Second Sunday of Lent

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Anointing uf the $icle, *Ioly Communion ts the $ick and Homebcund, Sunerals: Flease call the Parish Office.


lnfant Baptisrn: Parents are to call the Parish office during business hours tc schedule a Baptism 1

: 1





Sacrarnent of Matrimony: The proper and required preparati*n for this Sacrament is extensive. The time frame is at least six [6J months, Couptres are asked to attend an f;ngaged Enccunter Weekend in preparation and complete State and Churcl"l paperwork. Do not set a date or print invitations for your marriage until after you have spoken with a priest"


Saturday: [Sunday Vigil) 5:00pm Sunday Morning: 7:00 am 9:00am & 11:00am Faith Formation Family 1st & 3rd Sunday at 9:00am f0hana Mass every zod Sunday at 1"1:00am) Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Saturday: 12:00 noon Monday - Friday: 7:00 am & 12:00




Last Saturday of the Month at the 1"2:00 noon Mass



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Friday 10:15 * 11:30 a.m. Saturday 3:30 * 4:30 pm or by appointment Fridays: After the 7:00 am Mass and 1't Fridays: 7:3A - 10:00 pm Sunday: 5:1"5pm Monday-Saturday: 11":15am


ADDRESS: 800 Kaheka St. Honolulu, Hawaii 9681+ OFFICE HOURS: Mon. * B:30 * n 2:00 nm Tues. - Fri. 8:3Oam - 1Zprnll:00 - 3:30pm PH0NE: [808J 941-0675 FAX: [808J 94s-0589 OFFICE EMAIL: sspeterpaul@hawaii.rr.corn WIBSITE :

MONDAY-THURSDAYT 6;00am - 8;00am 1X:00am 6:00am * 1":00prn FRIDAY: 7:30pm - 1-0:00pm S'IR$T FRIDAY: 11:00 am * l00pm SATURDAY:



sru, Peter & Paul Church Honolulu

& 3:00pm * 6:30pm 5:00am - l:00pm

& 5:00pm - 7:00pm

r'&*s 14r*s$'s i::l





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Fr. $ieg

D*ar Parishioners, Visitors and Friends, i liai: il il; i




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+Cheon "$onny" Chee +M*ry Ellen Alsip



Fr. Khanh

* Agnes Mendiola

Fr. Khanh

Gloria Dabu [HJ

Patricia Mendiola (H)


l, ;-. ti.:'r

VincentArri*la {H) VincenlArriola (H)


On one $unday afternoon, I was snorkeling along the prCItected reef at Ala Moana B*ach Park watching the fish below mo. I wondered what the fish were sseing as they swem around,


Fr. Si*g



Vincent Arriola (HJ

Fr. Xhanh

Jesusa Cruz Xspiritu

Fr. Sieg


Fr. Sieg


+ Ulysis Laca

Fr. Khanh

Sarita Hiap [Th)

Fr. Khanh

Vincent Arri*la {HJ

Fr. Sieg






rcrels, r*isii; rs, :::r C ciil-s" ?;ii:i" a;:11 iri:l

+Wilfred Tom {anniversary of death) Rafael Inigo suarez

Vincent Arriola +Cheon "Sonny"


(HJ Chee

Fernandez Fr. Xhanh

Fr. Khanir Fr" Khanh

Fr. Sieg

Fr. Sieg

+ Repose af the sout. af: H/ Heding; IID/ llirthda* SI / lipeciul Intentions; 'l'h /T'hanksgiving

I remember bringing bread to Hanauma Bay and se*ing the fish energeticaily swimminE to rne to be fed. I recall having a fish tank where the fish swam around and looked Hp and swam to the top in anticipation of being fed.

$imilar to how God feeds our hope and love of $alvation through Jesus, I have continued to grow thr*ugh {eeding off others in the Rite of Christian lnitiation f*r Adults (RCIA).

With the Rite of Election and presentation of a hundred new Catholics at the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, my own journey continues to be reinforeed as I saw how the Lord was working in their lives. cateehumens this past week with over

The l*ok on their faces as they shook h*nds with the Bishop and put their hand in the large pool of holy water and did the sign of the cross was precious. As Jesus continues to feed me through the weekly Eucharist, the Lord's Body and Blood, he also puts his hand in the tank showing rne it is Him who is feeding me through others with the nourishment and hope of our faith. ln this week's Gospel reading from St. Luke, Jesus explains to Peter, John and Jarnes that it is Jesus, the Chosen One, who manifests the transformation to come. ln the Znd reading, St. Paul in his letters to the early Christians of Philippi shares with us to "keep our eyes fixed on those who act accordingly to the example" and "hold firm in the Lord."

Similar to koi fish feeding time at the PaEoda Hotel, we actively swim to Jesus and are spiritually nourished throuEh our Catholic livinE.


-r 'ALtar ^ -r 'Ntt 'Arrantl {nlents during the ie*s*'n

Submit"ted by




0J LerLr

RlTfS 0F SCHiJTINY:These very specialrites are celebrated on the next three weeks of Lenl;

5 FM, Saturday, March ?3,d 7 A}{, Sunday, I'larch 31't


AM, Sunday, April 7tr

of Lent ring &ur



Sts. Peter and Paul Church




The same three apostles who are present in

the Garden of Gethsemane are also at the transfiguration. On both occasions they fall asleep! But when they awake at the transfiguration, they see something totally different. They see Jesus radiant and resplendent like they had never seen him before. Reading




- Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18

This revelation of his glory is meant to strengthen their faith and prepare them for seeing Jesus later, sweating Righteousness described here is a right blood in the agony of the Garden. Experiencing the joy and relationship to God, and it was conferred by the divine sentence of approval in response beauty of Jesus is essential to persevering through the to Abraharn's tmst in God. Here Abraham, passions inevitable we will have to undergo. Faith is not all who had no law to fulfill, was nevertheless about suffering, but about joy, love, and intimacy with made righteous because of his inner attitude. Christ. Yes, love sometimes means we must suffer, but the fruit is greater intimacy. A diamond is made under great Reading II - Philippians 3:174:.1 pressure and love must past through temptations. All three synoptic Gospels unite the transfiguration with Peter's profession of faith. The reality of the passion and cross should not shake the apostle's faith, but they should realize that his exaltation can only be accomplished in the cross: "And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself' (John 12:32). The sufferings we see in the world, in our own past and present, shouldn't shake our faith in Jesus, either. Overcoming sin comes from embracing suffering.

Jesus is so radiant that he awakes the apostles from their slumber. May the consuming love with which we burn for Jesus transfigure us into beautiful lights that awaken this world from its slumber of faith as well.


Fr. htlark Haydu, LC

For Reflection: What area of your life or heart does Jesss want to transfigure into a brighter testimony for him? All light comes from energy consumed and transformed. How

Paul reminds them that through Christ they have part in a kingdom which is not of this rvorld, and as citizens of heaven they must hold firmly to their allegiance; no specious arguments must bring them from their faith in Christ.


III - Luke 9:28b-36

Jesus and his disciples have an experience of God on the mountain. Its meaning for the three disciples and for Jesus is different, but

the only actor in the event is God. On this mountain the subiect is death, and the lrightening presence of God reduces those present to silence. After the resurrectiorl, they will remember, understand and not feel heavy. In fact, they will go out and speak of the Good Nervs.

does that truth apply to your spiritual life? 2019 Liguori Publications, Liguori, MO 63057-9999. Printed in U.S.A. lmprimatur: "ln accordance with c. 827, permission to publish has been granted on December 1, 2017, by the lt4ost Reverend Edward l/1. Rice, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Sf. Lours. Permission to publish is an indication that nothing contrary to Church teaching is contained in this work. lt does not imply any endorsement of the opinions expressed in the publication; nor is any liability assumed by this permission." No part of this work may be used in any form without the prior written permission of Liguori Publications. Scripture texts inthiswork are taken fromthe New American Bible, revised edition@2010, 1991, @

1986, 1970 Confraternity


Christian Doctrine. lnc., Washington, DC. All Rights

Reserved. To order Liguori Sunday Bulletins. call 800-325-9521

NEXT WEEK'S READINGS Third Sunday of Lent lst Reading- Exodus 3:I-9a, 13-15 2nd Reading - I Corintltiuns 10:1-6, 10-12 Gospel - Luke 13:1-9

MARCH Praver Intentions from Pone


ils&Y$.* u$T

Recognition of the Right of Christian Communities. That Christian mmmunities, especially those who are persecuted, feel that they are close to Christ and have their rights respected.



the church


gr*yfarf**sir* Chartes Goo Robert Heisler Stonley Ho Morio Eleno Jencks !ock Jucewicz Christopher Jucewicz Richard McCreo Jr. Edwin C. Munalem Betty Ann Noult Olivio B Olegorio Judy Orlondo Rita Stocker Rafoel lnigo Suorez Andrea Pontillos Ruth Tavares-Toma

Kia Rose Adoms Loronzo Aloto Becky Alota, Darlene Amoro Olivia Mio Bloke Arthur Cababa Susie Cababo Milonie Cleofos Avon Czerwinski Regina Czerwinski Aida Dioo Shirley Dungo Tessie Dungo Yuriko Enomoto Encornito Estebon

Parish Lenten Mission APRIL 8, 9, 10 at 6:00 p.m. in



Ministry of the Word


born and raised in Boston Massachusetts where he entered the friars after graduation from high Fr. John was


school. He was ordained in 1971and obtained a Masters in Religious Education from Catholic University of America


Fast -l- Give

APRIL 2019 BIRTHDAY and/or

1974. Also in 1992 he received a certificate in homiletics from the Aquinas lnstitute in St. Louis.


Please complete this form with your pertinent


information so that we may remember you at Mass; and with prayers and blessings on your special day I in APRIL. Fill in this form (please print clearly) I and place it in the collection basket or return to the office no laterthan March 31,2019. N AM E Fr

John has published two books-Ihe Wandering Frior and Following Jesus in the Footsteps of Francis. Both are pub-


lished by Lantern Books of Brooklyn, N.Y.




- AND/OR *

Father speaks Spanish as well as ltalian. Some of his interest include bicycle riding, movies and he is an avid follower

of all Boston sports teams.


L 2



Partners in


Helpinq our e hildren qrow in their Catholi c faith.

March 2019

Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Honolulu

Thoughtful Moments St. Matilda St. Matilda was

known for her beaury holiness and intelligence.

March 6th begins lent - the chance to berome the person God intends us to be. The desert of Lent allows us time and space to take back control of our environment, become more present to

our families, and revise the messages we send

happily married to llenry

to others. Take control.

the Fowler and had five children. Beloved by her

Sort through and declutter drawers, toy

She was

subjects, she was

known for donating generously to the poor. When Henry died, his two oldest sons fought over the crown. They persecuted Matilda for her generosity and took control of her money. Later, they apologized, but she chose to spend the rest of her

life in simplicity and prayer in the convent.

Model cool

"Renwmber your Jather

and ntothsr whm you sit arnong gredt. msn; lest you be lbrgetful in their prcsence, and be deemed u forsl on ttcc,ount of your


(Sirach 23:14). Cspyright m1g Success Publishrns & Media, ILC

sports, clubs, ancl activities. Yet, the ability to say "no" allows us to be intentional about how we choose to spend our tirne. Our primary need is for our family to connect with Cod and each other. These connections are from where our strength flows. A "no" to others may be a "yes" to God and

What can be shed?

family. Reform speech. I-low we speak is the primary way we

dosets or living spaces with the goal of dumping unwanted

build connection - with coworkers,

and unneeded possessions.



Choose one area a week during Lent. The end result can be clear space to store

goods or the perspective to appreciate what is left. Become intentional. Family life can become a readmill of work, school,

Do ffio ?ilrm*


neighbors, friends, family. This Lent, resolve


newe! more useful

If we keep our cool when everything else around us is out of conuol, we model self-control and patience for our children. These valuable skills will help them to avoid temptation an<l sinful impulses long after they are no longer under our watchful protection.


Become someone neYY fhis Lent

to use speech only to build up others with positive words and phrases. Promise to reiect swears or curses, and use God's name only reverently and prayerfully. The bene$.ts will be imrnediate and eternal.

do Cqtholics glve up meol during Lent?

l3eginning in the second century, Christians have traditionally given up eating meat as a sacrifice. Meat was considered a luxury the Church asked the faithful to dr:

without during certain days and seasons. The Church isn't promoting

vegetarianism but is encouraging mindful sacrifice. Today, we are still asked to make the small sacrifice on Fridays by giving up meat especially during Lent - to recall the incredible sacrifice of Christ giving his life on the Cross for our





March 3St9 Pa*e 2

ffi*€s* m p$*y*r $wr #*d*s :':.1',.]!;i


i:).ir,t'lr.i:: i;: lriiiiar'i.'.ri::.

rr;l a:i,i:lll

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teach cl'rildren hr:w t* br gi*:** $$c(er <:r bas*ball tearn playerg but few aduk* *dll play ba*eball or $occer. Chilclrsn need life-team:: skills that are hcst taught in the family. 'Ieam players w$rk f,or a c*rcm*m geraX. Sne way tr: teach tl:is is to give eiriklren chores ar:rJ let thern know that *leir contribution is important and n*cessary t* the wellbeing of

Team playens qt,

h*lp. Team players share resour(e$. Cheerfull;, {ommsn resource$ like those in the





and performanc& and enf*rcing them,


were furious when iesus welcr:med tax collectors and si::ners intr: tris rcmpany. They di<In't approve nf lesus Lrefriending s*ch people, *upecially when he was harsh with ths scribes and Il:arisee*. In r*sp*:nse, iesus told the story of

the Prodigal Son. 'Ihe y*unger son asked his father for his shars in the fnmily estate and squand*r*d it in a counrry far from honle. With his money gone and his situation desperate, he returned to his fathis, humbrled, and asked fcr merry. Ov*rioyed by his sore's return. thr :r k^& F aF -t a F{ uu*i* t\tiq


works together

father gave l-iim a princely reception. This is the spirit in which $cd rsceives rts when we come ho:::e to him. Convinced he was the "ga*d" son, hcw*ver, t&e older brother resented \ the warrn welcr:me his yar:nger brother got. Like the Pharisees and the prospect of sinners

bcc*rning arceptable to Cod What can a pasent clc? Help your child to understand that no matter what wr havr cicne, we can always come home t0 God. lt* is always waiting to jofully weirsme us back.

later returned to become rhe bishop of lreland. |le is credited for }:aving

March 12 - $t. $erapl:ina {1253): I}*rn t* a pt:or family in $an ilimigna:ro, ltaly, sir* suilerecl frcm a m1'sterioxs, paralyxiug illness.



heautiful, she was disfigured and

in ccnstant pain. Al:andoned,


esrablished the Church rhere. March tS * St. Ioseph {1st century} Iesus' eanhly father and husba*d to the Blessed lvtother, St. ,oseph is a rnr:del of fatherhood and a prolector

the Bible tells us he

St. Gregcry the Great. She bore her

was a "righteous wtafi"

s*fferings with extracrdirrary patience

(Mat&ew 1:i9). He

until her

is the patron saint

cf lreland

(c.461), Bcrn in $codand, St. Patrick was kidnapped by pirates and brought to Ireland as a slave. IIe escaped but

t* win, ffi.


ffi ffi' ffi &.



rnn w

k-\-\ I - Ln-\ friend in middle school, Viclqy. Or:e da,v, it seemed that Yicky

Tessa had a best

sropped talking t* h*r, and Tessa had n* idea

why. When she ask*i, Vicky wouldn't &nswer. Tessa was very upset

and asked my advice. Together, we read

from St. Matthew's gospel, chapter 18. In it, Iesus suggests alwa.vs talking directly lc one anr:ther when difficuit situatir:ns arise. if &at do*n't work, bring alor:g a fri*:rd or t\so to see if they can mediate. trf that doesn't wcrk, go to an authr:rity. Tbssa thought that was a great idea, and asked her friend Sarah ta heip. ,4.s it tums out, 1/ick,v was having a rr:ugh dn:e at home. A relative livins with &e family was unkind to her and Vicky felt alone. The girls went together to a teacher t0 get help. llhrough this situation, T'essa l*arned lhat that Bible has aii kinds of practical and use{ul advice.

of families. We know litle about him, but

found comfort in the sufferir:gs of )esus crucified and in the prayers of

cieath. March 17 - $t. Fatrick

know that tearns w*rk best when

scribes. he was miffed at



fcrr example h*lps

elleryone plays their pax. A&er all, the n:ost in:pr:fiant team is God's team where evcryone

**a*k* €5:€*, X €*#9" We **m *€erwye #* fue$ffi* ##ffi9$'8,

'Ihe scrib*s and thc Pharisees

*r balhroom,

young$ter$ learn planning ariri co*peration Xkarn player* cio their part. Skili*cl tram

Team playrrs *h*y the rulee. Builcl rhese skills b,v $etting family rules f*r brha,ii*:r


fpll*w imstmctione. Cive children age-

apprr:priate inslruction$ fcrr dr:ing homewr:rk, helping around the hcuse, or w*rking 0n extra pr*jects to

the famill',



ofa happy death, because he died in the arn:s of Iesus and


Sr.rr M!sslon

To help parenx raise fairhful Catholic children Success Publishing & ivledia, LLC Publishcrs of Crowing ir Faith"' and P:iruen in Faith'. (s,10)662-7844 (540) 662-7847 fax

m.pannersinfairh.tom (Llnless *ore<i, Bible quotes and rrlbrencel are from tl,e Siandard Version and Nerr Ameriran Bitrle (llev.

e ilrryr.gnl

281 g Si.lccess

]',blrshifg & ldedia, LL*


* T&L€ru? * Y**&SLj refi

Y* e4fr

rffis&$&Ies ?lais

M*&eloflen y*ur g enenrus cpnfrf&ufr*ns e nd F*f rffi f .9rrwordsfa rp.

l**ss* **lle*tisns lnt*nti*ns


ffile*tric Vrtiqrs & *mndles



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&uitding $ur:d Surtr*ach Satholir Care Froj**t Danstion 0R$ Riee Bowl ilirst Offering Ash Wcdnesday

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*ur C*lle*t!*n wlltr b* f*r the *aa:fde*g S*xe:# ffiav*h 36-€?. Your **r:tributi*ils are greally appr*ciatsd, as we ar€ fsr **iltiyrui** tc ir:r*r*ve and repair s1.jr Seg* *


The SRS *ell*eil*n olx


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3&-31 is different than th* *perati*n Ric* *owl that is usl:ai,y tq:rnsd in during l"{*8y Weck" T"his ccilecti** he!ps th*a* faaing orisis due tc atsrrfis, *arthquak*s er




1,{tlgdsesdeg=-_. __, _ ",, '---*, . . ,-M*qf&3& 6;L$ am * *.asary {MJ 7:3$ am - Novena to our Lady of Ferpetual Help {MJ 31:15 arn * Rosary {Ml 1:00 pm - L*gion cf Mary Queen af Paace [R] $;S0 prn " RCl,& {Bl 7:00 pm * $cripture $tudy IBJ

5:1* am - R*sary {Ml 11:15 an: - Rosary lMl 3:L5 & 5:0* pr: * Ch*ir Practice iMJ




6:L* am - Rosary ltull 7;48 a;:: - fiuc}:aristic Adoraticxl5acred Heart Seyation 1*:08 - 11":*0 am {cnfessi*n aad Spiritual Sirectlrrn 1*:3$ am - *ivi::e Mercy *evciti*n & Cha3iet * :45

ar::-1::.ter:raiic*al R*sa:y

:** am-Benedicti*::

1L:15 al:.r * Static;:rs cf tbe Crq:ss 5:15 pm Arz f*tizxate S:*icg** {vid**} -Pray*r; 6;** pm Slaticns cfah* Crcss





* Ros*ry [M] 1L;1.5 am - R.osary IMJ 7:0* pm - Centering Prayer IMJ

l. 1



$;10 arn


Farish Church. ildahalc.






6:15 am *Rosary [Iv{J Youth choir practice (8J 8:15 am 10:L5 am*&C.l-4.


2$.tr* 2,010.00 162.50 170.00 ,tA nn I V.VV

$*th,Anniversary Cathol i* Relief Services Latin America

- .

6:3& pm * Charisrnatic Prayer Gr*up {M) --





Firs*$aemdryr of,[emf




3S:Ka{{}? 1fuA&J"S-

{ * {aur'tyard


&€ *


W * Main Ckureh,ll-{fpsrcfrs Soristri Ccn/erex*e.&r*r& R - ,Recapftcn roo$r, 8 - Btue raarn, G - Sr*en *scri,

The flolleeti*n f*n JKwr.rFa S-f S is as f*ll*ws: $3"S,3?$"S& *n:wmlopes &

1{e*kx {,r*rlLq

C^+",-.1^., J6LuA1-{d.e

11:15 ar:: - Rosary 3:30 - 4:3C p:"n - Confessions [Ml



_J:,i.414L,t{ -ar€


To tho$ffilroi6lunteered their time this past weekend to wash cars and for your generous donation The funds raised will finance the projects to prepare thc church for her 50th Anniversary





We are looking for creative minds who can interview, organize and write for the church 50th Anniversary book and video. Please contact the offiee at 941-0675.

God's marriage and the traditionalfamily need our prayers which is why you are invited to join our 2019 Traditional Marriage Rosary Rally. ln Ihe Secret af the Rosory, Saint Louis de Montfort said: "Public prayer is far more powerfulthan private prayer to appease the anger ofGod and call down His mercy, and Holy Mother Church, guided by the Holy Ghost, has always advocated public prayer in times of public tragedy and suffering." Join the 2019 Traditional Marriage Crusade today! First schools or parishes with 12 volunteers to ioin will recite a decade. For more information, contact Dan O'Leary at 947-1061 or 436-4956




Looking at fesus ln today's Cospel reading Jesus tc,ok thrce of l-lis apostles up a morrntain where they sarv Him shining like the and talking r,r,,ith Moses and " . sunElijah. They were talking - about how Jesus rvas going to . go tt: Jerusalem and be killed. " The apostles were arnazed and confused.

The Ifids'Bulletin of Lent Second Sunday

Mrrch l7,20l9

Jesus shone like llte sun x,hen He took his three friencls up the





Jesus let the apostles see I'Iirn in glory to help them to understand w.hy He had to suffer and die. We won't see Jesus in His gtory until we see Him in fleaven, hut it is good ftrr us to think about the things that He and Moses and Elijah were talking about.

Look at a crucifix or picture of Jesus on the cross every day. Tlrink about how rrruch [{e loves you, and think abotrt 1-,.1s, 1'ou act toward ["Iim. What can -vorr do to love l{im bcttcr? Lcnt is a good time to tr-v t<l find \\'avs t() lovc Jesus nrorc. !;.tl:rrC:l:ll L.::{


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Peter was conifusecl and said sometlting v'ithoul at tlrinking. ll'hat did he say he could ntake.) Connect the dots to find outl


reffi ??J$"qtrs,€,


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Cn{s&w Monday MARCH 18 Lenten Weekday

, With the recent canonization of Pope PauI VI, is the trend now for popes to canonize their last few predecessors?

Dn 0:4b-10

Lk 5:35-38

Tuesday MARCH 19 St. [oseph, husband ofthe


f the 266 popes in history, more than eighty are saints, including the early martyrs and later luminaries like Leo the Great (440-461) and Gregory the Great (590-604). However, only a handful of this number have been canonized in the last thousand years: Celestine V (1294), who resigned after five months in office, was canonized in 1513; Pius V (1566-1572) was canonized in

Mary 2 Sm 7:4-5a,12-14a, 16 Blessed Virgin

Ronr4:13, 16-18,22

Mt 1:15, 18-21,24a or Lk 2:41-51a

Wednesday MARCH 20

L712; and Pius X (1903-1914) was canonized

LentenWeekday ler 18:18-20 Mt 20:17-28


In fact, Pius X was the last pope to be declared a saint until a wave of canonizations in recent years added other twentieth-century popes to that number: Iohn XXIII (1958-1965) and |ohn Paul II (i978-2005) were made saints duringthe same ceremony in April 2014, and Paul VI (1963-1978) was canonized in October 2018. Moreover, two popes from the last century are now declared Venerable: Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) and John Paul I (1978). These ioin at least a dozen other popes of earlier centuries who are at various stages in the canonization process. Popes are not automatic candidates for sanctity. They, like the rest, must be investigated for doctrinal orthodoxy, heroic virtues, and miraculous intercession after death. In addition, Benedict XIV (1740-1758) specified that they should also be measured for their "zeal for the preservation and propagation of the Catholic faith, for the encouragement and restoration of ecclesiastical discipline, and the defense of the rights of the Apostolic See" (translated ftamDe Servorum Det).

Thursday MARCH 21

Lenten Weekday Ier 17:5-10

Lk 16:19*31

Friday MARCH 22

Lenten Weekday

Gn37:.3-4,12-13a, 17b-28a

MtZl:33-43,45*46 Saturday MARCH 23

Lenten Weekday Mi 7:14-tr5, 18-20 Lk 15:1-3, 11-32

Sunday MARCH 24 Third Sunday of Lent Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15



Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR

Cor 10:1-6,10-12



Liguori. org

Lk 13:i-9

nAlard,fu*?opnfratwi^e (nowSomeone Overly Anxious About Sin? For more than

fiity years,

Redemptorisls have ministered '-1 compassionately i with those i struggling with hk




At the end of the stunning experience of the transfiguration, the disciples came down the mountain with eyes and hearts transfigured by their encounter with the Lord. lt is the jcurney that we tao can make. Transformed by Christ's presence ...we will be a August 6,2017 concrete sign of the invigorating love of Gad. -Angelus, a a t-quflnn i:i*.-T,H;fi:Tliiii,,li"'llllii;11-l,xl;"$'J:;ffi1":*,1;lllL?il:ilLxi?;:1*,'*ffi$::T:;,,":,flll Af

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