Third Sunday of Easter

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Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebourld, Funerals: Office.


Infant Baptism: Pilretrts are to call the Parish office during business hours to schedule a


Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacranrent is extensive. The titne frame is at least six (6) rnonths. Couples are asl<ed to attend an Engagecl Eucounter Weekend irr prepat'atiott ancl conrplete Stilte and Church paperworl<. Do not set a date or print invita[ions for your m;rrriage until aftcr you have spol<en with a priest.



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Saturday: (Sunday Vigil) 5:00pnr Sunday Morning: 7:00 am. 9:00anr & 11:00anr

Faith Forrlation Irirrnily 15t & 3fti Sundity at 9:00anr [0hana Mass every f,.rr$s116{2y at 11:00arrn) Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday - Friday: 7:00 ant & 12:00 pnr Saturday: 12:00 noon COMMUNAL ANNOINTING: Last Saturday of the Montlr at the 1,2:00 noon mass RECONCILIATION: Friday 10:15 - 11:30 a.m. Saturclay 3:30 - 4:30 prn orby appointntent EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Fridays: After the 7:00 am mass and 1't Fridays: 7:30 - 10:00 pm PARISH ROSARIES: Monday - Sa[urday: 11:15am Sunday: 5:1-5pm







Please calI rhe Parish




ADDRESS: 800 Kaheka St. [{onoh,rlu, Hawaii 96814 OFFICE HOURS: Morr. - B:30 - 12:00 pm Tties. - I.'ri. B:30anr - l2pnr/1:00 - 3:30pnt PHONE: [B0B) 941-0(175 FAX: (B0BJ 945-0689 OFFICE EMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr, com WEBSITE:y4!VI-v-SSpelqryaldlla_lyaii,o_tg


Srr. Peter & Paul Church Honolulr-r

CHURC}I IS OPEN: MONDAY-'THIJRSDAY: (r:00arn - []:00rtrrr 11:00arrr - 1:00pnr FRIDAY: 6:00am - l:00ptn 7:3Opm - l0:00pin F-IIIST F-RIDAY: SA'TTIRDAY: 11:00 am * 1:00ptn & 3:00pm - b:.J0prr (r.()(111111 - I I)()l)nl SIINDAY:



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This Week's Mass Schedule Date


Mass lntention Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paul Thanksgiving for Desilva & Nakanelua Ohana

Celebrant Fr. Khanh Fr'. Sieg

+Theresia Tan

Fr. Khanlr

People of Hawaii Benny Canal

Fr. Khanh

Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends,

of Easter. This Sunday, the Gospet continues Jesus's postresurrection appearance to two of his disciptes as they were watking 10 miles from Jerusatem to

Today we celebrate the Third Sunday

Emmaus and how the Lord was made known in the breaking of bread.

to them

(Lk za:13 & 3s)

Fr. Sieg

time iesus appeared to his disciptes after He was raised from the dead, he woutd give them comfort and reassurance by wishing them peace. Jesus spoke of His peace often, the "peace the world cannot give", he says, "l give it to you." (John t+: zz) We respond to the Risen Lord by tatking to people about him and by bringing peace to our world by Each

Fr. Khanh

+Harry Boer + Constancia Belandres

Fr. Khanh Fr. Sieg Fr. Sieg



Fr, Sieg

Margaret Vincze IBD)

Fr. Khanh

+Uut Ben

Fr. Khanh

working for justice and [ove.

Fr. Sieg

+Connie Spann +Concepcion Feranil

Fr. Sieg Fr. Khanlr Fr. Khanh

Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paul +Deceased members of the DeSilva & Nakanelua Ohana +Theresia Tan

Fr. Sreg

With the high speed of internet,

transportation and sophisticated technologies to expedite our everyday living, we may not futty appreciate the pain staking option the disciptes took to run away from att that happened in Jerusalem beginning with Patm Sunday.

Fr. Khanh

Fr. Sieg

Likewise the Journey'to Don Quijote across from our church that some of us take after Mass is not as painstaking if we take the precaution of using the

pedestrian crosswalk. We may be tempted

+ Grace and Felix Aguanta

Fr, Klranh

People of Hawaii +Angel Salas


Fr. Khanh

The church atso asks our driving parishioners and neighbors to exercise caution and good judgment in entering and exiting the church's parking lots in retation to on-coming traffic and/or pedestrians. Thank you for being law-abiding citizens for the safety of atl and for your continued understanding and cooperation in these important matters."

We pray that our message for a safe crossing to Don Quijote witl provide a peace of mind for your personal safety. God btess you for sharing this information with your loved ones, neighbors and friends.

short the 'journey' and endanger




concentrating on getting to their destination on a very busy traffic road in town. Before Easter, we gathered with a smatl group of parishioners who [ooked into this very concern for the safety and wetl being of our parishioners, visitors and friends. We are very concerned that a number of

our parishioners and visitors have been fined $tao for jaywatking violation (ouch!) and posing life threaten situation as they cross in an unmarked



As we work towards a safer crossing on Kaheka Street, we ask you to "Please kindty remember that we atl strive to be good citizens in our lives outside of church.



Third Sunday Of Easter (B) Sharing of Our Wounds

Sts. Peter and Paul Church

April 15, 2018

Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; 1 John 2:1-5a Luke 24:35-48

The glorified Jesus is not easy for the apostles to recognize. There is a deep truth here. The Twelve are startled and terrified to see Jesus again. In fact, they even think they are seeing a ghost. Their fear and lack of faith makes it impossible to see him for who he is – their resurrected Savior. Before they can truly see, they need to first accept him and believe. And how does Jesus prove his identity to them? He shows them his wounds, the signs of his suffering and crucifixion. We often want to hide our wounds. We are ashamed of them and afraid of how others will react if they really knew. But Jesus, unashamed, shows his wounds and uses them as signs of who he is. There is a message for us here. We need to allow our brokenness to find fullness and resurrection in Christ. It is at that point that the love of God is perfected in us. First we need to acknowledge our wounds and not bury or hide them. Then we need to admit our need for healing. Finally, through prayer, confession, and help from those who love us, we allow Jesus’ redemptive love to wash over our wounds and give us renewal, rebirth, and healing. As a result, like Jesus, we will no longer be ashamed of our wounds, but rather we will share them as evidence of the power of Jesus Christ. —Fr. Mark Haydu, LC © 2018 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in USA. Imprimatur: “In accordance with CIC 827, permission to publish has been granted on August 2, 2017, by Most Rev. Mark S. Rivituso, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. It does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission.” No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts in this work are taken from New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800-325-9521, or visit


First Reading Acts 3:13 – 15, 17 – 19 Peter introduces a grace note in his sermon. He has already told the crowd that they handed over God’s servant to be killed, but now he calls them brothers (friends) and acknowledges that they acted in ignorance.

Second Reading 1 John 2:1 – 5 a They are to beware of the love of the world because if it possesses them, they will lose the sense that they belong to the Father, and that they are still His children.

Gospel Reading Luke 24:35 – 48 We do not like to wait. If it is raining, we are told to wait for a more perfect day for our picnic. We hate to have anything postponed. However, waiting serves an important purpose. It gives us time to mature into the person God would have us be.

Next Sunday’s Readings Acts 4:8—12 1 John 3:1—2 John 10:1—10




This Week’s Events Apr. 15 –Apr. 21, 2018 M – Main Church, U–Upstairs Parish Conference Room, R – Reception room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room, C – Courtyard

Mahalo for your generous contributions and Faithful Stewardship. The Collections for April 7—8, 2018 are as follows:

Sunday April 15 3rd Sunday of Easter

Total: $ 12,593.39 Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass Intentions Baptism Electric & Votive Candles

6:15 am – Choir Practice (B) 6:15 am – Rosary (M) 10:15 am – RCIA Monday April 16

$ 9,738.09 202.00 125.00 1,232.30 Total: $ 11,297.39

6:30 pm – Charismatic Prayer Group (M) Tuesday


6:10 am 11:15 am 5:30 pm 7:00 pm

37% 63%

Building Fund Outreach Donation Courtyard Use donation Catholic Care Project Stained Glass Easter Good Friday Holy Thursday

$ 101.00 100.00 110.00 40.00 450.00 150.00 290.00 10.00 30.00 $ 1,281.00




BUILDING FUND Next week’s Second Collection will be for the special projects to improve and care for the facilities we use each week. We are looking into repairing the leaks in the roof and your donations helps cover the installation of the Stained Glass windows.


April 17

– Rosary (M) – Rosary (M) – Pastoral Council Meeting – Centering Prayer (U)


April 18

6:10 am – Rosary (M) 7:30 am – Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M)

11:15 am – Rosary (M) 1:00 pm – Legion of Mary, Queen of Peace (C) 5:30 pm – Pastoral Council Meeting 6:00 pm – RCIA (B) 6:30 pm – Scripture Study (R) Thursday

April 19

6:10 am – Rosary (M) 11:15 am – Rosary (M) 6:00 pm – Choir Practice (M)

Special Collections: Holy Land Catholic Relief Services

10.00 5.00



April 20

6:10 am – Rosary (M) 7:40 am – Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 – 11:30 am – Confession and Spiritual Direction 1:15 – 2:45 pm Hawaii Foodbank CSFP 32 lb box


distribution 10:45 am – Divine Mercy Devotion & Chaplet 5:45 am – Stations of the Cross Devotions (M) (resumes May 25th) Saturday April 21 St. Anselm, Bishop & Doctor of the Church

8:00 – 11:00 am – Cleaning Church (M) 11:15 am – Rosary 3:30 – 4:30 pm – Confessions (M)

Amazing! 22 lbs of coins 2



FRIDAY, APRIL 20TH is HAWAII FOODBANK 32LB BOX DISTRIBUTION (1:15 – 2:45 PM) Volunteers needed to greet recipients and pick up their their boxes. Please gather in the courtyard at 11:00 a.m. Our Parish Monthly Food Collection is April 21st & 22nd sponsored by our Parish Catholic Care Project. VOLUNTEERS needed for food sor(ng Monday, April 23rd Food pick up and delivery April 24th & 25th Through this ministry our parish serves the needs of our Kupuna, Ohana and those who come to our door, who are struggling with food insecurity. Our Parish Catholic Care Project relies heavily on donations from our parishioners. Only by your generosity are we able to help others in their time of need. Please prayerfully consider helping us feed the hungry! If you don’t have /me to shop… Visit our parish website at Your donation to our Catholic Care Project will help to purchase the items to fill the brown bags. Do you know someone in our parish who would benefit from receiving a food bag to help them make ends meet? Please tell them to contact our Catholic Care Helpline (808) 941-0675 3

"There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit." (1 Cor 12: 4-7) These words of St. Paul are still true today. The Catholic Church provides the compassion of Christ in countless ways in the United States, including through health care institutions, schools and universities, charities and social service agencies and the work of individuals, parish communities and diocesan entities.


Every April, child and youth serving organizations, including Catholic Dioceses, participate in Child Abuse Prevention Month to highlight the importance of protecting minors. We encourage you to participate with us throughout the month.

What You Can Do Find Out More—Contact your Diocese or Parish office to find out more about the Abuse Prevention Education and Comprehensive Safe Environment Program and training provided in your diocese. Become Involved—Participate in your diocese or parish Safe Environment Program. A key aspect of such programs is providing adequate supervision of children and educating adults to be aware of the signs of abuse and what to do in response. For more information see www.usccb

April Prayer Intentions from Pope Francis Universal: For Those who have Responsibility in Economic Matters That economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths.

PRAY FOR VOCATIONS 2018 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS April 22, the Church throughout the world prays for vocations. Will you make a special effort to ask the Lord for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life? •


Charita Abelgas-Mabon Vanessa Alcova Loranzo Alota Becky Alota Darlene Amarosa Tony Bacani Michael Bartolome Ho Lun Big Olivia Mia Blake Maniko Brady Arthur Cababa Mwejo Capelle Wini Chow Matilda Correa Teresita M. Custodio Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Blanche DeConte George DeConte Shirley Dungo Tessie Dungo Blanche Hansen Joe Hansen Florence Henson Stanley Ho Robert K. F. Ho Shirlene Iwai Maria Elena Jencks Jack Jucewicz Christopher Jucewicz Charlene Lau Pat Low

Pray for priests who have ministered to you throughout your life, both living and dead. Keep our parish priest in your prayers throughout the week.


Mina Maculam Please pray for her and her family, that she may grow to be a faithful disciple of Jesus.

Please pray for those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 20th at 11:00 a.m. Mass

Please pray for the repose of the soul of +Odetta Doublet Funeral Mass will be at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, April 28th 4

Bona Macabre John M. Masunaga Thomas Mistysyn Robert Mistysyn Betty Ann Nault Patrice Nielsen Felicitas R. Noland Ray M. Olis Lourdes Olis Berry Oloday Maria Oloday Judy Orlando Nancy Pang Joannita Pangelinan Yvonne S. Pangelinan Ephrem Perez Josefina Perez Anella Rabauliman Bregida R. Reyes Oliver Shilling Myong Soon Sim Joseph Anthony Sullivan Dolores Suredam Lolita A. Sutton Edwin Tagura Yolanda Trejo Myrna Vallespin Ho Chun Wah Ho Shiu Yan Theresa Yu Janleen Maria



John 6:9-11 "There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what are they among so many?" Jesus said, "Make the people sit down." Now there was much grass in the place; so the men sat down, in number about five thousand. Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; so also the fish, as much as they wanted.

RCIA meets every Wednesday at 6:00 pm and Sundays after the 9 am mass. Easter is a time for those who were newly baptized and received, to grow in deepening their grasp of the Paschal mystery and in the making part of their lives through meditation on the Gospel, sharing in the Eucharist and doing the works of charity.

ʻAnoʻai Kākou, During the last Bible study, the first question that arose was, "What do the numbers in the Bible symbolize?" Our next passage we're going over is the famous miracle of Jesus feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fish... but what do all these numbers represent, and how does any of this affect us today? Please sit down with us on Thursdays, to share and learn with us... Of course, we continue to have a variety of activities and times: * Tuesdays ESL (English as a Second Language): Practice English conversation Tuesdays 5-6 pm * Thursdays Bible Study: Young adults Bible study Thursdays 5-6 pm * Second Saturday Morning Church Cleaning: Once a month, just for a couple of hours, we help clean the church from 8.30 am We also do other things as well - please contact me if you're interested in joining efforts on serving: * Kakaʻako Family Shelter * Human Trafficking Victims Of course, there are also plenty of one-off projects, partnering community organizations, and social/spiritual activities with our fellow parishes, so please sign up (email/facebook) for notifications, and join whenever you can. Check out our facebook page:

Easter isn’t a day…it’s the season. The liturgical season of Easter, the fifty days from the Sunday of the Resurrection to Pentecost Sunday are celebrated in joy and exultation as one of the feast day, one great Sunday. The Paschal Candle, a symbol of the presence of the risen Christ among the people of God, remains near the altar or ambo. We as a parish community pledge to help them grow and mature in the Christian life and to develop a genuine Catholic world view. We will begin a new cycle of inquiry the week after Pentecost, Wednesday, May 23 at 6:00 p.m. in the Blue room and Sunday, June 10th at 10:00 a.m. in the reception room. For those needing Confirmation please inquire at 941-0675 for special sessions.

As the young adults ministry of Sts. Peter & Paul, inspired by St. Don Bosco, we wish to volunteer, learn, reflect, and be happy. Servite Domine in laetitia (Serve God cheerfully). Being part of this group, in this phase of our journey in life, will allow us to help each other to grow spiritually, intellectually and physically. If you have any interest, questions, comments, ideas, etc. please email us at or txt 305-8980378. Hope to see everyone soon!

Aloha, Amala & Sunu 5


Thank you for your prayers for vocation Come celebrate the priesthood ordination of diocesan seminarian (William) Pila Tulua! Friday May 18, 2018 @ 6:00 PM Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa

Please join Bishop Larry Silva celebrate Mass for 2018 Clergy and Religious Jubilarians

When: Where:

Sat. 21 Apr 2018 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM HST Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa

For more information, contact the Office of Worship at (808) 585-3342 or

Congratulations to these men and women, many who are educators, who have sacrificed for us and for our children in their religious vocation. May God grant them health and many more years of faithful service.


Send Us Your Spirit

The Feast of St. Damien of Molokai

Renew the face of the Ear th

May 10, 2018

Saturday April 21, 2018 9-3 pm “In the beginning, when God began to create the heavens and the earth, the earth has no form and was void; darkness was over the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters” Gen 1:1-2 Sr. Marie Lemert, SS.CC., and Malulani Kamanu will guide you in a reflection on our ‘common home’, as we await the celebration of the outpouring spirit. Free offering. Lunch included. Space is limited. If you need special assistance with parking, let us know when you register. Located in Rose Hill at Saint Anthony Retreat Center 3351 Kalihi St Honolulu, HI 96819 Call to register 845-0065 By Tuesday April 17, 2018

9:00 AM - Prayer Service at the State Capitol 6:00 PM – Mass for St. Damien Co-cathedral of St. Theresa

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish (OLGC) “End of Life and Aging Issues” Workshop

Featured Speaker: Pro. James H Pietsch, JD Lenora H Lee, PhD Date: Saturday April 21, 2018 Time: 8:15 am- 9:30 am 9:30 am-11:30 am Presentation Place: OLGC Pastoral Center 1525 Waimano Home Road Pearl City, HI 96782 Call: 808 455-3013 or to register:


rovYlng tn ,-o Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith.

April 2018

Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church Father Khanh and Father Sieg

Begin q new life qfter Eqsfer The promise of the Resurrection is that faithful followers of Jesus will have new life. Whether we had a fruitful Lent or were lukewarm in our resoive, we can begin now to become new

St. Gionno Beretlq Born into a large Catholic family in r Ldr// ltaly, St. u L. ul4lrrla Gianna \1 studied '-\ )/ medicine and became

died a week later. She is the patroness of mothers, physicians, and unbom


1\ No guess\ /ork involved

l/ ll /\ll wnat is right. We have I



examination. Call on the Holy Spirit to reveal what is keeping



one is. Devise a plan. Decide

Make an


opened a medrcal practice in Mesero, where she met her husband. The pregnancy and birth of their four-th child was very difficult, but Gianna was willing to risk her life for the life of the child. St. Gianna gave birth to a baby girl and


He asks us to act with integrity and relentlessly fight against sin. Being a sinner is not the worst


physician. She


many faults. Remember, though, that God understands we aren't perfect.

what needs to change and make a plan. Write it down and commit to it. Sometimes making a brave life change entails


you from becoming the person God intends, Make an

ieaving bad company

behind. Often it means

examination of your life as you Iive it. Look at your prayer life, your sacramental life, your dedication to spiritual growth. Do you share your faith? Do you serve others

changing entrenched habits. Change may be uncomfofiable but growth can't happen without it. Take the first steps. New life comes through God. Entrust your plan for change to him. Spend at ieast

with love? Face the truth with courage. It can be discouragir-rg to look honestly at our

15 minutes a day in prayet asking for inspiration and strength. Then take

the first steps toward new iife.

Followers of Chrisr never have ,r rely on guesswork to decide a perfect example for our daily Iives in Iesus. And to guide us, he gave us the Catholic Church.

"A new heart I will giue you, and a neut spirit I will put within you; and I will toke out of your .flesh the heart of stone and giue you a heart of

flesh" (Fzel<el 36:26).

OCopyrighl20l8 Success Publishing & Media,

WhY Dd

Gatholics Do That During the Mass, we offer the Sign of Peace in preparation for receiving Communion. After his Resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples in the Upper Room. Although his friends had abandoned him, Jesus

Why do Ccrtholics offer fhe sign of peqce?


forgave them, saying: "Peace be with you" (John 20:19). When we offer each other the Sign of Peace, we imitate Christ. The Sign of Peace is also a sign of

spiritual unity. ]ust as Iesus reconciled with his disciples, we are called to reconcile with each other.



Gronving in FqifhrM




Cotholic disciples qre cqlled to more Daily prayel, weeldy Mass attendance, and regular Confession form the foundation for a solid Catholic life. Yet, discipleship calls us to more. Discipleship moves us to make a "conscious, firm decision, carried out in action, to be followers of Jesus Christ no matter (he cost" to ourselves (U.S. Conference of

Demonstrated by action. Our discipleship is visible to others by our devotion to the Church and by the good works Q n we perform. Our charitable actions are offered in obedience to ]esus' example - and instructions - in the NewTestament. The Church suggests the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Merry as guidelines.

Catholic Bishops). A conscious decision. Disciples consciously resolve to follow Jesus with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. This goveming resolution - renewed every day controls all other decisions in a disciple's life.



This Gospel comes from Jesus'Last Supper Discourse, a kind of farewell speech for his disciples. Iesus told his disciples - and us - that without him, we can do nothing. He used a familiar image to explain. A grapevine has a main stem and smailer branches growing from it. Just as the main stem is the source of life for the branches, so ]esus is the source of spiritual

life for us. We received this life when we

were "grafted onto" Jesus in Baptism. We preserve this life by taking his words seriously and




Celebration April 3 - St. Richard of Chichester (1253). Born in England, St. Richard studied law at Bologna, Known for his holiness and administrative skills, he was named archbishop of Chichester, but King Henry III refused to let him rule until the pope threatened the king with excommunication. Even as an archbishop, St. Richard lived a humble life. He died in Dover while preaching a crusade.

April 8 - Divine Mercy Sunday (1935). In 1931, ]esus appeared to St. Faustina and asked that the Sunday after Easter become the "Feast of


Despite the cost, "So therefore, whoever of you all that he has cannot be my disciple" ' (Luke 14:33). To be Christian isn't always comfortable. Yet, disciples persist out of love, no matter the cost. does not renounce




Stoy f<rithful ro Christ striving to live by them. Then our hearts will become like his. When we pray in Jesus' name, we can trust that God will answer our prayers. There is a "catch" to


Jesus, as the

though. Just

branches on a grapevine are pruned - cut short - to bear fruit, we will encounter difficulties and even

persecution. Yet, Jesus reminds us that if we remain faithful to him, this pruning will work for our good and God's glory Then we'll become the saints we were calied to be.

Metq." Jesus promised anyone who honors him as King of Mercy and prays the Chaplet of Divine Merry the prayer he gave St. Faustina - would receive special graces and great mercy. April 25 - St. Mark the Evangelist (1st Century). St. Mark wrote the second Gospel largely based on St. Peter's perspective. Mark accompanied Saints Paul and Barnabas (Mark's

cousin) on their missionary journey through the island of Cyprus and is credited with

founding the Church of Alexandria.

What does the Resurrection



mean for us?

Jesus' Resurrection


the most

impofiant event in human history



how we know that what he said and did while on Earth is true and his promises to us are


During his public ministry, Jesus spoke and acted as God. He promised that if we follow him, we will have etemal life. Either he was God and had the power to make it true, or he was a mere man daiming to be someone he wasn't. That Jesus rose from the dead - a fact verified by more than 500 eyewitness accounts - means that his word can be trusted. He warned of the specifics of his own death, predicted his Resurrection, and proved that he really is God. Therefore, his promises of eternal life are real, too. The Resurrection gives us hope. "By his death, Christ liberates us from sin; by his Resurrection, he opens for us the way to a new life" (Catechism of the Catholic Church #654). All those who die in

God's friendship will iive with him forever.



To provide pracrical ideas that promote faithfu I Catholic living. Success Publishing & Media, LLC Publishers ofCrowing in Fajth* and Partners in Faith* (s 40)G 62-7 I 4 4 (s 40)6 62-7 847 lax h up://www, growin gi n (unless noted Bible quotes and references are fiom rhe Revised Standard Vâ‚Źrsion and the New American Bible)

O Copyright



Success Publishing & Media, LLC







April lsth, 22"d ond 29th After the 9 om ond I I om Mosses ln this seoson of Eoster when the Risen Christ brings heoling ond peCIce to the frightened disciples we hove on opportunity to help Tereso Dillon ond her fomily. Each year about 300 members (medical personnel and volunteers) from Western Association of the Order of Malta invite 50 Malades (a French word for someone who is unwell) or ill and their companions to the Shrine of Lourdes in Lourdes, France. They provide airfare and lodging. Teresa Dillon is a Sts. Peter and Paul parishioner who attends the Sunday 11 AM Mass and participates through sign language. She received her First Holy Communion last year. She and her parents have been invited to attend the Lourdes pilgrimage. By purchasing a bake good or making a donation, this will help Teresa in the Spiritual Journey with the Order of Malta to Lourdes. Proceeds will provide much needed funds for round trip airfare to Los Angeles.

Ca{eru{ary Monday April 16 Easter Weekday

I read my horoscope in the daily newspaper faithfully. Is there anything wrong with this? I don't take what it says seriously, but sometimes the predictions do come true.

Acts 6:8-15

In6:22*29 Tuesday



Easter Weekday

Acts 7:51*8:1a Jn 6:30-35

7f"nV people enioy reading their daily horoscopes as a form of lVI.entertainmerrt. Like you, they don't take it seriously. When it's approached in this lighthearted way, there is no sin. Others, however, take their horoscopes seriously. Perhaps they don't realize what might underlie their fascination with it. Could it be a desire to escape responsibility? It's a cop-out to believe horoscope advice like, "lf the position of the stars makes



April 18 fnster Weekday Acts 8:1b-8 In 6:35-40

you act a certain way, then you're not responsible for your actions." This thinking doesn't acknowledge that God, as Lord of the universe, is the creator ofthese stars and their movements. It's absurd to ascribe mystical powers to the stars themselves as if they could influence us independently of God's providence. What about predictions that come true? Reread that horoscope and you'll usually find it was worded in such a general way that it would fit almost any situation. There's also the aspect of the self-fulfilling prophecy. If you tftink you're goingto have a certain type of day, you are more likely to /rave that type of day. Your approach affects your day, not an outside force. The future will always contain unknowns. For Christians, however, the unknown is cushioned by the belief that all things are in the providential hands of a loving God. Sundaybulleti n @ Liguori. org

Thursday April 19 Easter Weekday

Acts 8:26-40

ln 6:44*51

Friday April20 Easter l\reekday

Acts 9:1-20 In 6:52-59

Saturday April 21 Easter Weekday

Acts 9:31-42 Jn



April22 Fourth Smday of Easter Acts 4:8-12 1 ln 3:1-2 Jn 10:11-18


A U)o4d,natnPapnFwds that the path to encountering him is to find his wounds. We find Jesus' wounds in carrying out works of mercy, Jesus tells us

hungry...because het in jail, because he is in the hospital. Ihose are the wounds ofJesus today. feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, Juiy 3, 2013


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