Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound, Funerals: O

Please call the Parish


lnfant Baptism: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours to schedule a Baptism




Sacrament of Matrimony: The proper and required preparation for this Sacrament is extensive. The time fratne is at }east slx (6J months. Couples are asked to attend an Engaged Encounter Weel<end in preparation and complete State and Church paperworl<. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you have spol<en with a priest

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Saturday: [Sunday Vigil) 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am 9:00am & 11:00anr Faith Formation Family f st f,, Jrd Sunday at 9:00am (0hana Mass every 2n,t Sunday at 11:0OamJ Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 1"2:00 pm Saturday: 12:00 noon COMMUNAL ANNOINTING: Last Saturday of the Month at the 1"2:00 noon mass RECONCILIATION: Friday 10:L5 - 11:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 prn or by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Fridays: After the 7:00 am mass and 1.t Fridays: 7:30 - 10:00 prn PARISH ROSARIES: Monday - Saturday: 11:15am Sunday:5:15pm

ADDRESS; 800 Kahel<a St. Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - B:30 - 12:00 pm Tues. - Fri. B:3Oam - 12pm/1:00 - 3:3Opm PHONE: tB}B)941-0675 FAX: IBOBJ 945-a689 OFFICE EMAIL: WE BS ITE r lytulu. stEterparrl hawai i.o rg


trr. Peter & Paul Church Honolulu


1l-:00am - 1:00pm 6:00am - 1:00prn 7:30pm - J,0:00pm 1"1:00 am - 1:00pm & 3:00pm - 6:30pm

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Date SAT

fuly 14

This Weeks Mass Schedule Time Mass lntention Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peter and Paul

5pm 7am

+Margaret Chin DeSilva & Nakanelua Ohana +Maximo Conderas +Chrisele Kalo




Dear Parishioners, Visitors and Friends



Fr. Khanh

+Felix Estampador

is one of

American's dear

values and basic betiefs. We treasure choices.

Fr. Khanh

Fr. Sieg

+fose Aguada



Some of them are routine choices. Think of the choices we made today getting ready for church. "Which Mass?" "Which tie, shirt, co[or?" "Which blouse?" etc.


Bienvendo Pangan



Mon ful 16


CarmelVigil IBD)

Fr. Roide


Paul Lee (SI)

Fr. Khanh



+luanita Menese

Fr. Sieg

lul L7


Fr. Sieg



Paul Lee ISIJ Esther Miranda ISIJ


+Andrew Vincze

Fr. Sieg


+lsidore & Elaine Gefroh

Fr. Sieg







Clara Shin [SI)

Fri Jul20


+Felicitas Badua



noon Sat


Fr. Roide Fr. Roide


Fr. Sieg

Fr. Roide

at att.


that seems to be the theme that runs throughout our Scripture readings for this weekend.

+Stanley Pecor

"l was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores but the Lord totd me," says Amos, to "60, prophecy to my peopte lsraet." lndeed, it is by the choice and ca[l' of 6od that Amos has become a prophet of Cod. Simitarty, we are chosen by Christ to continue his work as the Lord, in today's Cospet, sends out his disciptes

DeSilva & Nakanelua Family


Some other choices are reatty not choices

Fr. Sieg

Frank Souza

+Deceased members

7am Sun

Fr. Roide

Parishioners, Visitors, and Friends ofSts. Peler and Paul


where to retocate family to. "Which neighborhood?" "Which school for chitdren?" etc.

Fr. Roide

Grace Ray [BDJ

5pm Vigil

Some choices are reatty out of the ordinary and can be realty hard to make: such as decision to get married or

to proctaim God's salvation.

Fr. Sieg

lul22 11am

Fr. Roide


Jean Obara [H)

F'r. Sieg

l(i';rr;r,'itl tlt,'stxtl,tt; jl llt,tittt,:. iJ!) !:iirtl*lttt.,t,i,\ir,'. tttl lnt(nti(rt\ As your Pastor, I leave you

for now, not so much sadness as

it is with atl departure, but with gratitude for the grace that Cod has bestowed upon us as His betoved sons and daughters in Christ.

So choose to live as the chosen ones we are. And at[ of tomorrow hinges on the choices you and I make today. fi-

@gG*,%t We are a Cat$o{ic

contmruity wfiere

"Caring Peyfe are care{for." () i,it,, a,,<y't 7e,, www.s s pete rpa

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When Jesus was sent to us, it was the choice of 6od the Father to redeem the human race that St. Paul

mentioned in the second reading. "God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world and destined us for adoption to himsetf through Jesus Christ." We have been baptized, redeemed and marked with the sign of the Cross of Christ forever. We are chosen and now we can choose to be chosen. This coming Tuesday, July 17, I witt be returning to Vietnam, the land where I grew up untiI the age of 16 and where many Americans sacrificed their lives for others;over 58,000 died, not inctuding the wounded.


ln this return to visit my bedridden mom, I recatl the last time when she totd me to [eave the Communist. "l'd rather have you die somewhere etse than see you die in front of me." And now it is an obtigation as her youngest son, to maybe pay my last honor to the one who gave me life and [ove.

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fuly 15,2018

Sts. Peter and Paul Church

Fra Angelico, a fifteenth-century Dominican brother, was also a famous painter- so much so that St. John Paul ll made him the patron of painters. His chapel for Pope Nicholas V, dedicated to Deacon St. Lawrence, patron of Rome, stiil survives in the Vatican. The emperor reportedly told St. Lawrence to show him the treasures of the Church, and so he brought the poor before the emperor, saying that these are the Church's true treasures. Fra Angelico's wonderful 1449 fresco shows Lawrence, who served in Rome in the third century, giving coins to the poor and lame of the city. lndeed, for the Church, those most in need are those who most interest us, because they are the ones who most interested Christ. From the very beginning, Jesus sent out his apostles, two by two, to prepare people to receive his preaching. They were to heal the sick, cast out demons, and preach the gospel of salvation. He did not concentrate his efforts only on the influential, although he didn't avoid them, but rather invested his efforts in forming his apostles in preaching and service. Christ has entrusted the Church with that same mission, and it continues to fulfill this charge worldwide. No continent or country is without the presence of the Catholic Church, with its missionaries and institutions who care for the materially, intellectually, and spiritually poor. We should be proud to be part of such a worldwide force for good that has served so many for so long. Mark Haydu, LC

Readingl - AmosT:12-LS Amos \\,as warned to take his prophetic u,arnings elservhere, but he insisted that he was a sirnple famrer rvlrcl had received a calling from God to prophesy. Amos was very eff'ective in calling the people to obey God.


II - Ephesians


PaLrl tells the Ephesians



God has sent Jesus to bring the message of love to the world, they are being asked to turther that reign of love throughout the world. As disciples of Christ, rve are to do the same.


- Mark 627 -13

Jesus sent his disciples out to pro-

claim the coming of the kingdom of Cod. He instructed thern to travel light. He told them that their needs r,',ould be take care of. They trusted in Jesus' rvords of instruction.


For Reflection: How do I participate in the Church's mission of serving the poor? What more can I do to educate my children or others in this important aspect?

NEXI WEEK'S READINGS. l6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

O 2018 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. lmprimatur: "ln accordance with c. 827, permission to publish has been granted on December 1, 2017, by the Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of St. Louis. Permission to publish is an indication ihat nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. lt does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission." No part of this work may be used in any forrn without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture telits in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition O 2010, 1991 , 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, lnc., Washington, DC. All Rights Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins, call 800325-9521

I st Readi

ng-Jeremia h 2 3 : I-6

2nd Reading-Ephesians 2: I 3-I

Gospel-Mark 6:30-34


JULY Praver

P$*IHKLHX t$S Ttt$ $!S"S prs'yf,sr *** sirk i* cur Fsris&; Pf*irsc

lntentions from

Pope Francis

Rose & FidelAdamos

Charita A Mabon

Kiana Rose Adams

John M. Masunoga

Vanessa Alcova


lsaoc Alajodo

Thomos Mistysyn

Loranzo Alota

Robert Mistysyn

Becky Alota

Edwin Munolem

Darlene Amarosa

Betty Ann Nault

Tony Bocani

Patrice Nielsen

Michoel Bortolome

Felicitos R. Nolond

Ho Lun Big

Ray M. Olis


Olivia Mia Bloke

Lourdes Alis


Maniko Brady

Berry Olodoy


Arthur Cobaba Mwejo Capelle WiniChow Teresita M, Custodio Avon Czerwinski

Maria alodoy ludy Orlando

Regino Czerwinski

Ephrem Perez

Blanche DeConte

Josefina Perez

George DeConte

Anello Rabauliman

Azarias D Dosdos

Bregida R. Reyes

Shirley Dungo

Maggie Rotelo

Tessie Dungo

lngo Rofael Sharez

Blanche Honsen

Otiver Shilling

Joe Hansen

Myong Soon Sim

Florence Henson

t ose p h Antho ny Su I liva n

Stonley Ho

Dolores Suredam

Robert K. F. Ha

Lolita A. Sutton

Shirlene lwai

Edwin Toguro

Evongelization - Priests and their Pastoral Ministry That priests, who experience fatigue and loneliness in their pastoral work, may find help and comfort in their intimacy with the Lord and in their friendship with their brother priests.

t I

August 2018 BIRTHDAY and/or ANNIVERSAY




; Please complete this form with your pertinent infor-


i I I

mation so that we may remember you at Mass and

with prayers and blessings on your special day in I August. Fill in the complete this form (please print I clearly!) and place it in the collection basket or re-


turn to the office no later than July 29,2OL8.


I rrrArur,




pH* grntHoAY,


! I



.(please checkl


I 1






Nancy Pang

Joannita Pangelinan Yvonne S. Pangelinan


Mario Elena Jencks

Yolondo Trejo

Jock Jucewicz

Myrno Vallespin


Christopher Jucewicz

Lydia Velasquez

Michelle Keely

Ho Chun Woh


Charlene Lau

Ho Shiu Yan

Pat Low

Thereso Yu

Lisa Tang

Bono Macabre

Jonleen Morio Xymoon


July 19th

Theresa Tang

July 19th



Petr:r and Paul

athatrIc CrfiR


MAHALO Last month Hawaii Foodbank 32lb Food box distribution 145 boxes were

distributed to vulnerable households. Our next Food Box distribution is July 20th (1:15 to 2:45p.m.) We need help registering people, passing out water and refreshments, translators, showing kindness to strangers. Strong bodies needed to help carry boxes to the cars. lf you can help please come by the office at 11:00 a.m. Our Monthly Food Collection

will be July 21 &22 Look for the monthly food

list in the bulletin

ff you don't have time to shop... Visit our parish website at w tv:rys



e.q lh-+*ya i i,.gtg Your donation to our Catholic Care Project will help to purchase the items to fill the brown bags.

Do vou know someone in our porish who would benefit from receiving o food bag to help them make ends meet? Please tellthem to cantact our Cotholic Care Helpline

tB08)s41-067s All information vte receive remains confidentiol.

2018 Annual Life Symposium -

Nd Mo'olelo Ola: Living Sfories Each person has many unique and personal stories


share. Sometimes stories are tragic and heartbreaking: Suicide of a family member, a close friend or relative. A young life abducted into slavery, human trafficking or addiction. An elderly parent whose family is in conflict over decisions to sustain or withdraw life support. An individual or family that are added to the list of thousands who are homeless. This symposium addresses the educational compo-

nent of the


Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities

and will address serious issues as we look through

the lens of Holy Scripture, Church teaching, and personal (life stories) testimonies. This symposium is suggested for parents, grandpar-

ents, educators, clergy and religious, youth and young adults, ministry leaders, medical professionals, and adult laity because each of us are called to a continuing commitment to preserve the sanctity of life. To register, go online d i oc-es a n



to: httpl/cath"gliEharyAji"orel

s/re s pe ct- I ife/gd

u ca

ti o n / o r ca I I t

Respect Life Office at2O3-6722. Registration deodline: July 31 Registration fee: S2S. Scholorships are available.




Looking for RCIA catechists who are good at these things (based on article by Nick Wagner,

You might not think of yourself as a catechisf, especially far adults, but consider fhrs:

An RCIA catechist has an apostolic mission When I got involved in catechumenate ministry, I learned there is a difference between a catechist and a religion teacher. The ministry of the catechist flows from the ministry of the apostles. Jesus's final instruction to his followers was, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28;19). That is the essentialjob description of a catechist. Jesus did not leave an instruction manual. There is no one right method for making disciples. One becomes a catechist not so much by training, but by calling. Jesus calls individuals who have charisms given to them by the Spirit. lt is these charisms that make a catechist more so than a textbook or a teaching method,

An RCIA catechist facilitates encounter The church teaches that, "The catechist is essentially a mediator. He facilitates communication between people and the mystery of God" (General Directory for Catechesis, 150). Think about what that means for a moment. God is always communicating. lt is not our job, as catechists, to tell people what God is saying. lnstead, we facilitafe communication between people and the Mystery. To facilitate means to make easier. We make it easier for seekers to encounter and respond to the Mystery.

An RCIA catechist is gifted It takes special gifts to do that. Not everyone has those gifts. When we are looking for RCIA catechists, we won't find them easily. We cannot, for example, find someone who is able to teach religion and appoint that person as a catechist. The gifts are related but different. Someone can be a gifted religion teacher and not necessarily be able to facilitate an encounter with Mystery.

A catechisf doesn't have a time slof ora schedule on which they catechize. Pope Francis said, "Firstly, catechesis is not a Job' or a task that is external to the person who is a catechist; because one 'is' a catechist and all of life revolves around this mission. ln fact. 'being' a catechist is a yocafion of service to the Church" (Buen*s Air*s. Jr-rty I1-1{, tiil}).

An RCIA catechist is a witness What we are looking in an RCIA catechist, then, is not someone who is relying on a text or a method to lead others to the Mystery. Pope Francis said: Words come.". but witness comes first: people should see the Gospel, read the Gospel, in our lives. To "be" a catechist requires love, an ever stronger love for Christ, a love for his holy people. And this love can't be bought in stores, even in Rome. This love comes from Christ! (Ft'rutvt Aii,"li*irce H*ii. Sepierriber 2i. 1013) lf you would like to be a part of the RCIA Team please email us at



This Week's Events lulv 15- Iulv 21. 2018

Mohalo J'or your generous contributions ond Fa ithful Stewardshi p, The Collections for/uly 7-8, 2078


- Main




- Courtyard

Chnrch, U-Upstairs Porish Conference Room, Reception room, B - Blue room, G - Green Room,


are as follows:

lulv 15

TSth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Total: $11.141.91

6:15 am

Envelopes & Loose Collections Mass lntentions Baptism Electric Votive & Candles

$8,317.16 220.00 500.00 784.25 $ 9,821.41


6:15 am -

Choir Practice [B) Rosary IMJ

Iulv 16

Mondav Our Lady of MountCarmel


July 17



- Rosary (M) 1"1:15 am - Rosary (M) 7:00 pm - Centering Prayer [M)




6:10 am


luly 18

SL Camillus de Lellis, Priest

Building Fund Outreach Stained Glass Use of Facilities Donation Kupuna dinner donation Donation


50.00 539.00 150.00 40.00 200.00 312.5A Totah $ 1,291.50


Rosary [M)


Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help (M)

- Rosary (MJ - Legion of Mary Queen of Peace pm - RCIA (B) pm - Scripture Study (R)

11:15 am 1:00 pm 5:00 6:30


hrlv 1I


- Rosary (M) 11:1"5 am - Rosary (M) 6:00 pm - Choir Practice [M) 6:10 am

Special Collections: Peter's Pence Catholic Communication Campaign


6:1"0 am

7:30 am

$ $

28.00 1.00 29.00

SECOND COLLECTION There is much to be done to prepare for the 50th Anniversary. Your contributions will help us fix the leak and give Sts. Peter and Paul a new coat of paint. Mahalo.

Fridav St.



Apollinafius, Bishop & Marrxnr

6:10 am


Rosary [M)

7:40 am Eucharistic Adoration/Sacred Heart Devotion 10:00 - 1.1:30 am - Confession and Spiritual Direction 10:45 am

- Divine Mercy

Devotion & Chaplet 1.:75-2:4.5 HI Foodbank 32 Ib box Distribution 5:45 pm - Stations of the Cross Devotions [M)

Iulv 21

Saturrlav Sl. Lawrencc Brindisi

Antriversary of Episcopal Onlinutittn of Bishop Silva (2005)


1L:00 am - Cleaning Church (M) 11:15 am - Rosary



- 4:30 pm -

Confessions [M)

5:00 pm - Saturday Vigil Mass

.&}t#tirut) Save

T*F{H pAxatsr"f

ANffi 'rHH nl*{:H5tr

Soth Aooiversary

the date!

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet

will be celebrating 80 years of ministry in Hawaii with Holy Mass Bishop Larry Silva as celebrant When: Saturday, August 25,2078 at 10:30 a.m.

ST'Si" l]il:il'il1{.

& l'dUl., rvill t*l*ht:ut*

Where: Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa

50 years as the soul of Ala Moann

Bishop Larry as celebrant.

Septen*er 28,2019

Lunch will be served afterward

Allare welcome Please RSVP

to Ms. Diedre Wong at 373-8801 or no later thank August 1, 2018




Hclp support \.'olrr parish as \\,'e prepilre for: thu cel<,:trration [:v nraking rcpairs ancl iLnprorrcrnt:trts ari rv(ill lrs to {tnd tlrc: Ie:stirrities. Bake sak: aftcr 7,

I &^1 1 lvlorning Massrs

tn Julv'lSth


I1:-vou rvoulc{ [ike to ioirr

t]u funclraisirrg tclrr,

call tfr* r.:lturr:h ofl ir:il ;lt 941-0{:7ii al td lcavr: y*{ }LI r' cont*li:t in{<r rutrati <lr"r ftx' [., i [rr. plua$r,:

We ask our parishioners and guests kokua and exercise reasonable caution and care when entering and/ or exiting church grounds. We remind you that the fine for the violation of jaywalking is $130. The church also asks our driving parishioners and guests to exercise caution and good judgment in entering and exiting the church's parking lots in relation to on-coming traffic and/or pedestrians. Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation in these important matters.

A Special August 72, 201B Pilgrimage to Kalaupapa with Bishop Larry Silva to

Commemorate the Centenary of


Marianne's Death

Kalaupapa is only accessible to invited guests and Bishop ha smade exclusive arrangements through Seawind Tour"s and Travel, lnc.

for a limited number of visitors to accompanl him on Sunday August L2,7AL8.

Tour operates from approximately 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM. The cost of the day trip is 5399.00 per person. Please call Seawind Tours & Travel if you are interested, Space is limited. 808-949-4L44 See Catholic Herald

for more details or call Seawind.

Vacation Bible School 2018 What a blessing to have nine children attend Vacation Bible School! As planned it was an incredible rveek with children and catechists exploring bible stories to appreciate the heroes of our taith. Throughout the week, children listened and discussed bible stories, discovered amazing facts, played games, solved pvzzles, conrpleted word searches, sang songs, rvatched videos, and created art pieces. The favorite activity for children was making tie dye shirts to reinforce the Bible Story, "Joseph and the Coat of Marry Colors"! To culminate the week, children presented r,vhat they learned through


and songs to their parents.

for a moment and imagine the gospel coming alive right before your eyes tlirough these sensory experiences. That rvas the joy felt by all! Pause

Want to experience the joy of sharing the gospel with children in our Faith Formation Program for the 20I8-2019 year?

Call the church office to find out how! (808) 94r-067s Ms. Bernie and Ms. Anna. Catechists




ONE. Iru


Sts. Peter and Paul Church Council 16002 Mahalo to Parishioners, Family, Friends, and Visitors for your Tremendous Support of our Barbecue Chicken and Maki Sushi Salell


Co{endary Monday ]u1y 16 Weekday

Is 1:10-17

Mt 10:34-11:1 Tuesday July



Is 7:1-9

Mtll:2o-24 Wednesday |u1y 18 Weekday

Is 10:5*7, 13b-i6


Thursday luly i9 Weekday

ls 26:7-9,12, L6*19

Mt 11:28-30

Friday |uly 20 Weekday Is 38:1-6, 21,-22,7-B

Mt 12:1-8 Saturday |uly



Mi 2:1-5

Mtl2:14-2L Sunday |u1y 22 Sixteenth Sttnday

in Ordinary Tinte

Deqn?qd/@, Recently a genetic testing kit became available. Does the Church have arly teaching on these tests? n principle the Church is not opposed to genetic testing. The uumber of tests available seems to rise almost daily. The critical issue fiom a moral standpoint is what we do r,r,ith the information that is gained. Any use of the information to harm peopie would be iudged immoralfor example, using genetic information to detect Down syndrome in


with the subsequent abortion of a developing life. Another example r,r.ould be using genetic information against people seeking employment or health insurance. Another concern is the impact that genetic testing results might have on the person receiving it. For example, a person may wish to know if he carries the gene for Huntington's disease, an illness that will surface in his life if he has the gene. There is no cure for this debilitating disease. However, the information may assist him in preparing himself and others for the tirne when the disease will manifest itself. In other instances, however, genetic information may lead to prevention and treatment of disease. Such testing would allow spouses to know if they carry a particular gene, for example, associated with cystic fibrosis. A couple finding themselves carriers of the gene should bear this in mind as they make decisions about responsible parenthood. Summarizing, information obtained from genetic testing holds promise and potential peril. The dignity and life of persons should guide judgments about the morally acceptable use of genetic information. a fetus

Sundaybul I etin l;ror, l,ife, Duth, and Catholic Medicai


@ Li

guori. org

by l(evin O'Neil, CSsR, and Peter Black, STD, e, 20 I 1 Liguori Publ icaiions

ler 23:1*6 Eph 2:13-18

Mk 6:30-54



U)oid,frrc'!?L ?ape'Fw*rwis

} i:''*.:,1,gg. Jesus himself tells us in no uncertain terms that we will be " .ju=.j,]l:? iudged by the mercy we show to the poor: thase who hunger .,..i.:.,.:i=}.<-q, and thirst, the naked, the stranger, the sick, and those in prison. ":'5 irss Particularly in our prosperous societies, Christians are called to

guard against the temptation of indifference.

--Jubilee Audience, June 30, 2016

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