Fourth Week of tr ent
"The Flaly Spirit fuelps ws to view others with fresfu eyes, seeifig thern aWays ss brothers and sisters in fesus, to be respected arcd loved."
oN Twrr:rse,
Mav r3, zor3
Sp$r&tumil SAght
' Making tlre sigr-l oi ti-re cro:; *ri;h ,r,:ly uaie:' ;ner: e::re.'in;
John 9:'l-41 n today's Gospel |esus gives sight a man who was born blind. As the man repeatedly tells the story of how fesus healed him physically, there is a graduai change in the man's understanding of who |esus is. He sees fesus first as a man, and then as a prophet, and then as sorneone who came from God. Finally, he fatrls to his knees and worships ]esus as the I-ord. This man went from being blind to receiving physical sight to seeing throrigh the eyes of faith. The religious leaders who were questioning this man had physical sight, but they had no spiritual sight. They were blinded by prejudice, pride, fear, and animosity toward |esus. Spiritual sight allows us to recognize the presence of God in our
church is a i'enewaX of ouln beprisl'lr end a cleanslng ci,renial sin.
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froin oui' relatiolship r^riih Chrisr alel our e1,rep desire tc rbtrio',v il his fborsreps. Citee ,,ye ilie gift of spiriir.iai sigli, lcrhing is e-rer ,ihe same.
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What Do You See? only the Fourth Sunday of {-ent You still have three weeks to brinq your'spiritual sight into sharper focus. Maybe you need to fongive sorneone. Mayhe you need to seek forgiveness. Mavbe you need to experiment witlT new prayer fornrs. Are there virtures you need to cultivate? Vices you need to tarne? Good intentions that need to be acted upon? We are all called to foiiow nnore close{y in the footsteps of Jesus. \ffhat does that rmean in yourn liie? What sacrifices wili it entail? l-{ow witr{ your begin? !t"s
Careehrsmc0NNLCTION "The Lord asks us to love as he does, even our enernies, to rnake ourselves the neighbor of those farthest away, and to love children and the poor as Christ himself."' Catechisrn af the Catholic Ckwrch,1825
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Reaching Out to Those in Need fl\*r lJf,
greatest temptation nhen f,aeed with peoptre a,,aray. But when we look away; we turn cu"r backs on Christ Xlinaself. ]esus assures us that r,vhen we feed the hilngry, welcorne the stranger, ciothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit the prisoner, we do these things for hin-a (see &4t 25:3X-41). r//e ali know people who have suffered a death in ihe faraily, serious itrtrness, divorce, a joL, loss, rreed rs to Xook
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shocking stories of viotrenee, oppression, poverty, prejudice, ancl abruse in our eomrnunities and in orar world. Muytl" you know of peopie who have been affected by iwists offate, naturatr disasters, accidents, or injuries. We can't stop bad ttrings frcrr trappening. But we fan find ways to reactr cut to people in need. Promise yourseXf tliat for the remainder of tr ent you will gG orii of youa" way to henp someone every day.