;t{ ?
Anointing of the Sick, Ftroly Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals: Piease cali
the Parish
Infant Baptism: Parents are to call the Parish office
dr"rring business hours
to schedule a Baptism
Sacrament of Matrinrony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrament is extensive. The time frame is at least six (6j months. Couples are asked to attend an Engaged Encounter Weekend in preparation and complete State and Church paperwork. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you have spoken with a priest.
Saturday: [Sunday Vigil] 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am 9:00am & l"1r00am
, ":l'l
Faith Formation Family lst $. Jrd Sunday at 9:00arri {Ohana Mass every Zna Sunday at 11:00amJ Sunday iivenitrg: 6:00 pnr Monday - Friday: 7:00 arn & 12:00 pni Saturday: l-2:00 noon Lasl Saturda\r of the Month at the l-2:00 noou mass Friday 1-0:1-5 - 11:30 a,m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointrnert Fridays: After the 7:00 am mass and 1't Fridays: 7:30 - 10:00 pnr Monday - Sa[urday: l1:15am Sunday: 5:15pm
"...'*..-.*-...""..'.....-----..".-"".." ADDRESS: 800 Kahel<a St. Honolulu, llalaii 96814 0FFICE HOURS: Mon. - B:30 - 12:00 pnr 'fues. - Fn, B:30am - L2pml1:00 - 3:30pm PFIONE: [B0U] 941-0675 FAX: [B0Bj 945*0689 OFFICE EMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr.com W E B S ITE : \,&:WtU,S.tp
eHU&dIlIS-QEEhJr MONDAY-THURSDAY: 6:00am - 8:00am
& 3:00pm - 6:30pm {i:iXlam* i:()(ipin
lelpallllU_ryaU.-q rg
#? &d Sts. Petr-r & Patrl Chrrrch Ilouoltrltr
1l-:00arn 6:00am
1:00pur 1:00pnr 7:30pm - 10:00pn: 11:00 am - 1:00pm
& 5:l){}pm *
T"his Week's &{ass Sehedu}e
Mass lntention Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paul +Francisco Palacios DeSilva & Nakanelua Ohana
Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Frielrds,
The SaturdaYAM Angels
Fr. Sieg Fr. Sieg
Fr. Hevve
eirtino SecI'elar1a
Fr. Sieg
Fr +Eleuterio Banaag
Fr. Sieg Fr.
+Lila Conclon
Fr. Sieg
+Barbara Nakanelua {SIl
Fr. Herve
+Ngov Thi
Fr. Hertre
+Henry Parenio Jr.
Fr. Sieg Fr. Sieg
+Enrique Kou Sr. +
Eler,rterio Banaag
Fr. Henre Fr. Sieg Fr. Herrye
+Ethei & Frank Souza
+Alexander Hirota
Parisliioners, Visitcrs, and Friends olSts. Peter and Paul
Fr. Khanh
DeSilva & Nakauelua Ohana Jeniri Komir"re [BDJ
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Sieg
+Felicisima Aguauton
Fr. Khanh
Fr. Khanh
llt:po:e o.f tit:' .sotl
ll lltalittg: illi
llirtixlat'r 57':ptrci ri }it(tnfio17s
While try gliests frotl the nlainlal')d use nly car, I've been riding a tsiki bicycle to lvork e\rery clay. I notice a \,vhole o[her l'vorld of lolks c]eauing jn the streets, sirler'valks a"tid disposing olthe trash ancl aroultd tort'n before the rvcrkers and stlldents arrive. Tlie grounds and gardellillg crews al'e busy trimming hedges and sweeping leaves as the buses begin to fill with commuters and cars fill the roads' Saints Peter and Paul ISSPP] church parish have [heir own behind the scenes parishioners cleaning, sweeping and doing nlany other tirings all around the church with little fanfare' The rnany volunteer parishioners at SPP give tirelessly of their time cheerfully r'r'ith a big heart (znd Corinthians 9:7 -9). While there are many volunteers hetping everyday seruing God quietly dr,rring mass, preparing food and refreshments, teaching classes, there is group of angels who come to SSPP religiously every Saturday AM to clean the church and print/fold hundreds ofchurch progranls, In talking to Nancy Alvey, Veronica Cabal, Aida Avecilla, Eveiyil Bautista and Carina Young on why they wake up early and spend their entire morning at the church, the Kupuna say their inspiration comes from 1't Peter, 4:10, whet'e Peter writes "use \trhatever gift he has received to serve others, faithtully administering God's grace in its various forms", With a hot pot of coffee and a few cookies to give them energy, the angels clean the pe\tis, vacullttt the sanctuary, prepare the floral arrangements, dust and wipe dor'vn exposed surf,aces and fold the programs, Like the unoffrcial US Postman's motto logo: "Neither sno\v nor rain ncr heat nor gloon-t of night stays these cauriers from the swift completian of their appainted raund.s'l the Saturday AM angels can be foiir-rd dutifully behind the scenes preparing the church for setrrice. Linbeknownst to the parishionet's ettleriirg the sanctuary lor mass, tlte lootprints of the Saturday AM angels can be lorind erreryvshet'e, frcm tire cirurci: bulietin progranl at-icl holy i.,,atet' they bless themselves razith, to the b ea Lrtr fLr I ly floraily d ecr: rate d cl ean sarictu a ry' Suhtnitted by Albert Ha3tashi
Sts, Peter and Paul Church
GOOD NEWS! Exodus '16:2-4, 12-15; Epfiesians 4:17,20-24 John 6:24*35 Grumbling is terrible. lt spreads discontent, discour_ agement, a negative spirit. lt tells others you are unhappy and tries to drag them down. The lsraelites grumbled against Moses and, indirectly, against God. He had taken them from slavery, yes, but led them into the desert with poor food and con_ tinual wanderings. At least as slaves they had food to eat and knew where they were. The devil can also trick us into believing that Jesus has done us no favors in saving us from the s[avery of sin and feeding us with the gospel as we wander after his will. Jesus faces this shortsightedness. After he multiplies the bread and feeds the people, they follow him-but not because they want to convert and begin living the life of generosity. They follow him because they got their fill. They want a God that satisfies and takes care of thern. They want a credit-card God, an unending source of funds to bail them out- not a God who offers salvation through conversion and generosity. It is common to want a God who obeys us and not the other way around. Saint Jerome went into the desert, just like the Egyptians, to learn this lesson of humble obedience. Rather than grumble, he prayed for conversion. He learned that there is no doubt Jesus gives us all we could need, but we must expand our hearts and minds to receive it. conversion is stretching our limits to the bountiful measure of God rather than grumbling and shrinking him to our miserly standards.
-Fn Mark
Do I need o bit more time praying with God to learn and enjoy his ways? How can t accept oil the gaod God gives me, and desire his will above my own?
I - Exodus 16:2-4, l2-ls
'fhe Israelites gladll. lbllorved Moses throrigh the wilderness and had high hopes lor their future. Wlren the going got rough. hoRever, they rebelled against their deliverer" []lor.r, short-sighted they were! They were ready to trade their promised future far: bread on the tabie and meat in tlre pot.
II -
The apostle Paul understood that becoming a Clrristian requires a revolutioir in our sense ril valr.res. We acquire a whole new rva,r, of thinhing when \te become followers of Christ. lnstead of living for the goods of this rvorld, rve live frrr the higher things of Gocl that have been revealed in Jesus Christ.
Gospel - |ohn 6:24-35 .Iesus rvas genuinely eager to see people receive the practical necessiries of life, lood lbr the hungry, drink for the thirst1,. But he never let people fbrget that he was more concerned w'ith the cure of their souls than with the care of their bodies.
a 201.8 Liguori l>ublicotions, Lrguori, Mo 63osl-gggg. printed in u.s.A. tmprimotur: ,,tn cccordonce with c- 827, permission to publish has been gronted on December J., 2ai"r,
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
by the Mast Reverend Edwsrd M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of st. Louis. per^ mlssrbn ar: pubiish is an indication thot nothing controry to Church teoching is contoined in this work. tt does not inply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permissian." No port of this work noy be used in ony form without the prior wrixen permission of Liguori publications. Scripture texts in this work are token from the New American Bibte, revised edition @ 20rc, 1991, 1986, L970 Confraternity ol Christion Doctrine, lnc., Woshington, DC. Ail Rights
lst Reading-I Kings Ig:4-B 2 nd Reatling-Ephesions 4 : 3 0-S : 2
Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call B0O-325-gSZ1 1
Gospel-John 6:41-51
I iil:I"ff l,; ;::#";:[: J: *xH: mists and politicians may protect the family as one of tlie treasures of humanity.
$* $:F!''' ffi
f*ssrn Ss
I\UGUST BIRTHDAYS Celeste Mendiola-Flores Elilyn Bautista Juanet Mae Bates Lydia Ramano Journey J. Santos Virginia Rosario Jason Tang Errolyn Bautista
August August August August August August August August
3rd 5th 6th 8th 22nd 23rd 25th 28th
Ffssse Sr#F$sfl f&s s$r#
& Fidel Adomas Kiana Rose Adams Vonessa Alcavo lsoac Alojado Laranza Alota Becky Alota Dorlene Amaroso Rose
Ho Lun Big
Olivia Mia Blake Maniko Brody Arthur Caboba
Eerry Olodoy
Mwejo Copelle Wini Chow Teresito M. Custodio Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Blanche DeConte George DeConte Azarias D Dosdos Shirley Dungo Iessie Dungo Chorles Goo Blonche Hansen Joe Hansen Florence Henson Stanley Ho Robert K. F. Ho Shirlene lwoi
Christopher Jucewicz Michelle Keely
Gabriel Mateo
|uly 22nd
I$an Lewis Cebuna
|uly 29th
Please pray for these chiidren who were
recently llaptized and for tl:eir famiiies, that they groy/ up to be faithful discipies of ]esus Christ.
Chorito A Mabon John M. Masunaga Brody Metcalf Thomas Mistysyn Robert Mistysyn Edwin Munalem
Michael Bartalome
Tony Bocani
fsr se*r Fsr$s$p;
Betty Ann Noult Potrice Nielsen Felicitas R. Noland
Maria Elena Jencks Jack Jucewicz
Charlene Lau Pot Low Bona M. Mocabare
M. Olis Lourdes Afis
Mario Oloday Judy Orlando Noncy Pong Joannita Pangelinan Yvonne S. Pangelinan Ephrem Perez Josefino Perez
Anella Rabauliman Bregido R. Reyes Maggie Rotelo lngo Rafael Shorez Afiver Shilling
Myong Soan Sim Joseph Anthony Sullivon Dalores Suredam Lolita A. Sufton Edwin Taguro Yolanda Trejo Myrna Vollespin Lydia Velasquez Ho Chun Wah Ho Shiu Yan Thereso Yu Janleen Maria Xymooa
ffi&Mw$$w ffim$K WW$ffiTTTTTTTTW
MAHALO Last week's Hawaii Foodbank 32lb Food box distribution 145 boxes were distributed to households who are vulnerable to hunger. Our next Food Box distribution
August 24th (and not 17th, holiday) Through your wonderful support: Our volunteers were able to assemble 40 brown bags for the Catholic Care project to assist our families, our kupuna and Homebound parishioners especially during the summer months when school is
out. Our NEXT Parish Monthly Food Collection will be August 18 & 19 lf you don't have time to shop... Visit our parish website at uf yd\S,qsp qt e
f.p. a
u!.h.q.rqfi tr,.q.f S
Your donation to our Catholic Care project will help to purchase the items to fillthe brown bags.
Da vou knaw someane in our pgrish who would benefit fram rerciving a iood bag to help tliem make ends meet? Pleose tell them ta contact aur Cotttolic Core Hetpline (808) s41-A67s Al!
Department of Justice Creates 'Religious Liberty Task Force'
infarmation we receive remoins confidential.
ristine Roussel le/CNA/EWTN News WASHINGTON - The announcement of a "Religious Liberty Task Force" being created at the Department of Justice drew praise from Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky. who said that religious freedom is vital to the common good of the United States. Ch
'lAs Americans we intuitively understand
that individuals should be free to live in accordance with what they believe to be true, that is, in accordance one's conscience,,, said Archbishop Kurtz, who chairs the U.S. Conference of Cathol ic Bishops' religious liberty comm ittee. iArchbishop Kurtz spoke July 30 at a Religious Liberty Sum+ mit hosted by the Department of Justice. I nt tn" summit, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the creation of the new task force, saying it "will help the department fully implement our religious-liberty guidance by ensuring that allJustice Department components are upholding that guidance in the cases they bring and defend, the arguments they make in court, the policies and regulations they adopt, and how we conduct our operations." Sessions warned that "a dangerous rnovement, undetected by many, is now challenging and eroding our great tra-
dition of religious freedom." Ultimately, confronting and defeating this threat will require an intellectual shift to remember the importanee of religious freedom, a "core American principle,, that the Trump administration is committed to protecting, he said. "This administration is animated by that same American view that has led us for 242 years: that every American has a right to believe, worship and exercise their faith in
the public square." ln his remarks, Archbishop Kurtz stressed that religicus organizations do a lot of good for society. But in recent years, these organizations have found it harder to operate in line with their beliefs due to governmental policies, such as the Obarna administration,s HHS
contraception mandate, and the recent crackdown on faith-based foster care and adoption pr-oviders who place children only in homes with a mother and a father, he
Excerpt from Nationsl Catholic Register July 30, 207g
ii N
&daxfi&s .
'Ano'ai Kikou, What do we thirst for in life? How do we seek our path? The purpose of the young adults group is to bring together all of us around the same phase in life, so we can relate and seek these answers together. Of course, even without peers to talk to and understand, we can always pray. But when praying, do we ask, what we will, or done listen for God,s will? Without the Church and immersing ourselves in God,s work, it's easy to slide from one way to the other. So please join us when you can, so we can all help each other. . .
* Tuesdays
ESL (English as a Second Language): practice English conversation Tuesdays 5-6 pm * Thursdays Bible Study: young adults Bible study at church Thursdays 5-6 pm * Second Saturday Morning Church Cleaning: Once a month, just for a couple of hours, we help clean the church from 8.30 am
We also do other things as well - please contact me if you're interested in joining efforts on serving: * Kaka'ako Family Shelter * Human Trafficking Victims
Of course, there are also plenty of one_off projects, partnering community organizations, and social/ spiritual activities with our fellow parishes, so please sign up (emailfacebook) for notifications, and join whenever you can. Check out our facebook page: www.facebook.com/ You nsAdu lts M i niqlrv. H onol ulg As the young adults ministry of Sts. peter & paul, in_ spired by 5t. Don Bosco, we wish to volunteer, learn, reflect, and be happy.Servite Domine in laetitia (Serve God cheerfully), Being part of this group, in this phase of our journey in life, will altow us to help each other to grow spiritually, intellectuaily and physically. lf you have any interest, questions, comments, ideas, etc. please e-mail us at triviaJfyr@smail.com or ilt l05-gSg -#7"$.. Hope tb see everyone soon! Aloha, Amala & Sun
Is summer *ver alrcady? tor many children and yauth the nerv schaol y*er !s in just a few daysl
Hsrrosv$r, our [aith tsr*r*ti*n classes *re sfill six weeks sway. lt is esp*cial$y impcrtant as children arrd youth transition back to scho*i, that parents
e*ntinue the family's faith j*urney. Hers are just a few things you might want to csn* sider. r [$ake certain to gc tc Sunday Mass! lt is our encounter with Christ thrcugh the readings, gospel, *nd fiucharist that $re SrCIw ln our spirituality. Children,s liturgy is affered at the 9:SS *"m. Sunday Mass every week. v C*ntinu* ts prey with your children. Se conscisus *f the irnpartant Holy Days of the sea_ sorr. Talk about the meaning of ,.srdinary Tim*" {hint: in tl"re church, ,,srdinsry,, does n*t $'!esn "plain"l). S*ek out opportunities to talk t* y*ur kids about prayer, faith, and the church. v Faith Walks * Take a walk around a park and make frequent stops on the walk using keywords. Say, "popsicle,,, and kids willfreeze like this favorite summer treat. Or use the word "twirl," and kids will twirl around. When you say stop, they shor.rld hold their position and try to continue walking. Ask families to notice what happens when kids continue to stop in different positions and places. Are they open_ ing up emotionally, energetically, spiritually? What kind of observations do they make about their surroundings when they take frequent stops? r Listening is a skill for kids and adults of all ag_ es. Being still and listening can be directly connected to the ability to hear our faith, We hear our faith in nature, in conversations and in movements around us. Ask kids what they hear on their walks. r Daily doses of faith experiences will help kids discover that faith happens allthe time*no matter what the season. Submitfed by Bernadette Lapez
i.''*-.......-."".......'... ,
This Week's Events August S-August 11.201g
- Courtyard
$7,989.47 41.00 35.00 500.00 754.O5
Church, ll-llpstairs Parish Canference Room, Reception room, B - Blue room, G - Green Roam,
Totat: $10.973.52 .Envelopes & Loose Collections ,Mass lntentions Baptism Funeral Electric Votive & Candles
- Main
Mahalo for yaar generous contributians an d Fa ithful Stew a rdsh i p. The Collections far JuIy 28-29, Z0lB are as follows:
5:15 am 6:15 am
- Choir Practice [B) - Rosary (M)
6:30 pm
Charismatic Prayer Group (MJ
Tuesday sz
August 5
5:10 am - Rosary {M) 11:15 am - Rosary (MJ
SL Dominic, Priest
Building Fund Outreach Stained Glass Catholic Care Donation
- Rosary (M) 7:30 am - Novena to our Lady of perpetual Help (M) Lt:15 am - Rosary (MJ L:00 pm - Legion of Mary, eueen of peace IRJ 6:10 am
4:30 pm*S0th Anniversary 6:00 pm - RCIA IRJ 6:30 pm - Scripture Study (RJ
Soecial Collections:
SL Teresa Benedicta
Fund Campaign
:Seminarian Education :Catholic Communication ,Peter's
$42.00 20.00 600.00 5.00 45.00 $712,00
926.00 2.00 15.00 $943.00
How blessed we are to have Air Conditioning in our church. The cost to run the air condition increases this Summer. Please remember that your contributions pay for our rising cost of our electric bill. MAHALO
Augustg Cross,
6:10 am - Rosary (MJ 11:15 am - Rosary [M] 6:00 pm - Choir Practice [M)
6:10 am - Rosary (MJ 7 :40 am Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 - 1L:30 am - Confession and Spiritual Direction 10:45 am - Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 5:45 pm - Stations of the Cross Devotions IMJ
... lrtqfday: Clore, Religioas
11:00 am - Cleaning Church (M) 11:15 am - Rosary 3:30 - 4:30 pm - Confessions (M) 5:00 pm - Saturday Vigil Mass
__l ilrir::\:i!\ii:.i:iiti.it:\'.
e$a{}aJNE} To all parishioners
HI mle$q$$$$
from Bishop Larry Silva
'$'++Ei E)fl#{lF:$.iF:
You were a big part in helping Teresa Dillon join the Order of Malta in a pilgrimage to
No Mo'ole{o Ala: Living Stories" -
Lourdes by supporting the Bake Sales and by your generous donations. please join the
would like to invite you to a Life Symposium - " that will highlight priority life issues in f{awaii. lt will be held on Friday, August LV,70L8, from B:30 a.m.
Ohana Mass community will gather in thanksgiving for their monthly Mass at
until 4:00 p.m., at the Kroc Center in Kapolei {lunch wiil be provid-
{Under the chapel}
ed). lt
St. Stephen Diocesan Center Auditorium
is sponsored
through a grant from the Hawaii Catho_ lic Community Foundation. Our diocesan Respect Life Office, in partnership with the Hawaii Catholic Conference and Office for Youth & young Adult Ministry, will present the Symposium. lt is open to all ages 14 and older. There is a minimal fee of gl5.00 per person {scholarships are available). Please take a moment to look at the poster hung in church that will provide you with information about the speakers, all of whom have expertise in respect life issues. You can register for the event online at :
hlto:llcath*l education/
ich.AWa ii.
630 Pali Highway, Kaneohe
Shaujwo Dillon will share stories and photos of their pilgrimage to Lourdes
11:00 am Mass
o.rg{d.ioc*san-offices/re.spect-j ifg{
For more information or to register by phone, contact the Respect Life Office at 203-6722.
1"1:45 am Pot Luck Fellowship 1.2:30 pm Teresa's Journey 1.:00 pm
to Lourdes
"Wonder" {popcorn & dessert at movie time)
2nd Annual Life Symposium, Aug 17
Call Debbie @ 343-4386
to RSVp
(No Ohana Mass at Sts. peter and paul)
Weare Hungry forJesus The peq:le in toclay's Gospel reading tbliorvecl Jesus because I:'le had given f-f -C them bread. i{e tolcl them t}rat u,,l:at they really needed w.as not just oldinaryi lbod, but the food that Cod r.vould give thern. Atld that u,as Jesus I Iimsell', the Bread of
ThelSthIfids'Bulletin in Ordinary Sunday August 5, 2018
AffiFJ Tr Trffir l}
13 t2 l0 Ir H /1 '6 J L--rIt \\LJfL\
Have you ever been hungry? You knorv you need fbod and you \A,ant to eat. But did you knorv that your soul can be hr,urgry too? The lood lbr our souls is Jesus. We receive Hirn in l{oly Communion. .lust like our boclies need fbod to stay alive. our souls need God. A1l your life there are things you w.ant think will rnake you happy. ,I lhat yor"r lr.,-.-- you -..,.. ever gotten sornething ----^-^rL-'---llave that you really wanted? It probably made you really happy for a r.r.llile. Llut we can only be really satisfied if we have God living in us. p"nrâ&#x201A;Źi 'p"arq 'roqlsJ \rsaf 'trits ,o^irl.)q :po{] :h :qlll 'fx.-sj'p!reA! trlt irlTzsd Prs,x 01 s,a,tsuY 'Ief,h pus Erru?I{ :iBed lfl(!.I !t}} nl ra$s!}r
P P.wF\/H AWFJ f-r<xlu.r
l6:2-4, l2-15
In toclal"s first reading tlte people at'Israel rre.re strlrviali in lhe desert. When Moses pral,ed to God IIe sent them.footl. What was it? Sort out the letters by thetr numbers to Jind aut!
.rJr.I Je
t 77a
e tan
The Most Reverend Bishop )ulio Angken celebrated Mass at Holy Family church on July 29th. Parishioners from Sts. Peter and Paulattended the ceremony which lasted 4hours of music, singing what a wonderful celebration!
n T
Catendatt, L{orlrlay Atigtisl 5 '-i
rttttsfiSrtr st io tt
of the l,ord
Dn 7:9-10, i3 14 2 Pr 1:i6 19 L'Ik 9:2-10 Tuesda-v ALtgttst
nVednesclay Atigust 8 St. Oo;ttiiiiq Pr ie.si
Jer51:1-7 \,1t i5:21-28
Tlmrsrlay 9
ler 51:31-34 l,'lt 16:15-23
Fritlay Atrgust
St. LcnrtrerLce, D r tit:
t) t^r
it c!
b! rLr IY r
2 Cor 9:6-10
ln 12:24*26 Saturday August
While attentiing Mass at a riifferent churcll, nly husbancl alld I salv a &10111411 ctrutching a dog" My husband was pâ&#x201A;Źl:tltrlle$ wheu she went to Cotmnlulisn carryillg her rlog' Ale there guidelines about bringing anilnais to Mass? "He srti'ro'.i ilcls tltetit in'ith his riiirials aie par''r u[ Gori's cie a'riott. .1L pLoyioential c3re. By "rheir mere exlstei1ce the-v biess al"id give hin"i giory,, (Ccteclisni of the Ctttlialic ChtLrch,24L6).1&'e bless auimals ilr honor of St. Francis, r-rsualiy o,-rtcloors, shon'it1g oLlr cale for them iil Gocl's creation. Seelng clogs inside church is lrr-rcor-itmon, ttrougir some chtti-cires have beeu noted to be "pet friendly" by encouraging parishioners to bring pets to Sr-rnday worship' Your or ar:y parisirioller's experience requires parish leaclers to make cholces based on a clear rationale. Perhaps the pastor agreed to a special circumstance, allowing the dog because its presence offered emotional support. Service dogs, including emoticttal-sr-rpport dogs, are certif,ed and u,elcomed because of legitimate neecl' A parish policy abor:t clogs should consider the safety and u'ell-being of animals ancl parishionels. A strange environment r,vith lots of people can make dogs anxior:s. A1so, some i:eople are anxiol-ts around dogs. In cases of conflicl,
]er 50:i -2. 12-15.18-22 N:It 14:22 '56 or \4t 15:1-2, 10-1'l
I{ab 1:12-2:4
\'It 17:14-20
hnman needs are typicaliy takeu more seriousiy-' Anothet concel'll is cleaniiness ancl aliergies' l{rel1-trained dogs may be accident free, but animals that trigger aiiergies pose problems. Reactions are serious matters, so policies need to consider peopie's health' Dogs in chr-lrch should not be a clistraction. }Vell-trained service dogs have specific fnnctions ancl shotild pose minimal clislractiols; familV pets are another iratter. Understanding the real need helps us form atl appropriate pastoral response tirat serves the good of all. Fr. John Schmidt, CSsR Sff,da,ibrlLietin':lil-igLtori.org I l"ron risroricr niagazinr',lelrunr-v ?i18
Sunday August i2 Nitrcteentlt Stu:dctY irt Ordittcu"y Tirne
l Kgs 19:4-8 Eph
Jn 6:41-51
fr. TUo'w[ Ftorn ?ape f"wtttrrs Although there are many reasons to be discouraged, amid many prophets of destruction and condemnatiory and so many negative and despairing voices, rnay you be a positive force, salt and light for this society.... May you be sowers of hope, builders '::i i:,'i#qe s, ;r.:;- agents of dialogue and harmonY. with priests, religious, and seminarians, April 29,2417