuoking his help for the protection of creatiort and his mercy for fhe sins c,"nnmitted against the uorld in uhich ue

plLcRtMeGe wtTH FR: RUdS FSIPF,FJ-:JUNE 2018



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":. Fr. Russ will lead pilgrirnagfe from June 11 - Zg,

It is a special pilgrimage because we will visit Lourdes,

Fatima and Our Lady of Montserrat near Barcelona. ln addition, the pilgrimage will go to Avila, where St. Teresa of Avila was born and will also visit Segovia

where St. John of the Cross, her spiritual director is buried. And finally, ws will go to Loyola to visit the home of St. lgnatius Loyola and Manresa where he went into a cave and did penance and wrote the spiritual Exercises which has changed so many lives to this day. There will be an extension for those who wish to go to Medjugorje from June 2g-27. The flight rom Lisbon at the end of the prior pilgrimage is included in the additional price. lf you wish a

brochure, please get a copy from Yvonne in the parish of,fice. you are also welcome to contact the travel agency Harvest Journeys at or Fr. Roide, S.J. at russel

Please be prepared for an experience of a lifetime.


r .r

c Cnnn



l)ear ]rriends, 'l'his

-vear rvc cr:lehratc the 190th anniversarlr of thc tl-re i.slanc'ls. In a relatively short period of timc, our

Carholic fiirhls arrival in clrurch has urorvn inr6 dre largest.siuele spiritual. educrtional. health ancl social service commnniry in ihe srate.


ac:corn1>lished rhis throLrgh the rvork

of thousands of irearts and han{s, beginning u,irh the coLrraseous nissionaries of rhe Coni{rcgation o{: the Sacred l{earrs, continuing rorlay in the comrnirmeut of our eenerous lrriry. But rve carlnor rest. Chalicngcs persisr. Look around .r,ou. \x/e live in ir cuiture more anti more centered on orlrselves tl-ian on Christ, r,r,here the tcrnptarion u; deift our.selves is strong and pervasive. Such "ego-rheism" leave.s little room firr others, particularilr rhe rveak anc{ vulnelable among us, rvho need us, r.r,ho require olt us atrenrion. kind,ess and care. 'W'e

are immeasurablv blessed rhar our 190 vears of f-aith have produced rw,<; heroic cxanrprles o{:Chrisr-cenrered lives Sainr Danrien and Sirilr - siicrifices are noL realistic l{ariantre. Ybu might sar. that their historic oprions fbr us, but tlrey u,ould argue orhenvise. They rvould point ro rfie barrished, nesler;te<l and fbrgorten iiving amt}nq us -- in our families, on oilr sider.l,alks, on our beaches burclenecl and stigmatize,cl by aqe, povrrty, inrmiqranr.lratlrs, cli.sability and illnes"^.

'I'he challenge.s are real ancl plenty'. Ilut our conrplex, busr- lives ofien leave ris feelipq helpless in the face of all this neec{. That is rvhv u,'e are fbrttinate rtiat our is]and chr-rrch iras also given us Catholic Charities F{a,ai'i. In the spirir ol our rrvo sai,ts, rhis r.:markal',le orga,iz:rtion promorcs thc, Jignit,v o{:each person it touches through compassion, sociirl justicc and a comrnirmenr to excellence.

to Catholic Cheririt-:s Harviri'i y*ou ar:e counseling, Ieeclilg, comfurting, sfielterins, llcconlpiln\"ing and transpolting thr:usands of your brothers and sisrers in need in Hawaii. You are engaginq in rvliat Pope Francis calls tlie "culrure of encouirter." tsy uiving a donation

"Fairh is atr ettcot-ittter witlr Jrsus," the pope said, "and we rnust do r.vhar Jesus does: elcounter others." Please be generous,

and rhank you jbr being qood Srervards o{: r}re Gospeil

Sincerely y,ours in,


lr'losr Rlverefcl Larrv Silva Bishop of Honolulu

(,atholic Chlriries Harvli'i provides services to ten.s of thoirsands of people,srarewide. Here rrre a fern, rvays yonr support mac{e a difrer:ence in ollr comlrlltritie.s thr*rughout O'ahu, Kaua'i, ["{ar,r,ai'i ]sland and l,'Iaui Counry in 2016. Ericl.: \,ear,

FAMILY & YOUTH SI.JPPORT SERVICES 2 r361 iuili*iiluals rvere iclenrified, assessecl, rrained ,,,',,1 I;.*nr.,l ,., prcx,icl c {tjstr:r resou rcc larn il ir,s srrvices Sta ten, id e.

crrorio rrrll lv and bclrar,iora [11' clral lcngccl vourh rvcrc pro'idr.1 a non-institr"rtitrnal tl-rerapeuric foster tarlillr' errr ironmeni Gn C)ahu





flnrilit,s rvirh chjlclrcn \vcre provit{tci inrlivitiu;rl ant{ fanrily, counscling. percnring skiII.s dcr clopnrcr.rr> .srrpcrvised visir, hcnlccn parell[.s and children in []stcr carc, our!.cacl: scrviccs ancl group parr.riing classes on O'ahu and l la*.ai'i Islanrl.


,625 ':,

seniors u,ere kept ,..;u'., herlrhn ancl connecrerl to ,lr. .u**ur.,ir" rirrotigh,,cdricarioria.l. recrearional,'arid social ltcrivitics on O'ahu. iveie j,.;,;na advocail',";;-.;Lil '.,;l;jn,.,,.,,,, 1,,.nr.,,io,,,J cour{seling for ps.r'chrilirgical nnd sribial pnrhlems, ,assessrnent af needs, ancl Lrereavcment corurseling(' rhrough l2 O'alru seni.rr lrousirrg projccts L

C26 i.,i"r.s

, ,

antl 2


26$..,;r:;6xi#;iu::ii iillu, ;iii* U;;r;ils:,,h co



in ro


!,i;iii*j::,;;*;iilil ,,,."",,,,",,,,



uiing oA:,O'iliii. .

HOMEtE$$ :SOtUTI.ON.$ 25i7'63 4S0

indir.'idrrais w'ere offtrcil social servic.,

e,**rgency basic needs assistancc of pasr"nd duc rcnr, rrtiliry pay,menrs, food, arrd clorhing on Kaua'i, Ir4aiii incl Harvai'i lsluncl. individual.s were provided tran.sirional housins

lvices focusiirq on farriiies rransiriorril ho,,,ri ng, .r.. nl",,rgerner1r, se

rh childlen. Services iiiii"ded imployftfii:::traini[g,i,[iirclgetihsi iniL.e;;.ot ttU,arssit,,,ta,,,h.lp frni;ti.t l>Ccomc sclt sulJlcierrt and obtain afl-ordalrlc pernlrlrlc*r lrousirrg c,n O'airu rnd Harvai'i Iiland. rvi



*'ith child.en

for-rnd r..ur.d housing n.irh rerrr or securiql, ",',d &pojiqas$i$tafitU.r{. eip thi:.fanliliesiiivoidi.,or:,,lehr.e,liou,ElesJh.ii on O'ahti, Maui. K:rurri and Har,r,rrii ].sland.


Mahalo for your kdkua. Your contribution makes a difference! 'Io le;rn more about us please visit 521-HELP (4:i57) . rVirui 873-HOPE (4(;7:l) l(arra'i 2,'11-trlOPi'l {4(t73) . Harvai'i Island 935-}-{OPf. (1r673) L)'ahr-r

* N

N Cr{T'I--tOt.lC






September L lS recognized the Wa$d EaY of PraYef for the Care of Creation-



The office will be closed for four [4J days from TuesdaY,

"The annlral World. DaY of

Prayer lor the Care of Creation offers to indiuidual

August 29 to Friday, September 1,2017 to clean and reorganize the parish office and the parish court yard closets and storage areds . It is our desire to serve you better.

Mahalo foryour understanding and cooperation.

belieuers and to the cornmunity a precious opportunity

to renew our

persanal pctrticipation in this



cusfodions of

creation, raising to God our thanks for the maruelous uorks that He hes entrusted to our can"e, inuoking his help for the protectian of creation and his mercy for the sins committed agcrinst the world in uhich we li-ue." * Pope F-rancis i"4{


,;i r



z}fi ''i.t i_


Fr. Russ will lead Pilgrimage from June 1{



It is a special pilgrimage because we will visit Lourdes,

Fatima and Our Lady of Montserrat near Barcelona. ln addition, the pilgrimage will go to l\vila, where St. Teresa of Avila was born and will also visit Segovia where St. John of the Cross, her spiritual director js buried. And finallY, we will go to Loyola to visit the home of St. lgnatius LoYola and Manresa where he went into a cave and did penance and wrote the Spiritual Exercises which has changed so many lives to this day. There will be an extension for those who wish to go to Medjugorje from June 23'27. The flight from Lisbon at the end of the prior pilgrimage is included in the additional price. lf you wish a

brochure, please get a copy from Yvonne in the parish office. You are also welcome to contact the travel agency Haruest Journeys at or Fr. Roide, S.J. at russel I

Please be prepared for an experience of a lifetime'

FAITH FSRMATISN 10 Ways to Teach Your Child to Pray Helping your child develop a daily prayer life is one of the greatest gifts a parent can give. Continued from last week...

5. Friendship Thank you Gorl for rn.r,'tt-iend. l{e ip rle to be a gooci frienci to gthers.


Character Laril help rne to undorstanc'l rvlrat's right and rarhat's wrorlg, and give nre the strengtir to do w,hat's right, even r.r,hen it's hard.

Thankful Heart God, thank you t-or-




Help ma alr+.ays rememher tr: be thanl<fili

hle ssings.

8. Protection Thank you f*r being everywhere, all the time, Goci, please go with ure every day and keep ure safe.


my e-Yrls and eilrs frorn things you trouldn't the things that aren't pleasiitg to,volt or good fbr me. I.-or:rt, gr-rard


me to see. F{*lp me lo stily away fi:or}l

10. The Future Cod, I realize that I clon't knou, lvhat lvill happeri tornorrow. but,v-ou clo. I trusl you to ggide me prepare me for my future.


Fronr inrom.conr./pri ntable. I 0-'"vays-to-teach-chi kJ,to-pray

Registration forms for our Faith formation classes are at the entrances of the church. You can also register your children at the Faith Formation registration table on Saturday, September 3 and Sunday September 4 before and after mass, All Faith Formation Classes wilt begin on Sunday, September 10 at 10:15 am.

YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY the kingdom of God." When the discipleq heard this they were greatty astonished, saying, ,,Wtto then can be saved?,, But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men this rb impossibte, but with Aia fu things are po$$ible.,, 'Ano'ai KEkou,

We're ramping our efforts to get involved with the community! Stay tuned as we continue to reach out and see how we can help each other and our community at large... and please share your ideas as well! We're always looking for young adults interested in anything, from tea to teaching... Our next volunteer event is at IHS (lnstitute for Human Services), where we,lt participate in Community Night, after work on the last Thursday of the month.

check out our facebook page:


As the young adults ministry of Sts. Peter & Paul, inspired by St. Don Bosco, we wish to volunteer, Iearn, reflect, and be happy. Servite Domine in laetitia (Serve God cheerfully). Being part of this

group, in this phase of our journey in life, will allow us to help each other to grow spiritually, intellectually and physically. lf you have any interest, questions, comments, ideas, efc. please e-mail us af {riutelfy_râ‚Ź-$s-:-cf{.p-sm or fxf -&s*g-:g$g:$-$rs. Hope to see everyone soon!

Ail the p*ople ol yr:ur church m*:ke up $*d's church. Drow your church fomilyl

Jesus sfiid, "And so I soy to you, you ore Peter. ond upon this rock Iwill build my church."

ffirsffimd t[*ffi Far$e


Beginning this corning Septernber, before the 6 pM Sunday Mass, there will be a weekly feilowsleip gathering at 4:30 prn and a rehearsal at 5 p.rn. to prepare for tlae 6 pm Mass. This opportunity brings us together to get to know one another, to walk the walk of faith, anct to accompany one another on the journey of life. If you are one who: l.


I can sing in the shower {3 likes to listen to music on J


iTunes and what's not

"' #fLT*,': joy to others, etc.


Please ioin us to be present and reach out to one another. "As we come to understand this way of watking witl't each other in life, we came to see, that tht"ough tts, God touches tke ltearts of those near us," (Pope FrancisJ


Joseph is Back!"

Following the 5:00 PM mass last weekend, our new St. Joseph statue located in the parl<ing lot was blessed. We thank you for your generous contributions to replace our St. foseph statue after it was vandalized. We also appreciate those that prepared the mounting of St. Joseph on it pedestal and the installation of security lights at

night Mahalo for your support


^1,i5 "rJ."

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Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Education Scholarship

Kick-off Celebration, September 7A,20\7, 12:0Onn at the Pagoda Hotel

The Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Education Scholarship will provide tuition assistance for families who need linancial aid in order to send their children to Catholic High Schools. With your support, we can achieve our mission to make quality Catholic education possible for deserving student.

Tickets to attencl the l<icl<-off celebration will be available in the church office during regular office hours or after all the Sunday nlasses in the courtyard.

Luncheonis$35,costincludescoffeeandtea. Silentauctionwillbeheldduringtheevent. auction as well as your donations will go to the scholarship fund.




-.,tilt:l it;ttti. Monday August 28 St. Ar.tgttstine,

Bishop ancl Doctor af the Chtu'clt 1

Thes 1:1-5,8b-10

Nlt23:73-22 Tuesday August 29 Passion of St. lohn the Baptist 1 Thes 2:1-8 Nlk 6:17-29

Wednesclay August 30 Weekciay


Thes 2:9-13


Thursday Augr"ist 31 Weekdalt

Thes 3:7-t3 Mt 24:42-51



Weekday 1

Q Roiler alert: I'm a big fan of Pope Francis, too! I believe he's doing much to

LJ bring people back to the Church. If you look closely at the pope's message, I think you'll find the difference is not one of content but of emphasis. Pope Francis has not changed any Church teaching, but he is shining the spotlight on sorne areas in particular. Pope Francis has put a great deal of emphasis on mercy, simplicity, the poor, and immigrants. These things have always been part of pope has Lrru Catholic ucrrilullL Church. ullul Llr. Our vLrr I Ed the yuPL .9, decided that today these things need to be brought to t1-re forefront. @ As Catholics, we are free to say F,, tl-rings like, "I wish the pope would -"' put more emphasis on cloctrine," "l or, wish he r,vould talk more about u,hat we neecl to do to be saved." There's even nothing wrong in saying, "l liked Pope Benedict better." But, because Francis is in Peter's chair, we must always first ask ourselves, "What is Jesus sayir-rg to me through the messages of Pope Francis?" Fr. Patrick Keyes, CSsR Sundaybulletin@Liguori. org \:a

Friday September

I am a huge fan of Pope Francis. However, I know some people feel his messages to be against Church teachings. Hou/ can the people criticize the pope when we believe our Lord has put Pope Francis in the chair of St. Peter?

Thes 4:1-8

Mt 25:1-13

Saturday Septernber 2 Weekclay 1 Thes 4:9*11


NIt 25:14-30

Sunday Twenty-Second Stutday in Ordinary Time




Mr 16:27-27



,;.,,.-,,.i.. ' ,.-_ "Peter knocks at the door" Behold!There is ioy, there is fear.... .t ,. ,. ; ' *'. ..'' 'Da we open, do wa not?',..Fear paralyzes us, it a/ways paralyzes us; it rnakes us close rn on ourseJyes, cJosed to ,=t:.*ai) ' 1 ," God's surprises. Ihis detaiJ speaks to us of a constant : iir:;.*$rr E!:s+'? ternptation for the Church, that of closing in on herself in the {ace of danger. But we aiso see the small openings through which God can wark.. ..Prayer enabJes grace to open a way out from closure to openness, from fear to courage, {rom sadness to joy..."{rom division to unity." and blessinE of the sacred pallium for new archbishops, -Mass Solemnity of Sts" Peter and Paui, ".lune ?9,2A16 "

September 3

Rom 12:1-2

Tilovd T"ffin" ?opn


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